41.91% Convict to King / Chapter 57: Here we go again

บท 57: Here we go again

They headed back inside the venue, where Hennessy, Lisa, Mariah, and Tasha were still chatting excitedly. Now, Belcalis had joined them, and when she saw Arell approaching, she looked up with a mixture of excitement and nerves.

"Hey, everyone," Arell greeted, flashing a warm smile. "Belcalis, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm Arell."

Belcalis smiled back, clearly trying to keep her composure. "Nice to meet you too, Arell. Thanks for the opportunity."

Arell waved it off modestly. "No problem at all. Geoffrey told me he went over everything with you."

Belcalis nodded. "Yes, he did. I think it sounds great. I'm ready to sign."

"That's great," Arell said, chuckling. "I'm glad to hear that."

Hennessy stepped in, beaming. "We're all really excited. Belcalis won't disappoint you."

Lisa, Mariah, and Tasha nodded enthusiastically, echoing Hennessy's sentiment.

"I believe it," Arell said, his tone reassuring. "Now, how about we head out for some ice cream?"

"Sounds good to me," Lisa said, grinning.

"Sure, why not?" Mariah added.

Belcalis smiled, feeling more at ease. "Ice cream sounds perfect."

With everyone in agreement, Arell led the group out of the venue and down the street to a nearby ice cream shop. As they walked, conversations flowed easily, and Arell enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere after the tension with Mr. Donnelly.

"So, Belcalis," Arell began, turning to her as they walked. "What kind of music inspires you?"

"Mostly hip-hop and R&B," Belcalis replied, her eyes lighting up. "I love how those genres let you tell real stories and connect with people such a personal way."

Arell nodded, appreciating her insight. "That's true. Music has a way of transcending barriers and connecting people. It's powerful stuff."

Belcalis nodded vigorously, her passion shining through, "Right That's exactly what I wanna do—create tracks that hit home for people, make 'em feel like they're not alone."

Arell shot her a sidelong glance, genuinely impressed, "That's a noble goal. And I believe you have the talent to achieve it."

Belcalis blushed slightly, thanking him with a smile. "Thanks, Arell. That means a lot to me."

As Belcalis fell quiet, Hennessy picked up the thread, "So, Arell, what's the game plan for your label?"

Tasha jumped in, "Yeah, you guys must have some big dreams, huh?"

Arell played it cool, "Oh, we're definitely setting things up for the long haul. Got a ton of groundwork to lay, but we're moving in the right direction."

Lisa chimed in, "It'll be exciting to see it all come together and Becalis here will help you all out alot."

In the background, Cam, Keeve, Jamal, and Rashad kept a watchful eye on the surroundings, their usual stoic demeanor barely hiding their interest in the conversation.

As they wandered along, Arell started noticing others recognizing him left and right. Getting all this attention was somewhat new to him, but he was rolling with it pretty well. Most of the time, people were chill about it, just giving him a shout-out or a wave. Nothing too crazy, but it was cool seeing folks get excited.

"Ayy, Arell! What's good, man?" one guy shouted from across the street.

Arell waved back, smiling. "What's up, bro?"

Another group of people stopped to take pictures. "Yo, Arell! Can we get a pic with you?" a young woman asked, her friends eagerly nodding beside her.

"Of course," Arell obliged, pausing to pose for a quick snapshot, a gesture that would have been unthinkable not long ago due to his usual caution.

Just then, an older man driving by slowed down, leaning out of his window. "Ay, you fucked that Reese boy up!" he exclaimed, a broad smile on his face. "You straight in Atlanta, son!"

Arell chuckled, giving him a thumbs-up. "Thanks, man!"

Internally, Arell marveled at the shift in his behavior. Once upon a time, he would have been far more guarded, hesitant to even walk outdoors like this.

But with Cam, Rashad, Jamal, and Keeve by his sid, and the fact that the system had given them better combat capabilities than himself, he felt a sense of security he'd never experienced before outside of Geoffrey's presence.

Though it sat oddly with him to admit it, they were essentially superhuman, albeit with the need for basic human necessities like sleep and food unlike Geoffrey.

Eventually they reached to the ice cream place, a small, cozy shop with a bright neon sign that promised "The Best Ice Cream in Town." The group filed in, filling the space with their lively chatter. The atmosphere was cheerful and relaxed.

Once everyone had their ice cream, they found a couple of tables and pushed them together to accommodate the group. They settled in, the conversation flowing easily as they enjoyed their treats.

