
No Title (R-18)

During the day, the weather was extremely hot. Hana and Hayashi almost drenched their entire bodies in sweat and were breathing heavily. Hana and Hayashi wear beach hats to block out the sun.

"Take it easy, it will cool down once we enter the forest." Eiji, who was leading the way, turned around slightly without stopping his steps. He looked at Hana who was panting.

Ryu who was in the back row also wiped the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand, the weather here was really very hot. They continued walking down the path.

Ryu's small smile lifted slightly as he greeted the two women, the reason why the two women were panting with flushed faces was not entirely due to the heat and fatigue. But there was also another factor, namely the vibrator that was incessantly vibrating inside their respective vaginas.

Eiji was in the front row, there was Hayashi, Arata behind him, then there was Hana in front of Ryu who was in the back row. Hana, slightly looking back, swallowed as her gaze fell on Ryu's wet t-shirt on his chest.

"Hah, hah, hah... Nnn..." Hana again turned her gaze forward so that no one would suspect her.

Arata also occasionally stole a glance at the girl behind him. He saw Hana was really very erotic with sweat flowing from her body.

Hayashi was wearing a one piece shirt that was open because the weather was also very hot, while Hana was only wearing a short plain T-shirt and long pants. She took off the jacket she had been wearing because it was so hot.

Each of them also carried a backpack with their respective needs. Maybe only Eiji carried food and was also assisted by Ryu who carried meat in another backpack.

After walking quite close, they finally arrived at the forest. Welcomed by the cool air that hit their bodies.

"Soon we will reach the hut." Eiji said.

Hayashi also breathed a sigh of relief when the vibrator vibrating in her pussy stopped. But she couldn't stop the feeling of arousal in her body.

After walking for a long time. Finally they arrived at a cottage in the middle of the forest. The cottage could be said to be quite large because it had two floors, made of wood which added to the natural impression.

"Okay, you guys can get ready, where are Hana and Yamaguchi?" Eiji was surprised to see only Hayashi and Arata.

Arata and Hayashi who were confused, looked back and found Hana and Ryu who were not there.

Hana who was already unable to contain her arousal by the stimulation in her vagina, especially with Ryu's sweat that continued to drip. Dragging the young man in silence without anyone noticing. Hana was already familiar with this forest because Eiji often brought her here as a child.

Hana's breathing rushed with a flushed face, she grasped Ryu's hand wordlessly and continued to drag the young man. Until they arrived at a small hut where they rested.

Hana immediately placed her backpack on the side of a wooden bench and hugged Ryu tightly. Breathing deeply into Ryu's wet chest.

"Look who's horny..." Ryu put down his backpack that had been weighing him down.

"Ahhh Ryu! Please... I can't help it." Hana moaned while licking Ryu's neck which was already dripping with sweat.

Ryu immediately brought his mouth and Hana's mouth together, they kissed intensely with the cool breeze hitting their bodies.

Ryu slips his hand into Hana's pants. Finding the love juices already splattered on Hana's panties. He also pulls out the small vibrator lodged there, making Hana moan in pleasure as she feels Ryu's fingers inside her pussy.

Hana is really being a naughty girl right now, after the kiss ends. Hana goes back to licking Ryu's sweaty neck, opening the young man's shirt until he's shirtless. Ryu enjoyed Hana's tongue exploring his sweaty body. He sits on the bench, placing Hana on his lap in a face-to-face position.

Hana's mouth turns sideways as she opens Ryu's arms, burying her face in his armpit, love juices flowing again as Ryu's manly scent pierces her nose. The girl's tongue returned to licking Ryu's armpit without showing any disgust at all.

"Ahh Ryu, the scent of your body is like a stimulating drug... It's really intoxicating Ryu... I love it so much... Emmm ahhh..."

Hana's body writhed as Ryu's fingers played inside her pussy.

"Ryu ahhh... I really can't help myself... Please put your cock inside Ryu..."

"You're impatient Hana..." Ryu slightly raised his smile. Ryu slightly lifted Hana from her seat, and painstakingly removed Hana's tight pants. Her brightly colored panties were completely wet.

"Shhh... Ryu... Hurry up..." Hana was really struggling to contain her arousal as her consciousness was almost gone.

"Patience Hana, your favorite dick will be here soon."

