71.79% New Valyria / Chapter 28: Chapter 27: Arc 2, Planning

บท 28: Chapter 27: Arc 2, Planning


Jon Snow


Jon walked away from his father, knowing that he was going to try and change the future. Jon grinned as he walked away with Arya beside him and Ari on the other side of him, with her the Sands Snakes. He walked towards the tower of the hand, but then remembered the meeting the Queen of Thorns wanted.

He also remembered that Ari needed to swear, and now to him. His grin grew bigger, and beside him Ari felt a shiver go down her spine.

"Jon," he heard Arya whisper, he looked over and brought his head closer to her, "When can I see the dragons?"

Jon stood to his complete height, and thought over the question. He knew Arya would want to see the dragons again. But with them being away from King's Landing he had no way to show her. But he couldn't say no to Arya, never would he say no to Arya. And with two of his dragons away in Essos, and one flying close by, but out of sight.

Even if he could get out at night to see Sydnor, he couldn't do it without letting people seeing him. He looked down at Arya, "Not a clue Arya. Let me think it over and I might find away, to let you see them soon." He stopped, "But if you'll excuse me I need to go meet a Queen."

Jon saw Arya's face crunch up, "Really the queen wants to see you?"

Jon laughed, "No Arya, not Bitch Queen, but the Queen of Thorns has asked for a meeting with with, and I always plan to do my best." He looked to Arya, "And when I'm gone 'don't' go through my stuff." He saw a mischievous grin grow on Arya's face, "Because I know how much you love swords, armour, and dragons."

He inwardly laughed as he saw Arya jump up and down, wondering what she could find. She then started walking towards him, and he felt like he would need to bend over, and so he did. And when she got to him, Arya gave him a kiss on the cheek, which was still very close to his lips, and backed away and gave him a big hug. She backed away and ran as fast as she could away to his room, and yelled, "I love you, Jon!!"

She looked towards the direction to his room, and was about to run, but stopped when Jon placed his hand on her shoulder, and in his other hand was Blackfyre, "Also well you are there can you drop of Blackfyres."

She nodded quickly and took the sword, and sprinted in the direction of his room. Jon laughed and smiled at how Arya was always active.

The Dornish ladies watched this with interest, and also the few servants started to gossip. Jon just smiled as he watched her leave. He turned around to leave, and started walking but soon he heard footsteps following him. Jon looked back and saw the Dornish Ladies we're still there. He went to speak but Ari beat him to it.

"My love, we're just going to the docks. You see us Dornish men and women don't like this city, and don't want to stay here for long." She jogged up to stand beside him, "And I also miss you being inside me, and with my belly round with a babe."

Jon looked to Arianne with a raised borrow, "Your ready for another?" He watched as Ari nodded. He stopped and stood in front of her, and leaned down so that they were eye to eye, "And may I ask why?"

Ari grinned, "Because you aren't as quiet as you think you are in your sleep, and most times you whisper of having a army of children," she looked behind her, and leaned closer and whispered, "But it's mostly of fucking your Little Wolf." Jon snorted, "That isn't a denial, love." Jon watch as she grinned and leaned in further, allowing Jon to feel her chest against his chest, "Daeron," Jon felt his dick hardening as she spoke his birth name, "So it's now, when you can fuck me fast and hard, or slow and soft, or in years where you can be rusty." She then grinned, "And I believe your She Wolf won't like a rusty Mate."

Jon felt a fire grow in him, soon he was dragging Ari to the closest room, with her laughing evilly behind him. And as the Sand Snakes laughed. But little did they know that a girl of 15 name days was still there. With her face beet red, and her core wet, and with the thoughts that came to her mind.


Arianne Martell


Arianne entered the Tower of the Hand, on a mission for her Love. When the guards asked, she said Jon Snow asked me to help. They accepted the words, and soon she was standing in front of a door. A door that leads to four very important people to Jon. Arianne opened the door to show both Aerea, Jacaerys, Jason, and her angel. When they saw her the twins jumped up and ran towards her.

