85.49% Fate/Ultimate Antagonist / Chapter 112: [112] First Strike!

บท 112: [112] First Strike!

[You are born, and you are a Pure Heart.]

[At the moment of your birth, the room was filled with extraordinary phenomena. The large space was enveloped in a mist that spread like a mystical fog, turning the entire room into an ethereal realm, making everyone present exclaim in astonishment.]

[The talent Pure Heart has awakened: You are a natural prodigy in your path, possessing exceptional aptitude. You can hear what ordinary people cannot hear and see what ordinary people cannot see. Unfortunately, this is not entirely a good thing.]

"…Damn, what is this nonsense again?"

[The Pure Heart will bring an overwhelming amount of spiritual insights, Forgetfulness will turn you into a carefree person, and Master of Fate will attract the attention of outer entities... these three talents clearly indicate that you're set to descend into madness.]

[Cursing the system in your heart, you think of a certain novel character that you remember having the same tragic fate as you, and you instinctively pull on your umbilical cord, trying to cause a severe hemorrhage and end this simulation filled with potential torment, hoping for a chance to restart.]

[Unfortunately, your effort is too weak, and you are immediately held tightly by your worried and concerned parents.]

[Your mother carefully cuts your umbilical cord, her actions causing even more astonishment as they believe you were trying to break free from the womb on your own.]

[Then, you decide to hold your breath, hoping to suffocate yourself. This action causes the midwives to gather around you in anxiety.]

["Cry, why isn't the young master crying? If he doesn't cry, there could be trouble..."]

[Cry? Even crying takes time! This body isn't as resilient as the one in Son of the White Dragon. As long as you don't cry, you should soon be able to suffocate from lack of oxygen.]

[The midwives, anxious, begin to rub your abdomen to make you cry, but it has no effect.]

["Hand my child to me..."]

[A weak female voice echoes in the room, and you, wrapped in swaddling clothes, are passed into the arms of a gentle woman.]

["My dear child, don't be afraid... Mother is here, don't worry, I will hold you..."]

[A soft lullaby drifts into the air.]

[You look at the sweat-soaked forehead of your mother, listening to her sing a lullaby, seeing her eyes filled with endless love and tenderness.]

[With a sigh from the depths of your heart, you cry out loudly.]

[Under the care and love of your parents, you slowly grow up in a luxurious mansion.]

[You often stand by the quiet pond in the manor, staring at your reflection in the water, thinking about ending this simulation. But the hopeful faces of your parents make it hard for you to make that decision.]

[So be it, what if you are a Pure Heart? You are the cursed Son of the White Dragon, the Godslayer of Sparta. There is no torment that can shake your dark will.]

[As time passes, you gradually learn that you were born into a wealthy and prominent family. It seems that there was once an ancestor who achieved success in cultivation.]

[When your mother was pregnant with you, she dreamed of a celestial palace, and therefore had a premonition that she would give birth to an immortal.]

[Thus, your parents hope that you will attain enlightenment and embark on the path to immortality, naming you Zhang Jue.]

[At one year old, you could speak fluently. By two, you could read and write with ease, and you had a photographic memory for any book you read, easily mastering poetry and prose.]

[Your extraordinary talents bring immense joy to your parents, further convincing them that you are indeed an immortal descended from heaven.]


"As the saying goes, Do not speak of strange occurrences, physical prowess, disorder, or supernatural beings. My dear parents, please do not mention anything about immortals in front of me. I don't particularly like it."

Reinhard sat under a brilliantly blooming peach tree in the manor's estate. The handsome black-haired boy had a blade of grass hanging from his mouth, while a maid fanned him. Lazily, he fingered a black Go piece, waiting for his father to make a move.

"So, do we have any distant cousins named Zhang Liang or Zhang Bao? Even those obscure distant relatives?"

Reinhard had been growing up in this county for over eight years. Through various historical records, he had confirmed that he was indeed in the late dynasty era.


He wasn't Zhang Jiao, but Zhang Jue?

What was going on?

Could it be that the Three Kingdoms in this universe didn't have a Zhang Jiao?

The Nine-Section Staff was a symbol of governing the nine elements and overseeing all things, aimed at guiding people towards enlightenment. Historically, the most famous wielder of the Nine-Section Staff was none other than Zhang Jiao, the General of Heaven, known for his powerful spells.

Well... It made sense that Reinhard was simulating Zhang Jiao, considering the Antagonist Simulator, he was using always put him in the shoes of the most notorious characters.

After all, if he remembers correctly, in most retellings of the Three Kingdoms, Zhang Jiao and his Yellow Turban Rebellion were merely stepping stones for the warlords.

