83.07% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 2307: 49

บท 2307: 49


Hello everybody! Looks like we're all in for an early chapter this week! Surprised? I'd bet so, considering this is the first time I've actually broken my schedule. Ah well. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy!

And also, you know what? I might as well tell ya now. There'll be a little death in this chap. So be prepared for all that stuff.

Chapter Text

*Originally Posted on April 1st, 2020*


Izuku flinched as the hand descended on his shoulder. He instantly turned around, ready to fend off whoever it was that had snuck up on him. 

However, he reeled his fist back as he caught sight of just who it was.

"Oh!" Izuku said. "Hi, uh…" Izuku looked at the man's uniform, "Officer Rerou. Looks like we got separated together?"

The sounds of battle continued on in the background, the rumbling of the walls and the loud roar of the beast a constant reminder to Izuku that he couldn't help in the fight.

"Yeah, looks like it," said Rerou. "And the wall's too thick to break through. I already tried."

"Well, the—"

"I did find an opening in the other direction, however," Rerou interrupted. He then pointed to said opening, a crack that would be large enough to allow a person to crawl through.

"That might lead to Eri…" Izuku mused. He sighed. "Alright. I've made up my mind. I'm going to go ahead, see if I can meet up with Lemillion. Do you want to come with me?"

"I'd— I'd rather not. I'll stay here and see if the walls will fall down again and I can join in the fight."

Izuku nodded. "That's fine. Mind telling them what happened to me, though?" he said, already moving to the hole. "Good luck, Officer Rerou!"

"And good luck to you as well!" The officer waved.

Izuku reached the hole and bent down to peer into it. There was a faint light coming through the other side, but the tunnel's end was too far for him to determine what was there. Thus, Izuku sent in half of his bugs first to investigate. 

Once he did that, Izuku went prone and began the slow crawl through the space, his elbows inching him closer to his goal. 

After a minute or so, the bugs that he had sent ahead found a hallway with an unconscious man — another of the bird masked Precepts. Another crack was on the opposite end, and Izuku didn't waste any time sending the scouting swarm through. 

As Izuku had guessed, the crack opened up into a room ravaged by stone tendrils and rubble. And in the center of it all was a ruffled up Mirio who was protecting Eri and facing off Overhaul at the same time.


Mirio turned to spot the owner of the voice. His eyes widened in relief as he saw the voice's owner. "Mi— Dragonfly! You're here! Thank goodness!"

"What the fuck is that!!" The shout had came from Overhaul, who was visibly reeling at the sight of Iuku's swarm clone. "That's disgusting! A filthy abomination! It's— You're the one responsible for those bugs in Eri's room! You sick freak!"

Izuku laughed at that, somewhat halting his real body's progress in crawling forth in the stone crack. After a moment, he continued his crawl and exited the first tunnel he was in. After he stood up, he ran across the short hall and entered the next tunnel which led to the room with Overhaul in it. He then had his swarm answer for him.

"Indeed I am! What are you going to do about it?"

Overhaul laughed. "What am I going to do about it?! Well, I'll be pleased to say that I'm doing this!"

Overhaul's hands reached for the ground. Izuku felt the ground rumble around him — around his real body, that is. And before Izuku knew it, stone spikes manifested themselves from the walls. The tight tunnel provided little to no room to dodge. 

The result was a shiskebabed Izuku who had various stone spikes impaling in a multitude of places. Izuku bugs visibly reacted to the assault on their master, suddenly losing their coherency and flying haphazardly every which way.

In the tunnel where Izuku laid, stone impaled him and left him immobile, the soft sounds of his breathing echoed the cold walls. Soon, his consciousness started to fade away. And then, he died.

A/N: Ah! What's this?!? An author's note in the middle of the chapter! Ew ew! I know, and I'm sorry, but I need to talk about what just happened. And just so you know, this had to be done. I know that some of you are going to be mad about this, but yeah, Izuku's dead. I REPEAT, IT HAD TO BE DONE. Trust me on this. Anyways, from now on, the protagonist of this fic is gonna be Mirio. Don't like it? Oh well, so sad. Get over it. Now, back to the story.

