"Practically none." The feeling of frustration came back suddenly. "And in college, they talk constantly about positive consent; enthusiastic consent. There are mandatory talks, videos, and more talks. I would have been thrilled to get some lukewarm consent, but I was getting nothing."
"So life sucked."
I nodded. "Pretty much. I was doing great in my classes; totally miserable outside of my classes. So anyway, Scott counseled Caleb and me. His big theme was that we had to treat each other with respect and consideration; no more badmouthing each other to other students; try to minimize the amount of time we spent together in our dorm room, but be nice when we were together. He had us role-play our disagreements in front of him to teach us how to disagree with respect and consideration."
Karen was following my story closely. "Did that work?"
"Some. One day, a light bulb went off over my head. Positive consent was bullshit. When I was about to get naked with a girl, I shouldn't suddenly start treating her with respect and consideration and not pressure her. I should have been doing that all along. And not just with girls - with anyone I met. Even when I was playing online games." I used to scream insults at team members in online games who weren't playing up to my standards. "After that, I took the counseling sessions with Scott a lot more seriously. Sadly, Caleb continued to be a jerk."
"Oh, that's terrible."
"Sort of. Once I started treating everyone with respect and consideration, I started meeting a lot more girls. And one girl wanted to see if I'd treat her with respect and consideration on a date. And when I did, she wanted to see if I'd treat her with respect and consideration when she had no clothes on. Caleb didn't bother me nearly as much once I was getting laid and he wasn't."
Karen rolled her eyes. "Guys."
"Yeah. Well, Caleb found a jerk who was compatible with his jerkiness. We switched roommates after the Fall semester, and my life improved IMMENSELY." I smiled. My enjoyment of college had really taken off once I had gotten rid of Caleb. "But my point is that I think you're a great person. I respect you. I treat you with consideration...most of the time. And I'm not going to pressure you to do anything you don't want to. I've made you aware of what I want, and the ball is now in your court. But don't do anything you won't enjoy."
Karen seemed a little reassured, but not convinced. I held out my hand a little above my desk. "I used to be focused on doing what I found fun, and it made me this happy." I raised my hand up a foot. "When I focused on doing what was fun for both me and the people I was with, it made me this happy." I put my hand back in my lap. "Doing what we do makes me very happy. I'm fine with that. Okay?" I stood up.
Karen continued to sit, so I sat down. She asked, "Do you know why I don't like parties, football games, movies, and concerts?"
"I don't like loud environments. They make me uncomfortable. The loudness doesn't bother me too much at first, but, eventually, all I can think about is getting out of there. Even if I want to be there."
"So you wouldn't have enjoyed my evening at the bar."
"And that's fine. I wish I had known. It used to piss me off so much when you complained about going to my football games. And then you never paid attention when you did go."
"I...I don't think I knew before. I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do at college. I've always been so defensive about not going to parties and such that I didn't give any thought as to why. Once I started thinking seriously about what I wanted to do at college, it kind of clicked about how I don't like loud environments."
"Okay. I promise to not pressure you to go to loud bars or movies, or any other thing that you don't want to do."
I stood up. Karen stood up. She seemed happier, but not totally convinced. She said, "Okay," and left.
* * * *
Sunday night, I went to a movie with Terrence and a few of his friends. When I got home, I talked with Karen in the craft room again. When I was done, I said, "Time for bed."
"Same for me."
Five minutes after I had turned off the light and had gotten into bed, I heard the door to my room open. I looked up to see Karen slip into my room. She put her finger over her lips as she approached my bed. She grabbed her nightshirt and pulled it off. Now, she was naked. I was shocked. Before I could say anything, Karen put her finger to her lips again to shush me. She grabbed my bedding and pulled it down to expose me. She wiggled her hand in the direction of my underwear, so I took it she wanted me to get naked. Once I took my underwear off, Karen climbed onto my bed and made a beeline for my flaccid cock, which she took into her mouth.
I was stunned. I had no inkling she had anything like this planned. She slid her lips up and down my shaft, encouraging my cock to spring to life. Her warm mouth felt great.
Karen was facing away from me, so her hips were to the right of my chest. I raised my right hand and put it on her butt. I was planning on moving it to her pussy and then to get her off while she got me off. In all of our game-playing, I had never seen her orgasm. Karen released my cock, wheeled around, and moved her upraised finger rapidly back and forth in the 'No' signal. Then she turned back and took my half-hard cock back into her mouth.
