Passive boosts
Aberration ally ] stacks
Ilithid ally ]
Rapport with outcasts
Fey member
Undead ally
Crafter's ally
Plant's ally
Strong foundations (Can't be moved)
Automatic wart counter
High swimming proficiency
30ft Moral booster
Moonshield (Isobel blessing)
1-Minute rituals (Cegilune)
20% Hag spell boost (Cegilune)
50% potion boost (Cegilune)
Rot rater
Infrared vision
Slime finger shooters
Githzerai mind barrier
4x comprehension (Ilsinsine)
Memoriser (Ilsinsine)
Jack of all trades (ch40)
Ink developer (ch40)
Edited smell (ch40)
Custom tattoos (ch40)
All instruments
High swimming proficiency
All tools
Ad and disadvantages
Advantage: against plants (staff), Int and wis saves (Illithid ring), cast charm
Immunities and resistances
Immune to: necrotic, cold, acid, poison
(Ghost): non-magical weapons
Conditions: All
Resistant to: fire, non-magical weapons,
psychic (with ring)
Standard: psychic, radiant, force, thunder
Non-offensive actions
Grow more eyes
Fingernail growth (stopping it)
Hold person
Conjure hag
Illusory appearance
Invisible passage
Iron token (Annis hag)
Bag of trinkets (Hag deals)
Detect magic
Change shape
Nightmare haunting (use on sleeping)
Legend lore (1/day)
Scrying (1/day)
Dream (3/day)
Zone of truth
Read mind (on anyone with lower INT)
Ally of the mentally disabled
Animate dead (4 total)
Summon band member (ch24) ] related
Light of the band leader (ch24) ] (4)
Mushroom growth
Treehouse builder
Quality tattoo (ch40)
MISSING ITEM (ch40) (lv5)
Perfect environment (ch40)
Finger writing (ch40)
Image imprint (ch40)
Additional effect (ch40
Offensive actions
Beholder beams (any)
Eldritch blast
Vicious mockery (x2.2 dmg)
Withering touch
Horrifying visage
Horrifying appearance
Nightmare touch
Maddening feast (Bheur hag)
Hypnotic pattern (3/day)
Sleep (3/day)
Dream eater (Sleeping opponent)
Skeletons (ch21)
Devour mind
Ink manipulation
Vine whip
Offensive passives
Freud Guardians lv4 (110dmg)
Undead horde (ch21)
Reflect undead (ch21)
10% mind flayer dmg (Illithid ring)
Ink membrane
Aberration Form
Hag (any)
crypt chanter
flying ghoul
undead ooze
Racial features
Permanent hag passives
Permanent undead ooze passives
High swimming proficiency
Infra-red vision
Inventory descriptions.
[Light of the band leader (Lighter) -
When activated, a blue flame will appear above your head. Sacrificing 50 musical beings to the light will allow you to summon an additional [spectral band member] (Current [Spectral band members]: 6)
[Dark weapon of the war caster -
A ritual-infused quarterstaff. A dark staff made of even darker components, recently improved by a talented ritual caster.
Corrupting staff - All spells cast have the same homing property as magic missile. Grants advantage against plants. The staff cannot be affected by rot or natural effects. The wielder now has the medium toughness effect. Command undead cantrip granted to the current wielder. Any summoned or animated being under your command has the 'bone ward' regardless of species classification. Due to being formed out of literal darkness, spells and attacks phase through it, unless it is intentional to block. Grants immunity to 'weapon dropped' and no other being can even touch it. All 'dark' or 'evil' magics are now 50% more effective.
Veteran's cane - can shift seamlessly between a cane that acts as a spellcaster and a sword.
Staff of adornment - Whatever small item you have float above your cane, will transform into the pommel for your sword.
Features of the weapon: The 4 dark lines that appear on it will all face the north-east-south-west points. Melee attacks will deal necrosis, slashing and ignores armour]
[Ring of incomprehensible thinking -
A ritual infused ring. A congealed mix of the upper echelon and the lowest of the illithids were combined to form an illithid nightmare ring.
