
ตอน 156: Chapter 156: I am willing to die for him

In the Martial Soul City, the one thing not lacking was Soul Masters.

The elders quickly dispatched a considerable number of people to deal with the remnants of the battle.

Soul Masters with healing abilities swiftly began treating the students from various academies and members of the Martial Soul Temple who were either unconscious or lightly injured from the aftermath of the battle.

The battles between Title Douluos mostly took place in the air, revolving around the Pope's Palace, so the damage to the ground wasn't severe.

With the financial resources of the Martial Soul Temple, repairs could be completed within a day.

Bibi Dong, with a grim expression, glanced at Qian Renxue, who was calm, and the crimson hundred-thousand-year soul ring that had appeared.

After a brief hesitation, Bibi Dong announced publicly, "Due to today's unexpected incident, the finals will be postponed for a day and will resume tomorrow as scheduled."

Regardless, it wasn't a bad thing that Qian Renxue became stronger.

Their rivalry was only internal, after all.

If it weren't for Su Cheng and Qian Renxue's successful sneak attack today, Tang Hao would have been able to escape quickly after his attack, taking the soul beast with him.

She knew that intercepting the opponent's retreat to protect the Pope's Palace was impossible at that moment.

Moreover, she had to admit that the layout and planning of these two individuals today had indeed caught her off guard. In this light, the exposure of the transformed soul beast might have been part of their plan all along.

In addition to that, there was also the issue of the ownership of the three soul bones as prizes.

Bibi Dong was willing to offer these soul bones as championship rewards because she believed that with Qian Renxue's strength, she would surely lead the team to victory.

Qian Renxue herself had the Angelic Set and didn't need the soul bones, so ultimately, these soul bones would end up in the hands of the three outstanding disciples she had carefully nurtured.

However, after witnessing Su Cheng's strength today, she felt a bit uncertain.

Qian Renxue's promotion to a Douluo was seemingly a guarantee of victory.

Of course, that was under the assumption that these two wouldn't engage in match-fixing.

Everything gradually quieted down, and people began to leave one after another.

Flender, Liu Erlong, and Yu Xiaogang, who had been spectators for half a day, looked dejected.

Glancing at the remaining members of the Shrek Academy, they briefly exchanged words before also retracting their soul power.

"Your Majesty, I need an explanation!" Yu Xiaogang shouted loudly.

Then, ignoring the gazes of the crowd attracted by his outburst, he directed his angry gaze towards Qian Renxue standing in front of the Pope's Palace.

"Why did the members of the Martial Soul Temple impersonate our Shrek Academy students for no reason! What happened to the real Jiang Zhu?!"

The matter with Xiao Wu definitely couldn't be pursued openly anymore.

However, the matter regarding Jiang Zhu, he believed he had the right to speak up.

"Your student is safe and sound in the hotel right now. As for what happened today, it was necessary. After all, no one knows whether Tang Hao, the fugitive wanted by the Martial Soul Temple, and this hundred-thousand-year soul beast have other accomplices or human spies, just like Tang San who escaped just now."

Qian Renxue waved her hand, signaling the other members of the Martial Soul Temple not to get agitated.

She was in a good mood at the moment and didn't care about the other party's questioning and impolite words, with a false smile on her face.

"After spending so much time with the transformed soul beast, I'm sure you all are still feeling a bit frightened, right? Master Yu doesn't need to thank me. Take your team members back to rest and recuperate. We still have matches ahead of us."

With that said, she glanced meaningfully at Zhu Qing, who was silent with her head bowed.

She had seen through all of this girl's impulsive actions earlier.

On the other side, Liu Erlong was on the verge of collapse from grief.

She truly regarded Xiao Wu as her own daughter.

Although it wasn't as quick as Tang San's acceptance, she had also let go of the distinction between humans and soul beasts in her heart.

Xiao Wu died in front of her today.

In just a short ten minutes or so, she felt like she was on the verge of losing her mind.

If it weren't for Yu Xiaogang tightly holding her arm, she would probably have rushed up to fight Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong recklessly.

