93.75% Fear, Hunger and Cosmic Horrors [Fear and Hunger Isekai OC SI] / Chapter 15: This is getting ridiculous!

บท 15: This is getting ridiculous!

I watched as Madeleine faced a simple reanimated skeleton before her, but I stayed close, ready to act if necessary. Iron Shakespeare kept the dark, damp tunnel lit with his flames, while Moonless lay there, watching the fight curiously.

Madeleine stood her ground, facing the skeleton with determination as she held her dagger with both hands.

The skeleton swung one of its bony hands towards its enemy, but the child stepped backward, staggering slightly, and dodged the blow. However, the skeleton did not finish its attack, striking another blow with its opposite arm.

Madeleine crouched slightly and ran to the left, ducking under the blow and slicing the skeleton's elbow, separating the worn bone from the rest of its body.

The severed limb fell to the ground with a thud, making the girl smile slightly, but that smile turned to surprise and fear when the skeleton turned its body and kicked Madeleine in the chest, making her scream in pain.

I inhaled air through my clenched teeth, wincing audibly at the display. I resisted the urge to get involved and help, remembering the earlier conversation with Nosramus, Madeleine needs to learn how to fight.

Knowing that Madeleine still wore her armor and helmet gave me a bit of relief, along with the fact that the blow had only been a kick, nothing that magic and potions would not heal.

Madeleine grunted as her back hit the wall of the tunnel, but she quickly refocused and analyzed her surroundings, seeing the skeleton's closed fist approaching.

She threw herself to the ground immediately afterward, dodging the punch that hit the wall with a thud, damaging the bones more than the solid rock, but the skeleton followed her with its remaining blows, stomping the ground in the hope of crushing her.

Madeleine quickly rolled across the floor of the tunnel, covering her clothes in dirt but evading the attacks, before clumsily getting up and striking the skeleton's right knee.

Aiming for the joints proved to be an effective strategy, as the bone gave way and came loose from the rest of the leg, forcing the skeleton to balance on its remaining leg.

Madeleine picked up a stone next to her and threw it with all her might, hitting the skeleton's forehead and knocking it to the ground.

She wasted no time in running towards the skeleton and plunging her dagger into the monster's forehead with a scream of effort, piercing the skull and causing all the bones to come loose like a jigsaw puzzle and turning the undead into a pile of dusty bones.

Madeleine stood, breathing heavily as she stared at the dead monster at her feet. Then she turned and walked towards me, limping slightly until she stopped in front of me.

I felt distressed upon seeing the girl like this, which only worsened when she stared back at me, wiping the dirt from her face with the back of her hand with tears threatening to flow from her eyes.

I sighed and opened Kitab, conjuring up Healing Whispers, and watching the pages turn before bright pink letters surrounded the girl, healing her wounds.

"Do you feeel betterrr now?" I asked, and Madeleine nodded positively in return.

"I'm glad! Facccing that thing must have been ssscary." I said, causing Madeleine to nod negatively.

"You don't havvve to act like a tough girrrl to impresss me. It is okay to be scared becaussse I am too. But you can't let fearrr take over, underssstand?" I spoke softly, putting a comforting hand on Madeleine's shoulder.

Madeleine looked down at the ground, wriggling her bare feet in the dirt before raising her head and nodding with a small smile on her face.

"Good, jussst don't pusssh yourself too hard, you're not alone herrre!" I smiled back before we resumed our walk through the tunnels.

Soon the atmosphere filled with a mixture of Iron Shakespeare's heavy metallic footsteps and the crackle of his flaming fists, Moonless's grunts and the wet noise of her marking her territory, the squeal of ghostly rats, and the footsteps of Madeleine and me.

Frankly, we failed miserably at hiding our location from the monsters, although the rats helped us stay out of trouble as we avoided enemies and alleys.

Speaking of the rats, they stopped bringing items, as we reached the point where tunnels consisted of rocks, wooden beams, and nothing else. There was nothing to loot.

I could send the rats to the other levels of the dungeon, but that would slow down our progress, I think. The dead ends and passages that made us turn around diminished, giving way to tunnels that led somewhere.

It was a bit unnerving, even with the knight's flames lighting our way.

The darkness of the dungeon was so dense, almost solid, like tar floating in front of me, not to mention, of course, that I felt like I was in a horror story, where something wrong could happen at any moment.

