52.94% Formula 1: New Dynasty / Chapter 9: Sprint Race

บท 9: Sprint Race

After the race, the paddock was abuzz with excitement and celebration. Senna, fresh from his victory, finally had a moment to take it all in. As he made his way towards his trailer, he noticed a familiar figure approaching through the crowd. It was his grandfather, the legendary F1 champion Niki Lauda, walking towards him with a proud smile.

Niki Lauda, despite his years, exuded the same commanding presence that had once dominated the F1 circuits. His eyes, still sharp and discerning, conveyed warmth and pride as he neared his grandson.

"Senna, congratulations on your win today. That was an impressive performance," Niki said, his voice filled with genuine admiration.

Senna, still buzzing from the adrenaline of the race, felt a surge of emotion. "Thank you, Grandpa. It means a lot coming from you."

"I watched the race closely," Niki continued. "Your control and composure, especially under the safety car, were remarkable. How are you feeling after your first F2 victory?"

"Honestly, I'm still trying to process it," Senna admitted. "The race went better than I could have hoped for. The car felt great, and the team did an amazing job."

Niki nodded, clearly pleased. "I saw that. Your tyre management was particularly impressive. Running 29 laps on soft tyres in F2 is no small feat. How did you manage that?"

Senna smiled, a bit sheepish. "A combination of a good setup and a bit of luck, I suppose. The team worked hard on the tyre strategy, and it paid off. I just tried to stay as smooth as possible and avoid unnecessary wear."

"Well, it certainly worked," Niki said, his tone turning serious. "But remember, consistency is key. Winning one race is fantastic, but maintaining that level throughout the season is what makes a true champion."

"Absolutely," Senna agreed. "I know there's a lot of hard work ahead. Today was just one race, and I need to keep improving."

"That's the right attitude," Niki affirmed. "Always look for areas to improve, no matter how well you think you performed. And don't forget to enjoy these moments. They are the culmination of a lot of effort and dedication."

"I'll try to keep that in mind," Senna said thoughtfully. "It's easy to get caught up in the pressure and forget to enjoy the journey."

"Exactly," Niki said, placing a reassuring hand on Senna's shoulder. "You have a bright future ahead of you, Senna. Keep your focus, stay humble, and always be willing to learn. If you ever need advice or just want to talk, feel free to reach out."

"Thank you, Grandpa," Senna said, feeling a deep sense of gratitude. "That means a lot. I'll definitely take you up on that offer."

"Good," Niki said with a smile. "Now, go celebrate with your team. They worked just as hard as you did. Congratulations again, Senna. I look forward to seeing more great performances from you."

As Niki walked away, Senna felt a renewed sense of determination. His grandfather's words resonated deeply, reinforcing his commitment to excellence. He knew that this victory was just the beginning.

After the exhilarating race and the celebrations that followed, the Prema Racing team gathered in their temporary meeting room at the Red Bull Ring. The atmosphere was a mix of excitement and exhaustion, the high of victory still palpable among the team members. The meeting was called to debrief the race, discuss what went well, and identify areas for improvement.

The meeting room buzzed with subdued energy as team members trickled in, still riding the high of Senna's impressive victory. The walls were adorned with posters of past victories, a reminder of the team's storied history. At the centre of the room, a large table was laden with laptops, race data printouts, and a few bottles of water.

Jason, the track engineer, stood at the head of the table. A seasoned engineer with a calm demeanour, his voice commanded attention, and the room quickly fell silent. "Alright everyone, let's get started," he began. "First off, congratulations to all of you. Today was a remarkable day for Prema Racing, and we should all be proud of what we achieved."

Rosin, the team principal, chimed in with his authoritative yet approachable tone. "Jason. Senna's performance was nothing short of spectacular. But let's dive into the details. We must understand what worked and what we can improve moving forward."

Seated next to Jason, Senna looked relaxed but attentive. He had a notebook open before him, ready to jot down key points. Despite his calm exterior, his eyes betrayed the thrill of his first F2 victory. "I have to say, the car felt great today. The balance was perfect, and the strategy we planned worked out exactly as we hoped," he remarked.

"Let's break it down then," Jason continued. "Starting with the tyre strategy. Senna, you managed to get 29 laps out of the soft tyres. How did they feel towards the end?"

"Surprisingly good," Senna replied. "The grip held up better than I expected. The setup helped manage the wear. I think the medium-high pressure tuning we discussed made a big difference."

Steve, the race engineer, nodded in agreement. "That's good to hear. The data supports that too. The degradation curve was much flatter than we anticipated. We must analyze this further to replicate it in future races."

"And what about the pit stop?" Rosin asked. "The timing was crucial, especially with the safety car. Jason, how did the pit crew perform?"

"They were spot on," Jason responded. "The tyre change was smooth, and we managed to keep Senna in P1 without any issues. Kudos to the pit crew for staying sharp."

Sui Wentao, the technical director, added, "I agree. But let's not get complacent. We need to maintain this level of performance consistently. The safety car gave us an unexpected advantage, but we need to be prepared for all scenarios."

Senna then raised a point about the steering setup. "I mentioned during the interview that it's still a bit heavy for me. Maybe we can tweak it to suit my driving style better."

