12.67% Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story / Chapter 9: Arc 1 - Ch 9: Consquences

บท 9: Arc 1 - Ch 9: Consquences

Chapter 9

Arc 1 - Ch 9: Consequences

Date: Friday, June 4, 2010.

Location: Xavier Institute, Scarsdale, New York

The net gently swayed in the breeze as Tyson's feet met the familiar asphalt of the basketball court. He thought he saw Illyana stepping into one of her portals on the far side of the court, though she was standing at his side. For a moment, it was as if they were caught in some cosmic time loop, fragments of the past blurring into the present. Or perhaps it was his first glimpse of how time flowed differently in Limbo.

Before he could consider further, a vision appeared that sent chills racing down his spine. Floating above the court was Jean Grey, though not as he remembered her. Gone was the gentle warmth in her eyes, replaced by a blazing crimson that seemed lit from within by fire. Her long red hair, usually so soft and free, now whipped around her head and shoulders like wild fiery tendrils, dancing in a phantom wind. She was wreathed in an aura of sheer power, almost visible like shimmering heat waves rising from the sun-scorched pavement.

Both captivating and deeply unsettling, she was dangerous beauty personified.

Tyson stared, transfixed. How much had he missed since his time in Limbo? Illyana took a cautious step back, her body language revealing her unease. But Tyson barely noticed, unable to tear his gaze away from the raw power Jean now radiated. The air was dense with a palpable tension that pressed down on Illyana, making her tremble despite her efforts to steel herself.

"Jean?" Tyson called out cautiously.

For a long moment, nothing changed. But as his voice echoed across the court, recognition seemed to stir deep within Jean's fiery eyes. Gradually the intense glow faded, and the blazing crimson of her eyes softened to a muted jade. The winds whipping her hair into a frenzy slowed to a gentle breeze, red tendrils falling softly about her face and shoulders once more. And the eerie fiery silhouette dancing around her slowly melted away.

It was as if reality itself exhaled in relief, the very fabric of the world relaxing as the tension receded. Jean drifted downwards, her feet settling onto the court. The final traces of power vanished and her posture softened as the hardness left her face. She seemed almost fragile now, disoriented like a sleepwalker guided back to wakefulness by Tyson's voice.

Before Tyson could fully process this transformation, Jean closed the distance between them and pulled him into a tight embrace. "You're okay!" she exclaimed, relief and emotion thick in her voice. The warmth of her hug contrasted sharply with the cold, distant being she had been mere moments before.

Illyana watched the reunion warily, fingers still wrapped around the hilt of her Soulsword. Tyson returned Jean's embrace, careful not to touch her skin. Despite the questions swirling in his mind, he tried to offer what comfort he could. 

— Rogue Replacement —

Tyson, Jean, and Illyana sat in the armchairs opposite Professor Xavier's stately oak desk. Their body language conveyed a mix of emotions. Tyson sat relaxed, though his shoulders were slumped, Jean's hands fidgeted nervously in her lap, while Illyana wore a defiant scowl, though her darting eyes betrayed her apprehension.

Professor Xavier gazed at each of them in turn, with wise blue eyes. Steepling his fingers contemplatively, he began in his calm, authoritative tone, "It is only natural for teenagers to quarrel and butt heads. Youthful passion and the quest for identity has frequently led to heated disputes, even outright brawls." He paused, ensuring he had their full attention before continuing. "However, when those involved possess uncanny abilities, such confrontations become far more dangerous. They harbor the potential to rapidly escalate into full-blown catastrophes."

Jean visibly winced under the weight of his words.

The professor's eyes softened, but his tone remained unwavering. "When I founded this school, my vision was to provide young mutants a safe haven. A place to be educated, to grow into their powers, and hopefully learn to wield those abilities for the greater good. Our gifts bring with them immense responsibility."

Illyana bristled, her temper flaring. "But Professor…"

Xavier raised a hand, cutting her off. "I'm not assigning blame to any one of you exclusively. However, you must all grasp the gravity of your powers, and the devastation they can sow if misused."

Tyson hung his head, shamefaced. "We never meant for things to spiral like they did. It just... got out of control."

"Indeed," Xavier nodded sagely. "But that is precisely why you are here. To learn discipline, to understand your abilities, and to ensure they are applied wisely."

"We're so sorry, Professor," Jean said softly, eyes downcast.

Xavier surveyed them somberly. "I know. I believe in each of you and your potential to do good in this world." The room fell silent as the professor's words sank in. After a weighty pause, he continued, "All I ask is that you learn from this experience and strive to do and be better. I don't ask this to shame you, but so that you learn from this experience. Each of you played a role in the unfortunate incident on the basketball court."

His piercing blue eyes settled on Tyson. "Had you been more open with your peers about the instability of your abilities, the entire conflict may have been avoided."

