20% Allsmith Spiderman in Arcane / Chapter 4: Thermos

บท 4: Thermos

Five minutes later, in the backroom of Benzo's shop, seven people were sitting on wooden chairs facing a boy who was taking off his shirt. And no, this isn't anything strange, Niko didn't want the only clean shirt he had to get dirty and have to wear it later.

Meanwhile, Benzo leaned towards Vander with a confused look.

"Vander, did you realize, don't you?"


"Let me tell you, it's not normal, Vander, I won't even mention his age, just look at those skinny arms, and he's lifting that hammer."

Vi, who was sitting next to Vander, also seemed to hear this. On the other hand, Niko, rolling up his trousers, turned towards the others who were looking at him as if they were watching a play.

"Vander, what do you want me to create with the steel, or do you have something that needs repairing, Benzo?"

Vander placed a hand on Benzo's shoulder and nodded.

"You said you were an inventor, right, Niko? Show me one of your ideas."

Niko nodded and began to think of something that could impress them and wouldn't require too much time. Finally, he decided to make something that would be useful for their daily lives: a thermos. He turned around and took a look around for stainless steel swords.

"Mr. Benzo, I would need some dry wood and charcoal, a pair of tongs, a tub filled with water, and a lighter, please. By the way, you can take this one, this one, and also this sword. I'll only need these 2."

Benzo looked at Vander and he nodded as he thought about the list of things Niko requested. Benzo, on the other hand, was a little confused.

"You don't need to hold back, kid. The thing before was a joke. These swords won't sell anyway, so you can use them. And what's a lighter?"

Niko shuddered for a moment upon realizing he mentioned something that didn't seem to have been built yet.

"I misspoke, sir. I meant a match, to light the furnace, and I won't need those swords. If you look at the color and patterns, I chose these because they are made of a metal I specifically need."

'Now that I think about it, shouldn't he be running the shop?'

Without giving it much thought, Niko waited to be served while Ekko approached him to ask what he was going to build. Niko just smiled and asked if he had a bench to sit next to the anvil.

As Ekko walked away, Niko went behind the furnace with a grimace and clenched teeth while pretending to be interested.

When he saw no one could see him, he grabbed his head with his hands while letting out a slight growl.

'Wasn't there a better time?'

[I'm sorry, Host, it's beyond my control. The pain seems to be due to just receiving a large amount of information. Are you okay?]

Niko grimaced and brought his hands to his knees while panting.

'It's okay, it's just the plans and the process of creating the Spider-Arms from Superior Spider-Man.'

[...Host, I strongly recommend that you rest. Since you woke up a few hours ago, you haven't eaten anything, and furthermore, your mind is tired from using Synaptic Stability.]

Niko could only shake his head as he closed his eyes, stabilized his breathing, and regained his posture.

'Just a little more, system. If I step back now, it would only show weakness or fear. I need to be seen with respect and as someone competent so that I'll be valued more in the future.'

[This body is 6 years old, Host. I don't think you should dwell on it too much.]

'Just a little more'

Niko circled around the furnace and took a look inside by opening the metal door. Inside, there was a square grate in the center, with spaces on the sides where the charcoal seemed to go, and a circle at the top where the smoke seemed to be expelled.

As he continued, this time taking a glance at the hammer in his hand and the metal anvil, Benzo appeared from one side of the room with what Niko had asked for, and Ekko beside him carrying a small wooden bench with steps.

"Thank you both, you can go sit down, I don't need anything else."

Once everyone was seated, Niko began to set everything up.

He took the bench and moved it close to the anvil, then placed the hammer and tongs on top of the anvil and moved the bucket of water to his side.

"First, I need to light the furnace, wait a bit, and then put in the metal."

The mental burden showed on his face as he introduced the charcoal and wood on the sides inside the furnace. As it heated up, he went to the anvil, picking up one of the swords.

He supported the point where the handle and the body of the sword connected to the edge of the anvil and began to strike to separate them. This wasn't one of the best methods, but he felt like he might faint at any moment.

Niko now felt what it was like to work in Zaun, no matter how well his body was enhanced, the fumes and the increasing temperature constantly took a toll on his endurance.

One minute later, he finished separating the handle, which could have taken less time, but he preferred to be careful since he hadn't practiced controlling his strength.

'Just a little more'

He repeated the process with the other sword while realizing that the furnace had already started to heat up, which surprised him because he thought it would take 20 minutes to half an hour, that he was planning use to rest.