I say that because the limitations of the game no longer apply. What guarantees that I will not encounter an unknown monster? Something I am incapable of facing or running away from.

I will probably suffer a fate worse than death, struck down by something of unknown origin, unable to fight, and only able to watch the end approach. My head ached shortly and my breathing stopped as darkness overtook the mine tunnel.

Its walls turned into pulsating rotting flesh, full of angry eyes staring at me intensely as thousands of insects crawled across the floor, and then the disgusting smell returned, almost making me vomit.

Dark figures walked beside me, whispering in my ears, while my footsteps crushed the insects with audible crunches. I blinked, and everything disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. I was in the tunnel again, with Madeleine, Moonless, and Iron Shakespeare.

I took a deep breath and shook my head, trying to clear my confusion and calm my desperately beating heart. When was the last time we restored our minds? I will do it as soon as we get out of the tunnels and find a relatively safe place.

I wonder if Kitab was right to refer to the dungeon as a living being, in the sense that it is a different entity from the God of the Depts.

Killing the God would probably end the darkness and the constantly changing layout of the dungeon, but I do not know if that would do anything for the dungeon itself.

Hm... Maybe... Maybe the visions I had in the catacombs and just now mean something... Maybe I saw the dungeon for what it is.

Putting these thoughts aside, I focused on what role the girl would fulfill now that she is more active in fights. I thought of a support role, with her carrying a bag with stones, potions, darts, and throwing knives.

I could also try to get her the best equipment possible, such as the Chain Mail Helmet, Trench Coat, Hardened Leather Armor, Skeletal Arm, and Salmonsnake Soul.

Some accessories would also work for both of us, such as another Eclipse Talisman, Everwatching Talismans, Arm Guards and Leg Guards for me, Eyeglasses for both of us, the Pinecone Pig, the Soul Devour Necklace, and perhaps the Eastern Perfume.

I had my doubts about the Charm of Yaggaegetsu and the Ring of Wraiths because, technically speaking, they were unique items with quests to get them, and I doubt I would find them in a random barrel.

That left only the Rings of the Still Blood, Thorned, and the Sorcerer's Stone, the first two of which would make me immune to bleeding, infections, and poisoning, but I would become unable to remove them after putting them on, which was not a problem since I have ten fingers.

However, what interested me most was the Sorcerer's Stone, capable of restoring the mind indefinitely. The perfect accessory for my sorcerer/warlock build.

I laughed mentally at my joke and reviewed the spells the girl could learn.

I think a mix of Combustion for support and defense since that spell does not cost mind. Pheromones to send enemies towards Iron Shakespeare, Loving Whispers to heal, and all the spells of the depths would be the best combination.

Therefore, a bit of Gro-goroth, Sylvian, and a lot of God of the Depths Well, I guess I had better start looking for the Ritual Circles.

Something in my rats' view caught my eye. The tunnels were changing again, revealing small wooden and stone constructions crushed by rubble, probably due to the sudden change in the dungeon.

I felt a mixture of relief and regret, relief because the buildings belonged to the cave dwellers, which meant we were close to their village and regret because I saw blood coming out of the rubble, with the partially buried remains of some inhabitants appearing.

I ordered the rats to stop what they were doing and follow the tunnels with ruined buildings, and it was not long before the rats found a light at the end of the tunnel.

"Madeleine, let'sss hurry, the ratsss have found a way out!" I said excitedly to the child next to me, who widened her eyes and nodded quickly, before we followed the rats at a brisk pace.

We passed curves, forks, skeletons, and ruins, always following the path the rats had found until we spotted the light too.

Madeleine and I exchanged a smile, relieved that we were about to get out of here, but since there's no such thing as too much care; I sent the rats ahead as we followed them slowly.

The rats left the tunnels and entered a large rocky chamber, with tracks, mine carts full of rock, crates, and barrels, the chamber had wooden beams and planks on the walls, serving as supports, and skeletons holding tools scattered on the ground.

There was a tunnel on the other side of the chamber, larger than the entrance tunnel and with light shining at the end. We stopped near the entrance to the chamber and watched the rats crossing to the other side.

Strangely, the light did not increase as the rats approached. It took me a few seconds to realize that something was wrong, since thanks to the distance, the light seemed to be at the end of the tunnel, but as it got closer, I realized that it had been floating a few meters in the air.

Then my rats approached the light source. I could not tell what happened, I caught a glimpse of something huge and lost the connection with my rats, recoiling in a mixture of fright and headache.

