43.47% DXD: Inconvenient / Chapter 10: Continuation of "Cheat Skill" and Unexpected Interaction

บท 10: Continuation of "Cheat Skill" and Unexpected Interaction

Yo, author here

So, a lot of things happened that resulted in me being late, firstly the patreon issue wasn't resolved so I created a Ko-fi, I'll leave the link here for anyone interested, secondly, the next chapter is almost as long as this, 7,322 words, yeah, well, I'm going 'cause I'm half dead, that's it 👍

Enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time 👍

The link will be in the comments too ->ko-fi.com/mynamenotisjohn 


[Pov: 3rd Person]

Currently at Kuoh academy, in one of the first year class, a commotion was going on

The students who were outside or inside that room expressed surprise or disbelief at that moment when they witnessed the vision of the person in front of them

The person in question was a girl, but not just any girl, but one of the school's infamous "Onee-samas", Rias Gremory

She is there with all her devilish charm and beauty, attracting the attention of those around her, taking her steps and entering the classroom in front of her

The students, as already mentioned, reacted with surprise to her presence, while the girl herself was not affected by the attention she attracted, as she was already used to it, so the focus of her mind was elsewhere

Rias, who was on her way to the occult club after class ended, ended up asking one of her servant where Koneko was, as she knew the girl was going to talk to one of her contractors

And to her surprise, after her servant returned, she learned that Koneko was in that girl's class, but not only that, she was accompanied by another girl and a boy, and when she asked who they were, she got an answer she didn't expect

The girl Koneko was talking to was her contractor's deskmate, while the boy was a foreigner, exactly the boy she had seen that morning

So, thinking a little, she decided to go there, as she already intended to talk to Koneko, she could take advantage of the opportunity and get a more in-depth impression of the boy

She would take the opportunity to get to know him better and clear up her doubts about earlier today, whether the boy's action had been due to suspicion of being observed or if it was just coincidence, but if it was indeed due to suspicion, she would find out if there was anything different in him

Maybe it was a sacred gear... ok, obviously it's not, there's no way it could be, because if it were her or Sona they would have already realized

Then, making up her mind, she began to change her path towards that room, walking calmly through the corridors among the students stunned by her presence

She didn't need to take many steps to reach the respective class and then enter without further ado.

With the first steps she can already see the three of them, with the boy with his back to her and the two girls on their sides, and she didn't need to announce herself because the other students in the room had already done it for her

Then, putting a slight smile on her face to appear friendly, while letting all her natural beauty and charm do the rest, she walked towards the three

With her long red hair swaying slightly with her steps and a non-existent wind, she kept her steps while watching the reaction of the three in front of her

The first, Koneko, had the most predictable reaction, she simply looked in her direction with that characteristic blank look, not seeming surprised by her presence, the other girl on the other hand had a more "normal" reaction in quotes, making an expression of surprised at the exact moment she saw her

And the boy who had his back to her, until he noticed the reaction of the people around him and turned around, seeing her

And the boy's reaction was somewhat expected, considering the last time they saw each other, she saw how the boy, when he turned around and saw her, didn't change his expression, keeping the same calm face, without showing any expressive reaction like the one before last time, in fact the boy even managed to look her directly in the eyes like last time

Maintaining eye contact with her as she approached, she immediately noticed how this act didn't seem to affect the boy at all, once again being a different reaction than she was used to, she noticed this as she approached them and as the boy took a step closer to the side, making a space for her

Then, reaching them and positioning herself in the space that the boy had opened for her, she stopped, and the boy spoke to her shortly afterwards

"Senpai" — Micael greeted Rias along with a slight nod right after the girl stopped next to him, and detail, they still maintained eye contact

Rias, who didn't wait for the boy to greet her as soon as she stopped, observed how the boy seemed unfazed in her presence and then also noticed that they were maintaining eye contact the entire time

'This boy has what, a heart of stone? Is your self-control that good? Or is he just pretending?' — Those were Rias thoughts as she grew a little more curious about the boy in front of her

Then, noticing how the boy still maintained eye contact with her, she blinked for a moment, before returning the greeting with a slight nod along with the slight smile and saying


After greeting him, she watched as he returned the greeting with another curt nod and finally broke eye contact with her, shifting his gaze to the girl next to him, who, like the people around her, was looking at her with a surprised expression

She watches the boy look in that girl's direction, raise an eyebrow and utter a sentence

"Why do you have that expression?"

