65.38% Level Up in Highschool of the Dead / Chapter 16: 15. Spring of the DEAD (2)

บท 16: 15. Spring of the DEAD (2)

[P.O.V Takashi Komuro]

I had slept very little... On the night before the end of the world...

'I should find a place to sleep...'

I was on the school rooftop, sometime after the break, and I wasn't going to attend the remaining afternoon classes. As I looked for a place to sleep, I saw the math teacher and that new guy who is Kohta's friend in the parking lot. He seemed to be taking several boxes out of her car and putting them on the school bus. Heh, he's skipping class too.

Stopping to watch them, I went to the other side and lay down on a bench. The only problem with these moments when I'm alone is the memory of broken childhood promises.

'I'm going to marry you, Takashi-chan.'

'Really? Do you promise?'

'Yes! It's a promise!'


Promises are debts... I should have collected.

I stood up and leaned on the rooftop railing, but then I noticed something at the front gate of the school. A commotion was happening, with someone banging on the gate, and a group of teachers was going to check it.

"Is it some crazy person trying to break into the school?"

And then it happened. In a moment, I couldn't believe it.

The crazy person bit the teacher's arm and tore a piece off!

The teacher screamed in despair, and after a few seconds of struggling and spitting blood, he passed out

"That doesn't seem good." As soon as a teacher approached to help him, he got up, grabbed the other teacher's clothes, and bit his neck! He took a piece off!

"What the hell?!"

At that moment, I don't know what made me act so fast. I just knew that... I had to do it.

I ran to my classroom where she was, and as I opened the door, everyone looked at me, and the teacher even said something sarcastic, but I wasn't in a condition to care.

I turned to Rei, my childhood friend, and said while grabbing her arm to bring her with me, "Come with me. We have to escape."

She stood there looking at me stupidly as she replied, "What are you talking about?! I'm attending class..."

'Damn woman, I don't have time to explain, can't you just believe me?'

I should have been a little calmer in my words, I know that, but maybe the resentment I was already holding onto, counting on her lack of trust in me, made me lose my temper a bit, at least until Hayashi, her boyfriend, grabbed my arm.

"Takashi! What do you want with Rei?!"

I replied in a whisper only for him to hear, "People are being killed at the gate. Things are going to get ugly."

"Is... is that true?" Hayashi asked.

"What would I gain by lying about something like this?"

Our conversation was interrupted by Rei. I forgot I was still holding her arm, and as I was whispering to Hayashi, she didn't hear what we said.



I slapped her face.

It wasn't cool what I did, but we didn't have time for her tantrum.

"Shut up and do what I'm telling you!"

It was then that Hayashi, realizing I was serious, excused himself to the teacher and brought Rei out of the room with me. As we ran, I finally explained what I saw at the gate, and the first thing she said to me was obvious, but still hurt me that she thought I would joke about something serious like this.

"...The teachers are out there killing each other!"

"What nonsense!"

"Then stay here and die," I said, tired of it all while running ahead.

Hayashi managed to get some things for us to defend ourselves, an iron mop handle, and a baseball bat, and he remained without anything; he was a black belt in karate, if I remember correctly, another thing he was better at than me, tch.




While we were running, something happened... Hayashi was bitten.

We were attacked by a teacher who had become one of "them", and while Hayashi immobilized him, the teacher turned his neck 180 degrees and bit him.

At first, it wasn't that much of a problem, we bandaged the wound so he wouldn't lose too much blood. The problem was that he started showing strange signs. And after we took refuge on the rooftop where the astronomy club was, his condition was worsening.

It was clear to me that Hayashi was going to become one of them, and it seemed that he knew it too. Rei was desperate, constantly saying that it would be different with him, that he wouldn't turn...

"Takashi... I... don't want... to become... one of them." He said amidst coughs, with each pause, he coughed a little more blood, dark and viscous.

He was begging me, begging me to do something terrible. He wanted to die before turning, and I was the only one he could ask for that, Rei would never do it.

I tightened my grip on my bat. I was determined. things would get much worse if I wasn't willing to take this step, if it were me, I would ask for the same thing.

But because of Rei's interference, it was too late.

"NO! HAYASHI!!!" Rei screamed when Hayashi took his last breath. And I started to get closer to the body to finish the job she screamed, "TAKASHI, YOU CAN'T DO THIS. HE WON'T TURN! BELIEVE ME!"

"Rei, get out of the way."

My face was horrible. I never imagined I would find myself in a situation like this. Takashi was getting up slowly, but his skin tone wasn't the same anymore. it was a pale tone probably caused by the infection. His eyes were completely white like those of a blind person, and slowly, he moved toward Rei, who was kneeling in shock.

I pulled her quickly by the cuff of her uniform and put her behind me.

"It can't be! It's a lie..." She said still shocked.

"I know you wanted it to be a lie," I said almost crying. "But it's real."