Madeleine rushed to my side, but I reassured her that I was fine. In the meantime, I wondered if we should keep going, or look for an alternative exit. Something was waiting for us on the other side of the chamber, but I did not want to wander through the tunnels again.

"Attention, everyone! I have lossst my connection with my ratsss, something or someone has destroyed them and isss waiting for usss up ahead! Turning around and finding another way would be the bessst option, but we had lossse more hours walking arrround! Then we'll face whateverrr isss hiding on the other side of the chamber!"

Madeleine nodded and Moonless barked in determination as Iron Shakespeare stood silent.

"Right! Get rrready to fight!" I spoke before entering the chamber with the rest of the group following me. On the way, I felt Kitab moving in my hand, so I opened the book and read what he had to say.

"Well, we're almost out! Thanks to the Old Ones! I was getting tired of looking at your face and counting the cracks in the wall!"

"I'm sorrry I'm not a good sourrrce of entertainment." I replied sarcastically.

"Not for me, but you know who else is watching us. But leaving that aside, what do you think is on the other side?"

"We're in the minesss, and considering everrrything the dungeon hasss thrown at usss so farrr, I think it'sss one of the bosses waiting for us." I replied, watching the light on the other side move closer as the ground shook rhythmically.

"We killed and revived Iron Shakespeare, and sent the Cave Mother and her children to hell. Following that order and the location we're in, then that means..." Kitab spoke as the tremors intensified followed by rumbling that reverberated off the walls.

"Yes, Salmonsssnake awaits usss."

As if it had understood my words, the Salmonsnake chose that moment to step out of the darkness, revealing itself the source of light.

The colossal gray salamander, with its fishy head and glassy eyes, walked into the chamber, each step of its four huge legs shaking the ground, while its long tail whipped the air behind it.

Moonless and Iron Shakespeare stood in front of us, taking up fighting stances. I raised Shark's Teeth and readied Kitab, while Madeleine stared nervously at the monster and held her dagger with both hands.

The Salmonsnake raised its head and scanned its surroundings slowly, from left to right, while its long, snake-like tongue tasted the air.

A heavy, silent tension gripped the room as we waited for the creature's next move. We got our answer when the Salmonsnake focused on us, stomped the ground with its front paws, and let out a deafening roar.


The guttural roar echoed off the rocky walls, I felt my ears beep and saw that everyone else was suffering similar reactions, trying to protect their ears as they screamed in pain, except for the undead knight.


Moonless's worried barks snapped us out of our stupor, just in time to see the Salmonsnake advancing at full speed.

"HAHAHA! Here it comes!" Kitab spoke from its pages with what I thought was glee, but I quickly abandoned the words of the book and focused on the approaching monster.

Madeleine and I jumped to the right and Moonless to the left, but Iron Shakespeare did not move fast enough, probably due to the weight of his armor, and received a direct head-butt from the monster.

We watched surprised as the knight flew away until he hit the wall next to the entrance tunnel, raising a cloud of dust as fragments of rock rained down on his body. However, we had to leave our surprise behind as the Salmonsnake turned towards us.

I analyzed the situation and formulated a plan in my mind. The Salmonsnake had more body parts to hit than in the game, with two eyes, four legs, and a tail.

We needed to prioritize the eyes and tongue, but the spacious environment of the chamber allowed the monster to fight any way it wanted, unlike its original arena. However, the additional space also allowed us to maneuver freely around the creature.

I cast Necromancy and revived three skeletons present in the chamber, which immediately stood up carrying their digging tools. I ordered them to advance towards the Salmonsnake, which roared in defiance, as we prepared ourselves.

"Moonlesss go around the monssster and attack itsss left eye! Madeleine, we'll attack the rrright eye!"

Madeleine nodded while Moonless barked in confirmation, so we went ahead with the plan.

I spotted Moonless skirting the Salmonsnake as if a dark blur, simultaneously, Madeleine and I approached from the opposite direction, watching the salamander face the skeletons.

The Salmonsnake extended its tongue and hit the first skeleton, pulling it into its mouth and quickly devouring it. The next skeleton raised its shovel, trying to hit the monster, but became dust thanks to a crushing blow from the Salmonsnake's left front paw.

The third was luckier, managing to land a blow and drive its pickaxe into the center of the creature's face, generating a wet noise followed by a small spurt of blood, but it soon flew like an arrow as the Salmonsnake lunged forward and landed another head-butt.

