92.3% Hazbin Hotel: Charming Demon / Chapter 12: Chapter 12: The Past - Finale

บท 12: Chapter 12: The Past - Finale

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Chapter 12

Alastor wipes his blood-covered hands on the tattered remains of the demon's flesh. The dying screams still echo in his ears as he recalls the torture that yielded less than pleasing information. Frustration boils in his veins as he curses the weak creature for not providing it sooner.

These miserable demons were nothing but a distraction to lead him away from his home!

His smile was dangerously sharp as he channeled his power to sink into the shadows to get back to his home as fast as possible. Before he could, however, the air began crackling with intense energy causing him to tilt his head to the side instinctively as a bullet flew a millimeter past his head.

Alastor turned to where the bullet was shot from, and his eyes narrowed as he saw who it was that dared to attack him while his back was turned.

"Valentino," he growled, his eyes flaring with raw, crimson rage.

The moth demon stood nonchalantly at the end of the hallway, an arrogant smile playing on his lips. A sleek gun, shimmering under the flickering lights, was loosely held in his hand pointing at him. By his side stood Velvet, her hands held up a slim crimson-colored phone, the red recording light blinking ominously as it captured the unfolding scene.

"I told you they were going to snitch Val."

"And how was I supposed to know he was going to torture one of them for information? I'm a sex master not a fucking psychic Velvet!"

Her phone was a mess of notifications as all her followers were furiously typing upon seeing Alastor the infamous radio demon's face without the usual static mess.

Valentino twirled the revolver around his finger with practiced ease before pointing it at Alastor once more.

"Surprised to see us?" he called out in a voice that oozed malicious delight.

"Not at all," Alastor replied evenly, the flames of rage simmering beneath his nonchalance. "I was wondering when Vox's little minions were going to show up."

"We are his partners! Not fucking minions' bitch!"

Tension sliced through the air like a razor-sharp knife as the overlords stared each other down.

Alastor's gaze flickered briefly to Velvet who was standing by Valentino's side, her cherry-red lips curled into a wide smirk. Recording every single second of the unfolding fight between the two sinners. Her twinkling eyes suggested an eager anticipation for the imminent violence.

Alastor cocked an eyebrow at this.

"Recording for posterity, Velvet?" He mockingly asked, his voice maintaining its usual jovial lilt despite the threatening aura that radiated from him.

"Why not?" Velvet answered, her shrug suggesting nonchalance that hardly matched her excited eyes. "After all, it isn't every day that one gets to see the Radio Demon fight."

Her words reverberated throughout the empty warehouse, and Alastor's twisted smile grew even wider. His already unpleasant mood turned even darker as he unleashed his power, letting it explode out from him like a raging inferno of darkness.

The two V's took a step back as their eyes widened at the feeling of dread penetrating through their very souls.

A thin veil of fear fluttered across Valentino's eyes, but it was quickly masked by a smirk. Yet, Velvet was not as composed as her partner; her hands shook slightly as she continued filming the scene unfolding before them, captured by the mesmerizing display of deadly power.

"Ooh, look at you~" Valentino taunted, his voice echoing hollowly amidst the crackle and sizzle of Alastor's energy. "Was that supposed to scare us?"

Alastor's gaze was unwavering, eyes locked onto Valentino with predatory intensity. He remained silent for a moment, letting the eerie silence stretch before he let out a low chuckle.

"Your attempts at mockery are pitifully weak, moth."

For all Valentino's bravado and swagger, Alastor could see the uncertainty and fear flicker in his eyes.

"And here I thought we were friends."

Alastor snorted; the sound spiked with amusement.

"Just because I decided not to turn you into a rotting corpse does not mean we are friends," he said icily, the chilling tone of his voice causing the room temperature to go down a few degrees.

"Ouch," Velvet piped in, her own voice a high-pitched titter that was designed to annoy. And it did. The edges of Alastor's smile twitched with irritation, but he didn't rise to the bait. Instead, he focused his attention back on Valentino.

"I'm going to give you one chance," he warned, the red glow of his eyes intensifying as he glared at the moth demon. "Get out of my way or els-"

"Or else what?" Valentino cut him off, a cruel smirk twisting his lips as he toyed with the revolver in his hand.

Alastor's answering grin was nothing short of demonic.

"Or else I'll force that pathetic thing you call a phallic down your throat and tear it out from your insides."

Valentino hesitated then, a flicker of doubt crossing his face before it was swiftly replaced by stubborn defiance. He lifted the gun and aimed it once more at Alastor.

"I think I'll take my chances," he said with false bravado.

In response, Alastor let out another low chuckle that echoed ominously in the empty warehouse. It was a sound that sent chills down Velvet's spine and caused Valentino to flinch slightly.

"Your funeral," Alastor retorted, shrugging slightly. The move was ostentatiously casual, his nonchalance contrasting sharply with the seething energy that surrounded him like a shroud. A single step forward, and the warehouse floor underneath him ruptured with a sudden surge of the power that flowed through his veins.

Velvet held her ground, but Valentino couldn't hide his fear as he shrank back instinctively.

"But I promise you," Alastor continued, his voice low and menacing. "I won't make it quick."


Valentino fired first, just as Alastor launched himself towards the pair. The bullet flew straight and true, heading directly for Alastor's head - but it never hit its mark.

With an alarming ease and speed, Alastor sidestepped the projectile, his form blurring from the pure velocity of his movements. His sharp fingers stretched outwards, reaching for Valentino even as Velvet put her phone down and tried to intercept.

The warehouse was filled by the clash of power and bullets that followed, punctuated only by Valentino's screams of pain and Alastor's maniacal laughter.


Alastor's Mansion

Vaggie swerved past a piece of the falling ruble as she and Lilly ran down the hall of their crumbling home. Her angelic spear, given to her by Alastor as a gift, pierced through the demons blocking their way with ease.

"Where's Tommy?!" Vaggie demanded, her heart pounding in her chest like a war drum. All around them, the mansion groaned ominously under Vox's relentless assault.

"He was in the library!" Lilly shouted back, narrowly avoiding a demon that lunged at her. She lashed out with a dagger, sending the sinner gurgling out in pain as they grabbed their now bleeding throat.

They ran up the grand staircase, narrowly avoiding the falling chandelier as it plummeted from the ceiling and crashed onto the steps just behind them. The temperature began to rise as Vox's power started setting sections of the mansion aflame with hellfire.

Smoke began to fill their lungs, making it harder to breathe with every passing second.

