49.44% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 1373: 38

บท 1373: 38

Gran Torino stared into All for One's sightless eyes before gritting his teeth. "Are you going to make me ask or what?" Gran Torino growled as All for One smiled.

"No need to be so impatient Torino. I just wanted to savor the moment is all. I've been down here for over a month with no company or anyone to converse with. Excuse me for wanting to make this last as long as possible. Plus you've asked a very intimate question I wouldn't want to say anything out of turn, but if you insist. The simple answer to why I took in Tomura is because he was the best possible way to hurt All Might. Your precious friend and All Might had a sickeningly sweet relationship, and I wanted to eviscerate her memory in All Might's eyes." All for One frowned at this showing genuine disgust and irritation.

"I hated All Might. Don't get me wrong I feel nothing but anger for all my brother's successors. Each one sears my mind with fury, but none do so as much as All Might. I hated him. I wanted nothing more than to cause him misery and pain before sending him to the afterlife." Gran Torino bit the inside of his cheek as he listened to All for One bad mouth Toshinori. Torino never showed it, but he looked at Toshi as the son he never had and even now felt the pain of his loss.

"You may think I corrupted Tomura or twisted him somehow, but that's not true. The boy was damaged long before I came along." All for One said. "Did you know that your precious friend abandoned her own child in pursuit of her hero career? That's ironic wouldn't you say. She did the most unheroic thing to stay a her-." Gran Torino slammed his fist on the glass in front of him.

"You shut your damn mouth! My friend was the most heroic woman ever. She didn't abandon her child she did the best thing she could for him and put him up for adoption. It hurt her to her soul to give up that child, but it was better she be hurt than to put that child in danger." Gran Torino remembered going over to her place finding his friend curled up in her bed crying her eyes out as she cuddled a small blue blanket. He spent hours just sitting there and stroking her silver hair trying his best to be there for her.

"And yet he grew to hate her, and not just her all heroes. He then vented that anger and hatred on his son. Her child was the villain that none of you heroes sees or care about. The man was vicious and it drove Tomura to kill not just him, but his entire family. His mother, his sister, his grandparents and even his father he killed them all." Gran Torino's eyes widened at this he felt the breath escape him at All for One's words. He wanted to refuse the villain. Call him a liar, but All for One wasn't like that. He had nothing to gain by lying. All Might was dead and All for One was captured.

All for One continued on drinking in Gran Torino's silence and despair. "He spent who knows how long on the street being passed by and ignored by all you heroes. Anyone could have stopped and helped, but they didn't. Do you want to know why? Because everyone expects heroes to do everything. Why do good yourself when there's a hero to do that. Tomura is a product of the world's apathy that is reinforced by you heroes. To answer your question Torino my plan was complete when I killed All Might. Everything that happens from here on out is Tomura's doing." All for One laughed as Gran Torino stared at him rage boiling in his stomach as tears spilled from his eyes.

"I can't wait to see what happens when Tomura meets Izuku. The heirs of light and dark, oh what a clash they'll make!" All for One shouted as a speaker came alive.

"Gran Torino your time is up please exit the room." Gran Torino stood up and turned his back on All for one.

"I can already tell you what will happen when those two meet All for One. Tomura will fall and be thrown in here with you for the rest of his days. It doesn't matter who Tomura is related to or the circumstances of his life. He's a villain period!" Shouted Gran Torino as he left to the sound of All for One's chuckle as the door slammed shut.

"How steadfast of you Gran Torino, but I wonder if young Midoriya will feel the same." All for One said as he leaned back in his chair.

Izuku sat in the booth of a diner as his eyes looked between the other two occupants. "What's wrong Izuku order whatever you like it's our treat." Said Pixiebob who sat next to him boxing him against the wall as Tiger sat across the table nodding his head.

"It's as Ryuko says Midoriya it's on us." Tiger was dressed in a long sleeve blue shirt and grey jeans with boots. Ryuko who sat mere millimeters away from him was dressed in a low cut tight amber sweater with black leggings and heels. If her outfit didn't kill him her proximity would.

"Gee thanks Tiger." Izuku said as Tiger shook his head.

"We're off duty just call me Yawara." Tiger said as their waitress approached.

"Same goes for me call me Ryuko." Pixiebob said before their waitress spoke.

"What can I get for you three?" She asked in a peppy voice that wouldn't be misplaced coming out of the mouth of a vibrant cartoon pony. Tiger ordered first having already settled on what he was getting.