She heard the boy say that sentence to the girl, and watched as the girl looked away from him, and then her expression changed from surprise to a more composed one, but the blush that appeared on her face didn't fool anyone

"Kuhum, it's nothing, I was just surprised" — Was the answer Mari gave Micael, her face a composed calm, but the slight blush on her cheeks betrayed her embarrassment

"Just surprise? For those who say they were just surprised, your reaction was a bit exaggerated, don't you think?" — Micael spoke to Mari, with a faint look of doubt, expressing his incomprehension about this type of reaction

"You-don't you know who she is?" — Mari responded to Micael, her expression showing disbelief that her brother didn't seem to know who the girl next to him was

"Yes, I know" — Micael replied, his expression on a simple face

"So why are you asking why I'm surprised? In fact, why you! Aren't you surprised?" — Mari asked him, emphasizing her point with a stronger exclamation in her sentence and somewhat speechless due to Micael's composure compared to herself and the others around them

Micael just shrugged his shoulders, implying that he didn't care much about the situation, after then giving his opinion on the matter

"I'm surprised, I just don't show it, and I also just don't understand why the exaggerated reaction, it's not like she's an alien or something"

Micael expressed his sincere opinion on the matter, he really didn't understand why the exaggerated reaction, yes, Rias had an abnormal beauty, but that was it, it's not like she was super famous or something to have that kind of reaction

'It's not like she's a famous idol, or I don't know, Cristiano Ronaldo, it would be more understandable if she were like that, Hah, maybe it's something from this world? By ecchi logic or something, and I'm just not affected?'

Micael thought internally, expressing his doubts about this and questioning the logic, whether it existed, and which probably didn't exist

'Meh, whatever, that's not relevant anyway, it must have to do with the logic of this world, simply because the author wanted it to be that way, there's no need for deep reflection'

Mari just watched as her brother seemed indifferent, seeming really unaffected by the presence of the girl next to him, and seeming to really not understand why everyone overreacted

"You're serious, aren't you? Aren't you seeing what everyone else is seeing?" — Mari spoke pointing at Rias, expressing her doubt and still in disbelief in her brother's composure

Micael hearing Mari's words, looked at her finger, then looked at Rias for a moment, then looked back at his sister and replied

"Yes, I saw it, she is beautiful, so what?" — Micael answered him with as simple an expression as possible, as if he was asking about the weather or something

Mari just stared at her brother in silence after hearing his response, she looked at him with a blank face, her internal disbelief was now greater due to her brother's complete lack of shame for praising the girl in front of the said girl as if he hadn't done a great thing

And the praised girl in question, Rias, felt a little surprised by the boy's composure, it was one thing for him not to overreact to her presence like the other students did, another thing for him to openly compliment her appearance in front of her

Japanese boys were shyer in general, in fact Japanese society was a bit more introverted and antisocial as a whole, which meant that boys, or even men, would have a hard time looking her in the eye, let alone in praising her directly in front of her without even seeming shy or a little embarrassed

This wasn't just limited to the Japanese, the vast majority of average human males wouldn't have the ability to talk to her without seeming at least a little tense or nervous

There are exceptions, obviously, but even those exceptions were usually men who pretended to be calm without really being, but the boy in front of her seemed really unaffected by her presence, like he really didn't care at all

'Now...that's a little curious' — Rias curiosity was a little aroused, now she wanted to know whether this composed attitude was fake or not

She was interested in knowing if this was really how he felt, or if this could just be some kind of tactic to get her attention, she may have little experience interacting with human men, in fact with men in general, but she she could still tell if someone was using that kind of tactic on her

She wasn't sure if the boy's attitude was unusual or not, maybe it wasn't at all, but now that her curiosity had been aroused, she was more likely to get to know the boy better

'Mmm... let's see how you react from now on' — It was Rias' last thought, intending to start a simple conversation with the boy in front of her and study his reactions better

But she doesn't need to take the initiative because the boy in front of her did it for her

"Anyway, there's no need for you to be so thoughtful about it, it's not a big deal anyway and I'm sure she agrees with me, right, senpai?" — Micael said to Mari as he took his hand out of his pocket and lightly patted her head, finishing the sentence by looking at Rias

