12.12% Reincarnated as Naruto with Sukuna's Powers / Chapter 4: Chapter 2: The Monster and the Flapping Butterfly

บท 4: Chapter 2: The Monster and the Flapping Butterfly

Naruto stood in the eerie stillness, taking in the sight of his own soul. The air was thick with a metallic scent, the kind that clung to the back of one's throat and refused to let go.

Bones littered the ground, remnants of the countless lives he had taken in his previous existence. His soul shone red.

He felt taller, more imposing, as if he had grown into a different form. He glanced down and saw that he was ankle-deep in blood.

The reflection staring back at him from the blood's surface was not his own; it was an adult version of Sukuna, minus the four arms, clad in a black haori and white kimono.

"Well, that was not something that I expected. Looks like the Sukuna skill will affect more than I previously thought." He didn't expect to see an adult Sukuna staring back at him when he gazed below.

His eyes moved forward, locking onto the shrine that stood at the heart of this grim landscape. This was his domain, the core of his being where his cursed technique was strongest.

"Well, this was expected. Anyways, I shouldn't waste much time. I've come here to 'eat' Asura."

He closed his eyes and concentrated, reaching deep within himself. The process was slow, each second stretching into eternity. But finally, he found him. Asura was there, suspended in a frozen state, his chakra barely a whisper.

"What a pity."

Naruto walked towards Asura. He had honestly expected a big battle to absorb Asura, but this was rather anti-climactic. He had wanted to see, how he would fare against Asura in a battle for souls.

"This is just asking to be absorbed."

Naruto couldn't help but think. 'If I get stuck in the process of becoming stronger, will I also be frustrated and pass myself down to the younger generation in search for salvation?'

"How pathetic."

That statement wasn't for Asura but rather for himself.

How pathetic of him to even consider such a thing.

"You can deny me son. But you can't deny that what I put you through made you the monster that you are today. I, your father, carved you to rise above the herds of sheeps that this world is filled with."

The words of his father when he had left to start a family resonated in his mind.

He looked at his palms. 'As much as I hate him, I can't deny that he made me capable.'

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

'If I have to become a monster to bring them back, then so be it.'

He refuses to be like Asura, a man who died full of regrets and is now just a commodity that's passed down just to fight with his brother with daddy issues.

He opens his mouth and bites Asura's head off.

He has become the monster again.





Naruto, having gained newfound strength, moved his body with deliberate intensity. He clenched his fists, feeling the raw power surge through his small frame.

'Hahahaha! I was successful!' he exulted.

At last, he had finished absorbing Asura's chakra and had even altered his genes to inherit all the unique qualities of the Uzumaki clan.

'Let's see how my chakra feels now,' he mused, curiosity and excitement bubbling within him. 'After integrating Asura's, the Uzumaki's powers...'

He willed his chakra to ripple outward, astonished and more than satisfied by its transformed quality. 

'This is it!' he grinned, triumph sparkling in his eyes.

Meanwhile, Kushina, sensing the dense chakra emanating from within her, looked down at her trembling body. 

'Now, let me absorb that chakra Kurama has been leaking out!' he thought. The malevolent chakra was ravaging his mother's body, weakening her as her pregnancy progressed.

'Come to daddy!' Naruto directed the leaking chakra from the seal directly to his mouth, greedily consuming it. 'How delicious!' he grinned, a sense of exhilaration flooding him.

Suddenly, Kushina's strength abandoned her, and she dropped to her knees, a surge of worry overcoming her. 

"What is going on?" she whispered, clutching her stomach where the seal was. She moved her clothing aside to see her stomach, the seal pulsing with a pain she hadn't felt since the day she became a jinchūriki.

Naruto, who had learned to see souls, instantly realized what had happened to Kushina. 'Shit! I absorbed too much at once!'

Utilizing the Uzumaki's Heal Bite's property of transferring chakra and Sukuna's knowledge of the Reversed Cursed Technique, he instantly started healing his mother.

Suddenly, Kushina felt her strength return to her. The seal continued to pulse, but the pain was gone, as if it wasn't there at all. This was not supposed to happen. She knew what the pulsing seal meant—it signified that the seal was weakening, and it was supposed to hurt her.

"Naruto..." she murmured, her hands lovingly patting her stomach where her son lay, though her voice was fraught with concern. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and her breath came in ragged gasps.


