33.33% Skyrim: A Reincarnator's Journey / Chapter 11: Chapter 11

บท 11: Chapter 11

Markarth: the city of stone where blood and silver flowed like water.

Athias admired the massive stone wall that separated the city from the outside world as the horses pulled the carriage uphill, its metal gates firmly closed and a number of guards posted around it, some above in a watch tower.

This was a city.

He hadn't taken a step inside and he could already tell.

Compared to Falkreath which could only be labeled lackluster as a capital for a hold, Markarth's entrance alone gave off the vibes of a sturdy thriving settlement, it's people prepared to cut down any who dared to launch an attack on it. The stables outside, something only the Jarl had in Falkreath, were filled with horses, the owner speaking with interested parties.

"This is where we part ways young ones." Frem said as the carriage came to a stop behind a few others off to the side of the entrance's steps. Guards were checking the cargo of those ahead. "Perhaps we'll see each other at one of the local taverns. The first round will be on me."

He tossed two pouches, Athias catching one and Auri the other. They were hefty and full of septims. Neither did an exact count, slipping them into their bags as they jumped out of the cart. There was a city to see and they could always find the merchant later if he did the unlikely and shorted them.

"I thought nord cities were supposed to be made of wood." Auri said, the hood of her thin cloak made useless by the tilt of head. He was still admiring the sight of the wall himself.

"Markarth is an exception. From what I've read the first settlers made use of an Dwemer ruin to establish themselves. The usual stuff, wars and what not, happened and it eventually ended up under Nord rule." Athias explained.

"That's a shame. I would've looked forward to seeing the other cities if they were more like this."

Together, they ascended the ancient stone steps of the entrance until they were at the large metal gates, awaiting those ahead of them to be allowed in.

He caught glimpses of a few different races but didn't have time for an in depth analysis. The guards weren't picky about who they let in; they asked for the reason someone was seeking to enter the city, perhaps checked the bag of those who covered their faces, but gave little to no hassle, warning each and everyone to not cause any trouble.

From what he remembered, Markarth was one of the two places in Skyrim no one wanted to be arrested.

Winterhold's sorry excuse for a jail had been in some icy cave in the middle of nowhere with bloody cages and frost atronachs as guards. Prisoners were liable to freeze to death before their sentence was up.

Some might say that it was just a little more humane than what Markarth did.

Here, prisoners were used for hard labor, mining the silver that kept gold flowing in the city, few breaks provided. They were little more than slaves that had to work off their sentence, hoping they didn't piss off the wrong person and end up on the business end of a shank.

"You don't got any…you know, in your bag do you?" Athias whispered.

"Don't worry. I ate everything on our way here." Auri whispered back.

Good to know. All his plans would go right down the drain if their bags were checked and the guards had them sent to prison or executed for walking around with human flesh. He doubted they were trained to recognize such things on sight but he didn't want anything getting in the way when he might only be a few steps from a trove of new knowledge.

"Make way!" An authoritative command swept across the area as their turn came up.

Four High Elves ascended the stone steps, two dressed in gold lined black robes, hood over their heads, and the ones that flaked them in armor made of the same yellowish-gold of the elven swords at their waists.

The Thalmor.

They received many looks of disdain but none challenged their authority, stepping aside. Athias and Auri did the same.

[Thalmor Justiciar]

[Race: High Elf / Altmer]

[Level: 50]

Health: 150/150 Stamina: 120/120 Magicka: 250/250

The cloaked elves were around the same level, far beyond anything he's seen so far. The armored ones were a few levels lower, their magicka still their highest number , but their stamina and health more formidable.

Level 50 but less magicka than him?

Athias's newest running theory about these levels were that they represented a person's skill and life experience. Unless something unnatural came into play like a magical ritual or godly intervention, people's overall stats weren't going to rise above whatever they were.

Even if his maximum magicka and its regeneration were higher, those Elves wouldn't struggle to overpower him in a battle of magic since that's what they specialized in. That being said, if he ran one of their brains through with a sword, that would be that, no matter how big the level difference was.

He'd prefer if things were that way. Under the right circumstances anything could be killed, himself included, no matter how far they pushed their level.

"Open the gates." One of the elves in robes ordered the guards in charge. The guards' helmets -made of repurposed dwarven metal like many parts of their armor- covered their faces but their anger remained palpable. They stared the Thalmor down, perhaps even looking towards the prisoner they brought with them.

A plain nord dressed in rags with his arms bound. The only thing that stood out on him was a silver necklace of an axe.

An amulet of Talos, more than likely left on the man as a message to all who saw him.

