"Playing Love," also known as "The Love Melody," is a famous tune from the well-known movie "The Legend of 1900."
The film tells the legendary story of a genius pianist who spends his entire life aboard a ship, and the beautiful and refreshing "Playing Love" is the melody the pianist casually plays after encountering the girl who captivates his heart at first sight.
For this reason, although the tune starts with a free and easy flow of notes, it quickly becomes tender and gentle, pure and soft, allowing all viewers who listen to this melody to deeply feel the movie protagonist's profound love for the girl.
This melody, in stark contrast to Qin Hai's recently performed "Piano Concerto No. 3", has a simple and plain melody, far less complex and intricate than the structure of "Piano Concerto No. 3", yet it is as beautiful as a song, refreshing and unforgettable.