They sprinted for the library, a grand room filled floor to ceiling with books that Alastor collected throughout his time in hell, each one worth more than a hundred souls if one were to sell a single book.

As they burst into the room, they spotted Tommy huddled in a corner, his small body trembling with fear.

Vaggie rushed over and pulled him into her arms.

"Are you hurt?!"

The child shook his head, his voice failing him as fear took hold of his entire being.

Vaggie breathed out a heavy sigh of relief as she stood up with him still in her arms, barely able to stand upright as the mansion shook once again.

"We have to go, now!"

Lilly was blocking the entrance to the library, slashing at any demon that dared to try and enter. The once magnificent mahogany bookshelves were ablaze, the smell of ancient parchment burning cloying and terrible in their nostrils.

"But... Mr. Alastor..." Tommy stammered; his blue eyes filled with tears.

"Don't worry about him," She said, but it was clear she was worried about him as well, "Right now we need to survive."

She griped the spear in her hand and nodded at Lilly, signaling to move out of the room.

As they rushed out of the library and through the twisting corridors of the mansion, Vox's laugh resonated in their ears. The mansion creaked and trembled under his fury while more demons seemed to pour in from every direction. Suddenly they skidded to a halt as their way to an exit was blocked by hundreds of demons.

"Dammit!" she cursed as she desperately looked around for an alternative route.

Although she was fully capable of defeating that many demons, she couldn't take the chance of putting the child in her arms in harm's way. And while Lilly could hold her own, she wasn't as skilled as her to be able to handle that many demons.

Just as hope seemed to be draining from her, a streak of red and white whirred past them.

A whirlwind of blood and body parts began to fill the hallway. The figure who was skillfully dispatching demons with a tiny, yet lethal knife made of angelic steel was Niffty, the mansion's housekeeper and eternal crazy maid.

"Niffty! Husk!" Vaggie cried out, relief washing over her at the sight of the small demon and bartender while she covered Tommy's eyes to prevent him from seeing a traumatizing site.

"Sorry for my tardiness, my lady!" Niffty called back, her voice manically cheerful amidst the bloodshed. "I was cleaning Al's room before these insects broke in and made a mess!!!"

Vaggie couldn't help but let out a small laugh as she watched the little housekeeper expertly weave among the hordes of demons, her knife flashing in the air as she sliced off their feet and finished them with a series of swift stabs to the head.

"Dammit Nif! You can't rush in like that without a fucking plan!"

She was backed up by Husk, the family pet, who dispatched demons with his lethal cards whenever one of them was about to attack her.

His features were hardened, his demeanor as stoic as ever. He was throwing playing cards with lethal precision, each one slicing through the air and embedding itself in the forehead of an oncoming demon. The demons dropped like flies, overwhelmed by Niffty's knife and Husk's deadly cards.

His hand flicked out card after card in quick succession while his other hand tightly clutched a bottle of stiff alcohol. His concentration was solely on protecting Niffty from any enemy that got too close.


Suddenly, a large demon lunged at Niffty who was distracted with gutting a demon on the ground. Vaggie screamed out a warning, but it was drowned in the cacophony of battle sounds. But even before she could finish her cry, Husk had already reacted.

"God fucking dammit!"

With agility belying his stout frame and seeming intoxication, he leaped forward to intercept the assailant. Unleashing a flurry of cards from his hand like a hailstorm of razor-sharp blades, he shredded through the charging demon's flesh causing it to keel over in pain.

"Keep your eyes closed, ok?"

The small child nodded his head as he kept his eyes closed as tight as possible.

Vaggie handed Tommy over to Lilly, unable to just stand there and do nothing but watch. With her hands-free now, she joined Husk and Niffty in fighting off the horde of demons pouring into their paths.

In mere moments, the three of them had cleared the hallway that was previously crawling with demons.

With their path now cleared, they once again continued on their way, now with Niffty and Husk joining them.

Around them, the mansion groaned under Vox's assault, flames licking up the walls and marring what once were grand tapestries and pictures. Vaggie felt a surge of anger course through her at the sight of her home being destroyed, but she swallowed it down and pushed forward. They had to get out of this blazing inferno before it was too late.

With Lilly covering their backs and Niffty clearing their path forward, Vaggie moved with renewed vigor.

They moved past rooms that once held happy memories now echoing with screams of fallen demons, down hallways adorned with portraits of her and her new family that were now nothing more than smoldering ash, and through the grand dining hall, where they had shared so many meals together.

Everything they knew was slowly being consumed by hellfire.

With adrenaline pumping through her veins and her heart pounding hard against her chest, Vaggie fought with a kind of desperation she'd never known, furiously fighting off the onslaught of demons that surged their way.

Her movements were swift and deadly; every plunge of her spear met with demonic flesh, and each swipe severed limbs from monstrous bodies. She brutally cleared a path for them to progress, and with Husk and Niffty at her side they safely made their way out.

The broken grand doors of the mansion lay before them, once a sign of home, now a symbol of their ruin. Pushing aside the heavy debris with all her remaining strength, Vaggie led the way outside through the ruined entrance and into the garden, its lush greenery a stark contrast to the chaos behind them.

The cool air hit them like a wave, the scent of damp earth and vibrant flora filled their nostrils. The smell of burning wood and flesh was replaced with the scent of damp earth and flora.

Wiping the sweat from her brow, she cast one last glance over her shoulder at what was once their home. Their former sanctuary was now nothing more than a crumbling shell being devoured by the raging flames.

"Is everyone alrig-"


However, before they could even think of taking a respite and relishing in the peace offered by the garden, something came crashing down in front of them, causing dirt and plants to explode on them.

Vox emerged from the cloud of dust kicked up by his crash landing, his normal features were now twisted into a demonic smile; his gleaming eyes filled with sadistic delight as he blocked their escape. Power flowing out of him made those who were experienced in battle tense up.

"Going somewhere?" He mocked, his voice echoing unnaturally in the otherwise serene environment.

For a moment, they watched him in stunned silence before Vaggie snapped out of it and readied herself for another fight. She glanced towards Lilly with Tommy still in her arms and was still reeling from exhaustion and fear. The older woman was in no shape to run much less fight.

Vaggie took a deep breath as she tightened her grip on her spear, Husk fanned out his cards again in preparation, while Niffty smiled crazily with a bloody knife still in her hands.

"Take Tommy and get out of here," she ordered the head maid quickly, her voice steady despite her racing heart. "We'll handle this!"

