42.1% Mage King in Amalgam-Verse (Marvel) (DC) (HP) / Chapter 8: 8 - Making Ripples

บท 8: 8 - Making Ripples

{Ministry of Magic, London}

{2nd August 1989}

Camilla was infuriated with the Ministry of Magic.

Yes, the name 'Ministry of Magic' implied that it was magical, and it was– they had entered through a magical phone booth, there were all sorts of things flying through the air, and there were more wizards and witches than she could count.

Nevertheless, even if it was magical, it was still a governing body.

First she had to register her family, her House– surprisingly, the Brooke family had been around for quite a long time, and that brought complications.

When it came to 'House titles,' there was a variety of options–

They ranged from Most Ancient House, Most Noble House, Ancient House, Noble House, and then there was just House of Brooke.

Thankfully, Matty had gotten both of them robes for this meeting.

Regardless, the Ministry really, really didn't want to make them nobility.

After seven grueling hours, dozens of shouting matches, and having to flare up her mana multiple times, Camilla finally managed to found the Ancient and Noble House of Brooke, and designate her owner, her master, her deity, her Matty as Heir Brooke.

The kicker had been Matty 'revealing' the existence of his heir ring, and her house ring.

There was a bit of an uproar over this, and Camilla had been told that "the fate of your House will be discussed at a later date," but for now, she was a noble.

Even if it had taken forever, the idea that she had successfully argued her way into nobility when, not even five years ago, she was a muggle, was hilarious to her.

The Ministry of Magic was under the impression that House Brookes had been an isolated magical family for nearly 400 years, when in reality, it had been only three... and her supposed heir, Matteo, wasn't even her real son.

'Or, well...' Camilla blushed, 'I guess he kind of is.'

That was another one of Camilla's fetishes– she had a thing for anything sacrilegious.

Camilla would never go against her own deity, Matteo, for he was her everything, but the fact that Matty was her adopted son, that Matty was bedding multiple women, including her, and that she was worshiping a human male as a god... it was all a massive turn on for her.

And while Camilla hadn't been able to get Matty to call her 'mommy,' he had surprised her by using Restructure on her, remodeling the building blocks of her body... making her Matteo's biological mother.

Not to mention that Matteo had gone the extra mile, rewriting government documents, subtly influencing the minds of a decent number of people... just to make it that, to everyone that wasn't Matteo and his women, Matteo was Camilla's blood-related son.

It got her hot just thinking about it.

And after two more hours, they were able to found House Shaffer, Vassal House to the Ancient and Noble House of Brooke.

Chloe Shaffer was their cock-slut, after all.

'I wonder how many wizard heirs are fucking their mothers,' Camilla thought idly.

Then, after a full day of bickering, they had to come back the next day.

Camilla had to register her physical house this time, and luckily that only took about twenty minutes to get in order. She also managed to schedule a 'Floo Installment,' but she was told it would take up to 11 weeks for someone to stop by and set it up for her.

Utterly ridiculous.

She had the option to pay extra and bring that down to 4 weeks, which she did.

Still a bit ridiculous, but oh well.

Then she had to take an 'Apparition Test,' where she was forced to learn what she deemed the worst form of transportation possible.

Camilla just couldn't comprehend it. 'Who invents a form of teleportation that's obnoxiously loud, makes you dizzy and nauseous, CAN KILL YOU, and then keeps it around?!'

Instead of 'Apparating,' she was just going to warp about normally while manifesting a loud cracking sound. So much safer, simpler, and easier.

Then last but not least, there were her OWLs and her NEWTs.

Or rather, her Ordinary Wizarding Levels and her Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests.

In a flash, Camilla and Chloe's free time was slashed. In just a few weeks, the both of them would be forced to sit through exam, after exam, after exam.

The entire examination process was going to take months.

But that was future Camilla's problem.

Since they were finally finished with the rest of that nonsense, and she was now a 'certified half-blood,' Camilla would finally get to explore the fabled Diagon Alley with Matty.

They were going to go wizard shopping!

She couldn't wait.


{Diagon Alley, London}

{3rd August 1989}

As the three of them walked through the Leaky Cauldron and into Diagon Alley, Matteo, Camilla, and Chloe couldn't help but be awed by the sight.

"Wow..." Chloe murmured.

