15.53% Meta Essence CYOA / Chapter 15: Meta Essence CYOA 15

บท 15: Meta Essence CYOA 15

Essence of Athena's Saints

An ivory bottle with golden engravings is presented before you.

●By drinking this essence, you have awakened the use of your Inner Cosmos and have gained a body with the fighting prowess and knowledge equivalent to that of a Bronze Saint. By burning your Cosmos, you can unleash this destructive energy to destroy your foes at an atomic level, move at the speed of sound, or launch a hundred attacks in an instant. In addition, Cosmos is capable of harming souls and erasing them from the cycle of reincarnation. Even the substitution of lost senses can be accomplished with the use of Cosmos. The potential power of the Cosmos only increases as you increase your mastery over your cosmos by being able to burn greater amounts of it. Finally, your skills will continuously improve as a fight progresses and your strength will increase every time you are knocked down.

●As you participate in more life or death battles and your cosmos burns higher, you will eventually awaken to the power to create miracles. This is an ability that generates unlimited power and creates infinite potential that surpasses even the gods. It is the power to make the impossible possible. With this power, you are capable of defying fate and create a power capable of defeating undefeatable foes. Should you use your cosmos to heal someone, it is even possible to revive them even if their soul was lost.

●You also gain the protection of a guardian constellation in addition to the Zodiac that you were born under. With it, you are naturally disposed to learning techniques of that constellation and wearing their respective clothes. In addition, you have received a mental catalog of every technique that has appeared in Saint Seiya for you to eventually recreate.

●You have a powerful sixth sense and willpower that allows you to resist and break free of mental intrusion and illusions and as well as power through immense pain. With enough mastery, you will eventually be able to awaken mental powers such as telekinesis, telepathy, and even teleportation. In the event that you lose consciousness, your cosmos will begin to burn and move your body independently of thought and act on instincts to eliminate any perceived threat. You can be in a coma and still appear to save your friends because you sensed them in danger.

●You have also gained a talent for fighting. Any technique used against you will have their secrets revealed to you if you survive it the first time and you are capable of developing a counter to it.

●You also gain an immense level of charisma when acting virtuous and honorable. This manifest with you being able to inspire hope and courage within the hearts of allies and respect from opponents. Opponents will refuse to use underhanded tactics so long as you remain honorable.

●With even further training and hardships, you may unlock senses higher than that of the sixth.

○The Seventh Sense is considered the Ultimate Cosmos and mastering it will denote you the strength equivalent to that of a Gold Saint and gain the right to wear one of the Twelve Gold Clothes. Being able to move at the speed of light, burning your cosmos infinitely, recovering the use of lost senses, and healing from physical injuries is easy with mastery of the Seventh Sense.

○The Eighth Sense is called the Arayashiki and it is related to reincarnation. Normally awakening is when the human body has died and lost the use of the previous Seven Senses. With the mastery of this sense, you have taken control of your reincarnation and are able to retain your consciousness. In addition, you are no longer subject to the laws of any afterlife and are able to move freely. Unfortunately, awakening this sense is near impossible while alive. Only by burning your cosmos to the maximum and willingly approaching death will you be able to awaken this sense.

○The Ninth Sense is called the Supreme Virtue. Should you awaken this Sense, then you have truly become a God. The power given by awakening his Sense allows you to easily perform the Athena Exclamation technique by yourself when it normally requires Three Gold Saints to use. Your soul upon reaching this level will be truly immortal and all of your other abilities will be brought up to the level matching that of a God. In addition, you are conceptually immortal as you will embody a concept and so long as it exists, you will revive eternally. The Goddess Eris, for example, was capable of reviving because strife and discord were still present on Earth. As a God, you will radiate a divine aura that is capable of commanding any mortal to do your bidding or kill them by draining their lifeforce. At full power, your divine aura will instantly rob anyone around you of their six senses with only cosmos remaining.

●You also gain knowledge from the Ancient Mu people in the creation and repair of clothes. Mythical armors that protect a saint and divided into three grades. The weakest to strongest clothes are ranked: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. But, the armor itself it useless if the user is unable to burn the appropriate amount of Cosmos needed to even move them. In addition, should your clothes receive divine blood, they will transform into the God Clothes after being awakened by your strong cosmos.

●You may choose to be reborn in any of the Saint Seiya continuities with one-time appearance customization.

Essence of Baki in a Nutshell

 By drinking from this 4000 year old Chinese urn filled with 4000 year old Chinese sugar water mixed by a master filled with 4000 year old Chinese love:

○You are now a master of the 4000 year old Chinese martial arts.

○You are also now given 4000 year old Chinese clothes made from 4000 year old Chinese fibers that makes it immune to all damage.

○You are also now a Japanese citizen, which means that you are immediately superior to people that aren't Japanese.

○You are now able to defeat legions of world class punching bags without breaking a sweat.

○You are also have a strong imagination. If you want to be a monkey? Just imagine being a monkey. You want to be a dinosaur? Just imagine being a dinosaur. Your imagination is so good that you can fight the imaginary giant praying mantis that can give you real bruises. You can also imagine yourself swimming and somehow it causes you to gain muscle mass even if all you are doing is sleeping. Your imagination is so great that you can even imagine that there is protein in sugar water.

