48.76% Reverend Insanity-Blood Venerable Ascension / Chapter 58: The benefits of being a toad's disciple

บท 58: The benefits of being a toad's disciple

"Then, honorable Immortal Kuang Luo Tuo, if I may ask, what would be the benefits of becoming your disciple?" Chen Wei speaks slowly, with great apprehension, but seeing the toad's friendly attitude, he decides to ask the question.

Of course, this comes from the respectful treatment the toad has shown him, as well as calling him a future Venerable, which, according to Chen Wei's understanding, if true, would make Fate Gu prevent Kuang Luo Tuo from killing him if he tried.

"Kekeke, well, young one, you are indeed quite courageous, so I will tell you the four incredible advantages you will gain by becoming my disciple!" The small toad rises from his armchair and begins to walk like a person towards Chen Wei's group.

"Well, first of all, you and your wives will have the immeasurable honor of learning cultivation from me, Kuang Luo Tuo, a legendary rank 8 immortal!" The small toad strikes a proud pose, raising the staff he holds in his hand to point to the sky as if declaring a dramatic line in a play.

"Hey! What do you mean by 'wives'? I'm the only wife of Chen Wei, these two don't even belong to our clan!" Before Chen Wei could say anything, Wang Mei shouts at the toad with an irritated expression on her face.

"Mei'er, you shouldn't speak to the honorable immortal like tha-" Chen Wei tries to correct Wang Mei, as he is worried that Kuang Luo Tuo might cause harm to her due to her insolence, but he is interrupted by the toad himself.

"Kekekeke, women from the southern border are really possessive! Of course, I mean that these two girls are fated to be Chen Wei's wives, just like you, little girl." The toad speaks as he jumps onto the table where Chen Wei had found the bottles of Heavenly Spring Water.

"What do you mean by 'fated'? ....I don't plan on becoming one of the harem women of the Blood Prince, and I think the same goes for Yu Lian." Feng Hua speaks nervously before seeing Yu Lian nod apprehensively, afraid to anger the toad, who from his appearance, they never imagined to be a legendary immortal.

"And do you two beauties think I wanted to become a little green toad!? Kekekekke, but we small characters can only accept silently the determinations of fate." Kuang Luo Tuo points the staff at the two girls while speaking amidst his laughter.

"Can we set that aside for now and focus on the benefits you mentioned?" Chen Wei speaks, feeling a cold stare from Wang Mei directed at him as if he were already guilty of marrying other women, although he had done absolutely nothing.

"Wise disciple doesn't want to complicate things and then end up sleeping alone, kekekeke." Kuang Luo Tuo, amid the angry looks of the three girls, gets off the table to the blood barrel that Chen Wei had opened earlier but had now closed with the cork again.

"Well, as the second benefit, I will ensure that during the time you are my disciple, you will achieve master level in attainment in Blood Path." Kuang Luo Tuo speaks as he removes the cork from the barrel, which quickly fills the hall with an extremely strong smell of blood that dominates the entire environment.

"For this, I will continue to guide your cultivation, but now with all my strength and resources, like this Desolate Beast's blood!" Kuang Luo Tuo finishes his sentence and strikes a pose again, as if he were a businessman selling his business idea to potential investors.

"Hmm, what do you mean by 'continue'? Unless my memory has been wiped, this is the first time I've interacted with the honored immortal." Chen Wei speaks with doubt on his face, which is also shared by the three girls beside him.

"Kekkekeke, the arrogance of the new generation is truly so great that it can even blind the greatest genius of a generation..." Kuang Luo Tuo takes a small jump to reach Chen Wei's head and gives him a little tap with his staff on his head before sitting back down on the barrel.

"This is your punishment for not seeing Mt. Tai, kekekeke... well, and how I've been helping you all this time, that's obvious, and I've been helping you with your creation of new Blood Path Gu!" Kuang Luo Tuo speaks with an expression as if he were saying obvious things like water is wet and grass is green.

"That... well, I always found it truly incredible how the Blood Prince could create so many powerful Gu as if they were child's play." Feng Hua speaks with a sense of pride regained now that she imagines, by the toad's words, that despite Chen Wei still being a genius, his genius is not as challenging to the heavens as she imagined.

"So, the Blood Path Gu were created by the immortal? I suppose, at least...?" Yu Lian, who has been silent until now, suddenly speaks, imagining how significant this help might have been.

