10% Jujutsu Kaisen : Legacy of the Senju / Chapter 6: Best Friends

บท 6: Best Friends

February 3, 1997

Hiroshi and Satoru were seated on a rock overlooking the ocean. Breaking the silence, Hiroshi turned to his friend, "Hey Satoru," he began.

"What is it?" Satoru Gojo inquired, his gaze fixed on the horizon.

"It's been two years since we last sparred. Yet, I haven't seen any new techniques from you," Hiroshi teased.

"Developing new techniques is harder than you think," Satoru replied, his voice carrying a hint of frustration.

"I call cap," Hiroshi retorted, skeptical of Satoru's claim.

In response, Gojo Satoru extended his finger towards Hiroshi, and a red ball began to form, only to disappear in a bright flash of red before it could manifest fully.

Hiroshi struggled to contain his laughter, forcing himself to clear his throat instead, amused by Satoru's failed attempt at demonstrating his technique.

Without warning, a fist connected with Hiroshi, the impact coming from a sudden flash of red. "Reverse Cursed Technique: Surprise Right," Gojo declared jokingly, having successfully landed a hit on Hiroshi.

"Quite the surprise, indeed," Hiroshi commented, touching his left cheek where he had been struck. "How hard can it be? Negative times negative equals positive. You've got the Reverse Cursed Technique down."

"Easy for you to say," Satoru retorted, then shifted his attention to a more serious matter, delivering a kick to the corpse of a curse user. "These fools really thought they could commit mass murder without us catching on."

"It's the third group this year, and we're only in February," Hiroshi observed, his gaze sweeping over the cliffside. The area was littered with the bodies of curse users, a testament to the formidable force Hiroshi and Satoru had become, effortlessly crushing any opposition that dared to challenge them.

"Hey Hiroshi, who are we waiting for? We've already wiped the floor with these weaklings," Satoru remarked casually.

"We're waiting for their leader. They say the man is seven feet tall, built like a mountain. His minions call him Takeo Kurogane the Oni. He's infamous for targeting Jujutsu Sorcerers for a price. His track record? Twenty-five Jujutsu sorcerers killed and eviscerated," Hiroshi explained, his tone serious.

"Sounds strong," Satoru commented, a hint of intrigue in his voice.

"But since he has killed twenty-five Jujutsu sorcerers and fled overseas to escape the heat," Hiroshi continued.

As they spoke, Gojo noticed a large shadow approaching them. "Is that him?" Satoru asked, his attention drawn to the looming figure.

Hiroshi observed the silhouette carefully. "He's the only one here. Must be him," he concluded.

Takeo Kurogane approached them, his imposing presence casting a shadow over the scene. "Are you kids the reason for this?" he boomed, his voice echoing ominously.

"Man, he's loud," Hiroshi remarked nonchalantly.

"Follow up," Satoru commanded, disappearing from sight in an instant.

In a coordinated attack, Satoru reappeared at Takeo's right side, delivering a heavy left swing. This forced Takeo's balance to tilt to the right, leaving him vulnerable. Seizing the opportunity, Hiroshi, who was already within striking distance, unleashed a powerful right hook. Simultaneously, Satoru delivered an uppercut.

The swift and precise combo caused Takeo's massive form to stagger backward, struggling to maintain his balance. He scrutinized his opponents, sizing them up for the battle ahead.

"Why are two kids this strong?" Takeo asked himself, his voice filled with disbelief. With a swift motion, he activated his cursed technique, Oni's Wrath.

"You kids are going to pay for that. My curse technique enables me to enhance my strength and endurance infinitely as long as I have curse energy," he declared, wiping his cheek confidently as the effects of his technique began to manifest.

"Why is this muscle-for-brains telling us his curse technique?" Satoru questioned aloud, his curiosity piqued.

"It's a binding vow. He tells us his technique and how it works in exchange for making it stronger," Hiroshi explained casually, seemingly unfazed by Takeo's threat.

"Aren't you a nerd?" Satoru retorted, teasing Hiroshi.

"I prefer the word scholar," Hiroshi corrected with a smirk.

"Do you wanna end it immediately or do we rub him across the floor?" Hiroshi asked Satoru, presenting two options for dealing with Takeo.

Satoru pondered for a moment, considering their next move.

"How dare you ignore me, you cocky brats!" Takeo lashed out, attacking Satoru impulsively. However, his attack was halted just inches away from Satoru's body, thanks to Gojo Satoru's cursed technique: Infinity.

Observing Takeo's stunned silence, Hiroshi couldn't help but notice his reaction. "Oh, do you recognize him?" Hiroshi inquired, intrigued by Takeo's sudden change in demeanor.

Realizing the danger he was in, Takeo made a desperate attempt to flee. As he ran, thoughts raced through his mind. "When I left Japan, there was this one kid from the Gojo Clan who had awakened both the Six Eyes and Infinity. He had started the hunt for curse users. I was amongst the many who fled. Shit, they can pay me millions. I am not returning to this hell on earth," he thought, panicked and determined to escape.

