31.57% SpiderGwen: I have a system?! / Chapter 46: Chapter 46: Qurac and Biayla II

บท 46: Chapter 46: Qurac and Biayla II

[3rd POV] [A little while later]

A little time had passed since they had staved off the small invasion force. M'gann was currently with Marie, while the rest of the team was with Garfield.

Walking into the Logan family home, the group looked around, with Gwen raising an eyebrow at the large stack of VHS tapes near the TV.

"So, pretty weird about Miss Martian and my mom, huh?" Garfield asked, turning and looking to the group.

"What do you mean?" Superboy asked in confusion, not understanding what he was talking about.

"I mean, she looks exactly like Marie. You know, except greener" Garfield said as if it was obvious.

"She does?" Wally asked with a blink.

"Well, duh, especially back when mom was a TV star on "Hello Megan!" Garfield replied with a smile.

"Wait, "Hello Megan" is a tv show?" Wally asked in surprise.

"I just thought it was something she said all the time" Dick replied, just as surprised as Wally was.

"Yeah, on the tv show. Way before we were born. Only one season. You can't even find it online. I know mom has a tape somewhere" Garfield said as he turned back to the VHS tapes that were stacked next to the TV.

"Did you know about this, Gwen?" Superboy asked, as Garfield moved to look through the tapes.

"Hmm, oh yeah, I already knew. I don't think M'gann realizes that fact, but I do" Gwen responded with a nod, she had even watched the show quite some time ago, to see what made M'gann love it so much. She had to admit, it was a pretty decent sitcom, kinda reminded her of "That's so Raven" from her past life. 

"Hello Megan, the pilot episode" Garfield said after looking through the vhs tapes for a few moments.

Gwen stopped as her head snapped to the side. Spider senses blaring as she began to see what was going to happen soon.

"We've got aircraft heading this way" Gwen said, causing Superboy to nod.

"I hear it. Three of them at least" Superboy added with a nod.

Hearing this, Dick and Wally jumped to their feet, with Dick speaking to Garfield "Gar, stay put" Before running out.

Gwen sighed before snapping her fingers, causing Garfield to go unconscious for a few moments, before putting a barrier around the boy, and running after them.

Hearing the whirring of a plane, she looked to the skies and immediately found them. 'Hmm, they should be easy to take care of. A single spell will do the trick' Gwen thought, as her power from Sylar gave her all the info she needed on the planes, and their weaknesses.

Holding up her hand, a soft red glow emanated from it. Before a loud *Krack-boom!!!* sounded out, as three small orbs of chaos magic flew into the sky, slamming directly into the planes, blowing them to smithereens.

"Well that was anticlimactic" Wally said with a chuckle, while Dick glanced at Gwen.

"They were drones, don't worry" Gwen said, noticing his slight worry that she may have just killed someone.

Hearing this, Dick sighed in slight relief before nodding.

"Where's my son?!" Marie asked, worried.

"In the house, sleeping. I know how kids are, so I put him down for a nap for a few moments" Gwen said, causing Marie to run back into her house, sighing in relief as she found her son sound asleep on the couch.

Walking back into the Logan home, Marie spoke "thank you"

"No problem" Gwen said with a small smile.

"This doesn't make sense. Why would they send drones out after a small animal sanctuary?" Dick whispered, causing Gwen to glance at him.

"Because they know we're here. Queen Bee does at least" Gwen replied, causing him to groan.

"On top of that, Harjavti steps down tomorrow! KF, can you find a news station?" Dick asked, looking to Kid flash who had the remote in his hands.

Nodding he turned the tv on, as it revealed a clip of Harjavti speaking in front of a podium, a large painting of Queen Bee behind him.

"Hmm, looks like I was right. Psimon's controlling him" Gwen said, motioning to the very obvious Psimon that was standing next to the man. She wondered how no one was noticing the psychic, as he wasn't exactly hidden or anything.

"I still remember the headache that guy gave us. You're lucky you weren't there Ghost, it was annoying" Wally groaned, remembering the particularly annoying mission involving Psimon.

Chuckling, Gwen responded "You'd probably have been happy if I was there. I'm immune to telepathy, remember?"

"Oh yeah..." Wally muttered, huffing about unfair telepathy immunity under his breath.

"We have to get Harjavti away from him" Dick muttered, looking at Psimon.

"I don't think they'll come back, not for a while at least" Marie said, looking over her son with a small smile on her face.

"Good, because we have our mission"

'This is gonna be fun'


[Later that night] [Dhabar]

It was later that night, and the team was at Harjavti's location. Within the vents above his office.

"He's alone" Gwen whispered to the team, causing them to nod. The group hopped out of the vent, sighing as they got out of the tight space. It was big enough to fit them all in, but still not very comfortable.

