87.17% New Valyria / Chapter 34: Chapter 33: Arc 3, Ulthos and Family

บท 34: Chapter 33: Arc 3, Ulthos and Family


Jon looked on at the green, green land in front of them, "Is that Ulthos?

"Yes, Daeron Targaryen. The lands of dense and unforgivable forests." He heard the voice he grew so familiar to, "I can smell them." He heard a snarl, "But I smell something evil, and foul as well. Something not of this world." The dragon looked to him, and he watched as a blood-red eye looked to him, "I say when we are finished, we should leave immediately, Daeron Targaryen."

Jon nodded, "Aye. I smell them as well, Ancalagon." Jon ran his hand on the pure black scales, "Take me to the other dragons, and then we'll leave." The dragon nodded and moved faster.

Soon Jon watched as Acanlagon dodged trees, amazed at how this giant dragon dodged giant trees. Within seconds Jon spotted scales of misty grey, and ugly mud brown. He watched as the two dragons looked towards them. Jon watched as the two dragons snarled at them.

Jon ran his hand across the black scales of his bonded, "Slow down, and stop. I will go ahead and try my best to talk to them, and if what you said is true they should understand and we can talk." Acanlagon looked to him, and gave a tiny nod, and Jon felt him slowing down, and came to a stop, about twenty-five feet away.

Jon climbed off his dragon, and walked towards the two dragons and looked up at them, they were big with sharp teeth, and a scared body. Jon stood straight up, and spoke.


Arianne sat on the Dornish Throne, with her Uncle leaning on it beside her. For they were about to have a meeting with her bannermen, and their bannermen. But behind them were Aliranda, and Jason playing with the guards that were holding them. She knew that the guards were smiling under their silk scarfs. It has been years since children walked the halls of Sunspear.

"Princess." Ari looked towards the voice and saw a familiar, and friendly face. The woman in front of her was of average height, with raven black hair, and deep purple eyes. The woman was wearing a tiara with a purple amethyst in the center that was falling in the centre of her forehead. The woman was also wearing light purple silks.

Arianne smiled, "Allyria Dayne." She stood, and walked towards her, "What has you here earlier then all of my other bannermen?"

Allyria smiled, "What's wrong with a friend seeing a friend that she hasn't seen for years?" Arianne laughed, and they hugged, "Well anyway." Her sights turned to the sight of the kids, "Who are those two?"

Ari looked at them, "The girl is my firstborn daughter, Aliranda Martell. The boy is my wife's only son, Jason Reyne." She looked back to his friend, and smiled, "There are two more, Aerea and Jacaerys Targaryen, twins born of Daeron Targaryen, and Val of the Freefolk. But they are having lessons with the Maester, in the library."

Allyria nodded, "They are beautiful." A small grin grew, "Their father must've been more beautiful than their mother." They laughed as Arianne punched her shoulder, together they walked towards a bench.

Arianne looked to her friend, "Why did you really come, Ally? I can tell when you really want something else?" Her friend looked at her, and a small smile grew. She has seen that smile before, the smile of her cousin Tyene, when they talked about Jon. Ari grinned, "Interested in Jon now? I thought you would be interested in Daemon Sand."

Allyria smiled, "Sorta." She played with her long raven hair, "When I heard what happened at King's Landing, and how he impaled the Mountain."

Ari nodded, "I can introduce you to him, but I'm going to tell you that he has feelings for his little sister, Arya." Ally looked to her, "More than normal then a sister and brother feeling. He loves her."

Ally nodded, "Well we all know how the Targaryens are with marrying sisters, and brothers." She laughed, "That isn't the worst thing I have heard nor seen. My wet nurse said the worst."

Ari shrugged, "Just wanted to tell you, Ally." They hugged. From her peripheral she noticed her uncle looking towards the main doors, and she nodded. She backed away from the hug, "But Jon is going to be busy for a bit, so it will be a bit until you can finally meet him." She smiled, and stood, "Now we must get ready, the meeting is about to start, and I need to act like a Princess of Dorne for my lords."