With his spells, and mystical practices, Zhang Jiao was often depicted as an evil cult leader. The Yellow Turban Rebellion he led triggered chaos, causing the central government to decentralize power, giving rise to the warlords and ultimately leading to the downfall of the eastern dynasty.

People like Cao Cao and famous figures of the Three Kingdoms essentially rose to power by crushing the Yellow Turban Rebellion, making it the classic beginner's village in an MMO.

The Yellow Turban Army became a stepping stone, and Zhang Jiao himself was vilified, dying in battle from illness... a truly tragic end.

Reinhard wasn't particularly concerned about being vilified. Characters like Alvin and Kratos had all been cursed and criticized. If he didn't get cursed in a simulation, he'd feel something was wrong.

This simulation was meant to accomplish a task: to eradicate the spread of corruption and remove Nurgle's influence from the annals of history.

Yet, despite selecting the withered Nine-Section Staff from the museum, Reinhard had assumed he would become the great sage saving the world. Something seemed off.

If the simulation deviated, the system would be responsible!

[You blame me? Think about the level of opponents you'll face... Counter Force and Chaos. In front of them, you're just a dish. I've already given you the best possible advantages.]

"If you'd worked harder, would I need to suffer and struggle? I'd have pinned Slaanesh to the wall by now!"

[Indeed, you outshine even Slaanesh.]

"This is pure slander. Fake News."

[Wait and see.]


The system truly put him in a maddening situation, with no easy way out. After all, this time the opponent was Nurgle, the Lord of Decay.

Reinhard felt a headache coming on at the thought of Nurgle's domain. Known for its resilient life force, figuring out how to eradicate it from history was a mystery. At eight years old, he was clueless about the solution.

Maybe he should invite the Emperor of Mankind to burn down the garden?

And not Zhang Jiao, but Zhang Jue.

So, due to Nurgle's corruption and the interference of Counter Force, the original historical trajectory had seriously deviated?

After all, both the Old Man of the Mountain and the Fisherman had said it.

The entire corrupted history of the Three Kingdoms had formed a massive singularity.

Reinhard's thoughts raced.

Meanwhile, his father, was already used to his son's strange questions, sitting across from him at the Go board.

After all, an immortal reborn as his son, he would naturally have unconventional thinking.

"Zhang Bao? Zhang Liang?

"In this county, the Zhang surname is common. Such names are indeed quite ordinary."

His father with a dignified and upright appearance, frowned as he looked at the chaotic state of the Go board.

"Jue'er, is this really your first game? How is your skill so profound?"

The rules of Go are simple enough to explain in a few words, yet the myriad variations within are far beyond a beginner's comprehension.

"I'm just built different."

To think that after twenty years of playing Go, he had lost to his eight-year-old son in their first game... Even though Jue'er was an immortal reborn, it didn't reflect well on his dignity as a father.

Got it... If the game isn't finished, I haven't technically lost!

"Fine, Jue'er, you've asked me about this before. I'll go look through our family genealogy for you." His father smiled lightly, discreetly putting the white Go stone back into the bowl. His son had turned his brilliant moves into commonplace ones. This game was over for him.

"Just don't get your hopes up... our family has been rooted in this county since the first dynasty, known for our scholarly lineage. We would never name anyone that such crude names."

Common folk believed that simple names led to better survival.

In these years of plague and famine, being easy to care for was more important than anything.

To avoid discussing the heavy topics of state affairs and the hardships of the land, he spoke gently, a warm smile on his face.

"Jue'er, you've asked this many times. Do you feel lonely and want a few brothers to play with?"

"This is something you and mother should consider. But it's true, our family does seem a bit sparse with only me."

Despite having a large estate managed by several maids and stewards, he had only one son. As a prefect, he had never taken concubines, staying devoted to his wife for over a decade... a testament to their deep affection.

From what Reinhard understood, high-ranking officials like prefects usually had multiple wives and children to ensure their family lineage continued. For instance, Cao Cao had over twenty sons, married seven wives, and still sought more women.

"An immortal once told your mother that with your exceptional talents and your descent from the Immortal Palace, we should not disturb your path to enlightenment by having more children."

"I'm not an immortal reincarnate, father. I'm your son."

The black-haired boy sighed helplessly.

"Always with the immortal talk. And now there's another immortal who told my fortune? Who is he?"

"Haha, Jue'er, don't worry. That immortal said that you and he are destined to meet again."


Reinhard frowned, deep in thought.

