63.63% Monarch of Shadows in Marvel / Chapter 12: 12 - Cupcakes!!!!

บท 12: 12 - Cupcakes!!!!

"You are here because of what you saw in your time stone trip."

Despite me telling her this, there isn't much difference on her face.

"Yes. I guess you have time related abilities that allowed you peek into future as well and hide too."

Oh how wrong she is. I don't have any time based ability. The Monarchs are higher beings that can't go against the flow of time, they can still perceive the changes in it.

When Cup of Reincarnation was used to turn time 10 years back, all monarch and rulers kept their memories of the erased timeline.

Now the thing about time line is that it is tied to the dimensions. Every Dimension has their own timelines and even timeline have their own timelines.

For example a universe is itself a Dimension and has its own timelines. Now Universe can contain many dimensions inside like earth dimension, dark dimension, mirror dimension, limbo etc. They all have their own timelines.

The time flowing inside dark dimension and mirror dimension is same as earth dimension so its hard to perceive the difference but dimension such as limbo or quantum realm has different rate flow of time, therefore it can be easily perceived that limbo dimension and quantum realm has its own time flow hence timelines.

Just like universe has a timeline, multiverse also has its own timelines. In Defenders comics where defenders went on a journey to learn about Enigma, they had Taaia the mother of Galactus who originally from sixth cosmos, i.e fifth multiverse. She had basically travelled on multiverse timeline and jumped from fourth multiverse to fifth multiverse.

Anyways, the reason i am able to see the future she saw in timestone is because her time stone actually creates an instance of the timeline the user is attempting to see. She basically created a mini dimension which is made exactly the same as the point of time she is attempting to see.

I was able to see it because she brought that instance of 'future' into the present. And that was enough for me see everything she saw in many 'futures' she saw.

And the reason i am not present in any of those future is i am a singularity. I am outside the system and there's is only one of me in the whole Marvelverse.

And i wont tell her anything about this right now. She isn't exactly a friend at this moment. No need to reveal my secrets and for her to announce it her affair Odin or others.

So i just simply smiled at her and continued enjoying a fine wine.

"You are worried about death of heroes which leads to terrible future."

Spot on!!

"Yes. I am. May i know the reason why would a person like you call them 'heroes' when they are actually so beneath of you "

Oh.. playing mind games now huh. Trying to see if i really think them as ants to be stepped upon.

"They are the one who put their lives on the line to save strangers and the world. They have goodness in their heart, to fight for the right thing and continuity of life. They go through pain and hardship so the creatures of this world and universe live to see another beautiful day, to live with their loved ones, to cry laugh dance sing kiss fight each other."

"In my eyes, as long as they stand up to fight for what they believe is right. They are heroes."

Yao was silent. Trying to absorb what i said and coming up with her next words.

"So what would you be doing. I haven't see you in any of futures."

Lets just end this. I have few more important places to check upon. No need to answer all her questions.

"I'mma give you two advice Yao. Don't be fixated on keeping timelines tight and fixed. The possibilities are infinite and so is infinite better futures. Dont limit your world view around the time stone. It's an tool which can be easily dealt with and can give false future glimpses. Stop being over dependent on it."

"Another advice is to make sure Dr. Strange is not too obsessed with Christine Palmer. He may care and love her but he should learn when to let go."

I changed my cloths to something light and went to my garage and drive off into the city in my car.

While I left, Yao was sat there thinking about my advice or rather warning as she is currently taking it right now.

"Is that a threat or is that a genuine advice. From his previous words, he doesn't seem to show tendencies of destruction or pain like those associated with death. Hmm... How peculiar."

Yao then turned and looked at Timmy who was just dozing off with his balloon like stomach.

"Kaaw kur kur kur~"

<A/N: i don't know how raven makes sleeping sound. I just tried to made it up as much i could think off.>

"I did warned Odin, his bird is his problem."

Yao ran her finger on her plate to scoop up any leftover sauce and licked it. She then used magic to clean the plates and put them on their rack and left the mansion.