"Doesn't it– doesn't look like everything's about to fall over?" Camilla asked. "This whole alley looks like it's an earthquake away from total collapse."

Matteo rolled his eyes. Camilla would learn sooner or later to stop trying to make sense of wizards. Regardless, the way the magical alleys of London were hidden from the mundane was quite a nifty piece of magic.

"Let's get on with it," Matteo ordered.

"Oh, right..." Camilla grumbled. "We're famous now."

Even though their faces hadn't made the Daily Prophet, their names and descriptions did. Funnily enough, it seemed like founding a new House was quite a big deal... so the resurgence of an Ancient and Noble House, well, that was big enough to make the front page.

House Brooke was the first to do so in over a century.

People were already looking their way.

Well, Matteo knew that Camilla and Chloe were bound to draw attention, the stunning witches that they were. He might've been blessed with the physique of a Greek God, but that physique was covered by his robes– not to mention that he was barely 11.

And no respectable witch would be pining after a child– well, besides Camilla and Chloe.

As well as all of his devoted maids.

'But still, Diagon Alley...' Matteo was blown away.

Not by the magic, no, but by the fact that he was standing in Diagon Alley, something that, not long ago, had just been words on a page to him. For Matteo, fiction had become real.

If Matteo wasn't such a big Harry Potter fan, he probably would've outright rejected his Hogwarts invitation. There wasn't much he could learn here, if anything at all.

As for the state of the 'Harry Potter universe,' well, things were different. Very different.

Harry Potter was still the boy-who-lived, but his parents were both alive. Sirius Black was not only a free man, but was even Lord Black. And Peter Pettigrew had been outed as a traitor, and was most likely dead. Probably. Maybe.

"Let's actually test that theory..." he muttered. With a subtle scrying spell, low and behold, Matteo now knew that the rat was actually alive.

Who would've thought.

Harry also had two younger sisters– Ruth and Dawn Potter.

Those were the only major differences that Matteo was able to find, at least, after spending a few days in the wizarding world.

With a little more scrying, Matteo could also tell that Voldemort's wraith was still out and about, somewhere in Albania.

His soul shards were still out there too.

'At the very least, I should make sure that psycho fucker dies,' Matteo decided.

The most pressing matter, however, was that Harry Potter wasn't 11 like he was– the ever so famous boy-who-lived was only 9, both of their birthdays being just last week.

Matteo would be starting his life at Hogwarts two whole years before Harry.

He had two entire years to seep his nasty little claws into canon, mucking up everything he could as much as possible. When it came to messing with the plot, Matteo wasn't all that worried for two reasons– one, he was ridiculously powerful, and two, canon as he knew it was already ruined.

Camilla looked over his letter, "Let's see... we need robes, a hat, gloves, a cloak, a bunch of books, a wand, a cauldron, phials... we're going to be here forever..."

Matteo scoffed. "Quit pouting, this won't be like the Ministry."

"Yesh..." Camilla said, in a tone that very much didn't suit a mother. Luckily no one seemed to be paying attention.

Getting his things was a simple affair.

Even though most shops didn't take 'muggle money,' that wasn't something that had any affect on Matteo. With a bit of concentration, he reconfigured the atoms in the surrounding air, quite literally pulling Galleons out of his ass.

Camilla's surprise when she pulled coins out of her wallet was especially amusing.

And while there were a few pairs of parents and children shopping about, all of them seemed to be keeping to themselves, so they did the same. Not only was Matteo able to find everything that he needed for school, but he was only allowed things of the highest quality.

As Camilla had put it, "Only the best for my wittle Matty~!"

Matteo was going to spank her later.

Camilla also got some designer robes for herself and Chloe, a wizarding radio, as well as a few other household items. She also put in an order for three Comet 260s, which were set to arrive in the next two weeks. Camilla had said something along the lines of "what kind of witch would I be if I didn't have a broom?"

Matteo was willing to humor her.

As for his own robes, though... even if Matteo had gone through the effort to buy them at Madam Malkin's, he was more than likely never going to wear them.

For he had Charlotte.

Black hair, hazel eyes, and pale skin, Charlotte was on the shorter, suppler side. The petite noirette was one of his cuter maids... but at the moment, she was unrecognizable.

For Charlotte was a mutant. Dubbed 'Mold,' Char's mutation gave her control over her own body, allowing her to quite literally sculpt her very self. She had total control over the movement of every single one of her cells, almost like she was a living liquid.