The skeleton fell apart as it hit the ground, but the distraction allowed us to approach unnoticed. Moonless was the first to act, leaping from a pile of boxes and plunging her fangs into the monster.


It was a precise attack, Moonless sinking her fangs into the soft flesh that bled and watered as she drove her claws into the salamander's flesh, leaving shallow wounds, but she was soon out of my sight as Madeleine and I closed the distance, due to the monster's size.

We both raised our weapons and prepared to unleash our attacks as the Salmonsnake struggled wildly, but we stopped as soon as the monster's right eye focused on us, showing our reflection.

The Salmonsnake stopped struggling and leaned to the side. We widened our eyes in surprise when we realized what it intended to do, so we backed away, immediately getting out of the creature's way.

The salamander rolled across the ground, causing a tremor followed by a crash as it smashed the rocks and mining equipment in its path, reducing them to splinters.

Moonless had to let go of the creature to avoid a crushing death, landing in front of the monster and receiving a powerful blow as soon as her paws touched the ground.

The she-wolf yelped, sliding across the ground to an abrupt stop, where she stood up on shaky legs. Despite the situation, I felt a certain joy at seeing Salmonsnake close is blinded eye. Now there was only one left.

The Salmonsnake's tongue slid out of its mouth and shot towards us. Madeleine stepped to the left as I leaned in the opposite direction, allowing the tongue to pass between us.

Madeleine wasted no time in slashing the tongue with her dagger, leaving a bloody gash, but not enough to cut it out. The Salmonsnake growled and attacked repeatedly, sending its tongue towards us.

Madeleine, Moonless, and I did our best to dodge, receiving a few glancing blows and almost being devoured. I cast Glimmer of Truth, trying to create an opening, but my spell had no effect.

It seems that Salmonsnake could not understand what the spell showed. Moonless acted soon after, howling in determination before zigzagging forward, dodging the salamander's tongue.

I decided to help and cast Cats of Ulthar. The dark mud oozed out of Kitab, creating a puddle on the ground, which soon turned into the monstrous cats.

The cats acted immediately, revealing their gigantic fangs and claws, probably due to the massive food source in front of them, and followed Moonless toward her enemy.

The Salmonsnake tried to devour its opponents before they got too close, succeeding with some of the cats, but soon found itself in melee combat as the rest closed the distance.

Moonless and the cats bit and scratched the salamander's face and forelegs. Simultaneously, the Salmonsnake stomped the ground, trying to crush its attackers.

Madeleine and I went around the Salmonsnake again, as we would not stand a chance in direct combat, and we succeeded this time, approaching the creature's left side and cutting out its remaining eye with our weapons.

The Salmonsnake was now blind, but we didn't let this small victory distract us, and focused on the left hind leg, while the monster roared thanks to its hurt eye.

However, we encountered a worrying problem when we launched our next attack, the flesh on the rest of the Salmonsnake's body proved more resistant than its eyes, to the point that we left harmless superficial cuts.

I was ready to try again, this time with more strength. Suddenly, the Salmonsnake reared up on its hind legs, standing for a second, before throwing itself against the ground, releasing a powerful shockwave.

The cats dissipated and Moonless, Madeleine, and I lost our balance and fell to the ground. I did not have time to get up, as I saw a shadow forming above me, and spotted boulders falling from the ceiling of the chamber.

I grabbed Madeleine and rolled across the ground, dodging the rock that had smashed into our previous location.

I then got up on one knee with Madeleine in my arms but stopped as soon as I saw the Salmonsnake lifting the back of its body and raising its tail. Hundreds of thoughts ran through my brain in less than a second, looking for a way out, but I only had a moment to act.

"MOONLESSS CATCH!" I shouted with all my might as I threw Madeleine towards the she-wolf.

I spotted Moonless running towards Madeleine as the girl crossed the air, but I quickly turned to the Salmonsnake in time to see its tail approaching. My eyes went wide, my mouth dropped open and my shoulders slumped. I raised my arms protectively in front of my body and muttered half a word.


Then I felt an absurd pain as if hit by a huge moving object, similar to a truck. My feet left the ground and I felt myself flying backward, with my body hitting the ground repeatedly followed by sickening noises.

I only got some kind of relief when I hit something, stopping my movement, and losing consciousness.