I decided to lie there and take it. She was in charge, and she'd let me know if she wanted me to do anything. She continued bobbing furiously on my cock. As it hardened, she took less and less of its length into her mouth. She was more enthusiastic than skilled, but I still loved it. Was this the first time she had given head? Waves of pleasure swept over my body as her mouth performed magic on my cock.
I reached out with my right hand and stroked Karen's thigh. That didn't draw a response. I let my hand glide up and down Karen's leg as she took my cock out of her mouth and did a quick lick up and down its full length. Then she swallowed what length she could and began bobbing up and down again.
This was heaven. This was amazing. I loved how my cock felt in her warm, wet mouth. I loved the sensation of her firm lips moving up and down my cock. I had no idea what triggered Karen's visit, but I loved it. I loved my sister.
I shook my head. Love was an inadequate term. I had loved my sister before the start of the summer. My feelings for her now were much different. I felt it was wrong to try to label them, to put them in some box. She made me very happy, and I hoped I did the same for her. That was as much I would define my feelings.
Karen switched to running her tongue up and down my shaft, which I loved. I stroked her skin, enjoying its warmth and smoothness. I was getting close. Should I warn her before I came? I decided against it - she had wanted us to not say anything.
We made surprisingly little sound. A little slurping and rustling, but nothing that our parents would hear. Karen took me back into her mouth again. She slid her warm mouth up and down my cock several times, pushing me to the edge. I decided on a warning sign - I spread my hand as wide as I could and then gripped the back of her thigh. I held it firmly as her amazing mouth made me come. Karen made a gagging sound when I started coating her tonsils, but didn't stop. She kept her mouth on my cock, sucking down what she could until I was drained.
Once I was done coming, Karen climbed off the bed. She threw on her nightshirt, gave me an exaggerated wink, and left the room.
* * * *
Tuesday night, Karen slipped into my room again. She tried a couple of new techniques and didn't gag this time. And again, neither of us spoke.
Wednesday night, I spent the evening hanging out with Karen in her craft room. I read the first Harry Potter book, and we discussed it a lot as I read and she worked.
Thursday when I got home from work, Karen was wearing a bright red bikini top and the same shorts as last week. She ran off to the living room, and I ended up shooting my load all over her back on the couch while she had her face pressed into the couch pillows. A towel had mysteriously been on the coffee table, and I used to clean off her back before sending her upstairs. I had the feeling she didn't want me to go for her tits this time, so I didn't. Karen didn't make a dessert that day, so, after dinner, I fed her some of my ice cream as we conspired in the kitchen.
Saturday, Karen and I picked up Grandma. We went to the grocery store again and then spent the day with Grandma, learning to cook. For dinner, Grandma coached Karen through eggplant parmesan. I had had no idea that a vegetable entree could taste so damn good or be so filling. Suddenly, being a vegetarian didn't seem so awful.
After dinner, we all sat around the table, drinking Grandma's favorite chianti and chatting pleasantly. Grandma asked Karen, "What crafting materials are you going to take to college?"
"None. I'm not going to craft when I'm at college."
"You aren't?" asked Grandma. It was hard to imagine Karen not crafting. "What are you going to do in your free time?"
"I'm going to have a boyfriend, and we're going spend a lot of time together dating." Karen's tone shifted considerably like she was almost throwing down a gauntlet. "I'm a very attractive young woman. I realize now that I had acted in high school in such a way that boys wouldn't be interested in me. I'm not going to do that in college. I've been researching this summer on how to wear makeup and how to dress more attractively." I looked over at Mom, and her mouth was opening and closing like a guppy that needed its water changed. "I'm confident there'll be a lot of boys who'll want to ask me out."
Grandma smiled. "You are an attractive young woman. And hopefully one of those boys will marry you someday."
Karen shook her head. "I am not going to college to meet a guy to marry. It might happen, but I'm doubtful. There'll be a lot of good-looking guys at college, and I want to date my share before I think about settling down." Karen looked at Mom and said firmly. "And I plan to enjoy all aspects of dating."
Suddenly, I was very glad Karen and I had been playing the game. She had not been anywhere close to this confident at the start of the summer. And I liked the new Karen as a person very much. I felt proud to have been a part of her transformation.
