
บท 16: Chapter 16

POV: Perseus Heitor Jackson

I'm getting ready for my father and grandmother's wedding, yes he's asked Athena to marry him, the ceremony and the party are going to be held right here on Olympus, Hera my mother is going to do the ceremony and I'm going to walk in with the rings, I kind of had to, I didn't feel very excited about doing it, but my mother made me. The ceremony will start soon, and this fucking suit is fucking uncomfortable, it's tight, even if it was tailor-made for me.

Well, I've already gotten over the "trauma" of seeing my father and grandmother having sex, to tell you the truth, I didn't even think much about the scene of the two of them "making love", I was too busy thinking about how much my life had changed in recent times, I was feeling lighter, I could even say happier, after I managed to get into my old house, I literally took the good memories that were the photos, and literally burned the bad memories the rest of the house, which I didn't want to remember, I'm going to build that house from scratch. As much as I had gotten rid of that enormous weight, something new about that night bothered me, not the fact that I went in and faced my ghosts, that I feel free of, but the fact that I had met Nyx.

 It's been about two months since I spoke to Nyx, she left me a little dazed, I don't know why, I felt a lot of things that I've never felt with anyone, I still had that phrase that kept hammering away in my head "Let's say you're going to be important" important in what way? How could I be important to a Primordial Goddess? I simply had no idea how. But I didn't tell anyone about my conversation with Nyx either, and I kept it all to myself. I'm interrupted from my daydreams by my mother, who enters my room. Normally I'm not surprised, thanks to my training to sharpen my senses and perception, but I was far away in my thoughts. She looked beautiful, in that red dress with a reasonable neckline, the dress went halfway down her thighs, and she wore medium red heels with lots of jewelry and a beautiful hairstyle.

"What was Percy thinking?" She asked worriedly, but before I could answer her question, she added. "Have you been thinking a lot lately? Ever since you brought those photos of your mother." She pointed to one of the photos of my mother, Sally. I had put some of them in gold frames and left them on the desk and the bedside table. " And burned down your real mother's house in Montauk." I could see her eyes full of tears. After that day, when I told her about going inside the cottage and taking the photos and burning everything else, Hera has been thinking that I don't think she's my real mother.

"Stop it mom, I told you to stop talking such nonsense." I said, scolding her. "You're my mother, just as much as Sally is, I love you both equally, if I don't love you more, I just don't want to forget her, but you're my mother and don't ever doubt it." I hugged her, she squeezed me tightly, she nodded, her eyes still full of tears, of silly jealousy. "I LOVE YOU, AND I WILL ALWAYS LOVE MRS. IVY, MY MOTHER, THE MOST JEALOUS, CRAZY, INSANE AND HYPER, MEGA, SUPER PROTECTIVE MOTHER OF ALL." I shouted loudly, which made her laugh. "That's it, I love your smile mom, don't ever doubt my love for you again, look at this, mom." I took my wallet out of my pocket and opened it. There was a photo in it, actually two photos, which I turned into just one by sticking them together separately. "The two loves of my life, I love you as much as I love Athena, Hestia, Demeter, even if she does make me eat cereal." Hera laughed some more. "I love Aphrodite and Arty, you took me in and taught me many good things, I'll never stop loving you." I kissed her cheek, she smiled at me. I got out of bed. "Now let's go."

"I love you my baby." She smiled, seeing my grimace at being called baby, she laughed. "MY BABY, ALWAYS MY BABY."

"I'm done arguing with you, Mom." I said defeated, finally accepting this annoying nickname. "I'm your baby" She laughed out loud at my agreement. "Now, Mrs. Hera, you'd better stop being so jealous."

"All right, now let's get going, my love." She smiled and got up from the bed. "But why are you different?"

"Mom, it was something else."



---- Break ----

POV: Athena

I was overjoyed, I was going to marry the love of my eternity, the god who had always been in the back of my mind, in the depths of my heart. I was happy that Percy hadn't changed his way of being with the two of us, but he came back distant, but I think it has to do with something or someone he saw in his old house where he and my daughter lived, I miss Sally, she was one of my daughters most like me, I think that's why Poseidon fell in love with her, I've forgiven him for that, but I still resent him internally for what he did to Medusa, but that's beside the point.

 But Percy came back extremely different, calmer and more serene, he even seemed happier to me, but pensive, always thinking about something far away, even a little distracted. But as always, if something strange happens to him, this idiot grandson of mine keeps it to himself, this idiotic way of wanting to carry the world on his back annoys me. I'm interrupted from my thoughts by Aphrodite who says?