He now knew that the universe he was in indeed had real gods and immortals. Legends here were historical facts, considering the Ten Officials of Summit Court were said to be ten living immortals.

Moreover, in this era...

The historical records describe that the emperor through sincere devotion, summoned a meteor that fell into the enemy camp, creating a cloud like a broken mountain, causing all soldiers to surrender.

Reading this historical record had made Reinhard couldn't help but be astounded.

The emperor summoned a meteor and used it to crush a 380,000-strong army. This was true, not an exaggeration.

It was said the emperor unearthed a magical artifact from the first emperor's tomb, helping to prolong his dynasty's reign for another four decades.

The first emperor, who embodied the qualities of a supreme ruler, reportedly saw giants from a foreign land, leading him to start developing mechanical technology, aiming for mechanical ascension. However, his quest for immortality and tyrannical rule ultimately led to his downfall.

So, the First Emperor pursued mechanical ascension? This is too strange!

But... With the setting of Greek Machine Gods, Reinhard now felt that he wouldn't be surprised by anything new from this universe.

Dang! This is so bizarre! 

Due to inheriting the legacy of the first emperor, the architectural style of this empire, though still featuring black tiles, white walls, green brick doors, stone-carved windows, and wooden columns, had incorporated many mechanical structures and magical elements, blending harmoniously without any sense of discord. Reinhard appreciated this cyberpunk aesthetic.

So, who set up the world of this universe's Three Kingdoms? Isn't it too outrageous?

But he felt that he would not be surprised anymore as he had been through some strange incidents over the years.

He should now focus on making a plan on what to do about the corruption in this history.

Thanks to the innate talent Pure Heart, his body naturally awakened with an exceptionally high-quality and abundant magic circuit. At eight years old, his magical aptitude had already reached A-level, truly a natural prodigy.

But the attributes of his body were exceptionally skewed.

[Name: Zhang Jue

Strength: E

Endurance: D

Agility: D

Mana: A

Luck: E~EX

Noble Phantasm: ?

Territory Creation: B

You can quickly establish a territory that converges leylines, thanks to your magical knowledge. Fighting within this territory significantly benefits you, enhancing all your attributes by one rank.

High-Speed Incantation: C

Trained in eloquence by a witch, you can efficiently chant various spells and prayers. However, as you currently don't understand Philosophy Magecraft, the spells you cast are actually Western Magecraft.

Item Creation: B

Your talent for creating mystic codes is exceptional. With your calligraphy natural blessing, even drawing spells is faster... although you currently don't know how to draw them.

Bewilderment: ?

You are favored by all sorts of unease and bewilderment. A peculiar, eerie aura surrounds you, though you've hidden it so well that no one has noticed your indescribably twisted nature. When this bewilderment is unleashed, it can even affect the world around you.

Pure Heart: A

Born with a pure heart, you possess extraordinary potential for finishing your path, able to perceive phenomena beyond ordinary comprehension. However, this is just a glimpse... its full potential is yet to be discovered.

Forgetfulness: E

Are you Reinhard, Alvin, Kratos, or Zhang Jue? Able to answer this question, you wear different masks without hesitation, each distinct yet similar. However, as a Stellaris player with high moral standards, you haven't realized the power of lies. The more people believe your lies, the more mysterious power you can draw from them.

Master of Fate: E

You vaguely sense an indescribable presence constantly watching your every word and action, causing you considerable discomfort. Through uttering cryptic phrases, you subconsciously try to break through this barrier, seeking a direct connection with them, but you haven't yet found the key.]


There were so many points to comment on in this profile that Reinhard didn't even know where to start.

His extremely specialized attributes confirmed that his path was that of a mage. His frail strength, endurance, and agility didn't support close combat like Gandalf's.

Although, it's common knowledge that mages excel in close combat.

Even with limited stamina, Reinhard was confident that, with his experiences in combat arts, he could handle a few soldiers without trouble.

As for generals...

It's a pity that every notable general of this era was a monster.

At eight, he watched his father's civil servant wield a treasured sword with remarkable skill, gaining a new understanding of this era's martial prowess.

Since his magic circuits awakened, Reinhard had crafted simple seals, allowing him to instantly release small-scale electric magecraft.

Given some preparation time, he could even conjure a spectacular Blasted Tree like Frankenstein.

Such feats left his father amazed, thinking his son had grasped some divine lightning techniques from their family's incomplete texts.

Hence, it was amazement rather than fear because divine techniques weren't rare in this era.

Various mechanical puppet arts inherited from the first emperor allowed this empire to establish a special department for grand construction projects. Random magus on the street could summon spirits or exorcise spirits.

