
ตอน 30: Is that a Rubik's cube?

(A/N: It is I, Rock-Man. Cousin of Iron Man. I require your help! Donate me power stones to make me stronger!

Surprise chapter for you all! I hope you enjoy it, please leave a review on the novel. It would really help.)


Robin's eyelids fluttered open, sunlight warming her face. She turned away from the window, greeted by the sight of Kasper peacefully asleep. He looked so different, softer, unguarded. A smile tugged at her lips as she brushed a stray hair off his forehead and planted a quick kiss there. Slipping out of bed, she headed for the bathroom.

Just as she reached for the door, Robin's foot caught on a crack in the floor by the entrance. The wood hadn't been broken yesterday; she was sure of it. She'd scanned the room before settling in. Frowning, she glanced back at Kasper. His clothes were the same, no sign of him leaving during the night. Maybe it happened before we rented the room, she thought, deciding to ask him later. Pushing the thought aside, she stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

The moment the door clicked shut, Kasper's eyes snapped open. He'd woken up when Robin stirred, his senses keeping him alert even in sleep. "She noticed," he murmured, following her movements. A strange mix of emotions flickered across his face. "She'll figure it out soon enough."

He stretched, a low groan escaping his lips. Now what? The wheels were in motion. The world would know his name, the Admiral's death wouldn't stay buried. He could practically feel the bounty on his head skyrocketing, making them even more infamous. He thought of Ace, of his capture, of the looming war. So much to do, so little time. 

Kasper was lost in thought, the weight of his plans pressing down on him. The soft click of the bathroom door pulled him out of his reverie. Robin emerged, fully clothed and her eyes sparkling with the familiar glint of someone eager to explore. "Good morning!" she chirped, her smile radiating sunshine.

Kasper rose and met her halfway, pulling her into a warm embrace. He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Morning, beautiful. Ready for another adventure?" He released her and strode towards the door, casting a glance back. Robin, her smile unwavering, simply nodded and followed close behind.

Kasper and Robin stepped out of the hotel, greeted by the bustling energy of the town. People hurried past, a symphony of morning errands and daily routines. Kasper turned to Robin, his gaze lingering for a moment. "Food first, then explore?" he suggested, taking her hand and leading her towards a nearby cafe.

Inside, they found a quiet corner and settled in. Both ordered the daily special, falling into a comfortable silence as they waited.

Suddenly, a hushed conversation at the bar cut through the cafe's background chatter. A fish-man, his scales catching the sunlight, was speaking to a friend. "Hody and his crew..." he lowered his voice, "found this morning. Apparently, one of their own stumbled upon them. Thousands dead, slaughtered like fish."

Robin's head snapped up at the news, her eyes flitting to Kasper. A knowing spark flickered in his gaze, a silent confirmation. She didn't need words. She understood he'd explain later.

"The worst was Hody," the fish-man continued, his voice thick with morbid fascination. "Tortured, they say. Arms ripped clean off, head crushed. Who could be so brutal?" He shook his head, eyes wide. "Guards are searching everywhere. Talk is, a human crew. Hundreds strong."

Kasper smirked. Hundreds strong? He knew better. No one would believe a single guy snuck in and caused that kind of carnage. He was betting his reputation on it.

Their food arrived, and they made polite conversation, effectively pretending the overheard news wasn't a bomb dropped right in their laps. After finishing their meal, they left a hefty tip and continued their exploration. Robin, drawn to the unique styles, stopped at every women's clothing store they passed. The Fishman Island fashion scene was a whole new world compared to anything she'd seen above the waves.

Kasper, all the while, kept his senses sharp. He watched the flustered guards accosting any pirate group remotely large enough to have taken down the New Fishman Pirates. Each interrogation seemed to end in frustration for the authorities.

Finally, they'd exhausted all the interesting sights. The remaining options were off-limits, like the Imperial Castle, or simply uninteresting. Kasper, a hint of boredom battling a satisfied contentment with their exploration, turned to Robin. "Hey," he said, a mischievous glint in his eye, "how about a surprise? But we'll need the ship." Before she could even respond, he grabbed her arm, a playful tug, and led her towards the docks. They found their ship and hopped aboard.

"Where?" Robin questioned, her voice laced with amusement as she adjusted her grip from being yanked along. "Spoils the surprise, doesn't it?" Kasper countered with a playful grin, his eyes sparkling with mischief. He commanded the location, and the ship hummed to life, diving smoothly beneath the waves.