Ryu opens his pants kissing the girl's lips which are slightly salty from licking his own sweat earlier.

"Ahhh Ryuu ...."

Ryu sat back down and put the girl on his lap, making her pussy rub against his dick.

"Put it in Ryuu... Mmn fast..." The girl's body arched backwards due to the friction caused by Ryu's penis.

Ryu again rubbed his penis on the surface of Hana's vagina, while Ryu's mouth sucked on Hana's bright pink pussy lips. He really likes the color of Hana's nipples, sucking and biting them.

"Ryu... Ahhh, please insert... Ohhhhhhh."

Hana squirmed in frustration as her hips were about to lift, but Ryu's hand held her down and rubbed the surface of her pussy.

"Sshhh Ryuu, ahhh, this really isn't funny... Ryu, don't tease me... This is going too far... ahhh mhhhh." Hana cries out in frustration, she tries to get rid of Ryu's hand holding her waist, Hana wants to immediately insert Ryu's penis into her itchy vagina. The girl's body twists and turns as she can't help it, sweat drips down her cheeks while her tears continue to fall.

Ryu didn't answer, he was focused on enjoying Hana's nipples. Hana is already holding Ryu's dick and giving him a handjob, Hana once again tries to lift her hips. But Ryu holds Hana's hips firmly.

Hana screamed in frustration like a child who wasn't given candy. "Shhh mnnn ahhh, what's my fault Ryu.... Uhmmm ahhh, why are you so mean..."

Hana was really going to go crazy if the heat in her body didn't subside. Hana starts licking Ryu's ear half-consciously, her tongue moving to lick Ryu's shoulder which is also wet with sweat. It only added to the stimulation of his body. Tears of frustration continued to flow uncontrollably as Ryu toyed with her desires.

Ryu thrusts his hips to rub his penis against the surface of Hana's vagina. Hana was almost mad and desperate because of the cruel treatment Ryu was giving her.

"Hikss... Ryu..., please... I can't take it anymore." The girl grabbed her own hair vigorously.

"It's out in the open, what if someone sees?" Ryu grinned a little while licking his favorite Hana's nipple.

"I don't care!" Hana yells in frustration, this time grabbing Ryu's hair while pressing his head so hard against her chest that she suffocates. Hana's body continued to sweat while wriggling around like a worm that couldn't stay still.

"You don't care if Eiji and the others see you?"

"I don't care!!! Huhuhu,, Ryu, please don't go too far..." Hana again cried in frustration as the friction of Ryu's penis felt intoxicating in her pussy. She repeatedly tried to lift her hips but could not resist the strength of Ryu's hands holding her hips.

"You don't care if others see you like this? Acting like a slut?" Ryu grinned seductively at her.

"I don't care! I don't care! I don't care about any of that... Just your cock!!! Put your dick in!!!" Hana yelled forcefully.

"Please Ryu, what did I do wrong for you to treat me like this... You're so cruel Ryu..."

That's enough, Ryu thought. He then lifted Hana's hips right above his penis.

Ryu is surprised when Hana's hips suddenly press down, Ryu's penis entering in one stroke until it hits the wall of Hana's uterus. The girl who had been forcibly pressed by Ryu's hips, screamed back while holding her body up by holding Ryu's hair. A grin appeared as Ryu's penis hit the wall of her womb with force.

Moans also escaped from Ryu's mouth as the pleasure came from his penis. He didn't mind Hana grabbing his hair to hold onto, after all it was his fault in the first place for teasing her too much.

In just one stroke, Hana has an amazing orgasm. The girl was really aggressive today, probably because of the heat and vibrator, plus the smell of Ryu's body odor that Hana liked so much.

Making the girl very aggressive, despite already having an orgasm. Hana thrusts her hips quickly, showering Ryu with deep kisses. Ryu synchronizes the pounding of his hips with the pounding of Hana's hips.

Hana's grin couldn't escape her mouth, Ryu squeezed both of the girl's soft buttocks firmly as a grip to speed up their movements.

"Ahhh yes Ryu, ahhh like that... Ohhhj Shhht faster..."

Ryu stomped his last beat until it hit the wall of Hana's womb hard. An absurd amount of semen gushes out filling Hana's womb to the brim. Hana's body squeals feeling the warmth inside her womb.

