40% Fate: Zero to Hero / Chapter 76: lighting Man

บท 76: lighting Man

As the group returned to Jekyll's house, they settled into various spots around the room, ready to share the information they had gathered. Ritsuka, Mash, and Gudako took the center, while the servants formed a protective circle around them. Mordred and Jekyll took seats near the fireplace, both looking expectantly at Ritsuka.

"Alright," Ritsuka began, "we need to share everything we've learned so far. Goetia is the main threat, and he's using these singularities to gather power. The sun being blocked is part of his plan to weaken us."

Jekyll nodded. "The dark clouds covering London have a magical origin. It's designed to disrupt any light-based magecraft, which affects you directly, Ritsuka."

Mash glanced at Ritsuka, concern in her eyes. "Senpai, what about your other abilities? Can you still use your shadow control, your umbrella summons, and your vampire powers?"

Ritsuka nodded. "Yes, those aren't affected by the lack of sunlight. We'll need to rely on them more heavily. Plus, we have a new ally now." He gestured toward BB, who was lounging on a chair, a mischievous smile on her face.

"Hello, everyone," BB said cheerily. "I promise I won't betray you or cause any endless summer loops. At least, not without permission."

Mordred rolled her eyes. "Great, just what we need, another unpredictable element. But if you can help us take down Goetia, then welcome aboard."

Before anyone could respond, there was a loud crash from outside. The group rushed to the windows and saw a figure standing in the street, surrounded by arcs of lightning. His presence was imposing, and the air crackled with electricity.

"Who's that?" Mash asked, gripping her shield.

"That's our lightning man," Ritsuka said, recognizing the figure. "He must be another servant. Be on guard, everyone."

The front door burst open, and the man stepped inside, his eyes glowing with an unnatural light. "I am Nikola Tesla," he announced, his voice booming. "I have come to aid you in your battle against the darkness that plagues this city."

Ritsuka stepped forward, extending a hand. "Welcome, Tesla. We could use all the help we can get."

Tesla shook his hand firmly. "I have been tracking the source of the disturbance. Goetia's influence is spreading, and we must stop him before it's too late."

Jekyll looked at Tesla, intrigued. "What can you tell us about the dark clouds and their effect on magic?"

Tesla nodded. "The clouds are not natural. They are infused with a powerful curse, designed to disrupt any magic reliant on light. However, my electrical abilities are unaffected, and I can generate enough power to counteract some of the effects."

"Good to know," Ritsuka said. "We'll need a plan to take down Goetia and clear the skies. Tesla, can you use your abilities to create a safe zone for us to operate in?"

"Consider it done," Tesla replied confidently. "But we'll need to act quickly. The longer we wait, the stronger Goetia becomes."

Mash turned to Ritsuka. "Senpai, what's our next move?"

Ritsuka looked around the room, meeting each of their eyes. "We gather our strength, formulate a plan, and strike at the heart of Goetia's operation. We'll need everyone's skills and abilities to pull this off. Let's get to work."

As the group began strategizing, Ritsuka felt a renewed sense of determination. With allies both old and new, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The battle for London, and ultimately the world, was about to begin.

As the group discussed their next steps, a sudden crackle of electricity filled the room. Everyone turned to see Nikola Tesla standing there, his hands glowing with electrical energy.

"Also, do you think it is that easy to fool us?" Maria Alter emerged from Ritsuka's shadow and swiftly kicked Tesla, sending him flying across the room. "Nice try, though. If I were an idiot, that might have worked."

Tesla hit the wall but quickly recovered, smirking as he stood up. "Impressive, but that was merely a test. I needed to confirm your reflexes."

"Test or not, we don't appreciate unannounced visitors," Mordred growled, drawing her sword. "State your business."

Tesla dusted himself off and raised his hands in a gesture of peace. "I've come to offer my assistance. Goetia's plan is as dangerous to me as it is to you. I have information that could be crucial to stopping him."

Ritsuka eyed Tesla warily. "Why should we trust you?"

"Because I'm one of the few who understands the magnitude of what Goetia is trying to achieve," Tesla replied. "And because I have no love for chaos and destruction. If London falls, it will be a blow to human progress and innovation."

Maria Alter stepped forward, still on guard. "Fine, we'll hear you out. But one false move, and you'll regret it."

Tesla nodded. "Understood. Now, let me explain. Goetia is using the demonic pillars to amplify his power. He's harnessing the ley lines beneath London, tapping into an ancient network of magical energy."

Jekyll frowned. "If he's using the ley lines, that means he's drawing energy from all over the city. We need to disrupt his connection."

"Precisely," Tesla said. "We need to find the focal points he's using and sever them. I can help identify those locations."