"I'll have your Hamburg steak with roasted Brussel sprouts and sweet tea." The waitress expertly wrote down his order before looking at Ryuko.

"Chicken salad and pomegranate juice." Was her order leaving Izuku for last. When the waitress looked at the green haired boy her eyes widened with recognition.

"Oh my god you're Jforce!" She shouted, thankfully the restaurant wasn't busy or else they would have been swamped by fans. "I saw you on the TV when you rescued the people at that mall. You were so cool!" She shouted placing her hands on her knees and leaning forward allowing Izuku to get a nice look at her cleavage in her maid uniform. "Can I get your autograph?" She asked as Izuku blushed.

"U-u-umm I-I d-d-don't have a p-p-pen." He said stuttering before Ryuko stepped in.

"I'm sure he'd be thrilled to give you an autograph, after he's eaten." Ryuko said drawing her line in the sand with Izuku firmly behind it. Yawara shook his head but said nothing as the two women locked eyes.

"Oh of course pardon my manners ma'am." Izuku didn't know why, but the way the waitress said ma'am carried a hint of something more. Whatever it was Ryuko picked up on it and she was not happy, but before she could retaliate the waitress spoke to Izuku again.

"What will you be having?" She asked as Izuku not wanting to draw this out ordered the first thing that came to mind.

"Oyakodon and green tea." He said as the waitress nodded taking it down and sashaying away. Yawara chuckled.

"Well look at that, barely been in the business and already you're eclipsing us kid." He said as Ryuko looked after the waitress to make sure she was gone before turning back to Izuku.

"Well who could blame them? Izuku's been on a nonstop fame train." She said reaching up to ruffle his hair.

"To think not too long ago you were in our training camp." She said letting her hand slide from his head to his cheek lingering there for a moment before withdrawing. Yawara coughed.

"Speaking of training we recently heard you were released from Endeavor's apprenticeship." Ryuko jumped in this cutting off Tiger's words.

"And we wanted to know if you'd want to work with us. We could teach you the ropes of rescue operations seeing as that's our specialty." Ryuko said as Izuku thought about that. He did want to learn about rescue operations, but was mountain rescue too niched? He wondered. Ryuko was on pins and needles she really wanted Izuku to come work with them. I have no choice, time for the big guns. She said leaning closer to him to the point her breasts were pressing into his shoulder breaking any concentration Izuku had.

"We owe you a lot for what you did at the camp, and Kota really wants to see you. He won't stop talking about you, and believe it or not he's even working on his quirk. He wants to show off the next time he sees you." Ryuko whispered in his ear her breath puffing against his ear sending chills down his back right before a thud was heard at their table as their food was set down heavily.

"Here's your order." The waitress said with the thinnest smile Izuku had ever seen. Ryuko let go of Izuku allowing the boy to breathe. "Is there anything else I can get you?" The waitress asked the table, but her eyes were on Izuku.

"N-no thank-" Izuku was cut off as Pixiebob spoke.

"Actually I'd like this Lover's Parfait." Ryuko said as the waitress eyed the blonde before giving a smile and nod.

"Of course coming right up." She said leaving again as Yawara shook his head.

"Stop picking on the girl." He said as he cut into his steak as Ryuko shrugged.

"She started it. You heard her call me ma'am like I'm some old biddy." She hissed not unlike the cat she was named for. "So what do you say Izuku care to partner up with me I mean us?" Ryuko asked as Izuku swallowed. Now that he could think again he didn't see a problem with doing so.

"Yeah I think it's a good idea. If you don't mind could you guys pick me up tomorrow? I was planning on spending some time with my mom. I've been so busy working with Endeavor I haven't had much time to see her." Izuku said as Ryuko grew a cute smile as she toyed with his hair.

"Oh are you a mama's boy, that's so cute. We don't mind coming to get you tomorrow." She said looking as pleased as could be as the three began eating. Shortly after they finished their plates Ryuko's parfait was brought to her and sat between Tiger and Pixibob. The older male arched a brow before sliding it fully towards Pixiebob. The parfait was in tall thin glass flute. It was a swirl of vanilla and strawberry ice cream with deep red strawberry sauce on top. The rim of the flute had strawberry sections on it with a tall spire of whipped cream and a cherry on top with red and white heart sprinkles.

"I'm having no parts of that. That's too much sugar." The man said as Ryuko stuck her tongue out at him.