8 Illithid tadpoles - You may cease or speed up the ceremorphosis of another.
27 intellect devourers - Grants the wearer unimpeded dominance over the intellect develourers.
5 Mind flayers - 10% damage boost against mind flayers.
Sliver of the Netherbrain's flesh - Resistance to psychic damage granted to wielder.
Blood of the Netherbrain - Illithids will see you as one of them no matter what.
Ring features - The mash of brains that created this gives advantage to intelligence and wisdom saving throws. Due time the sheer amount of knowledge stored in this, grants 23INT. Due to the illithid nature, you may now harvest knowledge and nutrition through devouring brains. As the ring is quasi-sentient, it refuses to leave the wearer unwillingly.]
[The Cloak of Beauty -
A blessed ritual infused item. A standard ritual which was overshadowed by the god of beauty Sune. Appreciating the actions of the creator, she granted the cloak her blessing.
3 face painting kits - Can customise the colours of the cloak at will.
3 Doppelgängers - Can alter the cloak at will to change outfits, limited to clothing, not armour.
0.7 Aasimar feather (willing) - Emits holy light within 30m (toggle on), can blind undead and fiends within the light.
Sune's blessing - The cloak can allow you to shift races, becoming the most beautiful form of said race. Animals and people attracted to your gender will find it difficult to attack anything near you. Advantage on charms. The cloak burns anyone aside the wearer for 5dmg upon contact.
Features of the cloak - +4 AC, permanent hygiene of wearer, the cloak is immune to anything that can stain it (acid, poison, mud, dust). Followers of Sune will acknowledge the blessing on the cloak.]
[Talon's scripture -
Ritual infused ink (150li). A sickly poison made of some of the most deadly materials possible. A poison this potent is worthy to be praised by Talon herself.
Upon ingesting/reading: 20d8 damage
Features of the ink: Reading something written in this ink without permission causes damage to the reader. Cannot damage paper. Magic tattoos made with the ink add on poison modifiers, doubles any poison traits. People with a tattoo of the ink have to succeed a DC30 CON saving throw once.]
[Unending bag of inks -
Bestial inks - Giant wolf spider, Giant spider, Wyvern, Kobold, Undead ooze, Doppelgänger, Ettercap, Ghosts.
Detection ink - Dragons, Oozes, Monstrosities, Undead, Aberration.
Unique - Talon's scripture.]
[Fey puppet (Small) - 150hp
Ritual infused metallic doll. A dark creation made as a rookie's attempt at an automaton.
6 pixie corpses - The automaton can fly and is summoned and dismissed by the accompanying bell.
1 Broken Moonlantern - Allow the eyes to glow.
6 Aberration Form eyes - Within the eye glow, slowing ray is in play, opponents must succeed a DC16 dexterity check to succeed.
Features: Being made of a mix of metals gives it immunity to poison, necrotic and psychic damage. However it is vulnerable to thunder and acid damage. It has been equipped with a large kitchen knife.]
[Unending bag of Metal -
Metals - Iron, Steel, Copper, Aluminium, Tin, Zinc, Nickel and Lead]
[Unending bag of Wool -
Wools - Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink, Lilac, Purple, Turquoise, Fire resistant, Cold resistant, Hidden, Weighted.]
[Toxic notebook -
A ritual infused book. A great book for ideas and notes, unfortunately useless to all but the owner.
Library book - Grants the book infinite pages and self-organisation.
Self-writing quill - Will automatically update depending on the owner's will.
20oz Talon's scripture - The content will be written in this ink.
Stillmaker - Readers not granted permission have to succeed a DC16 wisdom saving throw or be placed under 'Hold Person'.
Illuminator's tattoo emblem - Writing will only be visible to the owner, unless bypassed.
Features: A floating hide bound book. Self-updates based on previous command of the owner. Capable of writing even when closed or in storage spaces.]