"Midoriya!" Mirio screamed. "What did you do to him!"

Overhaul laughed. "What did I do? Well, I did this!"

The spikes emerged yet again, though this time Mirio wasn't ready for them. Still frightened by the fate of Izuku, Mirio's mind was elsewhere. Unfortunately for him, it was enough of a distraction for him that he didn't see Overhaul's attack coming.

A giant spike shot through his head, effectively causing it to erupt into a bloody mess of flesh and blood. If he had still had his quirk, dodging the attack would've been second nature to Mirio. However, the fact of the matter was that he lost his quirk just minutes before. And so, he died.

"HA HA HA HA HA! Overhaul laughed. "Iam now unhindered! Nobody can stop me now!"He set his sights on Eri. "This is where the fun begins."

Izuku was currently wandering the aisles in search of something to buy as a thank you for his Valentine's Day chocolates. He was walking down the third aisle of the store when his phone suddenly rang. He went ahead and picked it up.

"Hello?" the voice on the other end greeted.

"Ah, Setsuna!" Izuku greeted back. "What's up?"

"Well, you wouldn't mind coming over back to UA, would you? We sorta need your help."

"I can't. I'm buying…" 

Izuku thought about it. He needed something to express just how grateful he was for his Valentine's chocolates. But they needed to mean something. Show just how much he— AHA! 

"... clothes."

"Well alright then," Setsuna rebuked. "Then hurry it up and come over here!"

"Well I would," Izuku began. His eyes scanned the aisle he was in. Then he recalled the other aisles he was in before Setsuna had called him. "But I can't find them."

"Wha— What do you mean you can't find them?"

"I can't find them. There's only soup."

"What do you mean, there's only soup?!" Setsuna asked.

"I mean there is only soup."

"Then get out of the soup aisle!!"

Izuku moved the phone away from his ear. "Sheesh. You don't have to shout at me."

"Well, I'm sorry! But we're in the middle of a crisis here!" Setsuna shot back.

Izuku arrived at the next aisle. "There's more soup."

Izuku could hear the exhalation of air on the other side of the call. "What do you mean there's more soup!" Setsuna erupted.

"There's just more soup," Izuku reaffirmed.

"Then go to the next aisle again!"

Izuku made a short walk and peered around the corner into the next aisle. "There's still soup."

"Where are you right now?!?!"

Izuku tilted his head. He used some of the bugs lingering outside to spot the store's sign. "I'm at Soup."

"What do you mean you're at soup!!"

"I mean I'm at Soup," Izuku said again.

"What store are you in?!?" Setsuna asked.

"I'm at the Soup store," Izuku said. "I already told you."

"Why are you buying clothes at the soup store?!?!"

"I— that's a good point." Izuku began to leave the aisle. "I must have walked into the wrong store by accident."

"Then that means you'll be coming back?" Setsuna asked, her voice hopeful.

Izuku walked out from inside the store. He paused when he realized that the previously clear skies had been replaced with a heavy downpour and darkened skies. He hadn't packed an umbrella in his backpack — he had no reason to before he had left UA — but he wasn't exactly willing to get wet. 

He took his backpack off and willed the bugs in his hair inside it; it was waterproof as per Mei's designs. He then brought it over his head and began to walk back to UA. He was again thankful for the strap system Mei had implemented; with it, Izuku had no need to hold it up in order for the pack to stay over his head. That left his hands free, and one available to speak over the phone.

"Nope," Izuku responded. "I still need to find a thank you gift for my Valentine's chocolates. But if I'm gonna be honest, clothes were just something I just thought of now. I don't even know what clothes to buy for the person, since I don't actually know who gave me those chocolates still.

"Gah! You're kidding me! Fine! You want me to tell you who sent them!?!"

"You mean you know who it was!" Izuku asked, squishing the phone to his ear.

"Yeah! It was Todoroki! You happy!"