"It wasn't for you anyway." Ryuko said as she took a spoonful of the red and white monstrosity and placing the cherry on top of the spoonful.. "Here Izuku you can have my cherry now say ahhh." Izuku's face steamed with how red it was. First Jiro and now Pixiebob!? Why is this happening to me? He asked looking between the waitress who eyed the spoonful like it was the most disgusting thing she'd ever seen, Yawara who simply sighed, but offered no help, and finally Ryuko who had on a cute and innocent smile steadily edging the spoon towards him.

Izuku bit the bullet and opened his mouth as Ryuko pressed the spoon into his mouth and the cold sugary confection exploded across his tongue. "That's really good, but too sweet for me." He said excusing himself from having to try anymore. Ryuko frowned before shrugging and dipping the spoon into the confection and taking a bite herself. Their waitress blushed angrily at this before moving to go get their bill. Ryuko gave a cocky smirk as she went to work on the parfait. It was a mystery to Izuku how women could demolish sweets with such ease. He would probably have diabetes from the spoonful he ate.

To prevent any further embarrassment Izuku decided to ignore the fact that Ryuko and he had shared a secondhand kiss. "Well now that you're done harassing the help I suppose we should pay and give Midoriya a ride home." Tiger said fishing out his wallet as their waitress appeared with their bill. The trio of heroes got up and made their way to the exit before the owner of the establishment stopped them.

"Excuse me sirs and Madame if you don't mind would it be alright if we take a photo of young Jforce here? You see long ago the symbol of peace himself ate here. This was before his career took off. I missed out on the opportunity to take a photo with him. I refuse to make that mistake again." Izuku looked between Yawara and Ryuko who each gave a grin and nod.

"Um certainly sir." He said stepping forward as the owner produced a camera as Izuku felt someone grab his arm; the waitress from before.

"You don't mind right?" She asked pressing his arm between her breasts as Izuku swallowed shaking his head.

"N-not at all." He said as the owner raised the camera.

"three…two…one smile." Just as the owner said smile the waitress leaned forward placing a kiss on Izuku's cheek as the camera flashed capturing a shocked, but grinning Izuku. "Since I can't ask you to wait or come back when it's developed will you please sign this?" The owner asked handing Izuku a napkin which the young hero eagerly signed. "Thank you so much young sir I can't wait to see how far your career will go." The owner said waving as the trio left.

"I can't believe that little tramp. How dare she place her lips on you like that." Ryuko said as the three climbed into a car. "And you Izuku you can't just let girls do what they want to you. It gives the wrong impression and makes them think they can do anything! Girls are devious that way." Ryuko said as Yawara chuckled.

"It gets even worse when they get older." He said as he they drove into traffic heading towards Splinter's dojo.

Izuku got out of the car and turned to speak to Tiger and Pixiebob. "Thanks for the ride you two. I'll call you tomorrow when I'm ready." He said as Ryuko leaned forward.

"In order to call us you're going to need my I mean our number don't you think?" She said as Izuku blushed having forgotten he didn't know either of their numbers. "Go ahead Izuku ask me for my number." Pixiebob said as Izuku's face lit up like a stop light.

"Ok Ryuko c-ca-can I have your n-nu-num-number?" He squeaked as Pixiebob smiled taking a pen from the glovebox and scrawling it across Izuku's forearm in bright pink ink.

"Of course Izuku." She said before Yawara shook his head.

"Ok that's enough of that. See you tomorrow Izuku." Tiger said pulling away from the curb as Izuku walked towards the dojo and knocked before it opened to show Inko Midoriya who grabbed her son in a bone crushing hug.

"IZUKU!" She shouted as she squeezed him.

"Hey mom, I missed you." He said hugging her and patting her back as the two shuffled into the house to be greeted by the Hamato family.

"Well if isn't mean green." Mikey said waving from his seat at the table as his other brothers also greeted Izuku.

"Wow look at the bigshot coming to slum it with us normies." Raph said punching Izuku in his arm. "How you been little bro?" He asked as Donatello walked up to Izuku.

"So, how is your suit doing? I'm sure it can't compare to my craftsmanship, but I'd be willing to take a look at it just to confirm my suspicions of Melissa's work." Izuku sighed as he pulled out the case containing his Full Armor. Donnie liked to pretend he wasn't competitive like his brother's but when it came to machinery Donatello refused to be second best. At times like this it was best to just stay out of his way.