○You can also get stronger by eating someone else's teeth.

○You are also a master of the art of "Kicking Someone in the Nuts". You can always kick someone else in the nuts.

○You are also a master of disguise. For example, you make others believe you to be a woman by just wearing lipstick and a skirt. No one will question why you are eight foot tall and have more muscular legs than most male body builders.

○Also, you are now a main character. That means you can casually ignore physics to do feats such as running on water and not die when you are killed.

○Even in the event that you lose 80% of your body's bodily fluids because you overdosed on steroids, you will not be weakened and instead just get stronger for some reason.

○You can now also do the PP training where you find someone to give the PP and increase your power. It is possible to do PP training with just your imagination, but the amount of concentration is beyond human comprehension. The more PP training you do, the harder your nuts are that they can rival the hardness of 4000 year old Chinese diamonds.

○You also a have warrior mentality that allows you to recover from any injury, even if you are cut in half or have your entire face destroyed. You will be fine because your warrior mentality ensures that you will recover by Monday. This warrior mentality is so great that you can even survive in space by hitting it hard enough that it spits out oxygen for you.

Essence of the Hanma Bloodline

 By imagining yourself as a Hanma

○You have become a member of the Hanma Bloodline. This has made you at least 10 times beyond the peak of your race and will continue to grow without limit in power with training.

○Your new body is free of any defects and is immune to mundane diseases & poisons. It is a body built for combat that grants you the highest quality muscles & bones your race is capable of. You are also extremely flexible, and able to exert your maximum strength regardless of how contorted it is. Your reaction time is also 10 times greater than what the peak of your species is capable of. In addition, you are able to survive in extreme environments, regardless of local temperature, oxygen levels, or pressure. Should you need to, you are able to enter into a state of suspended animation where your mind drifts into a dream. Your grip strength is so great that you can balance or hold up your entire body using just your two fingers or toes.

○Your body also has infinite stamina and a massive reserve of supernatural energy (ki, mana, chakra, etc.) that will grow larger as you use it.

○Your metabolism is so great that your body absorbs and uses 100% of all foods that you eat. You will be able to quickly heal from any injury after a meal.

○Your defense and resistance to damage, poison, curses, magic and other forms of harm is immense. Should be wounded by anything, your body adapts to that level of damage and will automatically nullify anything weaker in strength to whatever previously harmed you.

○You have a strong imagination and are capable of manifesting it into reality. It is possible to imagine yourself fighting against a skilled opponent that you have seen and immediately learning their techniques after a few imaginary practice matches with them. You are also able to use this imagination to enhance your attacks; such as imagining yourself as a dinosaur and adding their physical power to your attack. Or if you like, create an imaginary dinner in your imaginary kitchen that somehow is able to nourish you. Also, these imaginary images aren't just in your head, other people are able to perceive them.

○Your talent is so great that you can learn a skill or ability with a week of dedicated practice, even if it has supernatural origins. In addition, your body is adaptive and quick to accept new forms of power based on whatever you encounter in a world (ex: If the world has spiral power, Nen, video game system; then you are capable of accessing it too).

○As you are a creature born to fight, even your mind is a weapon that can be used. Your mind is a fortress that can withstand any form of manipulation and even counterattack by sending your thoughts and emotions back to the attacker. These retaliatory thoughts will wreak havoc on the mind of your attacker, erasing their ego and memories.

○Finally, you are capable of breeding with anything and will not have to worry about any STDs. You are able to control your fertility and you can choose how strongly the children inherit your traits and powers.

○But the greatest power of the Hanma Bloodline is the Demon's Back. Upon flexing your back muscles, this genetic power activates and it massively multiplies your physical, mental, supernatural, and esoteric abilities. In addition, it immediately restores your body to any damage dealt from the battles & makes you immune to any damage that previously injured you. Finally, upon exiting this state, your body adapts to the level of power gained from the transformation as your new base level. However, you will initially be unable to enter into this mode voluntarily and will automatically manifest when you are losing a life or death battle; During this involuntary manifestation, you will be animalistic. You can only enter this form once per battle.

By Eating this Hamburger (Read: Sushi)

○You gain constipation for the day.

○You gain all the training and licenses needed to be either a Defense or Prosecution Attorney.

○You may also allow your world to retroactively use the Initial Court system where the Prosecution and Defense argue their cases with whatever evidence they have on hand and a verdict will be decided within three days of the crime.

○You will naturally be given a law office where clients will approach you to represent them in a court of law.

○You can calm and analytical mind that can find contradictions within people's statements and link them to any crime with appropriate evidence.

○You have a clear eye for details and the ability to memorize anything you desire with perfect indexing.

○You have a strong and authoritative voice that quickly allows you to present your case with the utmost confidence.

○You also have a working relationship with the local law enforcement agencies to always be able to provide you with accurate and up-to-date evidence that you can use to build your case.