Mom looked furious; angry that her good girl would so forcefully renounce her wait-for-marriage vows. She raised her finger and opened her mouth to launch into a lecture...
But Grandma spoke first. "Things have changed so much since I was a little girl. Girls then wanted so much to learn how to cook well so they'd make a great wife. But one thing has not changed; deciding whom you marry is the most important decision you'll make. A good marriage will make you happy all of your life. A marriage that has lost its love is a tragedy, no matter how it is resolved. Don't marry for the wedding or the honeymoon or because you're dating someone and all your friends are getting married. Marry someone who will be your partner through all the struggles in your life. You will have struggles. When you date a boy, watch how he reacts to the problems that happen, and think if that's how you want him to act when you face even bigger problems. Marry someone who will be a good father, who wants children and wants to help you raise them. At my age, it's my children and grandchildren that give me all my joy. Finally, marry someone who'll still be in love with you when you're old and gray like me."
Karen got up and hugged Grandma. "Thank you, Grandma. That's great advice, and I'll keep it close to my heart. And thank you for teaching me so much today." Karen hugged Grandma again.
I said, "There's a story from work I meant to tell." I launched into my story. The moment for Mom's lecture had passed, and she didn't say anything critical to Karen that evening.
* * * *
Karen and I fell into a certain rhythm. On Sunday and Tuesday nights, she'd slip into my bedroom. Her technique improved by leaps and bounds, so she was obviously studying up between sessions. Wednesday night, I'd hang with her in the craft room. Thursday afternoon, we'd play the game when I got home. The game was always different - Karen always wore something different, and we'd go to different parts of the house for me to spank her. One time she wore a mostly see-through babydoll with panties; another time her top consisted of pasties. Sometimes she'd want me to feel her tits, sometimes not; it seemed dependent on the top she wore. Sometimes we had a dessert she had made afterward, sometimes not. We spent every other weekend learning to cook from Grandma. Karen picked up the lessons far faster than me, but I learned quite a bit too.
Except for Wednesday night, I'd typically go out sometime after dinner. I'd meet up with friends or people at work, or sometimes go somewhere by myself. But one thing I didn't do was date. Karen wasn't my girlfriend, but I felt a certain loyalty towards her, and it'd be wrong for me to get romantic with someone else.
One Monday, my plans for the night had fallen through, so I spent it reading in the craft room. At one point, Karen surprised me by saying out of the blue, "I'm not a virgin."
"You aren't?"
"No. I've made love one time."
I set my Harry Potter book down. "Was Jonathan the lucky guy?"
"No. He was too timid. It was a friend of mine at school; a really cute guy; very, very popular. Not a close friend, but a friend. He had recently broken up with his girlfriend of two years. I told him we should get together sometime at the mall and have some fun. I said 'Have fun' several times. He finally agreed. We met at the mall, had dinner, and walked around for a while. We walked back to his parent's SUV, got in, and I threw myself at him. We made out hot and heavy for a while, and then he said 'Let's go someplace more private.' We parked in the driveway in the back of someone's house who was gone for the weekend. We made out some more, got naked, he coached me through doing oral sex on him, he did oral sex on me for a while, and then he took my virginity."
"Did you enjoy it?"
"Yeah. It was good, but it wasn't earth-shattering or anything." It sounded merely okay. "When we were done, he drove me back to the mall and dropped me off at my car. We never did anything together again, and a few weeks later he was dating another girl."
"Were you on birth control?"
"Yeah. This was right after Spring Break this year."
"Do you wish you had waited for a more romantic time?"
Karen thought for a bit. "I'm happy I did it the way I did. Would it have been better if my first time had been on my wedding night in the moonlight in a hotel room that overlooked the ocean? Yes. But I'm not going to wait that long. If it hadn't been my friend, it would have been some guy in college. At least I wasn't drunk, and the guy didn't pressure me into it. And now when someone says that my opinion doesn't matter because I don't know anything about sex, I can say I do." Karen smiled. "I think of it like cheesecake." Cheesecake was Karen's favorite dessert, and whenever we went out to a restaurant, she and Mom shared a slice. "If I didn't have cheesecake until my wedding day, would that first slice be extra special? Would I really savor it? Yes. But would I have wanted to deny myself cheesecake for years just so that the first time I had it was special? No."