"So, how did you all meet Arell?" Lisa asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

Arell's mind briefly flickered to the carefully crafted backstories they had prepared for such inquiries. Each member of his entourage had a role, a reason for being there that aligned with the narrative they wished to present to the world.

Cam, spoke up first, "I'm Arell's security guard. Been with him since he started getting recognized more and needed someone to watch his back."

Rashad followed, adding, "Met Arell through mutual friends. Ended up joining the label to help manage some of the operations."

Jamal chimed in, "I was brought on to handle the tech side of things."

Lastly, Keeve shared, "I linked up with Arell when he was looking for someone to oversee the financial aspects. Been keeping the books in order since."

As each member shared their connection to Arell, the girls couldn't help but notice the reserved demeanor of most of the men, with Jamal being the notable exception.

Observing the dynamic, Hennessy commented, "Y'all seem so quiet. Jamal's the only one who talks much."

Jamal chuckled at the observation, his laughter breaking the brief silence. "Guess I'm just the talkative one. These guys are more about action than words."

The conversation continued, flowing from topic to topic. They talked about music, their goals, and shared stories.

One of the girls asked, "So, Arell, what's the deal with your beef with Reese?"

Arell tensed slightly, but quickly masked it with a casual shrug. "It's just some old drama. We had a disagreement, and things escalated. But I'm not focused on that. I'm looking ahead, not back."

The questions shifted to lighter topics, much to Arell's relief. "Do you have a girlfriend, Arell?" Mariah asked teasingly.

Aisha flashed in his mind. They had been talking regularly, but it never got past being friends. "Nah, no girlfriend," he said with a smile. "Just focused on the music and the business right now."

The group around Arell continued chatting, the ice cream serving as a temporary distraction from the day's earlier tension. Suddenly, Hennessy gasped, her eyes wide with shock as she stared at her phone.

"Damn, y'all gotta see this!" Hennessy exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief

"What is it?" Lisa asked, leaning in.

Hennessy turned her phone around to show a video. "It's that crazy dude from YouTube, Welven Da Great. He's at your apartment apparently, wildin' out."

The others leaned in, their curiosity quickly turning to outrage as the video played. In the clip, Welven Da Great, was standing in front of Arell's apartment door. "Yo, what's good, y'all? It's Welven, and I'm at Arell's crib. You know, the dude who thinks he's tough, beefing with Lil Reese." He smirked at the camera, his tone mocking.

The video took a disturbing turn as Welven began to rant. "Man, fuck Arell's dead dad, his mom, his whole family! Ain't nobody safe from me!" He then proceeded to urinate on Arell's apartment door, laughing maniacally. "This is what I think of you, Arell! You ain't nothing!"

"Damn, that's crazy!" Belcalis said, shaking her head. "He really did that?"

Arell's face tightened as he watched the video. The casual, easygoing atmosphere of the ice cream shop was instantly shattered. "Let me see that," Arell said, holding out his hand.

Hennessy handed over the phone, and Arell rewatched the video, his expression growing more resolute with each passing second. After a deep breath, he handed the phone back. "I'll handle it," he said, his voice calm but firm. "But we gotta cut the night short. Sorry about this."

He turned to Keeve. "Keeve, get the Subaru and drop them off at their hotel."

"Got it, Arell," Keeve replied, immediately moving to carry out the request.

Belcalis, Hennessy, Lisa, Mariah, and Tasha exchanged looks, their expressions a mix of concern and understanding. "It's cool, Arell. Do what you gotta do," Belcalis said.

"We get it," Hennessy added. "Handle your business."

Arell nodded, appreciating their support. "Thanks, y'all. We'll catch up tomorrow."

The group exchanged goodbyes and headed off with Tariq.

As the girls walked away, Arell stood in front of the ice cream place with Cam, Keeve, and Jamal. The air was thick with tension.

"We can't tolerate this type of disrespect," Cam said, his voice low and dangerous.

Arell pulled out his phone, his expression grim. "I know. Let me call Geoffrey."

He dialed Geoffrey's number and waited as the phone rang. Geoffrey picked up, and Arell could hear chatter in the background. "Arell," Geoffrey greeted.

"Hey, Geoffrey. Did you get the vehicles yet?" Arell asked.

"We're actually signing the paperwork right now," Geoffrey replied. "We're getting two cars. You wouldn't believe the deal we found. For under $18,000, we're picking up a 2011 Honda Accord and a 2012 Ford Fusion. Both in excellent condition."

Arell nodded, though Geoffrey couldn't see him. "Good. Two cars will be perfect."

