
บท 17: Chapter 16


We did it. We defeated the Saiyans.

I beg you, dear reader, do not ask me to describe in detail what happened after Piccolo died in my arms. It's too painful, so I'll only tell you what's necessary.

In addition to the emptiness that crushed my heart when I saw him lifeless there on the ground on that battlefield, I felt a deep sense of terror when I realized that everything was over. We would be killed by Nappa and Vegeta in the blink of an eye at any moment.

It was then, at the most desperate moment, when Nappa was slowly and maliciously walking towards me and Gohan next to the dead Piccolo, that he arrived.


His arrival was glorious, majestic.

The first action he took was to come to us and recognize our effort and dedication against our enemies until then. He even recognized Piccolo's sacrifice and, finally, I saw that those two, who considered each other enemies, had a genuine feeling of companionship, admiration and respect for each other. It was also moving to see Gohan's reunion with his father, and I couldn't hold back the tears when I saw my brother again. Afterwards, he gave a Senzu Bean to Krillin, Gohan and me; a small green grain similar to a bean, which had the impressive property of regenerating our strength more effectively than the Sacred Water I drank at Master Roshi's house.

However, there was something different about Goku.

My brother exuded a mighty strength, much stronger, more intense and overwhelming than when we met for the first and last time. But he wasn't just stronger.

He was furious.

The aura of anger stored within him surrounded him, ready to explode against those Saiyans. And it exploded, in such a way that, soon after, Goku launched his attacks against Nappa, and broke his spine in half. The result of this left me astonished to the point that, for a second, I couldn't believe it: Vegeta killed Nappa with his own hands, because, for him, a useless and paralyzed warrior was worthless.

After this unusual turn of events, Goku asked the three of us to leave and go to Master Roshi's house to be safe, as we had already fought a lot and the Senzu Beans had run out.

He wanted to face Vegeta all by himself.

At first, I didn't want to accept his suggestion, because I didn't want to abandon Piccolo's body in that pitiful state without at least giving him a dignified end, for who knows what proportions that fight could take. However, Goku suggested that he and Vegeta go to another more inhospitable place to continue their duel and, to my surprise, his opponent accepted.

With my heart in pain, we flew off, but I promised myself that I wouldn't leave Piccolo's body lying there. I would come back to rescue him. Even if this was my last act on Earth.

Krillin guided us for a long time, after all, neither Gohan nor I knew where in the world we were. However, after about an hour of flying in silence, with the Full Moon already rising in the evening sky, we stopped and stared at each other as we felt the presence of an impressively terrible Ki.

It was Vegeta's Ki, and it was much, much higher.

Something had happened, and it didn't look good.

As we exchanged looks, we didn't think twice and hurried back towards Vegeta's Ki. No matter how much Goku had trained or gotten stronger, something told us that this was not a good sign and that my brother could, in fact, be in real danger without our help.

When we arrived at the new fighting place — also a desert full of rocks — we confirmed our fear.

Vegeta had transformed into a giant monkey and was crushing Goku in his hands without an ounce of mercy. My brother's Ki was very weak. He had certainly used some special technique to try to defeat Vegeta, and had failed.

I remembered when my nephew also turned into a giant monkey on the first day of our Training, and I immediately knew what to do to help Goku. Hiding behind a rock formation, I asked Krillin and Gohan to lower their Kis as much as they could and give me cover for what I was about to do.

After also lowering my Ki, I sneaked up behind Monkey-Vegeta and, at the fastest speed I could manage to avoid being unmasked, I launched my Tenkochi towards his huge tail and cut it off. Just like Gohan, the effect of having his tail ripped off was instantaneous. Vegeta returned to his normal Saiyan form, but was still extremely powerful.

An arduous battle between Vegeta and the three of us started, as my brother had become too weak and was trying to recover.

I have no idea how long we fought. We were all exhausted, including Vegeta. The only thing I know is that, when the sky was already dark with its stars and the Full Moon illuminating us, we felt a great energy emanating from Goku still lying on the ground.

Having difficulty to even speak, Goku called me. I managed to get a break while Krillin and Gohan distracted Vegeta and I staggered towards him, my clothes in rags and my body full of cuts and bruises.

Goku then transferred me a ball of energy that was in his hands.

I've never felt so much power. It felt like I was going to explode.