* * * *
Wednesday night, Karen and I were doing our things in the craft room when she suddenly said, "I'd like to do another photoshoot."
I was close to finishing the last Harry Potter book. I set it down and smiled. "Sure."
"Okay. Let me put some makeup on first."
We went into the bathroom together. I watched her put makeup on for a while and then got bored. I got The Deathly Hallows and read it on Karen's bed until she came in. Harry, Ron, and Hermione escaped from trouble on the back of a dragon, one of my favorite scenes. When Karen arrived, she said, "You're going to use your phone to take pictures, and I'll get them off it later." As I pulled out my phone, she plugged hers into her speaker/charger combo and fiddled with it until music started playing. Karen normally liked female vocalists singing with a guitar, but the music playing now was sexy dance music. It wasn't very loud - Mom wouldn't hear it - just loud enough to fill the room.
Karen turned to me, and I saw that the makeup again was subtle, strengthening her best features and covering up her few blemishes. She looked so pretty. She said, "Stand up and turn around."
I did as I was told. As I was facing away from her, I straightened my hardening dick. I wondered what outfit she'd wear.
"Okay. You can turn around now."
When I turned around, I was surprised to see Karen wearing a yellow bikini top and yellow terry cloth short-shorts. I had expected to see her in one of her crochet tops. Karen smiled at me and eventually gave me a "Come on" gesture when I didn't take a picture of her. I pulled out my phone and took a picture. Karen moved slowly into another pose, smiling at me the whole time. She knew she looked hot and was happy to show off her body to me. Once I took that picture, she danced sensuously to the music, raising her arms above her head as slowly twirled around the room while swaying her hips. I realized that this photoshoot wasn't even going to have the thin excuse of seeing how one of her crochet tops would look on a model; it was about Karen being as sexy as she could be while I captured each moment for posterity. Last time, I had told Karen what to do; this time, she knew exactly what she wanted to do.
Karen went over to her bookcase, leaned against it so her back was towards me, and slowly wiggled her ass as she looked at me over her shoulder. Click! Click! Click! I could see no pantie line on the tight-fitting shorts. Karen danced around the room some more. I couldn't get a good shot while she was moving, but I enjoyed watching her runner's body move gracefully. She stopped, put one hand behind her head, stuck out her chest, and slowly raised her other arm in a large circle. Click! Click! Click! Some more dancing, and then she pulled out her desk chair. As she knelt on it, she bent forward while smiling at me, giving me a great view down her top. As her top pulled away from her chest, I could see most of her tits dangling downward. I was almost too mesmerized to take a picture.
When Karen hopped off the chair, she said, "Turn around again."
I did and heard drawers open and close, clothes being taken off and put on. "Okay, turn around."
When I turned around, she was wearing red panties and the red crochet top with the zipper in the middle that had the big pull ring. The panties were a little bit of fabric in the middle surrounded by a lot of lace. Click! Karen again slowly twirled around the room, showing me her firm little ass nicely encased by the sexy panties. She leaned on the desk to give me a great view of her butt. Click! She slowly wiggled it side to side. Click! Click! Click! Karen stood up and faced me. She gave me a lusty look as she slowly pulled the zipper down a little. Click!
She continued dancing and posing. After each pose, she'd pull the zipper a little further down. I found myself staring at the zipper as she moved. How far would she pull it?
When the zipper was at the very bottom, Karen gave me a sly smile and then turned around. She suddenly flung the top onto her bed. She turned to me with one arm covering her tits and started dancing again. Click! Click! Click! She'd occasionally do quick spins, and as she did, she'd change the arm that was covering her tits. Her movements now were much more sensual and erotic, like she had figured out how best to move during the photoshoot. She spent a lot of time not facing me directly, giving me a great look at her ass as she twisted her head to smile at me. God, my sister was so hot. I wanted to throw her down on the bed and fuck her brains out.
Then Karen came up and leaned lightly against me. As she looked up at me, she gave me a I know what you're thinking look. She smiled and said, "I'm going to make cheesecake tomorrow."
