50% MHA: The Sentry / Chapter 2: Being a kid is embarrassing...

บท 2: Being a kid is embarrassing...

_____[ POV: Ryuji ]_____

It's been 4 years since I arrived in this world as a newborn, and life has been relatively peaceful here. Inko has taken very good care of me while still having to go out to work, being a single mother isn't easy. But the annoying part was that I had to live most of that time with Izuku, Inko is a sweetheart but... I can't stand kid Izuku...

But anyway, I've moved past the phase of just complaining. I learned to fly when I completed my first week of life, I looked like a possessed baby floating around the room at night. Sometimes I fly through the sky at night, also through space enjoying the planets and stars. It kind of gives me a feeling of freedom and peace.

Well, when my first month of life came around, I decided to test my powers again. Ended up in a galaxy that was very, very far from ours. Just for safety.

And well, let's just say I'm grateful for making that decision. Because I ended up destroying the galaxy in a matter of minutes while testing my powers. I expected something like that could happen, after all, I'm practically a multiversal entity that still doesn't have total control over its powers.

Beautiful thing, isn't it?

Since then, I've been training my powers and abilities all the time. My training routine only takes an hour, so there's no way my sleeping mom will notice I'm gone. She sleeps like an angel, completely unaware of my nighttime adventures.

Changing the subject, the mangas in this world is terrible. The mangaka seem to lack creativity;, all the manga I find are just about heroes or of people with unique quirks. Even the romances include a bit of quirk usage, but I don't blame them since 80% of this world's population has a power.

But this All Might manga I'm reading is garbage.

"Ryuuuuji!" And there goes my peace.

It was little Izuku, who circled the playground to reach the tree where I was sitting and relaxing. He was holding a new All Might figure, which I think Inko buy it for him.

But seriously, give me a break, kid... He's like a ball of constant energy, always excited and full of life when he's around me. Sometimes I wonder where he gets all this energy from. Maybe it's just because he's a child?

"Look, Ryuuuji! Look what Mom gave me! It's the new All Might, isn't it amazing?" he exclaims, his eyes shining with excitement as he shows me his new All Might figure.

I just roll my eyes. "Yeah, Izuku, really cool," I reply, trying to sound interested. But, man, I'm exhausted. Tired of pretending to be a four-year-old, and it's tiring to put up with kids all the time.

Sure, in front of my dear mother I'm a little angel, but with Izuku and the other kids, I'm known as the "quiet kid." The other kids find me strange because I don't like playing and spend all my time reading manga, which suits me just fine. I can barely handle Izuku, so imagine dealing with another one?

Speaking of him, I forgot he's right here beside me, babbling about All Might and his deeds. Of course, I smile and nod at him. "Yeah, Izuku, he's amazing," I say, forcing some enthusiasm into my voice. But deep down, all I want is a little peace and quiet.

I just can't understand what Izuku sees in All Might to be like this. Like, okay, I get that All Might is a great hero and all. But does that change when the person in front of me has over 20 action figures, the entire room themed around All Might, a costume, an alarm clock, a bunch of books and manga, and a pair of socks with mini All Might figures.

It's almost scary the level of fanaticism he has at just 4 years old, I need to do something about this before it's too late.

"Let's play heroes, Ryuuji! I'll be All Might and you can be Endeavor!" he exclaims excitedly, waving the All Might figure in front of me as if trying to attract a cat.

I take a deep breath, trying to keep my patience intact and focus at acting like a child. "Izuku, I've told you before I don't like these kinds of games. Why don't you go play with other kids?" I suggest, hoping he'll finally get the message that I'm not interested.

But of course, he doesn't give up so easily. "Oh, come on, Ryuuji! You always say that. Come on, it'll be fun! You can be a super powerful hero and save the world with me!" he insists, his eyes shining with the pure innocence of a child.

I sigh again, realizing there's no escaping this situation. "Fine. Fine... But only for a little while, okay?"

He lets out a squeal of happiness and starts setting up an entire imaginary battle scene, while I pretend to get into the game. It's still weird, but I do it for my mom, she's always happy when she sees me interacting with other kids.