○When investigating a crime, you will always be able to find evidence that was previously hidden or missed by using creative unorthodox methods.

○You can also force any conflict to be settled within a court of law. Those that receive a guilty verdict are forced to go to jail where they have no hope of escaping.

○In addition, you will accrue a vast number of allies with their own unique personalities and quirks.

Essence of the blind venerable Cultivator 

By eating this suspicious medicine of questionable origins:

○You gain nothing magical (At least from your point of view)

○The truth is that you have become the Apex of Cultivation and have ascended to a level of power where no one is capable of discerning your true strength (not even yourself).

○You have gained perfect mastery of every mundane skill that you can think of: such as cooking, archery, painting, and music. If anyone else were to witness you perform any of these actions, they will realize the mythical effects your skills portray and gain insight on how to improve their own power (even though you are blind to the effects you have on others).

○Any food cooked by you will be the equivalent to that of a mythical elixir that can cure any illness, nourish anything in the body, and remove any faults in their bodies.

○Painting will be worlds in and of itself with life.

○Music will cause miraculous effects based on the song played.

○Anything crafted by you will be a legendary item even if it has a mundane and unimpressive appearance. You can even repair damaged items not made by you with mundane tools and they will exhibit powers greater than their pre-damaged state.

○Should you aid someone, they will quickly realize that you are a hidden expert that wishes to cultivate as a mortal and will not reveal to you that they know you are a Venerable Cultivator. They will be very respectful and shower you with gifts.

○Any plants, animals, and objects will quickly gain sentience under your care and will each become overlords of their respective species. These creatures will be absolutely loyal to you and perform deeds in secret that is to your benefit (But they too will not reveal their mythical nature to you because they are under the interpretation that you are cultivating as a mortal and don't want to ruin the experience for you.)

○You have become exceptionally lucky to the point that anything you say randomly will be interpreted by others as a prophecy that is self-fulling. Any random gesture someone else would realize is part of some secret martial arts. A random punch will mean you unknowingly strike dead a demon that was in the very next room. (All these things and more that you are clueless about.)

○You also receive a housing compound where the ambient level of mythical energy (Qi, Mana, etc.) is hundreds of thousands of times greater than outside and of higher quality (not that you can tell the difference).

○Should you finally discover your own power, you will be embarrassed for eternity for not noticing something so obvious.

Essence of the Eronomicon

 By dripping some blood on this grimoire and forming a contract

○You gain ownership of the Eronomicon, the greatest magical text for the school of eromancy. Your body is now filled with the tome's tantric energies and has acquired endless vitality. In addition, you now can sense any feelings of neglect from your lovers and will suffer feelings of restlessness and dissatisfaction that won't disappear until you spend time with them.

○The grimoire is normally the size of a university textbook and as light as a composition notebook; should you desire, the grimoire can change its size. And despite its size, there seems to be an entire library's worth of text. There is a section within the Eronomicon that gives you life advice on how to build and maintain a relationship, how to read body language, how to make a harem work, how to be a successful parent of over a dozen children, how to make & manage enough money to support a harem, and how to perform a martial arts that is best summarized as the lewd cousin of the Hokuto Shinken (be prepared to say "You have already cummed" a lot when using this one).

○Spells from the school of Eromancy primarily focus on tantric rituals, perception manipulation, illusions, dream manipulation, fluid manipulation, sensory manipulation, and restraining techniques.

○This grimoire also contains several spells from the biomancy school that primarily focuses on manipulating, altering, healing, strengthening, and weakening the target's body.

○The Eronomicon also has the ability to enforce oaths and contracts if the individuals swear upon them while placing their hand on the book's cover. Oathbreakers will suffer a slow loss of vitality and ceaseless insomnia. Eventually, the Eronomicon's power will kill them & prevent them from reviving unless their broken oath is fulfilled. Because this effect was willingly accepted by the participants, it will bypass all resistances and immunities they would have.

○Finally, the grimoire has spells from the summoning school of magic. Allowing for the summoning of familiars, forming contracts with otherworldly creatures, the summoning of hand-held objects, and storing them within the grimoire's own pocket storage space. The grimoire is able to summon the Love Room.

■The Love Room is a bedroom that is disconnected from the flow of time on the outside. Occupants will not age and will not need to eat while inside. The room itself will also be able to manifest the deepest and more repressed lewd acts a person desires and manifests them into reality. Tentacle monsters, lewd cat girl outfits, bondage, an entire fake festival dedicated to sex, and even fake pregnancies; this room can simulate this and more to the heart's desire.

■The Love Room can also be used as a training ground where it will manifest scenarios and enemies that are relative to your level of power. It is also able to modify its environment to have effects such as three-times normal gravity, energy sealing, or blindness.

■Anyone inside the room will find their energy reserves (mana, Ki, Qi, lifeforce, chakra, etc.) recharge exponentially with each lewd act performed inside; the more risque the act, the greater the yield.

■If the people inside have sex with each other, then all consenting participants will have both a quantitative and qualitative increase in their powers equal to the amount of time and the number of participants involved. In addition, participants will become healthier, more attractive, and increase their potential power level. Any diseases, complications, and injuries will disappear. Finally, all participants will find themselves aging backward to their bodily prime.