The next day, I was glad that my job was mostly physical as I had zero ability to concentrate. I was certain what "cheesecake" had meant last night, that Karen was ready for me to fuck her. I was just as ready to do it. I knew it was wrong to want to fuck my sister. Like really, really, really wrong. Like burn-in-hell-forever wrong. But I just didn't care. Karen was so hot and sexy and so knew how to press my buttons. I had never wanted to fuck a girl as much as I wanted to fuck Karen. It wasn't even close. I had never wanted anything in my life as much as I wanted to fuck Karen. And tonight, that's what I was going to do.
The afternoon crawled. I daydreamed a lot about what Karen would be wearing when I got home. I assumed it'd be another sexy crocheted top. I hoped she come up with something even hotter than the red one with the zipper, though I had no idea how she'd do that. I thought several times about leaving early, but what would be the point? Karen wouldn't be ready for me until my normal time to get home.
I had a huge grin on my face when I pulled up in front of our house. It was all I could do to keep from sprinting to the front door. My heart was pounding as I stepped in. I purposely looked down as I wanted my first look at Karen to be a good one. Once I had locked the front door, I turned and...was stunned.
Karen was wearing something out of a Harry Potter-themed sexual fantasy. Instead of her normal shorts, she was wearing a super-short gray-and-red plaid wool skirt. Attached to the top of the skirt were some scarlet and gold suspenders - the colors of Gryffindor House - which ran up to a gray crochet top. Other than the suspenders, her midriff was bare. The bottom of the crochet top was a dense band of stitches that circled Karen's chest just under her bust. The suspenders slipped under a small bridge on each side of the band and ran upwards. The only things that covered Karen's marvelous tits were the suspenders, and they were only wide enough to cover her areolas. Above her tits was a spiderweb of yarn in two triangles, with a deep exposed valley between Karen's breasts. Around Karen's neck was a stiff white collar, and a small scarlet-and-gold tie hung down into that valley. Karen moved slightly to the side, so I could see she had a short cape in back. I could also see more of her wonderful boob flesh.
Karen slowly turned in front of me. Hermione Granger was number one on my list of fictional characters I wanted to fuck, and Karen looked like a hypersexualized version of her.
"That's amazing, Karen," I said in an awed voice. She was wearing makeup again; her lashes were fuller than normal and her lips looked redder and more luscious. She looked so sexy; my dream girl come to life.
"Do you like it?" Karen asked.
Time to play the game. "I hate it! I hate it! How could you wear something so...so...incredibly sexy for your brother?"
"You've worn sexy things when I got home before, but nothing that said 'Fuck me now' like this. What were you thinking?"
Karen said in a small voice, "I wanted to give you a nice surprise."
"A nice surprise? This is totally inappropriate, Karen. College starts in only a few weeks, and you need to learn what's appropriate and what's not before you move into the dorms. I'm going to have to give you a lesson."
"No, Mark! Not a lesson!"
"Yes, Karen--"
Before I could finish, Karen slipped away. She moved around me to the staircase and then raced up the stairs. We had always stayed downstairs before. I slowly followed her up.
When I got to the second floor, the only open door was to Karen's bedroom. I entered and then closed and locked the door behind me. Karen was lying face down on her bed with her knees bent. The covers were off the bed, a large towel in their place. The bondage set I had bought had a set of straps that you could put under the bed and then connect cuffs to. There were now cuffs on the four corners of Karen's bed. Karen's wrists were close to the two by the headboard.
I said, "You've been very bad, Karen." I grabbed her left hand and put it into the cuff. "I'm going to have to discipline you again."
"Please don't spank me, Mark!"
"I'm going to spank you, Karen." I added as menacingly as I could, "And then I'm going to punish you in a new way."
As I cuffed Karen's right wrist, she said, "No, Mark! Please don't! I'll be good from now on!"
"It's too late, Karen. I'll never be able to unsee you in this sexy outfit." I'd remember her like this for the rest of my life. I grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head. "That's an amazing outfit, Karen. That's the type of outfit people wear in porn videos." Karen gave her ass a happy wiggle. "Really hot porn videos." Karen's butt wiggled happily again. "This is cruel, Karen. No brother should have a sister that looks this incredibly hot."
I kept up the talk as I stripped naked, and then I got on the bed. I slipped my hand under the skirt, and Karen wasn't wearing any panties. As I gently rubbed her ass, I said, "I'm going to spank you so hard, Karen."
"Please don't spank me!"