"Am I going to have to repeat myself?" The high elf said once more.

The tension held strong. One guard's hand hovered close to the handle of the axe at their waist.

"Open the gates!" One of the more level headed guards yelled before things got out of hand.

The sound of cogs turning filled the air as the metal gate crawled opened. Guards begrudgingly stepped aside and allowed the Thalmor into the city beyond, nods, all far from subtle, given to the bound nord.

"Damn knife-eared bastards." Someone cursed.

The Thalmor might have the authority to come and go as they pleased but they were suffered not welcomed. Athias imagined that was the case around the majority of Skyrim.

Justified hatred if you asked him.

"The Thalmor can order around the guards? I didn't think they'd have such authority in Skyrim." Auri said. Just the little bit of knowledge she had was more than enough for her to look at the group with the same disdain as others. "And that man. Was he a worshipper of that god they've outlawed?"

"Hmmm, it looks like they plan on parading him around the city." Athias said.

A good way to remind others of the consequences they risked if they continued to worship Talos. A good way to instigate a war too.

"Disgusting." Auri muttered.

Once the gate closed and the entrance lined reformed, he and Auri were soon under the scrutiny of one of the entrance's guards.

"Your reasons for coming to the city?" The guard asked, arms crossed and faint traces of frustration in his voice.

"Travelers looking to resupply and employ the services of the Court Mage." Athias said.

"Is that right?" The guard looked between them. He clicked his teeth, picking up on Auri's features but didn't press the subject. Instead, he looked pass them. "And that one? She's with you?"

They turned and found the brown haired breton woman hovering just close enough for a passersby to mistake them for a group. She gave him specifically a bit of a pleading smile.

He'd do the talking for her since her elven features might result in some issues but he wasn't going to claim her as part of their group.

"She's a dwarven researcher, here to get a look at the city." Athias explained with a shrug. The guard didn't press that either. The oil that stained the breton's face and clothing along with the few dwarven pieces sticking out of the pack on her back as well the knapsack slung across her torso lent enough credence to the story.

"Get your supplies, mind your business, and don't go touching anything you shouldn't. As long as you do that, you won't have a problem with us." The guard warned.

And just like that, the doors were opened once more and they were allowed into the city proper.

Markarth was a massive labyrinth of stone pathways. Houses and stores alike were built into the side of a mountain, stairways leading higher and higher. He wouldn't be surprised if the rock formation was more hollowed than filled by this point. There were many buildings that defied that trend, all made of old stone yet kept clean.

Athias couldn't be sure where anything was in this place.

"Thank you for handling that. I have a feeling the nords here might've given me a hard time after the Thalmor showed up." The breton thanked him, scarcely looking his way, far more interested in the surrounding architecture. She didn't give him a chance to say anything back, taking off through the crowded market place of the entrance way and speeding up the stairs.

"She's a woman on a mission." Athias said.

"Aren't you the same?" Auri asked.

She wasn't wrong of course. First he had to find the Jarl's keep and get ahold of the Court Mage. After that, he'd have to seek out any local apothecaries and find out if he could afford what he needed to get started on making potions. They'd also have to find an inn with rooms they could rent out for the foreseeable future. In Falkreath, camping out wasn't such a dangerous prospect when the most common dangers were wild animals. He doubted he'd be able to learn magic in peace while worried about Forsworn assaulting them.

"You don't mind staying in this city do you?"

Auri looked about. Wooden stalls of the market place aside she didn't appear as bothered here compared to Falkreath. "If I am to get use to being in nord settlements this seems like the best place to start. I'll take a look around a bit and find us an inn?"

"I'll go see if I can find the keep."

After doing a little exchange of gold, most of it being left with him, they broke off to different parts of the city.


Understone Keep. Following the trend of the rest of the city, the gigantic place was built using Dwemer ruins as a base, much of their architecture visible from his first step into the place. Pillars, the golden chandeliers above, some inactive automatons on display.

It all caught his eye but Athias didn't stop his stride for a closer examination, following broken pillars and piles of dirt towards an excavation site on the western edge of the keep guards directed him to. As he walked through a darkened tunnel, he picked up a conversation.

Or rather, an argument.

"The audacity! I'll see to it that the Jarl hears of your abuse of a court scholar." The voice of a man came from ahead, voice full of indignation.

"I can think of ways to make sure the Jarl hears nothing from you. Ever." Another voice threatened. This one was familiar but he almost couldn't believe it belonged to who he thought.

"Keep your hands to yourself. Do you realize that at a snap of my fingers I can bring the entire Markarth guard to my defense?"

