30.3% Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction) / Chapter 30: 26 - Citadel (2)

บท 30: 26 - Citadel (2)


Before things get confused, there's armor in the ME universe, and in those armors, there are shields made of small specks of Element Zero ( a rare material) that allow the wearer to tank some bullets. It regenerates over time after it's 'destroyed' but you WILL become vulnerable and only have the armor protection if the shield is broken. You basically have two types of protection.

So, Shield >>> Armor >>> Your body.

Now, with that out of the way, enjoy!


It didn't take long though, as one minute later, a shot was aimed at Wrex of all people.


The shield on his armor worked like a charm and an unharmed Wrex got up from his chair, '' Now I can say it's self-defense.''

The person who shot Wrex wanted to kill the Krogan first, as it was him who probably had the most firepower of the trio. Only, he attacked the wrong person.

The best course of action was to throw a grenade at them and hope for the best. But alas, they just sealed their fate.

'' Let's dance!'' Wrex pulled two shotguns from down the table and started blasting around.


A few shots from Wrex's shotgun hit a nearby human and the shield on his armor worked for one or two hits before the leg of that man was gone. Before he had the chance to scream, however, Wrex finished the job with a headshot.


Sparkes and shields flared around, with Wrex tanking most of the bullets while doing more damage to the people attacking.

'' He's experienced.'' Javik said while sipping a drink. For those who knew Javik, that was a high praise he just made.

That meant Wrex was above a lot of people when it came to fighting. Make sense though, as the Krogan has been fighting for at least three centuries.

'' I told you our propose here on the Citadel, besides alerting the Council, is to scout new and good members for our crew. We need the best of the best to face the Reapers, whenever they come.'' Samael left it out that they would probably only recruit one or two very specific peoplee.

Javik nodded at that statement. Only he knew the real extent of the Reapers nightmare, and he knew if they attacked now, this cycle was done for.

' But it seems we have a real chance this time.'

Javik thought of that while looking at Samael. While nothing was set in stone yet, he had a gut feeling they would at least fight on equal grounds on this cycle. Or even end this nightmare once and for all.

Then, Javik got up, after deciding it was enough showcasing from Wrex,'' I'll join him now.''

'' Go. I'll finish my drink and join you guys.''

Javik then utilized his biotic powers and used an a biotic rush into a human, which immediately exploded in a mess of blood and bones. The armor and shield didn't help him that much.

' Damn... I sometimes forget how biotics are OP.'


Seeing that scene made Samael remember something.

'' RR, make sure everything is filmed.''

'' Leave it to me.''

RR's voice came through his omni-tool. While she had her body, RR could still be in two places at the same time, thanks to her being an AI. From what Samael could gather, RR' body was in the Markets, buying a few things for her and the crew.

What, he had no idea...

Looking around and making sure no innocent was being implicated in this fight, Samael finished his drink.

He then got up from the table and looked at the deepest part of the bar, where Fist was. While he never hurt Tali in this cycle, he did so in others. You might think that wasn't enough for him to die, but to Samael it was.


Of course, the list of bad things Fist did wasn't limited to just that, so it would also serve as a clean-up. He was the scum of the scum.

A typical thug with no morals, Tarzan was a saint compared to him, Fist had some luck and managed to get into the good graces of the right people. He got Chora's Den, then went under the Shadow Broker, and then escalated his wrongdoings from there.

Shadow Broker was the best seller of information the galaxy had. He would eventually cross a line he should not have crossed too.

Samael would eventually deal with him, but that was a story for another time.

Anyway, the Asari working under Fist, while not explicitly abused, were under a lot of pressure. The younger Asari, typically took jobs like waitresses, and strippers on the Citadel, to gain experience. Fist took advantage of that and forced some of the Asari to work under some nasty conditions.

So, safe to say, Fist was far from being a good person and he probably deserves what was about to happen to him.

'' I will not ask for compensation... wait, I think I will.''

From what Samael could remember, Fist had a bounty on his head, so he would go to the C - Sec ( Citadel Security Services) and grab it.

' A chance to meet Garrus.'