Ritsuka nodded. "Alright. We'll form teams and start searching the city. Tesla, you lead one team and guide them to the focal points. Mordred, you'll take another team and cover the eastern part of the city. I'll stay with Mash and Gudako to provide support and coordinate."

Mash looked determined. "Let's move quickly. Every moment we delay gives Goetia more time to strengthen his hold."

As the teams prepared to set out, Ritsuka took a moment to address them. "Stay sharp and watch each other's backs. We're up against a powerful enemy, but we've faced tough challenges before. Let's end this and bring light back to London."

With that, the teams dispersed into the darkened streets of London, ready to confront the threat that loomed over the city.

Tesla clutched his head, pain etched across his face. "Also, kill me...he's trying to control me."

Maria Alter's eyes glinted dangerously as she stepped forward. "Gladly. Anyone that tries to hurt my Ritsuka dies."

Gudako sighed, glancing at Maria Alter. "And she's back in yandere mode. Alright, I'm staying back. Good luck, everyone."

"No," Ritsuka intervened, placing a hand on Maria Alter's shoulder. "We don't kill allies, even when they're compromised. There must be another way."

Tesla groaned, his eyes flickering between clarity and darkness. "There is...a device...in my lab. It can sever the connection...but it's heavily guarded."

Ritsuka nodded. "Then that's our next target. We'll get you to your lab and cut Goetia's control over you."

Mordred stepped up, her sword ready. "Lead the way, Tesla. But if you make any suspicious moves, I won't hesitate."

Tesla nodded weakly. "Understood...let's move."

The group quickly formed a protective formation around Tesla, with Maria Alter staying particularly close, her eyes never leaving him. They moved swiftly through the fog-shrouded streets of London, the oppressive atmosphere weighing heavily on them.

As they approached Tesla's lab, the ground trembled, and demonic creatures began to emerge from the shadows. Ritsuka, Mordred, and the others readied their weapons.

"Protect Tesla!" Ritsuka commanded. "We need him to reach that device."

The battle was fierce. Mordred and Maria Alter fought with a brutal efficiency, cutting down any enemy that approached. Gudako provided support from the rear, using her magic to bolster her allies.

Mash held her shield firm, deflecting attacks that came Tesla's way. "Stay close, Mr. Tesla. We'll get you through this."

Tesla, struggling to maintain his composure, guided them through the labyrinthine paths to his lab. As they finally reached the entrance, a massive demon barred their way.

Mordred charged forward. "Leave this one to me! Get Tesla inside!"

Ritsuka nodded. "Mash, Gudako, let's go!"

Inside the lab, Tesla directed them to a complex machine covered in arcane symbols and wires. "This...will cut the connection. I just need a moment to activate it."

"Make it quick," Maria Alter said, standing guard at the door.

Tesla worked feverishly, his hands trembling. Outside, the sounds of battle raged on, Mordred's shouts and the roars of the demon echoing through the walls.

Suddenly, the machine whirred to life, emitting a bright light. Tesla let out a cry of relief as the device did its work, severing Goetia's control over him.

"It's done," Tesla panted, collapsing to his knees. "I'm free."

Ritsuka helped him up. "Good. Now we can focus on stopping Goetia for good."

As they regrouped, Mordred came in, bloodied but victorious. "The demon's down. What's next?"

Tesla, now steady, looked at them with renewed determination. "Now, we destroy the focal points. And then, we take the fight to Goetia himself."

Ritsuka nodded, his resolve firm. "Let's end this."

Tesla clutched his head, pain etched across his face. "Also, kill me...he's trying to control me."

Maria Alter's eyes glinted dangerously as she stepped forward. "Gladly. Anyone that tries to hurt my Ritsuka dies."

Gudako sighed, glancing at Maria Alter. "And she's back in yandere mode. Alright, I'm staying back. Good luck, everyone."

"No," Ritsuka intervened, placing a hand on Maria Alter's shoulder. "We don't kill allies, even when they're compromised. There must be another way."

Tesla groaned, his eyes flickering between clarity and darkness. "There is...a device...in my lab. It can sever the connection...but it's heavily guarded."

Ritsuka nodded. "Then that's our next target. We'll get you to your lab and cut Goetia's control over you."

Mordred stepped up, her sword ready. "Lead the way, Tesla. But if you make any suspicious moves, I won't hesitate."

Tesla nodded weakly. "Understood...let's move."

The group quickly formed a protective formation around Tesla, with Maria Alter staying particularly close, her eyes never leaving him. They moved swiftly through the fog-shrouded streets of London, the oppressive atmosphere weighing heavily on them.

As they approached Tesla's lab, the ground trembled, and demonic creatures began to emerge from the shadows. Ritsuka, Mordred, and the others readied their weapons.