"Of course, it wasn't that... I guess it was some Wisdom Path method to help in my generation and thought processing, right?" Without letting this theory take root, Chen Wei quickly asks Kuang Luo To something that seems much more plausible in his mind.

"Kekkekekeke, did the idea of the Blood Path not being your creation hurt your pride a little, kekekekeke... well, leaving that aside, yes, you're correct in your assumption." Kuang Luo To puts a finger into the blood barrel and then puts the finger in his mouth as if he were tasting a delicious food.

"But you really have reason to be proud. What you've done in these few years with a little of my help is more than any normal person could do with all my cultivation resources. Even I, after thousands of years of research and spending an immeasurable amount of resources, have only achieved a master attainment in Blood Path... but you, if you could cultivate just a few more years in peace, you could achieve that level..."

"Ahh, it's truly a pity..." As if remembering a sad topic, the toad's animation quickly falls, while a worried and irritated expression takes over his face.

"Immortal toad, if it's not too intrusive of me, why are you so determined to help Chen Wei? And how can you be so sure that he is 'fated' to be one of the legendary Venerables like those in the stories?" Wang Mei, seeing the toad's mood plummet, tries to change the subject while asking something that has been worrying not only her but everyone here.

"Hmm, well, well, you wouldn't fully understand, but fate is stable and practically immutable, so any Wisdom Path immortal with enough skill could discover what the future Venerable would be like, kekeke." As if relieved not to have to think about what makes him sad, the toad cheerfully responds.

"I was just the most skillful of all, so I discovered that like the legendary Thieving Heaven, this Venerable would also be an otherworldly demon... so as you can see from the books scattered around the cave, I started studying everything I could about otherworldly demons, kekekeke." At this point, Kuang Luo To seems to have his enthusiasm completely restored, as he laughs loudly, almost bouncing with excitement amidst his words.

Chen Wei remains silent as he listens to the exchange of words, using all his attention to assimilate the new information being revealed by Kuang Luo To with each passing moment.

"Well, again, why are you so determined to help him?" Yu Lian asks, as she knows that in this world, as in hers, there is no solidarity for no reason.

Of course, she also has complicated feelings about the information the immortal toad reveals, which would indicate that this young man named Chen Wei in front of her would become as strong and magnanimous as the legendary Venerables like Genesis Lotus, whom she admires with all her heart.

"Kekekekek, of course, even for that old bastard Duke Long who wouldn't want to be the master of a future Venerable... although it's not my responsibility to be a Dao guardian, unfortunately..." Kuang Luo To starts his sentence laughing until he bursts into laughter again, quickly with a sad expression as if he were about to cry non-stop, which makes Chen Wei wonder if the toad has some kind of split personality disorder.

Chen Wei, who sees the scene, now falls into another line of thought since he had begun to consider this possibility of the toad being his Dao guardian, which he still doesn't completely dismiss, only because of the toad's words, but which becomes more unlikely because of them.

"Well, you can continue to the third..." Chen Wei, who looks at the blood of a desolate beast, which according to his belief, a single drop would be enough for him to refine almost infinite mortal Blood Path Gu, but now is simply being drinked by the toad as if it were wine.

"Of course, my dear disciple, the third one would be an immortal inheritance in the paths of greatest talent for each of your wives and als--" Kuang Luo To is interrupted in the middle of his words by Chen Wei.

"And how would you be able to determine this path of greatest talent? If I may ask?" The first part comes out of Chen Wei's mouth without him thinking much, as he has always been extremely interested in a way to measure someone's talent, which would be great for the development of a clan as he plans, but seeing that he might have been offensive to the immortal by interrupting him, he tries to fix his sentence.

"Kekekeke, don't worry, I am a merciful master, it's not a problem to interrupt me now... but do it again, and I'll tear off your arm... kekekekeek." Kuang Luo To speaks in a way that changes his tone from happy to serious in a way that Chen Wei doesn't know if he's joking or not, but also doesn't want to risk his arm to find out.

Kuang Luo To makes a crystal ball appear out of nowhere as he puts it on the table in front of Chen Wei before activating some killer move that doesn't transmit even the slightest aura, but from what Chen Wei sees, he imagines it to be infinitely more complicated than his own killer moves.

"Put your hands on the crystal ball!" Kuang Luo To says, which makes Chen Wei's body respond on its own as if it weren't under his control, feeling like a spectator in his own body.

