18.36% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 510: 19

บท 510: 19

Chapter 19 - The Visit.

Once both rulers left Arwintar, the capital of the Baharuth Empire, the difference in wealth was noticeable. While Jircniv's retinue comprised three sleipnir-drawn golden decorated carriages, with twenty horse riders as guards. Queen Draudillon had only one horse-drawn carriage and four horsemen as guards.

The eight-legged sleipnir was chosen not only to show the status and wealth of the empire but also because of their sturdiness and ability to not lose speed on roadless terrain. Jircniv didn't expect to find many roads in the new Empire of Nazarick.

Jircniv was riding in the central carriage with Baziwood and Fluder, lost in thought. It unnerved him how effectively he was cornered by the Lords of Ooal Gown. How did they find out about his plan so fast? Only his inner circle knew about the plan. Neither the Re-Estize Noble nor the worker teams knew about the true plan.

It left only two options: either someone had already turned traitor or Nazarick had spying abilities beyond his empire's ability to detect them. Both put him at a heavy disadvantage, something he was not used to anymore.

A brief talk with Draudillon also had left a foul taste in his mouth. First, her use of the child's appearance just plainly vexed him, and second, the conviction that Nazarick will help her no matter what bordered on religious fanaticism. Every sign was there. The mysterious lords already ensnared her.

Part of him already wanted to believe that he will deal with beings beyond his full understanding.

The travel towards the border of the Nazarick was very uneventful. His empire took good care of roads even between the cities and semi-regular military patrols all but eliminated a chance of bandit attack. If not for his constantly agitated mind, he would have truly enjoyed his first travel in years. At least he finally caught up on all the missing sleep.

Finally, they reached the border. When his carriage came to a halt, Jircniv looked out through the window. For a moment, he just stared in sheer disbelief. A stone road, wide enough for at least three carriages to drive side-by-side, stretched through the grassy plains.

A single undead monster on a skeletal horse awaited them and introduced himself as a guide. No one from his retinue had any idea what kind of undead it was, but they identified the skeletal horse as a soul eater, a legendary monster by itself.

To not scare the horses and sleipnir, their guide rode some distance ahead.

Answer how the road was constructed overnight was answered when a half-built stone watchtower came into view with hundreds of skeletons carrying stones towards the construction. What looked like an elder lich oversaw the construction.

"Fascinating! They are fully using undead as a workforce." Says Fluder with a wonder in his voice, to which Jircniv could only nod in silence.

For years, the Baharuth Empire was experimenting with using the undead to replace the eleven slave forces. Jircniv himself detested slavery as practice because of its unreliability, but until a suitable replacement was found, it had to stay as a norm for cheap labor.

When they reached the center of the Empire, Jircniv was disappointed. He had expected something much grander than the relatively simple stone building by the lake. Surprise replaced disappointment when two maids of simply unreal beauty awaited them at the entrance.

'Honeytraps already?' Jircniv muses as some guards stare at two beauties without a shame.

Both have a professional demeanor as they lead the guests inside. They stop by a dark, rippling void in the middle of the large room, motioning for guests to come with them and walk through it.

It finally clicked for Jircniv. The actual home was hidden and unreachable. They would just have to close the rift and make their home essentially unreachable. An empire that was impossible to conquer.

He steps through the void after Baziwood, ending up in the breathtaking hall. Even he had to look around in wonder as they approached a large door.

Once maids open the door, a throne room truly fit for gods is revealed. Jircniv walks beside Draudillon, both leading their people towards the five thrones. He knew that five lords were not human, still; he was unprepared for what he saw. In the central throne, the death itself sat. The dark flames burning in the eye sockets of the clean white skull were looking inside his very soul.

Besides the undead emperor's throne, a demoness stands. Even the two maids paled compared to her. A concubine, wife? He knew too little to assess her position fully, but she clearly was important. Above the central throne, two angels hover. One silver-haired radiated warmth and peace. Other one with metallic wings looked at the guests expressionless.

For a moment, Jircniv couldn't believe that such monsters had full control over angels. Then his sight fell to the rest of the thrones one by one. Each of them radiating an unrivaled power. On the left of the undead sat an elven woman. She looked at Jircniv with a mix of contempt and predatory gaze. He suppresses the desire to shudder. That was the look of a predator looking down at prey.