■Finally, after completing a successful session in the Love Room, all participants will find their emotional bonds strengthened. This will remove feelings of jealousy towards each other and ensures the feelings of trust and love remain high. They also receive the Love Room's blessing which protects them from all forms of emotional and mental manipulation that would result in them betraying or harming you.

○You are also given a pair of mystic eyes called Eros's Sight

■These special eyes give you perfect clarity and can see through any illusions with a graphics filter that will translate images into something that won't destroy your mind and sanity in trying to comprehend something beyond what you can handle.

■These eyes also give you see a person's aura colors to determine what emotions they are feeling at that given moment.

■These eyes also reveal to you lewd secrets about a person; their kinks, their preferences, and their health. It also measures their level of affection, loyalty, and obedience toward you.

○As you flip through the pages of the grimoire, you notice a series of pages with card sleeves. This is where your lover cards are placed. When a romantic partner reaches 100% in affection, obedience, or loyalty; a card is generated depicting them as the art. These allow you to gain copies of their abilities, skills, talents, and items or summon them to you regardless of distance or time. You are also able to dismiss them and they will return to whatever location they were originally summoned from. Yes, these are for booty calls.

○As you close the book, you notice a sheet of paper fall out from it. Picking it up, you discover it is actually a summoning contract that lets you summon student succubus from the Farench Deshka Girls' Academy to mentor them in the arts of seduction and lovemaking.

○Should the Eronomicon be stolen, lost, or destroyed; it will reappear near you after a few minutes.

Essence of the Incubus Gift

You have undergone a ceremony and have received the divine gift {Incubus}​

●Your body has been rebuilt to be perfectly healthy and removed of any previous imperfections. You are also given a one-time appearance customization.​

●Your stamina in the bedroom and out on the battlefield is seemingly limitless. Only feeling fatigued when you have finished satisfying your partners or accomplished whatever goal you have set for yourself. As a creature of lust and desire, you are naturally immune to all forms of mental attack and harmful intoxicants.​

●As the holder of the {Incubus} gift, you are capable of increasing your strength and abilities from sexual acts done with your partner(s); this increase also affects your partner(s). There is no limit to the amount of power that you and your partner(s) are capable of cultivating and it is possible for all of you to exhibit new abilities and talents. Finally, everyone involved will eventually acquire youthful immortality and a mind & memories that are capable of enduring eternity.​

●You also hold a conceptual advantage against members of your preferred gender. This advantage can be applied in a variety of situations from combat, to sex, or even something as mundane as Scrabble. Their defenses are like wet paper under your assaults, their attacks as weak as snow, and their luck are unreliable like gacha rates.​

●Optionally, you are capable of forming a master-servant contract with anyone that you have sex with. The potency of this contract can be adjusted to your liking, but at the lowest settings, the contract will permanently increase all positive emotions the servant has for you and heavily suppress any negative emotions. In addition, the servant will receive protection from mental manipulation and poisons. Finally, all servants are marked and you are able to teleport them to your location or vice versa; you are also able to return them to their previous location prior to the teleportation.​

●You are also capable of creating a love room it is impossible for anyone to break out unless they have sex. It is also impossible for anyone outside of this space to find it or break into it.​

●But it wouldn't be an {Incubus} gift if we aren't going to talk about your penis (female essence intakers will become a futa).​

○You are capable of freely changing the shape, size, texture, material, temperature, and other attributes of your "little brother".​

○You are capable of 'detaching' your penis from the rest of your body with no consequence to yourself. When combined with the first ability, you can easily turn your penis into an adamantine sword.​

○You are also capable of regenerating your penis should it be damaged. Should you activate this ability while also having a detached penis, you will grow a new one. The new one will be 'better' than the old one. While the old one will magically disappear after 10 days.​

○You have complete control over your fertility. Capable of swapping between 100% fertility rate to 0% fertility. Any child that you sire will be a one-in-a-thousand-year genius and will not suffer any form of genetic complications. Hybrids will be born with all the strengths of both of their parent species with none of their weaknesses. It is possible for you to eventually sire an entire newly race with this power.​

○When having sex, your penis will automatically adjust to be the 'perfect' fit for your partner. This effect is carried over to any detached penises you make. In addition, you will have lucid dreams showing anyone that is using your detached penis as a pleasure object. Detached penises are also incapable of insemination.​

●In the event that your partner(s) and servant(s) die, their souls will be hosted inside your body where you are capable of resurrecting them by a tantric ritual where you have sex with their soul 1501 times in a row. But if you die, your soul will arrive at one of your partners or servants that is currently in the safest location away from danger and they are capable of reviving you by using the same ritual.​

Essence of the Overpowered Xianxia Protagonist Starter Kit

From gaining ownership of this box of artifacts, treasures, weapons, elixirs, and esoteric energies:​