It was a wonderful mutation... but it had one major downside.

Without precise control, she would unravel.

Unable to hold herself together, Charlotte was slowly losing herself, piece by piece. Her cells flaking off and vanishing into the surrounding air, no longer a part of her. She had been all but doomed to slowly waste away... and then she had met Matteo.

Her owner, her master, her deity.

The one that had not only saved her, but helped her train and grow her mutation into something special. Helping Charlotte reach the point of being able to modify not only the shape, but even the color and texture.

The quiet, albeit reverent maid, not content with just serving Matteo, wanted to be his tool in every manner possible. Lost in her fanatic devotion, she came up with a rather arousing idea.

To be the very clothes that her master wore.

To have her petite body stretched thin over her owner, her master, her deity. Always being used. Always being worn. Always at the height of arousal. Only existing to accommodating her master's every need, Charlotte would most likely never do anything else ever again.

Just the thought itself was enough to bring her to climax.

And whilst Charlotte was constantly experiencing the heights of pleasure, Matteo now had the perfect set of clothes. Conscious, shapeshifting, self-repairing, always clean, and always craving to be wrapped around its master.


After three hours of seeing all that Diagon Alley had to offer, the three of them only had one thing left to purchase.

Matteo's wand.

Walking into Ollivander's shop, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious– what kind of wand would choose a wizard that didn't need a wand?

'Well, let's find out,' he thought.

"Welcome, miss... how odd, I don't seem to recognize you two. Seeing that you're both witches, I'll hazard a guess that both your wands are Gregorovitch's creations?"

Garrick Ollivander. Most definitely deranged, but as a genius of his craft who's done the same thing for nearly a century, he was bound to be a tad off.

Matteo wasn't going to judge the bloke too soon.

"No, I daresay our wands were made by my mother," Camilla answered.

"Oh? How intriguing. Can I ask her name?"

"You can, but be aware that my mother only gave away two wands before she passed- mine and hers," she gestured to Chloe. "Her name was Bianca Brooke."

Garrick's eyes widened. "Bianca Brooke? Pardon, would that make you one Lady Camilla Brooke?"

Camilla smiled. "It does."

"Tis a shame," he said, his eyes watering. "Minerva told me... to think that we'd not only lose another wandmaker, but we'd even loose her techniques..."

'Well,' Matteo thought, watching the man cry, not over a person, but over their lost wand making techniques, 'I guess he IS a little senile.'

"...I'd still like a wand for my son, Ollivander," Camilla said rather coolly.

"Of course, of course! Please step forward, my boy."

Ollivander then proceeded to measure him– why he needed to be measured for something like a wand, Matteo had no idea.

"Left or right handed?"

"Ambidextrous," he answered.

"Hmm... okay! Cherry wood, dragon heart-string, 12 inches, supple. Give it a go."

Matteo took the wand in his hand, and gave it a shake. A shower of lavender sparks shot out of its tip. Success.

"First try?" Ollivander asked no one, surprised. "That's rare, very rare... wait one second, let me try something. Just one second."

Ollivander took the wand from his hand, before coming back with another.

"Here. Maple wood, unicorn hair, 14 inches, springy."

Baby blue sparks filled the room. Success. Ollivander took the wand anyway.

"One second! Just one second!"

Ollivander scurried away with the wand, before returning with a new wand once more.

"If you were to ask anyone, I only use unicorn hairs, dragon heartstrings, and phoenix feathers for my wand cores, but there was a time when that wasn't true."

Matteo could sense something off with the wand this time. This one felt... feisty.

"When I was a wee lad, I wanted to make a wand that bites back! A wand that no one could ever hope to wield... and I managed to craft this beauty. Nearly a thousand wizards and witches have held this wand, all of them rejected."

Ollivander presented the wand.

"The wood of a whomping willow, the feather of a thunderbird. 13 inches. Unyielding."

Matteo held it in his hand. A shower of loud, bright golden sparks covered the room in its entirety. Success.

"HAHA! Yes, Yes! Oh, Heir Brooke, you are most certainly blessed by magic... or should I say you are blessed by wands? There might be a difference, after all."

Ollivander sighed fondly. "Hah... I can't wait to see what you do with that wand."

Well, there was a decent chance that he would never use it, but Matteo wasn't about to tell Ollivander that.




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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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