26.31% That Time I reincarnated as The Overlord / Chapter 18: Chp-18 The Feast and Trouble

บท 18: Chp-18 The Feast and Trouble

A/n : Author-san here! I was in a good mood today cause I just watched the 1st episode of 3rd Season of Slime and let me tell you it was a blast!

Damn I can't wait to continue this Fic untill we reach that point. But we have to wait, I have to take this slowly, but new ideas and plots are starting to form.

Anyways enough of my chit-chat Enjoy this Bonus Chapter ahead of Schedule!!


3rd Pov.

Night fell on the Capital of Gemmera, but the Castle was lit up and the roads were filled with luxurious carriages coming and dropping distinguished Nobles, Merchants and Important people off in the castle.

Tonight, the King had Thrown a Feast, for the Arrival of a Very Important Guest. Most people are unaware of who he truly is, but from the commotion his arrival caused, most could guess he was not someone to be messed with.

But there will always be the black sheep of the group, some had already planned on taking advantage of his arrival, in their infinite arrogance they choose to ignore the crucial details of the Guest's power.


Inside the large hall, with the occasional opening of doors, letting inside the Nobles, the place was getting packed rapidly.

When the time of arrival was crossed and all the Nobles gathered in the Hall, chatting and Toasting in their own Power Circles, discussing the happenings of their territory and The Top news of all, the Arrival of a Dignitary from a far away place.

In one of those groups, was the Noble Faction, led by the 2nd Grand Duke of the kingdom. This faction was created in opposition to the Royal Faction and sought to take over the kingdom through Financial Means.

The Grand Duke Richard the 3rd had gathered all the Established Merchants in his circle but he was unable to entice the powerful nobles to his side.

Contrary to the Merchants , the nobles he had was just 2 Dukes, 4 Marquise and 5 Counts followed by numerous Barons whose influence extends to only one or two villages.

If they were to be compared to the Royal Family's Nobles, then the Royal Faction had the First Grand Duke Lucas, the most powerful and Influential person beside the king and 3 Dukes, 7 Marquise, 10 Counts and all the Viscounts.

In terms of Nobility, The Royal Family out matched Richard's almost 2 to 1.But in terms of Financial Influence in the market, they held the upper hand.

Thus they maintained a balance over each other, neither gaining too much power, seeking external means as a catalyst to grow the said power. And the Arrival of Bael had given them the perfect opportunity.

If their side managed to get Bael over with their faction, then they'll hold the absolute power thus victory over the other.

As such schemes were made under the shadows, while everyone waited for the king and the Guest's arrival.


" Ahhh, how long should I wait!? They aren't even coming yet!"

One of the Marquise of the Noble faction spoke, dissatisfied with the delay they were imposing on the great him, the great Gildard.

He was in his mid 20s, taking over his father's seat as the Marquise of the Gilded House after the death of his father 3 years before. Holding seemingly all the power in his hands, his pride grew along with his desire for more power.

Thus Betraying the words of his father's last wish to join the Royal Faction, he chose to go to the Noble Faction's side, enticed by the 'power' they held.

He was constantly surrounded by weak nobles such as Counts and Viscounts who always stroked his pride, inflating it to the degree where he was blinded for more power.

" Lord Gildard, we should wait a little more, I have heard that one of the subordinates of the Guest is a Lady more beautiful than the Princess." One of his underlings said.

"Is that so!? If she is as beautiful as you say then I should normally have the privilege of Inspecting her beauty thoroughly, in my chamber." Instantly Gildard was interested in the news.

" Indeed, Indeed Lord Gildard." Another said.

"yes yes, only you should have the privilege, Oh Great Lord of the Gilded House!" A third underlying spoke trying to butter up the Boss.

"Hahaha! Good good! I will make sure to give you the leftovers, after i Thoroughly inspect her." Gildard said with a not so saintly intentions.

" Thank you for your generous gesture Lord Gildard!"

Just then an announcement was made.

"Attention, The King Of Gemmera, The wise! His Majesty King George The Fifth! Along with him, the Beloved Princess Of the Kingdom Princess Rubia and The Genius Prince Robert!

Will now enter!"

As the announcement was made everyome present bowed, the door opened and King George entered, descending down the stairs followed by his Children.

Standing at a platform before the staircase, overlooking the nobles below, George spoke.

"Arise.. Tonight, we have gathered here to welcome a very important guest of our Kingdom. As you know, a few days ago our mines were invaded my monsters. To help curb the infestation, The Court mage Carlos had gone on a journey to find a solution, in his journey he Met our Guest who kindly told he would lend a hand in our crisis. Please welcome! The King of Deudenia, Lord Bael!!"

A round of applause was heard as the door again opened to let in Bael and His gaurdians.

Standing beside George, Bael exchanged handshakes. George raised his hands to calm the crowd down Letting Bael speak.

" I understand that all of you are unfamiliar with me or my origins, but I must inform you, my Intentions are Sincere. I truly wish to help this kingdom. The only thing I request is for our kingdom to become friends."