Ally nodded, "Yes. I must go find my guards, and my bannermen. I will see you in a bit, Ari." She went to leave, but stopped and turned to her, "Also. I noticed your blacksmiths, and seamstresses are making furred armour, and cloaks. Why is that?"

Ari smiled, as she sat the Sand Throne, "That will be said later with the lords and ladies of Dorne, Ally." Arianne lost the smile, and a face of a Princess, or Queen grew on her face, "Now go."

She watched as Ally nodded, and left the room, returning to the room that held the lords, and bannermen of Dorne. Arianne looked to her uncle and nodded. She watched as Oberyn nodded, and checked the walls, everything before he returned with a smile and a nod.

Arianne looked to the guards that were guarding the main doors, and motioned them to open the door. They nodded and together they opened the doors, and Ari watched as Lords and Ladies entered the room. Most of them have two to four guards of their guards with them.

Arianne saw the banners of Houses Allyrion, Blackmont, Dayne, Fowler, Gargalen, Jordayne, Ladybright, Manwoody, Qorgyle, Toland, Uller, Vaith, Wells, Wyl, and Yronwood, and with them their bannermen. She listened as they quieted down, and soon they were all quiet.

They all looked to her, and as she looked back at them, she spoke. Telling them her plan to kneel to Daeron Targaryen, they all agreed. Told them about what she plans, and Jon's plan on taking King's Landing, Storm's End, and Dragonstone. Then she told them why her blacksmiths and seamstresses are making furred armour and cloaks.

She watched as some shaked in fear, and she did the same for the reason the hall dropped a few degrees. Arianne continued explaining, until the meeting was done, and she ordered them to leave. She released a deep sigh when they all left leaving only her uncle, the guards, and the kids.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, and looked up at her uncle, and saw him smiling down at her, "You did great, Ari." She smiled at him.

"Thanks Uncle." She placed her hand on her belly, and couldn't wait until it grew.

Oberyn watched, and she smiled, "Is the seed strong, Ari?" She nodded, "How long?"

"A month. I'm pretty sure. But I'm not the only one am I?" She looked up to him, and grinned.

Her uncle laughed, "Ha!" Ari watched as he regained his control, "Yes. Ellaria has grown big with my seed." He kissed her forehead, "And I hope for another daughter, but I will accept a son." He looked to the kids who were asleep, "Have you told the kids, or the father yet?"

She shook her head, "A surprise for the kids, and I sent Val a raven, and she responded with a happy response." She smiled, "Val is carrying a child as well. And I believe she has told Jon about it."

Oberyn smiled, "The news is good. It means Daeron's seed is strong, and will hopefully birth healthy and sane descendants." She nodded, "From what I remember. He told me that he plans on making the Dragons of Targaryen a huge family. Bigger than the Lions of Lannister, or the Twins of Frey."

Ari laughed, "I believe that." Soon Arianne felt the tiredness grow, and she looked out the window and saw the moon rising. She slowly stood up, and walked towards the guards who were holding the sleeping kids, "I will take them." They nodded and handed them to her.

She nodded to them and they left, she looked to her uncle, and smiled. She didn't have to say anything, as he spoke, "I will take care of the rest, Ari." She nodded, and slowly left. When she got to the kids room, she found the twins already asleep, and she smiled. She looked to the ones in her arms, and laid them down. She left with a smile, and a hand on her belly.

She couldn't wait until her family could grow bigger. She already knew what to plan this babe if it was a boy and girl.


"Princess I believe it time." Rhaenys heard Black Snake say as they lead the Unsullied and the Brotherhoods men. Rhaenys watched as her white scaled dragon landed not too far away. Rhaenys nodded, and she watched as Ser Alliser and Black Snake raise their hands stopping the army.

They broke apart going to set up camp, and defences for they were already in the Dothraki Sea. Rhaenys road towards her dragon, who's golden eyes were watching the skies. Like she was expecting something. Rhaenys got off her chestnut colour mustang, and walked towards Raraxes, and as she got there she leaned on her dragon and sat down with her back against the scales, and released a sigh, and closed her eyes.