●You are now qualified to be a Xianxia protagonist as your body is recreated to be free of past imperfections and given the ability to cultivate. Your self-confidence and willpower have reached astronomical levels and will never surrender or break under any form of stress or pain. Your appearance has also been given a massive improvement; never will you be anything lower than a 9/10 on the hotness scale and that number will only rise as you increase your cultivation. Optionally, you may choose to reincarnate into any cultivation story that you wish with any type of background you desire. Finally, all the things treasures inside this box are capable of storing themselves within your soul and are capable of hiding themselves from all forms of detection. Any object that is lost or damaged will simply return back to your soul good as new.​

●As a Xianxia Protagonist; you are a natural opportunist. You are able to instinctively sense an opportunity to make a profit or obtain some form of benefit. To compliment your treasure-sniffing nose is the ability to act and perform to scam your would-be victims of their hard-earned and possibly undeserved resources. You are capable of easily reading someone's personality and character after just a few spoken words with them and can just as easily tempt and manipulate them to avoid suspicion of yourself or cause them to be indebted to you.​

●But sometimes, subterfuge and manipulation aren't enough; sometimes the only option is to fight. Thankfully for you, you're a talented warrior that is capable of fighting multiple opponents at the same time. Capable of fighting optimally regardless of the environment and remaining level-headed & calm for the entire duration. Regardless of whether you are using your fists or a weapon; you will be able to use them with the skill of a master martial artist that has trained for decades and survived countless battlefields. As you are a natural opportunist; you will also be looking for possible escape routes and enemy weaknesses.​

●As you search through the box; a lump of golden ethereal liquid floats up and enters your mouth. The taste is similar to the sweetest honey and you feel a wave of euphoria as it integrates with you. What you have devoured was the Fortune Rivaling Heaven Gu; a lump of luck that has granted you Heavenly Luck. It works passively by turning all calamities that would attack the holder into super good luck and absorbing the excess luck of others into yourself. People that perform actions that would harm you will receive disasters, while those that perform actions that benefit you will receive good luck. In addition, you can now see luck; it will appear as a golden aura around people and objects and the amount is determined by the radiance of the aura. As such; you can easily find potential allies, hidden masters, and hidden treasures by seeing their luck values. Optionally, you may transfer good and bad luck between people and gift others some of your good luck.​

●An overpowered protagonist isn't overpowered if they aren't overwhelmingly talented in everything they do. Your talent is heaven-defying and qualified to learn any type of skill or power; capable of picking up and mastering any skill very quickly, quickly finding faults in techniques and modifying them on the fly, and easily comprehending esoteric ideas. Even the creation of new skills/abilities/techniques is possible if you possess the necessary prerequisites. If you make the attempt, you are capable of revolutionizing any field to that you dedicate time. In addition, you are capable of crafting divine works of art that produce esoteric effects, creating high-quality potions/pills/items from inferior materials, and cooking food that gives miraculous healing properties.​

●You may choose whichever cultivation system from any novel that you desire to follow, but the end result is ultimately the same; ascension into a transcendent being that is capable of both omnipotence and omnipresence. If you desire, you are allowed to cultivate multiple different systems at the same time which will allow you to harness their uniqueness for your own benefit with no repercussions and ensure that your cultivation foundation will not break or be stolen under any circumstances.​

●The cultivation method you found in the box allows you to quickly cultivate your mind, body, soul, stamina, and Qi at the same time; a one-percent increase in any of those attributes will result in a similar increase to the rest of your body. In addition; you will be able to exhibit power beyond what an individual of your cultivation level should be capable of. This technique is compatible with any form of cultivation system and will allow you to quickly become a monster that is capable of defying the heavens. It will never suffer diminishing returns and will remain useful regardless of how far you advance in your cultivation. This cultivation method is also inherently neutral and allows you to use powers and techniques from multiple, possibly conflicting, sources with no repercussions.​

○As you ascend the ladder of power, you will find that your body will no longer need to perform mortal tasks such as eating, sleeping, or even breathing. Naturally, your body will become an indomitable fortress that can survive any environment, even the void of nothingness, and come out unharmed. Your mind will also become perfected as you increase your cultivation; your photographic memory will become immutable, your calculation capabilities surpass a Matrioshka Brain, and your mental health perfect.​

●In the event that you are in a world with no ambient or low levels of Qi for you to absorb to raise your cultivation; you are given the Divine Treasure <The Dimensional Fetus>. This treasure produces an infinite supply of primordial energy that is compatible with all forms of cultivation/magic systems that tempers the mind, body, and soul at the same time. As this is a higher dimensional energy that holds a strong connection with the Dao; using too much before your body is ready can easily result in you exploding with the equivalent force of a nuclear explosion or more. As a result; you will only be able to extract as much energy as your body can handle in the beginning.​

●Within your body now forms a perfect Dao Heart. It is the embodiment of your perseverance and willpower to thread forward courageously with optimism and a positive attitude. Even if you lose your entire family, see generations of loved ones die, endure soul-destroying agony for eons, or live alone for billions of years; you will never break and never be shaken. As such; Inner Demons born from negative emotions have no home within you and will not become a hazard for you on your road to cultivation. In addition, you are capable of changing your Dao Heart on the fly to mimic the mindsets of Buddhas, Saints, Demons, etc. This will allow you to easily cultivate their respective techniques that require specific mindsets to be able to use. You are also capable of weaponizing your Dao Heart using a mental-type technique.​