While thinking that, Samael made his way toward Fist room.

Just then, 3 humans launched at him with their pistols shooting from all angles.


By the time the shots hit the shield from the armor he was wearing, Samael had killed the people who shot him. It was the difference in ability and weapons that made that possible.

While the people here did have some armor, the shield in that armor was trash, they weren't comparable to the one Samael and his crew used nor able to withstand the firepower from Samael's gun.


So, when the shots hit Samael's shield, he already knew where they were hiding, so he shot them enough times for them to die multiple times.

' Let's get this over with.'

After killing everyone who stood in his way, Samael passed a room on the path to Fist office. He noticed it was the employer's room, all of the people inside were Asari.

' Hmmm, Chora's Den will need a new owner.'

With that in mind, he entered the employer room, only to be met with a barrel of a gun.

''Don't move or I will shoot!''

One Asari was aiming the gun while the others were preparing their biotic powers. By the way, all female employees were Asari, the male ones were all humans.

All humans were under Fist by the way, the Asari were probably just normal employees.

'' Calm down. I'm not here for you, only for Fist.''

That made them relax a bit, as they were watching the fight. The trio who was causing trouble never attacked them or other patrons, only Fist people.

'' Why?''

The Asari asked that while waiting in the aim at Samael.

'' He hurt a friend.''

'' ... And you will kill him just because of that?''

'' Yes.''

Silence dominated the room. The Asari, the one who was aiming the gun at him, seems to have come to a decision. She lowered the gun, '' He is in the last room in that direction, but I guess you already knew that. The code to the door is 1242.''

'' Thanks. And, what would you think about becoming Chora's Den owner after I finish this? After all, the person in power will be dead.''

'' You will not want this place?''

'' If I can make connections with the Asari, Chora's Den in a small price to pay.''

The unnamed Asari waitress said nothing to that.

'' Well, think about it. I'll finish this soon.''

After saying that, Samael departed from the employee room towards Fist.

It was a short path, as less than a minute later, he was at the door to Fist office. Samael used the code to the door and opened it.

Inside the room, he saw Fist. The man was so occupied opening a safe in the wall that he didn't even notice Samael.

'' Pathetic.''

When Fist heard that, he flinched and stopped what he was doing. He immediately turned around and drew his pistol, '' Who are you?''


Before he could even react, Fist was shot in the head. His face was a mixture of confusion, fear, and ugliness.

He died without even knowing why.

'' You hurt Tali. Well, would hurt. I just killed you before you had the chance to even do that. Also, payback for all lives you ruined across your life and all cycles.''

Of course, he did a lot worse than just shooting Tali. But the main motivation for Samael was that.


Just then, there was an explosion somewhere in the bar. Samael didn't even worry about Wrex or Javik, as both would not die just from an explosion.

' I doubt a few dozen humans could handle both. Even with a grenade.'

So ignoring that, Samael said that toward the door.'' You can come in now.''

Soon after, the same unnamed Asari who pointed the gun at him, and the supposed leader of all the waitresses, arrived at the room. When she saw Fist, she asked, '' Is that it? I'm the owner of Chora's Den now?''

Samael nodded, '' Yes. You don't need to give me part of the money you gain, just make sure I have a table for me and my friends. Oh, and free drinks too would be nice.''

'' ... I would go bankrupt thanks to you and your two friends.''

'' ...''

Samael coughed to not think about it, '' Can you take care of the internal things around the bar, like the rest of Fist people, if there's any? I'll take care of the C-Sec that is coming here.''

'' I can do that... and thank you.''

''Don't mention it. It was just a selfish thing I did. You just benefited from it.''

The Asari hesitated before saying, '' Do you want more from us? You know, us Asari can be quite good in bed.''

While the small exercise here in Chora's Den did elevate Samael's blood a little, he wasn't in the mood right now. '' No, but thanks for the offer. I'm sure others would love that though.''

There was a small disappointment on the Asari face, '' Well, just come to us if you are in the mood. The Chora's Den employers are now your lifelong friends.''