That ball of energy was a Spirit Bomb, and I had only one chance to launch it at our enemy. I walked a few steps, with every inch of my body screaming in pain, I thought about Piccolo and aimed it at that bastard Vegeta.

I've never thrown an attack with such precision.

The Spirit Bomb hit him, and Vegeta fell, passed out.

A long minute of silence followed, with our labored breaths being the only sound of that night and desert place.

We did it. We defeated Vegeta.

I fell to my knees on the ground and covered my mouth to cry. Piccolo would've been so proud of me. But he wasn't there to see our victory.

However, that victory was a farce.

We heard a metallic sound flying through the skies, and a Space Pod landed next to Vegeta.

He was alive. Completely impaired, but alive.

There was no longer any trace of strength in my body, and the fact that we witnessed that man crawl like a snake into his Space Pod to escape like a coward only made me weaker.

It was then that Krillin, as hurt and weakened as I was, appeared next to Vegeta holding a large rock to hit him in the head and end his life once and for all.

But Krillin didn't go any further. My brother stopped him.

Still lying at a distance, Goku begged Krillin to let Vegeta escape, so that he would have the opportunity for a rematch with him in the future. Extremely indignant, Krillin countered, surprising me by saying that Vegeta wasn't like Piccolo, that he wouldn't change his ways and become good.

Still, Goku didn't change his mind. He wanted to feel the thrill of fighting someone stronger again. Even though he knew that Vegeta was one of those responsible for the death of practically everyone in our group, Goku let him go, out of pure selfishness on his part. Those were his words, not mine.

And, just like that, Vegeta fled in his Space Pod, leaving behind a trail of destruction and ruins, tearing us apart from the inside out.

I really didn't understand my brother. It was true that I admired him as the great fighter he was and had a fondness for sharing the same blood, but his decisions, like when he decided to let go of Raditz's tail and now, letting Vegeta escape without paying for what he did, only made my feelings for him become... confused.

I was tired… So tired…

Even so, I crawled to Gohan, passed out on the ground from fighting, poor thing... And, as I always did and would always do when necessary, I picked him up and hugged him, snuggling him against my chest.

Our group stayed there, each one in their own spot on that hard, sandy floor. Neither of us said a word to the other; not Goku, not Krillin and not me with Gohan.

I won't be able to tell whether five minutes or five hours passed, but, at a certain point, we heard another sound through the skies. A large light blue helicopter landed nearby. From the front window, I could distinguish Master Roshi, Bulma, and a few other people.

Then, as soon as the door opened, a desperate and crying woman jumped out and rushed towards me, shouting, "GOHAN!!!!!!!! MY SON!!!!!!!!"

Right away, I knew who she was.

My sister-in-law Chi-chi.

Wearing a purple outfit with orange details, Chi-chi ran and dodged the several rocks that covered that landscape, with the strands of her bun hairstyle becoming disheveled as she advanced at high speed towards us, jumping over her husband as if he wasn't even there, lying on the ground and injured from head to toe.

"GOHAN!!!!!!!! MOMMY IS COMING!!!!!!!!"

And she came. With one final leap worthy of the best Olympic gymnasts, she landed in front of me and fell to her knees.

We stared at each other for the first time.

In that one second when our scared and distressed eyes met, a thousand questions ran through my head: how would Chi-chi react? Would she be mad at me? Would she violently take Gohan away of my arms? Would she beat me for agreeing to train her son with Goku's greatest rival and putting him at risk in the face of the threat of the Saiyans?

What would she do?! WHAT???

"Lettie..." A tear fell from her big black eyes.

I froze, knowing that whatever came next would dictate my relationship with Chi-chi for the rest of my life.

Suddenly, she hugged me. "TH-THANK YOU!!!" Chi-chi sobbed, crying uncontrollably into my neck. "THANK YOU FOR T-TAKING CARE OF MY S-SON!"

My reaction was to freeze even more. I expected anything but that. Chi-chi pulled away and, with maternal tenderness, gazed at little Gohan still faint in my arms. "Please… Let me hold him…"

I didn't think twice and handed over her son with the greatest possible care. For a long time, just like I did, she inspected him from top to bottom, kissing him over and over among her tears.

"He's such a strong and intelligent boy." I made a tired smile, wiping my own tears mixed with the sweat and dirt from my face. "Without him, we wouldn't have made it."

Chi-chi's swollen, teary eyes met mine again and, as she placed her hand on my fallen shoulder, she said, with trembling lips, "Lettie… I owe you an eternal debt of gratitude."

