20.51% New Valyria / Chapter 8: Chapter 7: Arc 2, Home

บท 8: Chapter 7: Arc 2, Home

Eddard Stark

Much has changed since the last four years. Minus that Ash gave birth to twins. Both taking after their mother, with raven black hair, and purple eyes. Cregan Stark, two-name-days, and Clarisse Stark, two-name-days. Both were a miracle this castle needed.

Ned was eating food with his family when Jory came into the room with a scroll. Ned saw the seal on the scroll that made him frown. The Night's Watch.

Jory spoke, "Spoke a raven from the Night's Watch, My Lord." He walked up to the table and handed it to Ned, and left.

Ned opened the scroll, and read the contents. Ned dropped the scroll and rubbed his eyes. Robb broke the silence, "Father, what kind of news?"

Ned looked to Robb and smiled, "The Watch has asked us to find a deserter, and has asked for more men."

Robb nodded and went back to eating. Ned followed shortly after. The meal was eating in silence, with some questions from Cregan. But one question made Ned feel pain in his stomach, and from the looks of it, he wasn't the only one to feel so.

"Who's Jon Snow?" Cregan asked.

No-one spoke, only the sound of the men working outside.

Arya broke the silence, "He's our brother, Little Cre."

Cregan nodded and finished off his food. The meal was silence. When the meal ended, everyone left alone, going to there own place of silence. Robb left to the crepts, looking at the statues of the Kings of Winter. Sansa to the library, to be taught her lessons by Maester Luwin. Arya to her room, to take care of Needles. Bran to his lessons with Ser Rodrik. Rickon to his room.

Ash left shortly after, taking Cregan and Clarisse with her. Ned to the Godswoods to pray and clean Ice, House Stark's ancestral Valyrian steel sword. When Ned got to the weirwood he went and sat on his rock.

It has been five years since Jon left. And the Stark Family can't seem to grow over that Jon is gone. Whenever someone brings him up, the room fell to complete silence.

So Ned just sat there and cleaned Ice.


Ned was watching Bran practicing with the bow, with Ash beside him. Beside Bran were Robb and Theon.

"Relax your shoulders, Bran." Ned heard Robb tell Bran.

Bran let go of the string to see that it missed, Robb and Theon laughed. Ned shook his and spoke, "None of you were a marksman at that age. Try it again, Bran."

Bran did, and when he went to shot, another was flying towards it and got it in the bullseye. Bran, Robb, and Theon looked back to where the arrow came from, and saw Arya, with a smirk on her face. Bran dropped the bow and ran after her.

Robb and Theon laughed. Ned went to speak but saw Jory coming towards him, "A deserter has been captured, My Lord."

Ned nodded, "Get the boys ready, Jory. Also, get Bran ready to come as well." He looked to Ash and smiled, "Take care of the castle, my Love."

Ash nodded, "I will." She kissed him on the lips.

Ned nodded and left to fetch Ice.


The execution wasn't like the last time, he has to behead a deserter. This time the deserter was talking about the Others. But Ned did his duty and killed him swiftly.

Ned was riding with Jory and Bran. When Robb came back. "Father come look."

"What is it, Robb?" Ned asked.

"While Theon and I were racing, we saw a dead stag, missing an antler. So Theon investigated, and found a wounded mother dire wolf." Robb answered.

"Dire Wolves haven't been behind the Wall, in centuries. What makes you think it's a dire wolf." Ned asked, well followed.

"The body is double the size of a normal wolf." Robb leads the way.

When they came around the dead body of the stag, Robb jumped off his horse and ran into a ditch. Ned, Jory, Ser Rodrik, and Bran got off their horses and followed Rob.

What they saw was indeed a wounded dire wolf. Ned went to her. She was grey, white, and black, her eyes were a golden/yellow. Ned saw that she had an antler in back.

Ned was thinking fast, 'We need to bring her back to Winterfell.' Ned looked back to Ser Rodrik, and told him, "Get shields and some rope, we are bringing her back home with us."

Ser Rodrik nodded, and went and grab the items Ned asked for. Ned looked back to the She-Wolf and saw that the fur looked familiar. Ned's eyes widened, he reached into his cloak and took out the coin Jon sent them five years ago.