"Hah, hah, hah .... Finally..." Hana smiled after getting a climax that made her relieved, maybe she would really go crazy if Ryu kept teasing her.

"You like it? Huh...," Ryu looks at her with a seductive smile while licking Hana's nipples once.

Hana glances at Ryu with a smile like before, suddenly Hana's smile disappears replaced with a sharp gaze. Hana lifts her hips wordlessly which brings her to orgasm, but Hana immediately puts on her previously wet panties and puts her long pants back on. Hana didn't bother carrying her backpack and walked away from Ryu.

Ryu smiled wryly, the girl was really angry. He quickly put on his previous shirt and put his penis back in. Carrying Hana's bag and backpack, he took a small run to catch up with the sulking girl.

Hana had a frown on her forehead that wouldn't go away.

She thought Ryu's behavior had gone too far. Hana has never once been angry at Ryu for treating her harshly such as hitting, biting until blood seeps on her skin, slapping her, making her drink saliva, urine, hot wax liquid, licking Ryu's pubic hole after defecating, even Hana was not angry when she was strangled by Ryu to the point that flashbacks of her life appeared. But his treatment of Hana earlier was outrageous.

But her body was also trembling with fear... She was afraid that Ryu would abandon her. What if her anger made Ryu leave her, Hana's body shuddered at the thought of Ryu leaving her.


Ryu's voice sounded behind her, she hesitated to see what kind of expression he would show. Have I gone too far? Angry at Ryu? Who am I?

That question kept ringing in her head. Ryu's hand touched her shoulder which made her jump in surprise.

"R-Ryu... I..."

Ryu kissed Hana gently, different from the previous kiss. The kiss was so gentle, it made Hana's tense face melt again, as if all her anger was muffled by the kiss.

"Let's just forget about it, okay?"

Ryu hugged Hana from behind while giving her a gentle kiss on the neck. Hana stroked Ryu's hair gently.

Hana turned and hugged Ryu, nodding softly in response.

"But can I ask you something?"

Ryu raised his eyebrows slightly. "What is it?"

"Please don't ever do that again in the future."

Ryu gave a small smile. "Okay."

With a small nod, Hana began to kiss Ryu.

"Ah but there's something you should take care of first."

Mostly after sex, to clean the urethra. Usually men will urinate. Hana already knew that and pouted but still knelt before Ryu.

"I know that." Hana said as she unzipped Ryu's pants and pulled out his semi-erect penis.

"I guess it's still not completely calm."

"You think I'll calm down with just one shot?" Ryu said with a faint smile.

Hana just chuckled. "I don't think so, you're really an unreasonable asshole."

Hana immediately takes Ryu's penis into her mouth, slightly stimulating the head of Ryu's penis. Urine then came out from there. Peeing after sex was a little different, it would be held back and reappear after a certain amount of time.

For a moment Ryu released a lot of urine, after stopping Hana gave a little more stimulation. The rest of the urine then came out again.

Hana happily drank all the urine that came out.

"Are we going to do it again?" Hana teased Ryu a little by licking the tip of his penis.

"No, everyone will get suspicious if we do."

"Okay." Hana nodded in understanding, gently sliding Ryu's penis back into his pants. And closes the zipper again, patting the penis under the pants a few times.


Ryu didn't answer, instead responding with a head movement to leave.

Hana touches her stomach which was previously filled with Ryu's urine, she had gone to the doctor to have her health checked. But the doctor did not find anything strange in Hana's body. Hana's body was healthy as usual.

Hana just thought that she had no physical health problems despite always drinking Ryu's urine, she was happy about that.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Ryu turned his head slightly to look at Hana who was smiling alone.

"It's nothing, I'm just happy to think that we're so compatible." Hana said with a small smile, showing her row of teeth.

"Ah, where are we going by the way?" Ryu asked hesitantly.

"Pfft..." That made Hana laugh, a big laugh because Ryu was walking pretentiously. She thought he knew his way around.

Ryu just scratched the back of his head in embarrassment at being laughed at by his girlfriend.

"I finally found you guys, I thought you were lost." Arata who found Hana and Ryu, approached the two of them.

"I was lost, but luckily I met Serizawa-san who knew the way." Ryu answered naturally.

Hana just smiled at Ryu's lie.

"Ohh, so it's true that the president and vice president are childhood friends."