(A day later)

The room was bathed in the warm glow of evening light filtering through the windows of Minato and Kushina's house. The air hummed with a tension that was palpable, though it was softened by the presence of familiar faces. Minato, his face drawn with fatigue, leaned against the doorframe, watching Kushina with a concerned yet relieved expression. Jiraiya sat cross-legged on the floor, his usual jovial demeanor replaced with a serious, contemplative look.

"Minato, you look like you've been through the wringer," Jiraiya said, breaking the silence. His voice was light, but his eyes were sharp, taking in every detail of Minato's exhaustion.

Minato managed a tired smile. "It's been a long day dealing with the village. I'm glad you're here, Jiraiya-sensei. I need you to handle this. I'm not at my best right now."

Kushina, sitting beside Jiraiya, shifted nervously. Her hands rested protectively on her growing belly. "The seal... it's weakened more," she began, her voice steady but tinged with worry. "I felt Naruto's chakra spike unnaturally before Kyuubi's chakra started being drawn towards him. Since that day, the seal hasn't felt the same."

Jiraiya frowned, leaning in closer. "That shouldn't have happened. Let me see." He placed his hands over Kushina's, his fingers moving in intricate patterns as he channeled his chakra to observe the seal. His face grew more serious with each passing second.

"Kyuubi's chakra is being absorbed," he said finally, his voice low. "This has indeed weakened the seal, just as you suspected."

Kushina nodded, a mixture of relief and anxiety crossing her face. "But... it hasn't affected me negatively. In fact, I feel stronger. Could it be because of Naruto?"

Jiraiya's eyes widened slightly. "That's an interesting hypothesis. The kid does have an immense chakra for his age. Let me check something." He closed his eyes, summoning the two elder toads.

He planned to use Senjutsu to check Kushina's situation as in Sage Mode he was far more sensitive to chakra.

With a puff of smoke, Fukasaku and Shima, the two elder toads, appeared beside him.

"Congratulations again, Kushina," Fukasaku croaked, a smile in his voice.

"Thank you," Kushina replied with a small smile, her anxiety easing slightly at the familiar, friendly faces.

Jiraiya promptly explained the situation.

"Then, let's start immediately, Jiraiya-chan. We must not waste time, " Fukasaku croaked. Shima nodded in agreement. Both the elder toads then jumped on Jiraiya's shoulder.

After a while, Jiraiya managed to get into Sage Mode.

Jiraiya focused, sensing the intricate interplay of chakras within Kushina. "The strength you feel is because Naruto is giving you healing chakra continuously," he said, his voice filled with amazement. "This is crazy... Kyuubi's chakra should be harming you, but Naruto is actively healing all the damage."

Minato's eyes widened in shock. "So our hypothesis was right. Naruto is responsible for the seal weakening, but he's also the one absorbing Kyuubi's chakra and healing you."

Kushina's eyes sparkled with a mixture of pride and wonder. "It might be the Uzumaki healing trait," she mused.

Jiraiya nodded slowly. "It's possible, but it feels too deliberate, too precise, like someone is making a conscious effort to heal."

"Will this impact Naruto negatively?" Minato asked, his concern for his unborn son evident.

"We need to get the medic nin to check on the situation," Jiraiya said. "But from what I can see, Kushina is only getting positive feedback from the chakra being absorbed by the child."

Kushina's face lit up with a radiant smile. "My son is protecting me before he's even born! Just wait until I tell everyone. He's going to be a genius, I know it!"

Minato chuckled softly, though his eyes remained troubled. "I'm happy for you, Kushina. But I can't help but worry about Naruto."

Kushina's smile softened, her hand resting on her belly. "I understand, Minato. I'm a bit worried too, but for some reason, I have this strange confidence in our son's ability to remain well."

Jiraiya leaned back, his mind racing with thoughts. 'If this isn't just the Uzumaki healing traits at work, then Konoha has gained something extraordinary...something monstrous.'


(Two weeks later)

The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows over the village of Konoha as Kushina and Minato made their way through the bustling streets. Despite the warm glow of the late afternoon, a sense of unease lingered between them. For the past two weeks, they had visited countless doctors and medics, searching for someone who could help them understand Naruto's unique situation. Yet, each time they were met with the same disheartening conclusion: any direct interference with the baby while in womb could have severe and lasting consequences.