A deep weakness took over my body. I believe I felt such relief upon hearing her words, that it succumbed and, strengthless, I fell to the side and passed out, physically and emotionally exhausted.


I woke up to the rhythmic sound of my heartbeat beeping on a device. Still dizzy and with a severe headache, I looked around and saw that I was in a private hospital room.

The wooden floor and walls, the reclined and super comfortable bed, the high-tech television on a panel in front, the large window through which the sun's rays entered, and the gentle breeze from the air conditioning on the ceiling revealed that this was not a mere room from a public hospital.

How had I ended up there, surrounded by such luxury? I had no idea. My thoughts were filled with only two names: Gohan and Piccolo.

However, when I saw her sitting in a soft armchair next to my bed, I knew who was behind it all. She was watching me with the typical exhausted eyes of a mother who no longer knew what a good night's sleep was.

"Chi-chi...?" I straightened up on the mattress, only then realizing how dry my throat was and then having a coughing fit.

"Here, drink it." Quickly, she got up and gave me water in a sippy cup. "Don't force yourself too much."

As I caught my breath, I noticed that I was wearing a white gown and had an IV in my arm, connected to a large IV bag filled with medication. After lying back on the reclining bed, my chest still rising and falling as I assimilated my current reality, I turned to Chi-chi and could only ask one question, "Where's Gohan?"

With a tired sigh, she placed the glass of water back on the counter next to my bed and sat back down in the armchair. "He's recovering in another room with his father. He woke up a few hours ago. Don't worry," she said after seeing that I opened my mouth to speak, "your nephew and brother are fine."

I nodded in silence, looking at my bandaged hands and arms, resting on the sheet that covered me. It was still a puzzle for me as to how I should behave around her, so I decided to ease any tension that might exist between us.

"Chi-chi..." I dared to look at her. "Please, forgive me–"

She raised her hand, and I fell silent.

"A year ago," she began, "when Krillin, Bulma and Master Roshi told me that Piccolo had taken Gohan to train and fight the Saiyans, I don't deny I wished to beat him to death."

My heart ached by hearing his name, and it tightened even more when I remembered the terrifying moment he died in my arms. However, when I also heard my sister-in-law's statement, I swallowed hard, because I remembered very well that, when Piccolo proposed his plan to train us and I asked him about Gohan's mother's opinion on that, he answered me that she would probably skin him alive.

And I didn't doubt it. Something about Chi-chi's posture exuded an authority that was impossible to dispute. No wonder people were scared of her.

Chi-chi tilted her head and narrowed her eyes at me. "Do you know what it's like to receive the news that your husband was brutally killed by his rival, and that he even had the audacity to kidnap my son to train him and fight against space psychopaths?"

I didn't have the courage, much less the boldness, to answer her. Stopping to analyze the situation from her point of view, wouldn't Chi-chi just be reacting as any mother in her right mind would react when seeing herself in such a… catastrophic scenario?

"However," she continued, still with a serious expression, "when Bulma told me that Goku had a lost sister, and that she was also kidnapped with Gohan by Piccolo, a part of me had hope that not everything was lost; that I might still have a chance to see my son again." She paused. "And I clung to this hope."

Her gaze seemed to peer into the depths of my soul. However, while it was intimidating, it gave me the freedom to be honest with her.

"But..." I stammered, embarrassed by her statement. "You didn't know me... How could you place so much trust... in me?"

Chi-chi's lips curved upwards, and her eyes filled with tears. With her voice still firm, but full of emotion, she declared, "Because Bulma also told me that you got onto the Flying Nimbus."

A tingling ran through my body as I opened my mouth in surprise. Instantly, I remembered what Piccolo told me about this same subject on the night of our last day of Training.

Chi-chi then looked down. "Even though it was challenging for me to accept, a part of me clung to this hope that, if my son was with you during this Training, he would not be helpless." She raised her head. "And you didn't disappoint me, Lettie."

I clenched my hands so tightly as I swallowed the lump stuck in my throat that my nails hurt my skin.

"When we gathered at Master Roshi's house to watch your battle against the Saiyans broadcast on television, I finally had the confirmation that I wasn't wrong." Her eyes were still fixed on me. "When I saw my little Gohan on the screen, I almost couldn't believe he was my son. He was so different... So grown up... So handsome... So... strong!"

