25% The Enlightened One (Senju!SI) / Chapter 14: Chapter 14

บท 14: Chapter 14

"[Do any of you have eyes on the pussy? Over.]"

"[No pussy in sight. Over.]"

"[Can you guys stop calling it that?!]"

"[You're supposed to say 'over', Satsuki. Over-]"

"[Lei, I will strangle you. Over.]"

"[Guys, I have eyes on the pussy!]"

"[I wonder when we'll find this pussy.]" Kakashi hummed into the mic.

"[I just said I found the pussy!]" Naruko shouted.

"[You hear something, Kakashi?]" I raised an eyebrow, looking across the treeline to see the jonin man casually sitting reading his book.

"[Lei what the hell-]" Naruko screamed before pausing. I listened as she inhaled deeper than I've ever heard before, before letting out a powerful, yet tired, exhale. "[I have eyes on the pussy. Over.]"

"[Roger that, Operation: Wood on Pussy is a go! Over.]" I jumped over to Naruko's position, all the while weaving hand signs. When I landed beside her she gave me a firm slap on the back of my head.

"You're annoying." She frowned.

"I love you too, Naruko." I chuckled as I watched her face burn brighter than a tomato.

It's too easy out here.

'Wood Release: Wood Clone Jutsu.'

Three clones grew from the branch we were standing on, all of them immediately locking their eyes on the cat.

"[Operation: Wood on Pussy is all good and ready to come! Over.]"

"[I'm kicking your ass after this. Over."] Satsuki growled.

Little does she know, I have a majestic Hyuga to protect me. Afterall, I can't go on a date when I'm a cripple.

"[Copy that, The Final Release initiates…Now!]" Kakashi ordered. My three clones jumped from the branch, startling "Tora the Annoying Bastard of a Cat" as Iruka had called him according to Naruko. Tora bolted away, but that's exactly what we wanted. I jumped down about twenty feet from where Tora was heading with a smile on my face.

Wood Release: Underground Roots.

As Tora tried to run around me, my roots grabbed onto her body and held her firmly in place.

"[Operation: Wood on Pussy was a success. Good work men, let's lube this pussy up and call it a night."]

"Alright, that one was just blatantly sexual!" Naruko jumped down and pointed an accusing finger at me. A snort left my lips, my eyes going over to Kakashi who, to his credit, was trying his best not to laugh.

"Of course it was, Naruko. They're Icha Icha references. How would it not be sexual?" I chuckled as Kakashi snickered to my side.

"Both of you are degenerate scum." Satsuki jumped down, her eyes dancing with disgust.

"When you base your expectations only on what you see, you blind yourself to the possibilities of a new reality." I shrugged while wigging my eyebrows at her. The Uchiha, try as she might to avoid it, ended up growing a small smile which she immediately crushed before turning her head away in annoyance.

"Anyways, we got the pussy-"


"Anyways, we got the cat. What do we do now, Kakashi-sensei?" I asked, rubbing the back of my head where Satsuki smacked the funny out of me.

"We head back to mission control, return the cat, make a report, then we can call it a day."

"Yes, we completed our first mission!" Naruko jumped up in celebration, which brought smiles to all of our faces. Ever since that whole Mizuki bullshit she just hasn't truly been the same Naruko, but what we're seeing now, is a glimpse of who she really is.

"Let's go then!"


"Nice job on your first mission. We'll be meeting at the same place at the same time tomorrow for your next one." Kurenai smiled at her three students. Her eyes paused on Hinata for only a moment before she turned her gaze away, disappearing in a Body Flicker.

Hinata let a sigh escape her lips. It would take some time for her and Kurenai to truly grow closer. After she narrowly beat her sensei to the point she had to call off the test, Kurenai simply couldn't look at Hinata as just some genin student of hers.

And by narrowly, she meant completely and utterly.

To be fair to Kurenai, it was clear she didn't expect Hinata to be near as fast as she was. After she took off her weights, closing the distance between her and the jonin woman was child's play, and once a Hyuga is in close, there's very little anyone can do to stop them.