Minato glanced at Kushina. "We'll find someone, Kushina. There has to be a way to ensure Naruto's well-being without risking his health."

Kushina nodded, though her eyes betrayed her frustration. "I know, Minato. It's just… every time we get close to an answer, it feels like we're back to square one. I'm worried about our son."

As they turned a corner, heading towards the location of a retired medic nin for advice, Kushina's steps faltered. A strange sensation washed over her, a prickle of unease that made her heart skip a beat. She glanced around, her eyes narrowing as they landed on a figure partially obscured by shadows. A man, or something resembling one, stood watching them with an intensity that sent chills down her spine. Instinctively, she tightened her grip on Minato's hand.

Minato followed her gaze, his senses alert. "What is it, Kushina?"

"I… I don't know," she replied softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I felt something… something off about that person."

Minato narrowed his eyes, he couldn't pinpoint the person Kushina was referring to. He couldn't sense anything abnormal.

The figure shifted slightly, and for a brief moment, Kushina caught a glimpse of pale skin and dark eyes. Her heart raced, and she felt a surge of negative emotions—anger, fear, and something she couldn't quite place.

Minato who finally noticed the weird man, moved forward to deal with him immediately however the figure, seeing that, seemed to tense up before quickly disappearing into the crowd.

Minato frowned, his expression turning serious. "Stay close to me. We'll have to keep our guard up."

Unbeknownst to them, the figure was Zetsu, a being created by Madara Uchiha and loyal to Obito. Zetsu's heart pounded as he moved away, his mind racing. The fact that Kushina had sensed him was alarming. He needed to inform Obito immediately. She was more perceptive than they had anticipated, and this could complicate their plans.

Back in the relative safety of their home, Kushina paced the floor, her thoughts a whirlwind of worry and suspicion. "Who was that man, Minato? And why did I feel such a strong reaction to him?"

Minato, seated at the table, rubbed his temples. "I don't know, but we can't ignore this. We need to be cautious, especially now. I'll have ANBU look into it."

Meanwhile, far from the village, Zetsu reported to Obito, recounting the encounter and the heightened vigilance of Kushina and Minato. Obito's eyes narrowed, his mind calculating. The situation was more complex than he had anticipated, but he was nothing if not adaptable.

"We'll have to move carefully," Obito said, his voice cold and measured. "Kushina seems to have developed the same sensing capabilities like Mito once did. She has become more perceptive than we gave her credit for."

Zetsu nodded, his unease still lingering. "I think I can no longer monitor Kushina. She can sense me now. "

"We can no longer proceed with the plan to attack on the day of birth. Keep your distance from Kushina. But make sure to keep your eye on everyone other than her. I'll think of something long term."

As Zetsu melted back into the shadows, the village of Konoha remained blissfully unaware of the looming threat.


(A week later)

As the days passed, the search for a suitable doctor continued fruitlessly. Every lead led to the same conclusion: direct interference with Naruto was too dangerous. The frustration grew, and so did the sense of dread that something unseen was moving against them.

Kushina often found herself staring out the window, her hand resting protectively over her belly. The encounter with the strange man haunted her. It was served as a constant reminder that their enemies were closer than they realized. Minato did his best to reassure her, but even he couldn't hide his concern.

One evening, as they sat together in the quiet of their living room, Minato spoke softly. "We will find a way, Kushina. Naruto is strong, just like his mother. We just need to be patient and careful."

Kushina smiled weakly, resting her head on his shoulder. "I hope you're right, Minato. For Naruto's sake, I hope you're right."


(A few days later)

The warm afternoon sun streamed through the windows of the Hokage's office, casting long, golden rays across the room. Minato sat at his desk, the stress of recent events evident in the lines of his face. Across from him, Jiraiya leaned back in his chair, his usual laid-back demeanor tinged with an uncharacteristic seriousness. Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, stood by the window, his eyes fixed on the bustling village below, lost in thought.

"We've exhausted all our options," Minato said, breaking the silence. "None of the medics we've consulted can help without risking Naruto's health. We're left with one choice: Tsunade-sama."

Jiraiya nodded, his expression grim. "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this. Tsunade's been away for so long, and convincing her to return won't be easy." He paused for a second before continuing.