" I accept that, Lord Bael. Our friendship will open a new chapter in the history of the world." George reciprocated Bael's declaration.

Loud cheers could be heard with the proclamation. With that the group descended down to the Ball Room as they were swarmed by the nobles trying to form a connection with Bael.

During this time, Gildard standing at a distance was eyeing Adrigal with his gaze.

Although Bael did had two more females beside Adrigal, one was a Child and the other had armour on, which was not to his tastes. But for Adrigal it was a different case, she suited his taste perfectly. The maturity of a grown lady, the air with which she carries herself told about her upbringing.

Such a girl was not suitable to be by the side of someone whose kingdom was unknown but to the great Gildard himself, serving him as his Wife...no as his toy... Thought Gildard.

As such with Adrigal in his vision and the fantasies of how he will use her, he slowly approached The Group. Seeing him approaching the nobles swarming Bael and His group unconsciously parted sensing the aura of debauchery he gave off.

Noticing the movement, Bael and his group glanced at the direction of the source, they could see a Nobleman, with a Gaudy Garment as if to show off the immense wealth they had, coming towards their direction.

Bael had already noticed the gaze with which this guy was looking at Adrigal, he didn't even turn his sight Away from her, not even blinking.

Seeing the look on his face, Bael understood the noble's intentions but decided to feign Ignorance to see where this will go.

Gildard, walking towards The Lady was about to reach her. Only a reach away. He just had to push aside the man getting in his way of him and his to-be-toy.

Intending to push the man with his shoulders he approaches her but as if walking into a wall he abruptly stoped.


Noticing he couldn't go any further, he looked at the source to see that same man was standing where he previously stood, not at all moving an inch.

He tried to move that man with his shoulders but as if he were moving a mountain, which doesn't move, the man too remains unmoved. And to add salt to his hurt pride, this man was smirking at him as if to mock his weakness.

Seeing this irritated him to not end and with a glare he looked into the man's eyes and spoke.

"Excuse me, could you move? You're in my way."

Raising an eyebrow with intrigue Bael asked

"Hoh? And where do you intend to go to kind sir?"

"Can't you see? Right behind you is the most beautiful lady you could ever hope to dream. I was going to introduce myself to her but you ruined it." Gildard spoke

" Is that so?But I must apologise, I don't understand your intention in doing that. Could you perhaps enlighten me?" Bael said deliberately.

" Oh-bviously to marry her and make her mine." Gildard spoke in a snape-y accent as he continued to stare at Adrigal.

This single statement stunned the people around him and looked at him as if he was an abomination.

Bael, although had a straight face in the outside was laughing inside his mind, thanking him for giving him an opportunity such as this.

The guardians had a not so friendly expression though. Gaia had a face of disgust in her face and Rhombus and Aria was ready to rip this Insufferably Disgusting Turd of an Insect to pieces.

And the supposed 'to-be-wife' of this guy, had a shadow over her face, with her head down nobody could guess her mood.But most assumed it to be quite bad.

Gildard as if gaining some form of sanity, noticed the myriad of gazes he was receiving asked.

" What? What's wrong? Why are you all looking at me like that."

In that moment he heard a Calm voice.

"That's because you have just said that you intend to 'marry' someone whose ruler is right beside you."

" Then what? What she desires is non of your business." As if he was ignorant of the cold eyes casted at him Gildard replied.

" You Wor-!"

Before Aria could spout profanities at him Bael stopped her.

" Indeed you'd be right for any other kingdom but Deudenia has a different system, it's Residents follow every command I give to them, even if it will mean certain death they will follow it without any hesitation or questions."

"Is that so? Then you must have made this miss here your slave! And I the great Gildard Can't let such a beautiful lady be with a tyrant like you!!. I challenge you in a Death Match! Whoever wins will keep the Loser's possesion!" Justified Gildard as he challenged Bael.

"What!!?" "Gildard!? Are your out of your mind!?" "Do you not understand who he is?"

"How could you say such things to our savior!?"

Hearing the commotion, the King and his group who were at a distance discussing the next course of actions to solve the Infestation with the help of Bael came over.

Reaching the Source of commotion, Warrior Chief Gowlard immediately asked one of the Nobles.

" what is happening here?"

" Sir Gowlard, this is bad! Marquise Gildard of the Gilded House from the Noble's Faction just challenged our Guest to a death match!"

"What!!? Richard what is the meaning of this!?" George hearing the reply turned to The Duke for answers.

Duke Richard, who was also approaching the source of the commotion heard what the noble said and couldn't help but be stunned by the foolishness of this Marquise . When he had accepted him to his faction, he knew that boy would be trouble but at that time their territory was right where the Main Passage to the Mine was and they had Quite the influence in the South which he desperately wanted.

To think that boy would cause such a Disaster not only for him but for the whole kingdom never in his dreams had he thought.

