10.93% Tensura: The Epic Tale of Rimuru Tempest! / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: New Friend and A Name

บท 5: Chapter 5: New Friend and A Name

'From Previous Chapter'

After sensing them, I started to fly high in the air, and now I can see one dragon flying ahead with a panicked expression, and two dragons chasing him.

"Hey, do you know of a place where I can hide? Please, tell me. If you do, I'll do anything you ask," the dragon pleaded in a panicked voice.

'Argent POV:'

'Few Moments Earlier with Argent:'

<<Eh... What's this about? Why are there three dragons heading toward me? And they are strong too; I can feel their power. Each one of them has at least eight to ten times more magicules than me.>>

<<Raphael, do you know who they are? And why are they coming towards us?>>

<<Answer: It is likely that these are three True Dragons known as White Ice Empress Velzard, Scorch Empress Velgyrand, and Storm Dragon Veldora. As to why they are here, there is a possibility that the two elder sisters are trying to punish him.>>

<<Ok... So why are they coming towards me...>>


This dude came out of nowhere and asked me to hide him. The nerve of this guy to drag me into his family matters.

>>Well Raphael, any suggestions?<<

I asked her since I don't know what to do, and I don't want to get caught up in their family matters.

<<Master should help individual Veldora; it will be beneficial for us in the future.>>

She's saying that, but I have a feeling that she has some ulterior motives behind this.

<<It's just your imagination.>>

Now I am totally convinced that she has some ulterior motives. Well, all she does is for my sake, so I don't think it will be a problem, I guess.

"Okay, I will help you, but you have to hold your end," I said to him.

"Okay!" he said.

"Then don't resist." After getting a nod as confirmation, I activated my skill.

"Swallow it up [Beelzebub]!" Just as I activated my skill, in a matter of seconds, Veldora got absorbed and stored in my am[Stomach].

<<Notice: Individual Veldora has been stored inside [Stomach], starting analysis of True Dragon Factor of individual Veldora. Estimated time is 5 days.>>

I knew it!!! She has something in her mind. So she wanted to analyze Veldora. Well, I can't blame her because she is doing it for me.

<<Hehe (mission start analysis of a True Dragon Factor complete)>> these were Raphael's thoughts.

>>Raphael, did you just make a smug face?<<

<<Notice: it's just your imagination.>>

>>Yeah, yeah, whatever. Hey, but after analyzing, don't evolve me into a True Dragon, okay?<<


>>If I am going to evolve into a True Dragon, then I might as well become the strongest. If I analyze all of them, that would be good after all. It must be that different kinds of True Dragons have different kinds of True Dragon Factors. So, might as well try to analyze all of them, if the opportunity arises.<<


Oh... It seems they are here. And now they are transforming into humans. Is that even possible?

"Hey, you! Who are you?" The dragon asked, now transformed into a beautiful woman with snow-white hair and blue eyes. She must be the White Ice Empress Velzard.

"And did you see our little brother? His name is Veldora, and he is a Dragon," the second beautiful woman asked. She has azure blue hair tied in two buns with beautiful golden eyes, different from mine. Mine are golden with a thin black pupil like a ring in it, while she has golden dragonic eyes with a faint black pupil in it. She must be Scorch Empress Velgyrand.

"I am Primordial Silver, Argent. One of the eight primordial demons. As for your other question, I don't know where your brother is. Although, shortly before you arrived here, I saw a dragon flying in that direction," I told them about myself and fabricated a story about Veldora while pointing in a random direction.

"Fine, Argent, huh... I will remember you," said Velzard.

"Yeah, me too," Velgyrand added.

"That would be my pleasure," I told them with a mixture of sarcasm and disinterest. As I said that, they gave me a quick, sharp glare and left.

So, about Veldora,

>>Hey Raphael, is it possible for me to enter [Stomach] to meet Veldora?<<


>>Then let me go and meet Veldora.<<

As soon as I said that, a black portal opened like a black hole. Then, I entered [Stomach] via the portal. When I entered, I saw Veldora sitting there with a relieved expression.

