8.82% Honkai Star Rail:The Assistant director / Chapter 2: A The girl with a familiar voice

บท 2: A The girl with a familiar voice

Ritsuka's perspective

A few minutes before the arrival of the Legion

Another day of work on this space station. In the past I was a master who summoned various heroic spirits to protect humanity from various threats, now I have gained a position on a space station of researchers coming from various planets.

"Director Gordolf would go crazy to know I took a position similar to his." - I thought with a nostalgic smile on my face.

I approach my friend, Asta who is in the master control zone where the vast majority of researchers are.

Ritsuka:How are you, Asta? Need some help? - I say this by placing a hand on my waist and showing her a friendly smile.

Asta looks at me with a smile and responds.

Asta:Good to see you Ritsuka. There is currently nothing that needs your attention at the moment. - Asta said with a polite smile.

Ritsuka: Are you seriously not needing anything? I just had a break from paperwork at my office and I can't sit still. - I say this with my arms crossed and a little anxious.

Asta: That's probably your coffee talking. - Asta said, letting out a light laugh knowing my high caffeine intake.

Ritsuka:Hey! Coffee is too important to put up with a pile of paperwork! Just imagining it gives me chills. - I say this having a slight headache when remembering my administrative activities.

Asta lets out a sigh knowing that I won't give up looking for something to do instead of taking a break.

Asta: It's okay sir "assistant director". I have a small package to be delivered to the warehouse area. I was going to ask Arlan to take them, but since you decided to ignore your break, so that job is for you to handle. - Asta said and I respond with a smile on my face.

Ritsuka:In the storage zone? This one is new. Hardly anything new enters that place. - I say this being a little surprised to hear the place I have to go.

Asta: It seems that Madam Herta found a relic and decided to bring it here. - Asta informs me.

"Did Herta find anything interesting other than something to do with the simulated universe? Who knew that grandma had other interests...." I think about it with a slight smile.

Ritsuka:Okay then. Just tell me where the package is and I'll take the elevator. - I say that.

Asta:The package is next to the elevator door. - Asta said, looking back at the monitor.

Ritsuka:How convenient.... - I say that in a low tone.

I walk towards the elevator and pick up the package with my hands and notice that it is very light. With the package in hand, I get into the elevator and use the automatic voice mode to go to the floor I want.

My time skip is unbeatable!

I arrive at the storage zone and place the package on the floor where there are others collecting dust.

Ritsuka:Wow, haven't they opened the other deliveries yet? I don't know if I should be surprised or not... - I say this letting out a sigh and I'm about to turn around until...

*Alarm sounds*

Ritsuka:Hmm? What is it now? Don't tell me someone's experiment escaped? Scientists have to be more careful with their "toys". - I say this in a calm tone, not taking the alarm seriously.

HooH:The legion is invading the station....

I am surprised to hear a voice coming into my head that I stand with my arms crossed with an ironic smile on my face.

Ritsuka: Look who decided to show up if it isn't my dear "boss". - I say this provoking the Aeon of equilibrium that is communicating with me and I continue. - What was it like living inside my mind without paying the rent bill? I guess you must have loved your stay. - I say this being sarcastic.

(A/N: Anyone who hasn't noticed HooH is a woman in my story. Technically, the gender of the Aeon of equilibrium is not known, if there is a gender in certain Aeons)

HooH: You need to move. Two women are close to where you are....

Ritsuka:Which women? Because there are many women at the station, strangely I see more women than men, why is that? Do you have any idea why? - I say this avoiding the subject on purpose.


Because of the silence I'm receiving I take it as a sign to be quiet

Ritsuka: Tch. It ruins pleasures..... - I say this in a low tone, getting a little upset.

HooH:Continuing. The women standing next to you are Stellaron hunters. Kafka and Silver Wolf.

Ritsuka: I think it's pretty obvious to both of us why they're here, isn't it? - I say this already having an idea of ​​where this conversation is going.

HooH:Of course.

Ritsuka:Okay then. What do you want me to do? - I ask HooH.

HooH:That's your choice. You can stop them or you can see what their goal will show you.

I no longer feel HooH's presence implying that she has severed the mental connection between us.

Ritsuka:Time to go to where Herta put that stellaron.

I walk towards the secret room where the stellaron is.

"I doubt they'll be friendly to me at first... - I think about it using my access card to enter the room.