And let's not even mention the formidable generals. Any renowned figure could effortlessly break stones and split rivers.

Historical records noted that the warlord Xiang Yu had a body with six arms, capable of uprooting mountains. This wasn't a legend but a historical fact... Xiang Yu could indeed lift and throw a small mountain.

That unfortunate mountain has now become a site often visited by generals paying homage, touring, or taking selfies.

So, the question remains... how did his enemy win?

Reinhard couldn't fathom it, though with the downfall of the first empire, even Xiang Yu with six arms couldn't keep Xian like Yu Mei-ren under the ambush of ten sides. It's not surprising he lost.

"Is that why their combat power is so exaggerated? Because... this era still in the Age of Gods?"

Seated under a splendid peach tree, Reinhard took a sip of tea, casually plucking a crimson petal drifting down and placing it in his mouth to chew.

Drinking tea and chewing flowers wasn't because he was out of touch with romance. Rather... this peach blossom contained a trace of pure magical energy.

After almost a decade of being here, even as a foreigner who was not too familiar with the customs and history here, he felt accustomed to the customs of the people here.

This peach blossom.

If placed in the modern era, it would be a rare and valuable magical material.

With his magic circuits has been awakened, Reinhard could sense the air around him brimming with a dense, true ether that required no guidance, slowly and naturally infusing into his body.

It seemed the era he was now in was still at the peak of the Age of Gods. It wasn't surprising the generals possessed such formidable strength.

However, Reinhard's father hoped more for him to attain divine abilities and pursue the path of immortality rather than focusing on martial arts.

Official positions were ultimately fleeting, for when one attains the final path, even their family pets rise to heaven. Serving in the court could never compare to the liberation that came with becoming an immortal ancestor.

Despite being a governor of a province, Reinhard had such aspirations because the current state of this empire was simply too ludicrous.

Though the nation's strength remained formidable, leveraging the core competencies inherited from the first emperor to treat the invaders like dogs, the court was a chaotic mess, plagued by eunuchs and external relatives.

Reinhard knew this odd fact from modern history... the emperors of this empire had the shortest lifespans in history, averaging only twenty-six years, just two more than their ancestors.

Most of the emperors who ascended the throne were minors, aptly fitting the theme of Children's Day.

As for the newly enthroned emperor, with his corrupt practices, new energy donkey carts, immersive escape room games, and grand spectacles of several thousand open forums... Reinhard could only shake his head and smile wryly at the absurdities, best left unmentioned.

"If the court is so incompetent, and the provinces and counties are suffering from famine and plague, why don't they revolt?"

When people can't survive, they can only rebel, whether or not there's a great general... without the General of Heaven, there would still be generals emerging continually.

"Shh, although you are well-read, Jue'er, discussing such treasonous words should be done privately, never publicly."

Faced with this question, his father pressed his lips with his finger.

"The current general, who inherited the mechanical arts of the first empire, is said to have combat prowess only slightly inferior to Xiang Yu, and he is utterly loyal to this dynasty."

"How inferior?"

"It's said... that he has a chromed body from the first empire, and once charged through the enemy ranks of 130,000 soldiers single-handedly."

Got it, Reinhard understood... it must be a Gundam.

Good grief, one man against 130,000 soldiers? Even novel writers wouldn't create such nonsensical scenarios.

The emperor might be feeble and the court was always plagued by internal and external troubles, but with the generals holding the fort, they could still manage to keep things going.

Such was the state of this empire... still strong, but with a restless populace.

It is now clear why Zhang Jiao in the moonlit world history suffered a humiliating defeat.

It wasn't that the Yellow Turbans couldn't fight, this empire had a fucking Gundams!

Even without considering the mech Gundam, the current generals... none of them were pushovers.

When his father stood up to examine the family genealogy.

The young boy stared at the go board, the outcome already decided, his thoughts drifting.

The brilliant peach blossoms floated down onto the water, and the serene lake beside him rippled gently.

Reinhard walked slowly, leaning on the railing, staring blankly at his reflection in the lake.

The delicate features of the young boy's face wavered slightly in the rippling water, a slight smile curving at his lips.

Though Reinhard himself hadn't made any expression, he slowly closed his eyes.

There it was again.

That feeling of being watched, a sensation that made his skin crawl.

Since awakening his magic circuits with the Master of Fate talent, Reinhard had always felt something watching him, but he could never locate the source.

Often, he would silently speak to empty spaces or whisper softly, but he never received a response from the so-called outer entities mentioned in his talent description.