Geoffrey continued, "Kenny initially had his eye on something else, but I convinced him these were the better choices for our needs."

Arell interrupted, his tone serious, "Geoffrey, have you seen the video?"

There was a pause on the line, followed by a heavy sigh from Geoffrey. "What happened now, Arell?"

Arell explained the situation succinctly, detailing Welven's actions and the video circulating online. Geoffrey listened intently, his initial joviality replaced by concern.

"Arell, this is serious. We need to address it carefully. Public relations-wise, we should consider—"

Arell cut him off, "I understand, Geoffrey. But right now, I need to focus on handling this directly. PR can come later."

Geoffrey agreed, his tone firm. "Alright. What's the plan right now with the girls?"

"I sent them back to their hotel," Arell replied.

"Not in an Uber, right?" Geoffrey asked, a note of caution in his voice.

"No, I had Tariq take them home," Arell assured him.

"Good," Geoffrey said, sounding relieved. "Send me your location, we'll head over as soon as we finalize the paperwork."

"Fine," Arell said, his mind already racing ahead.

Geoffrey then asked, "How exactly do you plan on finding where this Welven person is?"

Arell went silent, thinking. "He won't be at the apartment waiting for us. That would be dumb," he mused aloud. Then, an idea struck him. "I'll ask Kamilah if she can help."

Geoffrey chuckled, "With how much that girl helps you with things like this, you might as well bring her into the team."

Arell hummed thoughtfully, "I might just do that."




Kamilah sat at her desk in the dental office, the monotony of her tasks weighing heavily on her. She had just finished typing up a series of emails and was now stuck listening to her boss rant about something she had long since tuned out. Her mind wandered, seeking any form of distraction.

Her phone buzzed once. She glanced at it briefly, assuming it was another message from her mom. "Not now, Mom," she muttered under her breath. "I can't deal with your bullshit." The phone buzzed again, more insistent this time. With a sigh, she picked it up, ready to silence it.

To her surprise, it was a message from Arell on Twitter. Instantly, a jolt of energy coursed through her. She read the message quickly:

"Hey Kamilah, need your help. Can you track down Welven Da Great? He pulled some shit at my apartment, and I need to find him fast."

Kamilah's boredom evaporated, replaced by a sense of purpose. She immediately began her search, starting with Welven's social media profiles. She knew Welven was notorious for broadcasting his every move online, which would be her key to locating him.

She opened Twitter first, scrolling through his recent tweets. Welven had tweeted about a half and hour ago, boasting about his antics at Arell's apartment. His arrogance was infuriating, but it also meant he was likely to keep posting.

Next, she checked Instagram. His latest post was a selfie taken in front of Centennial Olympic Park. "Still in downtown Atlanta," she murmured to herself, noting the timestamp. It was taken less than an hour ago.

Kamilah switched to Facebook, where Welven was even more active. She scanned his recent posts and comments. One comment in particular caught her eye—someone had tagged him in a post about a nearby club.

"Compound tonight, gonna be lit!" the post read. Welven had responded with a series of laughing emojis and a cryptic "Maybe, maybe not."

"Typical," Kamilah thought, rolling her eyes. She knew he thrived on the attention, always playing games with his followers.

She decided to dig deeper. She searched through his friends' and family members' profiles, looking for any additional clues. On his cousin's page, she found a picture of Welven and a group of people in front of The Varsity, a popular diner, taken earlier that day.

"He's sticking close to downtown," Kamilah deduced. "Probably hopping from place to place, showing off."

Her phone buzzed again. It was another message from Arell, asking for an update. Kamilah quickly typed out her findings:

"He's definitely in downtown Atlanta. Just posted a pic near Centennial Olympic Park and commented about hitting up Compound tonight. I'm digging for more info, but I'd bet he's sticking to the main spots around there."

Arell's reply was almost immediate. "Thanks, Kamilah. You're a lifesaver. Keep me posted if you find anything else."

Kamilah continued her search, now moving on to more obscure social media platforms and local forums. She found a thread on Reddit where people were discussing Welven's antics. Someone mentioned seeing him at The Clermont Lounge, a famous bar just a few blocks from Compound.

"Got you," she muttered, feeling a surge of satisfaction. She messaged Arell again:

"Looks like he's been spotted at The Clermont Lounge. I'll keep monitoring, but it seems like he's sticking to the downtown area."

Arell replied with a simple "Thanks, Kamilah."

Feeling accomplished, Kamilah leaned back in her chair. Her boss's rant had faded into the background, replaced by the thrill of the hunt. She took a deep breath, ready to keep an eye on Welven's movements and ensure Arell had all the information he needed.