"Mama Ari!" They yelled as they crashed into her.

She laughed, "My sweets." She picked the two up, and said, "Wow, you two have gotten heavy." They laughed and she kissed them on the cheeks, and walked towards the other two. When she got there she sat down, and placed the other older two down. She then picked both of the younger ones and kissed them on the cheeks, and placed them in her lap, and watched as the other two continued moving around.

Ari just watched as the two moved around until she felt her finger being pulled. She looked down and saw her angel looking up to her, with a questioning look, "Mama'' Why are you here? I thought you need to go back to Dorne, with Uncle Spear?"

Arianne laughed as she heard what the kids call her uncle, and answered, "Well to be you and to offer you guys something." She watched as the twins stopped moving, Ari nodded, "Do you guys want to go to Dorne?" All four looked to be in thoughts, and soon they all nodded, "Good." She smiled, she stood, "Let's pack your things, my sweets."

Within half an hour they were ready to go. Air watched as Jon entered the room, and grinned. Jon looked around and smiled at his oldests. They ran to him and hugged his legs. Jon walked towards her and reached out to take Ali and Jason. She handed them to him and hugged them.

"Are you guys ready for Dorne?" They nodded, "Good." Ari saw Jon giving them a deeper hug, "I'm going to miss you guys."

Ari heard them mumble, and soon Jon placed them on the bed, and hugged his twins. He smiled at them, "I have something for all of you."

"Really?" Aerea asked.

Jon nodded, "I do." Jon pulled out four coins, and gave one to each of them. She walked behind them and saw the design on the coin. On Aerea's in the top right corner was a black dragon with red eyes, top left corner was a wolf of black with red eyes, the left corner a snake of black, and red eyes, and the right corner a lion of Black and red eyes. All chasing the tails of whom was in front of them, and in the centre was a weirwood tree. And on the back was Aerea's name. With Jacaerys his was the same, but his in the colours of green and bronze. With Jason it was a white and red, and Aliandra was orange and red.

Arianne looked up to Jon and saw him day dreaming. She knew the meaning to the coin, and thought they would be an amazing gift. Jon shook his head, and stood, "I should leave. You have a long road ahead of you." He bent over and kissed all of them on the forehead, "I'm going to miss you, my sweets." She watched as Jon looked to her, and walked towards her, and kissed her on the lips.

Arianne wanted to deepen the kiss but knew that it wasn't the time nor place. Jon backed away, and Arianne smiled, "When will I see you again, lover?"

"Don't have a clue. But I know it will be soon." He leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "Remember that you always have a backup cock, and do message me if you get pregnant."

Arianne grinned, "I do but there will never be a replacement for the real thing, lover." She reached down into his pants and grabbed his cock, "And I will. I will miss you and your sword."

Jon inhaled deeply, "You are a cruel woman, Ari."

Ari nodded, "But you can always use your Wolf, lover. Or you could use Val. She also wants to carry another of your loads."

"I should be going, I have a few meetings to get to." Jon said through gritted teeth. Ari leaned up and kissed him, and took her hand out of his pants. Ari watched as he turned and left the room, giving each of his kids another kiss on their forehead.


Jon Snow


Jon knocked on the door that Cassandra told him where he could find Lady Olenna. It didn't take long until the door opened and she walked into the room. Jon walked further into the room, and found an elder woman, sitting with a younger one on the balcony.

The elderly woman turned, and greeted him, "Jon Snow, Head Commander of the Greatest Company to exist since Bittersteel and his Golden Company at its prime." She looked him up and down, and then she smiled a smile that he couldn't describe, "Or is that your real name."

Jon looked at the woman, and then looked to the younger one, "Lady Margaery, and the Queen of Thorns." He bowed to each of them, "One of my little birds today be that you wanted to see me, Queen of Thorns."

Lady Olenna nodded, "I did, now sit down. I'm old and my neck is hurting from looking up at your beautiful velvet/purple eyes." Jon nodded and sat down in the only other place, beside Margaery Tyrell. He looked to her, and gave her a tiny smile, she returned it with one of hers.

