51.28% Ballad Of Blood (R-18) / Chapter 17: Ch 17 The Feast Pt.2

บท 17: Ch 17 The Feast Pt.2

[Valia Images Posted]

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[Feasting Hall Dancefloor]

"N...nothing....Care for a dance?" Valia asked with her seductive hand extended.

I took her hand and pulled her close to me without any modicum of restraint

Our bodies pressed tightly against each other as Valia's soft warm tits pressed into me.

I didn't fail to notice how her perky hard nipples were easily felt through her purple silk dress.

But I wasn't the only one who noticed something stiff pressing against them since Valia nearly jumped in surprise when my throbbing hard cock poked into her stomach through my green trousers.

I reveled in the natural scent of her body which echoed of sweet cherries and warm brandy.

"My~My~Dear Kalinik....Are you really that excited to see me~"

Valia's erotic voice sounded in my ears

Her voice which was as smooth as blackberry wine filled my ears and my cock throbbed even harder which brought a slight triumphant smirk to her face.

I was in shock that a woman could turn me on this much with her mere presence....My very soul wanted to breed her again and again without mercy.

"Woman....What is it about you...." I asked as my hands wandered around her soft body and eventually landed on either side of her wide birthing hips which would bear a dozen sons and daughters if I had my way....

"What about me Kalinik~....What ever do you mean~" She spoke seductively and her sweet breath filled my nose....almost couldn't resist locking lips and greedily drinking her spit.

"You're irresistible....I want to pin you down and ravage you on this very floor." I spoke and gave her big fat ass a squeeze which brought an embarrassed look to her otherwise unwavering beautiful face.

"Kalinik....Not here~.... People are looking...." Valia pleaded.

But my mind had no time for her words of mercy, her plump red lips beckoned for me to give them a taste after all.

"Let them See Valia....Tonight I only planned to claim Natalka.....But Now I want them all to know my claim is on you as well...." I spoke softly just as both of us stopped moving around the dance floor as my lips neared hers.

We both heard a few gasps of shock from both the commoners and the ruling class as our lips finally pressed together...All were surprised I'd danced with Valir's mother but now their shock was cemented.

Instantly she turned into jelly in my arms as my ravenous tongue found its way into her delectable mouth and greedily explored every square inch of it as she did her best to fight back with her sweet little tongue

Our tongues and lips slowly danced against each other as we sloppily kissed in front of All of Valewood, After my hands wandered around a bit I even heard a few mothers telling their children to cover their eyes.

We were lost in our blissful kiss until someone yelled out with unbridled rage in their voice.

"GET!!! AWAY!!! FROM MY!!! MOTHER!!!!" I heard a Raging voice then a Sword leaving its scabbard as my tongue dug deep into Valia's mouth as one of my hands was squeezing her ass, the other cupping her huge warm breast.

I heard the angered roars and swift footsteps approaching until they were thirty meters away when I decided to Separate.

As our lips moved apart, A long trail of her sweet spit stretched between us.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!!!" The raging voice bellowed out, now closer.

I turned towards the angered voice and saw Valir....a young Aelven man with slightly tanned skin, black hair, and muddy green eyes charging at me with a raised bastard sword, now only twenty meters away.

I simply stared at the incoming man who's eyes called for bloodshed.... 

I slowly drew my Curved Aelven Longsword and immediately there were the sounds of scared gasps around the room from the adults and shrill crying of children who had been exposed to the thirst of my blood bound blade as it left its scabbard.


Then I moved into battle stance, The wickedly curved blade in my hands sung a deathly cry for blood, a few of the faint hearted women let out frightened screams.

Then A Booming voice was heard from nearby which stopped Valir in his tracks.

"VALIR!!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!!!" His father's voice roared out.

In his shock, Valir stumbled for a moment before coming to a sliding stop only ten meters for me.

Valir's eyes wide in shock as his tunnel-vision disappeared and he was taken out of his rage from his fathers voice and he tried to speak but only managed to stutter.

"B..b...but father....he....he....with mother...." Valir babbled out before his father spoke once again.

"Your mother and I separated you dimwit!!! She can kiss whomever she pleases!!! And to dare draw your sword during a feast!!!! Stupid Boy!!!!"

Valir's father Endir blared out which made Valir tremble while sheathing his finely crafted bastard sword.

I followed suit in sheathing my blade almost immediately after the him since having innocent townspeople experience my blade's bloodlust was unwise...

 I looked over to the angered councilman, Endir.....If one looked closely they'd notice Endir's new lover sat just beside him, a young Aelven man with painted nails and makeup on his face.