"Allow me to formally introduce myself. It is I, the Storm Dragon Veldora, one of the four True Dragons in existence. Kukukukuku... kuhahahah.... Kuhahhahaha," he said.

What kind of introduction is this, and what kind of laugh is that? The three-stage laugh... is he some kind of final boss or something? Well, I guess I should introduce myself as well.

"And I am one of the Primordial Demons, Primordial Silver Argent. Will you tell me why your sisters were chasing you?" I introduced myself normally and asked him. After inquiring about this, he seemed rather nervous and scared. I guess he has PTSD about it.

"Well... you see about that..." Then he started to tell his story.

To sum it up, his sisters were trying to get him a unique skill, but for some reason, he can't obtain one. In frustration, he destroyed a village nearby. After that, his sisters got mad at him and were going to beat him to a pulp for doing that. So, in an attempt to save his life, he started to run in a random direction and just happened to stumble upon me. Since I am quite powerful myself, he asked me to help him.

"..... It's Argent, is it? Thank you for saving me. So, tell me, what do you want from me in return for this favor?" he asked me.

I don't want anything from him. I guess being his friend will be enough for now. I mean, having a friend other than a demon would be good.

"How about we become friends?" I asked him.

"Friends, you say? That would be acceptable, I guess," he said.

"We can talk later, but first, let's go outside," I said to him, and he started to move with his gigantic body.

Why didn't he turn into his human form anyway?

"Hey, can't you turn into a human form like your sisters?" I asked since having a smaller, human form is convenient.

"Well.... eto.... um... well, you see, I don't know how to do that," he said, somewhat embarrassed. I guess I should do something about this.

>>Hey Raphael, could you give instructions so I could teach Veldora how to transform into a human form?<<

<<Master, I think we should reveal myself to him. In that way, you could gain his complete trust as well as it won't be any problem to us.>>

>>Are you sure about this?<<


Okay, if you say so.

"Hey, Veldora, I guess before going outside, I can teach you how to transform into a human form," I said to him.

"Really? You will do this for me, and you can do this?" First, he seemed excited, but now he seems to not believe me.

"Well, yes, we are going to be friends, and friends help each other, right?" I said to him like it's the obvious thing.

Hey, jeez, don't give me those puppy eyes! If it's a girl, then it would be a different case.

Why did I feel like shivers were going down my spine?

<<It's just your imagination.>>

I am gonna just ignore that.

"Okay, Veldora, now I am going to show you someone that is important to me, and besides me, no one knows her existence. And now, I am going to show you my biggest secret. So, will you promise me that you will never tell anyone about it, even if it means you have to die?" I said in a very serious tone. After all, Raphael is my biggest secret, and now I am going to show him to her, so he needs to know how important it is.

"Fine, my friend, I will take this secret to my grave," Veldora also said in a serious tone, sensing Argent's seriousness in his voice.

"Okay, Raphael, you can come now." With that, we began to teach Veldora how to transform into human form.

'Third person POV:'

Right now, Veldora is seriously thinking about what he should give his friend as a gift.

Throughout his life, Veldora has only encountered and interacted with his sisters and his brother. His sisters always yell at him for his small mistakes, like destroying some villages (in Veldora's opinion, these things are small), and try to discipline him. Sometimes, they even killed him on few occasions, so when he reforms, his personality will change, and his brother will become nicer to him, but they don't spend much time together.

In his entire life, the first person to show any kindness to him is Argent. He is doing this because they became friends, and that just happened now. First, Argent saved him from his sisters. Then, when he told him about what he did and that his sisters were chasing him, he didn't scold him like others would; instead, he just let it go.

Now, his new and first friend is teaching him how to transform into a human form. He has tried it in the wrong way more than 100 times in 2 days, but not once has Argent gotten angry at him. He is patiently teaching him.

Seeing him do this just for him, Veldora made a vow: to never abandon his friend, no matter what situation arises.