He could freely guess she, as an elf, most likely doesn't like how elves are treated in his empire.

Beside him, Draudillon let out an involuntary shudder, meeting the gaze of avian looking at her intently. She knew that look. Cerabrate looked at her the same way. After a brief silence, the dark-haired maid claps her hands and thrones appear behind Jircniv and Draudillon.

Jircniv sits down as both parties are introduced to each other. Gods, each lord was introduced as a god. Were they truly gods? Just a mere look at them gave the feeling that the statement was true. His instincts screamed to not anger them.

A short polite exchange later, he was following the dark-haired maid again. They had arrived at a late evening and were offered a proper rest before any kind of talks took place. The maid was assigned to him exclusively as a guide during his stay. The quarters he was given were more luxurious than his own palace. A row of maids awaited inside. All stunning beauties. But there was something sinister about them. The smiles they wore weren't ones of shy maidens but of experienced seductresses.

The head maid, who introduced herself as Yuri Alpha, showed him around and explained that the rest of the maids were left for his enjoyment. Once she left, Jircniv dismissed the rest of the maids using his tiredness as an excuse and laid down on the exquisite bed covered with the finest silk.

He guessed they were beings scholars called succubi. Their allure wasn't natural. He could barely think near them. Every part of his body screamed to give in.

'A test of my ability to resist temptation. This visit will be the hardest trial of my life, no doubt about it.'

Queen Draudillon was receiving similar treatment as an older butler was showing her around her quarters. She to could barely withstand the temptation of manservants left to take care of her. But she had come for a reason and the focus on that let her withstand the desire to be pleasured by one of the very good-looking servants.

'This will be harder than I imagined,' thinks Draudillon, while resting on her bed.


The news of the Ainz Ooal Gown members arriving in this world filed Rigrit with dread. She had no illusions that trapped in monstrous bodies, they will become monsters in no time.

She teleports back to her farm. The lich, left in charge, knew better than to bother her seeing her exhausted expression.

Rigrit orders one of her undead servants to make a cup of tea and sits down in a chair on her porch. Tea always helps her calm down. She wanted desperately to dismiss the dread she felt. Maybe she could communicate with them, guide them. Monsters or not, they were human not that long ago and Tsar mentioned they made rather secretive movements.

While she sat lost in thought, a man had entered her farm and approached her in a casual matter. People seldom visited her farm, but if this stranger went through the village first, he would know not to fear undead in her farm.

Once he got close, she had a good look at him. A thick sturdy clothes, worn leather boots, and a worn sun-bleached leather hat. Clearly, a man who travels a lot. Nothing rose suspicion, it was the opposite; the man had a strange familiarity about him. His unassuming features reminded her of someone he couldn't recall.

The man does a small bow and says in a pleasant voice,

"Greetings. I hope this weary traveler is not intruding too much."

"No, no, come, sit down, tell what's new in the world."

Man takes a seat on the chair next to Rigrit and speaks.

"Oh world, going crazy of late. The Slane Theocracy, not letting the simple folk in anymore. And the word is spreading around about a new monster kingdom."

Nothing of this was news to Rigrit anymore, so she listened absentmindedly. Then one of her undead servants brought the man cup of tea as well. She didn't order it and as far as she remembers; they had never done something like this on their own. Something was seriously off!

"Who are you really?" Rigrit asks the man.

"Just a traveler miss Rigrit."

"Does the traveler have a name?"

"Yes, you can call me Regoz."

"Let's drop the simple traveler carp. Who sent you here?"

Regoz's demeanor changes a bit, but he still talks in a relaxed voice.

"Observant as always. No one sent me here. I came on my own. And I am just a traveler. There is a thing or two I could reveal if you like."

His attitude vexes Rigrit. Over the years, her resistance to bullshit had gone down. He clearly wanted something from her.

"Just spill the beans. I'm too old for long and pointless talks."

"Change is coming to this world. And dragons, so-called protectors of the world, they hide things, even from their closest friends."

"Sure they do. Why should I care?"

"Mmm, to care or not is up to you. But you never wondered why your good friend Tsar never explained how wild magic works?"