For an hour, they journeyed northeast, leaving the bustling island behind. Robin, unable to contain her curiosity, kept glancing out at the ever-deepening blue. Finally, the ship lurched to a halt.

Peering through the water, Robin's breath caught in her throat. An underwater forest stretched before them, sunlight filtering through the turquoise water to illuminate a breathtaking scene. But that wasn't all. Scattered across the seabed, like fallen giants, were hundreds, maybe even thousands, of shipwrecks. It was a graveyard of vessels, each one a silent testament to past voyages.

"This is it?" Robin asked, a touch of disappointment flickering in her voice. "It's amazing, sure, but I thought..."

Kasper chuckled, his hand finding hers. "There's more," he promised, his voice laced with a hint of something else–excitement, maybe even anticipation. "Just wait."

The ship glided silently until it reached the edge of the underwater forest, sunlight dappling the turquoise canopy overhead. Kasper hopped off first, disappearing into the swaying kelp. Robin, a spark of curiosity reignited, followed close behind.

As they ventured deeper, the vibrant flora and fauna of the forest unfolded around them. Bioluminescent jellyfish pulsed like living lanterns, and brightly colored fish darted between the coral formations. Robin couldn't help but be captivated by the otherworldly beauty.

Suddenly, Kasper stopped, his gaze fixed on something ahead. He nudged Robin forward with a conspiratorial grin. "Get ready, Robin. This might just make your day."

They pushed through a thicket of seaweed, and Robin gasped. There, nestled amongst the swaying kelp, stood a colossal blue cube. Its sheer size dwarfed the surrounding trees, its surface etched with intricate markings. Shock, bewilderment, and a flicker of pure joy washed over Robin's face. A Poneglyph. It was truly a Poneglyph, standing right before her eyes.

"Kasper..." she stammered, her voice barely a whisper. "How? When? Where did you...?" Words seemed to fail her as she darted between the Poneglyph and Kasper, her eyes wide with a mix of disbelief and burning curiosity.

"Day made, wouldn't you say?" Kasper beamed, his happiness radiating towards Robin.

She remained silent, drawn towards the Poneglyph like a moth to a flame. Reaching out, her fingers traced the ancient script, a language etched into her memory through years of painstaking study. As she deciphered the glyphs, her expression morphed into one of serious concentration. The inscription spoke volumes, revealing a truth she hadn't expected.

"Joy Boy..." Robin murmured, the name unfamiliar. "Who is he? This is the first I've encountered it." Her eyes scanned further, devouring the text. "He... promised to bring Fish-Man Island to the surface... an apology? Did he fail to keep his promise?"

Robin stood frozen, grappling with the weight of the revelation. She pivoted towards Kasper, who approached with a solemn expression mirroring her own.

"Joy Boy," he began, his voice low, "is a name the World Government has buried deep. He represents, perhaps, their greatest historical blemish."

Robin's brow furrowed. "What do you know about him?" she pressed, her archaeologist's curiosity burning bright.

Kasper shrugged, a touch of mystery lingering in his gaze. "Not much, truthfully. But the Poneglyph seems to paint him as a liberator, someone who fought for a world free from oppression. More than most could ever grasp." He paused, a flicker of something akin to sadness crossing his features. "But life, as they say, rarely adheres to wishes and dreams. Joy Boy... well, he met his end. Erased from history by those who sought to control the narrative."

Robin's gaze darted back to the Poneglyph, her mind racing. "There's more, isn't there?" she challenged, her voice laced with a hint of suspicion. The glint in Kasper's eyes, the way he spoke of Joy Boy–it all hinted at a deeper knowledge he wasn't sharing. "What else are you hiding about him, Kasper?"

Kasper chuckled internally, Robin's eagerness both endearing and slightly amusing. "Wouldn't want to steal all the fun, would I?" he teased. "The Poneglyph itself tells the story. Joy Boy, a liberator, a symbol of freedom. But even legends can fade, their stories twisted or erased by those in power." He paused, a hint of defiance glinting in his eyes. "But the Poneglyph whispers of a return. The embers of his legacy may be buried, but they haven't been extinguished."

Robin shot him a sharp look. "A return? You said he's dead! Or was he... hiding? Tell me everything!" Her voice was laced with a playful urgency, and she playfully shook him, her archaeologist's fire burning bright.

Kasper was about to elaborate when a tremor ran through his senses, a faint flicker of his Haki. Someone, or something, was approaching their ship outside the forest. "Looks like we have some unexpected company," he said, a wide grin replacing his seriousness. "Let's head back and greet them, shall we? I promise I'll explain more later."

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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