 "But, I do have a plan to bring her back. Tsunade is in a difficult situation, financially. She's been on the run from debt collectors for a while now. If the village agrees to pay off all her debts she might return to help Kushina and Naruto."

Minato thought for a second and looked at Hiruzen who nodded, after all, Hiruzen's help was needed to convince the other Elders.

"The village will do what needs to be done," said Minato.

Jiraiya sighed, running a hand through his white hair. "Take care of things here. I'll bring her back."


(A week later)

Tsunade and Shizune were in the worst condition imaginable. Picture it: Tsunade, usually the picture of poise and strength, now looked like she'd been thrown out of a bar one too many times. And Shizune, ever the loyal companion, was right there with her, trying to keep things together but clearly fraying at the edges. They were basically like beggars at this point, hungry and thirsty.

Tsunade, with a half-empty bottle of sake in her hand and a slightly wobbling stance, broke the silence first. "Shizune, I'm tellin' ya... we need to rob a house. A rich landlord's house. We'll end this misery once and for all."

Shizune, who was nursing a small bowl of water as if it were the most precious thing on Earth, looked horrified. "Tsunade-sama, we can't just steal! What about your status? What would people think of you? They'd call you a thief!"

Tsunade snorted, then took a swig of sake. "A thief? Nah, they'd say, 'Tsunade always pays her debts!' Besides, how would they even know I stole it? I'm a ninja, remember? Stealth is kind of our thing."

Shizune's eyes widened. "Your status, Tsunade-sama! Have you forgotten that you're a legendary Sannin? What if someone saw us?"

Tsunade laughed, a sound somewhere between a chuckle and a hiccup. "Saw us? Shizune, please. If they saw us, they'd think they were hallucinating. Who'd believe the great Tsunade is out robbing houses like a common bandit? No one! That's the beauty of it."

Shizune sighed, rubbing her temples. "What if they recognize you and then they start spreading rumors? What if the headlines tomorrow read, 'Legendary Sannin Turns to Crime!'?"

Tsunade shrugged, looking as nonchalant as a drunk can. "Well, any publicity is good publicity. Besides, think about it: we'd be like Robin Hood. Steal from the rich, give to the poor... which is us. We'd be heroes with empty stomachs!"

Shizune shook her head, trying to be the voice of reason. "Tsunade-sama, this isn't a stand-up comedy routine. We can't just..."

Tsunade interrupted with a loud "ARGHH!" startling Shizune. "You know, Shizune, sometimes I wonder if I lost so much gambling because I hadn't turned to the dark side. Like, maybe if I'd just embraced it, I'd be swimming in riches now."

Shizune gave her a skeptical look. "Tsunade-sama, you're not making any sense. You're drunk."

Tsunade ignored her, mumbling, "There's no one on Earth who can help me in this situation. The debt I've built up is astronomical. Even my richest friends couldn't cover it."

She paused, then continued, her eyes wide with a tipsy revelation. "Maybe I should hire a shaman to summon my dead grandfather from heaven. Maybe he hid his wealth somewhere and never told anyone. Yeah, that's it! I'll ask him where he stashed the cash!"

Shizune put a hand over her face, shaking her head. "Tsunade-sama, that's just... no. You're grasping at straws."

Tsunade threw her hands up in exasperation. "Truly, throughout heaven and Earth, I alone am the broke one."

Shizune clasped her hands together and looked up at the sky, praying. "Sage of the Six Paths, please forgive Tsunade-sama. She's just drunk and desperate."

Just as Tsunade seemed on the verge of making a truly terrible decision, Jiraiya appeared, swaggering into view with his usual self-assured grin. "Hey, Tsunade, Shizune. What are you two plotting now?"

Tsunade growled, glaring at him. "What the hell do you want, Jiraiya?"

Jiraiya, who had been eavesdropping, gave her a cocky smile. "Throughout heaven and Earth, I alone can pay your debts."

Tsunade's eyes narrowed. "Oh, really? And how do you plan on doing that?"

"Well....there's a certain situation with Kushina."


(A few days later)

The soft rustle of leaves and the distant murmur of village life filled the warm evening air as Minato and Kushina sat together in their cozy living room. The tension of the past weeks seemed to hang over them like a lingering cloud, despite the recent glimmers of hope.