'He knows Tsar? Who the hell is this man? Another dragon in disguise? No, they are not so subtle about things. One of Ainz Ooal Gown?'

"Your point? As far as I know, mortals can't wield wild magic."

"I just came with a warning to look from where the winds of change blow to not be swept away with them. And if you ever want to know the truth, in the southern desert, the forgotten city of Ur lies. Deep beneath the sands, the truth remains. A truth that dragons tried to hide from the world."

Rigrit wanted to retort, but with a blink of an eye, the traveler wasn't there anymore. The entire exchange was creepy. Like a phantom from legends, a man delivered a warning and then disappeared. Rigrit didn't sense any power from the man calling himself Regoz.

'Lost city of Ur. What I'm getting myself into. What secrets are you hiding from me, Tsar?'

Rigrit lets out a long, tired sigh and stands up. This sounded like a long journey. She needed to be properly prepared to explore a desert city somewhere deep in either snake or scorpion beastmen territories.


Fluder and Sophie both were following a maid to meet the God of Knowledge. Such an opportunity had put both in frenzied excitement. Fluder could keep his composure, but Sophie had dropped all pretense and was lightly shaking from excitement.

A beautiful demoness opened doors and let them in. She motions for both to sit down and says,

"Lord Tabula will join you soon, please wait for a moment."

Both master and student sit down on the exquisitely made coach and wait as the demoness disappears through the door and a few minutes later return with the one they recognize as the God of Knowledge.

Fluder gets up right away with a polite bow with Sophie repeating gesture moments later as Fluder speaks,

"O God of Knowledge, thank you for accepting our humble request for an audience."

"I have heard of you, Fluder Paradyne. I assume you have questions. Ask and I will try to provide the answers." Tabula responds with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"I have devoted my life to peer in the abyss of magic, but no matter where I look, I could not get past the tier six. Is it truly the limit for the mortals?"

Tabula is silent for a moment as he walks up to Sophie, looking at her one red eye. She returns his gaze, staring at his features with fascination.

"Each of us has the maximum potential. Yours is tier six. There is one way to get past it but it would come with a price."

"Anything I will give anything, o God of Knowledge."

"Only Emperor Ainz can change one's potential, but he does so only those who serve," Tabula says, and then addresses Sophie.

"Your eye, it has traits of a vampire, how interesting."

"Yes, I will serve. I will do anything it requires." Fluder pleads.

"I will inform emperor Ainz. Wait, a bit. You, girl, how did you gain just one eye of vampire traits without affecting the rest of your body?"

"I devised a ritual to infuse a monster's abilities within parts of a body, but I'm only tier three and had to perform ritual many times just to change one eye," Sophie says.

"A tier five spell would do it with a single cast, but why change just one eye?"

Sophie's eyes go wide for a moment, but then realization settles in. Of course, the God of Knowledge knows how to perform such a ritual he is just humoring her.

"I do not know of what kind of magic would be required to do full-body transformation, my lord."

"A tier nine spell does it perfectly."

"Tier nine!? But… but not even gods… you… you can cast tier nine?" Sophie stutters in shock. Fluder is sharing her shock. He was curious what was the actual power of gods as his talent of knowing the caster's tier showed nothing.

Tabula lets out a chuckle, saying,

"You think tier nine is the limit? There are tiers above that and I, with emperor Ainz, are researching true depths of magic."

At this moment, Ainz teleports in, spooking both guests. He turns his gaze upon them and says,

"Tabula informed me you wish to join us?"

Both Fluder and Sophie respond in unison without hesitation,


"Think carefully, there will be no way out of it once you agree to serve us!"

With both of them adamantly agreeing, Ainz increases their limits and says,

"Then you both answer to Lord Tabula from now on. Serve him well. I increased your limits so you will gain power more swiftly for a while."

Both drop to their knees, expressing gratitude as Ainz teleports away. Tabula then says,

"Fluder, I assume you haven't found a way to reverse or even stop your aging?"

"No, my lord, only slow it down."

"Then I shall do it for you this time. It would be a shame to lose you because of old age."