The moment I put my foot in place I am greeted with a katana blade in my face.

Kafka: Look what we have here.... Looks like not everyone was evacuated. You made that mistake, Silver Wolf. - Kafka said speaking to the small girl behind her, but she keeps her eyes on me.

Silver Wolf: I wasn't lying that everyone was evacuated! - Said Silver Wolf, irritated by her colleague's comment.

Kafka: Then why didn't you tell him he was here? - Kafka asks.

Silver Wolf:Don't underestimate my abilities, Kafka. I know very well what I'm doing. Something must have happened for him to ignore my surveillance. - Said Silver Wolf who is now looking at me.

I kept a neutral expression even though I was in danger of losing my head and Kafka noticed that.

Kafka: You're pretty calm for a person who could die at any moment. - Kafka comments with a smile on his face that I immediately realize is fake.

Ritsuka: It's not the first time this has happened to me. Especially since I've already died twice in the past. Good times. - I say this in a casual tone, taking the hunters by surprise.

Silver Wolf: You're weird. - Silver Wolf comments, finding my attitude strange.

Ritsuka: My dear you are talking to someone who courts death daily do you think a simple katana to the face will affect me? - I say this while maintaining the same attitude.

I see that my answer made Kafka let out a slight laugh.

Kafka: You're cute, you know that? - Kafka said, finding me funny.

Ritsuka: Honey, I'm adorable. - I respond with a slight smile.

Silver Wolf: Kafka sends this clown out. We are wasting time. - Said Silver Wolf, losing his patience.

Kafka: Okay. Listen to me. I want you to turn around and join your colleagues. - Kafka said this in a different tone than normal and I feel a slight sensation trying to take control of my mind.

"How interesting. She has the ability to manipulate people's minds by using certain command words. Good thing I have a high resistance to it." I think of it as not succumbing to Kafka's powers.

HooH: Even if you didn't have the resistance it would still be useless against you.

"And I'm grateful for that. I'm already fed up with people trying to fuck with my mind" I think about this being relieved by the information that HooH gave me.

Ritsuka: Nice try. - I say this showing that I was not affected by what Kafka tried to do.

I see in Kafka's eyes that she wasn't expecting this and Silver Wolf starts to laugh when she sees what happened.

Silver Wolf: What a shame, Kafka. It seems like you're not strong enough to control him. Hehehe. - Said Silver Wolf making fun of Kafka.

Kafka:Who are you? This certainly doesn't correspond with Elio's script. - Kafka said, looking at me seriously.

Ritsuka:My name is Ritsuka Fujimaru. I'm a simple assistant director. Nice to meet you. - I respond by introducing myself in a polite way.

Silver Wolf: "A simple assistant director" my ass. - Silver Wolf comments, not believing my words.

Kafka: Ahhh. So you're the wild card that Elio mentioned. - Kafka comments, smiling again.

Silver Wolf:Wait a minute. This guy who is the "wild card". He doesn't seem powerful to me. - Silver Wolf comments being calm again.

Kafka:Appearances can be deceiving. Anyway. Elio said that if he appears, certain "events" will be uncertain with his presence. This means things could get interesting from now on. - Said Kafka, putting away the katana and returning it to the stellaron.

Ritsuka:Aren't you going to attack me? - I say this finding it strange the change in attitude the moment she knew my name.

Kafka:Elio said you are a trustworthy person, so I see no reason to attack you. - Kafka responds.

Ritsuka:And how does this "Elio" know about me? I don't remember talking to someone with that name. - I say this with my arms crossed.

Silver Wolf: Elio is able to see the future, but he said he can't see your future in his script. That's why he has a certain "curiosity" about you and that's also why he considers you a wild card. With your involvement, a range of possibilities for good and bad events opens up. - Silver Wolf responds by taking off the stellaron's guard protection.

Ritsuka: And do you think it's a good idea to say that to me? - I ask, finding it strange how cooperative they are being.

Silver Wolf:Elio also said that it's okay for you to know that. All ready, Kafka. - Said Silver Wolf.

I'm watching what the two are going to do with the stellaron. If I see that it is going to cause problems at the station I will intervene immediately.

After Kafka takes the stellaron in his hands, Silver Wolf makes a beautiful girl with shoulder-length gray hair appear.