Lilly hesitated, glancing worriedly at the towering demon in front of them.

"What about you?" Her voice was laced with concern, her eyes flicking between Vaggie and Vox.

"We'll manage," Vaggie responded, her voice steady as steel. She placed a reassuring hand on Lilly's shoulder, hoping to convey a confidence she didn't truly feel. "Keep him safe."

Lilly bit her lip, holding Tommy closer and giving one last look at the trio standing against Vox. She nodded reluctantly then turned around and dashed off in a random direction, away from the chaos.

As soon as they had disappeared from sight, Vaggie turned her attention back to Vox. The demon was still grinning, but it didn't reach his eyes which were cold and devoid of any mirth. His focus was entirely on her and her only.

"How kind of you," he sneered, "Trying to protect your shitty little family."

"Fuck you," she snapped, gripping her spear tightly.

"What?" The demon feigned innocence as he began approaching her, "Can't take a joke, bitch?"

Vaggie readied herself for an attack. Her eyes never left him as he closed in on her, his grin growing wider with each step he took towards her. Her heart pounded in her chest – whether from fear or adrenaline she couldn't tell – but she refused to back down.

"If you have something to bitch about with the Radio Demon, I'll save you the trouble and tell you that he isn't fucking here!" Husk stepped in between her and the overlord.

Vox paused mid-step at seeing Husker before a cruel chuckle bubbled up from his chest, reverberating outwards and sending chills down their spines.

"Is that you Husk?!" Vox's voice was laced with a toxic mirth that twisted the stomach. "How the mighty have fallen! From an overlord to a mere plaything of Alastor? Pathetic!"

The fur on Husk's body bristled and his claws dug into the cards, bending them out of shape. His amber eyes glared back at Vox, growling with hate.

"Shut your fucking trap!" he spat back venomously, throwing one of the cards at him with deadly precision and power.

"Oh, I've struck a nerve," he cooed, his eyes raking over Husk with a cruel gleam. 

Vox merely swatted the card away without even breaking eye contact, making it clear that it was going to take more than that to faze him. "Holy shit! Is that all you got?! Alastor must've really done a number on you if your attacks are that fucking weak!!!"

Seeing Husk starting to give in to his taunts, Vaggie stepped forward and rested her hand on his shoulder before he could do anything impulsive. Husk glanced back at her and took a deep breath before backing off so she could handle it.

"If you're done with the childish mocking," Vaggie interrupted tersely, breaking the standoff between Vox and Husk. "Can we move on to why you're here?"

Vox's eyes which were filled with madness flicked towards her, his lip curling up in a smirk that held more than a hint of malice.

"Straight to the point~" His voice was a sinister melody, a heavy undercurrent of threat. "I see why he likes you!"

He stepped forward until he was standing right before the sharp end of her spear. "I'm here for you of course!"

A surge of surprise washed over her at the revelation, but she fought to keep her expression neutral.

From the corner of her eye, she saw Husk and Niffty tense. But a quick shake of her head stopped them from intervening. She needed to handle this – whatever it was.

"Why?" she demanded bluntly, her spear still pointed at the powerful demon.

The glow of Vox's digital smile glitched slightly as he tilted his head in faux contemplation.

"Why?" he mimicked mockingly, his murderous gaze boring into hers. He drew closer until she could feel the static charge emanating from him.

"It's because You made yourself quite enviable for a lowly common bitch!" he began with his voice full of hate and jealousy. "You managed what no one else has ever done!"


The words came out like thunder, full of spite as if it were a distasteful piece of shit on his tongue.

For a moment, Vaggie could only stare blankly at Vox, his words echoing in her mind. A harsh mindless laughter, filled with mirthless glee, spilled from Vox's lips as he watched her reaction.

"That's right," he drawled, full of insanity. "The Radio Demon himself has fallen for you."

Vox stepped closer until the tip of her spear pressed against his chest. The glow of his eyes seemed to intensify as he watched her, the corners of his smile twitching upwards.

But Vaggie remained silent, a chaos of emotions whirling in her mind. Her gaze was locked on Vox's, searching for signs of deception. But the look in his eyes was unsettlingly sincere.

Suddenly, Vox reached out and grabbed the shaft of her spear, pushing it aside with an effortless strength that sent a shiver down her spine.

"I'm not lying," he said simply, turning his gaze back to her. His expression was twisted into an unsatisfied scowl as he watched her struggle with what he said. "Doesn't it feel good to be loved by someone so unobtainable? You must feel like the luckiest girl in the world having someone like him in love with someone like you."

Vaggie took a step back, her grip on her spear tightening as she pointed it back at him again. How did he know about her? She would deal with her relationship with Alastor later, right now she had to focus.

"Enough with the teenage girl gossip!" she snapped, her voice cold as ice. "What do you want?"

Vox's smile appeared once again, his eyes dancing with malicious pleasure. He began to circle around them, every movement meticulous and predatory, like a shark circling its prey.

"Isn't it obvious?" he asked, his voice dripping with false sweetness. "I want to destroy what he loves… you."

The air suddenly turned frigid and dark, the cruel intent behind his words echoing throughout the room. Niffty tightened her grip on her knife while Husk took a protective step closer to Vaggie, his teeth bared threateningly at Vox.

"You think hurting me will get to Alastor?" Her question hung between them like an iron curtain. 

Vox's smile contorted into a mask of pure hatred as he began charging his weapon.

"Oh, trust me," he sneered, stepping forward once again. The electric charge around him grew stronger, sparking off his skin. "I plan to do much worse than just hurt you."

A spike of fear jolted through Vaggie but she remained firm. She was not going to let this demon scare her into submission, not when those she cared about were at risk.

"Over your dead fucking body!" Husk yelled, lunging for Vox with a roar.

The attack was swift and fueled by raw anger, but Vox seemed to anticipate it perfectly. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned an electrified whip that crackled with energy before swinging it towards Husk.

The whip sailed through the air, its electric crackle echoing throughout the air as it made contact with Husk. The smell of burning flesh permeated through the garden as the impact sent Husk sprawling backwards, a cry of pain ripped from his throat as he skidded across the ground and crashed into a bush of flowers full of thorns.

"Husker!!!" Niffty screamed out in worry as she rushed to him to make sure he was ok.

"Stay out of this, pussy cat!" Vox sneered, whipping his gaze back towards Vaggie, who was already on the offensive.