'' We will see about that. Take care.'' Samael then was leaving the room when he remembered something. He used his Omni tool and passed his number to her, '' Call me if there any trouble you can't handle.''

He then departed.

The Asari looked at the new number on her omni-tool with a shine in her eyes.

What happened today was a small change in the whole picture of the galaxy, but to those Asari under Fist, it was a blessing.

While they weren't mistreated/abused or anything like that, they were still seen as less than normal. But now, they are the owners of the place.

They will use this opportunity to grow their influence in the lower parts of the Citadel and provide secure jobs to their sisters who would need them in the future.

All thanks to the trio. The Asari would make sure everyone who worked here knew about their faces


After Samael killed Fist and rejoined Javik and Wrex, he noticed they were in the bar, drinking more.

'' HEY!''

The duo looked at Samael.

'' Why did you start drinking without me, huh?!''

'' ... Sorry?''

'' I'll forgive you both if you give me double of what you drunk!''

'' HAHAHA, that's the spirit.''

Wrex laughed out loud and passed some beers to Samael, who accepted them and started drinking too.

The trio then drank while surrounded by a mountain of corpses. At least 30 people, the majority human, were making that mountain. All dead, of course.

'' I have to say, you drink well for a human. Your race isn't known by handling your drinks well.''

'' Thanks.''

' If only he knew that he was the one who forced my very soul to endure stronger drinks...'

In past cycles, when Samael was learning from Wrex, the Krogan forced a lot of things on him, stronger drinks and foods were the basic. Poisons and such were normal too.

All so that his body could handle things the Krogan way. It worked too well, as it seems Samael's soul learned that.

Of course, with how his body is right now if he drank the REAL Krogan drink, that one that would literally melt the insides of humans, he would die instantly. Only after he uses the serum he would be able to really drink that and only a sip or two.

For now, not getting drunk from this' small' dose of drinks was the best he could do.

'' By the way, what was that explosion before?'' Samael was curious about that part.

Javik looked at Wrex, who looked at the sun(?). After some time, the Krogan said innocently, '' They threw a grenade at me... I just threw it back at them.''

Wrex pointed at a place and there was a pile of ... something.

Samael just sighed and continued drinking. Everyone was relaxed, ignoring the fact they just killed a dozen of people with no problem.

The trio were peas of the same pod.

'' What are you by the way? I saw how you look under the hood, and I don't recognize your species. And trust me when I say I know all species of the galaxy.'' Wrex was very sharp when it wasn't needed.

Javik looked at Samael who said nothing, leaving the decision to the Prothean.

Sighingin, Javik said, '' Have you heard of the Protheans?''

'' Yes... wait, are you telling me you're a Prothean? Do you expect me to believe that?''

Even Wrex with his unknown age, never heard about a Prothean corpse, let alone a living one.

'' It's the truth.'' Samael interject in Javik favor. An idea formed in his mind, ' Let's make the meeting with the Council more interesting.'

As always, Samael wanted to live new things, and Wrex attending a Council meeting this earlier never happened before. He wanted to see what would happen.

'' If you don't believe us, how about we hire you for a bodyguard job tomorrow? Then, you will have no choice but to believe us.''

'' The pay?''

'' 100.000 credits for the day. And a chance to laugh at the Council.''

Wrex was surprised, '' You are going to meet with the Council?''

'' Yes. Javik here is a Prothean, a species thought to be extinct. He has some news for the Council... Even you might find it interesting.''

Wrex was now inclined to believe both, as for a chance to meet with the Council didn't come from nothing. ' They should be legit... So, this is a Prothean, huh. Strong.'

From what Wrex saw when they were fighting, Javik was stronger. Maybe a little better than him, but only time will tell.

'' I'm in. A chance to laugh at the Council doesn't come every day. Plus, free money!''

'' You tell me.''

Just then, the trio heard a commotion over at the Den's door. They prepared for some kind of reinforcement from Fist men, but then heard something.

'' C-SEC IS HERE! Everybody, don't move!''

Javik, Wrex, and Samael stopped after hearing it was C - Sec.