"Hey, Satoru, he noticed your pretty eyes and started to run. What's taking you so long to decide? It's just two options: do we just kill him instantly or just wipe him across the floor a few times?" Hiroshi joked, urging Satoru to make a decision.

Satoru pondered for a moment, considering their next move.

"Hey, Hiroshi, what time is it?" Satoru asked, his voice heavy with exhaustion.

"It's 6:57 AM. Why are you asking?" Hiroshi inquired, curious about Satoru's sudden interest in the time.

"I'm getting pretty sleepy already. You know we had to deal with these trash during midnight. Let's just put him out of his misery. But he's rather far now. Why don't you do the honors?" Satoru suggested, stifling a yawn.

"Alright," Hiroshi agreed. With a simple gesture, he unleashed a powerful attack. "Cero," he murmured, charging up a black cursed energy beam. In a flash, the beam streaked toward the fleeing Takeo, obliterating him within seconds.

"I was expecting more from Mr. 'I can increase my durability with more cursed energy.' Disappointing," Hiroshi remarked, shaking his head in mild disappointment.

"That's it for now. Good night, Hiroshi," Satoru bid farewell as he teleported away, leaving Hiroshi alone.

"Teleportation sure is convenient," Hiroshi mused to himself as he approached a nearby vehicle and hopped in.

"Going home, Young Patriarch?" the Senju chauffeur inquired.

"Yes, please," Hiroshi replied with a nod, ready to finally rest after a long night's work.


The Next Day, Hiroshi sat in one of the traditional shops, enjoying a bowl of ramen amidst the peaceful ambiance of Tokyo's tree-lined streets. Satoru Gojo arrived, greeted by Hiroshi's presence.

"You finally moved to Tokyo, Hiroshi," Satoru remarked, taking a seat across from him.

"Kyoto is too safe with the majority of the Senju Clan patrolling there. Plus, Oji also runs the clan, so I'm basically the off-hands Patriarch. Might as well just live in Tokyo. We can go to Jujutsu High together in the future," Hiroshi explained.

"You got everything planned out already. What a nerd," Satoru teased with a grin.

Hiroshi chuckled, slurping up some ramen. "Well, you know me, always thinking ahead."

"Yeah, I've noticed. It's not a bad idea, though. Tokyo's got a lot more action going on," Satoru acknowledged.

"Exactly!" Hiroshi agreed enthusiastically. "And besides, it's nice to have a change of scenery."

Just as the two friends were relaxing, they suddenly felt a shift in the atmosphere. The sky began to darken.

"It's a Curtain," Hiroshi concluded, his expression growing serious.

"That's a lot of them," Satoru observed, noticing figures approaching from the rooftops.

Hiroshi felt another group advancing through the trees behind them. "There's quite a few in the trees too," he sighed. "It's literally 11 AM. These Curse Users don't know when to stop."

"I don't know, like $190,000,000 seems like a hefty sum for these ants," Satoru remarked, referring to their bounties.

"I'll take the ones in the back; you take the ones in front. What do you say?" Hiroshi proposed, extending his fist toward Satoru.

"Loser pays for the winner's lunch," Satoru replied, reciprocating the fist bump.

"Aight, bet," Hiroshi agreed, and with that, both of them vanished.

Hiroshi swiftly moved, perched atop a tree branch, surveying the approaching curse users below. With a hand sign, he invoked "Senboku no Jumon: Sea of Trees Erosion," a technique that he had honed through numerous encounters. The roots of the trees extended, entwining around the curse users and inflicting a deadly fate upon them. Just as he had done with his first assassins, Hiroshi crucified all nine of the curse users, their bodies succumbing to the insidious power of nature, adorned with flowers as a macabre decoration.

Among the lifeless figures, one curse user remained, trembling with fear as Hiroshi approached him. "Wait! Wait! Wait! I've got kids, I've got a family!" the curse user pleaded desperately.

Hiroshi regarded him coolly. "Oh?" he responded as the roots coiled around the curse user, forming into restraining stocks. Without hesitation, he cast "Shinboku no Jumon: Wooden Stakes," immobilizing the man completely. Panic consumed the curse user as he realized the absence of curse energy within his body.

"You will answer my questions, or suffer the same fate as your companions," Hiroshi stated firmly, gesturing toward the crucified figures.

"Yes, yes, anything!" the curse user agreed hastily.

"Who are you?" Hiroshi inquired.

"I-I'm Koto Uyeda," the curse user stammered.

"Are you after our bounties, Mr. Koto?" Hiroshi pressed.

"Yes, but not anymore! I swear, if you let me go, you won't ever see me again," Uyeda pleaded.

"What's the name of the group you're working for?" Hiroshi questioned further.

"We're independent curse users who gathered together for bounty hunting, that's all," Uyeda confessed.

"That's all I needed to hear, Uyeda. Make sure in your next life, you don't even try this stupid shit and live with peace," Hiroshi warned ominously.

Before Uyeda could utter another plea, his head fell, severed by Hiroshi's decisive strike. Hiroshi pondered briefly, "Five seconds... I wonder how's Satoru doing?"