"So, senpai, what do you have to say? Do you agree or disagree with me?" — Micael asks Rias once again, looking in her direction, waiting for her answer

Rias didn't react at first upon hearing his question, just when she was thinking of a way to bring up a topic for a possible conversation with him, he did it for her

Then, she responded, tilting her head slightly to the side, one hand going to her waist, and once again smiling slightly as she responded

"Well, I never stopped to think about it much... but I agree with you a little, it's not a normal reaction"

"You see?" — Micael spoke to Mari, looking back at her, pointing with his hand at Rias, his expression seeming to have an 'I told you so' look

"But I don't have a problem with that" — Rias continued, making Micael look back at her, she continued her words after that

"I may not be an alien as you say, but there is an aspect of me that could evoke that kind of reaction, don't you think?" — Rias watched, waiting for the boy's reaction and words, she didn't want to seem arrogant or self-centered, but she was aware of her attractiveness, the reaction the students had to the candle was understandable in her personal opinion

"That was a bit arrogant of you, don't you think?" — Micael didn't take long to answer her question, his expression changing to a questioning look as he looked in her direction, asking her in retrospect

"Well, I didn't mean to sound like that, but I wasn't lying, was I?" — Rias replied, returning the boy's questioning look with a look of certainty of her own, conveying her confidence in her statement, still keeping the slight smile on her face

Micael didn't respond immediately, maintaining the confrontation of glances for a moment, seeing the confident attitude of the girl in front of him as if he was sure that he didn't disagree with her, and he didn't, even taking a blatant action that proved this point

"Well..." — Was the short answer Micael gave before shifting his gaze from her eyes and moving them up and down her body, taking two short, blatant seconds to clearly assess her body

"You are right" — Were the next words that Micael uttered after the brazen act, ending the action with a thumbs up and an expression of approval

Rias's reaction was to raise both eyebrows a little, speechless by the attitude of the boy in front of her and also feeling a little amused by his actions, at least the boy didn't fix his eyes on her body as she could have expected from this action, immediately looking them in the eye again after the act

"Haha~, but what do you have to say about yourself, after all you didn't have much of a reaction in my presence, did you~?" — Rias replied after letting out a light laugh, her hand moving to her lips and her eyes half closed as she looked at him

"Well, what can I say? I'm just built differently" — Micael replied, giving an answer that left the people around him stunned once again, shrugging his shoulders and acting as if stating the obvious

Rias just kept her eyes half-closed and her slight smile upon hearing his words, his lack of shame no longer surprised her and she expected a response like that

"Well..." — Rias spoke and this time it was she who acted in a way that left the people around her in disbelief, because right after saying the same word that the boy said, she acted like him, looking away and looking him up and down, seeming to shamelessly analyze his body for two short seconds

During that brief look she noticed something that was already obvious to anyone, the boy had a fit body, with somewhat bulky muscles and looked quite aesthetic, as well as attractive as it was something that stood out due to the way the uniform fit his body

The way his school uniform clung to his body was something that really caught her attention, the way the muscle in his chest pushed the inside of his shirt beneath his blazer, or the way a simple movement of his arm caused his sleeve would take shape for his biceps...

...Okay, maybe she was paying too much attention to his body, ahem, moving on

So, after this "simple" analysis, she looked back at him, looking at him for a brief moment, and then repeating the same action and words he had done

"You are right" — She said looking at him amused, repeating the gesture he had made, raising her thumb and making an expression of appreciation

Rias watched as the boy looked a little surprised, as well as she slightly raised both of his eyebrows, obviously not expecting the actions and words she made

'Hah~ What is this big boy, are you finally speechless~?'

And Micael was, in fact, somewhat speechless, not expecting Rias to repeat his actions, making him have another impression of the girl

'So she can also make jokes like that, huh... well, at least that tells me she knows how to take things in stride'

Micael just looked at her for a moment before returning his calm expression, this time with a slight smile on his face, he laughed lightly for a moment before saying

"Haha, ok, you caught me by surprise, I didn't expect that, that was good"

Rias saw how the boy reacted with humor to her actions, without actually reacting much to her words, showing that although he was surprised it wasn't enough for him to lose his composure

'Mm...you're a tough nut to crack, aren't you?'