"Hey, Hinata, what do you say we head somewhere? I heard you really like that ramen place- What's it called again? Ichiramu?" Kiba offered to her side. Shino had left going unnoticed by her, as always.

That kid was a mystery that she didn't care to solve.

She didn't deign Kiba with an answer, instead walking away towards the Hyuga Clan compound. She had told Kiba multiple times in the past, even before she and Lei started dating that she wasn't interested in him in the slightest. Yet he continued to try and try. Initially it was annoying, but ever since she started dating Lei, it became infuriating. The mutt had no respect for her relationship, and worse than that, he had no respect for the boy she loved.

So after studying a bit in the library, she came to the conclusion that if rejection wouldn't work on the dog, then ignorance of his existence would. She stopped disliking him, and started feeling apathetic.

He wasn't worth her time, nor Lei's.

As she made it to her compound, a small smile quickly formed on her lips when she saw Hanabi Hyuga, her little sister, training with her father. She made her way over, being quickly noticed by the pair, and the elders who were sitting, watching.

Her father stopped sparring and turned to her, Hanabi following suit with a small bow as was proper to the Hyuga Heiress.

"Heiress Hinata." The elders greeted her with bows of their own. She didn't let her smile disappear even if their formality was ruining her mood.

"Father." She walked over, her father opening his arms to give her a formal and restrained hug.

"Hinata, how was your first mission?" Hiashi asked, with a reserved smile.

"It was…less interesting than I would have hoped, but I look forward to my next." Hinata answered politely.

She absolutely hated the way her family operated. They were strict with everything, disciplined when anything or anyone was out of line, and all around hard asses. Nothing like the second family she had come to see in her group.

However, her family is a lot better now than it was…say five years ago. Back then she would have never been able to hug her father unless she had earned his favor. Like winning in a taijutsu spar. Nowadays she could hug him whenever she felt like it, because she always deserved it.

She was the Hyuga Main House prodigy. A one in a generation shinobi, by her father's words. Not to mention she would likely be giving birth to a generation of Main House Hyuga bearing Senju blood.

Her cheek reddened at the thought of her and a more grown-up Lei, his arms wrapped around her stomach as she sat in his lap. A boy with Lei's brown hair and her white eyes chasing a girl with her black hair and his green eyes.

What made her the happiest about that little vision of hers, was that neither of her children possessed the caged bird seal.

Her dream was very important to her, and she wouldn't fail. For the sake of her children to come, and…

Her eyes glanced over to Hanabi who was watching her with an excited smile. If she didn't stop this stupid family tradition of hers, Hanabi too would end up with that damned seal. The only reason why Hanabi didn't have it yet was because Hinata had told her father to hold off. He wouldn't risk earning his genius of a successor's anger and hatred, so he did as she asked.

He was too indoctrinated by the way of the Hyuga. Too brainwashed to see just how wrong it was. Or maybe he saw, but pushed his personal feelings aside and continued on for the good of the clan.

Either way, it didn't change the fact that he wasn't going to play a part in changing the clan for the better, which means it was up to her.

"Big sister, I've been waiting all day!" Hanabi jumped in excitement before remembering she was surrounded by stuck up old bastards. Her voice shifted to a cute, albeit much more reserved, tone. "What did you do on your mission?"

She couldn't help but giggle slightly at her little sister's antics. "Why don't we head to my room and I'll tell you all about it."

The little ball of restrained excitement burst out in joy once more, quickly grabbing her hand and leading her inside.

Hanabi was one of the lights in her life after all. She loved her father, and her clan, but Hanabi was easily one of the most important people in her life, beside her two besties and the man she had to herself.

'For now.' That thought burned in her mind and made her both happy and extremely jealous.

When they got back to Hinata's room, she explained everything about her mission, answered her little sister's questions and satisfied her enough for the day. Ultimately she had to gently remove Hanabi from her room so she could get ready for her date.

She made her way to the clan's bathhouse and stripped down, all the while thinking about all that led up to this moment.

Her date.

