16.33% Empire Ascension: The Rise of the Fated One / Chapter 29: Double Trouble (R-18+)

บท 29: Double Trouble (R-18+)

As Aditya stepped into the dining hall, the sight that greeted him took him by surprise. Ramya sat at the table, her presence commanding yet inviting, surrounded by a tantalizing spread of dishes. Her smile, warm and genuine, beckoned him forward as she rose gracefully to greet him.

"Welcome, Your Highness," she began, her tone soft and inviting. "I was just waiting for you. If you could spare me a moment of your time."

Aditya nodded, intrigued by her unexpected approach. "Since I'm already here, what is it?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Ramya's smile widened as she expressed her sincere apologies for her past behavior. "I understand your wariness, Your Highness," she admitted, her voice filled with remorse. "But after today's sparring match, I realized that you are not the kind of person to act out of malice. You showed restraint and respect, even when you had the sufficient talent and strength. It was my mistake to be judgmental and not seek the truth from your perspective."

Aditya listened attentively, acknowledging her apology with a nod of understanding. "It's okay, Your Majesty," he reassured her. "I appreciate that you are willing to acknowledge your mistakes and make amends. You are a valuable asset to our empire, and I hold no ill will towards you."

Ramya's expression softened, admiration shining in her eyes as she continued to express her gratitude. "I heard about your support for the succession of inheritance for women in the last council," she confessed. "I can't thank you enough for your advocacy on behalf of women like myself. It makes me ashamed to realize that I have hurt someone who has shown me such kindness."

Her sincerity was evident as she offered to repay him with a gesture of goodwill. "While I know that I can never fully atone for my mistakes, I would like to offer you a small token of my appreciation," she said, gesturing towards the sumptuous feast before them.

"These are dishes that I have prepared myself, with pride and care. I can assure you that they are among the finest delicacies you will ever taste, and I hope they bring you some measure of enjoyment."

Aditya regarded her offer with a mixture of curiosity and caution, his instincts warning him to tread carefully. Despite his reservations, he couldn't deny the allure of the feast laid out before him, and he found himself unable to resist the temptation to indulge in Raamya's culinary creations.

As he took his seat beside her, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her gesture than met the eye, but for now, he chose to set aside his suspicions and enjoy the meal before him.

Raamya's apology resonated with genuine empathy, her eyes reflecting sincerity as she extended her gesture of reconciliation. Aditya, however, remained guarded, wary of any ulterior motives behind her seemingly earnest demeanour. Despite his doubts, he chose to play along, accepting her apology with a courteous nod.

"Very well, Your Majesty. Apology accepted," he replied, maintaining a diplomatic facade. "So, where shall I sit?"

A flicker of excitement lit up Raamya's eyes as she gestured for him to join her at the table. Aditya took his seat, his senses immediately overwhelmed by the tantalizing aroma wafting from the array of Bengali delicacies before him. Though internally delighted, he maintained his composure, feigning reluctance.

"It's quite an extravagant spread, Your Majesty," he remarked politely, his hunger already gnawing at him. "But surely I can't indulge in all of this alone."

Ramya's response was swift and gracious. "If you don't mind, Your Highness, when we're alone, you can call me Raamya. And yes, all of this is for you."

Aditya nodded appreciatively, internally relieved at the prospect of having the feast to himself. "Very well then, Raamya. But please, call me Aditya. I believe in equality, after all."

Raamya's cheeks flushed with a hint of embarrassment at her earlier formality. "Of course, Aditya. I knew you'd prefer that," she murmured softly.

With the formalities out of the way, Aditya turned his attention back to the feast, his curiosity piqued. "So, Raamya, if you wouldn't mind guiding me through these delicacies? I want to make sure I savour them in the proper order," he requested politely.

Raamya nodded eagerly, grateful for the opportunity to showcase her culinary expertise. "Of course, Aditya. The order of intake is crucial for fully enjoying these dishes. I apologize for overlooking such basic etiquette," she admitted with a sheepish smile.

Ramya began by presenting the dishes, "This one in the bowl is shukto, a mixed vegetable stew that can also include pieces of chicken for added protein. It's best to eat this first."

Aditya nodded and attempted to scoop some with a spoon, but Ramya chuckled and corrected him, "It's not for spoons. Here, take a little white rice, mix it in, and then eat it."

Aditya nodded again, mentally noting it as the early starter. However, as he tried to comply, the spoon slipped from his grasp. Ramya, noticing, gestured that she would retrieve it.

As she bent down, her ample breasts almost popped out from her blouse. Aditya couldn't help but stare at that with wide opened eyes, finding it impossible to tear his gaze away from those natural juicy melons. As Ramya got up, she caught him peeping but chose to ignore it, much to Aditya's embarrassment. Silently, he completed the shukto mixed rice, feeling like a busted culprit.

