Once they had made up their minds, Drexel and Arix followed the map on the opticomputer and tracked down the location of the Pontifex.
This place was the heart of the Moon Goddess Temple. The buildings here looked grander and more sacred than anywhere else.
Arix and Drexel hid by the entrance of the main hall, sneaking peeks inside. An old man in priest robes was praying to the Moon Goddess statue, his back to them.
"What now? We can't see his face," Drexel whispered, stretching his neck to get a better view.
"How about we sneak in?" Arix suggested.
"No way. If we alert him, they will skin us alive," Drexel shot back.
"What are you doing here?" a voice suddenly asked from behind them.
Arix and Drexel froze, turning slowly like wooden dolls.
An old man in priest robes stood there, smirking.
"You still haven't answered my question. What are you doing here?" His smile was professional, his eyes kind yet chilling.
Thank they_all_dont_work and BlackReaper501 for your golden tickets!