28.28% Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction) / Chapter 28: 24 - Reunion

บท 28: 24 - Reunion

It didn't take long after that for the whole facility to be destroyed. Literally.

After getting the testing subjects out, every single one of them launched their biotic powers into the building, making it collapse on itself, thanks to the huge quantity of their attacks and the power behind them.

All those biotic attacks, plus a mixture of the firepower of Samael's crew, created a huge effect on the poor test subjects, as they felt happiest watching the place and the people who made them suffer were destroyed in such a fashion.

Not even a speck of dust from those scientists or guards remained after they finished.

Javik and Miranda had defeated their Mech adversary quite easily, and the girl brought what remained of the machine back to the ship to study it. Samael wasn't going to say that to her now, but he had a plan to make machines better than that Mech and bigger, to fight the Reapers. He would just let her study it for now.

No deaths on the crew, just a few injured people who were healed thanks to the Med Gel. Of course, everyone would still go to Clare to be checked up, just to be sure.

But the most important and touching part of it all was when Natasha and Jack met. The civilian, who had already seen Jack's photos and recognized her, was balling her eyes out while hugging a bewildered Jack.

'' My daughter! My daughter!'' Natasha didn't let Jack go, even after a few minutes.

Jack had to look at Samael for help, as she didn't understand this crazy woman. But what Samael said to her shocked her too.

'' She is your mother''

''... what?''

Jack could not even begin to comprehend what was happening right in front of her. She was told since the beginning her mother sold her, and now there she is, hugging her with all her might.

At least for now, it didn't seem her mother abandoned her. But the whole situation was very VERY confusing for her.

Just on cue, Jack heard Samael say, '' You're kidnapped right after your birth. Cerberus found out about your potential when you were born. As your mother was exposed to a lot of element 0, they told her you had died and took you away. It made sense, and they even made a whole scene with fake ash and a small funeral for you. She believed then and spent her life thinking you died.''

'' Are you saying she didn't know I was alive?''

Samael nodded to her, then spoke to the rest of the test subjects. There are at least 15 of them, all biotics. '' I can't say for everyone, but I know that this is how Cerberus acts. After all, they do have powerful friends in high places, so they could escape from any repercussions that might have happened.''

' Well, not anymore. Cerberus did lose quite a bit of power thanks to my meddling, but there's no reason to say that now.'

'' So your situation might be the same as Jack's. You probably were kidnapped at birth, your family has no idea you are alive and might still be mourning all of you.''

'' I found out about this particular base after investigating the Cerberus for a bit. I saw what they were doing with you guys, specifically Jack, and decided to intervene.'' Samael then said, looking at Jack, '' Can we talk later, alone? I need to ask you a few things.''

Jack was still being hugged by this strange figure who was her mom, but she nodded anyway and said, ''What do I do with her?''

Samael shrugged his shoulder. '' She's your mom, you decide. Just know that she only found out about you a few days ago and dropped her entire life just for a chance to come to rescue you.''

Jack's eyes showed a complicated emotion. She liked dealing with her feelings in an explosive way, screaming and cursing as she wanted. But now she was lost.

She had vented quite a lot of her anger in the building, and now she could not find hate for her mother, as from what she just found out, was a victim too.

So she decided her next course of action was, 'I'll deal with all those sentimental stuff later.'

Samael ignored the mother-daughter duo and looked at the others. '' We came to rescue you guys, and now we can bring you to the authorities if you want. Again, I think your situation is the same as Jack's, so you might still have a family member alive.''

'' Of course, I will offer you support until we reach a place where you can be brought to your family and safety... If you don't have any family left alive or no family at all, you are more than welcome to join our crew.''

The faces of the test subjects lit up a bit. They weren't sure if they had anyone left, so the offer from Samael was like a god-sent gift.

'' Now, let's get out of this planet!''

Samael entered the ship, followed by the rest of the crew and the test subjects.

By the way, Jack didn't manage to lose her mother's hug and had to walk with the woman in her arms.



After leaving the planet, everyone else was more or less adjusted to their places. The majority of them were sleeping while others were doing ... 'something' to alleviate the symptoms of stress after all the fighting they just did.

Only Javik had no interest in it.

Of course, Samael wanted to do the same as the rest of the crew, and it's not like he was in a relationship at the moment, so it wouldn't be cheating. He also had a few options lined up, but he didn't go after them because he still had a few things to do at the exact moment.

Well, right now he was in his room with Jack right in front of him. Natasha hugged her for so long that she passed out in Jack's arms, who then brought the woman to the infirmary. Clare said it was just stress, and Natasha would wake up in a few hours. That did give time for Jack to prepare herself better for the long conversation the duo would have.

