40% Snippets to Sainthood / Chapter 2: Eldritch’s Slice of Life [1]

บท 2: Eldritch’s Slice of Life [1]

"Why am I not surprised that my own ancestor was able to use magic tricks?" Klaus Philips Lovecraft cracked his neck, curiously eyeing the two men before him who's who looked like rejected extras from a gothic superhero movie.

Their arms and bodies were covered in some weird blueish-black energy, like they had a bad reaction to blueberry jam.

"We're going to exorcise you both, Special grade curse or not!" One of the men shouted, trying to sound heroic but ending up sounding like a constipated squirrel.

"Special grade? Curse?" Klaus blinked, glancing around, half-expecting to see Pikachu battling Godzilla in the background. But alas, it was just him, a bunch of magical men, and…

"Who are you?" The silver-haired teen tilted his head, turning to the mil—*ahem!* older woman standing behind him in a subservient manner.


"I was created by you, Master." The tentacle-haired woman bowed, making a certain part of her body tremble.

"Ah, you must be my lovely Shoggoth assistant," Klaus lifted her chin, staring into her bewitching green eyes, "I don't know how I created you, but I must say, I've outdone myself this time. Quite the masterpiece, if I do say so."

The Descendant of Lovecraft thought back to what could have caused his current situation.

He happened to be visiting his Great Grandfather's vacation home, as it was in the area, while he was at it, like the good descendant he was, he decided to clean up the place.

Yet who would have guessed that he would find a dusty-looking box with a letter and three vials with liquid.

"Essence of Eldritch Soul, Essence of Empress Shoggoth Slime girl and Essence of Home.

Drink them if you're a man of culture Klaus.

Yours Sincerely,

H. P. Lovecraft."

Was what the letter read. So like the normal person he was, Klaus drank the three suspiciously looking liquids that were over a century old, without even questioning how his Great-Great grandfather knew of him when the guy was dead before he was born.

Only for a magic circle to appear under him the moment he drank them, whisking him to the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, if the blueberry coloured aura on their body was anything to go by.

Shrugging at the absurdity of his situation, Klaus turned his attention back to the ragtag duo of Jujutsu Sorcerers before him. "So, gentlemen, care to explain why you're trying to exorcise me? Last time I checked, I had the flesh bag known as a body."

The men exchanged glances, clearly taken aback by Klaus's words. "Now that he mentions it, isn't our mission to only exorcise a Grade 3 Cursed Spirit? Why did we assume he's a Special Grade Curse?" one of them asked, confusion written all over his face.


"Ow! What was that for?!" The younger of the two men complained, why did he get slapped for asking a reasonable question?

"Look behind him and tell me what you see." The older man motioned to the Shoggoth.

"A beautiful woma—wait don't slap me! Maybe the tentacles are just her Cursed Technique?" The younger one voiced, seeing that he wasn't going to get slapped.

"Hey! How about me? Why are you guys ignoring me? Can't you see that she's obeying me? Shouldn't that make me more dangerous?" Klaus really couldn't understand their thought process, shouldn't they be thinking of offing him?

It's common knowledge to kill the supporter first.

'Not like they could kill me even if they tried.' And he was right, the essence had completely altered his soul, while granting him several abilities.

Abilities that he couldn't perfectly control that is, but it shouldn't be a problem as becoming an Eldritch Soul had granted him some other nice perks, one that he will use in a moment.

The younger of the two sorcerers scratched his head, "Uhh…Cause you don't have Cursed Energy?" The dude awkwardly smiled.

The older sorcerer furrowed his brow, as he clearly heard how the woman said the young man created her, yet now that he looks at them both, one had no Cursed Energy, while the other's was abysmally low.

If it was before, he would have thought the former is impossible, but everyone in the Jujutsu society is at least aware of the 'stain' of the Zen'in—Toji Zen'in.

'How could they call such a monster a stain, truly traditionalist's have a backwards way of thinking.' Scoffing mentally, he focused on the two, he didn't want to believe that the young man was like the Sorcerer Killer, but his instinct as a veteran Grade 3 Sorcerer was warning him that the two before him weren't simple.

This situation was far beyond his expertise, so it was best to avoid conflict until further information was obtained, glancing at the newly promoted Sorcerer next to him he said, "Call headquarters and tell them about the situation." The seriousness in his gaze made the young man comply without asking questions.

