40% HP/DxD: Raven / Chapter 20: Sirius and Bellatrix Black

บท 20: Sirius and Bellatrix Black

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Word Count 3110


"Ugh" Sirius Black flinched from the pain,

"Where am I?" He mumbled to himself his voice was hoarse. Even with his blurry vision, he noticed he wasn't in his cell in Azkaban. He was in some room, with all the walls being black.

He pulled his arms slightly but they were bound, so were his legs. 'I'm bound to a chair. What's happening?'

"Good Afternoon Mr. Black" said a somewhat mechanical voice

Suddenly in front of Sirius two candles lit, each on the far side of the table.

'That voice...' "Are you an Unspeakable" Sirius asked slowly, he had heard rumors about them doing some horrific things to wizards and witches. That's how they first got their name 'Unspeakable'

The voice chuckled "No Mr.Black, this is merely a way to hide my identity. After all, I did break you out of Azkaban"

'Broke out of ...' Sirius looked at the cloaked person in front of him in disbelief "Why would you do that?" Sirius was genuinely confused. This person didn't know him. He definitely wasn't Remus, so he doesn't have any reason to consider Sirius Innocent. 'So why?'

The cloaked figure sat in silence for a while, making Sirius uncomfortable "I want the Black Lordship"

Sirius's jaw dropped before he broke out into laughter "The Black Lordship he says. Hahahah. Sorry to break it to ya pal. But I got disowned years ago" Sirius was still laughing, but after a while it felt awkward since the cloaked person didn't speak

"Ehem, sorry about that, but even if I was still part of the family and the Family Lord. You would still need to have Black Blood inside your veins otherwise the Family Magic will kill you"

"I am not asking this for myself. I am asking that you pass on the Black Lordship to my ward, Harry Potter"

Sirius jumped, but was pulled back by the restraints "Harry?! Harry is with you!? Let me see him!!"

The figure scoffed "And why should I do that? After all you abandoned him, leaving Dumbledore to place him with the Dursleys. Do you know what hell that boy has gone through?" the man yelled out, making Sirius flinch, and tears stream down his cheeks

"Harry was left with the Dursleys" Sirius croaked

The cloaked man ignored him " If you didn't have your godfather's oath I would have killed you right here and now. But since you are alive, that means you didn't knowingly leave Harry, rather someone used magic to manipulate you. Any idea who?"

Sirius hung his head down, going through every memory he had. Who could have manipulated him?

After a while he came to one conclusion "Dumbledore?" he looked up to face the masked man. Who only nodded "That's right Dumbledore had manipulated all of you, because of some stupid Prophecy. The Potters were placed inside a simple cottage with only the Fiddelus for protection. He Confunded all of you to make Peter Pettigrew the Secret Keeper. It was all too easy. All he had to do was place a thought in your mind. 'Play a prank on Voldemort' and you idiots went for it"

Sirius hung his head down in shame. The man continued "All of the Potters were supposed to die. But young Harry lived. So Albus had to keep him under control. You were sent to Prison, Remus just listen to whatever Dumbledore said. The Longbottom's were tortured after their Secret Keeper suddenly betrayed them as well. And young Harry was left with his Abusive Uncle and Aunt. Quite Convenient don't you think?

The Wizarding Hero, Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived. Was suddenly isolated from the whole magical world. And only Dumbledore knew where he was"

"Is Harry all right?! Can I see him?" Sirius pleaded

"Harry needs all the help he can get. He needs the Black Lordship. You were never disowned. Only the Black Lord has that power, no matter what your mother said. Arcturus Black and Regulus Black are dead. The only Male Black of Age is you. And if you ever want to see Harry again you will make the oath"

The masked man gave Sirius a wand while pointing his at Sirius's head

"I Sirius Orion Black. In sound mind and free of any compulsion. Make my godson Hadrian James Potter the Head of the House of Black. And will make this official as soon as I see that he is in good health"

Sirius gave the man a hard look, making him chuckle

"Very well... There is a bathroom to the left and some spare clothes. You will clean up and then you will join Harry for Dinner. I will not have you looking like some rangy Mutt"

The cloaked person exited the room, he took his hood off. Harry was smiling like an idiot. Step One is complete.

As soon as he left the room, the restraints on Sirius were released

~ Bellatrix Black. Harry Pov

Now what do to with the crazy chick. I'm really curious how Tommy Boy can keep her in check.

Her Occlumency shields are ruined. Might as well have a look at her memories.

I spent hours looking in her mind. But only a few minutes passed in the real world.

Well that explains that. She was being manipulated if I can even call it that. A better word would be enslaved.

Her stupid mother sold her off to the Lestrange's and Voldemort. That means Family Magic was at play.

Then Voldemort stuffed her with Loyalty Potions, Compulsions and Legilimency. So much so that she worshiped the ground he walked on. She even declared that only Voldemort may touch her.

On her wedding night. She bound Lestrange, stuck his dick inside her only once, then cut it off. All because he dared to touch her.

Voldemort found it amusing to have such a loyal bloodhound. So he let her off without punishment.