Izuku blinked. "It was?"

"No, you idiot! It was—"

Izuku stumbled as a foreign pressure pushed against his legs. He fell to the ground hard, water spilling forth over his body and rushing over his laid form. He held on tight to his phone on one hand, and to a nearby pole with the other.

Izuku fought the current and stood himself up, grabbing onto and pulling himself up with a nearby pole. A few harsh coughs cleared up his throat of the water that had entered him.

Izuku found himself ankle deep in water, something that shouldn't have been possible if he considered how far inland he was. There shouldn't have been the reason for the water to be so high, especially with the specially designed sewer drains the city had. Something was up.

He grabbed for his phone, thankful for Mei's contributions in making it completely waterproof as well.

"Setsuna! You still there!?!? … Setsuna?" Despite the heavy roar of rain around him, Izuku was only met with silence on Setsuna's end.

"Dang it! What the heck is happening?" Izuku felt for his bugs. Unfortunately, he found a good majority of the ones in his range to be dead. He supposed that it made sense due to all the water around. As is, his bugs would be useless in this case.

A loud rumbling interrupted Izuku's musings. Far off in the distance, he saw a skyscraper come tumbling down; the ground shook and it took a whole city block with it. Another building followed, this one collapsing in on itself with a giant cloud of debris.

Izuku made his decision then. He corrected the position of his pack back on his pack and activated its flight capabilities. Within moments, he was in the air and speeding off towards where the buildings had fallen.

The heavy rainfall made the journey somewhat difficult, keeping Izuku struggling to maintain control and stability while in the air. When he finally reached the sight, he was met with a gruesome sight. 

Bodies littered the ground — but not just any bodies. All over there were heroes of all shapes and sizes. Whether they wer impaled on rebar, blasted away to a paste, or simply missing limbs, it was a complete and utter bloodbath.

He then noticed movement at the corner of his eye. He zoomed towards it, finding a body that was mangled for the torso down; they didn't have any chance of survival. It was only when Izuku properly observed the man that he recognized him.

"Edgeshot!" Izuku quickly moved himself to the hero's side. Edgeshot himself let out a soft groan, his eyes opening slightly.

"Mi… Midoriya…"

"Hold on Edgeshot! I'll get you to a hospital! You'll— What are you even doing here!? This isn't anywhere—" Izuku felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked back at Edgeshot

"Midoriya. You—" Edgeshot coughed, a sputter of blood coming forth from his mouth, staining his teeth an ugly red. "You need to get out of here. It's not safe. It's no use… You can't do anything to it."

"Edgeshot, what are you talking about?"

"The creature…. It's hide is too tough. It's too fast, too strong. It outpaced me, whacked away Orca like he was nothing. And… the water… All of it. We don't—" another cough of blood, "have a chance. Get away while you… while you can." The life faded away from his eyes.

Izuku could feel his fists tightening. He took a breath. He closed Edgeshot's eyes. 

He stood up, readying his pack. Another building collapsed, the ground shaking and kicking up a shroud of death. "I'm sorry Edgeshot. I need to see this for myself."

Izuku flew himself into the air and towards the chaos. Within a moment, he found the creature that Edgeshot was talking about. It was massive; probably three stories in height. It had too bulky arms and a face with four ice blue eyes; three on one side and one on another.

Izuku winced as the creature's tail collided with an incoming hero. The woman whipped through the air and collided with a piece of rubble hard. She didn't get back up.

Izuku's eyes widened when the creature dashed forward, moving much faster than something its size should have been. Another hero had found themselves in his grasp. If Izuku's eyes weren't deceiving him, it was Yoroi Musha, the hero currently ranked at ninth place in the charts overall..

The creature ignored the various lasers and power shots at its back in favor of staring at the man in its hands. Within a moment, the creature's constricting grasp crushed the samurai hero into a limp mess.

The water around it shifted, moving in arcs and tendrils at the heroes behind it. Four prospective heroes were caught in the watery attack, no doubt hit by tons of pressure and force.