So in an instant, Chen Wei's hands touched the crystal ball, which sent a freezing cold through his entire body, while the crystal ball, which was once bright white, now shows the image of a boundless sea of blood and sovereign aura that seems not to be rivaled even by the vastness of a completely black sky that has a deadly and oppressive aura over the world, which when combined with the sea of blood forms a uniform white light that exudes a human and calm aura.

"Kekekekeke, this is truly shocking... you know, I'm a Wisdom and Information Path specialist and used this killer move routinely to evaluate the talent of immortals who asked and their descendants... but I think even all those talents together don't match yours, kekekekekkek." Kuang Luo To laughs like an insane person as Chen Wei looks at the crystal ball with a certain level of understanding that comes to his mind about what they mean.

"Blood, Soul, and Human, this is truly an extremely useful killer move..." Chen Wei speaks, although unlike Kuang Luo To, he cannot feel the magnitude of this talent, nor can he compare it to that of other people, but he knows just by the image he sees and by Kuang Luo To's words that this is impressive.

"Kekekeke, of course, you also have other talents like Refinement and Sword Path, but they are much smaller compared to your three main talents." Kuang Luo To takes the crystal ball in his hands and makes it disappear as if it had never existed.

"Well, to continue what I was saying... also, since I don't have an immortal inheritance in the Blood Path, I will give you information about a certain inheritance of three kings that you want so much!" Chen Wei, seeing the toad's words, is not surprised that he knows this, as Chen Wei believes that all his thoughts have already been read by the toad, especially now that he has discovered that the toad is a Wisdom and Information Path immortal.

"Hmm, well, that's useful since I really didn't know how to solve the problem of finding this inheritance." Chen Wei sighs as he tries to make the best of the situation he is in now.

"Kekekekek well, for the fourth and final benefit....you will have to agree to become my disciple before I reveal it, kekekekeke" These words coming from the toad followed by his crazy laughter make all four of them have complicated expressions on their faces, especially Chen Wei.

"Well... I don't know if it's insolence to ask, but can't we give our opinion on this?" Feng Hua, who is usually confident and precise, asks with hesitation and fear before the immortal who could kill her with a wave of his hand.

"No." Kuang Luo To didn't even bother to turn his head to answer Feng Hua, as he kept all his attention on Chen Wei, who had a complicated expression on his face.

"Well, if we are fated to be his wives--" Yu Lian begins to speak but is quickly silenced by a look full of murderous intent from Wang Mei, who is beside her.

'Ah, what choice do I really have in the end?' This is the thought that crosses Chen Wei's mind, who cares little about what the girls are saying about it because now he has all his attention on this decision, which is probably the most important of his life.

But the more he thinks, the less of a choice it seems to be since even taking away the infinite benefits of saying yes, he still couldn't say no to the immortal who, although theoretically cannot really kill him if he is fated to be a Venerable, can make his life until he gets there a complete hell.

Furthermore, despite this immortal toad, up until now, aside from the threat of ripping his arm off, having acted in an educated and cheerful manner towards Chen Wei, he knows that anyone capable of becoming an Immortal of Rank 8 in the Wisdom Path must be someone perspicacious and cruel. Therefore, he must have given this choice knowing that Chen Wei would be forced to accept it, especially since he always refers to Chen Wei as a disciple even before his response.

"Well... I agree to become your disciple, Master Kuang Luo To, and I hope you will accept me as your disciple!" Seeing no other option, Chen Wei decides to at least begin this period of being a disciple under Kuang Luo To's goodwill.

"Kekekekek, wise choice, my disciple!" Kuang Luo To speaks cheerfully while tapping his staff on the ground.

"Well, now you can tell me the las—!" Chen Wei is interrupted in the middle of his words by a chilling sensation in his chest, causing him to quickly inspect his body to see a black tattoo with tribal appearance that appeared out of nowhere but now covers half of his chest.

"This is the effect of your words... being an Information Path master-disciple pact between us, kekekeke." The immortal toad jumps off the barrel full of blood to stand on the research table.

"Well, as promised, the fourth and final benefit is... we will together refine the world's first Immortal Gu of the Blood Path!!!" Kuang Luo To says, raising his staff in the air while striking a pose as if he were a majestic and imposing knight, which could make someone laugh because of how it contrasts with the appearance of the small toad.

But the four people who witness this scene and hear what comes out of Kuang Luo To's mouth have no humor to laugh, as they are completely shocked beyond their own beliefs by the toad's declaration, which could even shock the Heavens themselves.

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