"Protect Tesla!" Ritsuka commanded. "We need him to reach that device."

The battle was fierce. Mordred and Maria Alter fought with a brutal efficiency, cutting down any enemy that approached. Gudako provided support from the rear, using her magic to bolster her allies.

Mash held her shield firm, deflecting attacks that came Tesla's way. "Stay close, Mr. Tesla. We'll get you through this."

Tesla, struggling to maintain his composure, guided them through the labyrinthine paths to his lab. As they finally reached the entrance, a massive demon barred their way.

Mordred charged forward. "Leave this one to me! Get Tesla inside!"

Ritsuka nodded. "Mash, Gudako, let's go!"

Inside the lab, Tesla directed them to a complex machine covered in arcane symbols and wires. "This...will cut the connection. I just need a moment to activate it."

"Make it quick," Maria Alter said, standing guard at the door.

Tesla worked feverishly, his hands trembling. Outside, the sounds of battle raged on, Mordred's shouts and the roars of the demon echoing through the walls.

Suddenly, the machine whirred to life, emitting a bright light. Tesla let out a cry of relief as the device did its work, severing Goetia's control over him.

"It's done," Tesla panted, collapsing to his knees. "I'm free."

Ritsuka helped him up. "Good. Now we can focus on stopping Goetia for good."

As they regrouped, Mordred came in, bloodied but victorious. "The demon's down. What's next?"

Tesla, now steady, looked at them with renewed determination. "Now, we destroy the focal points. And then, we take the fight to Goetia himself."

Ritsuka nodded, his resolve firm. "Let's end this."

Meanwhile in Goetia place, he was playing a chess. Goetia's eyes flickered with an amused light as he moved another piece on the board, positioning it carefully. The chessboard in front of him was a complex array of pieces representing Servants, each move a calculated step in his grand design.

"Things are proceeding as planned," BB said, a sly smile on her lips as she looked at the board. She picked up an Archer piece, examining it before setting it aside. "But I didn't expect the last Master of humanity to summon another version of me, and not just that—she's also a Moon Cancer."

Goetia's smile widened. "It only makes the game more interesting, doesn't it? Two BBs, each with their own agenda. It complicates the battlefield, but it also provides more opportunities for us."

BB leaned against the table, her eyes narrowing as she thought. "True, but it also means we need to be more vigilant. This new BB could disrupt our plans if we're not careful."

Goetia waved his hand dismissively. "Let her try. Our path is set, and their resistance, though formidable, will ultimately be futile. The convergence is near, and soon, all will be under our control."

BB chuckled, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "I do love a good challenge. I'll make sure to keep an eye on her. After all, no one knows how to handle a BB better than another BB."

Goetia nodded, his gaze returning to the board. "Indeed. And while they busy themselves with the battles ahead, we will continue to move forward, undeterred. Each step brings us closer to our goal."

BB's smile widened, and she gave a mock salute. "Understood, my King. Let's see how they fare against our next move."

With that, Goetia moved another piece, setting the stage for the next phase of their plan. The game was far from over, and every move brought them closer to the final checkmate.

Meanwhile with Ritsuka his BB was looking at him as she was blinking

Hey can you tell something master. BB said looking at him. Why is there two files of you each with very different details in the moon cell

Ritsuka blinked, taken aback by BB's question. "Two files? What do you mean?"

BB tilted her head, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Oh, master, it seems like you have a doppelgänger or maybe an alternate version. The Moon Cell is quite thorough in its data collection, and there are two distinct files with your name, each with very different details."

Ritsuka frowned, trying to make sense of what BB was saying. "Different details? How so?"

BB tapped her chin thoughtfully. "One file has you as the last Master of humanity, the one currently leading us all through these Singularities. But the other... well, let's just say it's like looking at a different you. Different experiences, different history. Almost as if there's another version of you out there."

Mash, standing nearby, looked concerned. "Senpai, could this be related to the timeline changes we've experienced?"

Ritsuka shook his head, bewildered. "I have no idea. But we can't afford to get distracted by this right now. We need to focus on the immediate threat."

BB pouted playfully. "Oh, master, always so serious. But you're right, we have bigger fish to fry. Still, something to think about, isn't it?"

Ritsuka nodded, though the revelation lingered in his mind. "Yeah, something to think about later. For now, we need to keep our focus on the mission. Let's regroup with the others and figure out our next move."

As they moved to join the rest of the team, the mystery of the two files weighed on Ritsuka's mind. He couldn't shake the feeling that this anomaly might have deeper implications than he realized. But for now, there were battles to be fought and a Singularities to restore. The answers would have to wait.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones

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