There was a firm knock on the door. Minato rose to answer it, and moments later, Tsunade entered the room, her presence commanding and reassuring. Despite her usual toughness, there was a softness in her eyes as she looked at Kushina, a sign of the respect and concern she held for her.

"Tsunade-sama," Kushina said with a grateful smile, "Thank you for coming."

Tsunade waved a hand dismissively, though her eyes remained kind. "It's the least I could do. Minato saved my life once, and besides, this is important."

'I never saved her though,' Minato thought as a tick mark appeared on his forehead, 'Why doesn't she just admit, she's here for the money?'

She approached Kushina with a focused expression. "Let's see what's going on with that baby of yours."

Kushina lay back as Tsunade's hands hovered over her belly, her chakra flaring subtly as she employed techniques known only to her. Her eyes narrowed in concentration, and the room fell silent, the air thick with anticipation.

Minutes ticked by before Tsunade finally spoke, her voice a mixture of awe and curiosity. "Naruto has immense vitality. I've never seen anything like it. His chakra is... potent, almost overwhelming. And there's something else—it's poisonous."

Minato's eyes widened, and he exchanged a worried glance with Kushina. "Poisonous? What does that mean for Kushina?"

Tsunade shook her head slightly. "It's not affecting her negatively because... this is where it gets extraordinary. Naruto is using a healing technique, but it's something I've never seen before. It's incredibly precise. Healing jutsu, when overused, can cause cellular mutations, even cancer. But Naruto's technique is flawless. He heals just enough, as if he's a seasoned medic ninja."

Kushina's hand instinctively went to her belly, her eyes filled with wonder. She whispered with a smile. "He really is healing me..."

Tsunade nodded, her expression serious yet tinged with amazement. "Yes, it's remarkable. It resembles the Uzumaki healing trait because he's not using hand signs, and the healing chakra is emanating from his entire body. But it's more than that. He's not just regenerating cells; he's restoring them in a way that's almost like turning back time. I feel like I'm witnessing something divine."

The room fell silent as they absorbed Tsunade's words. Minato felt a swell of pride and an almost overwhelming sense of relief, yet his mind buzzed with questions. "Is this something that could harm him, Tsunade? Using such an advanced technique, even unconsciously?"

Tsunade considered this for a moment before answering. "It's hard to say. This is something unheard of. Nobody in the world is capable of such healing. Not even me! We need to monitor him closely, but from what I can tell, he's in no immediate danger. If anything, he's protecting Kushina in ways we didn't think possible."

Kushina's eyes shone with unshed tears, a mix of relief and overwhelming emotion. "My son... our son... he's already so strong, so special."

Minato pulled her close, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Yes, he is. And with Tsunade-sama here, we can ensure he stays safe and healthy."

Tsunade turned around, her face a mixture of contemplation and quiet admiration. "I'll be keeping a close eye on both of you. This is something extraordinary, and we need to understand it fully. But rest assured, I'll do everything I can to help."



You know at first I didn't write the part where Naruto decided to become a monster instead. I was done with the chapter yesterday but felt like I needed to work on it a bit more.

But, BladeZ_FN made a pretty funny comment where he wrote a scene of Asura and Sukuna. This made me think though. What's the use of having Sukuna's power if the main character isn't at least a bit crazy like Sukuna?

I thought about it and decided that since the background was suitable and since Asura needed to be absorbed, it presented the perfect opportunity. Rather than having him fight or at least get into any kind of contest, if he saw that even someone as strong as Asura, the son of the Sage of Six Path was so helpless, he would feel the need to become something more than he was currently. And that's where his father comes in, the one who made him the most perfect monster.

I will make him become somewhat monstrous to achieve his ultimate goal. It won't be fun otherwise.

And since I will not be posting much, I figured I'd give you guys a long chapter instead.

You better bless me with those stones and comments!! This is 2 weeks worth of content from me!!!

(I'm also uploading in ff.net, webnovel, royal road, and scribble hub btw.)

And with this the arc with him still in the womb has finished! Now, the next chapter will start with a time skip where has been born for sometime(won't give you much spoilers but he'll be able walk and talk hehehe)

And if you have any suggestions, please tell me about them. I'm all ears.

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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