Just as he was about to stand for hasty exit, Ramya asked, "Was it to your liking, Aditya?"

At those words, Aditya froze, unsure how to reply. Sweat began to pour from his forehead, his discomfort palpable.

Ramya leaned towards him, using a nearby scarf to wipe his sweat, her shiny breasts once again partially on display going up and down with her usual breath. Aditya resisted the urge to look down, instead focusing on her captivating black eyes adorned with kajal. He noticed Ramya's smile, her red lips spreading wide as she spoke. "Don't you like the shukto?" she asked, her tone gentle yet teasing.

Aditya, still flustered, managed to continue but stammered, "Sh-shukto... yes, shukto is good. Very good." 

Ramya smiled proudly, warning him not to attempt an escape, lest she become angry.

Aditya gulped nervously, feeling a sense of hidden pressure. Ramya then continued, serving yellow rice onto Aditya's plate, "This is called pulao, made with fragrant basmati rice cooked in a seasoned broth infused with aromatic spices and tender meat and vegetables. Pulao is a flavorful rice dish with a rich and enticing aroma.

As Raamya served one delectable dish after another onto Aditya's plate, she continued her introduction with enthusiasm. "This one is Macher Jhol," she began, describing the traditional Bengali fish curry made with rohu fish and cooked with a spicy gravy infused with mustard oil, onions, and a blend of aromatic spices. "And this," she pointed to the next dish, "is Shorshe Ilish: Hilsa fish cooked in a mustard sauce, a typical Bengali delicacy enjoyed during festive occasions." Moving on, she presented Chingri Macher Malai: Curry, prawns cooked in a rich coconut milk gravy, creating a creamy and aromatic dish.

"And finally," she gestured towards a platter of Banda Kopir Pakora, crispy fritters made with thinly shredded cabbage mixed with gram flour and aromatic spices. "You can mix any of these with pulao for a different taste, but I suggest trying them in the order I introduced them for the best experience."

Aditya's mouth watered at the sight of the array of dishes, but his attention was drawn to a familiar-looking sweet from his past life memories. "What is that big-looking sweet?" he inquired, reaching out to grab one, only to receive a gentle slap on the wrist from Raamya.

"This is rasgulla," she explained, describing the soft cottage cheese balls soaked in a luscious sugar syrup, known for their light and spongy texture. "It should be eaten last. And this one," she continued, pointing to another dish, "is Mishti Doi, sweetened yogurt traditionally set in earthen pots for a creamy texture."

Impressed by the variety and quality of the dishes, Aditya lowered his guard and expressed his admiration. "This must have taken a lot of time. How did you make it all?" he asked.

Raamya smiled proudly, revealing her passion for cooking. "I can do this all day," she replied. "In fact, cooking is my hobby. Now, don't delay any further. Enjoy it before it cools off."

Aditya wasted no time and began devouring each delicacy with enthusiasm, savouring every bite as he explored the rich flavours of each dish. With every mouthful, his expressions of awe and delight were unmistakable, confirming the unparalleled culinary mastery of Bengali cuisine.

As he sampled each side dish with the pulao, Aditya came to understand why Indian cuisine was so highly revered in Europe. It wasn't just about the taste; it was about the depth of flavour and the sheer indulgence of the senses. In that moment, he realized that the pursuit of taste was a priority above all else, even wealth.

Just as he reached for the fish curry, Aditya noticed Raamya gazing at him with a contented smile. Feeling a sudden sense of unease, he inadvertently swallowed a fish bone, causing him to cough violently.

Raamya's expression shifted from satisfaction to panic as she rushed to his side, patting his back and rubbing his head in a frantic effort to help him dislodge the bone.

With a relieved sigh, Aditya expelled the bone, grateful for Raamya's quick action and genuine concern. As he caught his breath, he couldn't help but be touched by her kindness.

Raamya, her eyes filled with care, spoke softly, "Rohu fish has many bones, Aditya. If you don't mind, should I help you feed?"

Despite the embarrassment of the situation, Aditya couldn't bring himself to refuse her offer, his heart melting at her melodious words.

Raamya adjusted her position to assist Aditya with his meal, inadvertently coming dangerously close to him. Aditya's internal monologue whispered as she leaned closer, 'Almost heaven, a little bit closer,' but he quickly suppressed his inappropriate thoughts, regaining his composure.

Next time Raamya helped him eat, Aditya couldn't help but feel her breasts brushing slightly against his arm, sending him short sparks of excitement to his body, which keep repeating as on random chances .