With a battle cry, Vaggie lunged at Vox, her spear flashing in the dim light. Vox managed to dodge her first attack, but she was relentless, driving him back step by step. She moved with a dangerous grace as a furious ballet of strikes were all aimed at the vitals of her enemy.

Vox fought back with just as much force, swinging his electrified whip with such speed that it seemed like a blur of blue sparks. Yet, despite his powerful attacks, Vaggie's quick reaction allowed her to dance around his strikes, her holy spear allowing her to deflect the whip when it came too close to dodge.

"Is that the best you can do?" Vaggie taunted, her eyes burning with fire as she parried at another whip attack. She lunged again, this time catching him off guard and nicking the part of his arm that wasn't armored.

Vox let out a hiss of pain but quickly retaliated with a blast of power.

The blow sent her flying backwards, but she quickly recovered and was on her feet again in an instant, her spear ready for another round.

Meanwhile, Husk had managed to recover from the previous attack and was now back on his feet. He watched the ongoing duel between Vaggie and Vox with a growl of frustration.

His eyes swiveled over to Niffty who stood beside him - small, but unyielding. She was holding her knife with blood thirst etched into her features. He turned to her, locking his gaze with hers. A silent agreement passed between them, and, with a nod, they charged back into the fray.

His body ached, the pain like blazing fire through his veins, but he was not going to let it stop him. It was time to remind Vox just who he was messing with! He flapped his wings with all his might and launched himself at Vox from behind.

Vox partially rotated to see the charging Husk at the last moment, and the destructive force of Husk's body collided into Vox's side with a resounding crash. With Husk tackling the overlord away from her, giving Vaggie an opportunity to breath and recover.

Niffty followed behind Husk, her heart pounding in her chest in excitement as she darted closer.

Vox, who was momentarily on his side, started to recover rapidly as pushed himself up with a growl. His eyes were glaring right at Husk as he turned to face him, the electrified whip still crackling menacingly in his hand. Husk stood before Vox, grimacing from the pain yet refusing to bend or show weakness.

But before the Overlord could make another move, Niffty dashed forward from behind Husk. She was small and agile, heaving her knife above her head with a crazed scream while aiming for his plasma screen head.

Her speed rendered Vox unable to dodge in time as he was forced to raise his arm to defend himself. She came down with all the force her small body could generate, driving the blade into Vox's arm that held the electrified whip.

Vox roared in pain as Niffty yanked out the blade and danced away from him with nimble feet. The whip sputtered and fizzled for a moment before extinguishing completely, powered by Vox's concentration which was now shattered by the sudden attack.

"YOU LITTLE BITCH!!!" Vox spat, clutching the bleeding wound on his arm.

Husk wasted no time taking advantage of this momentary chaos and charged at Vox once again, claws bared, and teeth gritted. He slammed into Vox with such momentum that sent both of them sprawling backwards onto the ground.

Husker began clawing and snapping at Vox, his fury and adrenaline providing him an edge, while Vox reeled to regain footing.

The assault was unrelenting as Husk aimed his razor-sharp claws at Vox, ripping through the armor with ease. He clawed at the face of the overlord, aiming to blind him or at least distort his vision to give them a fighting chance.


"Get the fuck off me!" Vox roared, unleashing a powerful blast of a lightning onto Husk, sending him flying many feet away from him.

Husk landed on the ground with a heavy thud and laid on the ground motionless, his fur and skin sizzling from the powerful shock. His breaths were shallow and ragged, each one seeming like a battle in itself.

The powerful demon pushed himself upright, his armored body creaking as he regained his footing. He glared down at the fallen Husk, cold satisfaction glinting in his eyes.

Vaggie's heart pounded as she watched Husk fall, her mind going blank. She wanted to rush to his aid, but she knew that would only put them all at risk. Regaining her composure, she focused her attention back on Vox.

"Niffty!" Vaggie called out, her voice cutting through the air sharply. "Get Husk out of here!"

The powerful demon pushed himself upright, his armored body creaking as he regained his footing. He glared down at the fallen Husk, cold satisfaction glinting in his eyes, and then focused on Vaggie.

"But my lady yo-"


Niffty scrambled to obey, rushing to Husk's side. She wrapped her arms around him as best she could, dragging his considerably larger body away from the battlefield amidst burning shrubbery and crushed flowers.

Now alone by herself, Vaggie turned her full attention back to Vox, he was hurt - that much was clear by the way he clutched his injured arm and how blood flowed freely from the wounds Husk had inflicted. But he was far from defeated. Power still crackled around him like a deadly aura, ready to lash out at any moment.

"Ready to end this madness?" Vaggie challenged, twirling her spear to calm her nerves.

"Why don't we skip to the part where you're bleeding on the ground and begging for mercy at my feet?" Vox shot back, raising his uninjured hand, which started to glow with an intense electric charge.

"I'd rather die," Vaggie spat, positioning herself for his assault.

A dark smile crossed Vox's face. "Good."

With a swift wave of his hand, a surge of power rushed towards her, crackling and popping like an approaching storm. Vaggie braced herself, planting her feet firmly in the dirt. She held out her spear defensively, the holy weapon acting as her only shield against the onslaught of electricity.

The first wave hit, causing her to stumble back. Her muscles screamed in protest, but she refused to yield. She pushed against it with all her might, the white-hot energy surging around her - scorching the earth but unable to penetrate the barrier created by her spear.

Vox's eyes widened in disbelief; he hadn't expected her to withstand the attack with a mere angelic spear. Anger flashed in his eyes as he channeled more energy into his assault. The air hummed with power as he launched another wave at Vaggie.

This time she was ready, she redirected the energy with a flick of her wrist, allowing it to flow around her instead of against her. Though difficult and exhausting, she held strong. Until she could get closer, she would have to continue blocking until then.

Vox growled in frustration, his patience thinning and his arm throbbing with pain from Niffty's attack. His rage was beginning to cloud his judgment as he charged towards Vaggie with reckless abandon.

He launched a volley of blue electrical orbs at her while rushing to meet her head-on, each one more than capable of destroying a building in one blow.

Reacting quickly, Vaggie deflected the majority with her spear and dodged the others. However, one managed to graze her side before she could dodge it completely. She winced, feeling the sizzling pain of the wound but pushed it aside and retaliated with a swift spear thrust towards Vox's chest.

He dodged, but not fully, the spear tore through his armor and left a deep gash across his chest. A howl ripped from his lips as he recoiled from the attack, the glow in his eyes dimmed slightly but quickly flared up again with renewed intensity.