The Luck attribute on Reinhard's panel this time didn't even have a fixed value... it was mysteriously and erratically fluctuating between E and EX, constantly shifting without any discernible pattern. Reinhard didn't quite understand this peculiarity.

As for the skills he supposedly honed from the witch, Reinhard had a stifled, incredulous chuckle lodged in his throat. However, being pressed down and taught by the witch every day didn't seem entirely out of the realm of possibility.

The most perplexing part was the inexplicable emergence of a new talent labeled Bewilderment.

Was he, himself, truly bewildered?

Not at all... he was entirely clear about who he was, what he wanted to do, and where he was headed... his resolve couldn't be more steadfast.

Yet, given the tragic experience of a certain person who had the same talent as him, Reinhard couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease.


[In your family genealogy, there is no mention of Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang, which further perplexes you about your situation.]

[What exactly is the relationship between Zhang Jue and Zhang Jiao?]

[After pondering for a moment, you decide to no longer dwell on this unanswered question, but instead focus your thoughts on your magical practice.]

[Even if you are unable to decipher the tattered Philosophy Magecraft texts at home, doesn't hinder your research into magecraft, which you excel at.]

[A year has passed, and you've ingrained highly adaptive electrical magecraft throughout your body, subsequently mastering a majestic thunder technique that imbues your entire being with a buzzing energy, much like a certain tsundere girl.]

["I'm really going to unleash ⚡!"]

[Realizing your physical and martial weakness, you start considering whether you can undergo electrical training for yourself.]

[After all, what's the point of being a mage if you can't handle close combat? It's a disgrace to our mages!]

[Although you don't understand the methods of magnetic field manipulation, you begin to overcome the excruciating pain, tentatively stimulating the muscle groups on your arms with a weak electric current.]

["Hmm hmm hmm... Aaahhh!"]

[You start generating electricity consistently every day, feeling your muscular strength increasing, seemingly making some significant progress in strengthening your body.]

[You have learned: Mana Burst (Thunder)]

[Mana Burst (Thunder): B]

[A skill that enhances your martial prowess and physical strength by releasing mana, allowing you to easily guide the generation of lightning due to its properties.]

[For some reason, you seem to have a natural affinity with lightning. During pouring rain and thunderstorms, you feel a connection within the clouds, beckoning you to command the surging thunder.]

[With the stimulation of electricity on your muscles, your physical fitness gradually improves, but it seems to have reached a plateau, not achieving the level of electrical propulsion.]

[Unfortunately, you don't understand the methods of electrical propulsion and magnetic field manipulation. To reach the pinnacle, you seem to be missing some essential elements.]

[Over time, you still appear thin, but you're as strong as a bull, capable of splitting stones with a single punch. The effects of electricity on your body seem to have reached a bottleneck.]

[After spending time to further refine your Western Magecraft, you began to try to learn and delve deeper into Philosophy Magecraft].

[At your request, your parents have invited some renowned scholars from nearby counties, hoping to gain inspiration from them for your battles.]

[Unfortunately, after much preparation and inviting these scholars, you easily defeated them in combat with just one strike.]

[Seeing that this substantial tuition fee is out of reach, the embarrassed practitioners can only bow and take their leave, citing busy schedules with exorcism duties.]

[Although it's an excuse, it's actually the reality faced by these practitioners... they've indeed been very busy lately.]

[In recent years, there have been several droughts, floods, and plagues in some counties, causing widespread displacement of refugees, with mass graves, cannibalism, and piles of bones, and various lost souls and wandering spirits haunting the land.]

[While this empire has inherited the legacy of the first empire in mechanism techniques, being able to have Gundams guarding the city walls, they can't even make a weather control device, making you feel it's quite worthless.]

[Watching your father sitting in the study, anxiously reviewing memorials from various counties.]

[You silently withdrew from the room.]


The biting cold wind and torrential rain were relentless. This province, located in the heart of the north plain and comprising nine counties, had enjoyed four hundred years of favorable weather and little conflict since the dynasty's founding. Besides the capital, it was one of the most prosperous regions in this empire.

However, at this moment, the grandeur of the main city in this county, with its carved beams and painted rafters, was obscured by ominous clouds and the pouring rain.

Heaven's wrath was unassailable.

A modestly luxurious carriage halted at the gates of the prefect Zhang's residence. The old steward of the household held an umbrella to shield the slender young man who emerged from the carriage, respectfully lifting the curtain.

Aware that his son, believed to be a reincarnated immortal, had no interest in frivolous entertainments, and knowing his studious and well-behaved nature, the indulgent parents seldom imposed strictures on him. In this county, Reinhard was free to go wherever he wished.