Seeing the silence of the Shrek Academy members, with expressions of sadness, anger, and hidden hostility, Qian Renxue's narrow phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and her tone turned cold.

"What's wrong? Could it be that I hit the nail on the head? Did you have some connection with that transformed soul beast before?"

"No." Yu Xiaogang's voice was dry.

"That's good then."

Glancing at the red-eyed Liu Erlong, Qian Renxue didn't bother to argue with them anymore.

After all, this was the Martial Soul Temple, and she had to consider some repercussions.

Waving her hand casually, she said, "If there's nothing else, you can leave now. The Pope just said that we'll continue the competition tomorrow."

Not long after, Su Cheng's aura also gradually stabilized.

Although most of his mind was immersed in enlightenment just now, he was not unaware of the subsequent changes in the outside world.

After opening his eyes and standing up, not only were his injuries completely healed, but even his vitality was as vigorous as the rising sun, making those Title Douluos couldn't help but glance at him.

Glancing at Ah Yin standing not far away, Su Cheng had a thought but didn't say much for the time being.

At this moment, the others from the Tian Dou Imperial Academy had already left.

Only he, Chen Xin, Dugu Bo, and Ning Fengzhi remained here.

After their eyes met with Qian Renxue's, Su Cheng turned his body slightly and bowed deeply to the two Title Douluos who had just intervened to protect him, saying in a deep voice, "Thank you, teachers, and Senior Dugu, for intervening just now."

The two nodded, not saying much. This wasn't the place to talk.

Ning Fengzhi nodded gently to Bibi Dong and said, "Your Majesty the Pope, we will take our leave first."

"You can go," Bibi Dong said calmly.

Seeing this scene, except for those who knew the inside story like Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, the elders all showed surprise.

Su Cheng had just risked his life to intervene, and although he seemed to have benefited from it, the final spoils had been taken by someone else. Anyone else would not be so calm.

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo couldn't help but look at each other, feeling some admiration in their hearts.

To have such strength and mentality at this age, it was almost certain that he would become a Title Douluo or even a Peak Douluo in the future.

After the few of them left the front square of the palace, Ning Fengzhi silently cast a questioning glance at Chen Xin.

Chen Xin's expression changed slightly, then he walked to Su Cheng's side.

"Cheng'er, how are you feeling now? Do you still have any injuries?"

"It's all good now."

Chen Xin nodded and continued, "Come with me, there are some things I want to ask you about."


As the two walked away, Dugu Bo and Ning Fengzhi also soon left separately, each harboring their own thoughts.

The former went to find his granddaughter, while Ning Fengzhi sighed silently as he glanced at Ah Yin, who stood nearby with a bewildered expression. Then, he went to find Ning Rongrong; he had some things to discuss with his daughter.

Meanwhile, Su Cheng and Chen Xin walked along the deserted street.

After a moment of silence, Chen Xin finally spoke, "Cheng'er, it's strange to say, but I actually had a vague impression of you before I took you as my disciple. I can't quite understand why, but perhaps it's fate between us as master and disciple."

"...," Su Cheng remained silent, and Chen Xin didn't mind. He continued carefully, choosing his words slowly, "Is there more to today's events? What do you really want to do? Did you intentionally intervene earlier to attract Tang Hao's attention, to help the Martial Soul Temple's person kill the transformed soul beast? Or were you planning this from the beginning, starting with Fengzhi selling the potions?"

"Cheng'er, I know you always have your own thoughts, but you don't have to keep everything to yourself. And I believe you wouldn't do anything to harm the sect."

Su Cheng paused in his steps and looked at Chen Xin. "Master, I'm planning to join the Martial Soul Temple next."

Chen Xin didn't react with anger to this statement but calmly asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Have you heard of the inheritance of godly positions on the Douluo Continent?" Su Cheng asked.

Upon hearing this, Chen Xin didn't seem surprised. "You think you can inherit the godly position in the Martial Soul Temple?"