"I have to spank you, Karen. I have to teach you a lesson. You should never wear an outfit this sexy unless you want a guy to fuck you." I continued rubbing my hand gently over her butt and her upper thighs. I had decided that I was going to leave the whole outfit on her. When I finally fucked my sister, it'd be like I was fucking Hermione Granger too. Two fantasies fulfilled at once! "Yeah, you're not going to be able to sit down for a week when I'm done with you."
"Please don't hurt me, Mark! I didn't think this outfit was that bad."
As I continued running my hand over Karen's perfect ass, I said, "Are you ready to be spanked? Are you ready to be taught a lesson?" Normally, I got to the spanking quickly, as I wanted it over with. But today, I felt like drawing things out. We both knew what I'd do after the spanks were done, and I was in no rush to get there. Karen wiggled her butt into my hand. "And don't tell me you didn't know this outfit was that bad. You spent hours making it, didn't you? You designed it with one thing in mind, didn't you? To excite your big brother?"
"Please, Mark. Please spank me and get it over with. I can't stand you taunting me like this."
I flipped the skirt up so it was out of the way. I moved into spanking position. I pulled my hand back. But instead of striking Karen's bottom, I gave it a gentle squeeze. Karen whimpered.
"I'm human, Karen. I can't take you showing off your body like this anymore."
"This is so humiliating, Mark. Please spank me and let me go." Her voice was full of misery. I'd feel guilty as hell if she hadn't let me know in so many other ways she wanted this.
I struck Karen's bottom. A little harder than normal, but not overly hard. I said, "I'm not letting you go when I'm done spanking you Karen."
"Please, Mark," Karen whimpered.
I spanked her again. "I'm going to give you a lesson you'll never forget."
"God, Mark. I'm your sister. You shouldn't be doing this to me."
The third spank. "You never listen to me, Karen. Maybe after today, you'll listen to me."
Karen writhed on the bed. "Please stop, Mark. This is so wrong!"
The fourth spank. I held my hand on her bottom when I was done with the stroke. I then moved it up to the unspanked top of her ass and gently rubbed.
"Oh, God! Oh, God!" moaned Karen. She pulled against the straps, struggling to break free. I could tell she wasn't pulling very hard because the bed hardly moved, but it looked like she was struggling hard.
I said, "You have an amazing body, Karen." I brought my hand down and rubbed the top of the back of her thighs. "Any man would want to touch it, to feel it, to enjoy it." I was certainly enjoying touching it, running my hands along her smooth skin.
"No, Mark! I'm your sister! Don't think of going there!"
I was definitely going to go there. I pulled back and gave her the fifth and final spank.
"Please let me go, Mark! Please let me go!"
I got up and moved onto the bed behind Karen. She was still raised up on her knees, in the right position to be fucked doggie-style. I gripped my cock and moved forward until it was touching her pussy lips. I was so hard. I couldn't imagine being harder in my life.
"This is what you want, Karen, isn't it?" I slid my cock up and down between her pussy lips. "You want to feel my cock, don't you?"
"No, Mark! I don't want this!" Karen started to cry.
And not just on the outside. You want to feel my cock inside you, don't you?" I continued sliding my cock up and down between her pussy lips. "You want me to fuck you, right?" Karen whimpered. It sounded like a cross between a whimper of fear and a whimper of desire.
Karen had been burying her face in her bed. Now, she twisted her head around so she could see me. Tears were running down her face. "Don't fuck me, Mark! I'm your sister! How could you think of doing such a thing?"
Her tears made me doubt. And then I thought back to last night, and I put my doubts aside. "This is why you spent hours making that outfit, to tempt me so much that I couldn't take it anymore."
Karen went back to buying her face in her bed. "Noooooooooo!"
I moved a little closer. "Well, I can't take it anymore, Karen!"
I guided my cock to her pussy and slipped its head inside her.
"Oh, God!"
I pushed a little forward. Karen had some lubrication, but not a lot. I waited for her body to get used to my presence. I wanted so much to just ram my cock all the way into her. I had never wanted to fuck somebody so much before. But I wanted her to enjoy our fuck as much as possible.
I pushed a little more forward.
"Pleeeeeease!" pleaded Karen.
I pulled back and thrust a little further. Karen didn't move now. She was also silent. The only sound I heard was my breathing.