I don't know how long passed, I remained on the edge between conscious and unconscious, having momentary flashes of what was happening around me before everything went dark again.

A high-pitched, irritating ringing assaulted my ears, while muffled noises echoed in the background. I heard screams, roars, and howls, mixed in with the thunderous tremors that occurred in succession.

Slowly, I felt the clarity returning to my mind, and with it, the pain. I do not know how long I screamed, I felt blood dripping from my mouth and nose, and bones certainly broken or dislocated out of place.

However, my vision was still a mixture of blurred, duplicated shapes and bright spots. As if that was not enough, my head hurt like hell, as if someone squeezed my brain with barbed wire, especially in the forehead area, where I felt absurd pressure.

Then my vision returned to an acceptable state, and I glimpsed what happened around me. I let out a string of the worst insults I knew when I saw the trail of blood and cracked marks on the ground representing the trajectory I bounced like a ball.

Focusing on my landing site, I realized I stood partially buried in a pile of destroyed crates and barrels, with Shark's Teeth a few meters away from me, and Kitab still clutched in my hand.

"How was your rest, Sleeping Beauty?" Kitab asked although it took a while for my vision to focus on the letters.

"The bed wasss *COUGH!* awful and leffft me with *COUGH!* back pain!" I exclaimed with difficulty, coughing up blood as I spoke.

"Are you all right?" Kitab asked with strange concern. Frankly, I felt uncomfortable with the lack of a funny answer.

"Wha-what *COUGH!* Wha-what do you thinnnk?!?" I answered, trying to get up, but I stopped and gritted my teeth as soon as a twinge of pain ran through my body.

"Can you stand up?" Kitab asked again. I took a deep breath, trying to calm down, because I was the only one who did not take it seriously.

"N-no." I muttered, moving under the rubble and receiving another stab of pain. I took a deep breath and gritted my teeth, enduring the pain and dragging myself out of my prison.

I used my left arm and right leg to pull myself out, as I could not move my remaining limbs, which were probably broken. It was a slow and painful process, but I sighed mentally when I finally broke free.

In addition, the chaos of the fight going on in the center of the chamber was the first thing I saw. The Salmonsnake roared and thrashed wildly, delivering frantic blows with its tongue, paws, tail, and head.

Simultaneously, Iron Shakespeare exchanged blows with the creature, punching its head repeatedly with his flaming fists, breaking bones and creating scorched wounds.

The Salmonsnake slapped Iron Shakespeare, but the knight raised his fists in front of his body, protecting himself from the brute of the attack as his feet slid backward.

Then Salmonsnake focused on Madeleine, who mounted Moonless' back and rode the she-wolf around the salamander.

I could not help but feeling proud at this sight, but I wondered how Salmonsnake managed to locate those around it. I got my answer when the monster sniffed the air and sent its tongue towards the she-wolf.

The salamander followed Madeleine and Moonless, turning its body as they went around it, still trying to hit them with its tongue.

However, this moment of distraction allowed Iron Shakespeare to approach from behind, raising both fists and bringing them down on the Salmonsnake's tail in a flaming explosion, crushing flesh and bone with a flurry of blows.

The Salmonsnake roared in fury, rearing up on its hind legs and throwing itself backward towards the knight, who quickly stepped aside, avoid the crushing blow.

However, the Salmonsnake rolled aside, hitting the knight with its body and pushing him away, creating an opening to unleash another powerful head butt, hitting the Iron Shakespeare.

Madeleine and Moonless followed soon after, with the she-wolf running alongside the salamander while the child dragged her dagger across the creature's flesh, leaving a long gash.

I shook my head, mentally kicking myself for getting distracted, and conjured up Healing Whispers, screaming in pain as my broken bones violently snapped back into place.

Nevertheless, it was not enough; so I cast the spell a second time. I felt the wounds closing and the bleeding stopping, but the pain was still there.

I resisted the urge to vomit when nausea overtake me due to the disgusting noises my body made. I heard the wet noise of the flesh healing, the bones snapping and rearranging themselves, and the blood returning and rushing through my veins.

I cast the spell a third time just to be sure, and I felt much better, the pain in my body becoming a slight discomfort, and the pressure in my head a simple headache.

However, to my dismay, I smelled something familiar, a horrible stench, and the worst smell that had ever attacked my nose.

The chamber changed in the blink of an eye, the walls and ceiling turning into a mass of pulsating, gooey pink flesh, with each pulse sounding like the beat of a drum.