"Father Still...." Valir spoke with trembling hands, his annoying voice irritated me so I decided to get under the Aelven assholes skin a bit.

"You're that idiot Valir Right?....I thought you'd be more angry that I'd come to Valewood for Natalka's hand in marriage....Guess you are as dumb as people say.."

I spoke aloud with a yawn, I saw Valir's face harden in anger before he realized some of my words...

Instantly Valir looked around the room hurriedly before his reddened eyes spotted Natalka in her beautiful green dress as her Silky chestnut hair glistened in the candlelight.

"Natalka!!!....." He called out with a hypnotized gaze and moved to walk toward her but stopped when he saw the disgusted look in her eyes and the Dozen Rangers who stood ready to cut him into ribbons if he came any closer.

"I'm not interested in the likes of you Valir....You lost any chance many years ago....I have come so you'd renounce our engagement and allow me to be with Kalinik...."

Natalka spoke coldly and immediately Valir's eyes watered at her sharp merciless words which pierced his heart like jagged daggers.

Then his snarling face turned to me.

"You!!! IT WAS YOU!!!! I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!!! I WANT A FUCKING DUEL IF YOU'RE NOT A WORTHLESS COWARD!!!!" Valir's impotent rage turned toward me and he roared out while holding the hilt of his sword so tightly that his fingers turned white and hand trembled.


The entire Hall turned deathly quiet as they awaited my reply.....


"I accept." I spoke softly with a nod.

All in the Hall heard my smooth voice and turned to the council members for their judgment...A sanctioned duel in Valewood needed their approval after all.

The townspeople watched with bated breath as the table of council members whispered amongst themselves for nearly a minute.

Eventually the Council member in charge of trade, a fat jovial looking Aelven Man stood to speak their judgment.

"The council has approved the duel between Kalinik The White Haired of House Hilandar, and Valir of the Valewood Clan, Son Of Councilman Endir and Valia The Master Poisoner....."

The Fat Councilman spoke then gestured for Luthien to speak as he sat down on his padded chair.

Luthien nodded before standing and speaking aloud.

"The Duel shall take place in the field of Lithrum.....The Duel shall be to the death unless one participant surrenders....May Our Goddess bless the two combatants."



Just as Luthien finished his words the candles and oil lamps throughout the entire dining hall surged.

 The various flames roared brightly for a moment before all returned to normal...many townspeople jumped in fright while others reached for the daggers at their hips instinctively.

Then Senior Priestess Adelaide stood to speak which made all quiet down to listen.

"Calm yourselves...As we have just seen....Our Goddess has given this duel her Holy approval.... The blessed Honor Duel shall not be stopped by any soul now that it is willed by Aellarith's Grace...." Adelaide spoke with her wrinkled hand extended toward us who stood only ten meters apart.

The townspeople let out excited murmurings upon hearing that the Goddess approved of the honor duel....

As the townspeople recovered from their small fright, Valir glared at me, both his hands trembling in anger.

"I'm going to piss on your corpse when our duel is done white hair...."

Valir spat angrily, The veins on his face were swollen with rage as his teeth gnashed like a rabid dog.

"You will try."

I responded calmly before walking back to where his mother Valia stood just to anger him some more.

When I reached the perfect milf's side I slowly wrapped one arm around her waist and brought her close.

 Valia's big juicy tits squished on my chest as my hand wandered down to give her plump ass a firm squeeze.

Valir growled and nearly jumped at me but his father's quick intervention made him freeze.

I smiled at the pissdrinker's angered face before taunting him a bit more.

"I hope you don't mind but your mother and I have many....Many things to 'talk' about tonight do you mind giving us some space?"

I spoke before nearing my mouth to Valia's white neck and sucking hard on her supple flesh to leave my mark.

"FUUUUUUCK!!!!!" Valir yelled out before turning around and storming out of the hall while cursing me as loud as his lungs allowed while the townspeople murmured amongst themselves at the drama they just witnessed.


Valia who was pressed up against me wrapped her arms around my waist and spoke while looking up at me.

"Will you kill him.....Can you spare him at least...." Valia asked with a conflicted look on her face.

"No." I responded almost immediately.

"But it'd be so easy.... if what I've heard about you is true....you could just take a hand from him and he'd surely surrender." Valia spoke softly.

although she'd practically disowned her son she didn't want to see him killed when it could be avoided.