"Come on Athena, it's time!" She said smiling, and I smiled back at her. Was I nervous? Yes, very nervous, I was going to marry Poseidon, I'd always dreamed of it, of us being a couple, sleeping together, having children, being happy together. But the best thing of all was that we were finally "okay", too happy, and that happiness only increased the day he proposed, even though I was expecting it, it was a shock how and when he did it. I smile, remembering the moment. And looking at the gold ring with a green gemstone. He had found it himself at the bottom of the sea, and it read, "Forever, my Little Owl".


We were in a meeting, as usual, always in the throne room. It was extremely boring, even I wasn't paying much attention, until Zeus' voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Are there any items to be declared and discussed?" Zeus asked, he was calmer and smiling after Percy had fixed their relationship. Come to think of it, after Percy came to Cassia, he sorted out the troubled relationships of all the gods, all that's left is for him to make the Big Three get along better, perhaps by bringing Hades closer to Olympus. Poseidon stands up and speaks:

"Well, I have a request to make." he said firmly. My blood ran cold, my stomach got butterflies and I started to sweat, I already knew what he wanted.

"Then do it, brother." said my father, smiling. Poseidon got up from his throne and walked over to my throne, and knelt down in front of everyone, I looked at him in amazement and smiled like a fool, I'm sure. "Well, I've waited a long time, and I'm no longer going to hide what I feel, and I'm here to make the request that will make me the happiest god that exists, has existed or will exist." He took a small box out of his pocket, opened it and inside was the most beautiful ring of all. It was gold, with a shiny green sea stone. "I'm here, now in front of all the Olympians, to ask you, my love, Athena, to marry me, I've always loved you, since the day you were born, but because of all our fights, I always thought you hated me and I was always afraid to reveal my feelings, but I LOVE YOU Athena." He shouted the end, making some of those present laugh. "Those gray eyes of yours, which enchant me, and your bossy way, you know everything, but the only thing I'm sure of is that you have everything to make me happy, and I'll always fight for our love, and I want you to be my queen, goddess of Wisdom, do you accept?" I didn't answer with words, I jumped on him knocking us to the ground, he smiled and I kissed him, a long, tender kiss. We were interrupted by Apollo.

"Damn, I've lost a dance partner." said Apollo pretending to be angry, upset. We got up from the floor, Poseidon helped me up.

"I hope you've really lost, Apollo." I slapped him, he laughed and gave me a kiss.

"I'm only yours, my love." He smiled.

"Good, or else I'll pick up some capering techniques from Artemis" I'd like to, he turned pale to the laughter of the other gods, and Artemis said.

"You can count on me, little sister." Artemis said promptly.

"So, Zeus, will you give me your daughter's hand?" Poseidon asked my father, trying to avoid the subject. My father laughed.

"Clever, Poseidon, better me than those two goddesses." He laughed and Poseidon followed him. But I saw that he was afraid, it's a good thing he was, because if he betrays me I'll capture him myself, just to start with. "Of course I will, on the condition that you make Athena very happy." Zeus said smiling, then kissed the top of my head, I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you Father, I love you." I smiled happily.

"Thank you, brother." Said Poseidon, squeezing my father's hand. "And you can bet she'll be the happiest of all, I promise."

Flashback end

I walked down the aisle, the wedding march began to play, I was so happy, and thanks to Aphrodite I could cry and my makeup wouldn't come off, everything was perfect, the decoration just the way I'd always wanted it, full of beautiful fountains, lots of white and gray, some green details, everything beautiful. There were a few other demigods in the camp, some of my children didn't take too kindly to the idea of me marrying Poseidon, but hell, they're the children, not me, so they're not the boss of me. The huntresses of Artemis were also there, I couldn't leave them out, not least because they're all very good for my grandson. Even Hades and Persephone were there, as well as many other minor gods who are our allies. Some of Poseidon's main leaders had come to attend the wedding of their king, Paláimon, God of Sharks, Esmeralda, Queen of Mermaids, Dauphin of Dolphins and Poseidon's daughter, the goddess Roda, Princess of Atlantis, she was the only descendant of Poseidon who accepted me, apart from Percy of course.

I kept walking and I saw Poseidon, all handsome in a black suit, with black shoes, a black shirt with a green tie, a green of the same shade as his eyes, he looked beautiful, my wedding dress was simple, but according to Aphrodite it was perfect, it fit my profile very well, the neckline was small, and the dress was white with some light gray details, it went down to the floor and had a long train, I walked to the altar, with Zeus by my side, he was of course going to give the bride's hand, I was very nervous, and Poseidon visibly too, we arrived at the altar and I was handed over to Poseidon. The ceremony went by and Hera did it until finally it was time for the rings, Percy brought the ring, along with one of my daughters, he was with Poseidon's, and my daughter Yeasmin Cameron, she was still 5 years old, she was a redhead, she took after her father, he was an excellent scientist, Yeasmin had my eyes, she was beautiful, they handed over the rings and went to their places. We exchanged rings, made our vows and then came the final part.