'This is abnormal. Could it be the quality of the charcoal and wood, or are the gases in the area influencing, fueling the fire more easily?'

After another minute, he finished with both swords and headed to the furnace with one of them on a hand and the pair of tongs. The furnace seemed to have a temperature close to the perfect temperature for the stainless steel to soften and become malleable.

The temperature wasn't a coincidence, his artisan instincts and past life experience were guiding him.

This same temperature forced the others to retreat with their chairs due to the overwhelming heat, but none of them minded. All their eyes were on the little boy who patiently waited beside the furnace with his eyes closed.

'Just a little more'

After 5 minutes, Niko opened his eyes again as he headed to the anvil to pick up the tongs. With them, he opened the furnace door and saw that the piece of steel had acquired an orange hue.

Using the tongs once more, he grabbed the metal and headed to the anvil, where he released it and picked up the other piece, leaving it inside the furnace. Back at the anvil, he grasped the tongs with his left hand and the hammer with the other.

'Just a little more'


Unintentionally exerting more force, he hammered harder, flattening the metal in a few strikes.

Twisting the tongs, he began hammering in a way that gave a constant curve to the surface, creating something akin to a medium-sized iron tube.

'Just a little more'


With a distant gaze, he lowered the metal into the water, causing steam to rise from it. Leaving the tube on the anvil, he quickly returned to the furnace and grabbed the other piece, repeating the process, but this time splitting a part into two smaller pieces and giving the larger one the same shape.




After putting it back under the water, he used the two small pieces he had separated, flattening them again and shaping one into a large lid and using the other as a base.

[The user is facing a critical situation]

In front of him now lay two tubes, one slightly smaller than the other, a lid, and a base. Without a welder, he had to settle for something only he could achieve. With incredible strength and dexterity, he gave both tubes different threaded shapes at the top, then proceeded to insert the smaller tube beneath the larger one and screwed them tightly, leaving a gap between them. Next, he used the base and forcefully brought it close to the interior part, then headed to the furnace to heat the base. 

[User's abilities Adaptability and Forge Genius are resonating]

Finally, after a few seconds, he submerged it back into water, then moved to the lid and used pliers to give it a threaded shape on the inside. And lastly, he connected the lid with the rest of the body.

[The ability Flow has been developed: The host enters a state of extreme concentration where instincts take control of the body]

(A/N: Yep, I'm a big Blue Lock fan)

With a smile, Niko fainted while listening to the system's complaints.

[Idiot host...]


Minutes earlier, in the chairs away from the forge, Vander, Benzo, Vi, Powder, Mylo, Ekko, and Claggor, each of them couldn't help but look in awe at the boy who seemed to produce explosions with every blow he struck.

The two adults were amazed, they weren't blacksmiths, but they knew by instinct that every movement of the boy since he started was far from that of a beginner. As time passed, it became increasingly difficult for everyone not to cover their ears.

These finally ceased, accompanied by quick movements from the boy, who smiled with a lost look that Benzo and Vander recognized from his youth.

They quickly snapped out of their astonishment and headed towards the boy who was about to faint. Vander quickly reached Niko, who was drenched in sweat and trembling slightly, while Benzo went to fetch a metal shovel and removed the charcoal and wood while throwing sand to extinguish the fire.

When Vander tried to lift Niko, a slight shock electrocuted him, causing him to step back for a moment before trying again, succeeding this time and carrying him to a sofa at the entrance of the shop.

While all this was happening, Vi and the gang were nervous about him, whom they unknowingly considered their new little brother.

"Do you think he'll be okay?"

The four of them looked at Ekko as if he were an idiot.

"He just passed out trembling. What do you think, idiot?"

"No need to put it so harshly, boss. I was just concerned."

Ignoring him, Vi headed to the anvil followed by the others, leaving Ekko sulking behind.

"Hey, Ekko! Don't be mad, come on. Tell us, what's that big bottle for?"

[IMG here]

Ekko approached and closely examined the 'bottle', which reflected his face.

"Well... it seems to be a bottle within another? But there's a space between them.

It appears to be made entirely of stainless steel, known for its resistance to corrosion, oxidation, and high temperatures. I suppose the heat is retained in the smaller bottle and the space between them prevents this heat from being transmitted. Moreover, its shiny appearance and ease of cleaning..."

