45.87% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 1274: 35

บท 1274: 35

Interlude 3.y (New Wave)

Dean::[You have to see this. It's Amy.]

[Dean has shared a link with you!

Panacea rebranded, "root out the crimes" HUGE reveal at PRT

Literally all the rumors got it wrong guys our healer just ditched New

Wave and became a ****ing boss overnight, founds new team, roflstomps

Lung and Oni Lee like 'this is my true power scrubs' and says she's going

to ROOT out the crimes...

CLICK to view more.]

[wtf? Checking now]::

She followed the link Dean sent to a PHO thread with a video embed only posted minutes ago.

The face of her sister was the cover image, but she was in a costume Victoria had never seen before.

She quickly pressed the play button and watched. The video was short and only showed Amy giving her speech before grabbing Polychromic and flying off with Skitter.

When the video ended, Victoria sat there having forgotten all about her homework.





Dean::[At least we know where she is now, right?]

She scrolled through the rapidly collecting comments with an increasingly incredulous expression.

Topic: Panacea rebranded, "root out the crimes" HUGE reveal at PRT

In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay ►

FinalBossOwning (Original Poster) (Cape Groupie)

Posted On Apr 13th 2011:


(Showing page 1 of 7)

►EpicSamurai (Kyushu Survivor)

Replied On Apr 13th 2011:

Think OP is a little too excited. They never really showed the fight, what roflstomp? But they did win, so I can admit this new Panacea might be able to back up her words.

►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member) (Wiki Warrior)

Replied On Apr 13th 2011:

This is big. Really big. Just merged the Araliac wiki page with Panacea. A lot of things going to need editing. I'm actually looking forward to it.

►FinalBossOwning (Original Poster) (Cape Groupie)

Replied On Apr 13th 2011:

EpicSamurai what you smoking? doesn't matter if we didn't see the full fight. Facts are facts. Panacea dips - decides to fight for real - crushes the guys that fought entire Protectorate teams, the dragon that fought LEVIATHAN to a standstill - shows up again two days later looking like her hair wasn't even singed and we know she can't heal herself. Wat you call that if not roflstomping? she ddn't even have the new armor during that fight.

►EpicSamurai (Kyushu Survivor)

Replied On Apr 13th 2011:


Look, I get that she got some serious results, but it's not like it was all her, right? The other two capes in Crucible and the PRT were involved in those fights. If it was really a roflstomp, why not just show us the whole thing?


Replied On Apr 13th 2011:

The hell PRT didn't do jack! My friend's in the PRT and they told me the truth. They actually fought CRUCIBLE by accident!

►FinalBossOwning (Original Poster) (Cape Groupie)

Replied On Apr 13th 2011:

EpicSamurai stop spreading disinformation. The PRT wasn't involved, or they'd have put that in their press release. They just came for the arrest after CRUCIBLE did all the work. Also why would they show the full video? You think you're worthy of seeing Araliac's true power? u are literally nobody, like the rest of us scrubs all these boards. liek we're not even capes.


Replied On Apr 13th 2011:

OP Stick to posting videos, and skip the commentary please. You sound like an obsessed fanboi now.


Replied On Apr 13th 2011:

One word. BADASS!

3 3 3

►WonderLegionXX (Veteran Member)

Replied On Apr 13th 2011:

Hold on. Is she still going to heal people at the hospital? Or is that not a thing anymore?


Replied On Apr 13th 2011:

New Wave sucks. Why'd they hold her back? If she'd started fighting for real sooner, maybe the gangs wouldn't be so ****ing arrogant, maybe if she got Lung earlier my house would still be one piece. What has New Wave even done in the last few years? They've just been riding Panacea's rep for healing and sitting on their asses

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 5, 6, 7

She stood up and almost crushed her phone at the last comment. "Ames…! Why…?" She couldn't believe that her sister could betray them like that. Not only did she break off from her family and her team without saying a word, she went to the press and lied about what happened, making New Wave look terrible.

In Victoria's mind, it had always been Amy's own rule. Even if their parents thought she shouldn't use it for anything other than healing, she also agreed that it was for the best, didn't she?

The only explanation was that her sister had been Mastered. That was what they thought had happened, and what they reported to the PRT. But the hero team Amy joined didn't jibe with that picture.

CRUCIBLE. She had even cheered them on when she heard the news. It was the topic everyone was talking about at school all of today and yesterday.

She rushed down to the kitchen where her parents were making dinner.

"Mom! Dad! Look at this!"

She shoved the phone towards them and started playing the video of Amy's speech.

Carol stopped chopping the vegetables to see what had her daughter frantic. Mark came over from the table to stand beside her.

By the end of the video, Carol had a cold and hard look on her.

"I see. So that's where she went," she said. Then she returned to chopping vegetables. Each slash came down with unnatural force, digging into the chopping board.