So, Samael took the opportunity to call Jack to his room and explain the situation to her.

By now, Jack knew Samael's intention of rescuing her, and the man had offered an invitation to join his crew.

Jack could not understand the man in front of her. From what he said, he came to this base to specifically recruit her, but now that she was hesitant to join them, he said he wasn't going to force her.

Everything that had happened in the last few hours made no sense for Jack.

She was rescued because of her powers, and now the person who wanted her on his crew wasn't forcing the situation. He had just saved her from a lifetime of torture, and demained nothing from her, just a choice.

That made her suspicious and, at the same time, hopeful, as there could be people like him based on the stories she heard while locked. For example, the majority was a fairytale, so that was that.

Anyway, Samael said to think about it and she will use the time off to do just that. Her mother, the offer to join... It was too much, and she needed rest. And a little bit of stress relief too.

Jack still remembered how Samael was at the base, his gaze ... he wanted her but held back when she teased him. But now it was her turn to be horny.

But Jack was learning as she grew, so this time instead of just showing Samael all of her, she simply asked, '' Hey, do you want to fuck?''

Samael was in the middle of calming himself down. His feelings were still in hyperdrive, and he was doing his best to maintain a calm facade. But Jack and that personality of hers just had to say that.

Right about as he was going to say yes, he stopped himself.

' Stop, you know what she is like. While we will fuck right now, she most probably will not trust me with all her being in the future. And that is something I don't want.'

So regretfully, he was going to say no. But just when he was about to open his mouth, an idea struck him, and he smiled mischievously inside.

' Let's play cupid and speed up a few relationships.'

'' Sure. Just let's take a shower first. I don't want to fuck covered in blood.''

'' I don't mind.''

'' ... I'm sure you don't, but I do. Go ahead first, I'll go right after you. ''

Jack shrugged her shoulder, '' Your call. Just don't leave me waiting.''

Then, she went to the bathroom, and Samael immediately sent a message to Miranda to meet him in his quarters.

A few moments later, the door to his room opened. Miranda noticed Samael and asked, ''What did you call me for?''

'' I need to go out for a bit, can you watch Jack for me? She is taking a bath, but, you know, we still weren't sure of her mental state.''

Miranda and everyone else saw Jack and knew the girl probably had a few screw losses thanks to all torture she endured all those years. So, she didn't mind watching her for Samael.

'' Sure. Go ahead and do your thing.''

'' Ok. First things first, here are some towels and fresh blankets. I also put a gallon of water close to the bed. Here is a box you must open only after I leave the room.'' Samael then rushed outside the room.

Miranda noticed something was up and opened the box in a hurry. She blushed when she was content. It was filled with sex toys.

'' What is this?''

Samael slowly closed the door. '' I saw the way you looked at Jack, and you both need some stress relievers right now. Also, you will make a cute couple, trust me.''

'' Wait!''

Samael didn't wait and closed the door. Miranda tried to open it, but it was locked.

With no other option, Miranda had to ask for help, '' RR, can you open for me?''

''... No. I also want to see where this is going.''

'' You too!?''

Miranda was shocked by the sudden betrayal... Well, she was not going to deny that she was stressed and also wanted to vent a little.

What really surprised her was how Samael knew she liked girls more than men.

' How...?'

Just as she was contemplating that, she heard a female voice coming from the now-opened bathroom.

'' Well, well, well. I must say, I was expecting Samael, but I don't mind who it is, to be honest.''

Jack was naked, something Miranda clearly took a long time to confirm. When she came back to her senses, she tried to explain the situation, ''Wait, Samael tricked me into coming here!''

Jack ignored Miranda and looked at the contents of the box she was holding. She smirked, '' Yes? Then how do you explain that?''

Miranda looked at the sex toys and said, '' It-''

Before she could finish saying it was Samael's, Jack pounced on her and began to kiss her with all her might.

Miranda struggled for a bit before letting things happen. She liked this situation quite a bit, but she would never admit it.

After what felt like a long time, Jack broke the kiss. Both women were panting.

But as always, Jack took the initiative and started to undress Miranda, who sped up the process.

'' Now, this is... amazing.''

Jack was drolling at the sight of Miranda's body. It was the closest thing to perfection she had seen since her birth.

'' I will enjoy eating you up.''

Jack licked her lips while Miranda thought.

'I will also enjoy this.'

What happened next is history and the start of a new relationship.


While Jack and Miranda were using his room to have fun, Samael was in the cockpit, alongside Veronica and RR. He was watching the vast space unfold in front of his eyes while trying his best to control his urges.