Another rumble came about. Izuku noticed a large number of heroes beginning to run.

Despite his relatively safe location in the air, Izuku was shocked still. The creature displayed so much… power. There wasn't anyway else to describe it. It was almost like All For One in the amount of destruction it caused. But that brought up the question: was it some sort of Nomu? It seemed to be demonstrating a whole slew of quirks. It would be the logical conclusion, in fact—

Izuku inhaled a breath. The creature had stopped, turned in its place, and stared up at Izuku's place high up in the air. It's four ice cold eyes stared straight at him, its head tilting in consideration.

And then Izuku heard the roar. Not from the creature, but from a steadily advancing force from behind. Something that had been moving for quite some time. A quick turn revealed something that — dared Izuku think it — was entirely worse.

Izuku only then realized it — he was too low. The wave was moving too fast, traveling too high. There wouldn't be enough time to move.

He turned back towards the creature. It was still staring back at him, its eyes shining in some sort of unreadable expression. They were the last things Izuku saw before the wave pummeled against his back, sending him to a watery grave.

A man flew into the room. In some places, the sight may have garnered the wrong type of reaction. Fear, maybe. Or at least some semblance of caution.

But in a school such as UA, it definitely wasn't the most unusual thing that had ever occurred. As is, class 1-A didn't pay much attention to the man other than with a passing stare. Even Present Mic, who was currently teaching his students the intricacies of the English language, ignored the man in favor of teaching his class.

Well, that is, until the man spoke up.

"Izuku! Son! It's been so long! When was the last time I saw you? Years ago?"

Izuku's hand froze in place, his pencil stiff against the paper. He placed his pencil down and took a deep breath. He then looked at the floating man.

He was middle-aged. He was tall, thin, and had a balding mop of dark hair. He had glasses on his face, and wore clothing reminiscent of a handyman, or something similar. Izuku may not have had the best memory of his father, but this most certainly wasn't him.

Nevermind the fact that the man was most definitely American; he was also flying!

"You're not my dad," Izuku accused.

The man held a hand up to his chest, his face morphing into an expression of hurt. "It seems as if your mother wasn't entirely truthful to you, Izuku. I am your father. Search your feelings. You know it to be true."

Izuku scoffed. "Uh huh. Nope, not possible." Izuku summoned up his swarm, the endless masses of bugs flying into the classroom to scare off the man. However, Izuku was interrupted by a rather high pitched scream

"Midoriya!!!" Present Mic screamed, jumping behind his desk. After a moment, her hands and his eyes peeked out from the desk. "What do you think you're doing?!?"

Izuku tilted his head. "I'm just—"

"No! I don't care!" Present Mic interrupted. "We're gonna talk to the nice man first, alright?!?! So have those bugs skedaddle!"

Izuku sighed. "Oh alright, fine." The swarm left.

Present Mic stood up, a closed fist going up to his mouth. "Ahem. Now that that's dealt with," he turned to the floating man, "what was it that you wanted sir?"

"Ah, yes!" He turned his sights back towards Izuku. "You have a proper Administrator! You have no idea how long I've been looking for one. And you've cultivated it quite nicely! I'll gladly take it from you if you don't mind."

"Administrator?" Izuku asked. "Nevermind. Even if I knew what that was, why should I give it to you? Like I said, you aren't my father."

"But what makes you say that, Izuku?"

Izuku rolled his eyes. "For one, my father breathed fire. And you are obviously flying right now."

The man laughed. "That's the source of your doubts? Well, in that case, there seems to have been a misunderstanding. You see, I can breathe fire!"

"Prove it then," Izuku said.

"Alright then! Just give me a second…"

The man twitched. He then opened his mouth. Out came a nauseous trail of green liquid that landed on Uraraka's face. She immediately began to scream as her face melted off.

The entire class watched in horror as Uraraka succumbed to her injuries.