Although he opposed the Royal Faction he still was Loyal and Dedicated to the Kingdom and was just against the Royals because of Conflicting Ideologies.

"Your Majesty! I am completely unaware of what that fool is doing! I don't hold any responsibility for his actions!"

" No matter what we must defuse the situation."

When they reached the spot they could see the Marquise pointing at Bael. Bael had lowered his head which shadowed his face.

His guardians gritted their teeth in Disgust, Resentment, Anger and Disbelief at the worm who dared disrespect Their Lord.

Seeing the situation about to explode, George intervened.

" Lord Bael! I profusely apologize for my subject's conducted please spare him for his foolish behaviour."

" You stupid Blockhead what are you doing, challenging and disrespecting our Helper! Apologize immediately." Richard scolded Gildard immediately.

Not understanding what his King and the Duke were talking, Gildard deep in his illusions of self made heroic valour spoke.

" Why would I do that Grand Duke? This tyrant, is controlling his subjects especially this beautiful lady here Against their wishes. I only hope to free them while killing him. Besides, if he really is the king of a country, then we get his lands too, isn't that good for us."

" Y-y-you....*sigh* there's no saving for you."

Richard having given up on making this fool understand slapped his forehead, rubbing his nose bridge and approached Bael.

Bowing deeply.

" I am deeply ashamed of what my subject has done. Please, I will accept any punishment you give him."

" As his King, I too hold responsibility for his foolishness, but please help us in the Monster infestation."

Before Bael responded, Adrigal spoke up.

" You people disgusts me...first one of you worms decided to disrespect me then decides to accuse and challenge Lord Bael for what we worship and love to do. Then you decide to apologise merely by words.


"That's enough, Adrigal. King George, I am a generous person. And I don't go back on my promise. I will definitely help you. But this...this is something I haven't even anticipated. " Bael said.

"I thank you for that! I promise to give you anything that will be within my power that you ask for."

" In my long life I have encountered many genius minds whose actions I have read and manipulated. But even with such a Intelligence, truly it is impossible to read a Fool's Mind."


"You... What is your name?" Bael asked

"Me? I am the Great Marquise Gildard of the Gilded House, the soon to be hero of the country who will vanquish your Tyranny."

" T-this boy." Richard said as he couldn't believe the amount of Idiocy Gildard was showing.

" Hahaha! you are amusing!... alright you said that whoever wins, that person would have everything that the losser has right?"


"But let me tell you, I am a king, with vast resources and a power far superior than your insignificant Marquisdom.

So in that case, what would you offer?"

".....I understand that I have nothing compared to yours but I will offer my lands and my family's heritage in this match." Gildard spoke after a moment of contemplation.

*Gasp* countless gasps were heard all around and murmuring soon started.

The House of Gilded stood at the mountain area of the south. The South, subsequently was also the place where the Main Mine of the kingdom and the monster Infestation was happening at.

The land of this Marquise held a significant role for even the Grand Duke Richard to covet was because it overlaps with the route from which the Resources from the mines gets transported to.

Holding control of this land, made that person the one who would hold the country's main economy in his hands.

So staking this land to an outsider was something noone had truly anticipated.


Richard unable to contain himself exploded.

"What?! This land is my property whatever I do with it is non of your business, besides I will obviously win so there's nothing to worry about." Gildard countered as he forgot the most important fact, that his land is the king's.

" Bu-" before Richard could try to make Gildard understand the danger he was going into Bael spoke.

"Hahahah!! I am getting more and more amused by the second. Alright! I accept your challenge, tomorrow at Midday, we shall hold the match at the mines. Fulfilling my promise with King George and your match."

"I agree."

With that Gildard promptly turned around and went away, already dreaming about his victory and the pleasures he would get from the Now named, Miss Adrigal.

" Ahh...I sure hope nothing happens to him till tomorrow..."

Bael uttered in a carefree tone, but everyone could understand the underlying meaning.

'Don't assassinate him' was the simplest meaning to it.

Everyone could not help but worry about tomorrow.

What will happen tomorrow?

Will the Trash get what they deserve?

To find out!!...you just need to wait...a few days.

☆ ☆ ☆

Author: So! The Voting Results are out!!

The Winner of the MC Illustration of the Week issss! drum roll!!

Option 3!!

Congratulations Option 3!, what do you want to say about your win?

Option 3: I am grateful for all the Votes and likes you have casted on me. I will be sure to uphold your belief in me. Also, I have decided To show myself in two forms. One in casual like Milim, wearing Garments that suit The Dragon OverLord.

Then when fighting, I will have the original Form of the Illustrations. I have chosen to take such forms respecting those who had Ideas like this. And, yes, I have a Dragon Form too.

But it will come in the far future.

That's all.

Author: Thanks Option 3!! If you guys forgot who Option 3 is, his illustration will be posted here-------[•IMG•]

For the Normal form, you can post his garments here whichever you like.--[°IMG°]

See ya!!〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜

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