Well Jon looked the lady up and down, and in his head he said, 'So the rumours are true. She as beautiful as I have heard. But a beautiful lady on the outside but inwardly a mastermind at the Game. Jon looked her up and down and felt his cock getting a bit hard, and gave a tiny shrug, and looked towards the Queen of Thorns, "Lady Olenna, your granddaughter is as beautiful as the rumours said."

Lady Olenna nodded, "She is a beauty, isn't she? A true golden rose of House Tyrell. But she is also a perfect queen to a Targaryen King?" Jon's eyes widened and in a flash he was standing with Dark Sister at her throat. The Lady was grinning, "There is no need to be so aggressive, Daeron Targaryen, son of Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryen. You will need that energy for the bedding of my granddaughter."

"Grandmother!" Jon heard Margaery yell, with embarrassment in her voice.

Olenna placed her hand on the blade and pushed it away from her face, "Now Daeron. Why don't we have a contract with the Brotherhood of the Old Gods, and your payment will be the Loyalty of the Reach, and my Granddaughter to do as you wish. From tying her up and making her walk around a household in nothing but ropes."

"GRANDMOTHER! WHY!" The lady behind him yelled, with more embarrassment in her voice.

Jon grinned and sheathed his sword, and sat back down, noticing a heavy blushing Margaery Tyrell. He placed his elbows on his knees and grinned and said, "So what is this contract you want, Queen of Thorns?"

Lady Olenna grinned, "First I will like you to know that I haven't told anyone yet, and neither has my granddaughter. We Tyrells always go for the winning team. And if that means faking something's so be it." Jon nodded and on the meeting went.


Margaery Tyrell


Margaery was too distracted to listen to what her grandmother and the rightful heir of the iron throne. For she was still thinking of what her grandmother said. To be truthful she wouldn't mind walking around with nothing but ropes, for the man. He was handsome, and strong. She wouldn't mind having him leaning over her, and playing with her tits, and fucking her.

Margaery bit her lip trying and failing at stopping the moan she released as the thought.


Tyrion Lannister


Tyrion sat drinking win, as he read about the Brotherhood of the Old Gods. The Brotherhood has books written about how they came to power, and all of their leaders. But what took his attention the most is the Head Commander.

But before he could get into it, a knock came from his door. Tyrion sighed, stood up, and walked towards the door, and opened it to see the person he was just reading about. And in the man's hand was a bottle of what he believed was wine but it wasn't one he remembered.

"Lord Tyrion." The man said, as Tyrion looked up at the raven haired man, "May I come in and join you?"

Tyrion smiled, moved out of the way, and walked back to his spot, "Why of course Head Commander Snow." He looked back and saw that the man didn't twitch or mind him calling him that. The man closed the door, and walked towards the chair across from him. He watched as Jon Snow poured himself a trinket of wine. Together they took a sip of their wine. And when Tyrion saw that Jon Snow was paying attention to him he asked, "Why have you come to me, Commander Snow?"

Jon nodded and held out his hand, "Well first I would like you to try some of the Brotherhood's wine. Would you like some, Lord Dwarf."

Tyrion laughed and handed him his empty goblet, "Why of course, Lord Bastard." All ready Tyrion liked the boy.

Snow poured him a goblet of wine, and handed it back, "You can call me Jon, Lord Tyrion."

Tyrion nodded, and took the goblet, "And you can call me Tyrion, Jon." He took a sip of the wine, and when the taste hit his tongue, he felt like he was in heaven. Tyrion looked towards the Brotherhood's head commander, and saw him grinning.

"How do you like our wine, Tyrion? I have heard that it's really good." He swished the goblet in his hand, and he took a sip, "Me personally I like our ale." He said as he took the goblet of wine away from his lips.

Tyrion nodded still getting over the taste that was still all over his mouth, "I say it is the best wine I have ever tasted, Jon." He took another sip, "And if you don't mind me asking. What is this wine made of?"