"Holy smokes!" Present Mic yelled, turning to face the man. "What the heck did you do! I'm going to—"

Present Mic was smacked entirely through the wall and off into the distance by the floating man's hand. "Don't interrupt me," he said. "Now where was I? Oh! Right!"

The man twitched again. This time when he opened his mouth, a cloud of frost came out. This effect ended up heading towards Kaminari, whose blood and veins ended freezing once the cloud made contact with him.

The class attempted to move, but they found that they couldn't dispute the best of their efforts. They were mere sitting ducks to the man's actions.

"Whoops! That's wrong. How about this one?"

His mouth opened again, but instead of something coming out this time, hism uth merely became something of a black hole. His mouth began sucking things up, and ended up taking parts of Jirou and Ojiro into its void.

"Nope. How about this?" Lighting spewed forth, shocking and leaving Todoroki as an ashen heap.

Air came out, nothing special about it.Unless if you counted the amount of force behind it. As is, Iida was pounded into a fine paste with the simple exhalation of air from the man.

Next came out blue plasma, which caused the death of Kirishima.

"Stop it!" Izuku suddenly yelled, breaking the man's hold over him.

The floating man was visibly surprised. "Wow. You actually broke free. You're actually stronger than I had anticipated." The man laughed. "Makes your Administrator all the more enticing."

"Stop!" I'm not giving you whatever it is you want!" Izuku said. "Not after what you've done to everyone!"

"Oh, please," the man said. "Don't be such a baby!"

Bugs began swarming into the room.

"Oh, that 's it!" the floating man yelled. "You're asking for it now! You know what? Screw it! I'll just forcefully ta—"

A golden beam shot though the classroom out of nowhere, taking away Mineta's entire upper half. Everybody darted their heads to the beam's origin.

A giant hole now took up a good portion of the wall. Through it, the class could see a golden man peering in. He, too, was floating.

"Oh come on Warrior!" the floating man said. "I was just trying to—!"

The classroom lit up in a golden light, and every normal within it knew no more.

A/N: I think that I might have used up way too much effort on these things. *Shrugs shoulders* Oh well. What's done is done. Also, here's what I'm calling these little snippets. You're welcome.

— Overhaul's Victory — Leviathan Soup — An Entity Attempts to Bond With His Son (Creation? Budling? Tesseract of Endless Energy and Power?) — Sports Festival Chaos — The Morning of Gold —

Now, I know that there are some stories up there that you may have noticed haven't been written yet. That's purposeful. As is, I had a few too many ideas for this chapter. Meaning I got one of my friends to write the rest. They wanted to take a shot at it, so I decided "Eh. Why not? What could go wrong?" Well, here you go. The rest is up to him now. My friend decided to give the stories their own spin, but I'm fine with that. They're at least finished now. And before any of you ask, yes, this is a one time occurence. Don't worry, all normal updates are still going to be entirely by me.

A/N: Hello fellow readers! It is I, WordConductor! I would like to thank theantumbrae for giving me a platform to finally introduce myself. For the most part I will be taking charge of this bit in the chapter, but we'll talk more soon. For now let's have some fun at the sports festival, eh?

Izuku stood in the back row as Midnight explained the rules of the cavalry battle. He should have been excited, or at least interested in what was to come next. However, something was nagging the back of his mind.

Eleventh place for the third time in a row... This can't be a coincidence! It has to mean something. But what?

Izuku curled his finger and put it against his chin, pondering the possibilities.

Could it be Principal Nezu? His quirk does let him plan ahead to a great extent and detail, but what purpose would it serve? Just to screw with me? No, that wouldn't make any sense. Usually Nezu has an actual goal in mind. Or is this one part of a larger plan to just control me in the end? 

Izuku applied more pressure to his chin as his urges started to peer back into his mind. He ignored then and continued to ponder.

If that's the case, then who else is in on it? All Might? Aizawa-sensei? Midnight? All of the staff? Now that I think about it, the students could be in on it too…

A large amount of bugs started to accumulate and approach the stadium.