I continued slowly thrusting into Karen, pushing a little deeper on each thrust. I could feel her getting more lubricated on each thrust. The next few thrusts, I didn't thrust any further. I wanted to build up more lubrication inside of her before I went deeper.
Then Karen began slightly moving her hips to meet my thrusts. I took that as a sign she was ready for more. I pushed in a little further and then a little further. Her hip movements got bigger, encouraging me. I did one more thrust, and I was finally fully sheathed inside my sister. I held that position for a moment.
Karen and I were both panting. Then she spoke again. "This is so awful, Mark!" Pant. "How can you do this to me?" There was no anger in her voice. "How can you do this to your sister?"
Something about that made me smile. "Don't tell me you don't want this. This is why you dressed up like you did today. You wanted me to fuck you senseless." I tried to sound angry, but couldn't quite do it. We both knew what I was saying was the truth. I gripped Karen's hips. "So that's what I'm going to do."
I started fucking her in earnest. For the first few thrusts, she held her position. She gripped the straps to her wrist cuffs tightly.
"Stop, Mark! I'm your sister! Don't use me like this. Nooo. Nooo. Nooo." The no's had sounded like moans. "Oh, God! Oh, God!"
As I developed a rhythm, Karen rocked her hips back as I plunged into her. Her bed squeaked and groaned. She had her head turned to the side. Her makeup was a mess from her tears and her rubbing her face on the sheets, but she still looked beautiful to me.
Karen was now slamming her hips back hard to meet my thrusts. I fucked her harder. Every thrust, I pulled her hips to me as hard as I could. I fucked her like I was an animal. I knew the harder I fucked her, the more she'd love it.
Karen finally found her voice again. "Noooo, Mark. Oh, God. Oh, God." The last came out almost as moans. "Please stop." She slammed her hips back to meet my thrust. "This is so awful, so terrible." Her voice was full of wonder and pleasure. "I can't...believe...you're doing...this...to me."
It was incredible. I was on such an erotic high; totally full of lust. I knew I wouldn't last very long because the pleasure was so intense. She was so tight, she gripped my cock so firmly; I felt like she was milking me. Waves of pleasure swept over me. I kept slamming my incredibly hot little sister, and she kept slamming me back.
"Almost," I groaned. "Almost there."
"Please, Mark...No, not in me" She continued fucking me hard. "I'm your sister...You shouldn't...Oh, God...Oh, God"
My pleasure took me past the point of no return. I felt it, the surge within my balls. I erupted, shooting cum deep within my sister.
"Mark! How could you? How could you? Oh, my God."
I slowed down, savoring the last few blasts.
"How could you come in your sister?"
With much, much pleasure.
Once I was done coming, I held my position for a few moments, standing upright behind my sister. When I finally caught my breath, I pulled out. I said, "I hope that lesson was as memorable for you as it was for me."
I grabbed the towel, wiped myself clean, and then moved off the bed. I released Karen from the cuffs, scooped up my clothes, and staggered from the room.
* * * *
After Karen ate the first forkful of cheesecake, she said, "Amazing. That was incredibly amazing."
I smiled. It had been amazing for me, and I was glad it had been amazing for her. I got another forkful for her and said, "I'm glad you enjoyed it."
"You going slow at first drove me absolutely crazy."
I smiled and slipped the cheesecake into Karen's mouth. She used her fork to feed me a mouthful.
I said, "Awesome. That was awesome. Something I'll remember and enjoy until the day I die." Karen gave me a big smile. "Everything you do turns out fantastic, Karen." She looked down bashfully. "I honestly mean that. You're an incredible woman."
As Karen got me another forkful, I asked, "No regrets about having cheesecake with me?"
"None whatsoever." Karen fed me another bit. As I was chewing it, she said, "It amazes me how you always know the right thing to do and say."
I didn't feel that way. During our game, I had no idea what was going on in Karen's head, and I always felt like I floundered around. Why did she want to play the game like she did?
I said, "There's this woman. She really likes cheesecake; actually, rich desserts including cheesecake."
Karen gave me a hint of a smile. "Anyone I know?"
"I doubt it." We both knew that was a lie. "The odd thing about her is that she acts like she doesn't want dessert. She protests the whole time she's offered one, and you practically have to shove it down her throat. Why would she act that way?"
"Why do you ask?" Karen seemed a bit defensive.
"I'm asking for a friend."