Walking up behind the man, Dick looked to Harjavti who turned back to him "Where's my daughter? Where's Psimon?" The man asked, confused.

"Forget him. Let's get you out of here" Dick said.

While they were saying this, Gwen was silently standing near the door, knowing that three people were about to rudely enter, all of them using apokoliptian tech. There was a total of ten people getting ready to enter, which Gwen was more than ready to take care of.

As the left door opened, Gwen sprung into action. Before they could even react, several stunners slammed into the group of 5, knocking them all unconscious. As the other group entered, she blurred to them, rapidly hitting the pressure points of each of the individuals, knocking them too, into unconsciousness.

All of this happened within seconds, with none of the team really being able to react, until the group of ten intruders dropped to the ground with soft thuds.

"Damn, remind me to never get on her bad side" Wally whispered to Dick who nodded. Remembering now why Bruce considered her the strongest member of their.

"These are apokoliptian weapons..." Superboy said with a frown, remembering his previous interaction with Apokalips.

Glancing at the weapons, Gwen hummed "Should I take them?"

"Huh? What do you mean, take them?" Dick asked.

"I mean, should I take them? My symbiote can absorb them into itself. It will stop others from using them, and might even give my symbiote a good power boost" Gwen responded, causing Dick to blink in surprise, before nodding.

"Go ahead. Better you use it than some Government or scientist. And don't worry about the League, we'll keep this part out of our mission report" Dick said, knowing how the League would react to such a thing, and knowing his sister was smart enough to know when and when not to mess around with technology.

The rest of the team nodded in agreeance. "And what of Psimon? He should be nearby" Raven asked, having spoken for the first time in quite a while.

Gwen glanced at her rather quiet friend and nodded "He's in the building, that I'm sure of"

"I'll go find him, you guys protect Karjavti" Gwen said, causing the group to nod. While M'gann and Raven both looked at her.

Seeing the look M'gann gave her, Gwen blinked before making her way out of the room. 'M'gann knows...not entirely surprising. She's smart like that, and I haven't really hidden it from her' Gwen thought, as she let her senses guide her.

After only a few moments she found the man. "Ah, the resident Ghost Spider, I've always wish to meet yo-"

"Usually I'd let the villain have their little speech, but I honestly don't really feel it today. I have to have a talk with my girlfriend, and you, my ugly big headed friend, are annoying" Gwen said with a smile, before blurring in front of him.

"Goodbye. Oh, and do say hello to Joker for me" Gwen said as she threw a single strike to his chest, caving it in within an instant.

[Hidden Quest Complete!]

Light's Psychic Lost - Kill Psimon

Reward - 1 UL Ticket

'Hmm...Neat' Gwen thought with a smile, as she burnt his body to nothingness, and began to make her way back to the team.

When she got there, they were all waiting, the apokoliptian tech was piled together.

"Psimon?" Dick asked, looking to Gwen.

"Got away, go figure. He must have senses his little...minions defeats and booked it. That or Queen Bee got him out of there" Gwen responded, causing them to nod in agreement, as it made sense.

Looking to the weapons that were laying there, Gwen glanced at the team who nodded. Smiling at this, she allowed her symbiote to flood out of her, as it quickly surged upon the weapons, and began to rapidly absorb them into itself. As she did so, she could feel the influx of power fill the symbiote, as it glowed a soft red for a few moments.

It took only a few moments for the symbiote to absorb the weapons, as she could feel the changes in the symbiote. It became stronger, more resilient, and had some new rather unique abilities.

Stretching slightly, she turned to her team with a grin "So, what now?"


[3rd POV] [Later that day]

The team, after some time had passed, ended up returning to the Logan animal sanctuary. But not before M'gann shapeshifted into Queen Bee, and painted her as the one behind the attacks, which she was.

Currently the team was in Marie's house, sitting.

"And I assure you, the Wayne foundation is here to do whatever it can to help you and your people rebuild Qurac" A clip on the TV played, before being shut off.

"Gee, Bruce Wayne sure got here fast. Almost like he knew-*Ohf*" Wally was cut off as Robin elbowed him in the stomach, a knowing grin on his face.

"Don't you have a souvenir to collect or something?"

"Hello, Megan!" Wally said with a grin, as he walked over to the pile of vhs tapes, before grabbing the "Hello, Megan!" vhs tape, and walked over to M'gann.

"Something you'd like to tell us?" Wally asked M'gann.

"Kid Flash-" "It's fine, Ghost" M'gann cut off Gwen, as the team looked to her. Gwen silently listened as her girlfriend spoke.