Mark had a confused expression on him. "Isn't that the PRT HQ? Did they know about this?"

His question was unheeded as Victoria went slack-jawed at her mother's response.

"Mom! Is that all you have to say? We have to do something!"

The cleaver slammed down on the wood, shaking the counter.

"No. Amy made her choice. We will do nothing," said Carol.

"What? Mom! Amy was Mastered! You can't blame her for that! We have to save her!"

"Use your head, Victoria. Why hasn't the PRT informed us already, when Amy talked to the press right at the PRT building? This was clearly a sanctioned event and they didn't want us to interfere. They must have determined that Amy is not under any Master effect, and decided to let her do as she wants. Legally, there is nothing we can do at this point. We can get a court order as her guardians to take custody, but the police don't have jurisdiction to enforce. The PRT is not obligated to enforce any orders from civil courts on capes, and a criminal court would never accept the case without a PRT prosecutor," said Carol.

"That's bullshit! Dad, you agree with me right? We have to go save her!"

Mark was uncomfortable as Carol gave shot him a look. "Well, your mother is the legal expert…"

"This isn't about the legal issues! All I'm hearing are excuses! It'd like you don't even care! She's my sister! Your daughter!" Victoria floated into the air with a furious expression.

Carol crossed her arms. "She's not my daughter anymore. She never was. I knew this would happen someday. She knows who her real father is now, and it looks like she'll be following in his footsteps soon."

"Carol—" Mark was cut off as Victoria screamed in rage and flew off.

"Where do you think you're going, young lady! You're already in trouble with the PRT, if you do anything else…!" Carol shouted.

Carol and Mark rushed after her, only to catch her last words right before she shot out the door.

"I don't care what you say, she's my sister and I'm going to bring her back!"

Her parents could only watch helplessly as Victoria flew into the air. They were unable to fly and follow after her.

Carol cursed. "Piggot, you slimy bitch! It wasn't enough for you to take Victoria, you want to ruin New Wave's reputation too? Just what are you playing at?"

Then she took out her phone and quickly called her own sister.


As Victoria flew into the air, it wasn't long before she came to a stop far above the PRT building. There was no trace of CRUCIBLE or her sister anymore, and the crowd at the front had dispersed with only a few news trucks still left behind.

She looked all around and couldn't see where CRUCIBLE might have gone to. They had no public HQ, no known gathering points or even patrols yet.

Floating high above, she thought about going in to the PRT building to demand an explanation, but her mother's words stopped her. She was angry, but that didn't mean she couldn't hear her mother's logic. This was clearly a sanctioned event.

Could it be true that her sister wasn't Mastered? She had a hard time believing it. Wasn't it possible that the PRT had been tricked or Mastered instead? Still, if that were the case, going to the PRT would get her nowhere.

She called Dean.

"Vicky? I'm on duty right now, can't talk long."

"I need you to help me understand. What happened here? Did the PRT know about Amy being in CRUCIBLE this whole time? What were they doing here?"

"Here? Are you at PRT HQ?"

"Yes, overhead. Answer the question, Dean."

"We, as in the Wards, just found out. But the directors and others might have known before. CRUCIBLE came to register their hero team. Don't do anything rash, Vicky, as far as I could tell, she doesn't seem to be Mastered."

"You met her before she flew away? Why didn't you stop her?!"

"I—Vicky, I'm a Ward and they're heroes too. I can't just do that."

"Damn it! Damn it!" Vicky hung up.

Soon as she did so, she noticed her cousin Crystal out of costume flying towards her.

Without any idea where Amy had gone, she sulked and let Crystal reach her.

"Vicky, I heard about what happened. Mom and dad are going to PRT in private to ask for an explanation together with Carol and Mark. Let's go back, and see if we can get some answers," said Crystal.

Victoria kept silent with her fists clenched.

"Come on, Vicky. We're all just as upset as you are," Crystal said, wrapping an arm around Victoria's shoulder and pulling her along.

"Mom doesn't care. She said Amy isn't her daughter. Never was, either" said Vicky.

"She said that? Really?" Crystal looked shocked. "Well, I—I'm sure she didn't mean it. It must be the heat of the moment."

Crystal continued to drag Victoria with her, and Victoria didn't resist. The younger Dallon soon began to sniff and sob in her arms as they quietly flew back to the Pelham residence.


"You want to know why I let her go?" Piggot gave them a cold look.

"With all due respect, Director Piggot, we'd have appreciated at least being informed about the matter before you made a decision," said Sarah Pelham, official leader of New Wave.

"And I'd have appreciated being informed of all the facts before an investigation," said Piggot.

"I don't understand what you mean, Director," said Sarah with a confused expression.

Piggot glared at Victoria, who looked like she was barely restraining herself from attacking.