Okay, so i have tried to find Killgrave cause i am sure that he already has Jessica Jones under his control but i could not find him. I put out some shadows to search for him.

I did find some trash in Hell's kitchen so i made them my Shadows and have them collect info on hell kitchen.

Right now, its time to attend party which people mainly attend to eat free food and dick measurement contest. I changed into nice black suit and got into my shiny car.

Windows downs and enjoying the nice evening air while driving down to the venue.

The venue is typical Mansion with bodyguards around, lights, people with nice expensive dresses and Expensive cars to show off and click their pictures like they are doing a advertisement for toothpaste company.

I arrived in my car on the red carpet. Everyone's eyes were on my beautiful car. She is indeed a purple beauty.

It made every car in the event look like a third rate whore on a crack while mine was a very beautiful high class vixen.

The purple and gold color of car shining in the lights and flashes of cameras. The door opened and came out a man dressed in black suit which top button off to show little bit of worked out pecs.

A valet in red came running around to get my car keys.

"Take care of her."

I gave him the key and put $500 in his breast pocket. He very well knows to do his job right.

I am actually not worried about him doing anything to my car. I have already have some shadows on my car and the valet. Even if my car is on other side of the universe, I'll still find it by its Mana signature.

I actually think its not a good idea to spread around my shadows. Telepath like Emma Frost can find my shadows cause of their thoughts going in their mind. The shadows i have were humans and they didn't have any special abilities.

Although in future i would put mage shadow solider in her shadow to keep an eye on her. The mage shadow would be able to block her power on himself.

I walked down the red carpet and waited behind the line where every guest is being entered on computer and given entry.

Finally it was my turn.

"Good Evening, Sir. May I know your Name so i can provide a entry for you."

"My name is Dev" I used mind manipulation magic so he doesn't go poking around much in his computer and simply give me entry. Also don't ask for my full name as i don't have one. I just have Dev as my name, no last name.

"You may enter. I wish a eventful evening."

I made my way through the gate and i must say, it is filled with people who have drinks in their hand, talking in circles and groups. There was a grand piano in the middle and soft music in the background.

What i am going to do? I am here taste food, hopefully they have good food. So i made my way to the food counter and started tasting each food item.

While tasting disappointing food, my eye landed on a beauty with red hair, a red dress hugging her hour glass figure and the fake smile on her she is selling to everyone.

Natalia Alianovna Romanoff.

Black widow. She is also like MCU one but younger. I think she is around 22 or something.

She isn't the only one, there is also a fat man i have met before. Or should i say a woman.

Now that person isn't a transgender. Its actually Raven. Once i meet someone, i never forget their presence. I have just learned Natasha presence and here is Raven buttering some people up.

I am still continuing eating and i finally found symphony. A nice cupcake with strawberry cream on top.

Finally some fucking delicious food. All the food i have eaten in Marvel has been disappointing, except this one. This is really a good cupcake. Compliments to the chef. Muah.

I just felt a poking in my mind and turned to the direction and there she is. The host of the party Emma Frost.

She indeed lives upto her name as she is wearing all white now. A one piece dress, showing her silk smooth back.

She spread Psionic waves around and trying to read everyones mind in the Hall. I just simply slapped her waves away.

She definitely felt that and immediately turned her gaze towards me.

She looked into my eyes and i also looked into her eyes while eating cupcakes.


*Munch~ Munch~ Munch~ Munch~ *


I kept eye contact while picking up another cupcake and putting it in my mouth and chewing on in it.

I put my hand out but i can't seem to grab on another cupcake. I turned by head back and the plate was empty. I swear there was hundred or so cupcake.

I felt another poke, i turned around and saw her coming towards me. I simply used magic to clean my face and hands from crumbs.

The fact that i did it in front of her eyes using magic abilities got her interested. She probably thought i used mutant ability in front of her eyes.

She stood in front of me and put her hand forward. You know the high class gesture of kissing a womans top of hand. I don't mind doing that so i took her hand and gave it a kiss.

"It's nice to meet you, Ms. Emma Frost"

I can feel everyone eyes on me, including Natasha and Raven. Apparently it is not a small thing for a woman such as Emma Frost to approach someone and give her hand for a kiss.

