
บท 32: Chapter 32

The unexpected interruption caught the girl off guard, her train of thought momentarily derailed by the intrusion. She turned to face the couple, her expression guarded yet curious. "Yes, that's me" she replied cautiously now named Sawamura Eriri, wondering why they had approached her and how they knew her name.

Eriri observed the couple cautiously, The boy had a black hair and blue eyes. He wearing a white crew-neck t-shirt. Layered over the t-shirt was a lightweight black zip-up hoodie, its sleek silhouette adding an extra layer of warmth and versatility to his look. The hoodie featured subtle details like silver zipper hardware and a small logo embroidered in blue thread on the chest. He also sported a slim-fit black jeans that hugged his legs just right. His footwear is a pair of classic white sneakers with blue accents.

The woman though had a golden eyes and black hair in ponytail. She's wearing a sleek and stylish bomber jacket in deep midnight blue. The jacket hugged her frame snugly, its high collar adding an air of mystery to her silhouette. Beneath the bomber jacket, She wore a cropped top in jet black, its hem grazing the top of her high-waisted cargo pants. The pants, a dark charcoal hue, featured an array of pockets and zippers, their utilitarian design both fashionable and functional She sported a pair of sneakers that added a bold pop of color to her ensemble. The shoes, a vibrant shade of crimson, stood out against the muted tones of her outfit, injecting a playful energy into her look. She donned a pair of oversized sunglasses with tinted lenses that shielded her eyes from the glare of the urban sun. On her wrist, a studded leather bracelet added an edgy touch, completing her look with a hint of rebellion. She is also carrying a sleek crossbody bag slung over her shoulder. The bag, a deep shade of charcoal to match her pants, added a touch of sophistication to her ensemble while remaining practical. 


"It is? Oh thank god I thought It was the wrong person" the boy exclaimed, his words laced with palpable relief. Eriri's brow furrowed slightly at his reaction ,Eriri thought to herself 'Why is being so dramatic' unsure of what to make of it.

Beside him, the girl, who had been silent until now, lightly elbowed his arm, prompting Eriri to raise an eyebrow in curiosity. She hoped that the gesture wasn't a sign of jealousy, but the woman's smiling demeanor seemed to suggest otherwise.

Eriri couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease at the interaction, unsure of how to respond to the unexpected encounter. She remained guarded, her expression carefully neutral as she awaited further explanation from the couple.

Eriri eyed the boy warily, her suspicions not entirely assuaged by his playful demeanor. "Do I know you?" she asked cautiously, her voice tinged with skepticism as she awaited their response.

"Oh, you wound me," the boy exclaimed dramatically, clutching his chest in mock agony. His dismissive tone did little to ease Eriri's uncertainty, but she couldn't help but be intrigued by his theatrics.

"Well, it's kind of understandable" he continued with a smirk, his gaze meeting Eriri's with a mischievous twinkle. "I was one of those silent types during our middle school days," he confessed, his amusement evident in his tone.

Eriri's brow furrowed as she tried to place the boy's face from her past, but her memory failed her. Despite his claims, she couldn't recall ever interacting with someone like him during her middle school years. 'I don't remember anyone like him' she thought.

Eriri's knowing look towards the woman conveyed her silent plea for clarity 'Can you tell him to get this over with', hoping that the playful charade would come to an end and the boy would reveal his identity. Sensing Eriri's uncertainty, the woman intervened, her tone laced with gentle reproach as she urged the boy to dispense with the teasing and introduce himself properly.

With a resigned sigh, the boy relented, his smile widening as he addressed Eriri directly. "Alright, alright, jeez" he replied, his tone teasing yet good-natured. As his gaze met Eriri's, he introduced himself with a casual charm, his smile hinting at a shared history between them.

"Kamisato Oreki" he said, his voice warm and inviting. "I hope you remember me, because if not, that would be so embarrassing" he added, his playful demeanor tempered by a genuine sincerity.

As Eriri listened to Oreki's introduction, a flood of memories washed over her, transporting her back to their middle school days. 'Now I remember' she thought as she felt a flicker of recognition as she gazed at his warm, inviting smile. A faint smile tugged at the corners of Eriri's lips as she recalled the enigmatic figure of Kamisato Oreki from their school days. His quiet demeanor and mysterious aura had intrigued her, earning him a certain level of admiration and respect among their peers.

"Yes, that's right" Eriri exclaimed, her voice tinged with a mix of amusement,"Mr. Silent and Mysterious" she repeated, her tone lighthearted tone. The nickname had stuck with Oreki throughout their school years, a testament to the air of mystery that surrounded him.

"You were quite popular during our middle school years" Eriri continued and thought 'specially to the girls', her gaze lingering on Oreki with a newfound sense of admiration . She couldn't help but marvel at the way he effortlessly commanded attention without saying a word, his quiet confidence leaving a lasting impression on everyone he encountered. Eriri's expression shifted from awe to a more composed demeanor as she quickly regained her composure. Despite her momentary lapse into nostalgia, she was keenly aware of the present moment and the need to maintain her cool, collected facade.