●As you ascend the ladder of power with cultivation, you must eventually choose to learn and master at least one Dao. A Dao is a concept/Law of reality and it is embodied everywhere in life; there is a Dao for swords, love, food, and so many more. Within this box contains the <Dream Realm Meditation Sutra> that allows you to come infinitely close to the Dao and obtain a large amount of <Attainment> from the experience.​

○<Attainment> can be described as a mathematical formula of reality; a person with high amounts of <Fire Dao Attainment>, for example, is capable of instinctively knowing how to perform any action that correlates with Fire. It is also possible to use that <Fire Dao Attainment> to perform some parts of adjacent Daos like Heat and Light.​

○Those that have 100% <Attainment> in any Dao are called the Supreme Grandmaster of that Dao; this gives the individual supreme authority over the use of Dao and its concepts. They are capable of sensing all manifestations of that Dao in reality and manipulating them to their will; Allowing the Supreme Grandmaster to deny the use of that Dao to others and any improvements they make using that Dao will result in a fundamental improvement of that Dao universally.​

○With 100% <Attainments> you are also capable of creating the Autarch Omega forms of your Daos, which possess infinitely more authority over reality than regular Daos and are also capable of birthing lesser-ranked Daos. Finally, comprehending a single Autarch Omega Dao allows you to easily comprehend and obtain at least 90% <Attainment> in every other adjacent Dao.​

●It will also wouldn't be Xianxia if there wasn't the use of drugs of questionable origins. You are now a divine doctor; someone that is capable of performing miraculous procedures that is capable of healing anyone and anything. You can cure a cripple, fix genetic defects, regrow limbs, even revive someone provided their brain is still intact, or produce medicine that is capable of healing a god. It doesn't matter whether the patient is a human or even a dragon; as long as you understand their anatomy, you can easily cure them. Using the <Eye of the Divine Medicine God> technique, you are able to see directly into a person's body to easily pinpoint bodily issues, view the energy pathways of a person's body, or see the blood flow & electrical signals of the body; Hidden injuries and diseases become highlighted within your sight. Combined with <Qi Acupuncture>, you are also to heal these diseases and disabilities or fight off poisons by stimulating and directing their body's natural healing process and internal energies to heal them without an incision. The manipulation of a person's energy pathways using <Qi Acupuncture> can also be used to help aid someone else to breakthrough in cultivation or cripple them. But should surgery be required, you are more than skilled enough to perform precise incisions and seal wounds using nothing more than a scalpel and a needle with thread. These techniques can also be used offensively as a doctor that knows how to cure all ailments in a body can just as easily hurt it.​

●Within this box is also a stone that merges with your soul and connects to a pocket dimension that has a land mass that starts at a size of 335,000 km2 (or roughly three times the size of the state of New York) and will grow infinitely in size as you raise your cultivation and pour energy into it. Time within this land also flows differently as time moves three times faster inside the pocket dimension than outside; meaning one day outside equals three days inside.​

○The land is divided into five areas called the Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western, and Central Regions; the Northern Region is a massive grassland plain with sporadic weather and harsh winters; the Southern Region is full of mountains with small pockets of flat fertile land and three massive rivers; the Eastern Region is dominated by the pocket dimension's miniature sea with many small islands; the Western Region is a desert with high temperatures and sparse sources of water; finally the Central Region that shares borders with other regions and enjoys a calm climate.​

○The land will be fertile and the earth rich in infinitely replenishing resources. Any life within this dimension will grow and prosper at an accelerated rate; producing perfect specimens of every species for you to harvest. Any organism that may cause ecological instability and cause the demise of other species will be automatically isolated by the pocket dimension. Should the number of inhabitants exceeds the level that the dimension can support; the dimension will begin a mass culling where all the dead bodies and resources will be harvested and stored in a large castle at the very center of the Central Region.​

○Within this castle are living quarters capable of housing millions of people, an infinitely large vault that perfectly preserves any materials placed into it, a workshop that holds all the tools needed to work any crafting profession, a library full of accurate information that ranges from Heavenly Grade techniques to mundane agriculture, an indoor arena, and a meditation room full of high-quality ambient Qi for you to use. It is possible to expand the library's collection of information by touching any book, computer, or other records of information with your hand. The library will automatically correct any mistakes it finds within the data and you will be left with only the most perfected version of the data. The size of this castle will also scale with the size of the continent.​