Everyone is a threat…

Midnight finished explaining the rules and everyone started gathering into teams for the next event. Izuku slowly backed away from the crowd until he was a safe distance away.

Who should I prioritize? All Might could easily stop me by just throwing one punch. Endeavor could burn all the bugs within an instant. Midnight could make me pass out. Todoroki would freeze me. The list goes on… All the unknowns in the crowd I could just take care of with the Hornets; definitely have enough of those to take down the low priority targets.

Izuku's heart began to beat faster as the urge got stronger, to the point where it was barely manageable. He noticed his range expanding. He chuckled. All the better for gathering a larger swarm.

Suddenly, Izuku found Mei standing before him with an odd look on her face.

"Hey 'zuku you doing alright?" she asked.

Izuku tried to form a response.

"U-Uh, of course Mei! Why wouldn't I be?" Izuku rubbed one of his hands over his hair.

"You aren't forming any groups with anyone," Mei continued. It must have meant that the event preparation had already started. "Normally you would've thought up a plan by now and gotten a team together."

Oh I have a plan alright…

"Don't worry about me Mei," Izuku said, putting on a large smile. "I already have one all put together."

Mei tilted her head to the side and shrugged. "Well alright then. You better hurry up and get your team together or else you'll be stuck with people you might not like." She walked away.

It's a shame really. I did like her and the others, but Nezu had to ruin it.

Everyone was already in their teams, he was the odd one out. Midnight announced everyone had ten seconds to finalize their teams.

Now or never…

Midnight struck a pose as she counted down. "Five. Four. Three. Tw—"

Izuku didn't give her the chance to finish. Millions of bugs flooded the stadium, filling the lungs of high priority targets and stinging everyone else. Strangely enough, although Izuku hadn't planned on it, Mineta was the first to fall due to all the venom injected into him.

Endeavor tried to activate his quirk, but bugs found themselves in his lungs, causing him to fall to his knees. The same went for Bakugou who, despite his best efforts to charge at Izuku, stumbled to the ground, the explosions flaring in his hands dying out.

Midnight would've neutralized Izuku if it weren't for the fact that she was clutching at her throat, trying to cough up the bugs Izuku sent down her throat and nose.

All of the screams and chokes were unnerving, but also strangely relieving to Izuku. Present Mic's scream being a unique pleasure.

Mei ignoring the pain for the copious amount of bites rushed out at Izuku shaking him.

"Izuku you have to stop! Don't you want to become a hero!? Please stop Izuku!"

Mei was only met with a cold dead stare from Izuku as he increased the intensity from the attack for Mei.

She screamed horribly as the bugs started to dig into her, causing her to collapse to the floor.

Izuku started to walk to the center of the field, looking all around at his handiwork. All of the major threats were already down. Now, it was a matter of time before his task was done.

Izuku closed his eyes and positioned his head towards the sky, taking in a deep breath of fresh air.

There. Nezu can't control me if everyone is dead. He can't hurt me, not anymore…

Izuku suddenly sensed a large number of heroes approaching the stadium. They were clearly trying to rescue as many people as possible. Some attempted to go after Izuku, but were only met with a slow, painful death as bugs descended upon them. Mountain Lady was one of these victims.

Her quirk hadn't been activated yet before the bugs had entered her orifices. As such, she reflexively activated her quirk in an attempt of rending the bugs harmless. Instead, something else happened.

The bugs inside grew alongside her. As is, they slowly ate their way out of Mountain Lady as she thrashed around the ground. 

Within moments, giant bugs had erupted out of her corpse and had begun attacking anyone who was nearby.

Izuku felt a bug crawling up to his finger. He lifted his hand up to find Rikai the Seventeenth.

"Don't worry," Izuku whispered to his friend. "We're safe now, Rikai. We're safe now…"

A/N: So yeah that was a bit more fucked up than I was anticipating… Kind of a grim introduction to who I am. *Clicks tongue* Oh well, at the very least you won't forget this for a looooong time. But don't you worry the fun is only just beginning :)

A/N: Heyo! It's me again! Now, I know what you're thinking, "Oh god this guy again. He's going to write another depressing story filled with horrible amounts of murder." Well, you'd be wrong! I personally think that this story has some nice character growth. And besides, not every one of my stories is going to be dark, right… Right? Anyways let's just jump right into this little diddy I call "The Morning of Gold."