Jon laughed, "Isn't that the question." He took a sip, "But sorry my friend but I don't know. The Brotherhood's winery is very secretive about how they make our wines, and our ale."

Tyrion nodded, as he handed his goblet back to Jon, "And how much does this certain wine cost? And how many types of wine do you have?"

Jon laughed, "Are you interacted in the wine, Dwarf." Tyrion raised his goblet and nodded, and took a sip, "The wine your drinking is the least expensive wine, the Brotherhood sells, coming at 5 gold dragons, and 11 silver moons." Tyrion nodded, this wine was worthy of costing that much, "We also sell three others, with the most expensive being 15 gold dragons." Tyrion's eyes widened, now that was a wine he wanted to taste. Tyrion went to speak but when his eyes fell on Jon Snow, he kept his mouth shut, "Now Lord Tyrion. I'm going to reveal something to you, and you must never speak of it." Tyrion nodded slowly, "Good." The man leaned back into his chair, "I'm not who you think I am, Lord Tyrion. For who I really am is the greatest secret the world has ever seen." Jon Snow leaned forward, "My name isn't Jon Snow, and I'm not a bastard of Lord Eddard Stark. My name is Daeron Targaryen, last remaining son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark."


Tyrion took a sip of wine, for what he just learned was something that he planned on keeping secret until he is able to say. Tyrion looked at the man across from him, and just thought of what he could do to help.

"My Lord, I believe you should know what I plan to do with your family and your home, for what they did you mine." Tyrion nodded, placing all his attention on the man. Tyrion listened, and listened to what the man was saying.

When he was done Tyrion leaned back in his chair, and asked, "And Casterly Rock and Lannisport? What do you plan on doing with them?"

His friend nodded, "For Casterly Rock, I plan on giving it to a house loyal to me, but also one that suffered and lost their home because of your father. I'm giving the Rock to House Reyne, and for Lannisport. I plan on giving it to you. You can fix what your father did to your house."

Tyrion nodded, "I accept." Tyrion stood, and bowed, "I Tyrion Lannister, give my sword, mind, and allegiance to you, Daeron III Targaryen."

Daeron nodded, "You didn't have to bow, my friend." Then a knock came, and Tyrion stood, "Ahh, he's here at last." His friend stood, "Now Tyrion I want you to meet, Bronn, one of my captains, and a drinking partner." As he said that the door opened to a man, "He will be your bodyguard, and companion for the time, and I hope for a great friendship." Daeron grabbed the wine, and went to leave, "Now if you'll excuse me I need to talk to a few more people." He stopped and looked at the wine, "Also you can have this." He placed the wine on a table. And continued.

Tyrion watched as Daeron went to leave, but was stopped when Bronn grabbed hisar, "Remember what I'm owed for this, Head Commander."

He watched as Daeron released a sigh, "Yes. I always remember what you want. You will get you castle and gold, when this is done." Daeron grabbed Bronn's arm, "And remember who is keeping you alive. I have already given you a set of valyrian steel swords. Don't think it was done out of friendship."

Bronn took his hand Daeron's arm, "Just wanted to make sure, Head Commander." Tyrion watched as Daeron walked out of the room. His bodyguard looked to him, "That man is truly scary sometimes, My Lord." Tyrion nodded.


Clarisse Blackwood


Clarisse watched as two of her family guards sparred. Beside her was her father, whom was talking to the man who was always on her mind, Jon Snow. She remembered how he looked when he won the fight against the Mountain. And since he showed up, wanting to talk to her father, her eyes haven't left his body.

Clarisse wasn't a dirty minded person but she wanted that body, on her breathing heavily. Remembering where she was she shook her head, and looked towards her father, and watched the conversation between her father, and Jon Snow.

It didn't take long for the conversation to finish, as she watched her father, and Jon Snow shook hands. When her father's guest stood and bowed to them, "With that, I wish both of you a good day, and a better future." His eyes moved to her, "And I will be hoping to see more of you. And lord Blackwood, I will try and talk my father into allowing a branch family of Blackwood return to the north."