"Yes, that's right. Eiji-kun and I were childhood friends, so I often visit this cottage in the middle of the forest." Hana replied with a friendly smile.

"Then how about we go?" Hana continued, to which Arata nodded.

"What about your boyfriend?" Ryu asked as Hana walked in front of them, the woman leaning in slightly to hear Ryu's conversation.

"He's very tired, so he's staying at the cottage waiting."

Ryu nodded, Hayashi must have been tormented by the stimulation that the vibrator provided. But Ryu thought that Hayashi must be able to endure it well.

Arata leaned slightly to the side and whispered in Ryu's ear. "Is it just me or does the president of the Osis look erotic when he sweats."

Ryu rolled his eyes lazily in response to Arata's question.

"You're really lucky to be hanging out with Serizawa-san." Arata continued without pausing.

"But I'm really sorry to you, man."

"Hmm? For what?" Ryu raised his eyebrows.

"I mean, you must have gotten bored in the hut by yourself. Me and Aiko-chan, for the student council president, though I doubt it. I'm sure she's close with Kimura. They're always together at school, so it's not strange that they're dating. Even though you've changed your appearance." Arata said, looking at Ryu's hair tied back with a few strands dangling in front of his forehead. Arata really didn't know that Ryu was hiding such a handsome face.

"Ohh, I don't really care about that. I just want to have a quiet vacation." Ryu answered briefly with a faint smile.

I can get those two women on their knees while licking my cock. Ryu thought.

Hana who faintly heard the conversation also almost laughed at Arata.

After arriving at the cottage, they began to clean themselves in the bathroom. Hana's brow furrowed, because usually she always took a bath with Ryu. She felt strange bathing alone like this.

Her vagina was full of semen from earlier in the day, Hana actually wanted to keep the semen inside her body. But Ryu told her to clean it up because he liked Hana's bright pink pussy.

While Hana showered, Ryu who had finished everything went to the second floor, the floor reserved for women while the men slept downstairs.

Ryu also caught a glimpse of Arata and Eiji in the front yard setting up the grill.

Opening the door to the room surprised the little girl inside. "Yamaguchi-kun, where are you from?"

Hayashi, who had been covering her exposed breasts in surprise, began to let them fall as she was reassured that it was Ryu.

"Have you finished bathing?" Asked Ryu while walking towards Hayashi who was about to put on a bra.

"Yes, Hana-san is still in the bathroom right now."

"I see." Even with the noise in the bathroom, he could clearly tell that it was Hana.

"So, do you want to do it?" Hayashi averted his eyes in embarrassment.

"No, if it takes too long. Arata and Kimura will get suspicious. I'm just here to pee."

"Ohh, I see. Where?" Hayashi nodded in understanding.

"Just open your pants."

Hayashi started to open her shorts and put her panties aside. Ryu's half-strained penis was inserted slowly into Hayashi's vagina. Ryu began to release his urine, gushing profusely to fill Hayashi's womb.

"Uhhh, it's flowing all over my womb." Hayashi arched her body backwards as a warm feeling flowed inside her womb.

"Where's the dildo you told me to bring?" Ryu asked while continuing to leak urine in the depths of Hayashi's womb.

"It's... Uhhh... It's in that little bag..." Hayashi nearly rolled her eyes as the liquid unceasingly filled her womb. After a while, the urine finally stopped. Ryu took the dildo, pulling out his penis slowly. He then pierced Hayashi's pussy with the dildo in one motion.

"Ahhh..." A moan escaped Hayashi's mouth. The dildo was a little special as it had straps on each side. She carried the strap over Hayashi's shoulders to keep the dildo stuck in her pussy. The dildo would also move up and down according to the condition of Hayashi's curves.

"Okay it's done, don't ever take it off until I tell you to, okay?"

Hayashi nodded in understanding, earning a soft kiss from Ryu. "You really are the best toilet, Hayashi."

Hayashi blushed slightly at Ryu's words, but Ryu ignored him and left him. Going to the kitchen to get some meat as the barbeque was about to take place.

As night fell, they partied as planned. Except for two women who hid their discomfort. First was Hayashi, she was uncomfortable with the urine churning in her womb. As for Hana, she refrained from sitting on Ryu's lap.