"Leaving an enemy alive is the fastest way to end up with a knife in the back....It's not just me who might suffer but those close to me as well....A risk I'll not take...." I spoke firmly.

she balked for a long moment before nodding slowly with resigned and slightly sad look on her face....She knew my words rang true after all.

"Come on lets sit, we have to keep Natalka from finishing all the sweets." I spoke and landed a small kiss on Valia's beautiful soft cheek while trying to take her mind away from the melancholy.

she giggled lightly and launched a kiss back as we walked toward the high table.

As we approached I spotted Natalka generously spreading whipped cream and raspberry jelly on a little honeycake.

"Little Natalka what did I tell you about sweets." Valia spoke with an amused smile as we approached, Natalka jumped in her seat at the surprise.

"A...A...Auntie Valia.... I only got two I swear." Natalka spoke but it wasn't convincing in the slightest from the scent of other pastries which emerged from her sweet mouth.

"Dont lie to me young lady, I saw you gobble down three torpil's and two caramel cream puffs, so set that down before you grow fat." Valia spoke as she kissed Natalka on the head like a mother scolding her daughter.

"B..But..But you know I don't get fat no matter how much I eat...s..so another wont do any harm...a...and...How do you eat so little and still have those huge bouncing boobs..." The exasperated Natalka spoke while hesitantly setting down the honeycake.

".....'These' are not from eating sweets Little Natalka....When Kalinik puts a baby in your belly you'll get what you're asking for." Valia Spoke while gesturing toward her big soft tits.

Then Natalka turned to me to speak.

"Kalinik..... are my boobs too small?"

Natalka asked and almost instantly my keen sixth sense blared....It felt as if I were walking into a Bosniak Ambush.

I froze for a moment until I remembered Tari's drunken wisdom...

'L..Little Krv.....W...When a woman asks if she looks fat, or old, or u...ugly.....you DON'T.....answer.....Just l....lean....lean in and kiss them my boy!' Tari's slurred words echoed in my mind.

Instead of answering Natalka I just turned to her and leaned close, I saw her eyes widen in surprise as our lips came together lovingly, Almost instantly her body turned to jelly as I wrapped an arm around her waist and held her soft cheek skillfully.

As we kissed a few drunken cheers and jeers were heard from the drunken frolicking crowd.



My greedy tongue only managed a few blissful seconds inside her sweet mouth until she came back to her senses and pushed me away while blushing deeply in embarrassment.

"Y...You Bully..." She spoke cutely just before....


A hard punch landed on my chest from the blushing beauty while Valia giggled in amusement just beside us.

"What About Me~" Valia spoke out seductively before moving her lovely hand onto my thigh.

I turned to her, our lips locked against each other in a heartbeat.

her delicious mouth opened and our two desperate tongues danced sloppily inside each others mouths.

The cheers and jeers from the drunken crowd only grew more loud and boisterous.




After kissing for a few minutes we separated much to the disappointment of the crowd.

Before long we began drinking and eating as the enchanting music played loudly all around us as the townspeople spun and danced happily.

Then Two men approached us from the corner of my vision.... One was Valia's ex husband Endir, the other was his younger male lover who bore painted nails and makeup.

"Endir what brings you around these parts?" Valia asked with an amused smile, I didn't detect any real hatred in it however.

Endir nodded respectfully to his ex-wife before responding.

"I just wanted to speak with Kalinik for a moment....Not about our son....I know The Goddess sanctioned the duel so whatever happens I shan't object.....I came to speak about the relationship between you two." Endir spoke respectfully and without any malice.

"I am open to speak Sir, would you like to go on the balcony? It seems more quiet there." I spoke while pointing to the western edge of the feasting hall.

"Of course." The older man spoke before turning to his lover.

"Zino my love you chat with these two ladies while Sir Hilandar and I speak....Don't worry about Valia she doesn't bite... just don't accept any food from this particular master poisoner." Endir spoke jovially before we walked off, Valia laughed at his joke...seemed they didn't separate with any deep hatred.

Before long Endir and I reached the balcony outside of the Hall's premises, it was quite calm and quiet this far from the boisterous crowd.

"First of all, Let me introduce myself.....I am Endir, Councilman Of Public Works here in Valewood.... the Father of Valir, and the ex husband of Valia." The man spoke while extending his hand.

I shook it respectfully without a second thought.

"I am Kalinik Hilandar, No other titles that need mentioning." I spoke and the man smiled amiably a bit before speaking.