Her father smiled, "Thank you, Jon Snow."

The man nodded, and turned to leave and as he left Clarisse watched his arse as it moved. Ohh she wanted that.


Yohn Royce


Lord Yohn Royce walked towards the room that held a man he wanted to meet for a long while. With him was Mya, who wanted to come and clear something up with the man. He continued walking until he came to a room that had two guards of the Brotherhood standing outside.

The guards blocked him, and asked, "Why have you come here, Lord Royce?"

"I have been invited to have a conversation with your commander." He answered as they nodded to behind him, "That is Mya Stone. She wants to meet the Commander as well."

The guard on the left opened his mouth but was stopped when the doors opened to see the man he wanted to talk to, and behind him were more guards, all looking like the Unsullied of Astapor, "Let them in, Alyn, and Snake." Both men nodded, and stepped aside, allowing them to enter. They entered the room, and found that they were in a room with a circle table, and swords hanging on walls, "Welcome to the room of the Kings Guards. I'm lucky I had permission to use this room, for what is about to happen."

Yohn nodded and followed Jon Snow, with Mya behind him, "So why have you called me here, Head Commander?" He asked as he took a seat, and Mya sitting beside him. He looked to the other members in the room

"You can call me Jon, Lord Royce." Yohn nodded, "Well we are waiting on two more people, Lord Royce. They shouldn't be taking long." Just as he said that two people entered the room, one he glared at, that man was Petyr Baelish, and with him was a man he recognized from the tourney, "Ahh you have arrived, Baelish, Gendry. Why don't you take a seat Lord Baelish, we are going to be here for a while."

Yohn watched as Baelish sat down with a smirk. But what happened next shocked him. The man Gendry opened the two doors they entered, and he watched as about a dozen guards of the Brotherhood entered the room, all pointing the tips of their spears towards Baelish.

Yohn watched as a look flashed across Baelish's face. The man went to speak, but was stopped by Jon Snow speaking, "Gag him. And make sure he isn't able to speak. I don't want to hear a word from his mouth." Yohn looked to the man with wide eyes, hearing all the venom in his voice. Jon Snow looked towards him, and asked a question he wanted the answer to, "Lord Royce do you want to know who killed a Lord Jon Arryn?"

Yohn nodded, "I do, Jon."

The man nodded and stood, "I will answer that question, but first I think you would want to know something before we continue." Yohn followed Jon Snow with his eyes, "About two moons ago, my kids, Jason Reyne, and Aliandra Martell, as well as my… lovers Val, Arianne Martell and Joanna Reyne, were all kidnapped by a mad man named Maegor Garyen." The man stopped behind Baelish, "This man tortured my kids, and lovers for information for his ally in Westeros." Yohn watched as Jon looked towards him, "Do you want to know who that ally was?" Yohn knew who that ally was, before the man even asked. Yohn nodded, and he watched as the man grabbed the back of Baelish's head, and slammed it on the stone table, "The ally's name was Petyr Baelish. It didn't take me long to find out who Maegor's ally was, and when I did I promised that I would avenge my kids who lost their ability to walk. So here I am with you and Mya, with me to watch as this man suffers and to learn who killed your late Lord Arryn."

Yohn watched as the man moved away from the gagged man, and move to grab something. While he was away, Yohn looked to Mya, and spoke, "You can leave if you want Mya."

Mya shook her head, "I'll stay. We saw this coming, and you know as much as I, that he deserves what he is getting for doing things that wasn't in his power to do." Yohn nodded, and heard the last bit, "And he's really fucking hot, well he is pissed."