And, well, maybe, just maybe, there's a small part of me that enjoys this a bit too. After all, it's not every day you get the chance to live a completely carefree life, even if it's only temporarily.

So, with a huge sacrifice of my mental maturity, I join Izuku in his hero playtime.

I started the game with Izuku, shamefully pretending to be a fearless hero, but I can't help but notice the tension in the air. Something's off. And then, as if the heavens were conspiring against me, that's when I noticed little Bakugo coming towards us.

He was headed our way, with that confident look he must have learned to do even in the womb. And, of course, he wasted no time in starting to provoke.

"What are you two doing here? Playing heroes? Pathetic," he said with a smirk on his face and rolling his eyes in disdain.

Ah, big surprise, Bakugo being his usual self. And what's with that dynamite hair? I wonder if his comb is also a time bomb. Well, it would explain a lot about the state of his hair. Seriously, it's impressive that he can maintain that hairstyle even as a kid.

Izuku looked at Bakugo with that mix of fear and admiration that always accompanies him when it comes to this guy. "I-I was just kidding, Kacchan... You don't have to be so mean..." he murmured, trying to keep his composure in the presence of Bakugo.

I rolled my eyes, it's annoying having to deal with this brat all the time. "Relax, Izuku. Let me handle this dynamite head here," I said to Izuku, confidently looking at Bakugo.

"We're just having fun, Kacchan. No need to be so bitter all the time," I replied, doing my best not to laugh at his indignant expression.

But, of course, he wasn't going to let it go that easily. He turned to me, his eyes sparkling with pure malice. "And who are you to tell me what to do, pumpkin head? You're just a spoiled brat," he spat the words out, as if it were a serious insult.

"Seriously? At least my head doesn't look like it's about to explode at any moment. Maybe you should consider getting a different hairstyle. Maybe a decent haircut will make you look less like a human grenade," I couldn't help but jab, my sharp tongue always ready for a good tease. And, man, it was so satisfying to see the shocked expression on his face when he heard my joke about him.

He clenched his fists, ready to literally blow up, but then seemed to think better of it. "You know what? I don't have time for idiots like you. I'll find someone worthy to play with," he growled, before turning and walking away, his aura of anger still present even as he distanced himself.

I watched him go, a triumphant smile on my lips. "Seriously, sometimes I wonder what this guy has that makes him so explosive... Besides the hair, of course," I asked, laughing a little at the situation.

Izuku just shook his head, looking a bit sad. "I think Kacchan is just hurt inside and doesn't know how to deal with it," he murmured, looking at the ground with a thoughtful expression.

I grimaced. Seriously, Izuku? He's the same guy who will tell you to jump off a cliff in the future, and you hit me with that? Sigh...

I can't help but roll my eyes at Izuku's naive view of Bakugo. But he's not to blame, he's still a kid at this point.

"But I'm sure his being a complete jerk has nothing to do with it," I reply with a sarcastic tone, unable to contain my sharp tongue.

I recall all the times he treated me like trash, like I was just a pebble in his path, and I wonder where he got all that arrogance...

"Well, anyway, I guess it's time for me to head out. I've got something important to do at home," I say, starting to walk away from the park.

Izuku waves to me, still with a pensive look on his face. "Okay, Ryuji! I'll be heading out soon with Mom, we're going to the hospital to find out about my quirk!" Wait, would that be today?

Ah man... looks like I'll have to deal with a crybaby tomorrow.

"That's great, Izuku! Don't be sad if you don't get something good, you can still become a hero!" I forced a smile, though inside I was praying he wouldn't turn into a crybaby after finding out he's quirkless.

Izuku waved enthusiastically, that glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Thanks, Ryuji! I hope I have a quirk like All Might's!"

"Yeah, that would be cool..." I responded vaguely, already taking steps towards the park exit.

Izuku seemed to notice my haste and followed me. "Ryuji, don't you want to come with me to the hospital? It'll be fun to find out my quirk together!"

Seriously kid, your innocence is poison to you. "Oh, Izuku, I'd love to go, but I have some things to take care of at home..."

Izuku seemed a little disappointed, but quickly perked up. "That's okay, Ryuji! We'll meet up at your place later, okay?"