Ned looked at the coin, and back at the dire wolf. The colours were exactly the same. Ned put the coin back into his cloak and went to his knees. He ran his hand down her fur, and back up. Ned got a proper look at her and saw that she had a big belly.

Ned heard breaking of sticks, he looked up to see that Ser Rodrik was there and was being followed by guards, with shields and ropes. Ned stood, "Put the shields together and tie them together. Then put her onto it."

The guards nodded. The guards quickly got that down and dropped the sled, made out of shields, onto the ground beside the dire wolf. Ned, Rob, and Theon went and helped with putting the She-Wolf onto the sled. When they had that done, the guards grabbed the rope's end and pulled her to the road.

When she was finally up and out of the ditch. Ned told two of the guard to tie the ends of the ropes to the back of there horses and take her back to Winterfell. The guards nodded and did what Ned told them. The guards left and were shortly followed by the rest of the group.

When they got to Winterfell Ned ordered the kettle master to watch the She-Wolf, and if it is to whelp, tell him instantly. The kettle master listened and cleaned her wound. While Ned and his family were supper the kettle master came and told Ned that the She-Wolf has whelped and gave birth to nine pups.

Ned left to see the pups and saw that there were indeed nine pups. Most of them matching the coins Jon has sent them. The ones that didn't have a coin, were all different colours. The biggest was male and was completely weirwood bark white dire wolf, with blood-red eyes. The other one a male as well, and was black and white, with emerald green eyes. The next one was female, with completely dark grey fur, and had golden eyes. The last and smallest was a female, with completely grey fur, and had yellow eyes.

Each of his children claimed one, leaving only one left… the white one, the one that hasn't made a noise whatsoever. Robb named his wolf, Grey Wind. Lyarra named her's(dark grey fur), Storm. Sansa named her wolf, Lady. Arya named hers, Nymeria. Bran named his wolf, Summer. Rickon named his wolf, Shaggydog. Cregan named his(black and white), Rascal. Clarisse named her's(completely grey), Spring.

Ned walked to the mother wolf and saw that she was sleeping, he needn't name this one, she already has one, Winter.

Ned was taken from his thoughts by Ash walking into the kettle, she was looking worried, "What is it, Ash?"

She walked to him and handed him a scroll that had the stamp of the Hand of the King. He opened it and read the contents, and when he finished, he heard Ash say, "I'm sorry you lost him, Ned. But for the King to come all the way North, is unheard of. You know what he is going to do?"

Ned nodded, "He plans on asking me to become his hand."


Ned was in the yard waiting for the King to arrive. His household has been busy for the last few names, inviting the Karstarks, Umbers, and Manderlys. Everything was normal when the guests arrived, but when Lord Manderly showed up he was grinning like crazy. But that wasn't important.

Ned watched as the gates to Winterfell opened, and in came in knights, and Kingsguard. Ned saw Jamie Lannister take off his helmet. Jamie had short hair(*1) and was looking at them. Ned looked back forward and saw the crowned prince enter with two more Kingsguard. But what came next surprise Ned.

Then came is a carriage that needs forty horses to pull. Behind it came King Robert Baratheon, First of His Name. Ned went to his knees and was followed by everyone else. Ned looked up at King Robert, who was walking towards him.

The king motioned him to stand, and Ned stood. The king looked him over, and spoke, "I was going to say you have gotten fat. But from the looks of it, you barely grew fatter. Even with the number of children."

Robert laughed and was followed by Ned. Robert brought Ned into a manly embrace. He moved on to Ash and kissed her knuckle. Robert then looked to Robb, "Gotten bigger I see." Robb nodded.

The king moved down and stopped on Arya. Ned could see the look on Robert's face. Ned spoke, "Your Grace, Winterfell is yours." Robert nodded and moved back to him.

Ned looked to see that Queen Cersei was walking towards them. When she got there she held out her hand, and Ned grabbed it and kissed it, she then spoke, "Lord Stark, I have a beautiful castle."

Ned heard the sarcasm in her voice, so he jested, "Really I find this place gloomy and boring."