Yohn went to speak, but was stopped with the return with Jon Snow, and with him a girl, who was vile. Jon walked to him chair, and sat down, "You thought yourself smart, Baelish trying to sneak spies into my Brotherhood, and think yourself safe. Well I returned the favour." Yohn saw the widening of Baelish's eyes, "This is the girl, her name is Luna, a very beautiful name. Well back to what we were talking about. She told me who she worked for, you Baelish. She even told me that you were helping the mad man." Jon Snow looked to him, "You wanted to know who killed you late Lord Arryn, Lord Royce." Yohn nodded, "Well it was Baelish and Lysa Arryn." Yohn's eyes widened, he noticed that Mya was just as shocked,. Jon looked to the girl, "Tell them what happened, Luna."

The girl nodded, and told him everything from the relationship to the poisoning of Jon Arryn, and form that to the planning of taking over the Vale and Riverlands. By the time she was done Yohn wanted to personally split the gagged man in half.

Jon Snow stood, "What happens to Baelish will be up to you, Lord Royce. What you say will happen." Jon Snow stopped when he was behind Baelish, "You have the final say, my Lord. You and may people have suffered from this man."

Yohn looked to the bloodied man, and for the first time he saw fear in those eyes. People have suffered because of this man, and now he can choose how he leaves this world. Then the tourney came to mind and remembered how the mountain died. He looked over to Jon Snow, "I want him to die slowly, Jon Snow. And I give that chose to you."

Jon Snow nodded, grabbing the head and slamming it down on the table, and spoke, "Water torture it is. Take him and put him in the dungeons, and start it." Jon Snow said as he went to his seat. Yohn watched as Baelish left the room, and then he remembered where they were and what city they were in. Yohn went to speak, but Jon Snow spoke first, "The King knows, I told him what happened before this even started."

Yohn nodded, "Thank you for this. I always knew there was something bad about that man." Jon wave it away with a smile and nodded, "Was that all you wanted from me?"

"No. I have a whole different matter altogether." Jon Snow rubbed his eyes, "I'm going to tell you something that you will both have to promise to keep quiet until say." Yohn nodded, and listened to the man who was telling him the truth of the Rebellion, and who he is. When it ended, Yohn accepted this man as his kings, and knelt before him. Jon nodded, "Stand Lord Royce. I have an offer for you for the future of the Vale." Yohn sat back down, and listened, "That kid Lysa calls, 'Sweet Robin', has been poisoned with sweet sleep, and is weak and will never be a good ruler or a Warden. So I offer you Lord Yohn Royce of you would like to watch the Vale, and take the Arryn's titles, for you are of the First Men, and I have great trust in those who carry the blood of the first men."

Yohn watched the man's eyes and saw no lie, or such. Yohn nodded, "I accept, your grace."

Jon nodded, "Good." He stood, "Now I must leave for that I have to go North." He nodded towards Mya and him, "I wish you luck in the future Lord Royce, and Mya. And I will see you within a moon' turn." He turned to leave, but was stopped by a hand.

Yohn watched with mild amusement as Mya kissed the man on the tip, when she back away, she spoke, "That is a thank you for getting rid of people corrupting this world."

His king smiled, "Well I could get used to that can't eye." He nodded and left saying, "It was my pleasure, Mya."


Eddard Stark


Ned entered his room thinking about what his son told him, 'I am to die. And my family is with me.' He thought. He was followed by Ser Arthur, and Ser Barristan. Both standing at the door. He sat down in his chair, and thought over something.

And soon he was writing a letter to Robb, and Howland. He was telling Robb the truth of his brother, and to keep the North safe, and telling Howland to get Moat Cailin ready for protecting the North. And when his time comes he will tell the truth about the greatest crime the world has ever heard of.

When he was finished he looked up to the knights, and spoke, "Ser Barristan. I have two ravens to send to the North. I'm asking you to take this to the Maester because I trust that you will do the right thing and stay until the raven left, sealed, and untouched by the Grand Maester's hand. The one with the direwolf, goes to Winterfell and the other goes to Greywater Watch." The knight nodded as Ned handed him the scrolls, "Leave now. And take the rest of the day off."

The Bold turned and left the room, heading to the rookery. He sat back in his chair, and just relaxed. He looked to Ser Arthur, and asked, "Do you know how I died, Arthur?"