Aditya contemplated, 'Should I withdraw my hand? No, she might suspect something if I do it deliberately. It's best to remain still.'

Unaware of Aditya's internal pervy turmoil, Raamya continued to feed him, surpassing the agreed amount of fish curry and covering up almost every other item as well.

Lost in the beauty of the Bengali queen, Aditya didn't realize how much he had eaten, distracted by the occasional, opportunistic brushes of her soft cushions.

He asked Ramya to stop as he couldn't eat anymore, then opted for the full serving of misti doi or curd for digestion and requested to share the sweets. Raamya chuckled at the sight of his slightly bloated stomach and agreed, serving him the desserts. But fate had more surprises in store.

As Raamya indulged in the sweet, a drop of nectar spilled from her moist red lips, tracing a tantalizing path down her neck and into her cleavage. Quick to rectify the situation, she attempted to wipe it away with the same nearby scarf, unwittingly granting Aditya the opportunity to admire the squashy softness of her bosom as she dabbed them with the scarf , that were partially exposed due to her blouse's tight fit around her cleavage.

Thanking his lucky stars for the unexpected sight, Aditya coughed to hide his embarrassment and made a hasty exit to avoid being caught again. But Raamya had one final surprise for him, informing him that she would assist him with his morning training from now on during her limited stays. Gulping nervously, Aditya couldn't shake the feeling of impending sacrifice, knowing that he was merely a lamb, being fed for the upcoming slaughter.

As Aditya hurried out, he collided with Sayantika Sen, who was on her way to locate Ramya. With a brief exchange of greetings, she continued on her path, entering the dining room to find her daughter indulging in the remaining dishes. Observing quietly from the doorway, she noticed that there was only one plate in use, which her daughter is using and also there was an empty seat on disarray where Prince Aditya might have been seated moments ago. Opting not to interrupt her daughter's moment of enjoyment, especially as she was reliving in her newfound freedom under her true identity, Sayantika decided to withdraw with all knowing smile of a parent.

As Aditya was about to collapse onto his bed, he heard Amira's voice calling out, "Aditya!"

Startled, he turned to see Amira standing at his door in her nightdress, hands behind her back.

He inwardly cursed his forgetfulness as he was enjoying his moments with Raamya, 'I'm such a fool, how could I forget about Amira. Shit! Now I am confused, if it should be Amira or Raamya ?' But then he noticed something unusual, 'Wait a second, why is she here in her nightdress?'

"Aditya," Amira pouted as she barged into the room, "You didn't even invite me in, when I came to your room."

Aditya panicked, unsure how to respond. "It's not like that," he stammered, "but it's a bit inappropriate for a girl to enter a man's room at night."

Amira's fake anger softened as she revealed the real reason for her visit, "I made kheer for the first time and wanted you to taste it."

Aditya felt a pang of guilt as he realized he had no room left for water, let alone a bowl of kheer. "So sweet of you, why don't we try it tomorrow?" he suggested nervously.

This time, Amira's disappointment was palpable, "I made it for you to have before you sleep," she confessed, on the verge of tears.

Aditya, feeling terrible, relented, "Okay, let me try."

He found the kheer delicious and admitted as much, but Amira playfully accused him of lying. "If it's really good, why don't you finish it?" she teased.

Aditya, feeling uncomfortable with his overfull stomach, obliged, emptying the bowl in one gulp. "Happy, my princess?" he asked, trying to lighten the mood.

Blushing at the endearment 'my princess,' Amira murmured, "I'm very happy," before planting a quick peck on Aditya's cheek and darting out like a startled rabbit sneaking a carrot from another's garden.

As Amira left, Aditya sat in deep thought. Did he really like Amira? Was this the right thing to do? What if she saw him only as a friend? But then again, what kind of friend would give a peck on the cheek? Or was it just a playful prank? Marriage was common at their age, but was she truly mature enough to understand these emotions?

He cursed his heart for complicating things. In his past life, he had always maintained control, but this young body had a mind of its own, a heart that didn't comply. He couldn't ignore the fact anymore: he had fallen for a girl, yet he was unsure if she felt the same, or how valid these feelings even were.

Not getting any answer soon he made a firm decision on pressing matters. He need to keep distance with Amira, as her love is evident but hard to discern from pranks and be cautious with Raamya until he confirms.

Letting out a loud burp, he finalised his decision. Only time would tell how far he would manage to keep himself away and how far his young body will allow him to control but for now there is another challenge: to sleep with a bloated stomach.

He lamented to the heavens about his double trouble, the same heavens he had just been thanking moments ago.




Jeet_1993 Jeet_1993

Sorry for delay in publish, took much time to research. If you think there is room for any improvement then feel free to comment and let me know how u like it? Votes are appreciated. :)

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