○In the place of a sky exists Nine (mini) Heavens above that correlate with the colors of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Azure, Blue, Purple, White, and Black. Each of these Heavens is formless and capable of living within magical beasts and plants that absorb the elementally attuned pure Qi of each heaven; each of these layers is equal to the size of the continent. Each heaven contains a primary specific type of Qi; Red Heaven produces the greatest fire qi; Orange Heaven produces the greatest Earth Qi; Yellow Heaven produces the greatest Metal Qi; Green Heaven produces the greatest Wind Qi; Azure Heaven produces the greatest Water Qi; Blue Heaven produces the greatest Stellar Qi; Purple Heaven produces the greatest Death Qi; White Heaven produces the greatest Yang Qi; finally, Black Heaven produces the greatest Yin Qi. Occasionally, Qi from neighboring heavens bleed into each other to produce anomalies and mutations.​

○As your travel the multiverse and absorb the energies of other worlds; the land inside will start producing the unique flora and fauna of that world inside naturally. Should you find other pocket dimensions; you are capable of annexing them and their territories and inhabitants will be transferred over to your pocket dimension.​

●This box also contains countless other treasures that would make even an immortal heavenly emperor jealous. Some items this collection has includes:​

○Eternal Sky Bead – When this bead is introduced to water; it will transform the water into a heavenly elixir that extends a person's youth and lifespan by one year for every 12 fluid ounces (one soda can). The liquid it produces is also capable of curing any form of poison and purifying anyone drinking it. The purification property can also be extended to objects if they are soaked in the liquid.​

○Seven Star Body Breaker Nail – A purple nail that is capable of destroying special physiques/bloodlines and detaching them from the original body in the form of magical orbs for you to use. It is possible to use this to steal a Saiyan's bodily constitution or an Uchiha's Sharingan without needing to be born as one or possessing them.​

○Soul Silkworm – A silkworm that is capable of devouring all forms of energy, souls, and curses to grow. The silk produced is the best in the multiverse as it is highly resilient to both physical & magical damage; plus it is extremely soft.​

○The World Piercer – A powerful needle that is capable of punching a hole in space. Capable of instantly traveling from one end of the universe to the other, shutting down local space manipulation, and traveling to other worlds. It can also be used to kill someone if you really want to.​

○The Divine Crystal Magic Cube – A spiritual treasure that is capable of protecting your soul from attacks regardless of their level, extracting a soul's memories, cultivating souls, erasing souls, housing souls, and manipulating souls.​

○Amethyst Genesis Purple Card – A purple crystal that can let the user see energy, easily absorb any form of energy, manipulate energy, and reflect energy.​

○The Womb Tree of Genesis – A tree that is capable of being manipulated with druidism that can birth newer and stronger lifeforms. It is possible to use it to create new life, improve existing life, or forge an entirely new and superior body.​

○Basket of Duplication – Any object placed inside will multiply infinitely. The only restriction is that the object has to be organic.​

○The A.I. Chip – A supercomputer attached to your soul with the processing power of 10 Matrioshka Brains. It is capable of scanning anything and anyone to create a perfect analysis of its target. It is also capable of running simulations on the entire universe, analyzing daos, connecting with any electronic device/system, modifying power systems, researching & transfers the results straight into your memory, assisting in combat, performing medical procedures on yourself, and more. It will display this information as an augmented reality display and will grow in power as your soul increases in strength.​

○Yin-Yang Primordial Chaos Flames – The strongest Heavenly Flame in existence that is capable of producing both infinite heat and absolute zero coldness. It stands at the very peak of all flames and all other flames and flame-based abilities will submit and be suppressed by this flame. Thanks to its contradictory nature, this flame is excellent in alchemy for being able to allow contradictory elements to fuse together to produce miraculous effects that defy logic and the laws of reality. As anything made using this flame can be considered an anomaly; they are naturally invisible to higher forces such as fate.​

○The Corporeal Zone – A protective domain that can change its shape from a barrier to armor that is impenetrable and indestructible. The zone's owner and those that the owner considers allies have their health prolonged, their power improved, bloodlines strengthen, receive boundless stamina, become absolutely untraceable, gain infinite strength & weight, possess immunity to ailments, acquire speed surpassing time, and have the ability to destroy concepts. The owner of the zone is also capable of manipulating the environment inside the zone to harm any foes that are trapped within; even opening a contained black hole is not outside the realm of possibility.​

○Longevity Grass – So long as the individual holds this grass, they are a true immortal; Age will have no effect on you, diseases will be non-existent, poisons fail to taint you, the concept of death itself is non-existent on you, and everything that tries to impose death upon you will fail. Even if all of existence is destroyed; you will remain.​

○Heaven Destroying Sword – A transcendent sword with no rank that is capable of withstanding any strike and cutting anything. The blade itself is capable of acquiring new abilities by breaking other swords and draining them of their essence. Finally, the blade is sentient and can form for itself a body. It possesses an arrogance that it rightfully deserves and will refuse to fight unless you meet a foe worthy enough to face it. However, it will break its own rules should it sense that you are in mortal danger.​

●However, cultivating by yourself may not be desirable, if you don't wish to endure eternity alone; you are capable of awakening the potential to cultivate within others. You are capable of creating your own cultivation system and spreading it among an entire population. Naturally, anyone that receives your direct guidance will progress exponentially faster than those that do not. It is possible for you to train a talentless farm boy to become an immortal emperor as you are capable of "dumbing down" the higher concepts enough that even an idiot can grasp them. Finally, you are capable of spreading diluted forms of every technique within this box to your disciples, but how far they progress is based on their own talents.​