The knight looked to think it over, but soon he answered, "I actually do, My Lord. But like Jon said I can't say anything about how." Ned nodded, and leaned back into the paperwork, but before he could even start, the knight continued, "But I will break the order I was given just this once, Lord Stark." Ned looked up to the knight and just waited until he spoke.

"Jon will try to do anything to keep you safe, and when he leaves, he's going to leave 50 of his best men with him, to stay and protect you. But they will still die. But the way you die is by beheading under the false cause of treason. And under the orders of King Joffrey Baratheon."

Ned nodded, "Thank you, Arthur. Will you be one of those that stay?"

Arthur shook his head, "I'm afraid not, My Lord. Jon will need me and his best fighters for when he goes beyond the wall to where Bran needs to be."

Ned looked to Arthur, "Where is Jon taking Bran?"

"Can't answer that, My Lord."

Ned nodded, went to work with all the paper in front of him. He hopes Robb won't be mad, about the real identity of Jon, and that he still thinks of him as a brother. Ned rubbed his eyes, and released a long sigh.

And the next hour or so, he worked on paper, and other things. And about two hours in his door opened. He looked up to see both Bran and Jon standing there. He stood, "Bran, Jon."

"Father." They both said. But Jon continued, "I told Bran that I will be taking him beyond the wall." Ned nodded slowly, "But first I need to have a word with you and Bran. That is if you have the time?"

Ned nodded, and so Jon told him that he will be leaving 50 of his guards, but sadly will be taking Arthur, with him to beyond the wall. And soon Bran and Jon left, with Ned rubbing his face.


Arya Stark


Arya looked into the second chest in Jon's room. The first chest was filled with everyday clothes, from breeches, shirts, under clothes, some fancy caps, and boots. She looked at his choice of colours and to her not so very surprised, he mainly wore dark.

In his second chest was a set of furred armour. The armour was of dark grey, almost black, with ripples steel. The gorget had running wolves all along the edges. The gauntlets had the fingers look like claws. The greaves were normal. The chest plate was the most interesting of the set with it looking to have engraving of words, and wolves. With the set of armour was a cap made of heavy fur, and was black in colour.

Arya picked up the cape, feeling the fur run through her fingers. But then she caught sight of something underneath the armour. She took out the armour with ease, and when the armour was out she saw a letter, with her name on it. And under the letter was a box.

She took out the letter and opened it.

'To Arya,

If I know you as well as I do, then you will be finding this going through my chest. Well this was made for your name bay, and I know you will just open it, so I will tell you what it is from this letter.

Under the letter is a box. Inside the box is a new weapon I have thought over. I brought this to Gendry and he looked it over, and made this. It is a wrist, and blade weapon, which I plan to call the hidden blade.

This is the very first prototype, and is the first of its kind. I gift it to you. I trust that you will keep this hidden and out of sight.



Arya grabbed the box and opened it. She looked over the weapon and carefully picked it up. The binding was made out of leather, with the blade part out of steel. She placed it around her wrist, and tested it. And what she did, nothing came out. But that ended when she flicked her wrist downwards. She jumped when a long blade came out.

She looked over the blade and then flicked her hand back, and the blade fell back into the sheathe. She did that a few more times to get used to it. She only had it for about 15 minutes and she already loved it.

She was so distracted that she didn't even notice the door opening. And when she did she was already in the air, being held there like it was nothing. She turned her head to show Jon smiling at her, she wanted to smile back but then the thoughts came back. And soon she was blushing beet red.

She looked away, but spoke, "Please put me down."

Jon laughed and placed her down. He looked around the area she was and saw the box. Arya looked at you to see his reaction and saw that he was looking at her wrist. He then looked up to her face, "What do you think of the hidden blade, Little Sister."

And just like that, all the thoughts left Arya's mind and she started to jump around, and spoke her mind. She watched as Jon laughed. She couldn't forget the face of him laughing and smiling.

She remembered what Arianne said to her.


Arya watched as Arianne Martell enter Jon's room with a grin. And before she could even say something the Princess spoke first, "You love Jon, don't you?"