Half an hour later, Arell was reading another message from Kamilah. The newly purchased 2011 Honda Accord rolled through downtown Atlanta, with Kenny behind the wheel and Malik riding shotgun.

"Yo, Kamilah says he's still near Clermont Lounge," Arell said, looking up from his phone.

Kenny nodded, "Ay, we gon' find him. Don't worry"

"Yeah," Malik added, scanning the bustling streets. "Wait, ain't that him there?" He pointed out a group of people gathered near a corner, with Welven Da Great at the center.

"Good eye," Arell said, signaling for Kenny to pull over. They parked, and the other vehicle, pulled up behind them.

As they exited the cars, the night around them buzzed with activity. Music blared from nearby clubs, people walked up and down the sidewalks, and some passersby started to recognize Arell, pointing and whispering excitedly.

Geoffrey, stepping out of the second car, called to Arell, "Now don't do anything dumb. Keep it cool."

Arell nodded, glancing back at Cam, Keeve, Jamal, and Rashad, who gave him reassuring nods. The group walked towards Welven, who was still engaged with his entourage, oblivious to their approach.

The closer they got, the more people noticed Arell, a few even calling out to him. He acknowledged them with brief nods, but his focus remained on Welven.

"Yo, Welven," Arell called out as they reached the group.

Welven turned, his face contorting from surprise to fear as he saw Arell and his crew. He took a small step back, trying to gauge the situation.

"Hey, bro," Arell started, his voice steady and calm as he placed a hand on Welven's shoulder which made Welven flinch back.

"I-I thought you were gonna hit me," Welven stammered, his voice trembling.

Arell held up his other hand in a calming gesture. "Nah, bro. I'm not here to fight. But I gotta say, that video you posted was mad disrespectful."

Welven swallowed hard, his eyes darting between Arell and his friends. "I didn't mean—"

Arell cut him off, "Talking about my family like that? Urinating on my door? That ain't cool, man. You gotta be more considerate."

Welven's friends began to edge away, sensing the tension. "I-I didn't mean no harm. Someone told me it would make me go viral, help me out after the 'Deez Nutz' video."

"Who told you that?" Arell asked, his voice softening slightly.

"A guy named Troy on Instagram. Said it would get me more followers, more attention." Welven admitted, his eyes wide and pleading.

Arell sighed, shaking his head. "You need to think about the consequences, bro. Doing stuff like that, it ain't worth it. You disrespected me, my family, and that's something you can't just take back."

Welven looked down, his disability and vulnerability clear in his demeanor. "I'm sorry, man. I didn't think..."

"I get it," Arell said, his tone a mix of frustration and understanding. "But you gotta understand, what you did was wrong. It's not just about going viral. It's about respecting people, even if you're trying to make a name for yourself."

Welven nodded, his fear giving way to guilt. "I won't do it again. I swear."

Arell looked at him, feeling a pang of guilt himself. Despite the anger he felt, he couldn't help but pity the man in front of him. "Alright, bro. Just remember, actions have consequences. Be more thoughtful next time."

Welven nodded vigorously, relieved that the situation wasn't escalating further. "Thank you, Arell. I really am sorry."

Arell stepped back, signaling to his crew. "Let's go," he said. They turned and walked away, the crowd parting to let them pass.

As they moved back towards their cars, people continued to recognize Arell, some even applauding his restraint. Geoffrey walked beside him, patting him on the back. "Handled that well, Arell."

Arell nodded, still processing the encounter. They climbed back into the cars, with Kenny and Malik in the front seats and Cam jumping in beside Arell in the back.

Kenny started the engine and looked back at Arell. "This ain't that Troy, right?" he asked, a note of suspicion in his voice.

Malik glanced at Arell, then nodded. "Definitely that Troy. The same one who always stirred shit up."

Arell sighed, rubbing his temples. "Reese just won't let this shit go."

Malik shook his head. "I'm surprised he hasn't come down to Atlanta and tried anything yet after you silenced him."

"Yeah," Arell muttered, pulling out his phone as it buzzed with a notification. "Oh, Kamilah's still sending updates. I'll tell her it's sorted."

But instead of typing a message, Arell saw that Kamilah had forwarded a video. He tapped on it, curiosity piqued. The video loaded, and his eyes widened as he recognized the setting.

It was from the official Reese account, clearly shot in a studio. The camera panned over a group of people, and one figure in the front stood out to Arell immediately. He muttered, "Durk."

Kenny's head whipped around. "What? Let me see."


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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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