"Well, what can I say? Just like you, I'm built differently~" — Rias said these words hoping to see how the boy would react and, unsurprisingly, he paused for a moment as if he was processing her words before bursting into laughter

"Pfff Hahaha ok, that was really good-ahahaha..."

She watched the boy laugh heartily, even leaning forward a little and covering his eyes with his hand, but in the end her own amusement got the better of her, making her laugh too


Then, the two began to laugh, with Micael and his carefree laugh, Rias with a more restrained laugh, with her hand covering her mouth

They stayed like that for a few more seconds, just laughing at the situation without caring about the others around them

Micael laughed for a few more moments before his laughter slowly subsided, with him straightening up and moving his hand to wipe his watery eye from his laughter

"Okay, okay, that was really funny, I didn't expect you to have that in you, senpai, you seem like a really fun person haha" — Micael spoke to her after regaining his composure, looking in her direction with a smile, truly enjoying the situation

"Really? I'm happy to know that you think that about me and I say the same about you" — Rias responded to him with a smile of her own, having a better idea of ​​the boy in front of her and finding him a pleasant person

"Anyway, I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Micael, Micael Alvez de Aoyama, nice to meet you, Rias Gremory" — Micael said, reaching out to her for a shake, his face now with a slight smile

"Likewise, nice to meet you, Micael-kun" — Rias responded to him, with a slight smile of her own, greeting him according to the rules of the language

Micael, upon hearing the honorific added to his name, had a slight twitch in the corner of his mouth, feeling how strange it was to hear his name said that way, something he will probably never get used to

"You don't need to use the honorific, just call me Micael, by the way, should I call you Gremory-san or can I use Rias directly?" — He told her while maintaining the handshake and still had the slight smile

"Of course, Micael, if you prefer, besides, you can directly call me Rias or you can continue calling me senpai if you want" — She responded to him, her smile widening a little at the boy's familiarity, but once demonstrating an unusual behavior

"Nah, thanks, I'm just going with Rias, without senpai" — Micael responded, still shaking his hand and the slight smile on his face, the feeling of fun coming back to him

"Really? What a shame" — Rias replied, still maintaining the handshake and the slight smile

They stayed like that for a moment, both with slight smiles on their faces, maintaining their handshake while lightly shaking their hands, both fully aware of the awkward situation, but both were just having fun with it

Meanwhile, the other students around them were still in shock, processing the scene they had just witnessed, Rias Gremory, one of the school's infamous "onee-samas", was chatting like an ordinary girl in front of them, not only that, she was talking to a completely unknown boy

While the students were in disbelief, a specific girl, who was standing next to the two, was looking at the said boy with a neutral face and a half-closed eyed look

Mari, at that moment, looked at her brother and Rias, alternating between the two, suspicious of the situation when seeing how they interacted during these few minutes

'Are they...flirting?'

That was her thought, she seriously suspects it, because that was the impression she got when she saw them interacting in such a carefree way

'Is Micael interested in her?...but he's never shown interest in a girl before...but she's totally his type'

She looked away at Rias, seeing how the girl seemed to enjoy the interaction

'Is she interested in him?...hmm, I have to keep an eye on that'

His eyes, which were already half-closed, seemed to close even tighter

While these thoughts were going through Mari's head, the other girl who was close to them had simpler thoughts

'What is Rias-buchou doing...does she intend to recruit him? But he looks normal'

She was a little confused by Rias behavior, as she tended to only act like that with people she knew, like her peerage for example, seeing her act like that with a complete stranger was somewhat unusual


In the end, she decided not to think about it too much, whatever idea Rias had in her head, she would leave it to her to do it, Rias could explain herself later

Afterwards, she just goes back to observing the situation in front of her without interfering, of course, always keeping the characteristic neutral expression on her face

Then, returning to Rias and Micael, neither of them being aware of the thoughts that were going through the two girls' heads, while after a few long seconds of a handshake with exchange of looks and strange smiles, Micael decided to end the handshake first

"So that's it, I wish I could stay and talk to you more Rias but I have to go" — That's what Micael said after removing his hand and putting it back in his pocket, his slight smile changing to a sideways smile

"Okay, I also have another commitment, and I would also like to talk more with you Micael, but maybe another day" — Rias responded by removing her own hand and leaving it relaxed at her side, her other hand still on her waist

Micael nodded in agreement with her words, then turned his head towards Mari, with the intention of calling for her, and also seeing the neutral expression on the girl's face

"Let's go?" — Micael wondered why she had that face, but decided not to question it now and just called her

Mari didn't respond, just picked up the bag that was on the table and put the strap on her shoulder, before turning to Koneko and Rias.