"It's nice to meet you too, Mister.."

"Dev. Just Dev."

"Mister Dev. I hope you are having fun in this wonderful event. I see you have taken liken to our cupcake."

"Yes. They were delicious. Please give my compliments to the one who made them"

"I'll make sure to pass on your compliments. If you would like, i can have more of them ready and delivered to you."

"Oh that would be fantastic. Please by all means."

Emma turned her head sideways and gave a nod to her bodyguard who passed on command on his earpiece.

"May i have pleasure of knowing what you do for living."

Oh poking around huh.

"I simply take oxygen from the environment. Do a very complex and complicated process which has been going ever since my birth and dispose of the byproduct which is carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere."

To be honest, i don't need to breath. Breathing is for weaklings.





"You have a nice sense of humor Mr. Dev."

Ayo my empathy skills is picking up that she think i am some kind a nutjob.

"Thank you for that. Now for real, I am King of the Dead and Monarch of Shadows."

"I see, please do enjoy your evening. I have some other guests to greet."

She thinks me i am some kind of Chuunibyou. She isn't exactly wrong but she also thinks me some kind of nutjob.

Anyway, i recieved new batch of cupcakes!!!!

Oh another one is approaching, Raven in a fat man disguise.

"Hello Mr. Dev. I am David Green from Green Pharmaceuticals based in Germany. Its an pleasure to make your acquaintance."

She put her hand for a shake.

I put my hand out and shaked it.

"The pleasure is mine, "

I leaned forward and whispered in low voice, only enough for her to hear.

"Ms. Raven Darkholme"

Her fat eyes widened for a moment and there was subtle change in her position. Natasha also noticed it.

Me? I just went back to eat cupcake.

"May i know the reason why are you here."

"Everyone's here for free food. Isn't it obvious."

Another fat man who was picking up another dessert nearby heard me and gave us his input.

"He is right." And he went back to eating







Raven didn't know what to say and simply just left. Whatever, i can eat my cupcake in peace. Or so i hoped for as there is now someone else after me.

There she is, in red dress, showing her cleavage and side cut on the legs side showing her smooth legs. She held a golden colour purse in her hand which i believe contains many spy tool.

I don't know whether she is with SHIELD yet or not. If she is, then I'll have to save her from guilt of getting anymore red on her ledger. If she is not, then its better to get her on my side.

"Good Evening, I am Samantha Grey. I am in business of Healthcare products. Do you mind if we could have a conversation for a bit."

She put her hand out, expecting a kiss on top of it. Who am i to deny the chance of kissing two beautiful ladies hands.

"We can sure have conversation whenever you like, Ms."

Same with Raven, i leaned forward and spoke her real name.

"Natalia Romanova" i withheld her father's name. Its too early for her to know.

Her demeanor changed and so body in subtle defensive stance. She probably think i am with russia cause i used her real name, not the American identity she adopted as Natasha Romanoff.

I smirked at her and put my hand back to pick up another cupcake but I didn't seem to grab any. I turned around and the cupcakes are gone!!!!!

Who the fuck stole my cupcakes. I looked for culprit found the same fat man who butted in between before eating the last cupcake.

That motherfucker saw me looking at him and he immediately turned his back and devouring my cupcake. Motherfucker is trying to avoid eye contact now.

Natasha saw this and didn't know what to make of it. Is the man front of her is Russian spy foodie or something.

Anyways if Natasha and Raven thinks they are smart enough to spy, they are wrong. Emma already knows about them and let them play each other rather than interrupt her event. She has already increased security at key places.

"So what would you like to know talk about Ms. Samantha."

Seeing that i am still using her cover, she played along.

"Just something about your profession." She started walking and did a side glance while showing her assets. I'll spank them someday.

I walked alongside her. And noticed a slight beep in her purse. Probably a recorder or something.

"As i am sure you have heard it before, I am The King of Dead and Monarch of Shadows."