Vaggie stood her ground, gritting her teeth against the unrelenting attack. Each blow landed like a sledgehammer against her body, sending waves of pain through every nerve of her body. Her muscles burned and her side seared with agony, but she refused to back down. She was a warrior, forged in fire and steel, she refused to die a silent death.

Vox's attacks were relentless, with his energy seemingly endless as he continued to fight with unyielding ferocity. With each passing moment, his movements became faster and more precise, honed throughout the battle. He showed no signs of slowing down or faltering, his madness only intensifying as the fight raged on.

"When I'm done with you, I'll hunt your precious family down!" Vox roared out, launching another round of electric orbs at Vaggie. "And make you watch as I rip them apart limb from limb!!!"

His threat struck a chord within Vaggie, shooting a new surge of adrenaline through her veins.

"Not if I kill you first!!!" Vaggie roared back, her voice filled with promise echoing through the burning garden.

She deflected another orb with her spear, feeling the shock through her arm as it exploded behind her. 

When a particularly large orb hurtled rapidly towards her without leaving her room to dodge, she mustered all her strength and batted it away, feeling the shock through her arm as it exploded behind her. 

Her vision blurred momentarily from the resulting concussion wave but quickly refocused on Vox. However, the force of deflecting such a powerful attack sent Vaggie stumbling backward.

This was the chance Vox had been waiting for. With a triumphant roar, he lunged at Vaggie, aiming a deadly punch at her stomach.

But she wasn't out yet, despite the pain and exhaustion, she managed to dodge Vox's punch by rolling to the side. As soon as she was back on her feet, she launched herself at him with renewed vigor.

Their weapons clashed as they engaged in close combat. Sparks flew from their contact points and the air crackled around them as Vox's power met the holy energy of Vaggie's spear.

Each exchange was fierce and quick; there was no room for error or hesitation, a single mistake could mean death.

Rumble! KRACK!!!

Instead of throwing energy balls at her, Vox decided to change tactics and summoned a lightning bolt that shot straight for Vaggie! She saw it coming and attempted to dodge it but it was too late; it struck her square in the chest and sent her crashing backward to the ground, her spear flying out of her hand in a random direction.

Winded and seething in pain, Vaggie struggled to get up while Vox advanced on her, his twisted face wreathed in a gleeful anticipation of the kill. His television screen face pulsed and flickered with static, the pixels forming a menacing grin as he reached down and grabbed her by the neck.


He picked her up with one arm and dangled her in the air, his grip around her neck was tight as he choked her.

"Time to put an end to this little game of ours, bitch!"

Her hand quickly reached down, gripping a knife hidden beside her thigh.

"Fucking die alr-AHHHH!!!!"

As Vox aimed his hands at her heart, she thrust the blade upwards. The cold steel dug into Vox's digital face with a satisfying crunch. Her heart pounded in her chest as the sharp crack echoed through the air. Vox reeled back in shock and pain, glowing pixels scattering from his wounded screen.

She was dropped to the ground, gasping in relief as oxygen flooded her lungs again. Her body was heavy with exhaustion and pain, but she pushed past it, looking up to see Vox stumbling backward. His digital face fizzled and sparked where the blade had struck, distorting his terrifying features into a chaotic mess of pixels.

She'd managed to score a direct hit on the overlord, but instead of going down, he only seemed angrier than before. Furious static filled his digital face, flickering wildly as if struggling to maintain its form.

"YOU DAMN BITCH!" Vox roared in agony as he kicked her in the face, making her lips bleed.

He reared back, towering over Vaggie with a look of pure malice and murderous intent. The knife had done little more than infuriate him further, he was like a storm ready to unleash its fury upon her, his energy crackling ominously around him.

The TV demon snarled a distorted sound that would send chills down most demons' spines. Despite the damage he'd taken, he was not finished – not by a long shot. As Vaggie watched, he reached up to his face and yanked out the knife with a guttural roar of rage and pain.

Pixels and blood spurted from the wound, their luminous hues fading to grey as they hit the ground. The demon's face flickered and glitched on and off, his expression shifting between a savage grin and an enraged snarl as he threw the knife away, pixelated blood glistening on the blade.

In the midst of the mayhem, an unusual thing happened, as Vaggie pushed herself from the dirt ground, something golden trickled from her mouth, catching the artificial light from Vox's screen face. It wasn't the usual color of blood as one might have expected, but rather a glistening, metallic substance that seemed to glow. The sight that caught Vox off guard was golden blood.

Seeing this, his digital eyes widened, and his entire demeanor seemed to flicker with incredulity. His static screech of anger quieted for a single moment as he took in the spectacle before him—a demon bleeding gold. The revelation was both shocking and intriguing to him. Gold was the celestial hue of angels, not something you'd expect within the domain of Hell.

"What the hell..?" He muttered, momentarily forgetting his anger as he watched a few more droplets of gold smear across the war-torn ground.

His eyes traced back to where Vaggie now stood on shaky legs, bloodied but undefeated. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, watching him with narrowed eyes.

Suddenly, it all made sense.

Alastor's affection towards this random woman had always been a mystery to Vox—what was so special about this demoness? What made him so interested in her? But now staring at her glowing golden blood which boldly contradicted her role in Hell, Vox couldn't help but reevaluate his perception of Alastor's fixation.

"Heh…hehe…HAHAHAHA!!!!" The overlord began to laugh manically as he came to a sudden realization. "I get it now! HAHAHAH!!!"

A manic grin spread across his digital face as Vox erupted into peals of laughter that echoed around the desolate battlefield. Vaggie watched him warily, unsure what to make of his sudden mirth.

"What's so funny asshole!" The fallen angel questioned as she wiped away the blood spilling out from her lips.

"He doesn't love you!!! HAHAHAHA!!!" Vox shouted with sadistic joy, his laughter echoing obnoxiously throughout the burning garden. His screen face pixelated with delight at his perceived revelation, as he pointed a trembling finger at Vaggie. "He doesn't love you! He doesn't love you!"

"What the fuck are you-"

She was cut off before she could finish what she was about to say by Vox's gloved hand around her throat once again, his grip tight and unyielding.


His boisterous laughter echoed off the charred walls of their surroundings, filling the air with a chilling melodrama that left Vaggie struggling in his grip. His words stung like a dagger, awakening a storm of complex emotions within her heart.

Vaggie grappled within his hold, her golden blood smeared across her face as she fought to breathe.

"You... you're lying..." She choked out, reaching out to claw at his wrist. But Vox only tightened his grip, his happy cackling amplifying her futile retaliation.