"Okay." I replied quickly, already walking away as he waved excitedly. I've got business to attend to on another planet, honestly.

I rarely have time in the afternoon to go out and train, so I should make the most of this little time I'll pretend I'm home to go out.

Besides, I have to make sure I don't destroy any more galaxies while training my powers. It's not every day you have to worry about not blowing up the universe while doing what seems to be push-ups, after all.

But hey, that's what happens when you're basically a multiversal entity trapped in a kid's body.

I stop walking and glance around the empty street, already far from the park. I figure I can skip the part about heading home. "Well, time to leave," I murmur to myself, before a Dr. Strange-style portal appears beneath me and whisks me away to another place.

It was another planet, far beyond our galaxy.

I look around, taking in the rocky desert stretching as far as the eye can see. It was my training ground, my personal sanctuary to hone my skills.

"Let's switch to something better first..." I need to change this 4-year-old child appearance to something more appropriate.

So, I focus and a golden light starts enveloping my childlike body, shining intensely and illuminating the entire area around. It felt like the sun itself had decided to pay a visit to the desert. But gradually, the light dims in intensity until it becomes a luminous, golden, humanoid figure standing at 1.88 meters.

The light fractures and shatters, with the shards of light dissipating like dust, revealing my new form. A muscular man with long golden hair, looking at his left hand thoughtfully. He was striking the same pose as adult Gon after using nen.

"Ah, much better," I comment to myself, opening and closing my hand to check my adult form. Man, it feels good to be free from that child's body.

This cellular and molecular manipulation ability sure was handy. I could control and alter every cell and molecule of my body at will. But it wasn't just that, I had the power to manipulate and alter any cellular and molecular structure, no matter who or what it was.

I also found out that most of the abilities I have come from it, which made me more interested in what scale this power is. I remember it was so strong that Sentry used it to defeat and disintegrate Molecule Man himself, he did the job of defeating the guy who manipulates molecules in his own area. Just freaking awesome.

I've already mastered and learned a bunch of skills and powers that Sentry had. But man, there's still a lot missing...

Now I look like a walking encyclopedia of superpowers. Besides the insane strength and speed, and heightened senses, I can also perceive auras and energies from afar. Sentry could even detect energies in the heart of the multiverse, just to give you an idea of the magnitude of this guy's power. Flying is easy, and I don't even need food, water, or oxygen.

Regarding the immortality I must have gotten, I'm not going to give myself the time to test it. We're talking about a guy who came back to life even after being wiped from time. The same guy Morgana Le Fay used magic to rewrite reality and prevent his rebirth, but he simply said screw it and came back as if nothing had happened and killed her. So, I'll skip that verification.

Moving on, I can manipulate energy, absorb energy, create force fields, alter and manipulate matter on an atomic level, even mess with antimatter. And I still have an arsenal of mental abilities that would make Xavier sweat. Telepathy, telekinesis, emotional control... I could probably handle Bakugo with those. And that's just the beginning of what I can do.

I can create life, heal, manipulate diseases, even mess with reality, although it's a bit difficult right now.

But it took me a long time to get the hang of some of these things. Learning to mess with molecular manipulation was hell. And telekinesis? Even harder, at first I couldn't even lift a stone without causing havoc on the planet where I trained. It was harder than messing with telepathy, seriously.

Anyway, you can see I have an endless list of powers. And that's just the basics I've learned. Imagine how many more powers and abilities Sentry hasn't shown. He's a bottomless pit of abilities.

But let's focus on training, I don't want to sound like a fanboy talking about my favorite character.

Today, I'm thinking of doing a slightly different training... I'm thinking of playing God today and creating life, not that I haven't done it before, but I had only made slimes before.

I want to create a person, something closer to being human. So I did some studying beforehand to avoid problems, I have to thank my ability to never forget anything I learn or see.

Anyway, let's get started.

I reach my hand forward, it begins to glow, and a luminous, golden figure starts to appear. I was creating life, still kind of complicated, but nothing that lasts more than 5 minutes.

Here we go, I want him to look like DC's Lucifer Morningstar, short blonde hair, blue eyes, 1.83 meters tall, and golden wings.