Oreki scratched his cheek sheepishly, a faint blush dusting his cheeks as he chuckled softly. "Hehe, I learned that from Tomoko" he admitted, his tone tinged with a hint of nostalgia. Memories of his middle school days flooded back, bringing with them the image of his close friend, Tomoko Kuroki and our friend group.

Tomoko, the main protagonist of an anime called "Watamote," had left a lasting impression on Oreki with her quirky personality and unique outlook on life. Despite her struggles with social anxiety and awkwardness, Tomoko possessed a certain charm and authenticity that drew Oreki to her. As Oreki contemplated the possibility of discovering more anime universe mix in his world, a curious spark ignited within him. The idea of uncovering hidden gems and unexpected crossovers filled him with excitement, tempting him to delve deeper into the recesses of his memory. With each recollection came the potential for new discoveries, each one a delightful surprise waiting to be unveiled.

However, as quickly as the thought arose, Oreki shook his head, dispelling the notion before it could take root. "Nah" he muttered to himself, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Let me surprise myself."

The decision to leave his exploration of this world to chance was a deliberate one, driven by a desire to maintain the element of spontaneity in his discoveries. Oreki relished the thrill of stumbling upon unexpected connections, preferring to let each encounter unfold organically rather than seek them out deliberately.

Yoruichi couldn't help but interject, her hand gesturing a stop sign as if to halt the conversation in its tracks. "Wait, wait, hold on a minute" she said, turning her attention to Eriri. "I'm Yoruichi, by the way" she introduced herself, crossing her arms casually. "If you knew he was popular, how come you didn't recognize him?" she asked Eriri with genuine curiosity.

'She had a point but my priority at the time is making myself a better artist' Eriri thought she was about to explain but before she could respond, Oreki chimed in with a nonchalant shrug. "I mean, would you remember someone from your middle school?" he asked, his tone tinged with a hint of amusement.

Yoruichi's response was immediate, her answer delivered without a moment's hesitation. "Yes" she said firmly, her conviction evident in her tone. It was as if the answer was so obvious that she didn't even need to think twice about it.

Oreki looked at her with a furrowed brow, his expression betraying a hint of curiosity. "Okay, then" he said, turning to face Eriri with a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. His demeanor seemed to shift, as if he had suddenly remembered something amusing, causing Eriri to feel a sense of unease wash over her 'I don't like that smile at all' she thoguht.

Oreki's playful remark caught Eriri off guard, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she felt the weight of his words sink in. "Let me rephrase that" he said, his smirk widening as he locked eyes with her. "Would you remember someone like me from middle school if all of your attention was focused on a certain guy?"

Eriri's heart skipped a beat at the implication behind Oreki's words 'This hateful guy'. She could feel the heat rising to her cheeks as she struggled to find a response. "I—I didn't like Tomoya!" she blurted out, her voice laced with a mixture of embarrassment and frustration. The sudden outburst startled those around them, causing a few heads to turn in their direction. Eriri's face grew even redder as she realized the attention she had inadvertently drawn to herself 'This is so embarrassing' she thought.

Oreki's smirk widened with amusement as Eriri's frustration became increasingly apparent 'that smirk again, he gonna something again' she thought. "I didn't even say you liked him or even mention his name though" he pointed out, his tone laced with mischief.

'I knew it' Eriri thought as her eyes narrowed with indignation as she jabbed a finger accusingly at Oreki. "You tried to bait me into saying that!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with anger. The surrounding crowd began to murmur amongst themselves, their curious gazes now fixed on Eriri as she inadvertently became the center of attention.

Feeling the weight of their scrutiny, Eriri's cheeks burned with embarrassment. She wished she could disappear into thin air, away from the prying eyes of the onlookers.

Oreki's innocent smile was met with a skeptical glance from Eriri as she crossed her arms defensively. "Did I though?" he continued, his playful tone directed at Yoruichi. "Did I really bait her into saying that?"

Yoruichi flashed a teasing smile at Eriri before responding. "No, you did not. I think it's all just in her head" she quipped, her eyes dancing with amusement.

Eriri's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at being teased 'You guys are double teaming me now' she thought, but before she could retort, Oreki smoothly changed the subject. "Anyway, at least you remember someone from our middle school days," he remarked with a casual shrug, as if dismissing the earlier tension.

Eriri's pride bristled at Oreki's challenge, but she couldn't resist rising to the bait. "Hmph, I remember some names of our classmates back then" she admitted begrudgingly, her voice tinged with annoyance.

Oreki's smirk widened at her admission, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Oh really?" he retorted, crossing his arms in a display of mock skepticism. "Then name a few, if you can."

Eriri's heart sank as she realized she had walked right into Oreki's trap. She cursed inwardly, 'I wish hadn't said anything to give him ammunition for his teasing' she thought. Despite her frustration, she couldn't back down now. "Well, there was... uh..." She racked her brain as she thought 'Come on brain don't fail me now', struggling to recall the names of their former classmates.

Eriri smirked triumphantly as she successfully recalled the name of one of their former classmates. "Naruse-san, I remember her," she stated proudly, her confidence bolstered by her small victory 'How about that' she thought.