But still, even before Voldemort, her talent for the Dark Arts is off the charts. She was the one who taught him his more dangerous spells, besides the obvious ones

But she will do fine as my 'sparring partner' for the mind arts. I have to test those abilities out some way. And if it all works well maybe I can shift that loyalty from TommyBoy to me

I think this is going to be rather fun

~Weasley Family home.

Harry was nearing the Ward Boundary while being Disillusioned and any scent or sound he makes was completely masked.

The children were on old brooms and flying through the air playing Quidditch

Luckily the Rat was stuffing himself with some crackers that they had left behind while he watched the children play Quidditch

'Guess even a coward gets bored.' Harry mused as he was thinking of the best way to capture the rat as stealthy as possible. It would be for the best if they wouldn't notice the missing rat at all.

Suddenly he had a good idea for a distraction

Harry makes a couple of small explosions like firecrackers but on a small timer and puts them on the opposite side of the Field where Peter was.

The noise made the kids turn to the location, in doing so they turned their backs on the Rat.

Peter was startled but before he could do anything, there was a tiny red light silently flying towards him. A tiny Stunner.

He was down on the ground before he could even make a sound.

The rat then quickly started to be dragged away to a certain direction, without anyone noticing


" " IT WASN'T US!!!" "

~ Dinner

After a long bath and a shave, Sirius looked somewhat similar to the man he was before Azkaban. If you ignore how thin he was and how sunken his face is. 

"Ahh it feels nice to finally get a bath and some real clothes" Sirius mumbled to himself

"Let's go. Mr. Potter is waiting" the mysterious man called out to Sirius and he started walking

Sirius was quick to follow him "So.. You are the one that rescued Harry from the Dursleys" 

The man chuckled which was weird in his mechanical voice "Oh no, that honor belongs to someone else. I am however the one who taught him everything he knows. Here we are" 

Sirius looks at the Dining Room. It was somewhat normal, if not a bit fancy. But nothing like the ones he had grown up with. It was modern. But he didn't see Harry anywhere.

Sirius turns back to the man with an angry expression "You said Harry was waiting for me? Where is HE?!" 

The man chuckled before he reached for his mask. In one swift movement, the mask and the cowl were gone. 

Sirius jaw dropped, he exclaimed breathlessly "James..." but then he saw the eyes, emerald green "green eyes. H-Harry... Is that you?" 

Harry looked at the man with an amused expression " Hello Sirius, I'd say its a pleasure to meet you but I would be lying"

" How.. Why did..."

Sirius held his head as he tried to form sentences

" To get the Black Library of course. One of the things i value most in my life is knowledge. And the Black Library has all of it"

Sirius looked like he had been slapped "T-the library? That's why you rescued me" he said in a hurt tone.

Harry looked at him in a straight tone "That and to satisfy my curiosity. You could have escaped at any time. I had wondered why you didn't. Now I know. Dumbledore's manipulations truly run deep" Harry chuckled as food appeared on the table

"Huh? Dumbledore? What does he have to do with this?" Sirius felt like he was losing his mind.

Harry just tapped his chin " I want to see your face when I show you just how stupid all of you have been. But on the other hand, I don't want to waste any more of my time." Harry then snapped his fingers like he had a good idea "Yeah this will work"

"What do you mea- AHHH" Sirius suddenly felt someone enter his mind. His Occlumency Shields were weak. There was nothing else to do in Azkaban, and Occlumency helped ward off the Dementors. But after 10 years to their exposure, his shields were pathetically weak

An illusionary figure of Harry appeared in his mind "I see the inside it just the same as the outside. Hollow." Harry commented as he looked around

"Well let's start this story, the real story not some bits and pieces that I told you.

This story starts with a few naive idiots just leaving Hogwarts and joining a war.

A group of 5 idiots including my mother decided that they were going to join a war to protect this pathetic excuse of a Wizarding Country. They were young, just out of Hogwarts filled with potential. So what did they do? Instead of going to another country and living their life. They joined Dumbledore's Order of the Fried Chicken. A group of morons who used Stunners against psychopaths who used lethal curses."

Sirius tried to say something but Harry didn't allow it "Shut up and listen.

After a few years, Dumbledore got a Prophecy in private. A true Prophecy. From that crazy bint Sybill Trelawney no less.

The prophecy goes as follows:

'The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...'

You see the only reason Voldemort got so far in his little war is because Dumbledore allowed him to. Many countries offered aid to get rid of an up-and-coming dangerous Dark Lord. After all nobody wanted another Grindelwald. But Dumbledore used his positions to deny them. Saying that it would be an embarrassment to Wizarding Britain. In reality, he was getting ready to finish off Voldemort and become the man who stopped two Dark Wizards in his lifetime.

But then the prophesy happened. And suddenly he realized he wouldn't be able to kill Voldemort. The Child of Prophesy had to do it. Dumbledore did his research there were only two children who fit that description Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom.