There were only three men enjoying the barbeque party without a care in the world. Hayashi didn't have much trouble hiding his discomfort, and neither did Hana. She was very used to wearing a mask in public.

"I heard you guys were middle school friends, right?" Hana stopped the three of them from chatting, looking back and forth at Arata and Ryu.

"Yes, we've been friends since middle school." Arata replied kindly while filling his mouth with cooked meat.

"No wonder you guys look so close, if you want, you can also call me by my first name like Aiko-chan." Hana said while taking a bite of the cooked meat.

"Ohh is that right? Then, Hana-chan, can I call you like that?" Arata said excitedly, slightly earning a jealous look from Aiko.

Hana nodded with a friendly smile, though she was slightly annoyed at hearing her name called by the young man.

"Yamaguchi-kun has the first name Ryuichi, right? Isn't your name cool. Ryu, like a dragon. Can I call you by that? You can also call me by my first name." Hana finally arrived at her original goal, she was lazy if she had to pretend to continue using Ryu's last name.

"Okay, I don't mind. I'll call you Hana from now on."

"Of course, do me a favor." Hana smiled, a smile much different from the one she gave Arata.

She was good at finding topics for her own benefit. Ryu thought.

"I'm Aiko, Kimura-kun and Yamaguchi-kun can call me by my first name too." Hayashi, or Aiko began to follow the flow of the conversation.

"Then we'll use our first names as nicknames, you guys can call me by my first name too." Eiji continued.

"In that case..., Eiji-kun, and Ryu-kun ...."

Aiko received a silent stare from Hana.

"I mean Ryuichi-kun." Aiko continued with a smile. Hana smiled at Aiko's classy reply. She was the only woman who could call him 'Ryu', a message implied by Hana's earlier look.

"Assalamualaikum, Aiko." Ryu greeted without changing his facial expression.


It was already midnight, and Hana, Ryu, and Aiko were in the middle of the forest with the moon shining brightly. It shone down on them as they made out on a mat spread out on the ground.

Eiji and Arata had gone to bed first and Ryu had quietly slipped out.

Aiko was like a crazy naughty girl as she kept finding her face right in Ryu's anus, breathing deeply. Hana was there giving Ryu a very skillful blowjob that made the young man moan in pleasure.

"Yeah, let all the animals here know how crazy we are about sex." Ryu said as he grinned at the two of them.

Hana wasn't too affected by Ryu's words and continued to stimulate the young man's penis. Aiko's face turned red knowing that they were doing this out in the open. But Aiko didn't stop kissing and licking Ryu's asshole. Aiko hugged Ryu's ass as if to press her tongue even deeper, the soft hairs of Ryu's ass tickled her nose and Aiko loved it as her breath was choked by the scent of Ryu's ass.

"Have you ever treated Arata like this, Aiko?" Ryu opened the conversation with the pure pleasure they both felt.

Aiko turned her face red. "Please don't mention my boyfriend's name when I'm on duty."

Hana furrowed her brows again at the word 'Duty' from Aiko, but she continued to serve Ryu with her tongue and mouth. Pressing Ryu's cock into her throat because Ryu liked that.

Ryu pressed Aiko's face back into her anus. Understanding Ryu's intentions, Aiko immediately resumed her duties.

"Just answer my question."

"I... never did anything like this with him." Aiko began licking Ryu's anus again, inserting her tongue into it. I don't know how long she licked until Ryu's asshole was completely clean and wet with her own saliva.

"Then, what did you do with Arata."

"Nfuuu, it was just kissing and sex."

"You never licked his dick?"

"I thought it was something that shouldn't be put in my mouth, so I never wanted to do it even though Arata once asked me to."

No wonder he threw up so many times back then. Ryu thought.

"Don't keep licking something that's already clean, it's..." Ryu stomped his foot a few times gently.

Hana pinched Ryu's waist which made the young man grimace slightly, looking at Hana questioningly. Hana's gaze spoke as if she was ignoring me. Because of that Ryu immediately pressed Hana's head and played with it.

As for Aiko, she swallowed hesitantly while pulling on Ryu's socks. Slowly her tongue extended and licked Ryu's big toe. Apparently she liked the scent.

Aiko then took the thumb into her mouth, swirling it around with her saliva and tongue to clean Ryu's foot.