She was tired, her legs hurting from all the riding, two days straight, with little to no sleep. When she opened her eyes it wasn't because someone was shaking her, or was it natural.she was awoken because of the movement of her dragon, and the roar she released.

Rhaenys sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes, looking around to see what would get Raraxes' attention, and that was when she saw the three much bigger dragons coming towards her camp, and to Raraxes. Rhaenys stood up as she watched the dragons flying towards them. She heard men jogging up behind her, but as the dragons came closer, she noticed that no-one was atop Sydnor.

She raised her hand stopping the men, and looked back, "Go back, and bring meat for the dragons." She watched as they nodded, and they turned around and left. She looked back to the dragons, and watched as they landed. Sending sands up into the air, blocking her view from them.

Rhae walked towards the shadows of the dragons, and when she saw them she gasped. Tegon, and Līāna didn't look bad with only a few scales missing, and flesh, but where the worst was new flesh, and scales are regrowing. But Snydor looked the worst. Rhae walked towards the dragon and placed her hand on the scales of the dragons face, keeping her eyes on the missing eye of the dragon.

She looked the good eye, and asked, "How?" And her answer came by the wind. She smiled, "So Jon has Cannibal now." She ran a hand to the missing eye, "But with a loss of an eye form Sydnor."

Rhae heard men and cart coming from behind her, and she looked back to see that the men were returning with three carts of meat, horse meat. Rhae backed away, and instantly the looks on Sydnor changed to one of hunger, and he opened his mouth, the men jumping to the side. Syndor was followed by Tegon, and Līāna.

She looked away from the heat, from the three dragons fire, one emerald green, another a sapphire blue, and the last a darkest onyx black she has seen. When the heat was gone she looked back, and saw the three dragons eating the horse meat.

Rhaenys turned around and looked to the camp, and saw that it was up, and in the centre was a large tent, her tent. Rhaenys walked back to the camp and the closer she got the more defences she saw. Rhaenys entered the camp looking for her commanders, and when she found them she called a meeting between them alone.


Rhae sat in a chair sipping a cup of wine, to her left was Ser Alliser wearing the new armour of the Kingsguard, and beside him Jon One-Eye. To her right was Black Snake, and beside him was Asha Greyjoy, with two loyal unsullied to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid.

Ser Alliser was the one that broke the silence of the tent, "Princess why have you called us?"

Rhaenys took another sip of the wine, "Jon has the Cannibal." She watched as those that knew that name, eyes widened.

"Who is the Cannibal, Princess?" Black Snake asked.

Alliser answered, "Cannibal is a dragon who feasted on his kin, hence the name Cannibal. But if he still lives he would be over two-hundred years old?" He looked over to Rhae and asked, "If this is true, Princess, where is his Grace, now? And why is he trying to tame the beast?"

Rhae nodded, "Jon has made a promise to someone. I don't know the whole promise but it requires bringing the old with new." Rhae took a sip, "I believe he has gone to Ulthos." Gasps came from everyone, "But the reason I have called this is because of a change of plans." They nodded, minus Asha, "Everything is the same but when we have Lhazar. I'm to leave for Westeros, with you Ser Alliser."

"How will you be leaving, Princess? Lhazar has no ocean to fly a ship or such." Black Snake asked. Rhae waited for something to answer for her, and it came in a roar from Raraxes.

"Ser Alliser." The man looked to her, "Are you afraid of heights? Or afraid of the dragons?" He shook his head slowly. Rhae nodded, "Then we are flying atop Raraxes." Ser Alliser nodded, with a gulp. Rhae looked to the other, "But you are to meet up with Princess Daenerys at Meereen." They nodded. She stood up placing the goblet down, "Now I need rest. Leave."

They nodded and they all left. Minus Asha Greyjoy, and the two Unsullied guard, the woman stood up looking towards her, "Jon trusted you to watch me. Now you're leaving. Why is that?"

Rhae looked away, "Because he trusts you and I do. Now leave." Asha nodded, and left. Rhae turned to her part of the tent, and entered the room, to find a warm bath, and a bed ready for her.