"AM I?! BECASUE, I KNOWN HIM FOR FUCKING YEARS!" Vox roared back in response, forcefully slamming her up against a maple tree causing it to shake. "I KNOW HIM! THE REAL HIM!"

He viciously slammed her back into the tree, the impact reverberating through her body like a thunderclap. Again and again, he did this with each blow more brutal than the last, shattering her bones and crushing her spirit as he relentlessly pummeled her against the unforgiving bark.

"Then answer me this, bitch! Do you know how he got so powerful? How he became such a feared figure in this chaotic hellhole? Because it's not through the power of love and friendship, bitch!"

Vaggie's vision blurred as she struggled to focus on Vox's distorted face. She didn't respond, her heart pounding ominously against her ribs as she listened.

"Did he ever tell you about the countless lives he's taken? The families he has torn apart?! Or the people he tortured and stole their souls from?! All for his own amusement and personal gain?!" Vox continued his once-radiant screen face now a tempest of static and glitched pixels. "You think he cares about you?! He's down here for a fucking reason! He seeks control, power, manipulation! EVERYTHING is a game to him!"

Vox pulled her back before once again slamming her into the tree with full force, breaking the tree entirely.

"And here I thought Husk was his plaything, but holy shit was I wrong! You're the one who's actually getting played!"

Vaggie's fingers weakly clawed into Vox's wrist as she attempted to loosen his grip but to no avail. Despite the agony, a part of her clung to his words, analyzing them against all that she knew of Alastor. He was a feared Overlord of Hell with a reputation that preceded him—of that there was no doubt… But yet…

"F-Fuck...y-ou!" Vaggie managed to gasp out, her vision darkening at the edges from lack of oxygen and pain.

Vox's ragged laughter cut through the air once again. "Oh, the truth hurts, doesn't it? You thought you were something special to him!"

He pulled her in forcefully, his grip a vice that sent pain coursing through her injured body. He leaned in close, his hot breath caressing her ear as he hissed cruel and hurtful words, each one feeling like a dagger stabbing into her heart.

"But you're not! You will be thrown away like every other plaything that he found amusing enough to keep before being tossed aside! When he moves on to his next source of amusement, you'll be left wallowing in your own despair, clutching at the shattered remnants of what you believed was love! HAHAHAH!"

Vaggie continued struggling against him, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as she listened to Vox's words; they echoed through her skull, a toxic refrain that threatened to consume her. Her golden blood dripped onto the ground below, glowing like tiny stars against the bleak backdrop of the charred earth.

"You're just a pawn in his game, and when he's bored, you'll be discarded with the fucking rest of them."

"N-no…" she rasped out weakly, her voice barely a whisper against Vox's manic taunts and laughter as her vision began to darken.


Suddenly, a sharp and ear-piercing sound filled the air—it was the sound of static crashing down in dissonance with Vox's laughter. The screen-faced demon paused, his expression glitching into confusion.

"What the fu—? Crash!!!"

He started to say but was brutally interrupted as a dark shadow tentacle slammed into him, sending him spiraling away from Vaggie and into the burning building.

She fell to her knees gasping for oxygen that her body so desperately needed. For a brief moment, everything seemed quiet except for the sound of Vaggie's desperate breathing, and the faint sizzle of whatever had sent Vox flying away.

From the shadows emerged a figure that towered over Vaggie, it was Alastor. His grin stretched unnaturally wide across his face, red eyes glowing maliciously as he stepped forward and kneeled down beside her in worry.

"Vaggie," he called out her name, his voice a velvet purr that wrapped around her like a warm blanket. His eyes narrowed as he assessed her injuries, and despite the clear concern etched on his face, his grin remained ever-fixed on his face.

"You… you came…" Vaggie coughed out through the pain, golden blood staining her lips as her weary eyes met Alastor's.

"Of course, darling," he replied, his hand carefully wiping away the blood from her mouth. His voice had a hard tone to it, and his eyes were anything but amused. "Where are Lilly and Tommy?"

Vaggie winced at his choice of words, but before she could say anything, a loud groan sounded from their once beautiful home.

From within the charred ruins of their dwelling, grunts and groans grew louder as Vox emerged, his screen face flickering erratically. His laugh echoed through the night once again, though it was distorted now and held a hint of pain.

"Alastor, you heartless bastard," he spat out, his voice laced with venom. His booming laughter hung in the air like a grotesque melody. "Come to save your little plaything?"

"…Rest, I'll handle it from here,"

Once he got a nod from her, Alastor rose to his feet at once, his red eyes glowing brighter than before. His lips stretched into a wicked grin as he turned to face Vox.

"Val and Velvet did a great job keeping you away from here! Tell did you kill them, or did you rush here to save your precious 'angel' hmm?" Vox's laughter turned harsh, jagged like static interference as he staggered towards Alastor.

Alastor's grin widened further, if possible, and he drew himself to his full height. There was a dark mirth in his eyes as he replied,

"Oh Vox. Always assuming the worst of me."

He took a few leisurely steps in Vox's direction; they began circling each other like an apex predator facing off against another apex.

"And kill them? No, I'm not as brutish as you. They are fine... just… incapacitated for now." The Radio demon said, leaving out the part where he chained them up and that he would be going back for them later.

Vox's face flickered with static at his words, eyes narrowing into thin slits. He let out another harsh laugh, trying to cover the doubt that flickered across his screen-like face.

"You're lying!" Vox spat out, but Alastor only chuckled at his accusation.

"Why would I lie, Vox? Think what you will." Alastor said, his voice filled with a chilling calmness. He then looked back over his shoulder towards Vaggie, who was gasping for air with each shallow breath, her neck red.

His smile faltered for a moment before it returned full force.

His eyes flickered back to the battered and injured Vox. "I must say, you've really outdone yourself, angel." he continued, stepping closer to Vox, the sharp grin on his face turning into a smirk. "You manage to give an overlord a run for his money~"

Vox attempted to retort, but his words were swallowed by the sudden howl of radio static that filled the air. Alastor moved with an unnatural speed, closing the distance between them in a blink, his hand coming up and clasping around Vox's neck.

The TV demon let out a choked gasp, struggling to break free from Alastor's grip. However, it was clear he was drained from his confrontation with Vaggie. His screen face flickered helplessly as Alastor held him aloft, squeezing tighter around his neck.

"Tell me my dear fellow," Alastor growled, his voice resonating with an unholy power that made the air buzz around him. "Did you really think you could lay your hands on what's mine and get away with it?"

