69.33% Entertainment started in Youth Pi (Hiatus) / Chapter 50: Chapter 50: Misunderstanding

บท 50: Chapter 50: Misunderstanding

Lin Dawei took a sip of his drink, his gaze steady as he looked at his daughter. "Has anyone been pursuing you?" he asked, his tone gentle but probing.

Lin Miaomiao's eyes flickered with a hint of unease upon hearing the question. She had been looking forward to enjoying the barbecue, but now she felt a wave of discomfort wash over her, making the seat beneath her feel unusually hot.

"You don't need to hide anything from me. If someone is pursuing you, it's perfectly normal. After all, my daughter is both beautiful and charming," Lin Dawei reassured her, his voice filled with warmth and understanding.

Lin Miaomiao hesitated for a moment, then slowly set down her chopsticks. "Y-Ye Bai is pursuing me," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lin Dawei's heart skipped a beat at his daughter's confession. He felt a pang of anxiety, fearing that the thing Wang Shengnan talked about yesterday might be true. Nevertheless, he composed himself, not wanting to alarm Lin Miaomiao. "It's okay for him to pursue you, but I want you to focus on finishing high school first," he said, his tone firm but understanding.

Lin Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that her father didn't react negatively to the news. "I understand," she replied, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders.


Wang Shengnan sat across from Ye Bai in the cafe, her expression tense with concern. "How did this happen?" she asked, her voice betraying a mix of confusion and disappointment.

Ye Bai felt a knot form in his stomach as he tried to find the right words to explain. Yesterday, Lin Miaomiao had mentioned feeling like her mother knew about their relationship, and now he found himself face to face with Aunt Wang, summoned to this meeting unexpectedly.

"Aunt Wang, I know it may not seem ideal, but I care deeply for Miaomiao. Our relationship just naturally developed about a month ago," Ye Bai confessed, his tone earnest and sincere.

Wang Shengnan's expression darkened as she listened to Ye Bai's words. "I trusted you with my daughter, and now you've done this? You're both still minors," she admonished, her voice laced with disappointment and frustration.

Ye Bai's brows furrowed in confusion, sensing that something was amiss in Aunt Wang's reaction. "Aunt Wang, I think there's been a misunderstanding," he began, trying to calm the escalating tension.

"Misunderstanding? I misunderstood your character. Don't call me Aunt Wang again," Wang Shengnan retorted, her frustration evident in her words.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Ye Bai knew he needed to diffuse the tension and seek understanding. "Aunt Wang, please, let's take a moment to calm down and talk things through. I don't want there to be any misunderstandings between us. I truly love Miaomiao, and I want what's best for her," he implored, his words genuine and heartfelt.

Wang Shengnan also calmed down a little, aware of the attention they were attracting from other customers. She needed to maintain composure and avoid causing a scene. "Why did you do this to Lin Miaomiao? She's so naive. Why did you take advantage of her?" she asked, her voice laced with frustration and concern.

Ye Bai felt hurt by Wang Shengnan's accusations. "Aunt Wang, you know me. Do you really think I would harm Miaomiao? Can you please explain what happened so we can talk about it?" he replied, his tone sincere and pleading.


Lin Miaomiao and Lin Dawei were happily eating after their conversation about Ye Bai. The atmosphere at the table became more relaxed as they delved into different topics.

"Has anyone ever bullied you? Remember, no matter what happens, you have to tell me. I'll protect you," Lin Dawei said, his tone serious but caring.

"No one will bully me as long as Ye Bai is around. And besides, you're just bragging again. Remember that time you hid in the bathroom when I needed you?" Miaomiao replied playfully, teasing her father.

"Okay, I won't break my promise again. Now, let's focus on enjoying our meal," Lin Dawei said with a smile.

"Really?" Miaomiao asked, a hint of skepticism in her voice.

"No matter how big the problem, I'll handle it. Don't forget that," Lin Dawei reassured her, his expression determined.

Miaomiao nodded and resumed eating her barbecue, her father's words bringing a sense of security and comfort.

As Lin Dawei watched his daughter happily eating, he took a deep breath and decided to ask her a question. "I have something to ask you, and I need you to tell me the truth."

Lin Miaomiao paused mid-bite, surprised by her father's sudden question. "Ask away," she responded, setting down her food.

"Are you still a virgin?" Lin Dawei asked nervously, his voice tinged with concern.