She recalled back when she was a little girl with huge expectations on her shoulders. Expectations so large it ended up driving her away from her family. She never liked fighting, especially not her own family, but her father had been hard on her growing up. He ensured she would be a powerful heir through brutal taijutsu spars since she was four. Eventually it became too much.

So she ran away.

Looking back now, she realized just how foolish she was. Running away would never allow her to truly escape the life of a Hyuga Heiress.

Though…running away that day was the best decision she's ever made.

Sure, she ended up getting bullied a few hours after her escape, but she met a boy who would go on to be her greatest inspiration and motivator. The boy who fought three other kids for her sake.

And she couldn't forget about the blonde girl who helped as well…kinda.

Regardless, it meant a lot to her at the time. Both Lei, and Naruko went out of their way to help a complete stranger from being harassed.

So when she saw that they were in her academy class six months later, she was completely over the moon, and also really nervous.

She had never made friends up to that point in her life. She didn't know what to say or how to approach them.

Three words. That's all it took to change her life.

"Hey it's you!" Naruko pointed at her.

"Hey, I just realized, we never did get your name." Lei asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh yeah, we totally didn't, did we? Haha!"

"It was your fault, you're the one that ran."

"H-Hinata…Hyuga." She was absolutely dumbfounded that they were being so casual about a meeting she had been dreaming about for months on end, but it was far from a bad thing.

"Nice to meetcha Hinata, the name's Naruko Uzumaki, and this is Lei Kazuki, believe it!"

"It's Kazumi, Lei Kazumi. At least try and remember, blondie."

At the time she thought that Naruko and Lei's relationship was amazing. The way they would joke with each other and poke fun, it drew her in closer.

She wanted that.

Breaking out of her shell was step one, but changing one's own personality is a lot more difficult than most would think. She absolutely lacked confidence, but with the time she spent with her friends, she realized they were slowly but surely trying to help her in that regard. It took time, but she made progress.

One day Lei had fallen asleep in class, and while Naruko left, she realized she had to pay Lei back, at least a little bit, for all the things he's done for her. So she waited for him to wake up.

When he did, they walked back to her house. Silently she resented herself, she tried to pay Lei back, and instead ended up being a burden.

Then they arrived at the Hyuga Main House and there she saw her father. Him and Lei exchanged pleasantries before Lei made his way back home.

"Hinata." Her father had called her, she looked up with curious eyes. "A strong friendship with the future head of the Senju Clan would be promising. Ensure you stand by his side." Simple words she didn't really understand at the time, but she at least understood her father wanted her to stay friends with Lei.

Something she hoped to do forever.

Weeks later, Lei decided to offer Hinata a chance to train with him regularly. His exact words being:

"To get ahead of the scrubs in our class, we must embrace the endless grind towards greatness."

She didn't truly understand him, even if she did get the meaning of the words she knew.

Naruko had pestered him to tag along and eventually Lei had given in. The three started training together, and they would spend hours after class by each other's sides.

It got her thinking about not only her friends and future as a kunoichi, but also about her dreams of the future. She still disliked fighting, especially taijutsu spars. More specifically, she hated hurting the other person. Though through her training, her distaste started watering down to the point where it was tolerable.

She still didn't know what she wanted to do with her life beyond her career, but as she completed the tree walking exercise, and then the water walking exercise within a couple weeks each, Lei had told her she was a prodigy.

Such praise did wonders for her confidence, and as much as it hurt her to admit it back then, she absolutely loved that she mastered both long before Naruko did. She started working on lightning manipulation training from there, something that shinobi don't usually work on until they were high chunin or jonin.

She had already made decent progress by the time Naruko finally mastered both tree walking and water walking. Then her interest in other fields of jutsu grew when Lei explained the sealing arts to both her and Naruko.

The strongest of ninja were masters of fuinjutsu, Lei and Naruko both wanted to be the strongest ninja they could possibly be.

To stand by them…she would have to keep up.

Then a new challenger appeared.

"I want you to train me!" Satsuki demanded. Initially, Hinata didn't know how to feel about Satsuki. She was always brooding in class and seemed to have a sort of silent rivalry with Lei. Although there was never any real heat in it, at least from Lei's side.