He was also thinking about his future plans.

'It's almost time to give the Quarians the pill that makes them live well out of their suit... Also, I need to buy the ingredients of the serum.... sending Javik to Illos after the meeting with the Council.... I also want to meet Shepard, Tali, Liara, and the rest.'

In summary, Samael had a lot to do in such a short time. After all, in less than a decade, the reapers are arriving and the galaxy is nowhere close to being able to win without a lot of sacrifices.

' There's also the Geth, the Krogans, the resuscitated Rachini Quenn, Omega, the Collector, end Cerberus once and for all... FUCK me!'

Samael was sighing internally and externally, and when RR and Veronica saw him like that, they both nodded to each other.

RR, without making too much noise, closed the door of the cockpit, leaving the trio 'trapped' there.

That finally made Samael return to the present, and he asked the mischievous-looking duo, '' What is this?''

RR answered in a somehow excited tone, '' Based on my research, the best way to alleviate stress after a fight is intercourse. Probably is correct too, as almost all of the crew, saving a few particular individuals, are participating in those activities.''

'' I'm-''

Veronica interrupted Samael before he could say anything, '' You are stressed, no doubt about it. Now, let's deal with that for you.''

Both RR and Veronica then got nude, and Samael finally stopped holding back his lust.

''... Oh well, when in Rome...''

The rest is history.



After a few rounds of stress-relieving, everyone in the crew was back to normal. Well, there was one big surprise for everyone, except Samael.

Jack and Miranda now had some kind of relationship, and Jack didn't even bother to hide it. After she talked with her mother and both made peace with each other, she suddenly started to act very clingy with Miranda, who didn't seem to mind.

Also, she accepted working under Samael and LD.

'' Welcome to the team!'' Samael welcomed her with open arms.

'' Thanks and... '' Jack leaned closer to his ears and whispered, '' Thanks for that gift, I liked it quite a lot.''

Samael smirked, as Jack and Miranda normally tend to end up as a couple in all other cycles too, he just sped up the process by a few years.

'' Don't mention it.''

'' Also, my offer is still up. Even if you gave your opportunity to Miranda, how about you join us for a few particular ...training sessions? We can be quite flexible after all.''

''... I will think about it.'' Samael would really think about this situation. It was just that right now wasn't the best time. ' Maybe in the future.'

By the way, when Natasha heard Jack had joined the crew, she asked to join too.

'' I'll join as a cook, a janitor, whatever you need me. Just let me stay near my daughter.'' Natasha pleaded with Samael.

Seeing no reason not to allow this situation, Samael offered her the position of a bartender. '' Welcome to the team.''

'' Thank you!''

Right now, Javik and Samael were in the gym, both sweating and out of breath, as they just finished a spar which ended in Samael's victory.

Well, it was expected, as he knew Javik's style of fighting and was even trained by him. The student always surprises the master, after all.

'' We are getting close to the Citadel. Are you ready to talk with the Council about the Reapers?'' Samael asked while taking a sip of water.

Javik nodded, '' They have to listen. Otherwise, things would not be so much different from my cycle.''

Samael knew they would not listen to them right now, but he didn't mention it. After all, even this failed meeting is also something necessary.

' I will use this meeting as a way to meet up with the higher-ups in this cycle in a normal way, without using a different pretext.'

Samael could simply use what he knew about them, to meet them earlier. But he wanted to do it the legitimate way, so they would treat him as a normal person and not a lunatic.

Anyway, Samael wanted to put other things in motion in the citadel, as there were a lot of people he wanted to meet at the place right now.

' Wrex is there, Garus started his job a few months ago on C-Sec.'

Samael was keeping tabs on everyone in his family, and only those 2 are in the Citadel right now. Tali had just left the Migrant Fleet, Shepard just started her career in the military, and Liara was still doing her job in a place far away from the Citadel.

So, this trip to the Citadel would also allow Samael to meet his old family and he will for sure use this opportunity to grow closer to them.

' Wait for me, everyone!'

Pop0 Pop0

Well, Jack and Miranda are officially a couple now. Tbh, I didn't even want the MC to have sex at this stage, but I knew some people would not like that one bit, as most of the crew was doing it and Samael gave his 'opportunity' to Miranda, so I decided to give him a threesome with Veronica and RR.

Also, Veronica and RR are not in the harem for now, but I did leave a door open for them. With Jack and Miranda... well, based on the personality of both, there's a high chance they would invite the MC to fun activities ( Jack already did in this chapter), but I think their relationship with him would be that, no romance involved.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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