"Goodbye, Koneko-chan and Rias-senpai, see you later" — Mari said as she bowed slightly towards the two, saying goodbye.

""Bye/Mm"" — Rias and Koneko responded at the same time with their own goodbye, with Rias saying and Koneko releasing a nasal sound with a slight nod of her head

After saying goodbye to the two, Mari started walking, passing Micael and heading towards the door.

It didn't take long for Micael to follow her, turning to the other two girls and saying goodbye.

"See you later" — Micael said goodbye to them, raising his hand and waving weakly.

""See you/Mm"" — Rias and Koneko bid him farewell, with Rias this time waving her hand as well, and Koneko repeating her previous actions.

So, with the goodbye, Micael continued walking, following right behind his sister, while Rias and Koneko watched the two leave.

After seeing the two walk through the door, Rias shifted her focus to Koneko and spoke to her.

"So, let's go?" — She spoke to her, watching as the girl shifted her neutral face towards her and responded with a curt nod before starting to walk towards the door as well

Rias and Koneko walked through the door, seeing the siblings' backs as they walked away before heading in the opposite direction towards the occult club.

As the two girls walked in silence, Rias turned to Koneko, asking a question to confirm her doubt.

"By the way, Koneko, what are they? Siblings?" — She questioned in doubt, at first, she thought they could be a couple seeing how close they seemed, but after hearing the boy's Japanese surname, she thought about the possibility of them being brothers, and the boy could be adopted, so she asked Koneko to answer your question.

"Mm, yes" — Koneko replied simply

Rias, upon hearing Koneko's confirmation, placed her hand on her chin as she thought for a moment.

'In fact he may not be adopted, instead they may be children of a couple who separated from their original spouses and later married, hence the reason for the mixed surname'

She reflected for a moment as she continued walking —'Yes, that's more likely to be the case, they didn't appear to be mixed race, so that's more likely to be the situation, children of different fathers who got together.'

Rias thought to herself, feeling like she had cracked the case and feeling like a detective of sorts, with her hand on her chin and shaking her head slightly.

As Rias wondered if this was what it was like to be a detective, she saw out of the corner of her eye Koneko looking in her direction

 "What?" — She questioned the smaller girl seeing how she was looking at her, and Koneko didn't take long to respond.

"Buchou, are you interested in him?" — Koneko asks her, her face remaining unfazed by this question that could be misinterpreted.

"Eh?" — Rias didn't react immediately, processing the words spoken by the smaller girl, but realization came and she felt her face heat up a little, she thought her face was probably a little flushed now.

"What do you mean, Koneko-chan?" — Rias didn't respond and instead asked a question, trying to hide her embarrassment by acting natural with a weak smile on her face.

"Mm? I just wanted to know if you were interested in him joining us, isn't that why you kept talking to him?" — Koneko questioned her innocently with a slight tilt of her head, not realizing how embarrassed she had made Rias feel.

"Ah? Is that what you mean? Haha, well, I was just curious about one thing, it's nothing" — Rias responded by disguising her embarrassment, wondering why she felt like she had done something wrong, it was one thing for her to be teased by Akeno, she was already used to it, it was another thing for Koneko to ask that kind of question.

'I don't know why I feel this way, it's not like I did anything wrong anyway'

As she thought about her unwanted feeling of shame, Koneko once again spoke to her

"Curious? about what?"

Rias turned her gaze to the girl as she thought about why she initially went to that class. 

"I was curious about something with that boy, since earlier today while Akeno and I were watching him..." — Rias stopped talking when she realized how she had forgotten the main thing, she was so focused on the conversation that she forgot to see if the boy had sacred gear or not.

"Ugh, I forgot" — Letting out a groan of frustration, she slapped her hand against her forehead when she realized what she had done.


"I just forgot the main reason I was talking to the boy, which was to see if he had sacred gear or not."

"You don't need to worry about it, I felt his aura, there's nothing different" — Koneko replied as she returned to looking forward.

"Really? What did you feel? Do you think he has any potential?" — Rias asked her after hearing her words, maintaining her walk while looking at her.