Sighing, M'gann began to speak "Growing up on Mars was not a happy time for me. But I started watching broadcasts my uncle sent from Earth to teach us about our sister planet. And when I saw "Hello, Megan" something just clicked. Maybe it was the similarities in our names. Maybe it was the way all of Megans problems could be solved in 22 minutes. All I know for sure is that Megan helped me smile through a lonely childhood"

Gwen kept silent as she listened, her eyes were soft as she listened to her girlfriend speak, as was the rest of the team.

"So when I came to Earth and had to adopt a human form...I chose you. Well, huh, Megan" M'gann said.

"Which begs the question, what do you really look like?" Dick asked.

M'gann went silent at this, before walking in front of the entire group, and showed her "True" form. Which was basically just her normal form, but bald. Gwen inwardly chuckled, knowing it wasn't her true form, but decided to support her nonetheless.

Getting to her feet, Gwen walked forward and softly smiled, kissing M'gann on the lips softly. M'gann struggled not to tear up.

"You don't need to put on a mask for me, love"

"I do it for me. This is who I am, inside. Please don't be mad" M'gann said, turning to Marie.

"Mad? I'm honored. You and you're friends saved my son, he practically considers you family now" Marie said as M'gann walked forward and captured her in a hug.

"Thank you. You don't know how much that means to me" M'gann said, a happy smile forming on her face.


[Some time later, in Garfields room]

Within Garfields room, a woman stood "Quite the little pawn I've gotten for myself. You'll be perfect to control the martian"

Queen Bee was there in the flesh, as foolish as it was.

"You know, I've got to hand it to you villains. You're all quite the idiotic bunch, you and your little "Light" A voice sounded out, Queen Bee's eyes widened, but as she turned around, a soft gasp escaped her lips as a fist was slammed through her chest.

"No one harms my M'gann" Gwen snarled, as she ripped Queen Bee's heart out, a soft thud filling the room as the Queen of Biayla fell to the ground, dead.

Glancing at the worthless body, Gwen silently burnt it into ash, her heart soon joining the rest of the body.

[Hidden Quests Complete!]

Kill a Major Leader in the Light

Reward - 2 UL Tickets

Kill the King/Queen of a Kingdom

Reward - 2 UL Tickets.

'Hmm...not bad' Gwen thought with a happy smile, as she left the room.

Walking to the room she and M'gann had been given, she found M'gann awake, waiting for her with a smile.

"You okay love?" Gwen asked softly, as she climbed into bed with M'gann.

"I'm alright, more than before actually. Revealing myself was sort of...liberating" M'gann said with a smile.

Gwen looked at her girlfriend, before speaking "M'gann, you know you don't need to hide it from me, right?"

"Wh-what do you mean?" M'gann stuttered, paling slightly.

"That you're a white martian" Gwen replied with a soft smile on her face.

"Ho-wha-" "Love, did you really think I wouldn't know? I knew you weren't a Green Martian since the moment I met you, my instincts are good like that" Gwen cut her off, softly stroking her girlfriends cheek with a smile.

"But-but why get with me then?" M'gann asked, looking confused.

"Because I love you, dummy" Gwen said with a soft giggle, pecking her M'gann on the lips.

M'gann just sat there, confused beyond belief as Gwen smiled.

"I-...Do you want to see it? My true form I mean" M'gann asked after a few moments.

"Only if you're comfortable with it" Gwen responded.

M'gann in response, breathed deeply as her form changed slowly. Gwen blinked at the new appearance, slight surprise on her face.

"Gross right?"

"No, actually. You're...beautiful. I like your other form, but this one...certainly is quite appealing~" Gwen said as her eyes shamelessly took in the sight of her girlfriends true form.

M'gann blushed beat red as Gwen slowly moved forward and kissed her. "Your true form is beautiful, M'gann, no matter what you may think"

"But-bu-" "No buts love, well, except this one" Gwen said with a grin, giving M'gann butt a soft slap. M'gann *eep'd* softly at the feeling.

"Trust me love, your true form being that of a White Martian, means nothing to me" Gwen said with a smile, causing M'gann to look her in the eyes, seeing that Gwen was telling the truth.

"I love you" M'gann muttered as she buried her face into Gwen's neck.

"I love you too, my little martian" Gwen said lovingly, as the two slowly fell asleep, arms around one another.

'Today was a good day'

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That's the end of the chapter!

Next chapter will be shorter, will have the 5 characters used, and potentially more.

Her and M'gann's relationship have progressed more, and M'gann revealed her true form to Gwen. This is her true from in this fic, basically just the same as her normal Green Form, but white, lol.

Anyways, have a good day, see you tomorrow!

ArtoriaPendragon_ ArtoriaPendragon_

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