Oreki, however, seemed unimpressed by her achievement, shrugging indifferently. "You only remember her because she's part of my friend group, but whatever. but go on" he remarked casually, his smirk still lingering on his lips.

'What a sore loser' Eriri thought, she pressed on, determined to prove her memory. "Miyuki-san" she continued, recalling the name of their top student and Oreki's only male friend from their school days.

Oreki's smirk widened at her choice. "Good for you, knowing the nerd" he quipped, his tone laced with amusement.

Eriri couldn't help but feel a pang of pity for Miyuki-san, wondering why Oreki referred to him as a "nerd." "Why do you call him a nerd? That's kind of mean," she questioned, her voice tinged with sympathy for their former classmate 'but who cares thought' but she thought this unexpectedly.

Oreki simply shrugged in response, absolving himself of any responsibility. "Meh, blame Tomoko for that. She started calling him a nerd, so I just copied her" he explained, throwing their former classmate under the bus without hesitation.

"Since you've already guessed two of my friends, why not take a shot at the last one?" Oreki suggested to Eriri with a playful grin, teasing her.

'Wait what there's one more' Eriri thought and causing her brow furrowed in concentration as she tried to recall the name of Oreki's final friend from their middle school days. After a moment of uncertainty, she whispered to herself, "Kome... something something," before suddenly shouting, "Kometani!" She looked at Oreki, awaiting his confirmation.

Oreki's smirk only widened at her guess. "You're really going to do her dirty, huh?" he remarked teasingly, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Eriri felt a pang of embarrassment at her mistake but quickly recovered, her frustration evident in her tone. "How would I know everyone from your friend group?" she retorted defensively, crossing her arms over her chest. "Enough about me! What do you want from me?" she demanded, eager to change the subject now that they had caught up with each other.

"Nothing really, we just approached you because I recognized you" Oreki stated matter-of-factly, his tone casual as he glanced at Eriri. However, his attention quickly shifted to the object in Eriri's hands, prompting him to inquire about it. "Can you help me find a good drawing tablet then?" he asked, his curiosity piqued by the prospect of starting his own artistic journey.

Eriri narrowed her eyes skeptically at Oreki's request, finding it hard to believe that he had suddenly taken an interest in drawing. "You can draw now?" she questioned, a note of disbelief in her voice as she regarded him with suspicion.

Oreki's response was accompanied by a smirk, his confidence unwavering as he revealed his aspirations. "I plan to be a mangaka or just create ero-manga" he declared boldly, his words tinged with determination. Eriri couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of encountering a fellow artist, though she couldn't help but wonder if Oreki's confidence was misplaced.

"Is that so?" Eriri's eyes brightened with interest, a spark of curiosity igniting within her as she contemplated the possibility of collaborating with Oreki. "Well, not yet though" she thought to herself, tempering her enthusiasm with a hint of skepticism.

"Yup, even better than you" Oreki boasted confidently, his smirk widening as he spoke. With a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Good luck with that," Eriri responded, her tone laced with a hint of mockery as she contemplated Oreki's ambitious goals. However, her words were tinged with a touch of uncertainty, a nagging doubt creeping into her mind as she wondered how Oreki could have possibly known about her drawing erotic stuff or just drawing in general.

As she glanced at Oreki, her curiosity getting the better of her, Eriri couldn't help but notice the smirk playing at the corners of his lips. It was a familiar expression, one that hinted at a hidden motive behind his confident demeanor. A sense of unease washed over her as she realized that Oreki seemed to know more than he let on.

"How do..." Eriri began to question, her voice trailing off as she met Oreki's gaze. His smirk only seemed to grow wider in response, fueling Eriri's growing sense of apprehension. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was something he wasn't telling her, something lurking beneath the surface of their seemingly innocuous conversation.

Then, in a sudden moment of clarity, it dawned on Eriri. She cast a quick glance at the drawing tablet in her hands, the realization hitting her like a bolt of lightning. "Of course, it's because of that" she muttered to herself, chiding her own forgetfulness. "I'm dumb" she admitted inwardly, berating herself for almost falling into her own trap once again

Eriri nodded, determined to steer the conversation back to safer ground. "Come on, follow me" she said, her voice tinged with enthusiasm as she gestured for Oreki to follow. "I'll introduce you to a newbie-friendly drawing tablet" she added, her tone firm and resolute.

Ignoring Oreki's smirk, Eriri set off with purposeful strides, her mind focused on the task at hand. She couldn't afford to be distracted by Oreki's teasing or his knowing glances. There was work to be done, decisions to be made, and she was determined to see it through without any further interruptions

"And I thought you would never learn" Oreki remarked, his voice laced with amusement as he winked at Eriri. His cheeky smile was enough to make Eriri roll her eyes, but she couldn't help but feel a flicker of amusement beneath her exasperation. Despite his teasing, there was something undeniably charming about Oreki's playful demeanor, and Eriri found herself warming to him despite her initial reservations.


Last chapter of the week! see you in monday.

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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