"Young master, in this heavy rain, where are you headed this time? Just give a word."

"To the north gate of the county seat."

The old steward paused, slightly taken aback.

"Forgive my boldness, young master... that area is where the refugees are gathered. It's chaotic and crowded, with outbreaks of typhoid fever..."

His words faltered, filled with hesitation.

"You, as the esteemed son of the prefect, should not lower yourself to such a place... if the master finds out, he will surely be displeased with us."

"It's precisely because it's chaotic that I should go. I usually wander freely in the city, and now, as I'm growing older, I should also share some of my father's burdens."

Reinhard smiled warmly, placing a tael of silver into the old steward's hand.

"If my father blames you, tell him it was my idea."

"I cannot accept this, young master!"

As if burned by the silver, the old steward hastily returned it, despite his age, agilely mounting the carriage seat.

"The master has treated my family with great kindness. To live in peace and joy in these times is already a blessing. How could I dare accept your reward?"

"No matter." The slender young man lowered his eyes. "If you feel undeserving of the reward, then tell me about the current disaster... this is something I can't ask my father about. If you explain it to me, then you should accept it."

The steward, guiding the carriage through the rain, sighed deeply.

"Young master, with your immortal grace, you still worry for the state of the nation."

"Even immortals are still human."

"Heh... even if all are human, there are innate differences between people."

Reinhard lowered his gaze, saying nothing in return. The steward slowly drove the carriage towards the north gate of the county seat, his expression melancholic as he looked into the torrential rain.

"If you wish to hear, young master, then let me tell you.

"In the past decade, the previously favorable weather in this empire seems to have been cursed, no longer as it once was.

"Droughts, floods, gales, locust plagues, frosts, earthquakes, typhoid fever... these are the recorded disasters, numbering over a hundred times.

"As for those unrecorded by the court, families have suffered the pain of corpses in their homes, the sorrow of weeping indoors, entire households perishing, clans falling. Past epidemics have caused many to die..."

The old steward's voice trailed off, swallowed by the sound of the heavy rain.

"Forgive me, I..."

"It's alright, you've explained it very clearly." Reinhard sincerely praised. "In a few words, you've made everything clear... you have excellent eloquence and are well-informed."

"Heh, I was once a humble teacher in the county. To be able to teach you a few words is my honor."

"Ah, a teacher! Please accept my bow." Reinhard said with a smile. "You should open a school in the county seat, not work as a steward in our house."

"Don't flatter me."

The old steward shook his head with a wistful smile.

"Fourteen years ago, my hometown suffered a rare drought. Several people starved to death, and the rest of the family fled to the county seat. Because I could read a few words, I was fortunate to be taken in by the master and became the steward of the house."

Reinhard fell silent, pondering.

Why were there so many questions nagging at him?

Wasn't this empire known for its mastery of mechanisms? Why weren't the puppets passed down from the first empire used for farming?

Reinhard thought seriously. If the current emperor, who immersed himself in immersive script killings in the palace, truly had such smart, then he wouldn't have been titled as the intelligent emperor.

Sensing Reinhard's silence, the old steward gently tapped his own face... he had spoken out of turn in front of the young master, and who really wanted to hear such things anyway?

The carriage moved slowly through the rain, the engraved talismans emitting a faint magical glow, warding off the rain.

The slender youth lifted the curtain with his fingertips, gazing at the rain-soaked streets of the city, the dark alleys where shivering refugees huddled.

Wrapped in thin, damp mats, their eyes dimly lit, like wolves on the verge of extinction in the rain.

This vast city, entering the gates was already a stroke of luck. The refugees were shunned by everyone, there was nowhere else to go.

Alms, relief.

The court allocated little money and grain. Reinhard heard his father agonizing over this, wondering how to provide relief.

After the flood came the plague.

Reinhard saw some people with children, knocking on doors in the pouring rain, hoping to sell their offspring.

Those who could afford such a sheltered carriage were not to be trifled with, no one dared to approach them.

The old steward sighed softly.

"...In recent days, the province has been hit hard by floods and epidemics. Refugees are everywhere. It's either death outside the county seat or a chance of survival inside, young master.

"At times like these, there's no concern for dignity. There have been more people selling their mothers and daughters recently. If they didn't see a way to survive, who would sell their own children? On the road of fleeing, I've seen it several times."

In the tranquil atmosphere.

Amidst the torrential rain.

The carriage wheels came to a sudden halt with a creak, and the spirited horse exhaled a thin mist from its nostrils.

"Here we are, young master. There are too many people ahead. I fear you might catch typhoid fever. It's not advisable to proceed."