Lin Miaomiao stopped eating and looked at her father, her expression unreadable. "No," she shook her head, her tone matter-of-fact. Lin Dawei was shocked, his mouth agape in disbelief. "Huh?" he stammered, feeling like he'd been struck by lightning.

"I'm a Sagittarius. Both of us are Sagittarius. Have you forgotten? Are you my biological father? You've even forgotten my birthday," Lin Miaomiao explained, her voice tinged with amusement as she reached for another barbecue, assuming her father would follow up with another serious question.

Lin Dawei burst into laughter at his own misunderstanding. "That's right! Hahaha," he chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. He raised his glass of beer in a toast. "Your mother is a Virgo, Hahaha," he added, relieved by Lin Miaomiao's explanation.

Lin Dawei waved over the waiter. "Give me 10 portions of tendons," he ordered, his spirits lifted by the relief of the moment.

"Add 2 ribs too," Lin Miaomiao chimed in.

Lin Dawei nodded, eager to indulge in the feast and commemorate the false alarm. Quickly, he pulled out his phone and messaged Wang Shengnan, hoping to prevent any rash actions on her part.


"Aunt Wang, I think you misunderstood. Lin Miaomiao and I don't engage in that kind of behavior. We are just students, and I deeply respect Miaomiao as well as her parents," Ye Bai explained earnestly, hoping to clear up the misunderstanding that had arisen from Wang Shengnan overhearing Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi's conversation.

Wang Shengnan stared at Ye Bai, feeling a mix of emotions. She treated him like her own son. Taking a deep breath, she suddenly received a notification on her phone. Glancing at the message, her expression changed rapidly, cycling through surprise, relief, embarrassment, and awkwardness. Slowly, she looked back up at Ye Bai.

Ye Bai understood Wang Shengnan's turmoil and didn't want her to feel embarrassed. "Aunt Wang, please don't worry. As long as the misunderstanding is cleared up, I'm relieved. But please, don't separate us. I truly love Miaomiao, and we'll continue to study hard and progress together."

Wang Shengnan looked at Ye Bai, feeling ashamed of her hasty actions and the awkward situation it had caused. However, she also felt a sense of relief that Ye Bai was still trustworthy. "Okay, I'm sorry, Ye Bai. I misunderstood you."

"There's no need to apologize, Aunt Wang. I understand how much you care for Lin Miaomiao, and I feel the same way," Ye Bai responded, offering reassurance.


As Wang Shengnan lay on the bed and Lin Dawei changed nearby, they prepared to discuss the day's events. Their thoughts were filled with recent misunderstandings and revelations, prompting them to address their family situation head-on.

"That's why I always tell you, you tend to overthink things," Lin Dawei said as he changed into more comfortable clothes.

Wang Shengnan smiled with relief, her expression lightening up. "Thank goodness it was just a misunderstanding about their zodiac signs. I couldn't sleep last night, worrying about it. My heart felt like it was going to burst. I'm thankful our daughter's mind is focused on food, making her naive and pure," she laughed softly, her hand tapped his relieved heart.

"You should learn to keep things in perspective, like me. Don't make a big deal out of nothing," Lin Dawei advised, a faint chuckle escaping his lips.

Wang Shengnan glanced at Lin Dawei, unsure of how to bring up her encounter with Ye Bai. "Dawei, I met Ye Bai this morning," she said, her fingers fidgeting with the edge of the blanket.

Lin Dawei's eyes widened, a hint of concern flashing across his face. "What did you do? I told you not to act hastily," he exclaimed, his voice tinged with worry

"It's hard to stay calm when you're at home," Wang Shengnan replied.

"What did you talk about?" Lin Dawei asked, his curiosity piqued.

Wang Shengnan moved closer to Lin Dawei. "Ye Bai told me he likes our daughter."

Lin Dawei nodded upon hearing the news, but Wang Shengnan noticed his lack of reaction. Furrowing her eyebrows, she playfully slapped Lin Dawei's shoulder. "Why are you just nodding? That's our daughter." she demanded.

"Miaomiao already informed me that Ye Bai is pursuing her," Lin Dawei explained. "What, are you hoping for something else? You've always been fond of that boy, Ye Bai, and now he's pursuing your daughter."

"It's not like that. But Miaomiao is my daughter, she's too young. She's just 17 this year," Wang Shengnan explained, her voice tinged with concern. It wasn't that she was against the idea of a relationship, but she felt that their age wasn't yet appropriate for such matters.

"I understand your concern. I talked about it to Miaomiao, and told her she should focus on studying hard and finishing high school first," Lin Dawei reassured her, his tone gentle and understanding.