Which means he didn't mind her too much, and that was proven when Lei allowed her to train with them.

While she and Naruko made progress with their elemental manipulation control, Satsuki had to go through the tree walking and water walking exercises.

She was more than a bit bummed out when Satsuki ended up getting both down faster than she had, but Lei explained it as "Uchiha bullshit."

Once again she didn't really understand, the Hyuga and Uchiha were lauded as the two greatest clans in the village with some even going as far as to say the Hyuga had the edge, so why didn't she possess 'Hyuga bullshit?'

When Satsuki started training her elemental manipulation, she decided to focus on lightning, and since Hinata was working on lightning herself, it allowed her the chance to teach the Uchiha girl. Satsuki had been more than a bit grouchy, constantly rushing her when she was explaining things, or just overall being a stick in the mud, and Naruko constantly coming to her defense didn't defuse the situation. It was up to her and Lei to do that usually.

Eventually Satsuki mellowed out, treating Hinata with more respect as they worked together to increase their control over the lightning element.

As the years went by, Satsuki went from someone they had all tolerated to being their closest friend. As much as Naruko and Satsuki fought, it was easy for Hinata to see how much they actually cared about one another. More than that, she had finally gotten over her confidence issue. Constantly having to deal with Naruko and Satsuki definitely helped.

Then something happened that allowed them to grow closer, while also drifting away a bit.

They all developed feelings for Lei.

About two years after Satsuki joined their group, Hinata realized her own feelings for the Senju boy, and in realizing her own feelings she noticed Naruko displayed similar emotions. Naruko, the naturally knuckleheaded ninja who was one of the most ignorant people in the village, had a crush.

And more than that, the blonde knew about it.

Satsuki wasn't far behind. Hinata had figured out that the Uchiha girl liked Lei when he was helping her learn the Senju's fighting style. As he brought he through the katas, his hands adjusting her body slightly, Satsuki couldn't hide the blush in her cheeks nor the craving for more attention in her eyes.

Hinata realized that three girls loving one boy was going to be a problem. No matter what, at least two people would be hurt.

Her friends would be hurt.

Obviously it was something she didn't want, not one bit. Then a thought crossed her mind.

What if they could make it work?

Polygamous relationships were very rare in the leaf, but not so much for dying clans.

Lei was one of the last known Senju. The others were either dead or had taken other names, with the exception of Lady Tsunade. More than that, Lei possessed Wood Release.

Such a powerful kekkei genkai would need to survive, and the village would most likely throw as many women at him as they can to do just that.

Which means nobody would look down at them for taking him for themselves.

So with her plan in motion, she decided to confront Naruko and Satsuki.

2 Years Ago

"Why did you call us here, Hinata?" Naruko asked as she took a bite of the rice balls she and Satsuki made.

They were all currently at the Uchiha Main House, Satsuki's place. She had called for a meeting to discuss the matter that would change their lives.

"You look really serious, is something up?" Satsuki asked with slight concern in her eyes. She hid it well, but the Uchiha girl cared.

"We need to talk about our future." Hinata frowned, earning both girls attention. "I know how you both feel about Lei."

As expected, both girls' faces lit up red like tomatoes. They stuttered, stumbling on their own words before settling on looking down at the table. None of them spoke for a while.

"I feel the same way." Hinata admitted with a great deal of effort. Both girls looked at her with slight shock, although they didn't seem shocked that she liked him too, they seemed shocked that she would just up and admit it.

"So what now?" Satsuki sighed in resignation. Her eyes briefly switched between both her and Naruko.

"If you called us here for this, and you like Lei too…You want to stake your claim on him! Well I'm not just gonna let you have him, get ready for war, believe it!" Naruko jumped out of her seat, her face still red, but burning with determination, and reluctance.

"Yeah, like he'd go for you." Satsuki snorted in amusement. Naruko's gaze turned murderous as she eyed Satsuki.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?" The blue eyed girl asked, her voice a low growl.

