
Unexpected Meeting

The next day, I awoke to find myself lying on a soft bed in a cramped but comfortable room. Light shone through a single window that looked out over the front lawn of Etna Volcano. After a moment of confusion, I remembered that I was in the male dorm wing of the Hephaestus familia's manor. 'My familia's manor,' I thought with a smile, already glad that I had joined the Hephaestus familia even though it had only been a few days. Though today was officially my first day as a 'real' member of the familia with no more tours or set up left.

My fateful meeting with the goddess and Tsubaki happened two days ago. Yesterday had been a whirlwind of getting everything further set up within the familia and with the Guild. As promised, I was given a brief tour of the manor and some of the locations that the familia owns throughout Orario. Then, I was forced to deal with the overwhelming bureaucracy of the Guild. Luckily, my time back in the forest amongst only other elves had given me plenty of practice with patience. 

When every member of your race can live for hundreds of years, you start to develop a different sense of time and how long things take. So, while I saw other newbies around me suffering, I was perfectly content as time passed seemingly in the blink of an eye, and I worked through the paperwork. It also helped that I had purposely gone to the line with an elf at the front and informed her that I would prefer things done quickly if possible. Even then, it took quite a while, but my nepotism buff had done its job.

With my registration at the guild completed, I returned to the manner and better acquainted myself with its facilities, which lasted the rest of the day. Then, I had retired to my new quarters, which I found perfectly acceptable. Living in grandeur was nice and all, but there was just something nice about a humble room where everything has its place and you don't have to worry about too much blank space. I had a bed, desk, wardrobe, and small bathroom, which was all I needed.

I had just risen, dressed, given myself a quick clean with my spell Clean Wash, and done a few stretches when there was a knock at my door.

"It's open," I called, prompting the door to open a crack and a human to poke her head in. 

"There is a visitor for you at the front gate," she announced, sweat trickling down her brow and the back of her neck.

"A visitor? For me? I don't have any friends, so who is visiting me?" I asked, mostly thinking aloud, but noticing the girl's complexion, I figured it was somebody important.

"It's-" the woman began, but I cut her off.

"I'll find out momentarily anyway. There's no reason to spoil the surprise," I said, pulling the Foe-Hammer from its spot beside my bed and strapping the blade to my waist.

I could have kept it in my storage, but I felt that the sword complimented my whole aesthetic, so I let it hand on my waist. Some might consider this vain, but I would counter by saying that appearances matter. There is a reason that thrones and grand halls exist for kings and queens. First impressions matter greatly. While I didn't put too much stock into such ideas, you never know who you might make a good impression on by putting in just a little effort. Plus, it was the bare minimum that I did to diversify my appearance from the luminous white robes I wore that covered me from neck to boots.

Once that was done, I walked out, following the human girl to a sitting room where I found my unexpected guest. I saw her with my Magic Sense long before I physically stepped into the room to greet her. That gave me time to consider why Riveria Ljos Alf, Nine Hell, an executive member of the Loki familia. Not to mention one of the most powerful adventurers within Orario. However, I suspected none of that matters right now, and the reason for her visit was due to our shared nature as High Elves. 

"Thank you," I told the woman who had guided me here, who quickly nodded and scuttled off, still looking shaken by seeing such a legendary adventurer in person.

Then, I took a deep breath and walked into the room where Riveria was sipping on a cup of tea. I took a moment to examine her as she turned and stood as I entered the room. The first things that struck me were her height, jade-colored hair tied in a ponytail that reached to her waist, and her deep jade eyes. She wore her typical outfit from the anime: a green outfit with yellow borders, a white cloak over it, a black belt, a yellow sash, black leggings, and long brown boots. Her beauty was also immediately apparent, rivaling even Hephaestus, but she still fell a bit short, in my opinion.

I took the initiative to bow as she stood, "Mrs. Alf, it is a pleasure to meet you in person. What do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

"Mr. Tryion," she said with a perfectly executed curtsey, "We are not back among the sacred forests, so there is no need for too much formality. You may call me Riveria."

I nodded expectantly, "Then, Riveria, you may call me Thranduil. Since my father is not around to correct our behavior."

That caused her face to crack into a small nostalgic smile as she probably remembered the etiquette lessons that were drilled into all High Elves from a young age. 

"Well then, Thranduil. The reason for my visit is that I heard from our kin that there was another High Elf in the city—a scion of the great Tyrion lineage, no less. I just came to see the validity of these claims and to welcome you to the city," she said with a small inclination of her head, though she watched me intently as she said the word kin to refer to ordinary elves, probably to judge my character.

"I can't say I am surprised that our kin went off to inform the only other High Elf in the city as soon as they encountered me. They must think my arrival is a sign of some sort." I said casually.

After a moment of silence, Riveria's gaze became a bit more serious, "Is your arrival a sign of something?" she asked. 

'And now we arrive at the crux of the reason behind her visit,' I thought, 'She thinks it might be some sort of political game that I am here.' 'Perhaps she thinks there may have been some sort of agreement between my father and hers,' I considered before bursting into laughter. Riveria tilted her head in confusion but remained serious.

"I didn't strike you as the paranoid type," I said once my laughter receded, "I am in Orario of my own volition. I have spent a great deal of my life sickly and contained within my father's palace. Now that I am cured, I felt that it was time to strike out on my own path and leave the forest, so here I am. No games or politics involved. The only relation of my arrival to you is that you played a part in inspiring me to come here."

She initially bristled at my words but calmed once I explained myself, "I see. It seems that I may have been hasty and misjudged the situation. I am sorry for the accusation. It appears that even after all this time, the old politics have a tighter hold on me than I thought."

"Caution and curiosity are not sins or things to be forgiven," I said with a dramatic hand wave that seemed to amuse her.

I couldn't help but notice how expressive she was with me compared to her depiction in the anime, though I knew the reason for it. The reason she is so much more casual and expressive with me is that we are both very similar, but, more importantly, we are equals. We are the same race and undoubtedly grew up with similar experiences and values. Still, the main thing is that neither of us outranks the other in the elven social hierarchy, which is very rare for High Elves especially. 

Common elves always treat us like minor gods, while we still have to pay respect to High Elves greater than us, of which there are very few. However, there are even fewer at our level exactly. In fact, in the entire world, there are probably only five or six elves at our exact social standing, including Riveria, myself, and my sister. That means there are very few people with whom we can fully be at ease socially. That is why Riveria was able to be a bit more expressive and casual with me compared to people of other races and even other elves.

"I will excuse myself then." she said, getting up and flashing me a rare smile, "Perhaps we will meet again soon but until then. I wish you good luck with your adventures." 

"Likewise, Riveria," I said with a nod as the older elf rose from her chair, finished her tea in a quick, unladylike chug, and moved off to the door and left.

'What a strange woman,' I thought as I walked back to my room and prepared some supplies for my first journey into the dungeon.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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