Karen looked away for a moment. We never discussed our game, so I felt like I was taking a risky step by asking her to give me some hint as to why she wanted me to pretend I was forcing myself on her every week. I hoped my phrasing was vague enough that she'd feel comfortable giving me a vague answer in return.
Karen looked back at me. "Let's say the woman your friend knows has for all her life has been told to not eat cheesecake or other rich desserts. They're so decadent! They'll make your belly swell up really big! No decent woman would eat them."
"And of course, every time someone told the woman not to have a decadent dessert, she'd want to have a decadent dessert even more. And then she'd feel guilty about wanting a decadent dessert. Her mother may have constantly told her to avoid decadent desserts, she doesn't want to disappoint her mom, but, at the same time, she wants to have a decadent dessert. So how can she have a decadent dessert without feeling guilty about it?" Karen let the question hang there for a moment. "By having someone force her to have the dessert."
That made a weird kind of sense. "I'd think it'd be hard to enjoy a dessert if someone was forcing you to eat it."
Karen thought for a moment. "I think dessert eating is different for women than it is for guys. The woman probably doesn't enjoy the dessert too much at the time she eats it, but, later, she can think about eating it without feeling guilty. She could later recall every sensation and really savor it." Karen looked a little starry-eyed as she said that.
I said, "So if making her eat the decadent dessert is treated like a punishment, the more she's punished along with being forced to eat, the less guilty she feels afterward."
Karen nodded her head. "Yes. That's it." And then she added, "The person who forces the woman to eat the decadent dessert has to be very special. If she's not going to feel guilty afterward, she has to have the feeling before she eats dessert that she must eat it. She has to be a little afraid of the other person."
"But not very afraid."
"Enough to get the adrenaline flowing, but not enough to cause her to panic."
"The adrenaline would make the experience much more intense for her?"
"Oh, yes. It's very addicting to have sex while your adrenaline is pumping. Err, I mean dessert."
"Of course." I nodded my head. I now had a much better idea of what she wanted from me. "It'd help if he was much bigger than her and angry."
"It would. Another reason the other person has to be very special is that she has to know he'll do nothing that she wouldn't want him to. She really, really has to trust him. She'd want to feel a little fearful, but at the same time feel safe with that person." Karen stabbed a small piece of cheesecake and lifted it up. "Enough talking. Let's just sit here and savor the feeling of having cheesecake together."
I opened my mouth, and she fed me. There was so much more I wanted to say, about how much I had loved her outfit, how beautiful she had looked, how great the sex had been, and how it was the best fuck of my life. But per the game, those discussions were off-limits. Instead, I contented myself with meaningful looks and innocent-sounding remarks as we finished our slices of cheesecake.
* * * *
I wished Karen and I could have made love a hundred times that summer, but we only did twice more before it was time to move her into her dorm room. I had always known the summer would end, but its ending still hit me hard. There was something unreal about it being over, like everybody was only pretending that I was about to say goodbye to my sister until Thanksgiving.
When all Karen's clothes and stuff were put away in exactly the right spot in her room, and Mom and Dad had said goodbye, I pulled out a small wrapped present from my pants pocket and gave it to her.
"What's this?"
"Open it and see."
She removed the wrapping paper, opened the box, and pulled out the item. "Okay, what is it?"
"They're noise-blocking earmuffs. If you choose to go to a football game or a movie, they should reduce the noise down to a more tolerable level for you."
Tears filled Karen's eyes, and then she hugged me tightly. I could feel my eyes water. And that was really, really the end to an incredible summer.
* * * *
When I came home for Thanksgiving, I was very excited to see Karen. Then the first thing she told me was, "I have a boyfriend." She pulled out her phone and showed me pictures of him and the two of them together. Karen had fallen in with a group of attractive freshman girls, and all of them had quickly paired up with boyfriends. The girls liked to do group dates to football games and movies. "Thanks so much for the earmuffs. They've made a huge difference."
I was happy for Karen; this was what she really wanted, and now she had it. At the same time, I felt very sad. I had known things were probably over between us, but there had still been a faint hope. Later when I was helping Karen in the kitchen, she said quietly to me, "I think it best we never put ourselves in a position to repeat what we did this summer. That's passed, and we've moved on." Whatever faint hope I had died.
I got exams coming up so I won't be able to post frequently sorry . but I'll try to upload daily. :)
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