Tabula says and puts a hand on his head. Fluder lets out a scream of pain as his face loses wrinkles and part of his hair regains his original dark blonde color. Sophie watches in shock and amazement how in mere moments her former master turns from looking around eighty to reverting to a look of a forty-year-old man.

"You both are now in service of Nazarick, but emperor Jircniv must not know that. Keep it a secret for now!"

"Yes, Lord Tabula." Both say in unison.


Queen Draudillon was guided around by an elderly butler. She was keeping up her child appearance more out of habit than necessity as it was very clear to her the effect of her childish appearance was not beneficial, excluding the Lord Peros' gaze upon her when they were introduced.

She was still contemplating to use this advantage in case nothing else works. The mysterious being had promised that the Nazarick would help, but she was not sure that it wasn't some kind of trick from these dark gods.

They seemingly exceeded at manipulation. But she was desperate enough at this point to risk everything for a chance of saving her nation. The future was uncertain, but there was at least some hope. The wonders she had seen already in this place revealed the power of its leaders. Even the sparing matches between what they called a simple servant went beyond everything an adamantite ranked team could do.

The butler guiding her was some kind of dragonoid despite the fully human appearance. She had a vague sense of his power as something blocked the aura of most beings, preventing her from getting the general sense of how powerful everyone was. But the vague remnants still showed something powerful hidden underneath.

Draudillon finally approaches a meeting room where Emperor Ainz is waiting for her. The undead God terrified her, but there was no helping it. She puts on a pleasant smile and enters the room, greeting Ainz.

"Emperor Ainz, thank you for the opportunity. I hope our nations can reach a mutually beneficial agreement."

"Likewise, Queen Draudillon." Ainz responds in a deep, regal voice, motioning for her to sit down.

Draudillon elegantly sits on the couch opposite to him, still keeping her smile, desperately hiding the fear she feels.

"Emperor Ainz, I will get straight to the point. My nation is in a losing war with the beastmen and we need military aid. In return, I shall provide one of the most kept secrets. I will show what the wild magic is."

To emphasize her connection with dragon kind, she returns to her natural form. Her tiny frame grows taller and much more curvaceous. Her delicate human nails grow much thicker and longer. Two small horns sprout out of her forehead. Her smile reveals a row of sharp teeth as she waits for a response.

Ainz sits silently for a moment, making Draudillon almost lose her composure and then says,

"An interesting offer. We will help you reclaim the lost parts of your country, in exchange for this knowledge, but if you wish for our forces to guard your borders, just information will not be enough."

Draudillon's smile drops. She was hoping for a long-term solution, but the offer would give just a temporary solution. Emperor Ainz clearly knew what situation her nation was in and was clearly pushing on her desperation. But what to offer, a servitude? A marriage with one of the lords?

"Emperor Ainz, is there a way for my nation to have military protection until we can restore our own forces. We have fertile farmlands and untaped mines that are unused because of the war and loss of population."

"That can be arranged. If you will permit us to survey the mines for resources, we lack, I will give you enough of my undead to guard your borders after the initial liberation. You won't even have to send your own people into the mines."

A tight squeeze, but it would provide her nation a chance to restore and start growing again.

"I agree with these terms. Diplomats can work out the smaller details on how much of our recourses can be taken by your nation."

"Excellent. I will dispatch forces with your return home. And if I may say, your natural look is much more suited for a Queen."

A smile once again returns to Draudillon's face. A deal was made and for once she was complimented on her real looks. But then again, it made sense that she would be more accepted with her dragonic features in a nation filled with monsters.


Leinas Rockbruise, one of four imperial knights, tried her best to hide the disgust she felt for the monsters surrounding her. As one of emperor Jircniv's personal guards, she had to accompany him while he visits the monster empire of Nazarick. Once of such monsters cursed her with its dying breath when she protected her family lands in the past.

It cost her everything. Curse disfigured half of her face now hidden behind her blonde hair. With that, her fiance abandoned her and her family, the bastards disowned her. She eventually got her revenge on her family and former fiance once she started to serve the Bloody Emperor. But the curse remained.

No healer, no caster, no remedy, nothing worked. She wasted all her money trying to get the curse removed so she could get her face cured, but all she ever heard was that curse was impossible to remove.

What made her despise the Empire of Nazarick, even more, was how beautiful the women looked. It filled her with envy towards them.