"Hey!" Klaus' shout made them stiffen, was he going to attack them now that they're calling for reinforcements? The teen oblivious to their thoughts admonishingly said, "Don't you know that snitches get stitches?"

The older sorcerer, attempting to maintain some semblance of confidence, spoke up. "Regardless, we cannot overlook the potential danger you might pose. A lack of Cursed Energy or not, you're an unknown entity."

Klaus nodded at his words like they were some universal truth, "You're right, but the question is, do I care?" He grinned, alarming the two sorcerers. It was too late; a dark transparent barrier had already enclosed upon them.

"What did you do?" The old dude asked with a constipated expression, once again attempting to summon his cursed energy, only to be met with an unsettling void—a complete absence of the familiar power that had always coursed through his veins.

"Rune of Imprisonment." Klaus replied, stroking his chin with interest when he didn't feel the barrier strengthen. His gaze shifted to the Earth, and 'it' too stared back at him, the fear and confusion was palpable from 'it', something Klaus found amusing.

The 'World' was 'alive'.

"Rune?" The word was a first for the older sorcerer, but he understood that it created a barrier that sealed, or rather didn't allow him access to cursed energy.

The question was, "How can you even create a barrier, you don't have cursed energy?!" The younger sorcerer shouted with a agitated expression.

The silver-haired teen rolled his eyes at their incompetence, he didn't blame them for not noticing the rune, as he done it with his hand behind his back, while layering another rune over it, but how could they not sense the change of the cursed energy in the air?

"Just go sleep." Klaus lifted his hand, and this time both sorcerer's saw as the cursed energy in the air shifted as he traced his fingers along the air. Moments later, a symbol appeared, which was sent their way, attaching onto the barrier.

The next second they both dropped like dead logs.

"Now," Turning to the other person with him, the teen blinked when all see was a writhing mass of protoplasm with eyes, mouths and wriggling tentacles snacking on what he assumed was the cursed spirit that these meat bags had come for. Blinking again, the beauty he previously saw was back in all her mother-Titty glory.

Seeing the gaze her Master was giving her, the Shoggoth blushed, "My apologies, Master, the insolent thing was trying to sneak up on us, so I took matters into my own hand."

"Well done," Klaus said, making the Slime girl ecstatic, as she literally orgasmed from the praise, something that the eldritch teen didn't notice as he had more important things to think about.

Like, "Can you return to that form?" The orgasmic expression disappeared from the Shoggoth's face, and she returned to the mass of flesh without question.

Why the azathoth did he find it cool?



"Life is weird," Klaus muttered with a shrug, no point in thinking about the existential crisis his own bizarre preferences might induce. Instead, he focused on the task at hand—what to have for dinner.

Walking over to the fallen sorcerers, he stopped before the dark see-through barrier, his eyes wandered over the two overlapping runes on the floor which only he could see; Rune of Cloaking and Imprisonment.

The former's ability was pretty obvious since the sorcerer's didn't notice the latter rune. As for what made them fall unconscious, it was the Rune of Sleep.

"Master, can I absorb their memories and dna?"

"You can do that? Of course you can do that, Ai." Klaus nodded as if he heard the most normal thing, while the Shoggoth froze on the spot. "Aishioth'drhu is your True Name, but since it's a mouthful I'll stick with Ai." He smiled in satisfaction, seeing her kneeling before him.

"Thank you for the name my Lord!" The reverent tone of Ai made Klaus pat her tentacle hair, which was unsurprisingly stress relieving—being a slime and all.

"You're welcome, Ai. Now, let's see what these sorcerers have to offer in terms of memories and DNA. Might be interesting." He motioned to the sorcerers, and Ai got onto it, as both her index finger's turned to thin tendrils before entering their ears.

"It's done, Master, I got everything relating to the two sorcerer's from the day they were born to the present. Would you like me to share the information with you?"

Klaus pondered her question for a moment, and recalled his new 'Home', he was lacking some servants, and rather than creating some soulless husks, he thought it would be better to find a human.

So with a curious look the Lovecraft Descendant asked his slime girl, "Ai, do you know the location of the Zen'in clan?"

Ai tilted her head as she answered, "I do, as one of the big three sorcerer family's their residence is known by even lower rank sorcerers like these two."

"Good, this will make kidnap—*ahem!* saving those two easier." Klaus smiled to himself, not finding his thoughts weird in any way.