"Here you go Donnie, but I'm going to need it back tomorrow morning." Izuku said only for his forearm to be gripped by Kurai.

"Is this a phone number?" She asked looking at the bright pink handwriting. The room went silent as all eyes pinned to Izuku.

"I-I can explain." He said weakly.

Tomura stood in the abandoned office building that was serving as the League of Villains' headquarters having just explained what Overhaul wanted from them.

"I'll do it. No fucking way!" Shouted Twice as he clutched his chest. "I-I refuse to work for them Shigaraki. I brought them here and they killed Magne! What more do you want from me Tomura I'm only human!" Shouted Twice as Toga hopped down from her seat.

"I like it here Tomura. I can be the person I am here and am free to do as I please, so why should I go and work for that masked son of bitch?" Toga asked as Shigaraki took the hand from his face.

"You're going to do it for me, but also for the two of you. Twice you say you feel remorse for bringing Magne's killer here, then this is how you take responsibility. I trust the two of you to do what's best." Shigaraki said as he walked past them and pulled out a phone.

"Kurogiri how is it going?" Tomura asked as Kurogiri's voice rang out through the speaker.

"It's been slow, but I think I've found Dr. Ujiko." The mist villain said as Tomura smiled.

"Bring me to him." He said as a portal opened up through which Tomura walked and found himself in a lab. The place stank of antiseptic and death. He walked through the corridors until he found a short man working at a computer. "Hello doctor." Tomura spoke startling the man as he turned around with a gun pointed straight at Shigaraki.

"W-what are you doing here?!" He shouted as Tomura looked around the lab. Dr. Ujiko was a squat individual with a thick white mustache. He wore his doctor's coat green slack and a black shirt under his labcoat.

"So this is where you spend your time and make your monstrosities." Tomura said as Dr. Ujiko looked at him.

"Kurogiri brought you here didn't he?" Ujiko asked as Tomura ignored his question.

"I know you have it doctor." Shigaraki said placing a finger against the glass of one of the Nomu's tubes.

"What are you talking about?" Ujiko asked as Tomura placed another finger on the glass.

"You see I've had Kurogiri on a hunt for something precious. A unique item that I thought would be in police custody, but even after an entire month of searching the precincts there's not even a hint of it being in their possession. So I was thinking. If the police don't have it maybe one of our ilk does, but that couldn't be right. If a villain had it they'd either be trying to use it or sell it, so that leaves only one option; you." Shigaraki said placing two more fingers on the glass.

"So I ask you again doctor where is it?" Tomura demanded as Ujiko cocked his gun.

"Take your hand off the glass Tomura. That's months of research your about to destroy!" Ujiko growled and cocked his gun as Tomura smiled.

"You won't shoot. It's too likely that you'll miss and destroy something precious." He said placing his thumb on the glass and watching it crack and shatter depositing the unfinished Nomu on the ground. "Now where. Is. My. Master's. Arm!" He shouted punctuating each word with a step until he was standing over Dr. Ujiko.

Ujiko swallowed before putting his gun down. "So that's what you're after. You should have just said so, though I have no idea what you would want this for." Dr. Ujiko said hitting several keys on his computer as a hiss was heard and a small tube popped out of the ground near the computer console as All for One's severed arm sat suspended in a slightly glowing liquid. Shigaraki walked forward before kneeling as he placed his hand on the tube.

"Master. Dr. Ujiko I want you to give me this arm." Shigaraki said as Ujiko's eyes bucked.

"You can't be serious. You plan to try and use your master's power?" Ujiko asked as calculations and simulations ran through his head. It's possible I suppose I've done harder while making the Nomu, but giving Tomura All for One? I don't think that's a good idea. There was a splat and a thud. Ujiko looked to see that Tomura had used his quirk on himself to sever his own arm.

"I am serious, now do it Ujiko. Give me All for One so that I can destroy everything!" Dr. Ujiko looked at Tomura and swallowed as a large smile appeared on his face.

"Alright Tomura, but as you can expect this will take time, not only for the surgery, but to learn how to use the arm and your master's quirk, but I promise once I'm done. You will be more powerful than anyone." Shigaraki grinned as the memory of his master's defeat ran through his mind. He'd watched his master fight with all he had, but Izuku Midoriya was even more powerful. He needed to be stronger, stronger than anyone, and he would kill Izuku just like All for One had killed All Might. Shigaraki began to laugh loudly as that thought brought him endless amounts of joy.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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