Then Piggot moved her glare to Carol and Mark. "How long have you been keeping Panacea under your control with Glory Girl's Master aura?"

The faces of every New Wave member morphed into shock.

"What the fuck? You think Iwas Mastering my own sister? Have you gone senile, Piggot? And it's a Shaker aura!" Victoria shouted.

Piggot closely observed the reactions of New Wave, while Armsmaster stood stoically without making a move. Piggot's face turned sour when she felt an unnatural fear as Glory Girl raised her voice. But she was expecting it, and shrugged it off with some effort. She'd been terrified senseless before, and this was nothing compared to the horror of Ellisburg.

"We only assigned you a Shaker rating to avoid the scary Master label for a public hero. We both know better than that. Poor Amelia Lavere must have hated the people who kidnapped her and broke the unwritten rules to send her father to the Birdcage. But her power was too good for PR and too useful, so you decided to have her Mastered into working for you, huh?"

"What are you going on about, Piggot? That is not what happened. I legally adopted Amy after arresting Marquis, and Victoria did nothing of the sort! Her aura isn't capable of doing anything like that!" Carol finally couldn't stand it and spoke up despite agreeing with her sister beforehand to let Sarah as the leader handle things.

Piggot glanced at Armsmaster, who gave a quiet signal at the back of his suit.

She then raised an eyebrow. "So you really don't know."

"Director Piggot, why are you making this accusation all of a sudden? Is that what Amy herself told you?" Sarah asked.

"Panacea never said so directly, but I have good reason to believe she's staying quiet to protect Glory Girl," said Piggot.

"And what evidence do you have?" Carol interjected again.

"We've analyzed the conversations I had with CRUCIBLE with Thinker power assistance," Piggot said. "From this we have determined that Panacea was indeed Mastered by someone, yet she left New Wave to join CRUCIBLE of her own free will. Since she is quite unwilling to return, and according to you people, she even fought you to escape, yet also does not want the PRT to go after whoever Mastered her. From there, it was simple to piece together the real story. Panacea escaped from a Master inside her own family. The only Master we have on record is Glory Girl, and our Thinkers confirmed that her aura has the potential to Master a victim with long-term exposure."

Victoria's face went white at the last sentence. "B-but, that's not possible! She built up an immunity to it!"

"You mean your aura brainwashed her into a willing victim, until she recently escaped with outside assistance," Piggot mercilessly drove her point home.

"No…no way…did I really…?" Victoria had a sudden flashback to the sheer terror on her sister's face at the end. Her sister was looking right at her then.

"She was afraid of me…" Victoria whispered in realization with a face of agony, and with that, she collapsed backwards, her aura completely disappearing from the room.

"Vicky!" Crystal caught her before she hit the ground.

Piggot heard and saw Victoria's reaction, and that was all she needed to confirm her hypothesis.

"You have no evidence for this! It's just theory and conjecture!" Carol said with anger. "My daughter is not a Master!"

"I think your daughter disagrees. And by your daughter I mean both of them," said Piggot, gesturing towards Glory Girl.

"She was afraid of me…she was afraid of me!" Victoria repeated herself, staring off into the memory only she could see.

"Hey, so long-term exposure? I don't think Amy was the only one who got long-term exposure here…" Eric Pelham, the younger brother of Crystal, said with unease.

"Eric!" Sarah shot him a scornful look.

Eric responded sheepishly. "Not blaming anyone, just pointing it out…I don't exactly feel Mastered."

"Director, I assure you we did not know about this before. Still, I think you should have consulted with us before deciding to help Amy talk to the press. This really hurt New Wave's reputation," said Sarah.

"I had nothing to do with that. CRUCIBLE just came here to register their team. The press came on their own initiative, or most likely it was CRUCIBLE themselves that arranged for it. We don't have control over what civilians do outside the PRT building, even if it's at the entrance."

"But if you'd told us sooner, maybe we could have talked to Amy first and sorted things out," said Sarah.

"I will admit we verified her identity before today, but I didn't have the whole story until a few hours ago. Frankly, I think I did you a favor by keeping it a secret. Imagine what would happen if Glory Girl came into contact with Araliac now without knowing what she did. Would you rather have the public find out the truth or see you fighting openly against CRUCIBLE?" Piggot said justifying her actions. She did not admit that her motive for keeping it a secret was to avoid Glory Girl thinking that Piggot was exchanging information for her Wards membership as Glory Girl originally demanded two days again. "But, this is all the more reason for Glory Girl to join the Wards. We need that aura under control."

In the end, New Wave went home in a somber mood. As a team, they decided to accept Piggot's offer to have Victoria join the Wards and avoid prosecution for her excessive force charges and to learn to control her aura.

Dean tried to call Victoria a few times in the evening, but Victoria locked herself in her room and refused to talk to anyone. She simply sat listlessly on her bed through the night until she fell asleep.


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