It was impossible for me not to smile a little while trying to hold back the tears. Yes… indeed. Gohan changed so much in that period...

My sister-in-law smiled back and said, "At that moment when I saw him, I knew I trusted the right person."

The tears in my eyes finally fell. "B-But..." I sniffled, playing with the medical bracelet on my arm. "I-I couldn't protect him from everything... Gohan still faced so much danger and got badly hurt."

Chi-chi leaned back in the chair, crossed her legs and gave a vain smile. "Lettie, my son helped save the world from a literally intergalactic threat. What mother wouldn't be proud of that?"

We kept looking at each other for a while, and I wondered if this was really the woman who thought fighting was a waste of time and made Gohan study eight hours a day. Could it be that, during this one year away from her husband and son, something had changed in her?

I wished, from the bottom of my heart, that we had the opportunity to get to know each other better and, who knows, build a good, peaceful and friendly relationship. Fortunately, it seemed that Chi-chi was willing to take the first step, "So, what are you going to do now?"

I took a deep breath and looked around the room. "How long have I been here?"

"Two days."

"Right..." I pressed my lips together as I hesitated for a moment. "Where's Piccolo? Where..." I swallowed bitter saliva. "Where did you place his body? Has he already been… b-buried?" My chest trembled with a trapped sob.

A very strange feeling came over me when I saw Chi-chi lowering her head, avoiding my gaze. "We didn't take his body."


I leaned towards her. No... It was impossible. I didn't hear it right.

"Come again?"

Chi-chi looked up at me, embarrassed. "We didn't take Piccolo's body. Only Yamcha and Tien's, since Chiaotzu exploded." She fixed her posture and made a presumptuous pout. "Oh, come on, Lettie. Don't look at me like that. Piccolo's nothing more than a demon and–"

"HE'S NOT A DEMON!" I retorted without even thinking.

Chi-chi sat up straight in her seat, startled by my aggressive voice tone. At seeing her like that, I shook my head and whispered to her, through gritted teeth, "You didn't know him."

"And apparently, neither did you, Lettie," she replied, indignantly. "Do you happen to know who Piccolo was?!"

"Yes," I replied, convinced. "I know who he was."

Chi-chi seemed pretty confused by my words and blinked several times. But then, a gleam appeared in her eyes, which widened as she stared at me for a few seconds. Whatever she realized at that moment, it didn't affect me. I needed to get out of there as quickly as possible.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Chi-chi jumped out of the armchair when she saw me pull the IV out of my arm and get out of bed.

"Where's my uniform?" My firm intonation echoed throughout the room.

"Th-There in the closet..." Chi-chi pointed to a small wardrobe next to the television, still not understanding my sudden behavior. "I almost threw it away, but that was the only clothes you had, so I had it washed and ironed..."

"Thank you," I replied, dryly, and started putting on my uniform.

"But where are you going?! Lettie, do you realize you're in the ICU?! You're still under observation! You won't be discharged until a few days from now!"

Nothing she said was enough to stop me. The next thing I knew, I was already walking with my heavy boots towards the large bedroom window.

"Lettie!!!" called Chi-chi in an ultimatum.

I stopped and, for the first time, I saw my reflection in the glass of that window.

If it weren't for my uniform and my typical short, disheveled hair, I wouldn't recognize myself. I was thinner, probably due to the amount of strength I spent during the fight against the Saiyans. However, despite the red scars on my face, it was my eyes that caught my attention the most.

Never has the blue of my iris been so dull and lifeless.

"I... I need to see him…" My voice came out like a thread of hopelessness.


Slowly, I turned to my sister-in-law, not hiding the sadness that mercilessly consumed me. "Chi-chi, if you have a living son today, it's thanks to Piccolo."

She frowned. "W-What?"

"The television stations certainly didn't film this, but Piccolo died when he threw himself in front of Gohan and I to protect us from an attack by the Saiyans. He was broken to save us."

My statement had an instant effect on Chi-chi. In shock, she covered her mouth with her hands; her eyes glazed over as she stared at me in perplexity. Keeping eye contact with her, I continued, "Piccolo has changed, and regrets everything he did. Including having killed Goku. Do know that Gohan had a large part in this change. So, I ask you, do not dishonor his image." I turned my back and opened the window.

"Lettie?" She called me when I placed my foot on the counter.


There was a pause and then Chi-chi asked, "Do you love him?"