Mineta sat upon the edge of UA's roof, taking in the sunset and contemplating his life. He felt awful, to say the least, upon discovering something about himself. Eventually he stood up, his fists clenched tight. He stared out at the horizon with newfound determination.

"I finally figured it out!" claimed to himself.

"This whole time I've been a horny little monster! I've been treating women with no respect at all! I've been treating them like they're just objects to fulfill my desires! Maybe…! Maybe, if I treated them better before, they could've been my friends. Well guess what?!? No more! From now on, I treat every woman better!"

A golden man seemingly popped into existence a couple of feet in front of Mineta. Mineta jumped at the sudden appearance of the levitating man, who was merely floating in place in the air.

"Wh— Who are you?" Mineta asked.

The man suddenly lifted up his arm, lifting a finger and pointing it straight at Mineta. 

"Uh…" Mineta shuffled in place. "Yeah? What about me?"

A golden beam of light erupted out from the man's hand. Every single cell and molecule that made Mineta Mineta simply ceased to exist.

The man flew off.

Izuku was doing some of his catchup homework that came as a result of his punishments when his phone began to ring, signalling an incoming text. He looked over to see what it said. 

[Major scale villain attack. Need heroes with or without a provisional licence URGENTLY]

Izuku did not waste any time. He rushed to get his costume on, the backpack Mei oh so happily provided him, and all the useful bugs he could carry.

This is bad! What could it be?!?! The League of Villains launching another Nomu attack?! Or maybe All For One broke out of prison?! Could both scenarios be happening all at once?!?!

Izuku sensed with his bugs that all of his classmates were gearing up as well. Iida held a serious, grim face. Bakugou, in contrast, had a wicked smile on his face.

Todoroki was unsurprisingly calm, and everyone else was visibly nervous. Although Mineta was missing… strange. If anything he'd probably be bawling his eyes out right now. Oh well.

Izuku was the first one out of his room. Everyone soon followed after, heading straight for the site of the current villain attack.

The class arrived at the scene. It was obvious how bad the situation was from the get go. Buildings had collapsed or were completely gone, massive craters littered the landscape, and a number of bodies had littered the floor. 

Most of the class was in shock. Some of them threw up just at the sight of it, others had zero color on their face.

Yaoyorozu was the first one to speak up.

"Come on everyone! N—no time to dawdle, the pros are counting on our support..."

"Yeah, but just look at all of this! Does anyone even stand a chance against this guy!? I say we bail," Kaminari rebuked.

Kirishima shot a glare at Kaminari.

"How can you say that man!? We're supposed to be heroes. Fearless in the eyes of death, and helpers no matter what!" Kirishima shouted. 

Kaminari just simply looked at the ground defeated. The class began to move together towards the battleground.

The class finally arrived at the designated meeting place. The address provided earlier had brought something up from his mind, but it wasn't until now that he recognised the significance of it. They were at the headquarters of the Eight Precepts of Death — not that everybody in the class knew that. He decided to keep quiet for now. As is, everything was quite calm at teh moment.

"Did the heroes win?" Izuku wondered out loud.

A sudden shifting of rock caught his attention. "Midoriya!"

The whisper had originated from All Might, who had appeared behind a pile of rubble.

Izuku smiled in relief. "All Might!"

All Might motioned the class over. They approached, only to have found All Might to have disappeared down a winding staircase that had been previously hidden by the rubble.

The class headed down. There were others inside:Nighteye, Aizawa, Overhaul, and Lemillion, and many others.

Izuku was happy to see All Might alive and well despite the situation.

"All Might, how is the new arm working for you?" Izuku asked.

"It's working just fine Midoriya, but if anything I could really use a snack!"