"Kalinik....Valia and I spent nearly twenty years in a loveless marriage cast upon us by our parents...Valia is a sweet soul who suffered for years enduring me and my endless failures.... both as an absent uncaring husband, and a terrible Father.....w...who failed to raise his only Son as he should have...." He spoke and I could almost see tears welling in his eyes before he took a deep breath and calmed himself once more, it seemed this man had a deep pit of regret in his soul...

"All I ask is that you treat her well....She truly deserves better....That is all." Endir spoke and bowed his head low.

I patted the mans shoulder before speaking.

"I swear upon Our Goddess that will cherish her as she deserves....Thank you for letting me know Sir." I spoke, he nodded warmly before we returned inside, soon after Endir and his lover left the table so the women and I were left.

"What'd you talk about?" Valia asked while trying her best to hide her interest.

"He gave me his blessing." I spoke and kissed her lovingly, before long Valia was cuddling up against my left side.

Natalka didn't want to miss out and soon cuddled into my other side while sneakily moving a piece of honeycake into her little cute mouth.

We all relaxed and nibbled on the delicious food for half an hour while chatting until a small Aelven boy dressed in white servants garb walked up to me and tugged on my sleeve.

"Sir White Hair...Elder Caranea has requested your presence....." He spoke while looking up at me with his big hazel eyes.

Natalka gestured for the boy to step back a bit before speaking to me.

"Go my love, Auntie Valia and I will wait a while for you here.....If it takes too long just return to the mansion." Natalka spoke and set a loving kiss on my cheek.

"Yes, It's unwise to let that Old Crone Wait." Valia spoke before nibbling on my ear seductively as her hand subtly rubbed against my cock for a moment.

"I'll see you two later, Anything I should know about Caranea?" I asked the two loving women as I stood from my seat and took one last gulp of my spiced fruit wine.

"Never Lie to her....She always knows." Natalka spoke while squeezing my hand softly.

"Don't get her angry, Her body is withered to dust.... but her magic can smite a hundred men at once." Valia spoke.

"Very well, I'll see you two beauties soon." I spoke before placing a quick kiss on both their lips then turning to the Aelven servant boy.

"Go on boy take me to the Respected Elder...." I spoke and the boy bowed respectfully before turning and guiding me out of the hall.

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"That woman is in danger...." Aellarith spoke worriedly while looking into the large green crystal viewing gem where Valia's beautiful face was seen

"Why...What do you mean? Can you warn your priestesses?" Monwraithe asked worriedly while looking at the beautiful black haired milf through the huge viewing gem.

"No n..not that kind of danger.....She is a master poisoner....and w...w...wants to give Kalinik an a...aphrodisiac tonight..." Aellarith spoke as her lovely loins trembled in phantom fear of what that effect that might have.

"Whats so dangerous about that?" Monwraithe asked curiously as she imagined what that might be like, from what she'd heard an aphrodisiac only made men more vigorous in bed...not much danger in her mind.

"Well...Sister look at my memory.....This is Husband in bed without an Aphrodisiac...." Aellarith spoke while moving her forehead to Monwraithe's.

Both of their perfect foreheads touched before a faint golden glow was seen for a few seconds.


Almost instantly Monwraithe's body writhed in ecstasy as her virgin pussy sprayed an unholy amount of her sweet love juice all over the leather couch.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH~ MY!!!!~ MY PUSSY!!!~ AHHHHHHHHH~" Monwraithe screamed out in unbelievable pleasure as her legs trembled and vibrated uncontrollably at the magical sensations.

Monwraithe orgasmed for nearly a minute before finally the sensations stopped and she lay flat on the couch with long trembling legs, a blissful look on her face, and sweet spit drooling from her cherry red lips.

"What did I tell you.....That was Kalinik without an Aphrodisiac...Poor Valia doesn't stand a chance...." Aellarith spoke before Monwraithe interrupted.

"A...A....Again....Let me feel Kalinik again...t...to...to study it...." Monwraithe asked while panting as her deeply flushed face begged for more.

Aellarith inwardly smiled in triumph as her carefully laid trap began coming together little by little....

"Okay that's fine...How much of the experience do you need before you can study it properly?" Aellarith asked innocently with one of her beautiful fingers pressed against her lips as she did her best to avoid smiling in triumph at her sly moves to make Monwraithe unable to resist her husband.

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Valir stood in the small cobblestone courtyard of his home while swinging a weighted practice sword hard against a wooden dummy.

The two empty bottles of liquor nearby were not enough to relax the enraged Aelf, instead it only seemed to increase his primal rage.







The drunken swordsman swung his weighted blade with impressive power, every strike chipped off splinters of hard ash-wood from the battered practice dummy

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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