(A/N:I'm terrible at describing appearances. But I chose Stelle for "reasons". I was thinking about using Caelus to make a reference to JJK, but I changed my mind)

To my surprise, Kafka puts the stellaron inside the unconscious girl.

HooH: Don't worry. Her body was made to resist the stellaron's influence.

Ritsuka: Is that possible? - I say this speaking in a low tone.


After putting the girl on the ground I see her opening her golden eyes, but she is still weak. Kafka says a few things to the girl until Silver Wolf comments that the members of Astral Express are on their way.

Finishing the conversation before leaving, Kafka looks at me and I notice an honest look in her eyes.

Kafka:Can you take care of her? - Kafka said to me.

Ritsuka: And why do you think I would do that? - I say this by raising my eyebrow.

Kafka: I don't know. Female instinct perhaps? - Kafka responds, but I remain silent.

Kafka:If you accept my request. Be her moral support, I feel you are the best person to stop her from going down a path she may regret forever. - Kafka said, leaving me alone with the girl called Stelle sleeping on the floor.

Ritsuka: I can't believe I'm doing this. Well I made my choice. Better see where this takes me. - I say this watching Stelle sleeping.

"This reminds me of the moment I met Mash for the first time..." I think about it with a nostalgic smile as I remember an old memory.

I hear footsteps coming outside the room and I know it belongs to the members of Astral Express. I poke Stelle's face making her wake up.

After letting out a few moans Stelle wakes up and she sees me staring at her.

Ritsuka: You finally woke up. How are you feeling? - I say this, extending my hand for her to get up.

Stelle:My... head... is a mess... - Stelle comments and the moment I hear her voice I am very surprised.

Ritsuka: Morgan?! - I say this without being able to hide my shock.

Stella:Who is Morgan? - Stelle asks me, confused.

Ritsuka: I'm sorry about that! I mistook you for someone else. - I respond feeling embarrassed. - Anyway. Do you know your name? - I ask her.

Stelle:Stelle is my name. - She responds.

Ritsuka:Do you have any idea where you are? - I ask her.

Stella: No, unfortunately. - She responds calmly.

Ritsuka: Really? Do you have no memory other than your name? - I say this being curious to know her condition.

Stelle said "no" as she moved her head from side to side.

At that moment two people enter the room, a boy with black hair and green eyes and a girl with short, light pink hair and eyes that I can't describe because they are beautiful..

???: Are you the assistant director? - Said the energetic girl to me.

Ritsuka: Yes. That's me. I assume you're here at Asta's demand, right? - I say this guessing why the two of them are here.

Dan Hang:That's right. Research leader Asta sent us to look for you. My name is Dan Hang and this is March 7. Nice to meet you. - Dan Hang said in a tone that reminds me of Kadoc.

Ritsuka:Nice to meet you two. There's no need to explain what's happening, I know the Legion invaded the space station.

March 7: And who is that pretty girl behind you? - March 7 asks noticing Stelle behind me..

Stella:My name is Stella. - She responds by giving a short presentation.

Ritsuka: I found her in this room sleeping. Unfortunately she ended up having amnesia so she probably doesn't remember much. - I say this without mentioning the involvement of Kafka and Silver Wolf.

March 7: Amnesia...looks like she must have injured herself to cause this. - March said with a look of pity.

Dan Hang: With the assistant director found, all that remains is to find security leader Arlan. March you stay with both of them. - Dan Hang said.

March 7:Okay. You be well. - March said saying goodbye to the boy. - Do you two have combat experience? - Said March 7 looking at both of us after losing sight of Dan Hang.

Ritsuka: I do, but I don't know about my partner, Stella. - I say this looking at her.

Stelle: I also have combat experience. - Stelle responds without showing signs that she is lying.

Ritsuka: Then you'd better keep it. - I respond by giving her a bat similar to the one I use. - Don't worry about returning it, Herta won't care about it. - I finish speaking with a smile.

Stelle takes the club in my hands and she starts doing some tests to get used to the equipment. And she nods, signaling that she is ready.

Ritsuka:Then let's get out of here. - I say this making my club appear in my right hand.

GrandMasterBRX GrandMasterBRX

I apologize if the chapter seems short, I'm getting used to writing in this app. Ritsuka's profile will always change as the story goes on, so you'll see new things being added and changed.

I'll answer questions if I can and I hope you enjoyed the beginning of the story.

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