"His aura is normal, without the feeling of someone who possesses sacres gear and his magical potential is common, possessing the same amount of mana that most humans have." — Koneko responded by continuing to walk and looking straight ahead, saying directly what she felt about the boy.

"Hmm...I see" — That's what Rias said after hearing Koneko's analysis of the boy — "What a shame" — She continued, expressing her own opinion on the matter.

"Why?" — Koneko asked as she looked at Rias, not understanding why she would say that.

"Well, like I said, earlier today Akeno and I were watching him, until he seemed to feel our gazes and react to it, I thought that maybe he could have awakened a sacred gear recently or that he could at least have some magical potential." — Rias responded to Koneko making clear her initial objective when interacting with the boy.

"Mm" — Was Koneko's response along with a nod, understanding the reason for Rias' actions and why she felt it was a pity.

"Well, at least now I know that the boy doesn't have anything special about him, unfortunately, maybe he just has a sixth sense or something, like some "paranormal" humans claim to have... or he just has good instincts anyway." — Rias thought, reflecting on it, it didn't seem like a big deal, although she wanted to believe it couldn't be that simple.

'Maybe it's some sacred gear and it's too weak to have any aura?....I don't know, I don't understand enough about it to have an idea what it could be.'

She thought about this being her main theory, but she had no way of proving it, at least she had her doubts.

'I don't think it's that simple... either way, I'll find out whether my theory is right or not eventually'

"Well, at least he seems like a good person, someone with an easy sense of humor." — Rias finished her words punctuating the impression she had of the boy.

"Mm" — Koneko just nodded and squinted her eyes as she gave her standard response, agreeing with Rias words despite her personal opinion being a little different.

'Ecchi..' — It was Koneko's thought, considering the way the boy acted towards Rias, but as the girl herself didn't seem to mind she didn't say anything, at least the boy didn't seem to be like that trio she heard so much about.

Thus, Rias and Koneko continued their way to the occult club during this brief conversation, each harboring different thoughts about the said boy, both having formed an initial impression of him, whether this was a good thing or not, well... this It's something that Micael will have to discover eventually

And the boy in question? At that moment he was in another part of the school, walking beside his sister and wondering what was wrong with her.

[Scene Break]




"So, you're not going to tell me what happened? What's with that expression on your face?" — Micael asked Mari, seeing the girl's strangely expressionless face and how she seemed very silent.

"It's nothing" — Mari responded, moving her eyes and looking at him from the corner of her eye, before moving her eyes forward again and saying nothing else.

Seeing Mari's actions, Micael looked at her silently for a moment, before shrugging his shoulders and saying.

"Okay, if you say so"

So he remained silent, no longer questioning his sister, acting as if he didn't care, and Mari, seeing her brother's relaxed behavior, felt exasperated, squinting at him and saying.

"You weren't flirting with her, were you?"

"Huh? No, of course not, where did you get that from?" — Micael turned his gaze to her, raising an eyebrow in doubt at his sister's question.

"Well, that was the impression I got from seeing the way you acted towards her, so are you interested in her or not?" — Mari replied, reinforcing her argument by questioning him again, looking at him suspiciously from the corner of her eye.

"Then that's it? Nah, I'm not interested in her, I mean, she's totally my type, I won't deny it, but an ordinary woman is enough to give me a headache, a beautiful woman like her could kill me, hah, who knows? Maybe she's engaged to some guy or something." — Micael responded after understanding what his sister meant, giving an answer that only he understood, letting out a light laugh at the end.

"Are you sure about that?" — Mari asked back, keeping her look of doubt.

"Yes, I'm sure, and why all the questioning? Are you jealous?" — Micael asked looking in her direction with a slight smile.

"Nah" — Mari replied, looking forward again, her face returning to expressionlessness.

"Don't doubt it, little one, you know how I am, if I were interested in her I would tell her directly." — Micael told her as he moved his hand to her hair and ruffled it.

"Hmph, yes, and you would definitely be rejected" — Mari responded with a huff as she moved her own hand, slapped his hand away and began to fix her hair.

"Well, as they say, you already have the no, the only thing missing is the humiliation, heh" — He responded by letting out a light laugh at the end and shrugging his shoulders.

"Anyway, you don't need to think about it too much, if I ever get a girlfriend the first thing I will do is take her to you so you can approve her." — Micael spoke to her while looking forward.