Holding my bat with both hands, I raised it high and brought it down with all the force I could muster on my friend's head.


"NOOO!" Rei screamed, "Why?! Why did you do that?!"

"If I didn't do it, he would have bitten you!"

"And what...?" She continued screaming, "Who asked for it?! Who said I wanted to be saved?! If it's to see Hisashi like this, I'd rather he bit me and I turned into one of 'them' too!!"

Clenching my fists, I replied, "Hisashi wouldn't want that."

"What do you know about him to say what he wanted or didn't want?" She said, looking at me aggressively, "Ah, I know! I had forgotten! You didn't like Hisashi, did you?! Because he was dating me!!"

I know she's desperate because of the situation, but... Maybe... she was right... Maybe this is true.

Feeling a little disoriented, I started walking towards the barricades we made with tables and chairs, at that moment, my only desire was to throw myself into them.

Rei's voice pulled me out of my trance.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?!"

"I already figured out that I'm bothering you, so I'll go down there and beat them up." I said a little sharply.

"W-What are you saying?! Are you crazy?! You won't be able to do anything alone." She was trembling and crying, terrified, looking as I climbed the barricade, ignoring her.

She ran to me and started saying, "STOP!! NO! DON'T DO THIS! I'M SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! I'M SORRY!" She kept talking non-stop, "I didn't mean it! I was just nervous! Please, stay! STAY HERE WITH ME!!"


I climbed down from the barricade; they were banging hard on it. I walked over to Rei and hugged her, she was confused but hugged me back.

I loved hearing what she said. I just wish she had told me that months ago... But, as much as I loved that moment, I was completely lost. What am I going to do from now on?


[End of P.O.V]

After the announcement sounded, Kazuki, who knew exactly the chaos that would ensue, went to the infirmary door, locked it, closed the curtains, turned off the lights, and signaled for everyone to remain silent.

Pointing to the beds, and with the help of those present, he barricaded the door to make it harder to force it open.

Only then, directing everyone away from the door and using the movable curtains as a barrier to muffle the sound, he began speaking in a low tone.

"I know you're afraid, but I ask you please, don't panic and don't make loud noises. The screams echoing through the school should be enough of a sign for you of the chaos that's happening, right?"

Everyone nodded in confirmation. Kazuki then turned to Saya and asked, "Do you believe me now?" with a smirk on his face.

"Humph." She turned her head to the side, refusing to look at him. Kazuki thought it was the end of the conversation, but unexpectedly heard, in a low and almost inaudible tone, "I'm sorry and thank you."

Before his smile could widen, Taniuchi, whom he didn't expect to be here now, spoke to him.

"Senpai. What are we going to do?! How are we going to get out of here?"

"Um, sorry, I still don't know your name... Miss?" Kazuki asked her name so that it wouldn't sound strange if he called her out of nowhere.

"Taniuchi, Fumiko Taniuchi." Taniuchi has dark blue hair tied in two long braids, two bangs on her face parted in the middle, and blue eyes covered by glasses. She is wearing the female sailor uniform of the school. She has a slender body and ample breasts.

"And how did you end up here?" Kazuki asked, curious.

"Oh, Senpai, that was because of me." Miku said a little insecurely, thinking that Kazuki might get angry with her for bringing someone else with her and in anger throw both of them out, a fear that increased every second she heard a scream or someone banging desperately on the door. Taking a deep breath, she continued, "She had a headache during club practice, and since I was already coming here, I offered to bring her with me."

Kazuki remained serious, seeing the apprehension of the two with his seriousness, he thought. 'That's it, the more you understand that you can't do what you want, the less chance you have of creating a problem. Taniuchi is too easy to deal with, Miku I already understand that she will cling to me the more control she sees I have over the situation. And what's with so many people having headaches today?'

After a few seconds in which the two held their breaths fearing the worst, he smiled reassuringly and looked appreciatively at Miku as he replied."Don't worry, Miku, because of you, I can save one more person." Miku visibly relieved let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

Kazuki turned to the blue-haired girl, held her hands, making the girl blush, and continued, "Taniuchi, don't worry, I won't throw you out, of course, we're in a tricky situation, so I would really appreciate it if you could help us, okay?" He looked at her with a smile and a hopeful look that made her blush even more before nodding her head like a chicken.

With that settled, Kazuki let go of her hands, noticing her slight disappointment, he couldn't help but think, 'God bless the logic of the ecchi anime world.'

Turning to look at the people around him, he noticed Kyoko's raised eyebrow, Shizuka looking intently at his hands, Shura was calm waiting for what he would say, Saeko had a gleam in her eyes full of anticipation, Kasumi was looking at the door and windows, her mind clearly concerned about what was happening outside, Kohta was serious waiting for the explanation, Saya had a slightly flushed face, and Miku trembled with each knock on the door.