Tyson protested, "I was trying..." but he stopped speaking. The professor's words struck a chord of truth within him. Suddenly he felt an overwhelming sadness and guilt over what his power had caused. He knew his power was a danger to all. "You're right," he said heavily. "I should have warned them. If I can't control it, I need to be more aware of the risk." Regret weighed down his broad shoulders. But even as he slumped, he wondered at his sudden, overwhelming regret.

Turning next to Illyana, Xavier's expression grew sterner. "And you, Illyana. Since arriving here, few have challenged you directly. Yet at the first sign of confrontation, you saw fit to banish a classmate to Limbo."

Illyana met his gaze unflinchingly, her accent lending a sharp edge to her words. "No one hurts me without consequences, Professor. But Tyson and I have settled our differences. It won't happen again." Her jaw was set stubbornly despite the promise.

Xavier sighed, shaking his head almost imperceptibly before his eyes softened on Jean. "And Jean," he said gently. "We've been taking small steps towards control for years now, and though we've made great strides, those barriers I erected are weakening. In the coming weeks, we'll need to reinforce them."

"I'm trying, Professor," Jean whispered, voice quavering. "Every day I try. But sometimes, it feels like there's too much power to control."

Xavier nodded sagely, his expression gentle. "The power is yours, a part of you. With time and training, you will learn to master it." His voice rang with quiet confidence in her potential.

Jean bit her lip, wishing she shared his faith. For now, all she could do was keep trying, pushing back against the frightening torrent within.

Believing his students sufficiently chastised, Xavier changed topics, his tone shifting to one of grave concern. "Now, let's discuss your encounter in Limbo. I understand you had a run-in with Azazel."

At the mention of the name, Illyana's back straightened, her muscles tensing as if preparing for a fight. Her piercing blue eyes snapped to meet the professor's, flashing with a mix of recognition and surprise. "You know of him?" she questioned, her voice carrying an undertone of urgency.

The professor leaned back in his motorized wheelchair, steepling his fingers pensively. "I'm familiar with him from past events," he began, his expression darkening at the memory. "During the early days, a rogue group of mutants intended to start World War III, believing it would lead to mutant ascendancy. Azazel was one of them. His teleportation abilities made him quite formidable."

Professor X's eyes refocused on Illyana as he continued. "He is ruthless and without mercy. Many have lost their lives at his hands." The professor's voice carried a grave weight before he went on. "I'm going to reach out to a contact of mine who is more familiar with the sort of mystical threat Azazel poses, especially considering that Limbo is involved."

Illyana's eyes darted between Professor X and Tyson, anxiety evident in her furrowed brow and the way she bit her bottom lip between her teeth. She pushed a strand of golden hair behind her ear, unconsciously. "So, what do we do in the meantime? Limbo is filled with demons, and if Azazel returns, I can't fight him off alone."

"Sometimes, discretion is the better part of valor," Professor Xavier replied gently, "If you find yourself face-to-face with Azazel again, retreat may be the wisest course of action. You're safe here in the institute. Even if Azazel possesses the capability to reach us, he would be ill-advised to attempt it. There are many powerful mutants within these walls, myself included." His voice rang with quiet confidence.

Illyana's posture shifted as she processed his words, the weight of responsibility for Limbo bearing down on her slender shoulders. "But the demons. Limbo..." she protested weakly, uncertainty clouding her blue eyes.

"We'll find a way," Tyson said reassuringly.

A hint of a smile tugged at Illyana's lips as she questioned in a lighter tone, "We?"

— Rogue Replacement —

The pale light of dawn crept over the grounds of Xavier's Institute, stirring its inhabitants from slumber. Tyson awoke feeling strangely refreshed despite it being the second day in a row he was up before dawn. As he showered, he sifted through memories inherited from Sabertooth, realizing that he required little rest to sustain his body.

When Tyson entered the dining hall, the first signs of activity were beginning to stir. He filled a plate and settled at one of the long tables. Moments later, Jean joined him. They ate in companionable silence, the only sound the gentle clink of cutlery on dishes.

Jean seemed to bask in the calm stillness of the early hour. "I enjoy the quiet," she explained softly. "When most of the institute is asleep, the mental noise is much less."

Their tranquility was interrupted by Jubilee's vibrant arrival, sparks dancing at her fingertips as she bounded into the hall. "Good morning!" she sang out cheerily, plopping down across from them. Their breakfast became livelier then, Jubilee's effervescent chatter filling the space.

As the dining hall began to fill, Professor Ororo approached their table, the scent of nature preceding her. Tyson detected a synthetic edge like it lacked the earthy richness it had previously when they first met in the Canadian wilderness.

"Professor, did you change your perfume?" he asked.

"I did, how sweet of you to notice," Ororo replied. Her expression grew more serious as she continued, "I heard about what happened in PE yesterday."