Now, the personality... I think I want something like Overlord's Demiurge, but without the evil part, of course. I don't want to deal with a Happy Farm...

About strength and speed, maybe a little weaker than weakened All Might, I don't want him ridiculously strong.

The abilities... Shapeshifting, regeneration, heightened perception, and flame manipulation. I won't give him a bunch of stuff, kind of going to use him for other tasks when I get back home.

The golden light shattered, revealing the figure of Lucifer. Yeah, I'll call him that.

I gave him a black British suit, he looked like a professional businessman or lawyer.

He opens his eyes, looks around before turning to me and quickly kneeling.

"I greet the great Supreme Being. The one who created me and gave me life, I will serve for all my meaningful existence," he said firmly, but a bit too formally for my taste.

"Alright... I appreciate your loyalty to me." I made sure to emphasize his loyalty to me as his main focus; I don't want to deal with a traitor later.

"It's the least I can do for the one who created me. It is my joy to serve the Supreme Being until my meaningful death." Okay, I hope this loyalty doesn't turn into fanaticism.

"I see... Anyway, let's get to the point. Lucifer, I want you to fight me." My response made Lucifer look up with wide eyes.


"It's an order from me, and it's not like you'll even scratch me, right?" Well, I need to test out the product I just made.

"I understand... As expected of the Supreme Being, I should know that I am a mere ant at your feet." Lucifer chuckled bitterly, it was already obvious, oh Sherlock Holmes.

As Lucifer stood up, I took the opportunity to materialize clothing on myself. Yes, I had been naked since I transformed from my child body to this adult one.

I materialized the Sentry suit on myself; it was fair and showed off my muscles. It was actually quite comfortable.

"Anyway, let's get to it." I teleported a little farther from Lucifer to create a good terrain; five golden energy spheres appeared around me after crossing my arms.

"On the count of 3," Lucifer seemed tense and nervous, opening his golden wings. Relax, dude, I'm not going to kill you.

Well, let's play a little.


I shot the energy spheres toward Lucifer, each moving as if they had a life of their own.

Lucifer flapped his wings and shot up into the sky. He's actually dodging pretty well from the spheres I sent, but let's up the difficulty a bit.

With a snap of my fingers, the spheres expanded rapidly and became gigantic before splitting into thousands of other smaller spheres and going after Lucifer.

"Isn't this a bit unfair..." Lucifer chuckled bitterly, watching the stream of golden light chasing after him. Kind of ironic for someone named Lucifer to say that.

The spheres relentlessly chased Lucifer through the sky, creating a magnificent and beautiful spectacle of lights in the sky of that rocky planet. And I was thoroughly enjoying it; it was like conducting a musical orchestra.

Each sphere followed a pattern, a rhythm, like musical notes on a score. And I, the conductor of this spectacle, moved my hands in rhythmic gestures, like a maestro directing a celestial symphony. The spheres danced in the air, guided by the invisible baton of my will.

As some of the spheres got close to Lucifer, I made them explode with a simple snap of my fingers. And so I created a spectacle of light and sound with these bursts, a true festival of golden glows illuminating the night sky of that uninhabitable planet.

Lucifer flew in zigzags, trying to escape the spheres and explosions surrounding him. But then, I enveloped Lucifer with the spheres, creating a luminous spherical vortex around him. But the spectacle was abruptly interrupted by an explosion of flames that dispersed all the spheres, followed by what looked like a phoenix of fire. Damn it, Lucifer, I was enjoying the vibe.

Well, it seems things are about to heat up here. Literally.

Now that I think about it, I feel like I'm forgetting something... Nah, I must just be overthinking.


(A/N: Hello my dear readers! Sorry for the delay in updating the fic, a lot has happened to me these days. Unfortunately, my beloved dog ended up passing away, and I was very sad about it that I lost the will to do anything. It was very painful for me, but I am recovering from the loss little by little. Her loss made me see how short life is and how we have to make the most of it, and I want to at least finish this fic and my original novel before my time is up. I want to tell my stories to people, and seeing people enjoy them makes me smile. Thank you very much for all the support, it motivates me to continue.)

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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