"Yeah, Yeah, I've heard that before. I'll keep my hands from your neck…this time."

Athias emerged from the narrow tunnel just in time for the breton he helped to stomp past him, face contorted by frustration. She didn't acknowledge him, muttering to herself about old bastards as she left.

That woman was threatening important people in the Jarl's keep; she might outdo him in the reckless department.

"Another one. I've told you all, the excavation site is closed. I don't need anymore guards or self proclaimed researchers." An elderly high elf welcomed Athias with an annoyed glare and crossed arms. Calcelmo, the Court Mage, Athias assumed; a faintly glowing enchantment table and an alchemy station were set up around the man along with a bookcase and a variety of other magical tools Athias found interesting. The makeshift work area was set up beside a stone bridge that led to a recently unearthed pair of dwarven doors.

[Name: Calcelmo]

[Title: Court Mage of Markarth]

[Race: High Elf / Altmer]

[Level: 60]

He was seeing a lot of high level people today. Maybe it was common for High Elves to be of such high numbers? They sported long life spans which would line up with his theory about levels correlating directly to a person's life experience.

"I'm just here to buy some spell tomes. Books on alchemy and enchanting too, if you have any." Athias said, hoping to calm the man.

Calcelmo huffed. "Magic. That's what they always want. Never history. Never the secrets of the lost races. No, just little spells and enchantments."

Athias raised a brow. "Would you rather I wasted your time pretending I came here for something else?"

"No, no, I suppose not." The hooded elf sighed and messaged the corner of his eyes, bags building below them. "I'm sorry. I'm in the middle of some very stressful work and have had too many interruptions to count. What tomes are you interested in?"

Just as Athias hoped, a Court Mage owned a wealth of information and resources. There were so many books far beyond his current skill with high prices to match. Luckily the things he ended up buying weren't too expensive.

Item: The Manipulation and Bolstering of Life Energies

Description: A spell tome detailing the theory behind numerous novice level restoration spells. The practical exercises are completely harmless.

Item: A Novice's Guide to Electromancy

Description: A spell tome detailing the theory behind numerous novice level electric spells. The practical exercises contained within can be extremely dangerous. Caution is heavily advised.

Item: A Novice's Guide to Cryomancy

Description: A spell tome detailing the theory behind numerous novice level ice spells. The practical exercises contained within can be dangerous in cold environments. Caution is advised.

Item: Making the Impossible Possible: An Introduction to Alteration

Description: A spell tome detailing the theory behind numerous novice level alteration spells. The practical exercises contained within are harmless to the caster; however, the spells themselves are quite dangerous if performed improperly. Caution is advised.

Item: Bending Perception: The Art of Illusion

Description: A spell tome detailing the theory behind numerous novice level illusion spells. The practical exercises contained within can be dangerous alone. A party member's presence is advised.

One exchange of gold later and Athias packed the various books into his bag. A bit of shame that Calcelmo didn't have any beginner level books on conjuration in any of its forms or the other things he was in search of, but this was plenty material to study for the next month or so. He could always try perusing local general stores for a book on enchantments and the apothecaries for one on alchemy.

Athias casted a look across the bridge at the recently unearthed dwemer doors on his way out.

He'd hoped walking through the city might trigger the achievement about exploring a dwemer ruin but he hadn't been so lucky. Maybe if he made it through there, he might be able to earn that perk point. He'd need as many as possible once he got access to the perks of all the other magical constellations.

Something to tackle once he scoured the pages of his new tomes.

Right now he had to search this city of stone for whatever inn Auri found them.


We've come a pretty long way as such I'm planning on doing a mass editing this weekend to squash as many mistakes and spelling errors that slipped past my initial few edits. Its nothing major but I thought I'd let people know in case webnovel does notifications based on updates to existing chapters.

On to other matters, a question if you would. Or I suppose more of a popularity poll. Remember how I asked what series you guys would be interested in seeing me write for before? I am playing around with a few fledgling ideas.

For my star wars one, I'm setting it up to take place in the old republic era, specifically following some of the story lines from the star wars mmo from bioware. I've also played a little with the clone wars era where Barris is shaping up to be pretty important. Probably the love interest if I do romance to be honest since I think her fate would make for some pretty interesting foil for the protagonist I've drafted out. Just wanted to see what people would've preferred.

Clone wars era

The Old Republic era

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you want to help me write full-time consider visiting me on my patreon. You can go for the bigger tier and get advance chapters(10 currently) or just leave me a tip to help keep me motivated. Money talks after all X_x.

patreon .com/TheExpGarden

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