I instantly froze, holding my breath as a pain emerged from my core. My lips trembled and my eyes flooded with tears. "It was only a dream... And now, I'll have to bury it."

Once again, I turned my back, ready to fly off, but Chi-chi asked me to wait a second before leaving. As I dried my eyes on my sleeve, I watched her make a note on a pad of paper resting on a nearby counter.

"Here." She handed me the piece of paper. "This is my house address. Look for me when you're ready."

"Thank you." I forced a little smile, showing that my gratitude was real. "And once again, I'm sorry for–"

"It's okay." Chi-chi took my hands, in a genuine affectionate and fraternal act. "Now, go and do what you need to do. Let me deal with the doctors."

My smile grew, I said goodbye and flew away. Before disappearing from sight, I looked back and saw Chi-chi looking at a fixed point in the window. I thought that, perhaps, now that she learned of Piccolo's sacrificial act towards her son and his change, who knows, maybe she would also change her opinion towards her husband's rival.


Nothing prepares you for seeing the body of a loved one lying on the ground in such a... devastating way.

The sun was already setting behind the desert mountains and the stars were beginning to emerge in the sky when I bent down next to Piccolo's body, lying in the same way I had placed him when he lost his life in my arms.

Thanks to his regeneration ability, his body still remained intact; only with the countless wounds that Nappa's deadly attack caused him (as if that would improve the situation).

To this day, I don't know how I did what I would do next. My body, mind and heart were numb; floating as if in the middle of the waters of a dark and endless ocean.

Gently, I ran my fingers over Piccolo's injured face. It looked like he was just sleeping, after a long day of Training with me and Gohan.

Oh, if I could go back in time and relive what now seems so distant! When the threat of the Saiyans was just a distant shadow, two dots traveling across the galaxies, and our routine was just training, eating, sleeping and having fun in a family bond full of peace and contentment.

Carefully, I slipped my arms under Piccolo's back and reached up to lift him up and carry him. Suddenly, I fell, scratching myself on the pebbles of that sandy floor.

I didn't understand... Piccolo had already made me carry rocks weighing half a ton, but there, his body was so heavy that I... couldn't bear it! Perhaps my strength only reflected the state my heart was in...

After swallowing a thick mouthful of saliva, I took a deep breath and tried once more. My uniform was already all dirty again when I managed to pick him up and fly off to get him out of that place.

I knew exactly where his grave would be.

Upon setting foot in our Camp, I rested Piccolo next to the now-extinguished campfire, with the ashes filling where there was once a welcoming fire that had warmed us during so many wonderful nights.

And that fire would light one last time.

I lit it and flew to the river to get water. The moon was already high in the sky when I bent over Piccolo with some clean cloths and began to clean his wounds. I might not have his powers to create new clothes to remake his torn and dusty fighting uniform, but I would do my best to make his image clean on his deathbed; outside and inside.

When cleaning one of his hands, I intertwined my fingers with his, just to know the sensation and discover how much I already wanted to do that, and now to see that I would never have the opportunity to do it again.

When I was cleaning his face, a drop of water fell on his cheek. I thought it was rain, but the sky was clear and full of stars. Only then did I realize that it was a tear that had escaped my eyes. I passed the cloth over that tear and, with deep affection, kissed the place where it had fallen.

Piccolo was finally clean.

It is time.

Once more, drawing strength from where I didn't have it, I lifted him and placed him inside the tent. In the same way I did when I put Gohan to sleep, I placed him on the mattress and covered him with the blankets.

For a moment, I lay down next to him and stroked his sleeping face, just to know the sensation that, one day, maybe we could've woken up together, in a nice and cozy house, with the sound of our children's feet running around...

But then I remembered that it was all just a dream. Even with his body there next to me, I have never felt so alone and abandoned.

With a loud sob emerging from the back of my throat, I left the tent, with my eyes closed as I could no longer bear how much my heart was beating in despair. I walked across the grass of our Camp until my legs lost all strength, and I fell to my knees.

I cried. I cried for everything that Piccolo and I lived, and for everything that from now on we would no longer live.

Here comes the end of our alliance and dream. Piccolo, I will keep you in my heart. Today, I take an oath that I will pass on all your teachings. They will not be forgotten in the desert of loneliness and affliction of my soul.

Goodbye and thank you, my Master and my Beloved.

Nathalia_Croft Nathalia_Croft

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