"I mean you're a loud obnoxious girl who can't cook, clean, or take care of yourself. Honestly if anyone's competing, it's Hinata and I. Both of us can cook, clean, and possess great land within the village. Marrying either of us would not only be a benefit for his day to day life, but would also increase his status and influence." Satsuki explained, her cheeks only slightly rosy as she relished in the annoyed sneer from Naruko.

"Enough." Hinata eyed the both, their attention immediately snapped to her. "I called you here not to fight amongst each other, but come to an agreement."

"An agreement?" Naruko questioned with a raised brow. Satsuki gestured to Hinata to continue.

"Yes, we all feel the same way about the same boy, so what do we do about it? There's a way we can all get what we want without anyone getting hurt, if we play our cards right." Hinata explained. Both girls remained silent, she now had their undivided attention.

"What if we were to share him? To all marry him, us his wives, and him our husband." Hinata offered, and both girls looked at one another, briefly thinking about the offer.

"How would that work?" Naruko asked after a moment. "Aren't marriages between two people?"

"Typically yes, but our situation is different." Hinata's eyes narrowed a bit as she crossed her arms, a hand coming up to her chin in thought. "Naruko, you're the last Uzumaki that we know of. According to the Senju history books, Lady Tsunade also bears Uzumaki blood, but she is quite old, and has no lover. It would be unlikely for her to ever have a child, which makes you the only person who can continue the Uzumaki bloodline."

Naruko silently considered all of what she heard, she gave Hinata a small nod, and Hinata diverted her attention to Satsuki who was silently watching.

"Satsuki, you're in a similar position. You need to produce an heir, or your clan may very well go extinct." Satsuki's lips pursed at her words. "And Lei is one of the last known Senju. Which means he needs to have children to save his clan as well. Him marrying multiple women would not be seen as unusual in the slightest because that is his duty. As for both of you, producing children bearing Senju/Uchiha, and Senju/Uzumaki blood would be good for both of your clans."

Satsuki gave a short nod, understanding Hinata's logic, while Naruko was still thinking about something.

"What about you, you're not a part of some dying clan." Naruko asked with great hesitance.

"True, but I am a part of the Hyuga clan. It may be unusual for Hyuga to marry out of the clan, but for someone like Lei who bears the blood of two former Hokage as well as the Wood Release kekkei genkai, it would be highly encouraged. In addition, our first child would likely become the next Head of the Hyuga Clan, which would boost the clan's power greatly."

Silence once again descended over the room, eventually Satsuki spoke up.

"It could work. I initially hoped…to be Lei's one wife, although I knew it was inevitable he would take women on the side for the sake of restarting the Senju clan."

Hinata nodded at that. If Satsuki truly wanted to restart the Uchiha clan as opposed to merging the two clans, Lei would need to find other women to bear his children. In Naruko's case, she could just merge the two clans since the Senju and Uzumaki are distant relatives anyways, but for her and Satsuki, their children would need to take their names for the good of their respective clans.

Which means unless Lei is satisfied with Naruko being the only woman to produce the next generation of Senju, then he would likely need to find ordinary clans-women, or civilian women to give birth to his line.

"So we've come to an agreement?" Hinata asked with a small smile.

"If it means all of us can be happy, I don't mind sharing." Naruko nodded, reaching out her hands for two fist bumps which Hinata and Satsuki returned easily.

Present Day

"You look good." Lei smiled, walking through the crowd of people, making his way towards her. A deep blush painted her cheeks as she immediately latched onto his arm.

"It's our first date, I admit I'm more than a little excited, I'm not overdressed am I?" She asked with more than a little concern. She was wearing a white blouse, black skirt that stopped just before her knees, and white heels that Hanabi had recommended. Her clothes were very expensive, as they were made with the finest materials money could buy, but being a Hyuga had its perks

"Nah, if anything I'm underdressed." Lei laughed, he was wearing a white tee with a drawing of Lord Jiraiya's laughing face, a dark green jacket over it, black pants, and dark green shinobi sandals. "You ready?"

"Of course." She smiled as they began walking, that smile immediately fell when she caught sight of the bane of her very existence. Her archenemy, and the girl who wouldn't/couldn't take a hint to save her fucking life.


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Stone -- หินพลัง








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