Arya looked at her with a glare, "Why would you care?"

Arianne smiled, "I saw the reaction on your face well he was fighting the Mountain. And if I recall the look of fear and worry never left your face." The smile turned to a grin, "I also saw the look of want on your face, when he impaled the Mountain." Arya said nothing.

But in her mind she was thinking over all of this, and she noticed that they were true. She did get the feeling of desire when Jon finished his fight will the Mountain. And every few mornings she woke up to dreams of him.

A blush grew onto her face, and she was too late to cover it, as Ari jumped and clapped, "I knew it!" She stopped and smiled at her, "Your feelings are returned Little Wolf. I have had many nights where Jon drinks too much and he doesn't stop saying your name." She walked towards her, and when she was right in front of her, she took a deep breath, and grinned, "You want him in you."

Arya blushed brighter, "What… What… are you talking about?"

She couldn't hide the truth, and the princess was grinning, "Are you sure you can take him into you. His cock is huge, and girthy." She sized her up, "You look like you are to small to take all of him."

Now Arya felt like that was a threat. She leaned up and glared. But before she could speak the princess's licked her. Arya felt grossed out, and back up, "Why did you do that!?"

Arianne laughed, "Jon licks a lot. But he does it one place where you wouldn't even think." Arya thought it over and soon she was blushing bright red, "Let's get you dressed." Arianne said as she grabbed a comb.


Arya shook her head, and just stared at Jon. She knew it now. She knew that she was in love with her oldest brother. She just needs to show it.

"Bran and I are leaving soon." Jon said.

And just like that Arya felt something break in her, "When?"

Jon embraced her, "Tonight." She felt him breathe in, "I hopefully won't be long. So I can return to you and father. But some events stop me." He pushed her back and looked down at her, "If anything bad happens, go to Dorne. They are loyal to me. In both Jon Snow and Daeron Targaryen. If anything happens to father, run to the hidden passageways. If you want help go to Ser Jamie or Ser Barristan. They are my spies, they will help you get out." He then gave a small smile, "But you must not tell…"

"Sansa." They said at the same time.

Arya giggles but then remembered what was going on. And embraced Jon, "I will miss you." Jon nods, "I know what I must do."

"Good." He pulled away, he looked down to her wrist, "Always remember to keep that hidden."

"Okay." Arya responded as she pulled her sleeve over it.

Jon nodded, "I thought of away for you to see my dragon. But for that we need to leave now." She stood and ran to the door. Jon laughed, and deep doe Arya felt that was going to be the last laugh she is going to hear in a long time.

Jon caught up to her, "Also don't trust, 'no-one'. Don't trust anyone you might meet."

She nods, and as brother and sister they left the red keep to see the dragon.


Nymeria & Ghost


The pack was growing around the alpha wolves, Ghost and Nymeria. Since the the promise Ghost made to himself, he kept his word, and now his pack was around 185 wolves. Currently the pack was sleeping. He looked at them, making sure they wouldn't be harmed. Under his jaw was Nymeria, his mate, laying on her side, looking at her surroundings. Their pack now resides in the woods around Karhold.

They were both looking from their staring by a smell. Ghost sniffed the air, smelling what it was. And the instant he recognized it, he stood and started full on sprinting in the direction. He was soon followed by his slowly awakening pack, and Nymeria. And soon he ran pass, a hurrying Winter, who was running in the same direction.

It took a day of nonstop running to make it to the end of the land. And just in time to see a gallery made of black wood, and having a wolf, dragon figurehead, and ram. Ghost took another sniff of the air, and just like that he saw the velvet-purple eyes, of his person, looking at him. And for the first time, he broke his silence with a howl. And with the howl came 187 more, plus one more from the ship.

Nymeria watched as the ship didn't stop, and she knew what Ghost was going to do. She sniffed the smell of Ghost's person, and one more. But she couldn't smell her. But she would still follow Ghost.

Perseus_Blackfyre Perseus_Blackfyre

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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