After thinking for a while, he remembered something. "Argent said that he does not have a name, and Argent is only a title, so how about I name him? That would be good, and in return, he can also give me a name, like humans do. What do they call it...? Ah, a family name. In that way, we can be equals." Those were Veldora's thoughts.

'Argent POV:'

Man, that took longer than expected. It took nearly 5 days just to teach him how to transform into human form. It has been 5 days; does that mean Raphael has already finished analyzing his True Dragon Factor?

>>Hey Raphael, did you finish analyzing his True Dragon Factor?<<

<<It will take a few more hours to finish the analysis of individual Veldora's True Dragon Factor.>>

>>But we are going outside, so how will we analyze his core?<<

<<Answer: If Master can release Veldora's nucleic heart along with his spiritual body and leave his Dragon Factor and material body in [Stomach], then it will be possible to analyze the True Dragon Factor of individual Veldora even after we release him.>>


"Hey Veldora, it's a bit difficult for me to release you right away in your current state. So I will only release your nucleic heart along with your spiritual body and leave your True Dragon Factor and material body here. It's like leaving your main body here. And also because I want to analyze your True Dragon Factor," I told him, half-lie and half-truth.

"Fine, my friend. I am okay with it. You can do whatever you want with me," he said in a carefree tone. What an unreliable guy, but that's what makes him himself.

"All right then, let's get out of here," I said to him, just as I was released from [Stomach], and Raphael started to separate Veldora's spiritual body, leaving his True Dragon Factor behind.

As I exited my [Stomach], my body started to release draconic aura, and soon enough, Veldora was released from my body and took on a human form. After that, we entered the forest to chat for some time.

After a few hours of talking and relaxing, Veldora abruptly said something.

"Hey Argent, now that you are my friend, calling you without a name doesn't feel right. So how about this: I will name you, and in return, you will give me a name like a family name, which makes us equal and not Master and subordinates. What do you think about this?" He asked me with a smile.

A name, huh...

>>Hey Raphael, what do you think about this?<<

<<Master, the analysis of True Dragon Factor of individual Veldora is completed. And about the name, it will be the best course of action if Master just accepts this offer. If Master were to decline it, it is likely individual Veldora will throw a tantrum, and it will be difficult to control him in Master's current state.>>

Well, it's good that the analysis is complete. One down, three to go.

Okay, if you say it like that, then I will accept it.

>>If I am right, then after getting a name, I can evolve into a True Demon Lord, right?<<


Sweet. Then who knows what kind of new skills I will get.

"I am okay with it. But are you sure about this? Do you know the consequences of naming someone?" I asked him because I needed to know that he was completely serious about this and not doing it without understanding the consequences.

"I am completely aware of that. My brother told me that in equal naming, we can't lose as many magicules. Also, because we are naming each other as equals, instead of only my magicules giving to you, it will take magicules from both of us and mix us, thus making us equals," he said.

Wow, he knows a lot about this, and it seems that he is completely serious about it too. So, I don't have any problem with it.

"And also, because we are a higher race and strong too, we can recover used magicules in some time," he added, remembering this.

"Fine. I will choose a family name for us, and you will choose a name for me," I said to him.

"Okay," he said, giving me a thumbs up.

Then let's see, he is a Storm Dragon, right? Storm... storm... storm... Ha! I know! How about Tempest? It means raging and chaotic storm.

"Hey, how about Tempest? It means raging and chaotic storm."

"Kuhahhahaha, Tempest it is... Good, it's very good and befitting to me. So, from now on, my name will be Veldora Tempest, and you will be known as Rimuru, Rimuru Tempest. Veldora Tempest and Rimuru Tempest."

In that moment, some of my magicules left my body and entered Veldora, and some of his magicules entered my body and mixed with it.

After that, I could feel that this name was engraving on my very own soul like it was becoming one with me.

"Thanks for the name, Veldora," I said to him.

"Don't thank me, my friend. No, now we've become sworn friends," he declared loudly.