●Another hallmark of a Xianxia Protagonist is their mythical pet. You too have a mythical pet, an egg that is capable of hatching into any kind of mythical beast that you so desire. They will be ranked as the apex and progenitor of their respective race and is capable of seeding other worlds with more of their species. Their power is also nothing to scoff at as they are capable of fighting being far stronger than them and comprehending heavenly laws with relative ease. Such is their talent that you can ignore them for a few decades and return to find them already approaching divinity.​

●Another power that you received from this box is the ability to use Genesis Runes. These symbols possess their own Great Daos and secrets but are fundamentally meaningless, formless, and nameless. However, because of their intrinsic nature, they are capable of exhibiting great power when a cultivator gives them context, form, and a name. As a result of their fundamental natures, these runes are capable of evolving by adapting to new power systems, creating new secrets, and changing in both form and name.​

○Within this box are the meanings that an ancient sovereign once described upon these symbols and they are capable of being used to form spells based on their complexity and context of the use.​

○These symbols are also capable of being used to create massive formations. Formations are grand rituals that are capable of world-altering effects such as the creation of weather phenomena, birthing a secret realm (pocket dimension), or a protective barrier that lasts for eons.​

○Using these symbols, you are capable of connecting to the spirit realm and summoning world spirits from within. These entities are from different planets within the spirit realm and the average power of each planet's inhabitants increases the closer their home is to the center of the spirit realm. You are capable of holding an unlimited number of spirit contracts to summon and fight for you. You are also able to temporarily borrow these spirits' cultivation to fight foes that are currently beyond you. However, using a world spirit will have you accrue debt to them that is paid in the energy that is normally used for your cultivation. As a result, it is very easy for a fool to be trapped in their cultivation realm due to abusing the power of a world spirit. It is also impossible to kill a world spirit outside of the spirit realm; as they will simply return back to the spirit realm and reform themselves. They also don't possess a physical body and will not be able to remain in the material realm for very long.​

●Naturally, as you rise in power, you will receive the attention of many individuals. You will encounter many attractive & talented individuals of your preferred gender that gather around you like moths drawn to a flame. You are fully able of managing a harem of lovers and know how to manage relationships such that jealousy is a non-existent issue within the group dynamic. You will know based on instincts and observation when one of your lovers feels neglected and how best to soothe them. Finally, your love will eventually result in the birth of children who will inherit much of their talent from you. Your children will naturally be obedient toward you but will rebel if you mistreat them. You may punish your children by using the phenomena of bloodline suppression; the power to forcefully weaken a member of your bloodline and terrorize them into obedience.​

●Sometimes you don't want to sit in a cave for eons trying to comprehend the Dao and wish to not miss out on life. Thankfully for you, you have received also the <Great Myriad Existence> technique that allows you to create a clone body for yourself. This clone is a parallel existence, it is you on all levels as it contains a copy of your consciousness inside which allows for complete autonomy and is capable of using all of your powers. Should the original you die, the clone will become the new main body and automatically inherit everything from the original body. However, creating even a single clone will cut in half the user's maximum energy capacity until the clone is dismissed or killed. Should a clone be dismissed or killed, everything that the clone gained will be automatically transferred to the original with no conflict. The main body and the clones form a collective hivemind that is capable of sharing thoughts and information among themselves. All clones are also absolutely loyal to their original selves and the thought of rebellion is utterly alien to them; they will gladly give up their autonomy and merge themselves back with the original. As a result, clones can be sent out to master multiple different professions and cultivate multiple Daos at the same time. Due to all of the clones sharing the same soul, any increase in soul capabilities accomplished by one clone will automatically be shared with all bodies. It is also possible to transfer damage onto a clone or borrow a clone's energy should the need arises; even the transfer of resources & items is possible if shipped via the soul. It is also impossible to kill your soul so long as a single clone is still alive as all of them need to perish at the same time to kill you. A novice using this technique will only be able to maintain one clone; any more will cause reality to correct itself by destroying your clones until only one of 'you' exist. This restriction can be circumvented as you raise your cultivation and become more detached from the world's laws.​

●As you increase in power, you will discover that the very universe will start to reject you and force you to ascend to higher realms due to its inability to support you. You are able to escape this fate by being able to spread your energy across the universe evenly to support its foundations. This results in an overall higher level of potential that the universe is capable of reaching thanks to being saturated by your power. Eventually, this method is capable of promoting your universe to a higher rank and transforms the world fundamentally to be more 'fantastical'. You are capable of teaching others this method.​

●In the highly unlikely event that you do die; you have integrated into your very essence the <Longevity Scripture> which allows you to reincarnate as many times as you desire with all of your memories and anything attached to your soul. You may manually trigger it if you so desire to transfer your soul to a superior body. Optionally, you may choose to skip the baby phase of reincarnation and immediately age up your body to one that is capable of cultivating. The shock of your new parents however is your own problem to deal with.​

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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