"I don't intend to inherit the godly position," Su Cheng shook his head, patiently explaining. "But the godly position represents the path beyond the Titled Douluo. To break free from the world's constraints, one needs to understand it. The inheritance of godly positions in the Martial Soul Temple is the easiest opportunity for me to do so. And... "

After hesitating for a moment, he continued, "I suspect that the inheritance of godly positions in the Martial Soul Temple has been tampered with."

This kind of thing, whether spoken or not, wouldn't have much impact. Trust built over years of understanding and the ambiguous stance of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School were important factors. Things of higher levels wouldn't incite much desire. A top sect centered around auxiliary system soul masters possessed terrifying wisdom for survival.

And Su Cheng didn't know to what extent Chen Xin's vague impression referred to.

Since he had already brought up the topic to this extent today, it was better to be straightforward.

Chen Xin's mental cultivation was extremely high, and even upon hearing this information, his expression remained as calm as ever.

He gazed at Su Cheng with a slightly strange tone, "So, is it still for that woman?"

"That's only part of the reason," Su Cheng emphasized.

"Ah," Chen Xin shook his head, not dwelling further on Qian Renxue.

Instead, he said, "Do you know, the Martial Soul Temple has great ambitions?"

"It's not the Martial Soul Temple's ambitions, but the current Pope's ambitions. However, within the Martial Soul Temple, there is more than just the Palace of the Pope. You also know that the Ninety-Nine Limit Douluo Qian Dao Liu is still alive," Su Cheng said seriously.

"And no matter what, I won't help the Martial Soul Temple deal with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. You can rest assured about that. If I were in the Martial Soul Temple, it might not necessarily be a bad thing for the sect. At least, when things really get to an irreparable point, it's also a way out. You and the Sect Master probably know something about the hidden strength of the Martial Soul Temple."

Chen Xin listened and opened his mouth but ultimately didn't say much more.

He also understood Su Cheng's character.

After a long silence, he just smiled and patted Su Cheng's shoulder.

"Since you've made your decision, I won't say much more. Everyone has their own choices. But remember, Cheng'er, no matter when, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School will always be your home."

After parting ways with Chen Xin, Su Cheng saw Ah Yin's slender figure not far away as he returned to the hotel.

After thinking for a moment, he decided to approach her.

"Why are you still here?" he asked.

Ah Yin glanced at him, then lowered her head and muttered, "I'm sorry..."

Su Cheng looked slightly puzzled. "Why are you apologizing to me? This matter isn't your fault."

"You don't blame me?" Ah Yin looked up, surprised.

"Why would I blame you?" Su Cheng said calmly.

"I only blame myself for being careless and not being vigilant enough towards you. We've spent too much time together, and because of my rapid strength improvement, I relaxed my guard against you."

By this point, he had already calmed down.

With Su Cheng's current mindset, such things could only affect his mood for a moment, and he wouldn't dwell on them too much.

"Vigilant... Guard..." Ah Yin's face turned pale.

"Speaking of which, why didn't you leave with Tang Hao earlier today?" Su Cheng asked, puzzled.

He had already prepared for the worst.

"I... I don't know." Ah Yin stammered.

Perhaps the day she regained her freedom, she didn't immediately choose to leave, which doomed her not to follow Tang Hao today.

As for her exact thoughts and feelings, even she couldn't explain them clearly.

After a long silence, Su Cheng said in a slightly questioning tone, "Are you going to stay in the Martial Soul Temple?"

Ah Yin's eyes lit up. "Can't I go back to the Eternal Sword?"

"No, you can't."

"Then can I stay by your side?" Ah Yin wrinkled her brows.

"Why would you want to stay with me when you've just regained your freedom? Besides, do you know what I'm going to do next?"

"...," Ah Yin indeed didn't know what his plans were.

"So, you should go," Su Cheng said.

"Are you planning to join the Martial Soul Temple?" Ah Yin's eyes brightened. "I can join the Martial Soul Temple too."

"Join the Martial Soul Temple?" Even at this moment, Su Cheng was almost amused by her innocence.

"Why do you think you can join the Martial Soul Temple? And, have you forgotten who sacrificed you for the ritual back then?" he asked.

"I...," Hearing this, Ah Yin's face instantly turned deathly pale.