<<Notice: Soul corridor between individual Veldora and Master has been established. After analyzing remains of individual Veldora, Master has gained a new Ultimate Skill, also called [Storm King: Veldora].>>

Ha! I knew it! That she is going to do something like that again.

Well, now that I have a name, I can evolve into the True Demon Lord.

>>Hey, how much time will it take to complete my evolution?<<

<<Estimated time to complete evolution will be 4 days.>>

>>Wait, does that mean I will be unprotected for 4 days?<<

<<In the process of evolution, skills cannot be used. In other words, yes. Suggestion: ask individual Veldora to stay by Master's side during evolution.>>


"Hey, Veldora, now I am going to evolve into a True Demon Lord, and it will take a total of 4 days. So, during that time, could you stay with me?" I asked him.

"Hooo... so now you are gonna evolve. Then rest assured, Rimuru, I will make sure that nothing happens to you in these 4 days," he said to me, smiling reassuringly.

>>Okay then, Raphael, start my evolution, please.<<


I wonder what type of new skills I will get?


And the end.

So how was the chapter please tell me in the comments.

"Rimuru's stats after getting name and before his demon lord evolution:"

Name: Rimuru Tempest

Race: Primordial demon {Spiritual being.}(Demon peer)

Title(s): Primordial Silver, Progenitor of the Silver.

Nickname: Argent.

Existence Value: 5,408,000 (5.4 M)

(after getting named his existence value is increased.)

Intrinsic skills: Magic Resistance, Material Creation, Possession, Ultra-Speed Regeneration.

Ultimate Skill:

1. Wisdom King : Raphael


(1) Thought Acceleration.

(2) Analytical Appraisal.

(3) Parallel Operation.

(4) Chant Annulment.

(5) All of Creation.

(6) Synthesize/Separate.

(7) Alteration.

(8) Future Attack Prediction.

(9) Earth's Knowledge.

2. Gluttonous King : Beelzebub


(1) Predation.

(2) Stomach.

(3) Isolation.

(4) Mimicry.

(5) Corrosion.

(5) Soul Consumption.

(6) Food Chain.

3. Storm King : Veldora


(1) Storm Dragon Release: A variant of Parallel Existence that allows for Veldora, as well as his power, to exist simultaneously assimilated with Rimuru and active in the outside world. When activated, an "other body" of Veldora is created and all of Rimuru's energy that would have otherwise belonged to him is loaned back. It can be undone with Veldora's consent and after doing so all of his energy will return to Rimuru.

(2) Storm Dragon Summon: The ability to call forth Veldora in either his human or dragon form. Only one Storm Dragon Summon can exist at a time. If the Skill is used while a Storm Dragon Summon is already ongoing, the previous one will be unsummoned first.

(3) Storm Dragon Restoration: Stores the memories of Veldora in the user's soul and mind. As long as the user remains alive, Veldora Tempest is practically immortal and since his memories are safely stored, Veldora's death will no longer cause his personality to change.

(4) Storm Magic: The ability to fully utilize Storm Magic

Unique Skills:

1. Void:


(1)Chaos energy.

(2)Chaotic Eyes of Distruction.

(3) Spatial Domination.

2. Universal Barrier:


(1) Barrier Creation.

(2) Constant Barrier.

3. Traveler: User can travel anywhere he desire as long as have the desired locations information available.

4. Law Manipulator:


(1) Law Manipulate.

(2) Extra Affinity.

Extra skills: Hell Flames, Black Lighting, Thought Communication. etc.

Magic: Elemental Magic,

Nuclear Magic,

Poison Magic,

Death Magic,

Dark Magic,

Void Magic (Incomplete state but still usable).

Resistance & Nullifications: Stab Resistance,

Poison Resistance,

Spritual Attack Resistance,

Soul Attack Resistance,

Ultra-Speed Soul Regeneration,

Holy-Demonic Attack Resistance,

Pain Nullification,

Physical Attack Nullification,

Thermal Fluctuation Nullification.

Word Count: 3.1k

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