She looked me into the eyes and trying to find i am Chuunibyou or a nutjob. Seeing my relaxed but serious eyes, she has probably labelled me as both.

"What about you Miss Samantha. What is your exact profession in healthcare business. Maybe something more about your company?"

She thinks i am trying to get info out of her while i simply want to see how flawless lies she spit off.

"Oh, i am just an assistant of the chairman. Our company is based in France. We are trying to gain foot in western hemisphere."

Nice flawless lie that it's hard to detect. Not for me though.

She continued with her next question.

"So are you in this event for anything particular"

Let me play a game with the MotherFucker.

"Oh, i was just hoping to find a person here. He goes by the name Nicholas Joseph Fury or simply Nick Fury." I said while turning my head into the crowd, acting like i am looking for him.

There wasn't single change in her. Either she is too good or she doesn't work for him yet.

'The way he turns his head around and looking for somebody, I don't think he knows that i work for Fury.' Natasha thought as she decided to push more info out of me.

"Oh any particular reason you are looking for him."

"Yes. I was actually sent here byMarsellus Wallace. His ex close friend who Fury betrayed. Apparently, Fury thinks that Marcellus Wallace look like a bitch and for Wallace, Fury is motherfucker. I too think he is a MotherFucker."

Natasha mentally noted that name. Someone from Fury's past is after him. Possibly sounds like betrayal and revenge scenario.

"Any reason why he deserves to be called that word?" Natasha continued probing around. She actually wanted to use Motherfucker word to make it seem more natural but she can't as it is being recorded and Fury will be hearing this later.

I looked into her eyes and told her as in matter of fact. If he is Samuel L Jackson, then he is certified 100% motherfucker.

"Cause he is a MotherFucker. A certified 100% MotherFucker."






"Do you happen to know anything about him by chance? Mr Wallace got package for him."

She kept her demeanor and replied lie white as a milk.

"I don't think i ever heard this name before."

"Oh that's okay." I replied with a disappointed voice, making it seem like i don't know about her and Fury connection.

"Anyways would like to hear some piano. I am very good at it. If they allow i can play it for you."

I am already in spotlight cause many people saw sexy and powerful Emma Frost approaching someone else first and then stupid fat man who was actually Raven so a good disguise. And then walking and talking with Vixen in Red.

"I would be happy to experience your performance."

"That's what she said." I cracked a joke and ask pianist if i am allowed to play a piano. He easily gave up the seat, no need for mind manipulation.

Hmm... What should i play? A anime song. They might too much emotional for this white cheeks people. Perhaps i should play Hans Zimmer - Interstellar theme. It's a good song that starts off slow and smooth and slowy pick up to epicness level.

I sat down and danced my fingers on the keys. I started off slow and didn't have much attention on me.

But as i played on began to pick up the pace, people started noticing me and gathered around the piano. Along with Emma Frost.

Oh the beauty of vast cosmos. Beautiful and terrifying at the same time. A colourful brightness in the empty Darkness.

A father's love and sacrifice going beyond the concepts of time and space. How Beautiful.

Maybe i should pick up my hobby of painting again.

I neared the end of my performance and end it with grace.

As i removed my fingers from the piano, people started to clap around me. I stood up and gave the bow like a true pianist does.

"I didn't knew you were such a good pianist Mr.Dev. That was an fabulous piece." Emma said as she approached me again.

"There are lot of things i am good at. Perhaps one day you might be able to experience my cooking."

"Oh. Then I'll be looking forward to that day. I hope it comes soon."

"Then it would be my pleasure. Now if you'll excuse me, I would like a visit to washroom." I made my through the crowd and entered washroom. The crowd was also in shock how quickly i am able to get invitation from the White Queen.

As i entered the washroom. Two bodyguards also entered a room after me.

The voice crackled in bodyguards earpiece who was standing beside Emma and then whispered in her ear.

"He is gone. There wasn't any possible way of exiting except the entry door."

"Hmm... Interesting. Try to find about that man."

Why did i leave her? Cause Natasha and Raven slipped out when i had crowd attention and they are currently fighting.

I have to break cat fight now.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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