The slender youth stepped out of the carriage without an umbrella, the rainwater reaching his ankles, wetting his forehead.

"Young master! Let me hold the umbrella for you..."

"It's alright. I'll just stand here for a moment."

The cityscape of the county seat was blurred by the torrential rain.

However, Reinhard's vision was sharp.

Through the rain curtain of over a thousand meters, he could clearly see the refugees, dressed in ragged clothes, queuing up at the city gate of the county seat.

Those entering the city were as thin as firewood, their wet and thin clothes sticking tightly to their bodies, revealing clear outlines of ribs. They didn't look like humans, their eyes were dull, like mud statues on the verge of extinguishing.

Black pills were handed out from the soldiers' hands to the refugees, and they were allowed to pass only after swallowing them.

"What are those black pills?"

"You can see them from so far away... oh, you're an immortal, young master."

The old steward held the umbrella respectfully, but faced with Reinhard's question, he seemed hesitant, reluctant to speak.

"Don't want to talk about it?"

"It's... relief medicines, specifically for famine. After taking them, one can feel full for a few days to avoid starving... but taking them might lead to some strange illnesses."

Reinhard frowned.

"What kind of illnesses?"

The old steward, somewhat hesitantly, rolled up his sleeves.

On the old man's arm were two soft, tentacle-like fingers, as well as numerous pus-filled scars.

"And... addiction. Everyone knows food is scarce, but there's no choice. If you don't want to starve, you have to take this stuff."


Are they distributing this kind of thing without his father's knowledge?

Reinhard wanted to ask, but he hesitated and didn't speak.

"Is this issued by the court?"

"...Yes, young master."

The old steward nodded cautiously.

"You need to understand, young master...

"The county magistrate reports to the inspector, the inspector reports to the governor, and the governor is under the pressure of the court.

"Your father, being an upright official who loves the people, what can he do in the face of such natural and man-made disasters? Even he can't conjure up food out of thin air..."

It's not that he doesn't understand.

It's just that he finds the productivity of this era laughable.

No, it's more like, from the perspective of this empire, it's not so laughable, it's rather smart.

How do the lives and deaths of the common people affect the prosperity of the court? With the legacy of the first empire, extending the prosperity of this dynasty for thousands of years is not difficult. Famines and plagues don't reach the heads of these noble families.

During the hardest and most difficult days, the county magistrate's residence still enjoys lavish meals, and the fish in the ponds of his family's mansion eat better than the refugees.

Reinhard fell silent for a moment.

He raised his head, and amidst the gloomy clouds, there was a rumble of thunder rolling. Raindrops gathered in mid-air collided and shattered, falling to the ground as splashes.

Luxuriant gates with wine and meat stench, roads with frozen bones. Prosperity and decline are just a step away, and the sorrow is hard to recount.

Stop for a moment.

The youth said in his heart.

Reinhard had never hoped for a sunny day so much, nor had he ever disliked the rain so much.

So, amidst the people's bewildered and stagnant expressions,

A dazzling ray of sunlight suddenly penetrated the gloomy clouds, breaking through and dispersing the thick clouds near the city gate, presenting a bright sunny day.

The sky cleared!

The refugees cheered excitedly and joyfully at the sight of the sun, unseen for days.

But... people soon discovered, to their amazement.

The most incredible thing was... 

Only the sky within a hundred miles of the city suddenly cleared.

And outside the distant city, the pouring rain continued.

Reinhard suddenly felt an indescribable dizziness wash over him, as if his brain had been drained, leaving him feeling hollow.

His body swayed, and he leaned against the carriage, breathing slightly, relying on the shaft.

"Young master?!"

The old steward looked up at the sky, then at the slender youth sitting next to him, who seemed to have lost his strength.

The old man's lips trembled, as if he wanted to cry, but he forced himself to hold back.

"Young Master, you... you really an immortal!"

"Just by thinking about it you can get rid of the rain and change the weather to sunny, what a brilliant young man."

A warm, comforting voice slowly came from ahead.

Reinhard slowly raised his head and saw a young man in a white robe, leaning on a bare cane, smiling gently in front of him.

Behind the young man were two tall and burly men, whose robust figures looked like they could knock out an ox with one punch.

Seeing the unfamiliar young man in front of him and the two similar-looking men behind him.

Reinhard couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"You are..."

"Zhang Jiao." The young man smiled at Reinhard and bowed respectfully. "Hearing about the great flood and epidemic in this province, my brothers and I came specially to help the people here."

"You're Zhang Jiao?!"

His own name Zhang Jue surfaced in Reinhard's mind, revealing a somewhat surprised expression.