Robert laughed, "True. It is gloomy and boring."

Ned saw Ser Jamie walked behind the king and whispered to him something. Ned also saw the look on the queen's face when she saw her brother, it looked to be lust. Ned looked back to the King, who had a serious look on his face.

"I have brought some guests, Ned." He moved to the side. To show someone who Ned kicked out of the household.

The king moved to show, Lady Catelyn Tully. Ned glared at her, so did Ash and Arya. Lady Tully walked forward to stand in front of him and went to speak, but Ned spoke first, "Welcome to Winterfell, Lady Tully."

Lady Tully nodded and went back to stand beside her brother, Edmure Tully. Ned saw the venomous glare the elder tully was sending his way though he couldn't blame the man for standing by his sister it didn't mean he would settle for his hostility

Robert was walking towards the crepts, and yelled to Ned."Come, Ned, I want to see her."

Ned went to follow but the queen spoke, "My love we have been on the road for months why not go and feast."

The king said nothing, and Ned followed after him but bowed his head to the queen.

Arya Stark

Arya was glaring at her mother when the royal family was gone. She wants to go with Ash but Ash told her to stay.

Arya watched as Robb and Sansa hug their mother. She then saw Rickon and Bran doing the same. Arya didn't move a muscle, watching as her siblings smile at the woman, who was the reason Jon left in the first place. Arya would never forgive her for that.

Arya saw her mother look at her with sad eyes, "Arya, Please."

Arya shook her head and looked away, knowing that her mother would do something that will break her. Arya saw at the corner of her eyes, that her Mother was walking to her.

Arya moved away, but before she could take her fifth step, her mother was able to get a hold of her hand. Arya tried to break her grip, but she would budge.

"Arya, please listen to what I have to say, please?" Her mother spoke in a kind and sweet voice. Arya stopped fighting and took a side look at her mother. When she saw her mother, she was wide-eyed. Her mother took this as a go-ahead, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for trying to make your distance to your brother. I miss you and your siblings. I miss your father, but I know he will always be lost to me. But you and your siblings will always be able to find me." Her mother hugged her, "I'm sorry."

Arya didn't know what to feel, but she hugged her mother, "I forgive you."

Eddard Stark

Ned was at the head table, eating his food, with the king and queen, at his table. Ned watched as his brother, Benjen Stark, entered the hall. Ned stood and walked over to his last living sibling.

When Ned got to his brother, they embrace. They talked for a bit about the deserter, and what he had said. Benjen nodded every now and then, but what shocked Ned the most was what Benjen said when he was done explaining what the deserter said.

"That's not hard to believe now. With most of the Wildlings gone, and only leaving a few clans, and the giants behind. But that is not important, some of the brothers at the Watch, have been seeing bright blue eyes staring at them when they open the gates. We have been getting them from the other two as well. Shadow Towers, East-Watch, have seen these as well."

Ned looked at his brother, "So you're saying that there might be a tiny chance that the Other's have returned?"

Benjen nodded, "With a long summer comes a longer winter. I believe there is a sixty-five percent chance that the Other's have returned. I'm also one of those brothers who have seen the bright blue eyes, from the stories."

Ned nodded, "Well it was nice seeing you again, brother." Ned embraced Benjen.

"Likewise, brother." Benjen returned.

Ned walked back to his spot and started to eat some of the food. Nothing big happened for the rest of the feast. But when the tables moved to the side, and the barbs started playing their songs. Some of the Lords went there lady and offer a dance.

Ned also saw Jory dancing with Arya. He saw Harrison offer a dance to Lyarra. Ned stood and walked to his wife and offered a hand. She smiled and followed him to the dance floor, they danced until the song ended.

Ned went to his seat and watched as his King grope a servant. Ned looked away and saw the doors slam open, the songs ended, the dancing ended, and the drinking and eating ended.

"My King, My Queen, My Lords, and My Ladies, I apologize to bother the feasting." The guard took a deep breath, and said something that made Ned, his children(minus Lyarra, Cregan, and Clarisse), his brother, and Alys Karstark go straight to the doors, "Jon Snow has returned home."

Perseus_Blackfyre Perseus_Blackfyre

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