"Noted," Jason said. "We'll work on fine-tuning the steering for the next race. Any other feedback on the car?"

"Overall, it was fantastic. Just the steering and maybe a bit more downforce in the high-speed corners," Senna replied.

Rosin looked around the room, making sure all voices were heard. "Good, let's make those adjustments. Now, regarding the race itself, Senna, your composure was impressive, especially during the restart after the safety car. How did you manage to stay so calm?"

Senna smiled slightly. "I just focused on my training and trusted the car and team. Plus, the support from the pit wall was invaluable."

"Excellent," Jason concluded. "Alright, any last points before we wrap up?"

Franky, the pit crew chief, spoke up. "Just a quick note. We should practice our pit stops more frequently. Even though today went well, there's always room for improvement."

Rosin nodded in agreement. "Consistency is key. Let's aim to refine our processes and maintain this momentum. Great job, everyone. Let's keep pushing forward."

It was noted in the meeting no one mentioned Mick's results, Renne just heard the problems faced and encouraged him to perform better in tomorrow's sprint race.

The meeting wrapped up with a sense of accomplishment and determination. The team knew that while today's victory was significant, the real challenge lay in maintaining and building on this success throughout the season. As they filed out of the room, the shared goal was clear: to keep Prema Racing at the forefront of F2 and to support Senna in his promising career.

The next day, Senna still went to the paddock as usual. Today was Sunday, the day of the main F1 Grand Prix.

It was also the day of the F2 sprint race.

Senna's routine today mirrored that of the main race the previous day.

Carrying his own equipment into the track, Senna found that his car's starting position was just at the exit, eliminating the need for any detours.

The FIA had set up an F2 sprint race with reverse starting rules primarily to counteract dominant drivers like Senna and to give other promising young drivers a chance to showcase their skills and build confidence on the track.

If each Grand Prix only featured one race following F1 competition rules, all the F2 drivers would be outclassed by Senna in the qualifying stage. During the race, Senna's taillights would gradually fade from view as he maintained his lead, even while conserving his tires.

This was the stark reality of a genius among ordinary drivers. Under such competition rules, Senna would easily monopolize all F2 race championships.

Thus, the sprint race with reverse starting was conceived.

Upon arriving at the track, Senna still had no chance to catch up with Rene.

At Sui Wentao's signal, Senna climbed into his car once again.

As the saying goes, the first time is unfamiliar, the second time is familiar. Senna, now in his car for the second time, was much less nervous than he had been the day before.

Once again, there were no spectators present today, only the team staff, FIA officials, and Matthew. All the fans were watching today's race through the TV broadcast.

As Senna prepared to climb into his car for the F2 sprint race, Rene, the team principal, approached him. Rene's presence always signalled a moment of importance, a chance for guidance and wisdom.

"Senna," Rene called out, his voice carrying a tone of both authority and encouragement. "I've been meaning to talk to you about your tyre management yesterday. It was remarkable how you made those soft tyres last as long as you did."

Senna smiled appreciatively, acknowledging the recognition of his skill. "Thank you, Rene. It was a bit of a gamble, but it paid off in the end."

Rene nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Indeed, it did. But today's race is different. With the reverse grid format, you'll be starting further back. Remember to stay patient and focused. Overtaking will be key."

Senna listened attentively, absorbing Rene's advice. "Understood, Rene. I'll keep that in mind. Any other tips?"

Rene paused for a moment, considering his words carefully. "Yes, just one more thing. Trust your instincts. You have a natural talent for reading the race and seizing opportunities. Don't hesitate to make bold moves when the time is right."

Senna nodded, a sense of determination flickering in his eyes. "Got it, Rene. I'll give it my all out there."

Rene smiled, a mixture of pride and confidence in his protege. "That's what I like to hear. Remember, the team is behind you every step of the way."

With a firm handshake, Senna exchanged a final word of gratitude before heading towards his car. With a nod from Sui Wentao, Senna settled into his car, ready for another intense race day.

Today, Senna opted to carry more fuel in the car to aid his overtaking efforts, but with a shorter race, his fuel load was reduced compared to yesterday, lasting only 32 laps and making the car at least 50 kilograms lighter.

The lighter car meant less tyre wear, and after careful calculations, the team set Senna's target for the day: finishing fourth. Despite his proficiency with soft tyres, Senna wasn't leading at the start, and any aggressive overtaking would accelerate tyre degradation.

Through simulations, the team determined that fourth place was the optimal outcome given Senna's strategy.

Senna wasn't entirely convinced, as his initial intention was to start from the back row and makeup ground before settling into a defensive stance. But as the five red lights above the starting grid extinguished one by one, signalling the start of the warm-up laps for the sprint race, the team withdrew from the track, leaving Senna to focus on the task at hand.

This is Senna's first experience in a sprint race, and starting amidst traffic presents a new challenge for him. While most drivers would feel a hint of nervousness in such a situation, Senna seems to possess a unique ability to switch off any negative emotions the moment he steps into the car.

Instead of nervousness, Senna feels an eagerness to tackle the challenges ahead. His demeanour is difficult to describe, but it's clear that he's ready to embrace whatever comes his way on the track.