"Athena, do you take Poseidon, god of the seas, to be your lawful wedded husband, to love and respect for the entire age of the gods?" Hera asked, smiling.

"I do."

"Poseidon, do you accept Athena, goddess of Wisdom, as your lawful wedded wife, to love, to respect, for the entire age of the gods?"

"I do, even after our era." Poseidon replied firmly, and I smiled foolishly; he also had the same smile of a fool in love.

"Then with the power of the goddess of marriage, I, Hera, queen of the gods, bless and pronounce you husband and wife, Poseidon may kiss his bride."

"With great pleasure." He smiled and gave me a delicate, lingering kiss. I could hear the applause and whistles of the guests.

"Now let's party!" I exclaimed happily.

POV: Perseus Heitor Jackson

The ceremony was a complete bore, I have no idea how my mother likes these things so much, although I can understand that being the goddess of marriage, she came up with this sort of thing, but it really was boring. I went in with one of my grandmother Athena's daughters, she was a cute little girl, red-haired, but her eyes were the same as my mother's and grandmother's, I think it comes in Athena's "divine DNA", in the same way that my eyes are the same as my father's green eyes. Yeasmin and I handed over the rings and went to the best man's side, Aphrodite and Hephaestus for my father and Demeter and Apollo for Athena. I stayed by Demeter's side, she hugged me and kept stroking my hair. She was very nice, but she kept urging me to eat cereal and eat better, which made me a bit angry.

"You're very distant, Percy." Said Demeter, catching my eye.

"No, I'm normal, Auntie." I whispered back.

"No, you're not. Let's talk later." She said seriously, I just nodded, she kissed me on the cheek and went back to paying attention to the ceremony. After the new couple kissed, we went to the party, but first there was going to be dancing, and the first dance would be with your "date" so to speak, and in this case mine was little Yeasmin, she wasn't even 1 meter tall yet, I took her on my lap and "danced" with her, she was very nice and cute.

"Hey Min, I'm tired, shall we have a soft drink?" I asked, swinging her.

"Yes Percy." She answered promptly.

"Come on, little one." I said smiling, then I started walking to the soft drink table. " Which one do you like?"

"Orange soda." She smiled.

"What a coincidence, it's my favorite too." I said, taking a glass each. "Come, I'll introduce you to one of my friends, her name is Zoë, she's very annoying sometimes, but most of the time she's nice."

"But if she's boring, and you're nice, why are you friends?" She asked, confused.

"Well, she's nice to everyone, but she's like my sister, and siblings usually fight all the time."

"The same as the big three!" She concluded, which made me laugh.

"Exactly, they love each other, but they fight a lot."

"I see, so let's go and meet Zoë."

"Let's go." I walked along, joking with her, until I found Zoë, who was sitting on a bench a little way away. I walked over to her and sat down on the bench next to her. She noticed me and the child.

"Hey Percy, who's this princess?" She asked, smiling.

"That's little Yeasmin, daughter of Athena." She kissed the child's cheek, she was so cute. "Min, this one is Zoë, she's the lieutenant of the huntresses of Artemis, she's like an older sister to me, and much older, as I said before, she's very annoying." I was slapped by Zoë, Min laughed heartily.

"You're old, you fish-head." Mocked Zoë.

"But she looks about 14." Yeasmin concluded, watching Zoë's face.

"It's just that she's a huntress, huntresses are almost immortal, they don't age, she was supposed to be a wrinkly old lady and very ugly." Zoë slapped me again, I laughed because she fell for my teasing. "Come on Zoë, you know it's true."

"Your nose is old, Perseus."

"You look like an old married couple, just like in the movie I saw." Said Yeasmin laughing, which made me and Zoë laugh.

"Do you want to sit on this boring girl's lap for a while?" I asked, Yeasmin nodded and went over to Zoë's lap. Zoë picked her up and they chatted about archery and things like that. I think she's just got a new Huntress, so I watched them, got up and feinted at Olympus, all in celebration. I looked back at Zoë, seeing her playing and looking after the little demigod made me think that Zoë could have been a great mother. I was interrupted by Athena, who jumped on my back, she looked like a child with so much happiness.

"What's wrong, Grandma?" I asked laughing, she smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Come with me, I want to dance with you."