Vox gasped, his face growing more erratic as Alastor continued to press down on his neck. His fingers clawed at Alastor's hand, but they slid off as though he were trying to grip smoke.

"Now, it would only be fair," Alastor continued on cheerfully, ignoring the struggling demon in his grasp, "if I made you feel the same pain you inflicted upon Vaggie."

And with that declaration, he tightened his grip even more, electronic sparks flying from Vox's face as Alastor began to squeeze him into submission.

Vox was choking, his body convulsing in pain as Alastor showed no mercy. But despite the clear pain he was in, there was something else flashing across his face - fear. Pure, unadulterated fear. Seeing this reaction brought a sadistic thrill to Alastor who laughed gleefully; the sound echoed hauntingly throughout the desolate landscape.

Making Vaggie shiver at his sadistic laughter, never seeing him like this before.

Just when it seemed like Vox was about to give in, a sudden flash of light blinded Alastor making him close his eyes and flinch. When his vision cleared, he found himself gripping thin air, Vox having been snatched from his grasp. He looked around and found him beside a short female demon who had somehow managed to break free of the bonds he bound her with.

Her hair was a dazzling pink flame that flickered with soft light. Her cat-like eyes shimmered with a glow as she held a struggling Vox securely in her arms. An ethereal aura surrounded them both; it was the luminescent sheen of an interdimensional teleportation spell – powerful magic that only a few in Hell could do.

She was injured as well, if not worse than Vox, but she had more than enough strength to teleport one more time and flip off Alastor while doing so.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Alastor roared; his smile absolutely murderous as he sent out hundreds of tentacles toward them, but he could only watch the pair dissipate into nothingness.

Before his anger could boil over, he forcefully calmed himself to focus on more important matters.

Vaggie whimpered, her breaths coming in shallow gasps as she struggled to raise herself up. Alastor's glowing red eyes softened for a moment as he turned to look at her. He swiftly moved back to her side and knelt down, averting his gaze from the spot where Vox and the mystery woman had disappeared.

"You'll be alright, darling," he said softly, brushing a loose strand of hair from Vaggie's face. His hands were gentle as they checked her wounds, careful not to cause any more pain. "I promise."

He found his gaze lingering over the ghastly imprint left by Vox, the raw, reddened skin around her throat. His hands shook slightly as he brushed against the sensitive area, causing her to wince in pain.

Seeing her in such a state made something in his chest twist uncomfortably. The Radio Demon was not known for his sympathies or affections. Yet, here he stood, an agonizing worry crawling up his spine as the woman he claimed as his own struggled for breath.

A venomous hiss escaped him as he balled up his fists, once again cursing Vox's name under his breath. He looked upon the destruction of his home and his garden, his anger once again rising.

Vaggie's hand weakly clasped onto Alastor's, her eyes meeting his with a silent plea for comfort and reassurance.

"H-Help me up, W-We need to find Tommy and Lilly."

"Of course, my dear," Alastor answered, mustering up a reassuring grin despite his seething anger. With great care, he helped Vaggie rise on shaky legs. He slung her arm around his shoulder, promising to support her every step of the way.

As they began to walk in the direction that Vaggie saw them go, Alastor's eyes never left the place where Vox and the unknown demon had disappeared. His mind was filled with unanswered questions and a simmering rage that threatened to explode any minute. However, he had other priorities for now.

"LILLY! TOMMY!" She called out despite the immense pain that coursed through her body when she did so.

Vaggie led the way with uneven steps, with Alastor's grip on her tightened each time she stumbled or winced in pain. Their search was silent but fraught with tension, each step they took further fueling Alastor's rage.

The once serene landscape of the garden was now nothing, but ash and he could only grit his teeth as he thought of all that Vox had taken from him.


Vaggie's voice echoed in the deathly silence, the desperation clear in her tone. Their cries for Tommy and Lilly seemed to go unanswered, their names disappearing into the smoke-filled air. Alastor's grip on Vaggie tightened as he glanced around feeling something unsettling in the air.

She was becoming more and more desperate with each cry of their name the longer they searched.

"V-Vaggie?" The voice was weak but unmistakable, it was Tommy.

They felt a wave of relief wash over them as he quickly maneuvered towards where Tommy's voice had echoed from. Vaggie getting her second wind from hearing his voice, got out of Alastor's hold and rushed to him. Shifting aside rubble and fallen branches, she found Tommy and Lilly huddled together under the remains of a large oak tree, shaking with fear.

"T-Thank god! you're both safe!" She whispered, her voice hitching as she fell to her knees and pulled them both into a tight hug. Lilly quickly wrapped her arms around Vaggie, while Tommy tightly clung to her side.

"P-Please don't leave us again," Tommy whimpered, his voice filled with raw fear and exhaustion.

"I promise, I won't," Vaggie replied, her voice filled with immense relief, as she hugged them tighter.

Alastor, who stood silently behind her, couldn't tear his gaze away from the heartwarming scene. The tears that streamed from Vaggie's eyes mirrored his own scarlet ones as he watched them with warm eyes.

"Alastor," Vaggie said gently, her gaze softening as she reached out a hand towards him, beckoning him to join the group hug.

The radio demon merely smiled at her and—


Without warning, something snapped within him. It was as though a switch had been flipped - one moment he was there watching over them, and the next he went berserk. He roared out in anger so sudden and ferocious that it startled everyone present. Unleashing unspeakable power never seen before, and he turned this power on them.

"A-Alastor?" she called out weakly but got no response back.

Vaggie felt her body being flung aside like a rag doll by an unseen force as she saw Alastor's once kind eyes now replaced with a look of rage.

The ground shook under her as she fell, the bitter taste of fear and helplessness filling her mouth while her vision darkened in pain. She could see Tommy and Lilly being held up by tendrils, their faces twisted in terror. She reached out to them, but they were too far, and Alastor was nearing.

"No! Stop!" she choked out, but the words seemed to just bounce off him. Instead of recognition or understanding, his eyes glowed brighter with anger. "What are you doing?!"

Vaggie could only watch in horror as he raised his arm towards them and began gathering power. She knew what was coming; a torrent of demonic energy that would surely kill them in an instant. Her fingers dug into the dirt, her muscles straining as she tried to push herself off the ground.