The shadow of death couldn't easily fade away.

"I don't consider myself a great person, but I uphold the principle of 'fairness' and won't owe people who have helped me. I won't forget my benefactors," Su Cheng turned his gaze away from her.

"You once helped me in my cultivation, allowing me to make great strides on my path forward.

"I helped you come back to life, although it was by coincidence. But now that you've regained your freedom, we owe each other nothing.

"As for your future, it's up to you.

"But if possible, I hope you can keep my secrets."

"I won't say anything," Ah Yin hastily replied. "I won't reveal any of the things you told me."

"That's up to you," Su Cheng smiled.

"Even if you do decide to speak, it's your freedom. Of course, if you do, don't blame me if I have to take action against you in the future."

"Take action against me..." Ah Yin's body trembled.

Su Cheng sighed and didn't say anything more. He turned around and passed by her, returning to the hotel alone.

As for Ah Yin's behavior, he didn't know how to evaluate it.

He hadn't expected that she would reveal her true status just for Xiao Wu.

It wasn't for Tang Hao, nor was it for himself.

Was this considered betrayal?

There was no connection or commitment between Ah Yin and him, at most it was just a master-servant relationship created by accident.

And during the day, she didn't follow Tang Hao in the end, nor did she take the opportunity to attack him.

She didn't mention anything about her regaining freedom.

All she did was take the initiative to protect Xiao Wu.

This kind of foolish behavior really left him speechless.

From the moment Ah Yin unexpectedly appeared and lost control, he had prepared for the worst mentally.

But regardless, it was clear that she was no longer suitable to stay by his side.

He wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

In truth, Su Cheng didn't feel much anger about today's events; he was mostly reflecting on his own carelessness.

As for Ah Yin choosing to conceal her regained freedom, he couldn't blame her.

Everyone has their own secrets, and whether or not to reveal them is a personal choice. It's human nature to hide the truth for one's own safety.

If it were Su Cheng, his subsequent actions would be even more exaggerated.

Blaming himself for not being cautious enough, not delving deeply enough into the True Vision Iris, and not studying the soul enough, he couldn't blame anyone else.

Outside the Hall of the Pope.

Seeing that there were only the Pope and her daughter left besides themselves, Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo, the two senior elders, exchanged a glance and tactfully left.

Only then did Bibi Dong glance sideways at Qian Renxue.

She didn't ask how Qian Renxue was so confident in absorbing a hundred-thousand-year soul ring with only a seventy-level cultivation base, but coldly remarked, "You seem pleased with yourself."

"Slightly better. Thank you for your generosity," Qian Renxue replied calmly.

"...Did you already know the true identity of that girl? And did you know that Tang Hao has been hiding in the dark all along?" Bibi Dong asked.

"I did."

Bibi Dong couldn't help but grit her teeth inwardly.

She had indeed been used as a pawn.

"Suspectedly, it was Su Cheng who told you," she asserted. "Or rather, all of this was probably planned by Su Cheng in advance."

Bibi Dong furrowed her brows and pondered silently, wondering how much the other party knew about the situation.

Then, she quickly relaxed.

At this point, it didn't really matter what she knew.

Although their positions may differ, and they may belong to different factions within the Martial Soul Temple, at least she was loyal to the Martial Soul Temple.

Except for the suspicious death of Qian Xunji, everything else was fine.

Moreover, if Qian Dao Liu knew the hidden truth, and since he didn't say anything, then Bibi Dong could probably trust Qian Renxue as well.

Calmly, she said, "That's right, today's events were all orchestrated by him."

"...," Hearing her response, Bibi Dong's expression became complex.

After a long silence, she finally spoke, "Do you really trust him like that?"

Today's confrontation involved several Titled Douluo, including even Tang Hao and herself, who were experts of their level.

Even if Su Cheng and Qian Renxue were far superior in strength to their peers, this action still carried a great risk.

Moreover, during this process, they practically entrusted their lives to each other.

"Trust?" Qian Renxue laughed softly at the question.

Her expression became serious, and her eyes shimmered with a strange light.

"I would die for him."

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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