So, this time, it seems that his simulation was assisted by Zhang Jiao, and the participants were members of the Yellow Turban Army?

Zhang Jiao's power was indeed profound. He was clearly treading in the water, but there was not a trace of moisture on his boots.

"I'm just a humble wanderer. Is my name so famous? It's surprising to see your astonishment."

The young man noticed Reinhard's surprise and exchanged a glance with his two brothers.

"No, it's nothing... I'm Zhang Jue, the son of the county magistrate of this county. My father has a good understanding of the local situation. If the three friends don't mind, would you like to come to our mansion to discuss relief efforts?"

"This... I think it's a bit presumptuous."

Seeing the slightly hesitant expression of the young man.

Reinhard understood immediately.

"Even if it's inconvenient to come now since you're busy saving the people, you're welcome to visit later. We can discuss relief efforts together."

Reinhard took out his card from his pocket and handed it to Zhang Jiao in front of him. It was a blessing his mother sought for him, and the gatekeeper would allow passage upon seeing it.

"Thank you for your kindness, my friend."

The young man nodded, taking the card with both hands and wearing a warm smile on his face.

"Young master?"

A worried voice suddenly came from Reinhard's side. At the same time, the old steward gently pushed his shoulder with one hand.

"Young master, who were you talking to just now?"

"His name was Zhang Jiao. Since we share the same surname, it must be fate. They are here to cure the plague. I invited Zhang Jiao and his brothers to visit the mansion for a chat..."

"B-But... Young Master, there's no one in front of you..."

When the voice trailed off.

Reinhard's expression froze on his face.

Looking at the young master muttering to the empty space in front of him as if experiencing a split personality for a while, he even took out the card given to him by the lady and threw it into the water pond.

A worried expression appeared on the old steward's face.

"Who were you talking to just now? Was it... a fellow Immortal? Did... did I say too much?"

Reinhard gazed blankly at the empty space in front of him.

Where... was Zhang Jiao's figure?

He lowered his gaze somewhat dazedly.

The card his mother gave him was floating in the water.

Reinhard bent down, slowly picked it up, and wiped off the water stains on it.

He remained in a daze for a long time.

After a long time, he slowly tucked the card into his pocket, then turned his gaze to the old steward beside him, apologizing slightly.

"I'm sorry, I was lost in thought just now. Please... don't tell my parents about this."

"Don't worry, as your attending doctor, I understand your feelings very well. I won't tell them."

In the buzzing, old fluorescent light emanating glaring white light.

The black-haired youth sitting on the restraining chair blinked his eyes dazedly, staring blankly at the doctor in a white coat sitting opposite him at the table.

"However, Zhang Jue, your condition is becoming more and more severe.

"Even though it's your own will, as a patient, you don't actually have legal capacity, you know?

"What I mean is, trying to hide this from your parents won't work for long... so, you shouldn't resist, but rather cooperate actively with our treatment."

The attending doctor, wearing prescription glasses, sighed softly, took out a ballpoint pen from the pocket of his white coat, and wrote a series of scribbles on the prescription pad, handing it to the burly nurse next to him.

"Azopiclone is no longer effective. Give him a stronger sedative and instruct the pharmacy to increase the dosage."

After instructing the nurse.

The doctor slowly turned his gaze back to the black-haired youth's stunned expression.

"Three Kingdoms huh, you think you're Zhang Jiao again...

"Even though your names are very similar, it's now 2023, Zhang Jue. You're not that General of Heaven, and you certainly didn't travel to the end of the dynasty.

"Dynasty, imperial court, magecraft, mecha, plague... The story you described is indeed fascinating. Your boundless imagination is truly admirable, Zhang Jue.

"After all, you're a 24-year-old doctoral genius, your academic qualifications are even higher than mine, and you've definitely read more books than me.

"A 24-year-old doctor has a bright future.

"How did you become mentally ill?"

Thinking of the once bright future of the patient in front of him, and the miserable fate he was suffering now, the doctor couldn't help but sigh softly.

"But, we must be clear... that's not real, you absolutely cannot fall into it. It's hallucinations and illness, tormenting your mind and those who care about you."

In the gaze of the almost frozen black-haired youth.

The attending doctor, with a heavy heart, patted the black-haired youth's shoulder firmly, not avoiding the ferocious reputation of the patient in front of him, sighing with infinite regret, and encouraging him firmly.

"Believe in yourself, you can overcome the hallucinations."

XElenea XElenea

If you're interested in reading more, feel free to visit my pa treon :

https://www.pa treon. com/XElenea

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