The servant she was given tried to seduce her, and because of her loneliness, almost succeeded. But it too was some kind of monster despite his very attractive human appearance, so she rejected him and went out of the room she was given. Her emperor's quarters were guarded by Nimble and Nazami tonight so she had to distract her restless mind.

Leinas didn't fully understand how this place worked, but what they called the ninth floor of the Great tomb was the size of a small city. She had asked the servant for a place where she could train and was walking towards a dojo that was about a fifteen-minute walk away.

She did her best to not look at insectoid and undead guards scattered all around. The last thing she wanted was to provoke a conflict and get her home in trouble. Finally, she reaches her target only to find out that it was not empty.

A beautiful Elven woman was casually swinging a wooden broadsword in a practiced manner. Leinas instantly recognizes the figure, one of the Lords of this place, the so-called Goddess of War. Before Leinas can turn around and leave, Bukuma turns her attention on the newcomer and says,

"Also here for an evening practice?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude," Leinas says with a bow.

"Nonsense, you are not intruding. Come, I could use a sparring partner."

Although Leinas didn't want to be anywhere near the Elven woman whose unnatural beauty vexes her, but she was superior, and turning down an invitation would be considered a rude gesture. Leinas picks up a wooden sword on joins Bukuma.

"Strike me with all you got. I want to see what the imperial knight can do!" Bukuma says while taking a defensive stance.

"My Lady?"

"Don't worry, I'm more sturdy than I look. I doubt you will do damage to me with a wooden sword."

Leinas charges, making a precise jab with a sword, but it is easily blocked. Bukuma answers with a counter swing, making Leinas parry. She didn't expect the force that her opponent uses and almost loses her sword. Even the strongest among the four imperial knights, Baziwood, could not exert such force.

Leinas goes for defensive, making almost desperate parties, and blocks of her opponent's attacks that are done with seemingly casual ease.

"Not bad. I see why the young emperor trusts you with his safety," Bukuma says with a smile while doing another strike.

Leinas jumps back to get a bit of a room and responds,

"Thank you, Lady Bukuma, but I can see I am no match for you."

"Come, be bolder, I have a few healing potions on me just in case."

Leinas responds to the invite with a series of rapid attacks. They are blocked with ease, but the smile on her opponent's face grows wider. Bukuma does a swing back, but this time it is a bit too strong and both wooden swords shatter on impact. Leinas hits the ground from the impact and groans.

Bukuma walks up to her, extending her hand to help her up. Leinas grabs it and, once standing again, realizes that the cursed part of her face is visible. She quickly covers it, but it is too late. Bukuma closes in and says,

"Why don't you get that part of you fixed?"

Leinas turns away in anger and shame, whispering,

"I am cursed, and no one can lift it."

"Maybe you haven't searched for cure hard enough. What I see is just a mid-tier curse."

Leinas grits her teeth. Was this some kind of setup? Did this woman really know how to cure her? Still, she was superior in terms of rank and it dictated for Leinas to remain calm and submissive to questioning.

"I have searched everywhere, lady Bukuma. No one has been able to lift it."

Suddenly a small glowing orb appears in Bukuma's hand as she says,

"This little thing easily removes mid-tier curses. Tell me, what are you willing to give for it?"

Leinas eyes go wide. Is this really the cure, just a hand's reach away from her? She knew what was asked. She would have to betray her home, her nation, her emperor. Then again, she never swore loyalty and openly admitted to emperor Jircniv should a better offer come her way she would resign. Leins drops on one knee in front of Bukuma and stays silent for a while.

"I never have sworn loyalty to anyone. But to be normal again is what I desire above anything else. I will offer my loyalty for a cure!"

Bukuma says,

"I will accept it but know this, if you ever betray me or Nazarick, the curse you bear now will seem like a blessing compared to what we can inflict upon you."

She then presses the glowing orb against Leina's forehead. Orb disappears inside her, making Leinas feel like it lifted something from her. Bukuma them motion for her to rise and gives her a red potion.

Leinas takes it and drinks without hesitation.

"Come, let's see the results shall we."