As the warm-up lap concluded, Senna's mind gradually cleared of any distracting thoughts, and he expertly maneuvered his car into his designated starting grid position.

To his left, Ilott occupied the space ahead of Senna, with Armstrong just ahead of him. Meanwhile, Panasonic and Nice trailed behind him, but Senna didn't view them as significant competitors, expecting to leave them behind once the race commenced.

With a goal set to gain two positions at the start, Senna's focus heightened as the engines roared to life, each red light signaling the imminent start of the race.

As the lights extinguished, signaling the start, Senna demonstrated his exceptional starting prowess, catapulting forward with unmatched speed. The tire grinding during the warm-up lap ensured his soft tires were adequately heated, giving him superior grip compared to his competitors.

Executing a flawless start, Senna swiftly closed in on Ilott and Armstrong ahead of him. Approaching the uphill before T1, Senna made his move, overtaking both competitors with precision and grace.

His stellar start didn't go unnoticed by the commentators, with Alex Jacques and his colleagues marvelling at his impressive performance. They couldn't contain their excitement, acknowledging Senna's exceptional skill and prowess on the track.

Meanwhile, the competitors who fell victim to Senna's overtaking display showed no signs of resentment, acknowledging his exceptional talent and strategic brilliance.

As Senna navigated through T1, he found his path obstructed by Longgaard and Ticktum battling ahead. Unperturbed, Senna bided his time, knowing the race had only just begun. With strategic patience, he positioned himself for a faster exit, preparing to capitalize on the upcoming straight.

In addition, Senna strategically positioned himself to benefit from Longgaard's slipstream, providing an opportunity to accelerate on the straight before entering T3.

Exiting T1, Senna capitalized on his superior tyre grip and precise exit control to gain a relative speed advantage of nearly 10 kilometres per hour over Longgaard. However, his wider cornering approach allowed Longgaard to open up a slight gap of at least 0.3 seconds.

Nevertheless, Senna's soft tyres conferred a significant advantage in grip and acceleration, rapidly closing the gap between him and Longgaard. With the current pace, Senna could execute the overtake before T3. 

As they approached T2, Longgaard, aware of Senna's superior speed, opted for the outside defensive line, anticipating a late-braking manoeuvre from Senna. Despite this, he underestimated Senna's control and tyre grip.

Entering the corner one after the other, Senna, anticipating Longgaard's late braking, ceded the inside line, opting for a wider line to maintain momentum. With a half-car-length advantage in T2, Longgaard briefly surged ahead upon exit, but Senna swiftly regained the lead on the subsequent straight before T4.

Within just three corners, Senna had overtaken three cars, securing fifth position in the sprint race. The commentators at Sky Sports were left in awe of this astonishing display of skill and strategy.

If yesterday's race saw Senna's primary concern resting solely on Toto, who knew him inside out, then following Senna's commanding performance, both Ferrari's Binotto and Red Bull's Horner, leaders of two major teams, began to take a keen interest in this young man.

The on-track action was intense as Senna found himself engaged in a battle with Longgard, resulting in some loss of speed for him. As a consequence, the four cars ahead managed to pull away slightly, albeit not by a significant margin. Despite this, Senna remained unfazed, knowing well that his superior tire management skills would allow him to close the gap gradually.

As the race unfolded, it became evident that Drugovic and Dretraz, leading the pack, had built a considerable lead due to their avoidance of the skirmish. However, Senna remained undeterred, fully confident in his ability to overtake the cars ahead.

Approaching the end of the first lap, two drivers, Mazepin and Ales, were forced to pit due to damage sustained to their cars. Back on the track, Senna showcased his superior cornering skills, maneuvering better than Ticktum as they approached T10. Despite trailing Ticktum by 0.4 seconds after the turn, Senna's soft tires enabled him to gain ground rapidly along the starting straight.

Spectators and commentators alike were captivated by Senna's performance, especially noting his strategic use of soft tires, a rarity among the drivers on the track. With the spotlight on him, Senna was determined to make the most of the opportunity, eyeing an overtaking maneuver on Ticktum.

As the race progressed, Ticktum, aware of Senna's prowess, opted to defend his position fiercely. However, Senna remained resolute, refusing to yield. In a daring move, Ticktum attempted to change his defensive line, but Senna had already committed to overtaking on the inside.

Though momentarily forced onto the less favorable racing line, known as the "dirty side" of the track, Senna maintained his composure, skillfully navigating the challenging terrain. Despite the brief setback, Senna quickly regained his momentum, effortlessly overtaking Ticktum before entering T1.

The early stages of the race showcased Senna's unmatched determination and skill, as he swiftly climbed the ranks from eighth to fourth in just one lap. His seamless overtaking maneuvers left spectators in awe, drawing parallels to the dominance of a Mercedes-Benz on the track.

However, just as Senna began closing in on the cars ahead, the race took an unexpected turn. A pink Indian Force car ahead experienced engine trouble, emitting plumes of smoke and prompting the deployment of the safety car. Despite the setback, Senna remained poised and prepared to tackle whatever challenges lay ahead on the track.


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Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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