As expected from the great genius of Zaun, his ingenuity and ability to see the principles of inventions are nothing short of hidden gems in Runeterra.

Mylo approached Ekko and snapped his fingers between his face and the object.

"Mylo calling Ekko, could you say it in our language?"

"Ah, sorry. This is great! It makes whatever you put inside, like a soup or a cold lemonade, maintain its temperature without being affected on the outside!"

The children seemed to care little or not at all and just looked at their reflection. But Benzo and especially Vander, who heard Ekko shouting from the other room, didn't react the same.


"Are you sure about that?"

Vi, surprised by the shouts, turned her head to see Ekko being surrounded by the two adults.

"Is it that important, Vander? I mean, it seems pretty useful, but its appearance draws more attention."

"You've answered yourself, Violet. Its appearance is striking and it's useful. You saw that the whole process didn't take more than 10 minutes, and most importantly, it arrived at the perfect time. With the recent arrival of clean water, more families in the area have been able to enjoy soup, make lemonades, and other meals. Additionally, workers who eat out have to settle for cold meals contaminated by the area's gases... and they are forced into exile theirselves in Last Point."

"That means," Powder asked, "Vander, does that mean we can help a lot of people?"

Benzo quickly intervened, "And let's not forget about sales. This has potential, Vander. You need to make sure the boy patents it as soon as possible."

"Yes, Powder, this will help a lot of people. And Benzo, he's only 6 years old, they won't accept it, and if they do, they'll force him to join one of the Piltover Trading Houses."

"That... is true, but we have to do something. If the kid starts selling it without a patent, someone will buy it and quickly go patent it."

Claggor showed interest and raised his hand.

"What is a patent and why is it so necessary?"

Once again, it was Ekko who explained.

"Patents are records in Piltover's system that certify your ownership of the idea of an invention. Surface dwellers value knowledge above all and detest those who appropriate the knowledge of others."

Benzo added something more. "You forgot the most important thing, kid. If Niko doesn't have a patent, starts selling, and someone else patents it, that someone will report him, and Piltover's Enforcers will send him to prison."

"Prison at his age? What madness is that?" Vi shouted, thinking about how someone her little sister's age could be in prison.

Claggor raised his hand again.

"Isn't anyone keeping an eye on Niko?"

Benzo and Vander glanced at each other and coughed slightly as they said they would discuss it later.


Niko opened his eyes, somewhat bewildered. Involuntarily, his muscles tensed, propelling him towards the ceiling and sticking him face down.

His head felt much better, as if he had slept through five naps in a row, although he couldn't say the same about his stomach, it felt like there was a hunger hole inside. Suddenly, a smell assaulted his nose, directing his gaze downwards.

Near the bed where he was lying, there was a small dresser with a plate of fish soup on top. But when he looked a little to the left, there was a wooden chair with... a little girl with blue hair sitting on it, mouth agape, staring back at him.

"...Fuck, Powder."

A noise to the right side of the bed made his gaze shift once again. Standing there was a girl with pink hair, who looked slightly older than him, but she was in the same state as her younger sister.

"...Fuck, Vi."

Niko peeled himself off the wall, landing on the bed standing up, and started moving his arms in circles.

"Everything is a dream, you are dreaming and you need to wake up immediately."



"I had to try it."

"WHAT WAS THAT? It was amazing."

"No, Powder, it's not amazing, it's weird.

...What are you, Niko?" Vi said, taking a step forward.

'Here goes nothing.' 

"I'm a new member of your family, I hope that's enough for you to trust me."

Vi stood in front of him and raised her hand, poking him on the forehead.

"Mmm, nuh uh, spill it."

"Ouch. Nuh uh? And why are you hitting me?"

"You said bad words, as your older sister, I have to educate you."

"You're an idiot- Ouch."

"Answer, what was that?"

Niko had to quickly put his brain to work.

"Miss Violet, I feel quite tired and hungry due to the recent events. Would you allow me to nourish myself with this delicious food behind me to regain strength and postpone this insignificantly and completely mistaken situation that has probably been the result of your imagination, for later?"

"Your little manipulator... We'll talk later."

Vi grabbed Powder's hand, who kept staring at Niko, heading towards the door of the room.

"Wait, where are we?"

"Ah, we're still at Benzo's place. This is Ekko's room. After you passed out, we took turns keeping an eye on you while Vander and Benzo cooked something for you. Once you finish the soup, come downstairs. Vander wants to talk to you."