"Exactly, do exactly that" — Mari responded with a satisfied expression, agreeing with his words with a nod of her head.

"Hah, but of course, madam mother" — He responded with a sideways smile as he looked at her, moving his hand to her hair and ruffling it again.

"Also, stop messing up my hair" — Mari told him as she slapped his hand to fix her hair once again, throwing an indignant look in his direction.

"Hahaha...no" — Micael responded, laughing carelessly for a moment before his face abruptly changed to a neutral expression as he responded.

Mari, upon seeing his strange actions, just rolled her eyes without commenting, already used to his strangeness.

Micael, upon seeing her reaction, just smiled weakly before lightly slapping the girl on the shoulder while laughing softly.

The girl just looked at him after he slapped her shoulder, before slapping him back.

Micael didn't react, he just looked at her with amusement, before turning his gaze forward and continuing walking in silence.

Mari did the same when she saw that he no longer spoke, just continued walking in silence.

So, the two siblings walked through the school towards the exit, continuing their journey towards the dentist. 

[Scene Break]




Currently, inside the orthodontist clinic, Micael is sitting waiting for Mari, waiting for her to finish the appointment so they can leave.

Sitting in one of the chairs in the room, Micael had his arms crossed as he looked at the TV mounted on the wall, but his thoughts were focused on something else.

He was thinking about his power, reflecting on the possible applicability it had, but without being sure of anything, because as already mentioned he needed to do more tests to be sure of what his power was capable of.

He put his hand to his chin, thinking about the little test he had taken that morning before going to school.

[Flashback, morning of that day...]



It was already six thirty in the morning and Micael was in his room, sitting on his bed, with his muscular torso exposed while wearing only pants.

His hand was in front of his face as he swung his hand from side to side, the issue was that his hand was moving fast enough that only the afterimage was noticeable as he moved his forearm quickly.

However, anyone seeing him now would see the impressive sight of his eyes moving quickly from side to side as he followed the movements of his forearm, demonstrating that he could keep up with the accelerated movement.

And he actually did it, Micael was literally watching how his arm moved in slow motion, making sure he was swinging his arm as fast as possible.

In fact, he had been testing his power for almost an hour, and so far the only thing he had discovered about his power was the change in his perception of time, other than that, the improvement in his vision in general and a kind of improvement in memory, making him feel as if he had some kind of sharingan.

Then, letting out a sigh, he stopped swinging his hand as he lowered it, deactivating its power, immediately feeling tired in vision.

He brings his hands to his eyes, massaging them to relieve the tiredness, he had been doing this for almost an hour and had no idea what his power could do, and he also didn't want to use it too much because he hadn't fully recovered.

After rubbing his eyes and massaging them, he leaned forward resting his elbows on his thighs.

He ended up moving his arm once again in front of his face, looking absently at his hand as he reflected.

'Is that all you can do?...That can only change my perception and improve my vision and memory?...That's all?'

He thought about the capacity of his power, feeling that it was too simple and that there wasn't much he could do if it was just that.

'I mean, I'm not complaining but I have to be realistic, there's not much I can do about this, I barely managed to survive that guy, what should I do if I come across a stray devil then? Should I just watch him until he kills himself or something?'

"Hah" — Laughing a little at his stupid joke, he continued looking at his hand thinking.

'Also, I can only use one of these skills at a time, without being able to use them all at the same time'

He thought about how he was unable to use all of these skills at the same time, but it wasn't that this was some kind of limitation, it was more that he couldn't maintain all three skills at the same time.

When he tried, he immediately felt his eyes heat up, causing him to deactivate his power instantly.


He wanted to do more tests, but he also couldn't strain his eyes too much.

He wanted to do more testing with this, but he also couldn't strain his eyes too much as it felt like his eyes were on fire for a brief moment.

'Hmm, better vision, huh...'

He thought for a moment, thinking about his eye's ability to improve his vision, thinking about how detailed and clear his vision became.

'...It would be cool if I had x-ray vision too, hah'

He had this idea momentarily, thinking about how his power seemed to improve every aspect of vision.

'...Yeah, it doesn't hurt to try'

So, deciding to try, despite feeling like it wouldn't do any good, he moved his hand in front of his face, highlighting his index finger and looking at it wanting to see through it.

