So hello, Slime here, first I want to apologize to anyone who has read some of my other works. I have problems committing to things and keeping up motivation so I apologize to those who looked forward to the development of my previous ideas. I'm sorry that I probably will never return to those works though I do hope you'll give me another chance. And to those of you who have never read my other stuff, don't bother, I've never even made it to 5 chapters. I have been trying to get better at sticking with an idea and fully devoping it so bear with me but don't get your hopes up too much. Anyway since my last idea I haven't stopped coming up with other ideas and writing their respective stories with my latest being the most I've written for a single story so I felt like sharing it. Anyway this thing here is just my way of apologizing for my inconsistency and explaining if this story suddenly stops getting uploads one day. So enjoy what you can. (And please leave suggestions for where you want the story to go as I could use them in some way or another in the future if I feel lost, my hope is it will help me to stay motivated longer. Also why won't it let me copy paste from Word!)