Izuku, after hearing this, lifted All Might's robot arm and pressed a button which dispensed nuts into the palm of his hand. All Might looked at the nuts and then back to Izuku with confusion. Izuku pursed his lips and raised his hands up.

"Look, I wasn't the one who put that in there!" Izuku stated.

"Right… Well thank you no less!" All Might bellowed as he consumed the nuts.

Tsu walked up towards All Might.

"All Might may I ask you why are we working with a drug lord who uses his daughter for his own evil purposes?" Tsu asked bluntly.

"Ah yes... About that." All Might said. "Most of the heroes that showed up here are dead. So we made a temporary truce with the villains just for the sake of having numbers to fight against this threat."

"So the fight is still going on?" Izuku interjected, ignoring the class' general shock and confusion to working with a villain they've never heard of.

All Might nodded.

"What is the villain doing right now?" Izuku asked curiously.

"Come and see for yourself," All Might replied gesturing towards a slit in the wall.

Izuku walked over and saw that the villain was simply on a stool knitting what looked like a nice scarf while drinking tea. It would've looked more innocent if it weren't for the fact he was covered in blood.

"Why aren't we doing anything?" Izuku wondered.

Aizawa looked at him with a glare. "We don't want to piss him off. What we have is breathing room, but not very much by the looks of it. Right now we need to plan and recove— Wait, where's Bakugou?"

Everyone peered outside and saw that Bakugou was charging at the villain at full speed, raising a hand up about to unleash a barrage of explosions upon the villain.

"DIE YOU BASTARD!" Bakugou roared.

The villain simply pointed a finger at Bakugou and killed him in an instant. The students in the room were shocked. As for the pros, they had already seen enough death today to desensitize them for a lifetime. The only other person that didn't give a reaction was Izuku.

He was a dick anyways.

The villain immediately went back to knitting, as if nothing had even happened.

"Right. So anyways, nothing has worked. Everything we've hit him with either has no effect on him or is something he heals from immediately. As for right now, Nighteye will attempt to use his Foresight on the villain to see if there is anything we can do." Eraserhead continued.

"But doesn't he have to touch the golden man for his quirk to work?" Izuku asked.

"We don't have many other options…"

Nighteye walked out of the bunker. He took a deep breath and slowly walked over to the golden man. Surprisingly, the threat didn't react. In fact, the golden man merely looked annoyed, though he did let Nighteye touch him and look into his eyes.

Nighteye stumbled backwards and landed on his bottom.

"What did you see ,Sir?!" Lemillion yelled from cover.

"Oh it's nothing, I just forgot to go to the store today while the sale was going on," Nighteye said, dusting himself off. "On the other hand, that doesn't really matter now this guy's going to kill everyone on the planet, starting with us in the next thirty seconds."

"WHAT!?!?!" everyone shouted in unison.

"Yeah. So, if you need to say anything or have any final words, now would be a good time to say them."

The golden man stood up and began stretching. His tea and knitting supplies disappeared with a crack.

"There has to be something we can do!?" shouted Izuku.

Nighteye shook his head. "Unfortunately, Midoriya, this is beyond any of our control. Ten seconds left by the way."

Everyone in the bunker started panicking and lamenting about all the things they didn't get to do. As they were doing this the golden man finished stretching and pointed his palm towards the bunker. In all but a flash, everybody was dead. The golden man then continued on with his rampage. 

A/N: See! I told you it wasn't going to be that dark! I mean granted, everyone still died, but details, details. Once again, I would love to thank theantumbrae for giving me this chance to show myself! If you like my work and like to see more, you're in luck! I have a fanfic in the works right now that will (hopefully) release in the near future! Once again, I'm WordConductor! I look forward to seeing you guys soon. If you have any questions, go ahead and PM me on my profile. 


Well, it's me again. How'd you all like this? A bit too much? HA! … You might be right. Anyways, don't you all worry. The regular scheduled chapter for Sunday's still coming. And it'll be a real chapter this time, promise!

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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