Bukuma says and hands her cloth and a small mirror. Leinas quickly presses cloth against her face, feeling the smooth skin under the pus she is wiping it off. With a trembling hand, she raises the mirror to see her restored face. For all these years, she hated to look in the mirror.

Now, with the cures lifted, she was beautiful again.

"For now, you will remain in the young emperor's service and pretend that nothing has changed until further notice."

"But emperor Jircniv will know something is off!"

"Yes, he will, but we take care of those in our servitude. I will pull you out if you are ever in danger. Go know and serve me faithfully."

"Yes, lady Bukuma."


The next morning came. Jircniv didn't have a good night's sleep. The bed was perfect, and no one bothered him. Lack of rest was because of anxiety he felt, experienced only once before. Same uncertainty and fear he had felt only when ascending throne ten years ago. To spend a night in the realm of dark gods was something no mortal could do with ease.

It took all his willpower to put on his mask of calm politeness. He leaves the bedroom and sees that his personal butler and the maid named Yuri were already ordering the rest of the maids around preparing everything for his morning routine.

He could at least appreciate breakfast, which was beyond excellent. A moment of peace and enjoyment before he will have to negotiate with the God of Life and Death. Ultimately, it made little difference. Jircniv knew he will be at a disadvantage before even entering the Empire of Nazarick.

Jircniv could keep his composure during the meeting with Emperor Ainz only because of enchanted items that increased resistance to fear and other mental effects. Sitting alone with the God of Life and Death was a terrifying experience by itself, but on top of that, he also had to negotiate a mutually beneficial deal.

Once the meeting ended, he left it in a lifted mood. He was more than happy with the result. A free exchange of goods between two nations and his empire would benefit from selling the impressive alchemical concoctions to other nations inaccessible to Nazarick directly.

His elevated mood didn't last long, however. To see Fluder look much younger was a shock he was unprepared for. Now with partly dark blonde hair and beard cut much shorter, he in some sense looked like he could be Jircniv's father, not great grandfather as before.

In a shock, he could keep a polite smile and nod, as Fluder and his apprentice put him through the word salad trying to explain what they had experienced. There was just one thought in his mind.

'They got Fluder!' They took away my prime weapon!'

Seeing how the dark gods reversed the age of Fluder, he looked at each of his retinue members with rapidly increasing paranoia. Only then he noticed some of them trying to hide dreamy smiles. Particularly his two current guards, Nimble and Nazami. Their gazes were still sharp, but a strange glimmer in their eyes made it obvious that they clearly fell for honey traps prepared for every single visitor.

Part of him was astonished by the brutal efficiency his closest people were getting ensnared. He would do the same with someone he would want to get under him or replace.

'Can they just replace me? Is there some hidden shape-shifting monster that could take my place?'

A perfect plan for how to take over the country from inside. All they had to do was to replace him and ensnare everyone who could find out the truth.

He had to come up with a solution fast. Execute everyone he suspects? But that would leave him vulnerable and nobles could wrestle power away from him. What if Nazarick had already infiltrated imperial legions? Few traitors among leaders of the army would be enough to paralyze the army for a short while.

With all the stress, the stomach ache set in, so Jircniv returns to his quarters and dismisses everyone to rest. The situation was catastrophic, to say the least. Who could he still trust? Loune and spymaster were not with him, so most likely not in clutches of Nazarick. But then again, Nazarick knew about his involvement with worker teams. Could it be that spymaster had already betrayed him?

The man was a survivalist by the nature and seeing the overwhelming power of the Nazarick could switch sides.

Slowly, hours ticked by with Jircniv tossing in bed, engulfed by his own paranoia. Finally, he had enough and decided to go for a walk, maybe have a talk with a local or two to get a general idea of what was going on.

Baziwood and Leinas replaced Nimble and Nazami. Baziwood had an expression of unease on him. And Leinas had a small, confident smile. Half of her face was still behind her blonde hair, but for the smallest of moments, Jircniv saw a smooth skin peeking through. They cured her. The curse no one in his empire could lift was gone.

Seeing another of his people converted, Jircniv could only think of one way to solve the situation. He asked the main Yuri to organize another talk with Emperor Ainz and waited.