In an instant, Satoru Gojo materialized before his adversaries.

As the barrage of attacks approached him, he effortlessly halted them with his cursed technique, Infinity, each strike frozen mere inches from his body.

"Four... five... seven... ten..." Satoru counted calmly, his eyes glowing faintly with restrained power.

"Kill him!" one of the curse users commanded, hurling knives at Satoru in a desperate attempt to strike him down.

With a swift disappearance, Satoru dodged the projectiles effortlessly, reappearing behind the leader with a whisper, "Did you pray today?"

"What?" The Leader said.

Confusion flickered in the leader's eyes, swiftly replaced by shock as Satoru unleashed a flurry of devastating blows. A left hook followed by a back fist, an uppercut, and a gut punch left the leader incapacitated, culminating in an axe kick that ended the confrontation in a gruesome display of blood and brains.

In a blur of motion, Satoru vanished between two curse users, slamming their heads together a forceful impact . Seizing another curse user, he delivered a swift right hook followed by a left kick, sending the assailant hurtling toward their companion.

Appearing beside yet another foe, Satoru struck with a palm to the chin, rendering the curse user unconscious as their body was propelled toward the remaining adversaries.

With a deft gesture, Satoru activated his curse technique, drawing the remaining five curse users together with a powerful force that rendered them incapacitated. With efficiency and finesse, he swiftly dispatched each one, ensuring that none remained to threaten them.

As the last curse user fell, Hiroshi applauded, impressed by Satoru's display of skill and precision.

"5 seconds," Hiroshi remarked.

"4.8 seconds," Satoru corrected, a victorious smirk playing on his lips as he glanced at the timer.

"Pick somewhere you'd like to eat," Hiroshi suggested, acknowledging Satoru's prowess in battle.

As Hiroshi and Satoru descended from the top of the building, ready to head off for a well-deserved meal, their plans were abruptly halted by the sight of a hostage situation unfolding below.

Standing amidst a group of unconscious non-curse users was a menacing figure, a Curse User who addressed them with chilling confidence. "Took both of you long enough, Senju Hiroshi and Gojo Satoru," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice.

Both of them was surprised as this is the first time they were in this situation a Curse user holding innocents hostage, "What's your name?" Hiroshi Stoically asked.

"Zankoku Abe" The Curse User said

"Both of your heads I want that 190 Million bounty, and you will give me your lives in exchange for the lives of these Monkeys" The Curse User said.

Suddenly both Hiroshi and Satoru burst out laughing, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" both of them laughed "Nah bro you a clown we don't care about the innocents as long as scourges like you are dead, what is the sacrifices of a few hundred" Satoru said.

"What? Don't you care about them?" The Curse user asked as he gestured to the unconscious, non-curse users with a knife hanging down their necks.

"We do...no actually I do but Satoru could care less, we could've bargained if it was anything else but since it's our lives we can gladly trade a few innocents"

Hiroshi said. "You're bluffing" Zankoku said.

"Are we? Satoru are we bluffing?" Hiroshi asked.

Instantly Satoru used his Cursed Technique: Blue behind Zankoku pulling him instantly together with the Hostages.

The Small Plants around the room began to enlarge as it entwined with the Hostages to prevent them from being pulled further.

"Cero" Hiroshi casted towards where Zankoku as pulled. All This happened within a span of 3 seconds. The Moment Hiroshi's Cero hit Zankoku that was being pulled with blue he was vapourized but the room wasnt such in good condition.

"Alright!" Hiroshi raised his fist as they fist bumped with Satoru and began emoting as the remains of the Curse user was no more.

The duo reveled in their victory, their bond strengthened by yet another trial overcome together.


A few minutes later, the duo walked away.

"Hey Hiroshi, what would you have done if your plan failed and the curse user killed the hostages?" Satoru asked.

"I would kill that curse user along with the now-dead hostages, simple," Hiroshi said.

"Same. But I didn't doubt we would succeed; we are the strongest, after all," Satoru acknowledged.

"Say, I still feel full from the ramen earlier. Wanna just grab something to drink or watch a movie?" Hiroshi suggested.

"Sure," Satoru replied.

"Who's been giving you missions lately, Satoru?" Hiroshi asked.

"My father, although I'm pretty sure it's actually the jujutsu higher-ups," Satoru said.

"Apparently, two children are stronger than the total strength of the jujutsu headquarters, isn't it funny?" Hiroshi said.

"It is, but it's also the truth," Satoru said as he chuckled.

As the duo walked away, engaging in casual conversation, the sorcerer world was in upheaval. This event would lead sorcerers, especially curse users, to finally acknowledge and etch the names of Hiroshi Senju and Gojo Satoru into their memories, vowing never to cross these two kids. If the birth of Gojo Satoru was a shift in the balance, then the alliance between Hiroshi Senju and Gojo Satoru became the bloody suppression of curse users and ultimately dominated the sorcerer world. The balance wasn't just tipped; it was utterly destroyed by the duo. For now, curse users would be a non-factor for a few years, with the only remaining threat being the ever-emerging cursed spirits and the return of the King of Curses.

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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