Vi and Powder left through the door, and Niko started eating the soup. It wasn't bad at all; he'd give it 4.7 stars if there were ratings. (As some readers should do *cough*)

When he finished the soup, he picked up the plate and noticed it was a bit chilly. Looking down, he realized he wasn't wearing his shirt. 

After searching around a bit, he found his shirt hidden under the bed sheets. He put it on and went downstairs barefoot, carrying the plate in his hands.

Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, Niko found Benzo and Vander sitting on a sofa, both looking at him.

"Kid, we need to talk. You can leave the bowl in the sink over there and take a seat."

"Right away, Benzo." Niko quickly complied and then turned to Vander. "What's going on? Did I not pass the test, Vander? It may not seem like it, but I can assure you what I did is quite useful and-"

"Wait, hold on. Ekko explained his function, and it's perfect, useful, and easy to do."

Vander's expression turned serious.

"But... a child the age of my youngest daughter, in the Long Zone, comes to my tavern and requests work, showing me the skill of a seasoned blacksmith? I want you to answer me honestly, Niko, are you a spy from Piltover?"

Niko was utterly confused. What the heck was going on? Espionage? Did they think he was Black Widow or something?

Vander, sensing the confusion on Niko's face, hesitated, remembering the acting skills he had displayed in his bar. On one hand, he doubted that Niko could be a child agent from Piltover seeking to gain his trust. But on the other hand, even though he wasn't a scientist, he knew Piltover would never, in a million years, give away a genius of this level. Yet, doubt lingered.


Niko's face turned deadly serious as he clenched his fist over his heart.

"I swear by myself and by my siblings that I am not a spy, and I will not betray your trust, Vander."

"Kid, Vander told me you had 'theoretical' knowledge. Is this really your first time in the forge?"

Niko lowered his head while scratching the back of his neck.

"Y-yes, I've read many books with hand-drawn illustrations. The drawings showed how to hold the hammer, control the fire, and how to harden the metal in water."

"But what you did was different from just looking at some pictures, Niko. Was it really your first time?"

"...Yes, but it wasn't me, I mean, at some point my body started moving on its own and my head was just focused on finishing the thermos. By the time I regained my senses, I was already in bed."

"...Thermos, you say? You mean that metal bottle? Temperature, thermos... Not a bad name, kid."

Niko's gaze returned to Vander, who hesitated to say something. "Niko, I know it's a lot of questions, but I'd like to ask you one. Can you tell me about yourself? How did you come to the tavern?"

And here it was, the million-dollar question. Niko had something in mind, not to hide much because he didn't want more trouble and would only change the ending slightly.

His face stiffened a bit, and he opened and closed his mouth, hesitating to speak. After a few seconds, he began, telling the story of the original Niko, from how he was raised, his siblings, and his dream of traveling the world. When he got to the part about his sixth birthday, he paused for a moment.

"On the morning of my sixth birthday, I woke up thinking I would see the outside world for the first time. Then I heard sounds of a fight outside my room. I hid under the bed and pressed my ear to the wall, thinking it might be my parents arguing again. At the entrance, there was the voice of a man I didn't recognize. He started talking to my parents about something, saying their bosses no longer needed their services. My father seemed to beg him, saying they couldn't do that to them and that they had been loyal for a long time, things like that.

At one point, the man said, 'Your only job is to brainwash those street brats and sell them to my bosses. Don't you dare yell at me, you little shit.' After that, there were sounds of blows, and then silence fell. After hesitating for a while, I went to the living room and saw my 'parents' dead bodies with knife marks. Without thinking, I grabbed a blanket to cover myself and ran away. I ended up at the market for a few days and heard that in your tavern, you didn't discriminate against anyone. It's not like I had another option, and well, that's it."

Vander and Benzo were dumbfounded. The more Niko spoke, the less they wanted to believe what they were hearing. At most, they thought he might be an abandoned or orphaned child, something common in Zaun, but this, this was madness.


Benzo hit the couch, and Vander had a grim expression.

Vander finally managed to understand the slight hint of hatred he perceived from Niko before when talking about his 'parents' and attempted to ask something more, although he doubted more than before.

"Your siblings?"

"Dead too. The man mentioned that his bosses got tired of my siblings."

Bueno, needless to say, Vander regretted asking instantly. This guy really doesn't hold back.


Hippity hoppity, hope you liked the chapter bb

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