Allen's expression soured when he noticed that it was Lilian who had burst in unannounced. No one dared to be so careless around him. It was the second occasion she had stormed into his office without permission. The audacity of it all. He briefly evaluated her flawless figure with his eyes.
She possessed a curvaceous figure with finely sculpted hips. Her bosoms were of a moderate size and appeared firm. He quickly assessed her entire physique before fixing her with a chilling stare. His gaze nearly caused Lilian to freeze in place. However, she refused to be intimidated by his eyes or the frigidity they emitted.
"Allen, I won't tolerate this behavior from you. Where is my daughter?" She demanded, positioned directly in front of his desk, tapping impatiently.
My newest novel "Dragonborn: Mated to the Dragon King" is out!