'Come on, give me x-ray vision like Superman'

He thought, believing that his attempt would come to nothing, but the amused smile didn't form on his face as he felt his power activate and then he began to slowly see beneath the skin of his finger.

"Fuck!" — He ended up swearing in surprise, instinctively deactivating his power.

He looked at the finger for a moment, not expecting it to actually work, before trying again and raising the finger in front of his face.

He tried to activate his power, wanting to see through the skin of his fingertip again, however, his power did not activate, causing him to frown slightly, feeling confused.

He thought for a moment, placing his hand on his chin, wondering if he had done something wrong, then mentally went over what he had done, going over each thing.

'Wait a second...'

He returned to action and raised his finger again, getting an idea of ​​what was missing.

"I want x-ray vision like Superman..."

Then, as if that was what was missing, he once again felt his power activate, as he began

slowly seeing through the skin of his fingertip.

"What the fuck..."

He cursed again, feeling confused and speechless at the nature of his power.

He paused for a moment, closing his hand and reflecting once again on his power, then he got up from the bed and began pacing the room with his hand on his chin, as he tried to understand its nature.

So, having a possible idea, he went to the bathroom in his room, opening the door and standing in front of the mirror.

He looked at his reflection in the mirror, focused on his eyes, he watched as he once again activated his power, but this time with a different ability in mind.

'Supermam's Heat Vision...'

And then, once again, he felt his power being activated as he watched the pupils of his eyes slowly turn red, causing him to deactivate his power soon after so as not to destroy anything.

Observing that his hypothesis seemed correct, Micael began to reflec once again while placing his hand on his chin again.

'Hmm... Superman vision, Sharingan eyes...hmm...'

He mused as he stroked his chin, thinking about what the nature of his power could possibly be

He was thinking that when he was testing his power previously, he was subconsciously comparing it to the Sharingan, thinking about the abilities of it while using his power, causing him to replicate some of its abilities, and now even when he tried to activate the ray vision -x without thinking about Superman, his power was not activated.

All of this got him thinking about what his power could potentially be.

"Well, there's only one thing left for me to do..."

Then, making up his mind, he immediately began to prove his hypothesis, moving his hand and turning on the sink tap.


As he watched the water from the tap fall freely, he moved his hand, stopping it a few centimeters from the falling water.

Then, thinking for a moment, he soon felt his power activate, causing him to continue his action.

Then, with a flick of his wrist, moving his hand to the side, he felt his activated power have the effect he wanted, causing the water falling from the tap to divert its course and shoot at high speed towards the wall at the end of the bathroom.

"Puta que pariu..."("Holy fuck...")

Micael looked at the wall, with his mouth slightly open, feeling internally shocked to see that his hypothesis about his power was correct.


Letting out another curse in a softer tone, he regained his composure while many thoughts went through his head, he wanted to continue testing his power but he didn't have time and needed to rest more, so he would leave it for later at night.

Then, he turned off the tap and calmly left the bathroom, intending to finish getting ready and go to school.

[...End of Flashback]


Now, returning to the present moment, Micael thought about what he believed to be his power, a power with a lot of potential if he was right, a potential to be quite "cheater" if he was right.

'Copy of powers, huh...'

Yes, that was what he believed his cheat to be, a power that allowed him to copy other people's powers or abilities.

'If this is true, it really is a cheater power'

He believes this to be the nature of his power, but as he said, he still needed to do some more testing and see what it was capable of, as well as find out if this was truly the full extent of his power, as well as any weaknesses, If there is anything other than tiredness and pain in the eyes and head.

In other words, he still had no idea what his real power was, thanks to the supposed limitation of thinking about a power and imagining it instead of immediately using it like a copy of the power would, then, with the intention of testing his cheat later, Micael waited for Mari so they could leave.

And he didn't have to wait long, because soon the door in front of him opened with Mari walking through it.

Micael then stood up as his sister approached him, with her tilting her head towards the door.

And understanding the message, he and she walked towards the door to leave, soon passing through it.

The two then left the clinic, with the place returning to silence, the only soft noise coming from the air conditioning.

The two then left the clinic, with the place returning to silence, the only soft noise coming from the air conditioning, or the receptionist typing keys, with the place returning to the way it was before they arrived, awaiting new clients, representing the continuity of a usual routine for anyone who had plans for that afternoon, or for a certain someone, tonight.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C10
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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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