The wait wasn't a long one as he was in front of emperor Ainz's office soon enough. Jircniv lets out a long sigh and goes inside. The same dark flames stare at him again. Without hesitation, he kneels and says in a strained voice,

"Emperor Ainz, please let me serve. I can be of use."

To say that Jircniv's action was a surprise would be an understatement. Ainz just stares at him, confused about how to even react. There was a plan devised to replace or ensnare his inner circle to get him more agreeable to Nazarick's plans. Ainz gathers himself from the surprise and says, trying to not sound shocked.

"You wish to serve us?" and meanwhile frantically messages Ulbert.

{ Jircniv just asked to let him serve us! He is kneeling in front of me. }

{ What! How did that happen, what did you do? }

"Yes, emperor Ainz. I see what is happening and ask no begging to have a place in your plans as well!" Jircniv says trying to not sound desperate.

{ I do not know Ulbert. This clearly is not a trick I think he will pee himself on my carpet if I stay silent for long. }

{ Then agree. We will figure this out afterward. }

"Then I will accept your servitude, Jircniv. For now rest, we will talk tomorrow on details." Ainz says trying to get the young man out of his office.

Jircniv stands up and says, almost tearing up.

"Thank you, your majesty I will not let you down." and leaves his office.

Bonus Story - Reunion.

Arche ran to the library absentmindedly. She was late, as usual. To get up both of her sisters in the morning and prepare them for a day was an achievement in itself. Both liked to sleep in, ignoring the rigorous Arche's schedule. She wants to turn in a book on third-tier spells and take one on fourth and fifth tier as she had broken into fourth-tier recently and it was time to learn some spells to reflect her increasing power.

As usual, Arche barely looks around as she runs but something catches her attention, a young woman with dark purple hair trying to write something in her notes while walking at a slow pace.


The woman looks up and looks around, confused, until her eyes settle on Arche.

"Arche? What are you doing here?"

"I live here now. You are part of emperor Jircniv's retinue?"

"Oh, master Fluder took me along as his star pupil."

"That's nice. It was good to see you, Sophie. Take care."

"Wait, I kinda lost my guide and Lord Tabula allowed me to explore a bit."

Arche looks at her suspiciously but remembers that Sophie is not the type to lie so easily.

"Sure you can come along but don't bother anyone, ok!"

To run into her friend and former rival after all these years was refreshing. Sophie was talking her ears off about her latest experiments and how she just got into service of Lord Tabula, who was interested in her research. Arche, mostly, just listens and answers a question or two. She was always the quiet and grounded one of the two.

Seeing the Ashurbanipal or the great library of Nazarick, Sophie almost fainted. The library of the Imperial Magic Academy in Arwintar was impressive, but seemed insignificant compared to the sheer size and glory of Nazarick's library. Arche had to physically drag Sophie out before Titus got annoyed with her antics.

Her next stop was a small training ground on the ninth floor since the main arena on the sixth floor was getting increasingly busy. Arche's team was probably already waiting for her.

As predicted, her friends were already there, together with the Swords of Darkness and Clementine. The bloodthirsty woman was acting as their trainer of late and the moment she sees Arche says loudly.,

"Took you long enough, we are already waiting for…"

A loud squeal interrupts Clementine,

"Are those real? How did you get them? Is hearing improved? How about increased spatial awareness by using sound?"

An unknown woman invades Clementine's personal space and starts touching her cat ears while shouting a string of questions. The obsessive woman creeps her out, so she tries to shove her off with some success.

"Who the hell are you! Get off me!"

"Are they sensitive? What happens if I touch them like this,"

Somehow the creepy woman gets back on her ears, touching them and hitting the right spot, making Clementine let out a mix between a purr and a moan involuntarily. She tries to push the woman off again while people around her are laughing at her misery.

Finally, a rescue in form of Arch comes as she drags Sophie off saying,

"Stop this, you are making her uncomfortable!"

With the strange woman out of the training area, Clementine lets out a sigh of relief, but then Peter adds some fuel to the fire by saying.

"Well, we know who to call now when you piss off us again."

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C510
ไม่สามารถโพสต์ได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง
  • คุณภาพงานเขียน
  • ความเสถียรของการอัปเดต
  • การดำเนินเรื่อง
  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • พื้นหลังโลก

คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



เข้า สู่ ระบบ