'' What are they doing here?'' Wrex asked with innocence in his voice.

'' Really? Who was the one who used a grenade?!'' While the tone was accusatory, Samael was smiling, indicating he didn't mind the situation.

Wrex was liking this human more and more. '' I already told you they threw it first.''

'' Yeah, yeah. Let me handle it.''

Samael, still with his hands up, approached the C-Sec agents and spoke in a calm tone, '' We are the victims here.''

When the C-Sec looked at the mountain of corpses behind Samael, they didn't believe him for one second.

'' That wasn't me.''

No one believed him.

They started to get close while giving commands,'' Don't move! If you move I'll shoot!''

Samael asked in a whisper, for RR to use his omni tool for him and transfer the files from the cameras they had and what they filmed, '' Calm down and watch the video.''

All agents of the C-Sec received a message at the same time. They stopped to watch, as the situation was too strange.

There, they watched the beginning of the fight and how it was the people who formed the mountain of corpses, the ones who attacked first.

After reviewing the footage some more, the C-Sec knew the trio was the victim. Regardless, they still wanted to take them to custody, or at least a testimony.

So, they asked just that, '' Can you give your version of events?''

As there were a lot of eyewitnesses alive, they would use their testimony to corroborate the story the trio would tell them.

'' Of course.''

For the next hour or so, Samael , Javik and Wrex gave their depoiment. The C-Sec found Javik a bit strange-looking but didn't comment on his appearance.

After making sure they were telling the truth, the C-Sec agents had no reason to hold them anymore, '' While I don't like this one bit, it was self-defense. You guys are free to go.''

Wrex just shrugged his shoulder, while Javik looked bored. Only Samael asked something from the agent, '' Does Garrus Vakarian still work at the C-sec?''

'' The rookie? Yes, he is the HQ. Are you friends with him?''

'' You could say that.''


'' Do you want to meet him for ...?'' 


While C-Sec agents normally don't involve themselves in each other's business, Garrus was a newbie on the force, so they wanted to be sure those people weren't really a threat. While they did kill a lot of people, it was self-defense, so there wasn't much they could do about that. But, if this so-called friend doesn't have good intentions, they would not give Garrus location to him.


Of course, if he searched around he would eventually find Garrus, but that was not the point.


'' We have some catch up to do... and I also want to grab my boutny.'' Samael showed Fist's omni tool to the C-Sec officer, who had no choice but to believe the guy.

'' Here's his actual location.'' The C-Sec wanted to see if the newbie could make this 'friend' of his to reveal more of what happened here. ' Maybe there's more to it.'

C-Sec could only watch them get away under their eyes. 

'' Thanks!''

The trio then departed from Chora's Den, which now had the Asari as owner.

What change that would bring into the future, no one knew, not even Samael, as this was the first time he did that.


While the trio was having 'fun' at Chora's Den, the rest of the crew were also enjoying their stay at the Citadel.

Jack and Miranda were enjoying their date, with Natasha stal- following them from a distance, making sure they were safe.

The rest of the crew was... enjoying their stay at the Citadel.

The things they were doing for fun though... Let's just say C-Sec was having more trouble since Samael and his crew arrived at the Citadel.

While all of this was happening, a few reporters caught wind of what happened at Chora's Den and used their connections to have the security footage.

When the reporters saw the mess that happened there, they decided to try and interview the trio who caused all that mayhem and walked way free.

A still newbie Diana Allers was fired up while the 'veterans' Emily Wong and Khalisah al-Jilani also wanted an exclusive with the trio.

If they would manage to have that interview, only time will tell.


Pop0 Pop0

I opened a vote with my Patreons, to decide the name of the ship Samael owns. Alas, things didn't go the way I wanted and we didn't reach a consensus. So, I opened a vote on SH ( SribbleHub), as I'm in a place of the novel where I need the ship's name.

I don't think WN has the option to open a poll, so if you want your input on the name , please go to SH.

You can click on chapter 26, and vote there.

Also, don't feel presured to go to the other site, it's okay if you don't want to.

Thanks for the support and see you Monday!

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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