Dany looked at the giant pyramids of Meereen, and the tents that surrounded the entrance. Beside her were Grey Worm, Missandei, Rakharo and Ser Jorah. Above on a ledge were two of the dragons, Aegerion, and Rhaellion. She didn't know where Rhaegal was but she did know that he was still alive.

Dany looked to Ser Jorah and asked, "Who are those protecting the city?" Ser Jorah looked around, until he stopped on something. Dany looked towards the direction he was longing, and she found thousands upon thousands of horses, "A Khal?"

Ser Jorah nodded, "Aye." He looked at her, "I can only imagine one with that amount of horses. Khal Drogo's khalasar is forty-thousand strong. His khalasar is thirty-five-thousand stronger than King-Emperor Daeron's." Daenerys nodded, but Jorah continued, "The Unsullied are fearsome warriors, but they don't stand a chance against this khalasar. I advise you to retreat until we have more men."

Dany shook her head, "No! Daeron trusted me to take Slaver's Bay, and that is what I'll do. I'll tell him the news when I go meet him when he takes King's Landing." She looks over to Jorah, "And we have dragons. Dragons are worthy of hundreds of horses, and ten thousand men."

Dany watched as Jorah went to speak but Rakharo spoke first, "Princess." She looked to the Dothraki, "I know something that will make Jon happy. Happier then if you take pyramid city." She nods, "Wait."

Dany looked at him confused, "What do you mean?" But as she asked, she noticed both of her dragons looking behind them, and them flying towards the direction.

Rakharo smiled, and reached into a pocket, and took out a roll of paper, "I received this last day." He handed her the scroll. Dany looked at Rakharo with a raised eyebrow, and his response was pointing in the direction of where her dragons went. It didn't take long for her to understand, and when she did, she was grinning.

She opened the scroll, and read the contents, and when she was done she looked up and into the direction her dragons went, and spoke, "Waiting it is."


Arya sat down in a cave, with a fire in front of her. Beside her was a sword belt that held Snow, Needle, and Little Sister. On her wrist was the hidden blade Jon gifted her. Everything with her was from Jon, the furred blanket that was around her. Slowly Arya closed her eyes as sleep claimed her.

Arya felt a huge, unnatural gust of wind hit her, blowing the fire out, and knocking her down. Arya leaped up, when she heard footsteps coming towards the cave. Arya grabbed the hilt of Snow and got into a fighting position, Ser Arthur has engraved into her mind, and body.

The sound came closer and closer, until a man who had shiny long, straight hair streaming down across his shoulders, colored white on one side and red on the other, with a slender body. And if she didn't love Jon as much as she did, she would have called him handsome. But that all left when she saw the man smiling a cold, dead smile.

"Ahh. The man didn't know this cave was already claimed by a little lady." The man said in an accent she didn't know. The man stepped forward, "May I join you, little lady?"

Arya shook her head, and as he stepped closer he quickly, like Arthur taught him, and placed the blade at his heart, "No. Leave now, before I shove my sword into your heart." She saw a flicker of shock in his at the speed she just did, but the smile stayed.

But that shock left, "Why aren't you a quick little thing? I see greatness in you, little lady."

Arya pushed a bit into the sword, "I don't care. Leave." But then a memory came, in Jon's voice, 'Don't trust No-One.' Arya pushed further into the sword, "What is your name?" Arya then felt a blow of wind that felt like it made it feel like she did the right thing.

The man placed a hand on the skinny blade, "Well I'm No-One. But you can call me-" Arya pushed her blade forward into the man's heart, and for the first time, the smile left, "Why?"

"Before my brother left he told me to not trust, 'No-One'. And I love my brother, and trust him with my life." She smiled, remembering Jon, his hugs, his smiles, his touch, his everything.

Arya was so in thought that she didn't pay attention as the body slipped off the sword, and into a puddle of its own making. Arya looked to the dying man, and saw him looking at her with dead eyes, "You… were… worthy…" she heard him say.

Arya walked back to where she was resting, and rolled up the furred blanket, and put her sword belt, and sheathed Snow, and exited the cave. And started her trip south.

Perseus_Blackfyre Perseus_Blackfyre

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