"Please, Alastor!" she screamed, her voice barely above a whisper, raw and hoarse. But her pleas were met with a chilling silence that sent a shiver down her spine.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as he unleashed his power, a destructive whirlwind of energy swirling about him like an imminent storm. Each passing second felt like the calm before an inevitable storm, cruelly amplifying the terror of what was about to come.

Her eyes darted between Tommy and Lilly's terrified faces and the predatory smile that now adorned Alastor's face. It was a look of sheer, unadulterated malice that made her blood run cold.

Vaggie could only watch in helpless terror as the whirling vortex of energy around Alastor began to tighten, converging into a single lethal point in front of him. His eyes met hers for a brief moment, and she saw not the man she knew but a demon fueled by wrath.

A howl echoed through the air as the concentrated energy shot from Alastor's palm towards Tommy and Lilly. The blast tore through the air with a deafening roar, ripping flesh from bone and shredding muscle into bloody ribbons.

The victims' screams of agony pierced her eardrums as she watched in horror, unable to turn away from the gruesome sight. It was a living nightmare, each second feeling like an eternity as they were slowly peeled away until only raw, exposed bones remained.

"NO!" Vaggie screamed out, but it was far too late. The burst of energy exploded upon impact, sending out shockwaves that violently shook the earth beneath them. The screams fell silent, swallowed up by the roar of the ensuing explosion.

Her vision darkened even further; her last sight was of Alastor's smile as he killed the two people who she thought he would never hurt.

The reality of it all sunk deep within her. Alastor, the one she had trusted - perhaps loved - was not who she thought he was.

As her consciousness began to fade, Vaggie's mind was plagued with regret and despair. She had been naive to believe she had changed him, to believe he had changed for her.

She had forgotten what he truly was - a demon.


End of Flashback

"When I woke up everything I knew and loved was destroyed." Vaggie finished her story, as she wiped away her tears. "Alastor had disappeared, leaving me alone amongst the ruins..."

She had left out a detail or two, like her being an angel that had fallen from heaven but left most of the story untouched.

Charlie, who had been listening quietly to Vaggie's story, was taken aback. She didn't know how to respond to the horror she had just unveiled. For a few moments, the silence between them was deafening, matching the somber tone of Vaggie's chilling tale.

"I-I... I'm so sorry, Vaggie," Charlie stuttered, her voice barely above a whisper. None of her usual positivity could be seen as she was consumed by a mixture of shock and sadness for what her girlfriend had endured.

Vaggie simply shrugged, her hands shaking as she tried to compose herself. The memory of that traumatic event still haunted her dreams and waking hours alike. Yet now there was nothing left but the bitter cold reality that Alastor, someone she thought she knew, was far more monster than man.

"I tried to find him after that... confront him, kill him... but I never could," Vaggie stated, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. "He was gone... just like everything else."

Charlie moved closer and knelt down beside Vaggie, gently laying a comforting hand on her back. Vaggie flinched at the contact but didn't pull away.

"I don't know why he did it or what came over him," Vaggie whispered brokenly. "All I know is that I can't forgive him... not after what he did to them."

Charlie nodded sympathetically, fighting to keep her eyes from welling up. She couldn't even imagine the pain Vaggie had been through, the trauma she had to carry within herself all these years.

"Vaggie…" she murmured softly, placing a comforting arm around her shaking shoulders. "It's... it's okay to feel angry, to feel hurt."

Vaggie turned to look at Charlie, her eyes widened with surprise. But as she saw the sincere worry etched on Charlie's face, she felt some of the tension easing off her shoulders.

"But it's not okay," she whispered back, her voice barely audible. "I have so much anger inside of me, so much hatred... It feels like I'll be consumed by it when I'm around him."

She covered her face with her shaking hands.

"A-And I know how much this hotel means to y-you and I tried to hold myself back, b-but… I-I just don't want to be the one to ruin your dream."

Charlie sat there, holding Vaggie, as tremors racked through her body. She wished she could take away the hurt, the anger that was festering within her. But she knew this was something Vaggie had to confront herself.

"No one is asking you to forgive him, Vaggie," Charlie said gently, brushing a strand of hair away from Vaggie's teary eyes. "But maybe... maybe in time, you can learn to let go of the anger."

"Distract myself… You mean?" Vaggie asked bitterly, pulling away from Charlie slightly.

"No!" Charlie corrected earnestly, her crimson eyes brimming with sincerity. "I mean healing. You have every right to be angry but holding onto it... it won't help you."

Vaggie looked at her for a long moment and then let out a shuddering breath. "I don't know if I can,"

"I believe you can," Charlie responded fiercely, cupping Vaggie's cheek and lifting her gaze so their eyes met. "And I'll be here with you every step of the way."

After a moment of silence, the hidden angel slowly nodded her head. "A-Alright but promise me one thing."

"Anything," Charlie said without hesitation.

"…Promise me you'll keep him away... from me. At least until I can... figure things out," Vaggie pleaded, her gaze never leaving Charlie's.

Charlie gave a decisive nod, squeezing Vaggie's hand in reassurance. "I promise, Vaggie. Even if it means going against him myself!"

"Thank you…"

Their eyes locked in a gaze of pure affection before they closed the distance between them. Their lips met in a passionate, deep kiss that sent shivers down their spines and ignited a fire within their body. The world seemed to fade away as they lost themselves in each other's embrace, the atmosphere in the room slowly beginning to heat up.



The sound of a shattering glass bottle echoed through the destroyed room.

"T-Tommy! Lilly! I-It's me! Vaggie! D-Don't you remember?!"

Alastor drunkenly stumbled through the room; his face red, completely intoxicated.

"W-Who are you?! What did you do to them?!"

He opened another bottle of whisky and chugged it down like water.

"Alastor! Please! You have to save them! We can't leave them like this!"

His gaze drifted up to the wall, where a slightly burnt portrait of all four of them smiled happily in the picture.

"I-If you won't save them then I will! With or without your help!"

He collapsed to the ground, his body wracked with violent tremors as a tsunami of agonizing memories crashed over him. Each tear that fell was like a bullet, piercing his heart with a sharp ache and dragging him deeper into a pit of despair. His face contorted in anguish, a broken dam of tears streaming down his face, threatening to drown him in a sea of pain and regret.

"Angel?" With trembling hands, Alastor cradled his beloved angel in his arms, ignoring the searing pain that swept throughout his damaged body. The beautiful soft melody of her soul was gone, leaving an eerie stillness in the air. She was gone, taken from him by the one who forcefully ripped away her soul from her body.

Despite the turmoil raging inside him, his smile remained etched onto his face like a permanent scar. 

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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