Tyson tensed, hoping the incident would be forgotten. To his surprise, Ororo's next question was, "Outside of that mishap, do you like basketball?"

"Uh, sure," Tyson answered cautiously, unsure of her intent.

"Would you like to see a game?" she proposed. "After yesterday's events, maybe it's best if you get a night away from the institute." Her eyes shifted between Tyson and Jean as she spoke.

Tyson furrowed his brow in confusion. "Like an actual basketball game?"

In response, Ororo produced three tickets with a secretive smile. Tyson took in the embossed writing.

Lakers vs. Knicks.

He glanced at the date. Tonight. But it was June. Basketball should be late into the post-season. A quick inspection of the tickets confirmed these thoughts, "Finals tickets?" he asked incredulously, "How?"

Jean's eyes narrowed with suspicion as she studied the tickets. "Is this a good idea, Professor?" she questioned carefully. "Tyson hasn't been here very long. He's still adjusting. And after losing control yesterday, I'll need to spend time with Professor Xavier repairing my mental barriers. A basketball game will have thousands of people in range of my telepathy."

Ororo met their uncertainty steadily. "What better way to adjust than bonding with friends outside these walls?" she countered. "Being together, away from this place, might help take your minds off yesterday's troubles, even if only for a night."

Jean's eyes narrowed, her emerald irises darkening with unease as suspicion continued to gnaw at her. Though Professor Monroe's words held logic, Jean's instincts screamed in warning. Before she could raise her doubts, Jubilee's enthusiastic voice pierced the tense silence.

"We'd love to go!" she exclaimed, her voice bubbling with excitement at the prospect of a night out.

Tyson glanced at Jean, noting her furrowed brows and the tightness in her jaw. But the temptation of experiencing something normal, something thrilling yet wonderfully mundane, was too alluring to resist. With a genuine, lopsided smile, Tyson turned to Ororo. "Thank you, Professor," he said, gratitude and disbelief blending in his deep voice.

Jean and Jubilee echoed the sentiment, their voices ringing with surprise and anticipation. Ororo inclined her head in acknowledgment. "I have some papers to grade and errands to run. I'll catch up with you on the train."

Tyson watched the professor depart, his rugged features pensive. Turning back to his friends, he asked in bewilderment, "You guys normally go to games like this?"

"Nope!" Jubilee replied, popping the 'p' with an exuberant grin. "But this is awesome! I'm so gonna get Kobe and LeBron's autographs." Her enthusiasm was infectious, causing the corners of Tyson's lips to quirk upwards despite himself.

Tyson stared at her incredulously. "Lebron?" he asked in confusion.

Jubilee's mouth dropped open in dramatic outrage. "How do you remember videogames but not know who LeBron James is?" she exclaimed. "Did you seriously forget about NBA 2K?"

"Lebron is, like, the king of New York!" She shook her head in exaggerated disappointment before adding thoughtfully, "Or maybe that title belongs to Diddy..."

Jean remained silent, her emerald eyes distant. She sat with perfect posture, back straight and hands clasped around her ceramic mug as if drawing warmth from its heat.

Tyson leaned across the table, his eyes narrowed in concern beneath furrowed brows. "Hey, Jean? You okay over there?"

Her lips twitched into a slight frown, the motion barely visible. "Professor Munroe has always been difficult for me to read telepathically, but just now it was far more difficult," she admitted after a moment, her voice tinged with unease. "I couldn't sense her thoughts or emotions at all."

Jubilee waved a hand, brushing aside Jean's trepidation with an easy grin. "Oh c'mon, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about!" she exclaimed, bouncing a little in her seat. "The Professor's probably been practicing, or maybe this is some kind of test." Her brown eyes danced with anticipation as she leaned forward eagerly. "So are we doing this or what? I'm not missing the chance to get Kobe and LeBron's autographs!"

Tyson glanced at Jean, taking in the furrow between her brows. He offered an easy smile, the expression creasing the corners of his eyes attempting to lighten the mood.

"Well, you heard her. Jubilee's heart is set, so no backing out now." He shrugged his broad shoulders. "I'm game if you both are."

Jean hesitated, uncertainty flickering across her face. "Professor X said we shouldn't leave the school, without a teacher, with Professor Ororo going with us..." But she nodded after a moment, resolve settling on her delicate features. "Yes, let's do this." Her earlier concerns were set aside for the time being.

The sunset cast a warm orange glow across the grounds of Xavier's Institute as the trio of young mutants reached the front gates, anticipation building for the night ahead. Jean Grey stood with her arms wrapped around herself, emerald eyes searching the driveway expectantly. Beside her, Jubilee was a bundle of energy, practically vibrating as she bounced on the balls of her feet.

"Man, I can't believe we're actually going to see the Lakers tonight!" Jubilee gushed, turning to Tyson with an enormous grin. "I've been looking forward to this all day. Courtside seats, baby!"