"So let's go." I said laughing, she got off my back and took me to the dance floor, the music that was playing was the music that people liked, so everyone listened to their own way, but as we were dancing we were listening to the same song, a slow, classic song, Athena and Hera, had taught me to dance a long time ago, we were dancing for a while, talking about random things until she asked.

"What happened to you?" She asked, it was taking me a while, I knew she was going to ask if I was all right too. "And still very distant, thoughtful."

"Nothing, Grandma." I smiled. "I'm the same as always."

"Don't lie to me, Perseus." She argued. "I know you very well, I know you're hiding something." She looked at me, but I was great at keeping secrets.

"Nothing, Grandma." I said as firmly as I could. "I'm sure I'm normal."

"Are you sure? You know that if you lie, I'll find out."

"Of course I'm sure, Grandma."

"Athena, could you give me Percy for a moment? "" A voice from one of the goddesses that I was also trying to avoid asked.

"Of course, Demeter." Answered my grandmother. She took me to dance, she danced well, we danced for a while in silence until I lost patience and asked.

"What do you want, auntie?" I asked.

"I want you to tell me what's going on? Why are you so distant?"

"I'm normal auntie, in fact, I've never been happier."

"Don't lie to me, Perseus." But what a boring thing, these goddesses, they look like mothers, in fact, they're much worse, you're crazy.

"Mrs. Demeter, I love you very much." I said seriously. "But one Hera in my life is enough, filling me up all the time." I said laughing, and she couldn't stand it and laughed along.

"All right, I'll believe you." She kissed me on the cheek. "Now you go have fun, Percy, I won't be on your back anymore."

"That's fine, auntie." I kissed her on the cheek and ran off, before she could change her mind, as I walked away from the huge commotion of people at the party, I noticed someone standing a little way off. He was tall, 183cm tall, very white, his black hair was down to his shoulders, his expression was empty, which showed that he was a lonely guy, he was muscular, more or less like Zeus, in fact they looked a lot alike, he was wearing an all-black suit including the tie, he looked at me indifferently, but I didn't care, I came closer to him and bowed in respect. "Hello Lord Hades, it's a great pleasure to meet you in person." He looked at me differently now, with less indifference in his eyes. "I am Perseus..."

"I know who you are, son of Poseidon." He interrupted me. "Demeter, on one of her visits to the underworld, commented on you. It seems that you will be a great ally for my brothers."

"No sir, I won't get involved in any battle between the Olympians, especially the big three." He looked at me amused, half-mocking my words. "I know you're not technically an Olympian, but in my opinion you should be." He looked at me surprised now. "And unless you try to attack my mother Hera, Athena and Hestia, in fact any of the goddesses, I won't go against you." He kept looking at me. "They will always have my honor, they raised me."

"Your position is commendable." He said, smiling a little. "You'll be a great demigod, a true hero, and you'll probably be a god."

"Thank you, but I don't think any of that will happen." I said calmly, Hades continued to look at me intently. "I just want to be as happy as possible, I don't want honor, glory or power, I just want to have a good life, and when the time comes for me to die, I just want to be sure that I've done my best for everyone. I don't care about immortality or anything like that, I just want to be happy." I said without looking at my uncle, but I knew he was watching me intently. "Well, in short, if you need my help, other than attacking another Olympian, you can count on me, I will serve you." I said firmly, looking at him seriously. "It's not a joke or just lip service."

"I believe you, and if you really want to know, I don't want any more trouble with my brothers, especially now that I've made my peace with Persephone, and we're happy in the underworld."

"I'm glad you understand each other." I said distractedly. Then, in my field of vision, I saw Artemis walking towards me, I guessed what she wanted, to continue this boring subject about my change of behavior, I bet one of the other goddesses has already told her. I sighed, tired of having to continue this boring discussion. "All right, my uncle, I think I'll be going now, I have to escape the conversation with a certain goddess." I said pointing at Artemis, she seemed impatient and irritated, even though we hadn't even started talking. Hades gave a little laugh, and it wasn't an evil one.

"Looking at her, I think you've done something."

"Well, I don't know what it was." I said seriously. "It was a great pleasure to meet you, Lord Hades." I took my leave of him and walked over to Artemis.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Perseus." I could still hear Hades' voice softly.

"What have I done, Arty?" I asked impatiently when I got close to her.

"They're telling me that you've been keeping secrets from us, will you come and tell me?" She said impatiently. Great, one more to fill me up. I automatically rolled my eyes, but it wasn't a good idea, because in response to my rudeness, I was slapped on the head by Artemis. "Don't roll your eyes when I ask you a question, now spit it out." It's going to be a long night, it looks like all the goddesses are going to fill me up for a long time, I think I'd better disguise it better in front of them.

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