"We have 10 people. Moving around with all these people will be difficult, and we'll have to be careful. We already know we can't use a car to leave the school because it won't fit everyone, and I think we all agree that going on foot won't work, right?"

Everyone nodded.

"So... My suggestion is to wait for about one or two hours, until most of the chaos in the school is over, and then leave when the concentration of them is lower. Then we'll take the minibus and drive over everything."

"That seems good for now." Said Kyoko.

Kazuki turned to the Tsundere who had calmed down and handed her his android.

"Saya, can you check the videos already on the internet and the posts on social media to find any patterns in the zombies' actions?"

"With whom do you think you're talking? I'm an obvious genius who can do that." She replied, returning to her defense mechanism.

"Kazuki, so many people knocked on the door, couldn't we have helped more people?" Shizuka asked a little apprehensively.

"Shizuka, what do you think would happen to us here with a bunch of injured people, screaming in pain, and even bitten?" Kazuki asked. And seeing her eyes widen, he knew she understood the situation.


During the next two hours, they talked among themselves. Kazuki took some of the retractable batons he had bought and distributed them among everyone present, which surprised them since they never imagined that anyone had even bought these things.

Kazuki explained that he wanted to collect various models, and the fact that each of the batons was of different colors and with different texture patterns gave credibility to his story.

Next, he took the two sets of pro-biker armor, one for himself and one for Kyoko, generating even more curious looks.

"Look, I was thinking of going to buy an electric motorcycle today, okay? I arrived in Japan less than a week ago, and I had money to buy a lot of things that I didn't have access to in Brazil, and I kind of went overboard."

Seeing that he was embarrassed, the girls just giggled but didn't comment further, until they saw him pull out a long hammer from his bag. Everyone was speechless.

"What?" He asked, tilting his head.

'Oof' Most of the girls felt it.

After that moment, they made plans until Saya finally came to the conclusion Kazuki was waiting for. He needed to assign roles in the group for each to play so they wouldn't feel useless.

"They are blind, extremely strong, and use sound to guide themselves, so if we stay quiet and don't make a loud noise, we can get out of here more easily." Saya said proudly.

After this time, everyone managed to calm down, but now everything was about to begin.

Kohta had a nail gun in his hand, the kendo club girls had their katanas in their scabbards, but in their hands they were wielding shinai. Although they knew about the problem, crossing the barrier, which is cutting human flesh, is not a simple matter, and even Saeko in the original only did it after the scene in the temple.

The group moved the beds that blocked the doors with great care to avoid loud noises and opened the curtain to look down the hallway. The number of zombies in the hallway was much smaller than Kazuki remembered from this moment in the original, a positive sign.

Initially, the sight of the hallway almost made everyone vomit. Pieces of human flesh on the floor, blood painted the place everywhere, and chewed bodies wandered the hallway, even the spine of one of them was visible. Blood didn't flow from the wounds, a clear sign that their hearts had stopped.

Kazuki and the group took a deep breath, their hearts beating rapidly. Perhaps the most affected at this moment was Kazuki; the zombies, the blood, the flesh, all of this was something he had read about many times, but seeing it in reality, nausea, disgust and fear of being next were the only feelings in his heart.

For a few seconds, Kazuki began to hyperventilate, until Kyoko put her hand on his shoulder, "Breathe deeply, Kazu, and let it out slowly."

Repeating the exercise a few times, Kazuki felt his anxiety fading away and with renewed determination, he continued. "Guys, this is where it starts and where it can all end. Don't trust bodies on the ground, always look around and at the ground, so no crawler catches you off guard.


The door opened, and the sound of its opening alerted the zombies in the corridor, who began to come towards them. Saeko went ahead with Kazuki, while Shura and Kasumi protected the non-combatants.

Saeko struck a powerful blow to the head of one of the dead students, sinking his skull enough for him to fall immediately. Kazuki couldn't help but notice the slight smile on her face, but he had more important things to do, his first zombie.

The zombie was that of a teacher, bald only on the top of his head and with a beer belly, who came charging at him. Now determined to do whatever it takes to survive, Kazuki held the handle of his sledgehammer with both hands and with a strong overhead blow, he smashed the teacher's brain to paste, immediately knocking him down, but instead of going after the zombie that was about five meters away from him, he froze in place, not because of fear, not because of shock, but because of what appeared in his field of vision.



KanmuruZ KanmuruZ

Eaí galera!

Good night, here's the chapter. Quite big with a lot of dialogue, I'm still learning how to make it engaging so if you feel that it's clunky is because it is lmao

Not much to say today, I hope you enjoy the chapter and if possible give me your stones and a 5* rating.

Just know that I read every single comment on the story.

Now, please leave in the comments what kind of powers you'd give to the girls, it must no be OP since the beginning but it must have a good curve. As you all must have understood by now, the virus will give powers to some people. I need suggestions of powers!


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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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