Wang Shengnan relaxed, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders. She was relieved that they were on the same page. She wanted Miaomiao to excel academically and secure a place in a prestigious university before delving into a relationship.

As Lin Dawei reclined on the bed, he suggested, "Let's see how she performs in the upcoming grade and how she progresses before we make any decisions about their relationship."

Wang Shengnan nodded in agreement. She understood the delicate balance between academics and romance, especially as a teacher herself. Some students flourished with the support of their relationships, while others faltered. She didn't want Miaomiao to rebel if they imposed restrictions on her interactions with Ye Bai. They needed to tread carefully and consider Miaomiao's best interests above all else.


Lin Miaomiao lay facedown on her bed while calling Ye Bai, "Xiaobai, I already told my father that you're pursuing me."

Ye Bai sat at her music table, editing some instrumentals. He paused his work. "What was your dad's reaction?" he asked, curious.

"He said I should focus on my studies and finish high school first," Lin Miaomiao replied honestly. "I think my dad spoiled me; he didn't even get angry," she added, smiling.

Ye Bai smiled back. "Then you need to excel this semester. They'll check if our relationship affects your grades," he reminded her, leaning back in his chair.

Suddenly, Lin Miaomiao's expression changed. "I didn't consider that. Th-then you have to help me," she said anxiously.

Hearing her anxiety, Ye Bai teased, "Why so nervous? Don't you want to be separated from me?"

"What are you saying?" Lin Miaomiao blushed at his teasing. "I won't talk to you anymore. Goodbye."

"I'm sorry, Miaomiao. Of course, I'll help you. You're my girlfriend, after all," he reassured her.

Lin Miaomiao rolled over on the bed, feeling comforted by Ye Bai's words. She realized that being in love felt like being surrounded by her favorite snacks; it was warm and comforting. "What were you doing when I called?" she asked.

"I was recording a song and editing some instrumentals. By the way, I uploaded the song. I'll send you the link," Ye Bai replied.

Suddenly, Lin Miaomiao sat up excitedly. "You're recording a song? Why don't you sing one for me? I really want to hear you sing," she pleaded.

Ye Bai stood up and grabbed his guitar. "Sure, I'll sing a song for you."

He began to play the guitar, and a beautiful melody filled the room. Lin Miaomiao, listening intently, put her phone on speaker mode and started recording the song

~I like your eyes, your eyelashes, your coolness

I like your dimples, the corners of your mouth, your smile

I want the whole world to know I like you, don't mock me, don't joke around

I will continue, so get ready

I like your shirt, your fingers, your scent

I want to be your cotton coat, your gloves, your heartbeat

I want the whole world to understand I like you, don't torment me, don't get annoyed

I am patient, so just wait and see~

Lin Miaomiao's eyes lit up as she listened to the lyrics of the song. Each word seemed to resonate with her, as if it were written just for her. Her heart began to beat faster and faster, and she realized that she was falling deeper in love with Ye Bai with each passing moment.

~I like you every moment, every second

I like you in every place, every corner

Liking you has become a habit that's hard to quit

I like you so much, I don't know why

Liking you makes rainy days turn sunny

Liking you makes snowy days warm

Liking you has become a faith that's hard to let go of

I like you so much, you'll know~

Ye Bai sang the song from the depths of his heart, pouring out his feelings for Lin Miaomiao through each verse.

In a trance, Lin Miaomiao was completely immersed in the melody, feeling as though she could reach out and hug Ye Bai if he were there with her.

As the song came to an end, only silence lingered on the other line. "Miaomiao, are you there?" Ye Bai's voice broke through the quiet.

"I-I'm here, Ye Bai," Lin Miaomiao replied, her voice tinged with shyness. "What's the title of the song?" she asked.

"It's called 'I Like You So Much, You'll Know'," Ye Bai answered. It was a song from Earth, but he felt it captured his feelings for Lin Miaomiao perfectly.

"I really like it, Xiaobai. Thank you!" Lin Miaomiao expressed her gratitude. "I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight, Xiaobai. See you at school," she bid farewell.

"Goodnight, Miaomiao. See you at school," Ye Bai responded with a smile before ending the call.

After hanging up, Lin Miaomiao sent Ye Bai a text message.

Meowmeow: Xiaobai, I like you too.

After sending the message, she placed her hand over her racing heart, trying to calm it down. A smile never left her face. She stood up to grab her headphones and plugged them in, listening to the song again until she fell asleep.

NeeekoShin NeeekoShin



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