"Those two?" The Shoggoth repeated, as she watched her Master kneel before the sleeping sorcerers, one hand on both their heads.

"The abused twins," Was the only response Ai received, further confusing her, but Klaus was too busy and lazy to explain, he had a pair of fresh meat bags to test his ability on.

So with the thought of changing their gender, he used his matter manipulation, but a moment later…

"Oh shit." The older sorcerers right arm exploded into blood mist, while blood started forming under the younger one's crotch. Both men though were still asleep as a result of the rune.

"Can't let them bleed out on me, otherwise how else would I improve my performance." Klaus muttered with a serious expression, "Hmm~ I'll increase the speed at which your cells divide, thereby increasing your regeneration. As for this guy, I didn't like the way you looked at my Ai, so you can stay a eunuch, I'll just stop the bleeding."

To an ordinary person, the scene would seem like something out of a grotesque horror movie, but to Klaus and Ai, it was just another day in their peculiar existence.

The Shoggoth though in reality was on a high, hearing him refer to her as "my Ai."

"Ah? Another failure, well, let's try again."




"I guess I should have listened to Mr….What was his name again? Anyways I should have paid attention in biology lessons." Running his hand through his hair, Klaus stood up, feeling only slightly disappointed.

"Master, when I absorbed these two men's memories, I was able to get knowledge about biology, I may be able to help you in this case." Ai spoke up, unable to see her Master feeling down.

"Oh? How good are we talking about?" The young Eldritch raised an eyebrow in interest.

"PHD level." Her answer made Klaus's lips split into a grin, he walked up to her, wrapping his arm around her waist and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

"If you want a longer one, next time tell me earlier."

Ai nodded with a blush spreading across her face.

"Good. Now, you don't mind me going through your memories, right? After all, these Eldritch runes are rather handy, they more or less have runes for most situations." Klaus says, as he found the rune that would help him in this situation from his innate knowledge. It was knowledge that appeared the moment he turned(?).

"I belong to Master in body, mind and soul." These words were enough for him to understand that she didn't mind.

So without further ado, he started using his energy manipulation ability to manipulate the cursed energy in the atmosphere, and let him tell you, it was way easier than manipulating matter, or rather a human body.

"Probably some eldritch bullshit and energy being more attuned to us," Klaus continued drawing the Rune of Memory, and didn't think much of it, fuck around and find out—that's how he will do this stuff, especially when he now had all the time in the world.

"Wait…I'm still human, aren't I?" His finger that was drawing the rune paused.

Ai who heard his question was confused, but still diligently answered, "Indeed your physical vessel is that of a human Master, could that be the reason why you're interested in biology? To increase your body's lifespan? If that is the case, I can help you increase it, Master."

Klaus gave her a intrigued look, "You can do that?"

"Would Master like me to show him?" The Slime girl's expectant expression made the young Eldritch Soul amused,

"You do realise that we won't know the results for another few decades, right?" A look of realisation spread across her before it was replaced with embarrassment, the Shoggoth really wanted to dig a hole at this moment and hide in it.

"It's fine, I believe you. The reason for practicing body manipulation is so I could strengthen this body of mine, as I am now, a bullet to the dome can kill me." Klaus ran his hand through his silvery-white hair, "Though that would be bad luck to whoever kills me." He added with amused snort, knowing that the moment he died, he will ascend.

With a tilt of her head, Ai commented, "So Master doesn't want to be a glass cannon and wants his base physical body to be stronger, like the one known as the Sorcerer Killer—Toji Zen'in." She surmised.

"As expected of—actually, who the fuck is Toe-ji?" Klaus scratched his head, unable to recall such an individual appearing in the first season of the anime.

Giggling, Ai explained, "The Zen'in clan's stain, due to not having any cursed energy, but in return he was blessed with a Heavenly Restriction that gave him superhuman strength.

He's known as the Sorcerer Killer, due to being able to kill even First-grade sorcerers." By the time she finished her explanation, the slime girl was already enveloped in a hug.

"I guess you're my lucky charm." Blushing was the only thing the Shoggoth could do in this situation.

Grinning, Klaus stared at the planet, "You heard my lovely girl's words, right? So give me the same restriction as this Toe-fucker or—"




"—I'll kill myself."


Hope you enjoyed the chapter~

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