The wooden planks and pillars turned into snow-white bones, supporting the terrifying landscape around me. A steaming green liquid covered the ground, slowly dissolving the ruins and skeletons scattered everywhere.

A hissing sound reached my ears, and voices whispered in the back of my mind.

"Why don't you rest?"

"Just close your eyes, it will all be over soon."

"You'll become part of something greater; it will only hurt for a moment."

Then I realized where I was, in the stomach of the thing that tried to kill me incessantly.

I slapped my face, the pain making the vision disappear, and found myself in the chamber again. I fumbled to stand up, and analyzed my surroundings; the knight, Madeleine, and Moonless still faced Salmonsnake, I needed to help, but how?

I knew how, but I had doubts about using that spell again. I put my backpack on the ground and rummaged through its contents, removing a bottle of ale broken in half, and pouring the contents of both halves into my mouth.

I choked on the burning in my throat but then rummaged through my coin purse. My hands would not stop shaking; I snapped my tongue in frustration and grabbed a handful of coins without looking at the value.

"Wait! What the hell are you..."

"HEADSSS!" I shouted, interrupting Kitab and throwing the coins up, casting The Color from Outer Space right after.

I watched as the coins reached their apex before falling to the ground, showing their values and results. Three five-cent coins, two ten-cent coins, and one twenty-five-cent coin, heads, tails, heads, heads, tails, tails respectively.

"Fail, mutation acquired. Fail, mutation acquired. Fail, mutation acquired." Kitab said.

For a moment, I did not feel anything different until my eyes closed horizontally. Suddenly, I felt a strong pain on the right side of my chest, and when I put my hand on it, I felt a second beat. As if that was not enough, I felt something wrong with my right arm.

I grabbed the limb as it twitched, the fingers bent at impossible angles, the flesh pulsed visibly under my clothes, and the bones shook and crackled, shifting. Then…

"AAAHHH!" I screamed as my arm exploded in a spray of blood, staining my clothes and the ground around me.

I staggered from side to side as the pain clouded my thoughts, the strength in my legs disappeared and I fell to my knees, praying that whatever happened would end soon.

I grabbed the right sleeve of my trench coat and ripped it easily with one pull, throwing the pieces of fabric away and staring at my arm, and it stared back at me.

All the skin on my arm peeled off like a snake shedding skin, revealing a mass of red muscles that moved as if they had a will of their own, my fingers ended in claws made of bone, with a bone spike sticking out of my elbow.

However, the most disturbing sight was the series of eyes staring at me in the crease where each muscle met, completely black eyes with a red iris in their center, each facing a different direction.

This... This was too much! I felt my heart racing, along with the second beat in my chest, my vision turned red and the eyes on my arm dilated.

I grabbed Shark's Teeth next to me and ran towards Salmonsnake. I felt great! I have never felt so alive! Mutations aside, this increase in strength was all I needed!

The Salmonsnake shot its tongue towards me, but Moonless with Madeleine on her back jumped in the way and bit the salamander's tongue, planting her paws on the ground and keeping the piece of meat taut.

"HAHAHA! THANKSSS MOONLESSS!" I shouted with all my might, swinging the Shark's Teeth and mutilating the Salmonsnake's tongue. Moonless spat the piece of tongue onto the ground, where it struggled like a lizard's tail.

The Salmonsnake swallowed what remained of its tongue and ran towards me, trying to head-butt me, but Iron Shakespeare landed a flaming punch on the side of its head, causing the monster to stumble and fall to the ground.

I raised the Shark's Teeth and struck the Salmonsnake's head, smiling in satisfaction at the ease with which the flesh tore and the gush of warm blood that hit my body.

Then I kept cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting, and cutting...


VonLeporace VonLeporace

Well, Salmonsnake, ladies and gentlemen! It was not going to be an easy fight, considering I have moved away from gameplay.

I decided to treat the Salmonsnake like a Dark Souls/Resident Evil boss due to the creature's size in the game, even more so with an arena big enough for everyone to fight in any way.

Speaking of Resident Evil, I think it is easy to guess what the basis for Micolash's arm mutation was.

The journey continues. What are the consequences of the mutations? What happened to Cahara, Rag, Enki, D'arce and Le'garde? Our protagonists will get the cube or the dungeon will kill them first? These and many other questions I will answer in the future.

See you in the next chapter!

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C15
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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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