Pressing Hana's head as hard as he could, Ryu released a large amount of semen at the back of his throat.

Hana is so used to it that no semen overflows from her mouth. She swallows it all perfectly. The sound of gulping echoes several times with Hana slowly pulling her face away.

"Aaaan .."

She opened her mouth in front of Ryu as if to say that everything had been swallowed. Ryu grinned in satisfaction before spitting in the girl's mouth which Hana happily obliged with a lascivious smile.

Ryu placed the sole of his foot right on Aiko's face, the girl happily licking his foot. An amused feeling ran down Ryu's back.

"Come here." Ryu said to Hana, with just a code like that. Hana already understands what Ryu wants, she climbs onto Ryu's lap until the penis is right under her pussy hole. Hana gently held Ryu's penis and inserted the head of his penis then pushed her hips hard.

"Nahhhh!!!" Hana moaned loudly as the penis hit the wall of her womb hard.

"For tonight I'll leave everything to you two." Ryu lay on his back while supporting his head with both hands.

He enjoyed the up and down curves of Hana's body, illuminated by the bright moon. It was like looking at a perverted angel.

Ryu squeezes Hana's breasts tightly, pressing her nipples, pinching, twisting, which makes her sigh even louder.

"Nhhh ahhhh ohhhh mmn..."

Ryu took back his earlier words, he couldn't stand the silence. Ryu began to rise again and kissed Hana hard while his left foot was licked faithfully by Aiko.

Aiko could already feel the love juices dripping from her pussy.

"Ahh Ryuuuuuu~...."

Semen overflowing back to fill the girl's womb, Hana drooped limply in Ryu's arms.

"Emmm Ryuichi-kun..." Aiko hesitated, but called out to Ryu boldly.

"Come here." Ryu beckoned Aiko over with a hand gesture while slapping Aiko's butt and telling her to get out of the way. It made Hana unhappy because she was already comfortable with Ryu's penis inside her.

But reluctantly she lifted her hips.

Aiko approaches Ryu and kneels in front of him. Ryu fingered Hana's crotch which had a bulge. It was the dildo he had implanted earlier to hold back her urine.

"Emhhhh!!!" Aiko sighed softly and Ryu furrowed his brow as Hana's pink tongue sucked on her nipple.

Ryu began to pull the dildo from Hana's pussy hole, and yellowish water gushed out strongly. Hana furrowed her brow at the sight, it was definitely not Aiko's urine.

"You peed on her pussy?" Hana asked.

"Yes, so what?"

"Do it to me too!" Hana asked with a small smile.

Ryu just smiled a little." No, come here Aiko."

"Huh? Why?"

Ignoring Hana, Ryu pierced the girl's tight pussy with his penis in one stroke.

"Ahh! Ryuichi-kun!!! Please be more gentle!"

"Ryu!!!" Hana called out to Ryu strongly, she felt neglected.

Ryu grabbed Hana's hair firmly and brought the girl's face closer to his.

"Ahh Ryu!"

"If I say no, then no." Ryu said with a small grin.

"Now, lick my ass."

Ryu again shook Hana's head roughly, although not satisfied, Hana still did what Ryu said. Ryu begins to wiggle his hips while Hana matches Ryu's movements to continue licking Ryu's hole.

"Ahhh ohhh... Mnfff..." Aiko's sighs intensified as her pussy jerked repeatedly.

"Ahhh!!!" Aiko screamed out as Ryu slapped her ass hard.

"Please slow down Ryuichi-kun!!!" Aiko's tears had started to flow.

Hana was currently feeling sorry for Aiko, because Ryu was a jerk.

"You said to be more gentle but your pussy tightened up when I slapped your ass!" Ryu slapped the girl's ass again until the red tread marks were visible.


Aiko felt claustrophobic as Ryu squeezed both her breasts very firmly, very different from Arata's treatment of her. But somehow, she liked everything Ryu did. Hana reached out her hand to Aiko's crotch, the girl's body convulsing as Hana pinched her clitoris very hard. A silent scream escaped the girl's mouth. Love juices gushed out without warning.

Ryu pulled Aiko's hair, making her look up at Ryu's pull.

"Hyaaa it hurts so much Ryuichi-kun... AhhhNnn!!!"

But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below

PA TREON LINK:https://www.patreon.com/touyama


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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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