But instead of stalling the war and letting one of us take him out. He decided to get rid of both of us. He had set up another meeting where he Imperiused Sybill Trelawney to say the first part of the Prophecy in the Hog's Head. Where little Voldy's spy was waiting. Severus Snape

Illusionary Sirius gaped at that information. Harry smirked at his face "Yes, little old Snivelus, the boy you used to bully was the one who told Voldemort. Ironic is it not? Looks like he was the one to get the last laugh.

Anyway, with the news delivered, Dumbledore only had one job left. Put the babies out in the open. A few Loyalty Potions and Confundus Charms. And the Potter and Longbottom houses were out in the open with just a Fiddelus Charm protecting them.

He manipulated you and James into picking Peter. It was quite simple, he just had to put the idea of 'Playing a prank on Voldemort' and with how your stupid 'prankster' brains work. You didn't even think about it.

He did the same with the Longbottom's. And look what happened Peter betrayed you and the Longbottom Secret Keeper sang like a bird when they started to torture him lightly, like the coward he was.

The result? Voldemort visited us personally and planned to do the same with the Longbottom's. Naturally, he wasn't able to do it so two days later the Lestrange's and Barty Junior visited them and tortured the partners to insanity.

Back on topic. I reflected Voldemort's curse at him, ruining Dumbledore's plans. But the old goat saw that Voldemort wasn't completely dead. He also saw that I had a small soul shard stuck in my forehead in between the skin, it wasn't even touching my skull.

So he came up with a nice little plan. To sacrifice me to Voldemort when he eventually returned. But how do you make a young boy sacrifice himself? He would need to be depressed, shy, easily manipulative, and malleable.

So he ignored my parent's will and placed me with the Dursleys. Knowing that they would abuse me. He also bound my magic and innate abilities, then he went even further and used my magic to power his ridiculous 'blood wards'.

Oh, they were going to work alright. But they would only be protecting the Dursleys and making them more hostile towards me

He sent you to Azkaban since you are my legal Guardian. And he just used his stupid Grandfather tone against Remus and the stupid wolf left in a heap of guilt, never even tried to look for me."

Harry was looking at Sirius, who was openly weeping. Tears were streaming down his eyes. Sirius was clutching his chest. It was like someone stabbed his heart and was constantly twisting the knife.

"How do you know all this" Sirius choked out

Harry smiled " I am a SEER. But I only saw one timeline. Luckily for me, I was rescued the moment the old goat left me on that doorstep. But just because I'm feeling a bit mean. I will show you what would have happened to me if I wasn't reduced and I grew up with the Dursleys."

Hadrian showed him the speed-up Version of the 8 Harry Potter Movies. Only the main parts. Where Harry was abused by the Dursleys. How he was in danger every year at Hogwarts. How Sirius died. How Harry let himself get killed by Voldemort. How Dumbledore admitted to 'raising Harry like a pig for slaughter'

The images stopped. Harry pulled out of Sirius's mind. Sirius was feeling lightheaded. Like he was going to pass out any second.

"Why did you show me this?" Sirius asked in a defeated tone. "Do you need my help?"

Harry outright laughed "Hell No. I have been dying to show someone this story. I find it interesting to see your reactions. Oh and by the way you are taking a triple-reinforced oath not to tell anyone this. Mind, Magic and Soul. You could try to tell them with your Mind, with your Magic, hell even when you die as a ghost. The oath will prevent you. The same applies if they try to read it from you"

Sirius nodded "So that didn't happen," he asked hopefully

Harry shook his head "No, I grew up in a good home, one where I was able to actively discover and practice magic. That's why I was able to grow up this powerful. And was able to rescue you. So here we are. You are technically my godfather. I don't like you. But the least I could do is set you free."

Sirius shakily stands up "H-Harry, I promise I will do better. I will be there for you, I will help you"

Harry raises an eyebrow at him and waves his hand. On top of it appeared a cage with a rat

Sirius loses it and lunges at the cage, Harry raises his other hand and freezes Sirius in mid-air, he was just floating there and trashing around " Let me Go! I need to Kill Him. He must suffer for what he did to James"

Harry gags him and gives him an unimpressed look

" Once a mad dog always a mad dog. So this is your ' I'll do better'. Ever the Gryffindor huh? Get angry, do something stupid then apologize. If you were a Slytherin or Ravenclaw you might have been able to help me. But I don't need an idiotic Gryffindor screwing things up even more

You have had your chance, it really is a pity, goodbye Sirius'

Harry fires a Stunner at Sirius then sighs when the man drops to the ground

"I'll put him under the oath tomorrow. Then we will head off to Gringotts. Hmm, taking Sirius to America will look suspicious. I will just ask Benjamin to pull some strings with the French Ministry to clear this Idiot's name.

This is going to shake things up even more. Creating more opportunities to take advantage of. I love just how stupid the British Wizards are. Predicting their actions is like stealing candy from a baby.

~ A/N

This is a fairly important chapter. It kind of shows a bit of Harry's cold side that I will show more in the future. I would really like to hear... well read your thoughts xD

Alcoholic_Panda Alcoholic_Panda

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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