Jubilee whooped loudly, launching a spray of colorful fireworks from her palms. "We're gonna see LeBron and Kobe up close!" She grabbed Jean's arm eagerly. "C'mon, let's hustle before we miss the train!"

Jean cast one last uncertain look back at the Institute but allowed a small smile to touch her lips as Jubilee's enthusiasm proved infectious. Tyson met her eyes and gave an encouraging nod. Together, the three young mutants set off. 

— Rogue Replacement —

As the Metro-North zipped down the tracks, the view outside transitioned from suburbs to tightly packed buildings and graffitied walls. Jubilee bounced excitedly in her seat, chattering away about the Big Apple.

Jean gazed pensively out the window. She wondered what the night would bring in the big city and if she had made the right choice in coming.

"Alright, so we're taking the Metro-North," Jubilee began, her finger tracing the route on the map, outlining their route. "The Metro-North will zip us straight into Grand Central Terminal," she announced, tracing a path with her finger. "From there, we've got options. The subway is fast but crowded. Cabs get stuck in traffic. Or we hoof it. Madison Square Garden is just over a mile down 7th Ave." She looked at them expectantly. "So what'll it be?"

Tyson jokingly flexed his massive bicep. "I could just scoop you both up and run there in a few minutes."

"Tempting," Jean laughed. "But I think we'll survive the walk. Plus we might find a hot dog stand or two on the way. You'll need your hands free for that."

Tyson groaned, amused by the friendly teasing about his enhanced appetite.

"Crestwood, Tuckahoe, Bronxville," Jubilee narrated as they passed each station. "Fordham. We're in the Bronx now. Welcome to New York City!" But the skyline was barren of its iconic towering skyscrapers as the train rumbled south through the Bronx.

Their conversation meandered on as the train groaned ever closer to its destination, each stop ratcheting up the buzz of excitement shared between the three friends. Despite yesterday's confrontation with Illyana and Azazel, for now, they were just teenagers on an unexpected urban adventure.

Jubilee's description of the borough as "down to earth" was an understatement.

A man shuffled down the crowded sidewalk, heaving a casket behind him. He attracted little more than nonchalant glances from passersby, but Tyson's mouth fell open in astonishment. "Is that... is that a casket?" he exclaimed, pointing out the window. "Who just drags a casket around in broad daylight?"

Jubilee dissolved into giggles at his reaction. "Welcome to the city," she said, giving his muscular arm a playful punch. "It's not all towers and broadway shows. We've got our fair share of weirdos too. Folks just accept it and go about their business."

Jean smiled, shaking her head. "I'm not sure this is exactly the cultural and learning experience Professor Xavier wanted us to have."

Tyson was about to point out another eye-catching sight when the train's sliding doors opened, and someone entered their increasingly crowded compartment. As he turned, he was greeted by a familiar face.

"Professor Ororo," Tyson greeted.

Ororo simply offered a placid smile in response. "No need for apologies, Tyson," she said.

In a flash, Ororo's hand shot out from the folds of her long coat, a hypodermic needle glinting in her grip. With viper-like speed, she plunged the needle towards Jean's exposed neck.

Tyson's eyes went wide with alarm, but his reflexes weren't fast enough to stop the needle. He could only watch helplessly as it pierced Jean's pale skin, eliciting a shocked gasp from the redhead's lips.

Just as quickly as it struck, Ororo withdrew the needle, leaving Tyson and Jubilee frozen in stunned silence. Jean blinked rapidly, her emerald eyes clouding in confusion. A soft gasp escaped her parted lips and she swayed unsteadily for a moment before collapsing sideways into Tyson's broad shoulder, unconscious.

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Behind the Scenes

- This scene was inspired in part by X-Men (2000), X-3, Dark Phoenix, X-Men: Evolution, and X-Men First Class.

- Xavier’s chastisement might seem light but in Episode 1 of X-Men: Evolution, Cyclops causes major damage to the school. Xavier uses his power to cover it up, and Cyclops only gets a short two-line hinting that he fucked up.

- Classic X-Men #42 was the earliest sign of Jean’s connection to the Phoenix force. When they were children, she connected with a comatose Scott Summers on the astral plane; this laid the foundation for the connection between her and Cyclops. In this story, that event never occurred and this was Jean’s first taste of the Phoenix, caused by Tyson and Illyana. 

- In the X-Men movies Xavier believes the Phoenix is the manifestation of Jean’s repressed powers, like a second personality.

- The guy dragging the casket down the street in broad daylight in the Bronx was a real event.

- In 2010 the Knicks weren’t very good. In this universe, the Knicks got Lebron making it plausible that the NBA finals would be happening in NYC at this time of year.

Support Plug

For those of you interested in supporting my writing.


For Arc 5, every chapter had its own cover image.

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